#wilbur soot fuzztive
dsmpkinfessions · 2 years
I really miss Ranboo, like a lot. All I want at this point is to go hang out at that silly little van and vibe but I can't and I hate it.
- a really lonely Revivedbur fuzztive #🚐🚬
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chos-collective · 2 years
Ayup! It's Wilbur Soot, of the Chaos Collective. I know, I know, try not to get too excited. It's not everyday you get a tumblr post from me. I'm sure you're all terribly ecstatic to be hearing from me. Anyways, all that aside- Hello everyone! Well, that's really all I had to say, I'll go now. Be safe everyone! And remember, blow. shit. up.
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