#wilbur was just playing his guitar outside in the snow cuz he's edgy idk dude
l1m30 · 1 year
Technoblade ice skater AU! I'm new to digital drawing. If you have any advice, feel free!
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I imagine that he was an ice skating star who was constantly over-worked and put under extreme pressure. So, similarly to the DSMP, he left and retired. Leaving his manager and followers confused as to where he went.
Where he was though, was a cabin in a forest. He spent a few months improving his skating, getting VARIOUS new pets, and, uh. Idk. I'm tired.
Phil, Tommy, Wilbur, and Kristen are a lovely little family who, surprise, surprise, live in the forest. Wilbur eventually catches Technoblade like, "tf are you."
Uhhh. Angst. Found family. Uhhhh. I have a cool fight scene in mind. I might try to write this. General awkwardness because I am that. Also comfort, and lots of hugs.
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