#wild yoshi sanctuary
Mushroom Kingdom Yoshi Extinction And Rewilding 1
So there is a location known as Yoshi Desert which has a Yoshi Sphinx in it. This more than likely places it being part of Desert Hills and around Dry Dry Desert, since like I discussed in a previous post that's where we can find Yoshi Sphinxes. But that begs the question, why are there Yoshi Sphinxes in the Desert of the Mushroom Continent.
Well as discussed in a previous post, the brochure for the Cascade Kingdom reveals it's one of the last places dinosaurs can still be found. This would imply dinosaurs such as Yoshies used to have a greater range than they do now. This is further backed up by Yoshies once living on Isle Delfino but now also being extinct there as well. So there Mushroom Continent probably used to have Yoshies on them until they went extinct.
This would explain the fruits/berries found throughout the Mushroom Continent especially in the Grasslands. These fruits always seem to be Yoshi's main source of food, and thus they are probably here because Yoshis once lived here. In other words fruits are like the Avocados and Squash to the Giant Ground Sloths and Wooly Mammoths, but for Yoshis.
So in a previous post I mentioned Yoshi and friends seemed to have moved to the Mushroom Kingdom sometime after SMRPG. I also mentioned in my Dry Dry Desert post that in SMO in the distance you can see what looks like a valley. I think this could be Yoshi Valley with being located between the 2 main areas where Yoshis once roamed. The Grasslands and Desert Hills. Yoshi Valley is also known as the Wild Yoshi Sanctuary, this was probably set up as a way to rewild the Mushroom Kingdom with Yoshis. They would more than likely have brought Yoshis over from Dinosaur Land to do this. Edit, Dinosaur Land is actually located in the Mushroom Kingdom, and thus the Yoshis from Dinosaur Land would have been brought from these islands to the mainland. Explanation
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hrshlandturtles · 1 year
Beginning story
Splinter is Hamato Yoshi, Americano-Japanese, who used to work for the Earth Protection Force.
He was in charge of the Kraang case, codename "A study in scarlet".
The case showed that there were traces of sorta red-pink aliens on earth. The most recent spotting being in an animal sanctuary that was rehabilitating animals before releasing them into the wild.
Yoshi went there, only to find a Kraang doing DNA study. Said Kraang had made a substance to allow malleability of the DNA in order to bring out mutations in animals. When being discovered, they threw stuff at Yoshi, including two vials: one blank, the other with capybara DNA. The capybara one broke and spilled onto Yoshi, who promptly washed it off because unknown chemical. He managed to catch the second before going after the Kraang.
During the chase, the Kraang moved several cages in the way, which Yoshi managed to avoid. So he moved bigger cages, with a bunch being reptiles, and (you probably guessed it) several baby turtles in tbe mix.
Yoshi slammed on it, breaking the vial in the process, the content spilling on the kids. The kraang used tha time to escape so he grabbed them, thinking that if he couldn't get the Kraang he could at least bring the substance back to the EPF's lab.
On his way out, he didn't noticed that the substance hasn't all been dropped on the kids.
During the transit, he noticed near New York that he really felt weird, and it wasn't because of the slamming in metal cages bit. When he looked around he saw that the turtles were now bigger and their noises seemed more human.
He knew that it meant bad news and that since he also got splattered with the substance and started transforming like the turtles, he would be put in the lab too.
He took the decision to go in the sewers to settle down and be out of sight and with a few upgrades, maybe even out of reach.
He unfortunately mutated into a capybara while the turtles turned more human. They were just babies and one had a difficult condition (Donnie, heart out of chest) so he took care of them like his children.
He also swore that he would hunt down the Kraangs and get to the bottom of it, because he really wanted to get back to being human. A race against the EPF has started, and he was at a clear disadvantage.
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nintendocafe · 10 years
Totaka's Song in Mario Kart 8 (Secret) | Order Mario Kart 8 Today!
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Who Runs The Wild Yoshi Sanctuary?
Does anyone else find it weird that Yoshi's Valley is a Wild Yoshi Sanctuary? Given the fact that Yoshis have sapience, some can even speak English, and can even go go-karting. Also, who's running it? The Goombas? Follow-up
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Mushroom Kingdom Yoshi Extinction And Rewilding 2
In a previous post I spoke about how it seems to be heavily implied Yoshis used live all over the Mushroom Kingdom and primarily went extinct. With the Yoshis we see nowadays being Mario's Buddy Yoshi, his friends, and Yoshis from the Wild Yoshi Sanctuary all coming from Dinosaur Land. But I also believe have seen a few straggler Yoshis before, what little remains of Yoshi populations within the Mushroom Kingdom.
So first off there is the Yoshis of Yoshi Village which is on Lavalava Island. Lavalava Island is located in the lake or inland sea to the South of the Grasslands which is part of the Mushroom Kingdom and the Greater Mushroom Continent. I believe these Yoshis are Native ones and did not come from Dinosaur, and these are some of the few remaining Yoshis that still live in the Mushroom Kingdom.
The second ones are the Yoshis from New Super Mario Bros U Deluxe. These Yoshis seem to be on roaming around places like Acorn Plains on their own which is part of the Mushroom Kingdom and the greater Mushroom Continent. I believe these are also some of the few remaining Yoshis within the Mushroom Kingdom that did not come from Dinosaur Land. I also believe due to them not growing up form eating a lot,their unique abilities, and their different colored eggs. That these Yoshis are part of a subspecies of Yoshis like the Mini Yoshis. But these ones in particular are exclusive to the Western regions of the Mushroom Kingdom.
Speaking of Mini Yoshis, I might as well talk about them. So Mini Yoshis are a subspecies of Yoshis that can hatch as any color and come from a Multi Color Egg. Mr. Hoggles says in the game about the egg, "No! Please! Come back to me! Someone, help! My rare, imported egg has escaped! Please catch it!" This reveals to us Mini Yoshis are not native to Rogueport or the Mushroom Kingdom. So they are probably from Dinosaur Land and given the dialogue are a rare subspecies of Yoshis which would explain why we don't see so many.
Edit, Dinosaur Land is actually located in the Mushroom Kingdom, and thus the Yoshis from the Western Mushroom Kingdom are some of the few that still exist on the mainland, separate from Dinosaur Land's Islands and Lavalava Island. Explanation
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