#yoshi sanctuary
Who Runs The Wild Yoshi Sanctuary?
Does anyone else find it weird that Yoshi's Valley is a Wild Yoshi Sanctuary? Given the fact that Yoshis have sapience, some can even speak English, and can even go go-karting. Also, who's running it? The Goombas? Follow-up
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angelxd-3303 · 2 years
Hi again,
This has been on my mind for a while.
Where does Yoshi in your Luigi x Bowser AU?
Does he live with Mario & Peach?
Or does he live with Luigi & Bowser?
I’ve watch the Mama Luigi episode from the Super Mario Bro’s TV Series recently & I just got curious.
Well, Yoshis as a species live mostly in tropical regions. Certain parts of the Mushroom Kingdom are teeming with the friendly dinos! There was a time in the past when Yoshis were at risk of going extinct. This was mostly due to the War of Beasts and Men, aka the fight between the Mushroom and Koopa Kingdoms. King Toadstool's army used Yoshis for transportation, and the poor things fell quickly, as they weren't made for battle. They were left nearly extinct, but once Princess Peach took the throne she was quick to set up conservation efforts.
There are animal sanctuaries scattered throughout the Kingdom dedicated to helping this species bounce back, and they're now thriving as they did before. I like to think that the Bros get together every week to volunteer at one of these sanctuaries. Since they live so far apart, it's a way for them to stay connected, and to help out in a community that welcomed them with open arms!
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balladingbard · 10 months
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Did Yoshi P read my old post? 👀
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shuttershocky · 10 months
Really hard to pick a favorite video game soundtrack honestly.
If with vocals I'd also answer with Sanctuary from Kingdom Hearts 2, Setting Sail Coming Home from Bastion, or The Only Thing I Know For Real from Metal Gear Rising.
If without vocals then Those Who Fight (the FF7 battle theme), Flower Garden from Yoshi's Island, or something modern like The Rebel Path from Cyberpunk 2077
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beetleviolet · 5 months
(To tune of Spiderman theme song) Raaat-man, raaat-man, does whatever a rat can! From his master learns to fight. Takes down shredder with a single bite. Look out! Here comes
SPLINTER (and origin story)
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So I've done minimal research on rats. Like very minimal. Like I know that 1. One breed of rats that are pets are called Fancy Rats (which would be the greatest thing ever if not for fact two) 2. Apparently father rats carry baby rats on their backs. So I will absolutely be drawing that at some point.
Also I accidently used a pen that bleeds so I couldn't color some of the images 😭
But anyway I made Splinter a white and gray rat because uhhh I felt like it. And isn't he cute??? (Yes. The answer is yes.)
Splinter grew up a rat and was the pet of Hamato Yoshi, a ninja master from Japan with the mission to defeat the Foot Clan. Yoshi was asked by a friend to hide a canister of mutagan. The Shredder was after it and it would be awful if he got his hands on it. Unfortunately, the Shredder found out and showed up at Yoshi's apartment complex. It was a long fight, in which it was revealed that the man who had given Yoshi the canister had been killed. Anyway there is an epic fight scene and Yoshi ends up being taken down. They ransacked the room before finally checking Splinter's cage, where the canister was hidden in some sort of rat cage toy thingy under shredded paper and stuff.
Shredder opens the cage and Splinter bites his hand. So Shredder does the natural thing and bitch slaps Splinter and the entire fucking cage out the open window right behind it. This is when it falls onto some sort of moving truck for a turtle sanctuary. This is how I justify using wildly unique turtle species from all over the US, one of which is deaf and wildly endangered. The canister lands on the street and breaks, mutating the turtles and Splinter. Splinter grabs the turtles and runs into the sewers.
Splinter struggled a lot with his kids when they were younger. It was risky to leave them alone, but he had to go to the surface to get food and supplies. As the kids get older its easier to leave them at home, even take them with him sometimes. He is super careful, but at some point Leonardo and Donatello end up getting out on their own. This is what leads to.. the incident (I'm being so cryptic I'm so sorry) (oh wait no I'm not im enjoying this quite a bit)
Things became harder after that. Leo was super scared of his Dad leaving the sewers, and even more scared of leaving them himself, so Splinter went out for groceries when the kids were asleep or got Raph to distract Leo for a couple hours. As they got older they got better. Leo goes out to the surface on a regular basis for errands, so Splinter assumes he's doing great now! (Cough he uh. He's really not.)
After witnessing Rise Splinter, I really wanted to give the boys a positive role model, but I also knew he has to have flaws so. Uh.
Splinter is a good Dad. He takes care of his kids, knows them well, and loves them to bits. However, he just isn't a good teacher. He doesn't know how to hold back in criticisms, which totally reflected on Leo whenever he leads training. Raph tries to compensate by being super nice and supportive, even when he doesn't mean it. It kinda skews the dynamic when Splints is in teacher-mode. Splinter also applies this style of criticism to himself and is super hard on himself about the death of his mentor/owner, Hamato Yoshi. This reflects on his kids more than he realizes, particularly Donnie, and I plan to explore this sometime at the end of or right after the first arc of the comic. Which... we won't get to for a WHILE.
I still need to develope Splints a little more, but since in the present comic we haven't met him, I figured I have some time to work out the kinks.
When he's training his kids call him Sensei, but otherwise they call him Dad, or when they were little they called him Papa. His signing style may be the best next to Leo, his hands are a little quieter and softer most of the time.
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tortugatime · 1 year
hi so i've decided to stop being insecure for once and to share some lore for blood & ooze. it will be under the cut (unless if i forget to add a cut).
please note two things:
- the lore here is focusing on some history of the clans and the effects it had on two members in particular (yoshi and shen). later lore drops will share more about the turtles themselves
- everything i share here is up to change in the future
this all begins centuries prior, back when the war between the foot clan and the hamato clan was at its most active. oroku saki - known as the shredder - was the leader of the foot clan, and he was ruthless. many of the hamato clan had fallen during his reign, and it seemed as though the foot clan would be victorious. but the hamato clan persevered and, eventually, were able to lock the shredder away in a spirit realm. the loss of their leader spelled out defeat for the foot clan, and the war was finally over.
at least, it was over for the hamato clan. but the foot clan would not lose so easily.
a prophecy was foretold, not long after the shredder's defeat: in centuries to come the shredder would rise once more, housed within an oroku's flesh and drenched with cursed hamato blood. the foot clan believed in this prophecy, and were willing to play the long game to be sure it came true. but a hamato clan spy caught whiff of it as well, and informed their clan of it. the hamato clan could not handle another war, the previous one having gutted them from the inside out. paranoia infected the clan, and it began an era of constant preparation for a war born anew.
many centuries later, hamato yoshi was born. he was the grandson of the current leader of the hamato clan - a clan that, since learning of the prophecy, had been slowly destroying itself from the inside out with fear. eventually this all came to head when hamato sho - yoshi's grandfather and head of the clan - made an unprompted attack upon the foot clan out of fear that the prophecy would finally come true. his fears proved to be inaccurate, and the foot clan burnt the hamatos to the ground. all that remained was yoshi and his uncle haruto, who had been in the city that day. haruto moved the two of them out to america after the tragedy, hoping the foot clan would never find them.
but the plague of paranoia infected haruto, and yoshi was the one to suffer for it.
haruto trained yoshi relentlessly in ninjutsu, preparing him for the war that could come for them any day - a war they had no hope of winning. yoshi had to balance being a ninja and a child, alongside struggling with both the trauma of losing his parents and undiagnosed adhd. yoshi grew from a scared child to a troubled teen, enraged with the shitty hand he was dealt in life. haruto was no help to yoshi, his mind controlled by fear of a horrible future, and the two often butted heads. eventually, when yoshi was 17, he'd decided enough was enough and ran away from home.
as he was running away, he stumbled upon a hidden gateway into the yokai realm - a world between worlds. he'd heard of yokai before - back when he was a child, before his parents died and his uncle was consumed with fear - but he'd believed them to be mere myth. but now, faced with this strange unseen realm, he found himself a sanctuary.
yoshi soon found himself a way to make cash well: the battle nexus, a place where fighters could sign up and earn money via matches. was it run by the yokai mafia? yes, but he didn't care nor did he have many other choices. so he signed up, lying about his age and giving himself the fake name "hoshi" (he wasn't the most creative).
after that, everything was looking up for yoshi. sure, the first few months were rough but, as he rose up the ranks, he was able to make more money and get himself an apartment. his rise in face caught the eye of big mama, mafia boss and runner of the nexus, and he was hired on as one of her champions. it was at age 20 - not long after he'd officially become a champion - that he'd met tang shen. she was a human working a summer job as a medic, and had been assigned to patch him up after a match. it was love at first sight with these two, and they would get together not even a year after they met. yoshi didn't tell her his true identity though; he didn't see any reason to. the hamato clan died long ago, and he'd buried his name with it. but yoshi wasn't the only one with a secret.
shen was from the human realm, yes, but she was also a member of the foot clan's new york faction. she was dedicated to the cause, and was aiming to become a foot clan scientist. she hid this from yoshi, not wanting her duties to her clan to interfere with her love life.
the two would go on to date for 6 years. during that time, shen would become a foot clan scientist just as she wished and, 4 years in, was assigned a top secret task: she was to study the effects a strange ooze - simply nicknamed "mutagen" - had upon living and nonliving organisms.
during her experiments with this substance, she made an incredible discovery: when combined with human dna, animals could be transformed into sentient beings that, with the right training, could become powerful soldiers. to further test her theory, she decided to use reptiles instead of mammals (like her first subjects). more specifically, she chose to use turtles. for the human dna, she chose to use some of yoshi's - he was the greatest warrior she knew, so it only made sense. 5 different species of turtles were used for this new batch, and only 2 survived post-mutation: a male kemp's ridley sea turtle (01-KR-1030) and a female malayan snail eating turtle (02-MS-1030).
after the first attempt with turtles being mostly successful (01-KR-1030 did not mutate as expected), shen did more experiments on turtles. the next success was a male diamondback terrapin (03-DB-0420), who responded very well to the mutation. she could have stopped there, could have used those findings and cease her experimentations on turtles, but something drove her to continue. the next experiment was…unexpected. she'd used more human dna each time, and hadn't expected anything to go wrong. third time's the charm, after all.
her fourth experiment - a female indian roofed turtle (04-IR-0919) mutated with various defects - most notably, her mismatched limbs. it was considerably a complete failure, but intrigued shen nonetheless. she pressed on.
it was sometime between her fourth experiment and her eventual fifth experiment that shen discovered who yoshi really was. she hadn't meant to; she'd found his old missing poster on complete accident. but knowing that he was a hamato…well, it definitely changed some things.
of course, after about two years of her mutagen assignment, yoshi noticed a change in shen. she was consumed by her work, and looked more tired than he had ever seen her. and whenever he tried to ask shen about work, she grew shifty. he wanted to help her but…he wasn't sure how. so he decided to have a surprise date with her on new years night, at her place in the human realm (despite dating for so long, they still lived separately due to their jobs and yoshi's…situation).
when he went to shen's home that new years eve, he'd imagined he's find an exhausted shen to comfort. what hadn't been expected was him finding a secret laboratory in her basement where various lab rats, eggs, and…mutated turtles(??) resided now that's what i call working from home. he also didn't expect to be knocked out and tied to a chair by his spiraling girlfriend.
shen hadn't slept for days when yoshi found her. she was tired and paranoid, accusing yoshi of trying to infiltrate foot clan plans. to further prove her point, shen decided to show him the effects of mutagen. taking a turtle egg - a male painted turtle - she used some of yoshi's blood and, combined with the mutagen, injected it into the turtle egg. yoshi watched in horror as the egg hatched prematurely and a strange humanoid baby turtle emerged. he was heartbroken seeing what his beloved shen had become, and he knew he had to stop her.
while she had been showing him the mutation process, he'd started rubbing away the ropes that tied him to the chair, until eventually they snapped. a fight broke out between the two as yoshi tried to escape with the turtles - they were innocent in this, and he couldn't just leave them. during this fight, a lab rat bit yoshi, causing him to knock into some chemicals - more specifically, mutagen and a few highly flammable chemicals. suddenly he found himself mutating as a fire erupted throughout the lab. he was able to get out just in time, but he'd dropped one of the turtles - one of the smaller ones, with mismatched limbs. as for shen…he wasn't sure what became of her.
now a mutated rat with nowhere else to go, yoshi retreated into the sewers with his four turtle children, mourning the lost of shen and the fifth turtle. but shen was still alive.
shen was able to escape the fire along with experiment 04-IR-0919, although she was burned in the process. now that yoshi and 4/5 of her experiments were dead, she wasn't sure what to do.
…04-IR-0919 was still alive. the foot clan's plans could still succeed. shen would make sure they succeeded.
it was all she had left.
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realwizardshit · 7 months
you know what's fucked up? the island sanctuary material Island Hemp is harvested from agave plants. and its icon is an aloe leaf. but the item description is a joke about Wead. yoshi-p send me your location i just want to talk. about plants
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hrshlandturtles · 1 year
The first aftermath
They are so small, he thinks. They are so young and so small.
Yoshi turns to a more secluded road. He is near New York but whatever the alien threw at him, it is starting to have effects on him. It also had an effect on the turtles.
Despite them being very small at the beginning of the trip, as tall as his pinky, they are now the size of his hand. Normal turtles couldn't have grown that fast, and the sanctuary was normal. No experiments were supposed to be conducted on animals, and from what Yoshi can remember of the lab, it seemed that even the Kraang had abode to that rule.
So the only explanation he has is that whatever was thrown, is doing something to them all.
He takes another turn, finally fully recognising the road he's in.
The strange thing about the turtles, however, is that the chirps and clicks they were doing before now sound different. Yoshi would even say, human.
He takes a final turn, changing the sight from trees to a wooden house.
He stops the car and pulls out, taking the small turtles with him. The windows are dark, and so is the rest of the house. No other cars are outside, meaning that supposedly no one is in the house.
Thankfully he remembers where the key is hidden and opens the door. The inside is exactly as he remembers, comfy.
He steps in, slowly and mindful of the now very awake turtles in his arms. Closing the door behind him, he goes to the bathroom to wash them and assess the situation. And the situation is not good.
The turtles are now just a tad smaller than his forearms and look human. They're also starting to sound human, as one of them, being bitten by another, starts to cry.
Yoshi takes it in his arms and rocks it, hoping it would work. Surprisingly, not only it does but it also falls asleep. Discovering this new power, he washes them all one by one before rocking them to sleep, until the last one, an albino by the looks of it, catches his attention.
All his attention was on it, considering it is the last of the children to be awake, but something is weird about it. Not only it is an albino, somewhat rare, but not unheard of, but it also has a red mass in the centre of its chest.
Yoshi takes it delicately, too wary to touch the red mass, and makes a closer inspection.
The mass is moving. It is staying in place, clearly locked by the plastron, but it is moving. Placing a finger on the turtle's wrist, he waits and looks.
The mass moves at the same rhythm as the turtle's blood, which can only mean one thing: it's the turtle's heart.
Yoshi knows that deformations can happen. He also knows that mutations can happen. But here and now, in his arms, is laying an albino turtle with its heart out of its chest. And it is staring at him intently.
"Don't worry little one, you'll be safe," he tells it.
He puts it back down, on top of the others now sound asleep, and finally, he has the courage to look at the mirror.
He has fur on his face.
Not only that but his face seems different from before, but he can't explain how exactly.
So, what is happening to the turtles is also happening to me, huh?
He looks at the mirror once more.
And I can't possibly come back to the EPF with an alien mutation.
He looks back at the turtles, now all asleep.
I guess I'll have to go in hiding. And learn what is happening to me so I can get back to normal. And get the Kraang who did this to me before the EPF terminates it.
Having his resolve, he looks back down at the turtles. He really couldn't abandon them, especially with the albino having such a strange condition.
He sighs, takes them carefully in his arms and goes to the couch to lay them down.
Considering the time of night and his situation, he really should eat something and grab a few hours of sleep.
While looking for food in the kitchen, he stumbles on the first-aid kit under the sink. He opens it and the sight of its content gives him an idea for the albino.
He manages to find food and comes back to the couch. During his search, the kids have moved to form a sort of turtle pile with the albino on top.
He takes it and places it on his knees, pulling out the cotton gauze to place on the heart. He wets them first, to be sure they won't stick, then cuts and applies the bandages around the child, securing the home-made heart protection.
Once he's satisfied, Yoshi puts him back with the others, covering them all with the blanket folded at the corner of the couch.
Looking at the children while eating, Yoshi thinks about his possibilities, alternatives and choices.
He never really dreamt of having children. Yes, he did thought about having some one day, but never four in one and go, and most definitely under such circumstances. But here he is, four children in need in front of him. And he couldn't say no.
Another thing he never thought about was being turned into some kind of animal. Thinking only about his physical sensation, he can tell that the sickness he felt before was gone and replaced by a headache and global pain. He has no idea which animal he will turn into, but he knows that it will definitely change him.
This means, as thought before, that coming back to the EPF was a bad idea. Yes, he is-was in charge of the study in scarlet, and yes, Bishop would not only be furious that he didn't come back but also maybe hunt him down. One thing is clear in his mind, however, he rather live hidden than as a lab experiment.
So his last alternative is to hide. And to do that he needs a place to do so.
Wilderness is not a good idea. Four kids including one who could die at any germ? They must live in a place that can be cleaned.
Clean places are few. But to keep them clean, you need to have cleaning supplies, and therefore a place to get them. So living in a remote location, if not in wilderness? Bad idea. People talk and even if he has some momey at the moment, it won't last long, especially not with four children.
Place that can be kept clean, not far from humans but still hidden, and big and isolated enough for four kids to live as normal as possible? He can only think of one place.
The sewers. And since he is heading this way, the New York sewers more specifically.
He knows that there are some places in it that have not been mapped properly through time. He also knows that he can make them secure thanks to his knowledge in "tinkering", as his colleagues call it. Being fully invisible from the EPF right now is impossible, but he could manage through time.
He hears a small chirp, cutting him from his thoughts. The yellow turtle is looking at him and letting out a few chirps from time to time, clearly wanting something.
He moves his hand towards it, only to see it getting grabbed and pulled towards the pile.
"You want me to sleep too, huh?"he asks, letting out a small laugh.
The decision in the young one makes him cave in, and after putting away the empty can and washing the spoon, he climbs on the couch with the children, careful not to crush them. He does need sleep and the couch indeed is comfortable. He can afford a few hours of sleep before having to move again.
The sunrise woke him, he's sure of that, and grateful for it. With him not having come back to the EPF nor updated them since the Kraang meeting, he knows that they might be starting to look for him.
Placing an arm in front of his face to hide the light a bit, the notices the fur on his arms. It got worse during his sleep.
He stands up and go to the bathroom in order to take a look at himself. He is worse. Not on a beauty level (he never been his type anyway) but on a mutation level. He has fur everywhere now, and his face looks much more animalistic.
Squinting at the mirror, he ponders. Has he already seen this animal somewhere? He feels like he did, at least once, but he can't recall properly.
There's no need to stay here, staring at a pale reflection of his self. So he leaves to get the kids, to find only two of them still on the couch: the tortoise and the albino. The yellow one and the biting one are nowhere to be found.
Yoshi tries to calm down, knowing that there was no way for them to have left the house. Not with everything locked. And especially not considering their sizes.
He looks under the couch. Under the stairs. Upstairs too, just in case. And finally, he finds them in the kitchen, trying to open a bag of peanuts.
"Hey, little ones," he tells them, "you can't eat that yet."
He gently takes the bag away from them but doing so results in tears.
"I suppose you're hungry, heh?"
He sighs and takes them in his arms. He'll have to find food on the way. Considering the fact that they're turtles, he hopes that fruits will be enough for the time being.
The rocking made by his steps to the living room calms the young ones, or at least enough for them to stop crying.
The two others aren't awake yet. He rearranges the two first in order to be able to take them. Once all secure (especially the albino) he decides to grab the blanket with him.
He steps out in the rising sun, the freshness of the night settling in his new fur. He kind of likes that. It's new, in a strange way, sure, but it is nice. He continues his walk around the house and finds a basket big enough for the four children. He places the blanket in it first, careful to cover every surface, then places the children on top.
Once sure they're settled, he takes the basket with him on the side of the wood and plucks a few low-hanging apples from the trees. He places them in the basket with the children, hoping it will be enough for the travel to New York.
He comes back to the front and goes to the car, securing the children on the front seat. As he does so, his wallet brings up his attention.
I should leave something for them, he thinks. Maybe even a hint.
The man reaches for the wallet and pulls out some of his money, before getting back inside the house and leaving it on the couch.
He steps out once more and closes the door, hiding the key where he had found it only a few hours earlier.
"Thank you for your hospitality," he says to the house.
Yoshi gets back to the car and starts it, the rumbles awaking the two last turtles. He looks at the little group and lets out a smile.
"Now, now, my children. How about we all go to New York and discover the sewers together?"
In lieu of a clear answer, the turtles chirp at him, but this answer is good enough for the man.
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jenuinely-speaking · 2 months
A Family Tail Master Post
Behind the scenes, I have so many AUs and stories planned and in the works it's not even funny. I do plan on posting about them because they're all heavy with information, not just what I'm going to post on A03. At this point, my friends and I are convinced I'll be writing beyond the grave lol BUT! Focusing now on a fluff related AU, on that is on-going as I write it as a buffer while writing my AHON AU. It all started with a random thought one late summer afternoon during work: Why is there a lack in Splinter love stories? The guy deserves it. Having gone through a life-changing mutation, raising four boys that also went through the same life-altering changes, and ensuring not only theirs but his own survival and safety? Bruh. Having a friend that is going through single parenthood with 2 boys in life, Splinter deserves medals, spa days for the rest of his years, and love. Being a single parent to four boys, let alone mutant boys, is no easy task. But that's just me and my thoughts. This AU, however? It's not just a love-letter to the best Mutant Dad, but to four brothers and a small family that has gone through hell and back in order to find their peace and loving found-family. Which amped up the original thought to the following: What if the brothers had grown up with a mother/mother-figure? One that not only accepted and loved them, but accepted and loved their dad?
Enter Genevieve "Gene" - A head nurse for an exotic animal clinic, on-call for the local area zoos, and volunteers her time at the reptile sanctuary the clinic runs for rescues and surrenders.
In story, Gene "meets" (more like catches sight of) Splinter first when he sneaks into the clinic to 'borrow' some medicine for his sick, young sons (we're talking toddler ages here). After she left a note with her number and willingness for extending help, some time passes, and she receives a call from him requesting that aide. She does not physically meet him until a few months later, their conversations strictly having been by phone calls. He arrived at night when she's leaving the clinic, to properly thank her for saving his sons. After a tense conversation, they begin a shaky friendship/acquaintanceship, but neither push for regular in-touch basis (though Gene does make regular weekly calls to check up on the boys', and subsequently Splinter's health). She doesn't meet the boys until sometime afterward, but it doesn't take long after the meet that Gene becomes a regular in their lives--providing healthy groceries, presents, furniture and utility updates, and even providing a teaching of some modern hobbies the boys obtained that Splinter was open for them to learn, but lost on providing that type of teaching for his boys. Needless to say, she becomes a staple within their lives that it becomes difficult for all involved to imagine life without her, and vice versa for her towards this small mutant family. Some notes on this AU:
There is no set universe for this story; most likely will be an amalgamation with different cameos and easter eggs, just for the funsies.
An out-of-sync chapter story (attention span is too short due to other projects to figure out a proper timeline); some chapters will be shorter than others, and some will be marked as parts if I decide there is an arc to them.
Splinter in this AU will be a Human-turned-Mutant, Hamato Yoshi, because of plans.
The lair is 100% based on the '87/'90/'03 animation lair design(s) with how big, vast, and multi-room use it is, but with the grittiness of the 14/16 movie set designs.
The boys still learn the art of Ninjutsu -- they wouldn't be Ninja Turtles without it, after all. Gene also learns an impressive amount of self-defense combat, training under Splinter separate from the boys.
By the time the boys are teenagers, Gene is in her late 30s and Splinter is in his late 40s and they are in a solid relationship by that point
How the boys meet April + Casey will be different compared to the other iterations (that's honestly becoming a theme in my AUs, now that I think about it...What is wrong with me?)--April's meet is figured out, but still working on Casey's.
Even though majority of this will be Contemporary Life type genre, there are action scenes planned with Oroku Saki/Shredder and the Foot Clan (kinda hard to stay away from that).
I will be completely upfront: I don't normally write anything fluff related. But my brain has been craving this while I write scary angsty stories. Thus, having me fall to the dangling fruit that is contemporary 'what if's for these guys (including this, I have 4 planned stories within that genre), and I couldn't shy away from thinking up scenarios with turtle tots involved.
Here are the chapter summaries for two of those very scenes (centering around Mikey, because I've been very hard on the guy in my other story):
When the boys are around 7-8 years old: During the time when Gene is making it a good habit to visit the Hamato family during her down time, she is caught painting her toenails in the lair. Mikey gets inquisitive and asks her questions about the process and the 'why's. She is patient and lighthearted with her answers, but stalls when he ends up asking if she'd paint his nails. Instead of answering, she looks up to Splinter, who had been drinking his tea in the kitchenette; he had already been watching the exchange and after a moment, he gives his nod of approval. With the silent permission, Gene tells Mikey that she will prettify his nails, and while she finishes up and lets her toes dry, he can pick out a color, or colors that he'd like to have. When he grabs a handful of colors and asks if she could do a rainbow, they start to plan on how to do this project without making a whole lot of mess. Mikey ends up stealing borrowing a role of tape and paper from Don's rooms so they could tear small strips to make stripe patterns to test out. When Mikey finds one he likes, it's another hour or so of the two of them spending time together of her painting his nails (hands and feet) in striped rainbow. When Don comes out to see what's going on with his 'borrowed' materials, he asks if he can have his done too, but in shades of purple. The lair smelt of nail polish for at least a day after that afternoon/evening.
Sometime after Gene and Splinter begin their relationship: Michelangelo is having nightmares, and normally he'd go to one of his older brothers to pile up on, however he finds that he is wanting the comfort of Gene; her hugs are the best, and her extra squeezes and flop of her body makes him feel loved and safe. On one night she decides to sleep at the lair (it's a rare treat for her to sleep over that's slowly becoming more common), Mikey wakes up from another nightmare and immediately goes to seek out Gene. Only he doesn't see her on the couch or cot in the living room space she normally sleeps in--he hunts her down, doing his best to see it as a game of hide-and-seek to keep his panic down, and finally finds her in dad's room. The two are snuggling in slumber on his mat, with Gene having her back to Splinter and arms splayed before her, while Splinter has one draped over Gene's side and the other cradled under her neck. Mikey almost doesn't want to disturb them (in the back of his mind, he remembers that his brothers owe him their pot of treats), but only almost. He ends up going in the room and when he tries to figure out how to only wake up Gene, she startles awake from feeling his stare on her. He tells her about his nightmares and before he asks if he could have one of her hugs, she smiles and opens her arms for him. When he snuggles into her arms, they both feel Splinter wrap his arms closer against the both of them as they fall back in slumber; Mikey doesn't have nightmares after that (and crows at the breakfast table that his brothers owe him the winning pot of treats).
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Mushroom Kingdom Yoshi Extinction And Rewilding 1
So there is a location known as Yoshi Desert which has a Yoshi Sphinx in it. This more than likely places it being part of Desert Hills and around Dry Dry Desert, since like I discussed in a previous post that's where we can find Yoshi Sphinxes. But that begs the question, why are there Yoshi Sphinxes in the Desert of the Mushroom Continent.
Well as discussed in a previous post, the brochure for the Cascade Kingdom reveals it's one of the last places dinosaurs can still be found. This would imply dinosaurs such as Yoshies used to have a greater range than they do now. This is further backed up by Yoshies once living on Isle Delfino but now also being extinct there as well. So there Mushroom Continent probably used to have Yoshies on them until they went extinct.
This would explain the fruits/berries found throughout the Mushroom Continent especially in the Grasslands. These fruits always seem to be Yoshi's main source of food, and thus they are probably here because Yoshis once lived here. In other words fruits are like the Avocados and Squash to the Giant Ground Sloths and Wooly Mammoths, but for Yoshis.
So in a previous post I mentioned Yoshi and friends seemed to have moved to the Mushroom Kingdom sometime after SMRPG. I also mentioned in my Dry Dry Desert post that in SMO in the distance you can see what looks like a valley. I think this could be Yoshi Valley with being located between the 2 main areas where Yoshis once roamed. The Grasslands and Desert Hills. Yoshi Valley is also known as the Wild Yoshi Sanctuary, this was probably set up as a way to rewild the Mushroom Kingdom with Yoshis. They would more than likely have brought Yoshis over from Dinosaur Land to do this. Edit, Dinosaur Land is actually located in the Mushroom Kingdom, and thus the Yoshis from Dinosaur Land would have been brought from these islands to the mainland. Explanation
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movienized-com · 7 months
Sanctuary (Serie 2023) #WataruIchinose #ShotaSometani #ShioliKutsuna #TomorowoTaguchi #Kitarou #KatsuyaMaiguma Mehr auf:
Serie / 相撲聖域 / Sankuchuari -seiiki- Jahr: 2023- (Mai) Genre: Drama / Sport Hauptrollen: Wataru Ichinose, Shota Sometani, Shioli Kutsuna, Tomorowo Taguchi, Kitarou, Katsuya Maiguma, Hiroki Sumi, So Kaku, Akito Inui, Omusubi, Rio Teramoto, Sei Ando, Daichi Kaneko, Nobuko Sendo, Kensho Sawada, Shuhei Ishikawa, Kazuya Yoshie, Kei Kobayashi, Meccha, Takaaki Kikuchi, Kimiko Yo, Goro Kishitani, Akira…
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The Hit
I don't know how to say this but...
There was a bounty on my head.
Well technically all of me.
It all started out as roughly a normal day. The flowers were blooming, Yoshi was still on the castle roof trying to avoid taxes. And I was in the gardens trying to perfect my wall jump technique.
Mario: Garth. you Don't slide on the wall. You might cut your hand on a brick or something.
Garth: But that's how it works in the games.
Mario: we went over this already. Not everything in the games reflects real life.
Garth: Keywords being "Not Everything" Mario Brothers 3 was a play in real life. Hotel Mario was based on a true story. And Clu Clu Land is one of the most accurate adventures on the KES.
Mario: We're all aware of the weird avant-garde play based on my life.
Garth: Based on the years of 1985
Mario: Just get down here so I can show you how to properly get it done.
I landed back on the ground. And not a moment too soon.
An arrow ended up hitting where my head would have been.
That would have made me loose like... a unit of health.
Then suddenly two more arrows followed.
That would have done me in.
Or least send me to the infirmary.
Mario: Mamma Mia. Who attacks someone like that.
Garth: I'm unsure. I'm just glad that they missed me.
We decided to head inside. Ending training for the day.
I decided to stay in the castle's throne room where Peach was having her weekly audience. It felt safer to be in a room with more than 10 people.
Unfortunately I had to leave after the audience ended.
I walked across the bridge to get to my home.
I felt a bit of Peace considering I probably could find sanctuary at my abode.
That wasn't till I saw frickin shirikens on my door.
I decided maybe it's best if I stick to crowds right now.
I would queue a montage. but I don't exactly have animation Studio on call
So I'll just bullet point the rest of the day.
Arrows at Astros
Shurikens at Burger Sync
Arrows at the comic shop
shurikens at warp org.
A tomahawk at Dreadpoint (that was unrelated)
Arrows at HEBuddy Grocery's
BOTH Arrows And Shurikens at my parents house.
I decided I would get to the bottom of this after having an arrow be shot in the Pollo of my Caldo and a shuriken cut the limes...
I met with them in a dark Agridulcian location
The Flamenco Bowl.
There i saw two people. A Starchild in a ninja get up. And a Niji dressed as Robin Hood.
Garth: so... Which one of you put the hit on me?
Ninji and Starchild: Neither.
Niji: That's not how it works.
Starchild: People will put a bounty on a person's head. And then bounty hunters will usually go and get that person.
Garth: wait are you assassins or bounty hunters?
Ninji: Bounty Hunter
Starchild: It depends on the job.
Garth: I want to know who put the hit on me.
Ninji: Fine. Let me get the laptop.
Both of them then set said laptop and put me on a video call with someone.
The caller ID said: Shiveria Max Security Penitentiary.
Pianta in prison suit: Is it done yet?
Garth: Um...no.
Pianta in prison suit:... Why is the target speaking to me.
Garth: "The Target" would like to have a word with you. For starters why did you want to send me to the afterward.
Pianta in prison suit: Do you seriously not know who I am.
Garth: No. Should I?
Pianta in prison suit: I am Pluto Ulpt. Son of S.K. Ulpt. Or should I say "the man whose dream you ruined"
Garth: wait. Like the creator of that giant teapot.
Pluto: It was called [a name I forgot].
Garth:It was gonna hurt people.
Pluto:...Screw it. Attack him.
Then they started attacking me with arrows and shurikens at me. And granted it was probably a bad idea to come to a meeting with two people hired to destroy you without any form of defense.
Thankfully my real plan came to action.
I got there a bit earlier and informed the owner to call for help.
It turns out you can actually call a bounty hunter on them they're Bounty Hunter.
After some tear gas and got dropped in.
I managed to avoid it by finding behind the pins.
That Bounty Hunter ended up taking the other two in for a hefty reward of 5,000 coins. Or at the very least hefty for modern day bounties considering these two.
Apparently Pluto might have an extended sentence due to hacking the computer lab computers at the penitentiary in addition to bring a hit on a future hero.
But he will probably get some new cell mates to keep him company.
That's pretty much all I have to say.
Garth signing off.
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tokyoshrine · 1 year
The Japan that No One Knows, I Will Take You With Me
Shiratama Inari Daimyojin-Sekiseki Inari Daimyojin
The god sits behind the post office. The approach to the shrine has probably been crushed by the housing area.
I was surprised to see that the well is still there.
There must be someone taking care of it. The precincts of the shrine have been purified.
Was this a mound of Minamoto no Yoshie's family members?
It is a wonder that the mound has become a sanctuary after 1,000 years.
Shiratama Inari Daimyojin - Sekiseki Inari Daimyojin Neighborhood
5 minutes on foot Hatsudai Shuseki Inari Daimyojin 8 minutes on foot Hatsudai Fudo Hall 11 minutes on foot Yoyogi-Hachimangu Shrine 17 minutes on foot Hatagaya Fudo Yakuyaku Fudo Myoo 19 min. on foot Ginsekai Inari Shrine 19 minutes on foot Hatagaya Hikawa Shrine 21 minutes on foot Tsushima Shrine 22 minutes on foot Meiji Jingu Shrine 22 minutes on foot Hirata Shrine 29 minutes on foot Oyama Inari Shrine 30 minutes on foot Tada Shrine
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thetoxicgamer · 2 years
FFXIV Patch 6.4 Details Incoming as Live Letter 76 Date Announced
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Square Enix, the game's creator, has revealed the date for the upcoming producer livestream, which will include information on FFXIV patch 6.4. Naoki Yoshida, the game director, and Toshio Murouchi, the community producer, present these regular broadcasts. They usually spend several hours discussing everything that will be included in the acclaimed MMORPG's next significant update. The game’s seventy-sixth “Letter from the Producer Live” will be focused primarily on FFXIV 6.4, the next big patch following on from FFXIV Endwalker, as the team builds towards its next full expansion. The team usually uses this first Live Letter for a new update to give an overview of all the major features and content that we can expect, while the following Live Letter goes more in-depth with gameplay demonstrations. As such, we don’t yet know everything coming in FFXIV patch 6.4 – but we do have some details. Firstly, Yoshi-P has previously said players can expect to see bigger updates to the FFXIV Island Sanctuary mode in 6.4, following a small round of additions in the previous patch. This should satisfy players who have already polished off all the aspects of the laid-back farming game side activity. We’d also expect to see plenty of the standard additions that come with a new FFXIV patch. This includes a continuation of the Main Scenario Quest, building ever more towards the FFXIV 7.0 story, and will likely feature at least one dungeon and trial along the way. The Pandaemonium raid series is set to reach its climax with a final four fights and their associated savage tiers. There’s also a good chance we’ll see another of the new Variant and Criterion Dungeons, FFXIV’s branching, repeatable story instances, along with new ways to enhance your Manderville weapons. It’s likely that these will arrive in patch 6.45, if they are included in the update, but they’ll still probably be mentioned during the livestream. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l4CALXaPcN0 FFXIV Live Letter 76 – when and how to watch FFXIV Live Letter 76 airs on March 31 at 4am PDT / 7am EDT / 12pm BST / 1pm CEST. Note that clocks in the UK and Europe will have moved to their respective summer times by then. You can watch the presentation on the official FFXIV YouTube and Twitch channels. Note that the presentation will take place in Japanese only, although the slides shown will feature both Japanese and English text, so you should be able to follow along. We’ll also be sure to bring you all the key details from the Live Letter as soon as possible, so check back right here on PCGamesN or follow our social channels for that. In the meantime, check out all the latest on current FFXIV patch 6.35, and read about the renegade FFXIV modders aiming to help make Eorzea more welcoming for everyone. We’ve also picked out more of the best single-player MMOs on PC, if you love shared-world elements but prefer to enjoy your gameplay solo. Read the full article
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thyele · 2 years
森翼/MIMIZUQさん「【お知らせ】 12/31(土)森翼全力チャレンジ企画 全108曲歌う生配信Live決定!」https://twitter.com/mori_tsubasa/status/1607787316625682433
SUGIZOさん「是非またご一緒したいです! それまで更に精進しておきます!」https://twitter.com/SUGIZOofficial/status/1607790184875319296
lucy+peter=esolagoto / 中村真悟さん「「シン・忘年会」御来場特典リハーサル動画、整いました。なかなか面白いです。笑 書き出しつつ弦交換。 今夜は1杯だけ・・・。 #石原水産 #まぐろチーズ https://t.co/DlAXuOgFAd」https://twitter.com/lucy_peter/status/1607797767853965313
Yoshikiさん「ちなみに俺らと #YOSHI は徹夜でリハーサル中。 今日の @musicday_ntv 頑張ろう。 Rehearsing for today’s show. #YOSHIKI https://t.co/USpNp4Tp4Z @yoshiki_s_star @RealGold_XY @musicday_ntv #yoshikisuperstar #yoshi #ntv #yoshikiオーディション #発表今年イチバン聴いた歌 https://t.co/6svZdVqRiU」https://twitter.com/YoshikiOfficial/status/1607844705269846021
Phobia_officialアカウントさん「【お知らせ】 ◆2023/01/08 秋葉原ZESTの 当日チェキの受付を開始致しました。 https://t.co/uIonkVthdJ」https://twitter.com/official_phobia/status/1607853499748089856
ヴィジュアル博士のる@監修オムニバスCD2種発売中さん「【ヴィジュアル系今日は何の日】 SIAM SHADEが初の日本武道館でのワンマンライブ「SIAM SHADE LIVE in 武道館 〜LEGEND OF SANCTUARY〜」を開催した日。 (2001.12.28) https://t.co/p82JTHcHrq」https://twitter.com/vr_noru/status/1607858929085874177
Yoshikiさん「ありがとうございます。@sudaofficial 今夜のショー YOSHI とみんなと一緒に頑張ります。 #YOSHIKI @musicday_ntv @yoshiki_s_star #菅田将暉、『#発表今年イチバン聴いた歌』で“特別な存在” #YOSHI さんの企画ナレーションを担当 https://t.co/HRhYh53rkj」https://twitter.com/YoshikiOfficial/status/1607864166379040768
亜希乃 ハルカカナタさん「#拡散お願いします 盗難被害にあった26日PM 11時39分にレクサス緊急サポートセンターが最後のエンジン始動が高崎市中島町175-3番地で確認されて以降全てのセキュリティを解除されてしまった次第です。 自宅のカーポートはセンサーライト8ヶ所設置してあったものの持ち去られてしまいました。」https://twitter.com/glammy_akino/status/1607832838191353856
亜希乃 ハルカカナタさん「20インチTRDホィール… TRDマフラー… TRDフルエアロ… TRDメンバーブレース付きのあまり見ることのない車体です。 ボディカラーは グラファイトブラックフレークです。 https://t.co/BP1DdhdoYq」https://twitter.com/glammy_akino/status/1607832848970715139
Yoshikiさん「まもなく始まる #YOSHIKI "本日放送 #日本テレビ 9:30am〜 #YOSHIKI 緊急出演 #年間ミュージックアワード 2022直前SP YOSHIKIが急逝した #YOSHI に対する想いを語るインタビュー 9歳天才ギタリストと #KISS #ジーン・シモンズ 初対面  @yoshiki_s_star @musicday_ntv https://t.co/SW2H3bPzD4」https://twitter.com/YoshikiOfficial/status/1607866930731577344
ATELIER十三月さん「✨Works✨ #ATELIER十三月 が メイク&スタイリストを担当します💋 SIGNALWORKS プロデュース001 『兎小屋 B100の経過観察〜不思議の国のアリスはお尻が突っかかって穴をくぐれない〜』 12/28(水)~31(土) 池袋シアターKASSAI 出演:架乃ゆら 神納花 森沢かな https://t.co/cpNuweRUYm #B100バニー https://t.co/lbdjEAW5RW」https://twitter.com/ATELIER13thmoon/status/1605105976469688321
Ryuichi Kawamuraさん「https://t.co/VFuGWKavof」https://twitter.com/RyuichiKawamur2/status/1607879303093686272
MIYAVIさん「https://t.co/nSziSAyvld https://t.co/MM4VX4znte」https://twitter.com/MIYAVI_OFFICIAL/status/1607889808394956802
西邑卓哲 | 𝗔𝗖𝗠:::さん「お、絶妙な休憩スポットじゃん!!と思って座りながら歌詞を書き始めた��れどそこそこ尖っていて尻穴の防御に2��くらい心を持っていかれて集中できなかった。 https://t.co/7JKRF2pApg」https://twitter.com/takaaki_FOXPILL/status/1607895296058724352
ryoさん「本日DÄLLEにて2022年ライブ納め 今年のライブをまだ浴びたい!と言う人は、是非渋谷Chelsea Hotelへ 19時集合 昨日武道館に出演した方々ともこちらで地下の密会だ🐙🐙🐙 手の届く距離で命燃やす🌋 Let’s burn life🌋 Come see us!!」https://twitter.com/ryo_dalli/status/1607897050322202624
ヴィジュアル博士のる@監修オムニバスCD2種発売中さん「【musicbox3/Seraph】 1990年代〜00年代にかけて解散していたV系バンド、Seraph。 現役時代の楽曲をオルゴールバージョンにして配信する音源も三作目。 いずれもワンコーラスのアレンジだが、オルゴールアレンジがよく似合うメロディー。原曲もそれぞれ配信リリースされているので聴き比べもどうぞ。 https://t.co/U0Ycq90W4J」https://twitter.com/vr_noru/status/1607900621683986432
Sutari / Sacrificeさん「新たなライブ告知、DeshabillzさんのO.A.を務めさせて頂く事となりました。福岡の片田舎で育った青春時代、只々憧れの存在として雑誌などで眺めていた伝説のバンドと共演出来るなんて、夢にも思っていませんでした。人生のプレゼントの様な機会を下さり心より感謝です。バンド復帰して本当に良かった。」https://twitter.com/VoSutari/status/1607713380059729922
DÄLLEさん「[news] 🕸本日28日(水)開催 ダルorganize gig トーキョーデスディスコ27 at 渋谷Chelsea Hotel DÄLLE vs gibkiy gibkiy gibkiy start 7:00pm ⚠︎当券販売しますので是非年末を轟音パーティーで! 来場者全員にダルとギブキーメンバーサイン入りflyer present🎁!!! https://t.co/j4RbRYJhsv」https://twitter.com/DALLEofficial/status/1607918792918827010
Hydeさん「ちゅー #HYDE #V系って知ってる #日本武道館 #12月27日 #DEZERT #SORA https://t.co/WhDv70858g」https://twitter.com/HydeOfficial_/status/1607922755617583104
ヴィジュアル博士のる@監修オムニバスCD2種発売中さん「#Nowplaying 群青 -album mix- - スキゾフレニカ (En://dlessly messy flattery) やっぱりこういう乾いた音作りでハット裏打ちの曲というのがどうにもこうにも好きなのである。 https://t.co/eIh2rbFX3O」https://twitter.com/vr_noru/status/1607925940306456578
deadman_officialさん「【FC先行チケット受付】 deadman 新曲音源無料配布QUATTRO TOUR 2023 「Rabid dog walking a tightrope」 3月20日(月) 渋谷CLUB QUATTRO 3月26日(日) 名古屋CLUB QUATTRO 4月16日(日) 梅田CLUB QUATTRO 本日12月28日12:00よりFC先行受付開始。 https://t.co/7zepxa4IK0」https://twitter.com/deadman_fuz/status/1607934114036060160
Hydeさん「[STAFF] HYDEのモバイルサイト「HYDERoom」にて"STAFF DIARY"をアップしました! 会員の方は是非チェックして下さい! https://t.co/f990BBZ194 #HYDE」https://twitter.com/HydeOfficial_/status/1607934612713488384
Tomoki-Vanishing-さん「この1年、周りの人の力を借りつつ自分達も"出来る!"と信じ動き続け、 遂に明日本番です "あの時が〜"や"あの頃は〜"じゃなくて、俺達が1番カッコいいのは今 まだ可能性と未来が有る事を証明したい。 最後に一言言うとすれば 「来て下さい。お願いします。」 だな 不恰好でも本心! 宜しく。 https://t.co/dC53dTCTvG」https://twitter.com/destroyagony/status/1607932104238850048
【Phobia】 KISUIさん「Phobia/abyssの集い https://t.co/qCFHiqYixO」https://twitter.com/KISUIxxx/status/1607940725945270275
RYUICHI KAWAMURA INFOさん「【e+ Streaming+ Ryuichi Kawamura Live2022「Home」#23 〜Christmas Eve Night〜 本日まで!】 アーカイブチケット本日12/28(水)21:00まで販売中! ※アーカイブ視聴は12/28(水)23:59まで ※当日のライブ音源の中から3曲をもれなくプレゼント!! https://t.co/OuMD5nWnTW」https://twitter.com/RYUICHIofficial/status/1607944785226260480
シトクロム【CYT】さん「@kiri_drums @yukeko_ https://t.co/BaW7JvVjo8」https://twitter.com/cytochromeinfo/status/1607945234822103040
恐さん「願い事をしていたら 上から小さな蜘蛛が おりてきた 願いを叶えてくれる 幸運の蜘蛛が」https://twitter.com/bpmkyo/status/1607947904689532930
KINGRYOさん「こんにちは✨ 2022.12.28(水)12:57 今日は2022最後の水曜日ですね! いつもの時間いつもの場所で待ち合わせしましょう☺️💐✨ いつも通りに歌っておりますから🦁🎙♬ 午後もみんなファイト👍」https://twitter.com/kingryoworld/status/1607948947754188800
キリ(luin) 2023/1/20池袋手刀単独公演さん「@cytochromeinfo @yukeko_ 聖地…!∑(゚Д゚) 🥟🥟🥟🥟🥟💨」https://twitter.com/kiri_drums/status/1607951374792417281
こもだまり|昭和精吾事務所さん「全部やれる訳じゃないけど、もっと身軽に動けるように整えていこう! ご一緒したい人まだたくさんいるんだ!! でもまずは目の前のことから!! (郵便局に行きたい)」https://twitter.com/mari_air/status/1607952980044828673
kazuさん「本日は今年最後のgibkiy gibkiy gibkiy 昨日は後輩が多いイベントでしたが、今夜は先輩方ばかり。 若手2人、頑張ります。 ご来場お待ちしています! https://t.co/yHb313lyA5 https://t.co/MNMZ0XeiUf」https://twitter.com/sckkazu/status/1607953541259481090
seekさん「事務所に籠って。 がんばる。 https://t.co/B8nngkuM3Y」https://twitter.com/seek_bonshisya/status/1607956031476469760
ミュージックマンさん「中島卓偉、新曲「風に飛び乗れ」が日本テレビ系『スッキリ』1月度テーマソングに決定 #中島卓偉 #スッキリ https://t.co/R1wya9tj6B」https://twitter.com/musicman_net/status/1607544201159512065
Skream!さん「中島卓偉、「風に飛び乗れ」が日本テレビ系"スッキリ"1月度テーマ・ソングに決定 https://t.co/bNahy9CGo6 #中島卓偉 #スッキリ https://t.co/DTuIU6rnge」https://twitter.com/skream_japan/status/1607355621522952192
ryoさん「今日は偶然人助けができたから 良いライブになりそう」https://twitter.com/ryo_dalli/status/1607958975781404674
Ryuichi Kawamuraさん「https://t.co/Wp81srovbO」https://twitter.com/RyuichiKawamur2/status/1607959266903871488
Ryuichi Kawamuraさん「https://t.co/z6Z0nvWEEe」https://twitter.com/RyuichiKawamur2/status/1607959574799339521
kazuさん「恥知らずなヤツですね… 私達蜉蝣のボーカルには迷惑かけられまくっている側なので、次回はメリーリスペクトにしましょう。」https://twitter.com/sckkazu/status/1607960316444573696
Hydeさん「紅組 #HYDE #V系って知ってる #DERLANGER #日本武道館 #12月27日 #kyo https://t.co/u1lT3SQjNO」https://twitter.com/HydeOfficial_/status/1607964583528103936
aieさん「遂に今夜、 gibkiy gibkiy gibkiy年内最終公演・・・。 渋谷CHELSEA HOTEL 19時開幕・・・。 https://t.co/yGi5qSzTc4 https://t.co/UoLxP4Pig8」https://twitter.com/THEGOD_aie/status/1607978475654361088
YOSHiPON※luin1/20池袋手刀単独公演さん「本日はこちら↓ luin『シン・忘年会』下北沢DY CUBE🍻 個人的に今年のバンド活動は納め。 ゆるっと乾杯しましょう!! 来場特典も有り◎ 19時〜よろです。」https://twitter.com/YOSHIP0NxxxTOR/status/1607981602528972801
KING OFFICIALさん「【KING WEB SHOP】 通販メールが1日上限に達したため 自動返信がストップしております 24時間ほどで解除される予想です ご注文可能ですが、自動返信が返らないため 手作業で受信確認をお送りします ご迷惑をおかけして申し訳ございません 〝CRY OUT TO HEAVEN〟ご注文↓ https://t.co/epgpeQqgtO https://t.co/pKbaZ97IOu」https://twitter.com/KINGOFFICIAL114/status/1607986747102892034
Always with you~to おはる ♡~さん「出演アーティスト紹介⑨ 21日に出演 MAZOHYSTERIA AZSA 遙 RUIJI Y氏 92年結成。アナーキストレコード所属、都内ライブハウスを始め全国規模で活動した黒系ヴィジュアルバンド。97年解散。先日のアナーキスト30周年サミットで実に25年振りの復活、今回のイベント参加に至る。 https://t.co/EF7m4MU9xn」https://twitter.com/oharuevent/status/1608004909991088128
Always with you~to おはる ♡~さん「https://t.co/o3UInWo8FT」https://twitter.com/oharuevent/status/1608005012491481089
ヴィジュアル博士のる@監修オムニバスCD2種発売中さん「【造花 /いくまろ】 V系シンガーソングライターを謳ういくまろ氏の新譜。 暖かみのあるポップスを得意とする彼だが、今作はクリスマスを意識した歌詞が乗る優しげでダンサブルなテンポが心地よい一曲。一曲の中で緩急があるのも良い。 冬の定番曲に加えたい、ほんのひとつまみの切なさ感じる楽曲。 https://t.co/7uoglqxz3n」https://twitter.com/vr_noru/status/1608007829079855104
ryoさん「DÄLLEリハ終了 今日は20時だいぶ過ぎに来ても浴びられます https://t.co/Viz64VyEGq」https://twitter.com/ryo_dalli/status/1608009285207982091
YOSHIKI SUPERSTAR PROJECT X【公式】さん「\いよいよ本日!/ よる7時~ #日テレ 系で放送 「#発表今年イチバン聴いた歌」 #YOSHI の歌声と共に #YOSHIKI #TAKAHIRO #kazuki YOSHIKI SUPERSTAR PROJECT X の メンバーが特別パフォーマンスで 想いを届けます #yoshikiオーディション @YoshikiOfficial @musicday_ntv https://t.co/ISKWUenulW」https://twitter.com/yoshiki_s_star/status/1607934376276545538
ryoさん「その2 そしてgibkiy gibkiy gibkiyもお楽しみに 両バンドのサインが入ったフライヤープレゼントもあるのでGETして👍 https://t.co/AZj5yIzs4E」https://twitter.com/ryo_dalli/status/1608010301395587072
SOPHIA_OFFICIALさん「【#Eternal】 🌻FC限定🎉 「#赤松芳朋 ソロコンテンツ」  ついに始動👀✨ / ともさんのルーツに迫ります…🥁 \ ぜひチェックしてください🙌 ▶️https://t.co/SR5UsVsadF #SOPHIA #SOPHIA大阪城ホール #SOPHIAとものすえっこぐらし https://t.co/dD0rO6863N」https://twitter.com/SOPHIA_OFFICIAL/status/1608012699195301895
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aceshadowstar · 2 years
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