mistrdctr · 5 months
@wildcxrds asked: "How did you find me?" - Thor
When Thor - yes, Thor Odinson, the one and only, the one Thor that's actually a god from Asgard - asks that question into the cool air surrounding them, looking up from where he's perched on the stairs...
...All Stephen can do is to arch a brow and stare down at him, coffee-to-go in hand and all, followed up by a quick succession of blinks and parting lips as he takes a soft breath.
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"Well, uh...", he starts, pausing, bright gaze averting briefly, flicking along their surroundings... before it focuses back on the other.
"---You're sitting in front of the Sanctum's door. And I live here."
Strange pauses - once again - then takes a sip of his coffee, brows lifting, a somewhat expectant expression lingering on his features.
"You okay? Do you... need anything? Something I can help you with?"
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eyes-blazing · 4 months
Family Time With Gods Is Always Strange||Closed Starter
Emrys had not meant to end up in cell today.
He had been planting paint and glitter bombs around SHIELD offices for months now, they’re security was so easy to fool with just a flash of magic and some general “if you look like you belong no one will question you”. But then again, at least six people being covered in yellow paint or glitter probably led them to do an investigation and realize that someone was breaking in. Which would lead to higher security. Which lead to him in a cell.
So he had gotten sloppy. He was tired, sue him.
He had enjoyed the look on the agents face when he told them his name. “Lokison” had made one of the tech types flinch so hard she dropped the box and glitter exploded all over her.
But then they had thrown him in the cell and said to sit tight. They were getting someone to deal with him. That worried him a little, SHIELD wasn’t exactly the friendliest of organizations, but there was nothing they could do to him that hadn’t already been done. So he’d just lay on the bed to wait for whomever they decided to send his way.
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escapedartgeek · 6 months
Zora couldn't help the sheepish, amused laugh that they let out at Alex's statement. "Aw, that really means a lot to me that you think so."
They shook their head, finding the pun to be so silly.
"But I got what you mean, I'm glad that I get to be around you - it's always been nice being in your company."
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ragewithinthestorm · 2 months
closed || @wildcxrds
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Finally the weather was improving, if Bricriu said he wasn't excited to finally be able to be back out in the dirt he'd be lying, having been locked away for years he missed helping his dad out with the landscaping business. He didn't feel ready to be back to work just yet, but his parents had given him free reign of the home garden to ease back into it, they were just glad he was out in the day and not hiding away in his room or the garage.
As he got up from his knees from where he had been planting some seedlings he'd started in the makeshift growing station in the garage during winter and noticed someone was looking at him. "Hi there, admiring the flowers are we?" His tone was warm, though there was some nerves within his tone, rubbing his dirt covered hands on the thighs of his jeans.
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emeraldxphoenix · 16 days
plotted starter for @wildcxrds for Alex
It’s infuriating to travel everywhere by foot. Asgard has horses and ships, and Midgard has cars, boats and planes, but the only transport currently available to Loki is his own two feet. Any use of his magic beyond the basic signature concealment spell he uses would advertise his whereabouts to his pursuers – Heimdall, Thor, Odin – like a fucking beacon. Which would obviously be game over. Not that Loki thinks his adoptive father would kill him for what he’s done ( – though such a sentence might actually be a mercy – ) but the trickster doesn’t doubt that Odin would imprison him, leaving him a sitting duck for Thanos and the punishment sure to follow. All in all, not a viable outcome.
Which leaves him to walk across this damn realm, scurrying from bolt hole to bolt hole like a fox being hunted, or a rat that knows the palace cats are nearby. It would be humiliating, if the god weren’t so focussed on simply surviving. There is no plan this time, no scheme, merely the desperation to keep moving, and the need for his fractured mind and broken body to heal. When that finally happens, if it ever does, the trickster will make a plan.
Dried leaves crunch underfoot as the god comes to an abrupt halt. Between tree trunks, comfortably concealed some distance away, sits the outline of horizontal logs and a low hanging roof. Gaze flicks down his body, over stolen clothes and long, matted hair. Perhaps he can beg – or steal – some aid. Perhaps, out here in the middle of nowhere, his face will not be known. Cautiously, Loki bends his steps towards the cabin.
Thud. One boot makes contact with the lowest step. “Hello?” Thud. And another. “Is anyone here?”. Thud. “I am here to... I need help.” Thud. “I was… lost in the woods. And I… fell.” Slightly lame, as lies go, but hopefully it will do for now.
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starwrittenfates · 26 days
@wildcxrds said: “I made your favorite food, because you weren’t feeling your best.” - Thor for Sif
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Sif can feel her cheeks becoming warm from the affection and mere thought of kindness he is offering her. However, she can't help but feel a little embarrassed too, wondering if he would think differently of her as a warrior. It wasn't in her nature to stay down or get sick, but yet, here she was, and despite all her struggles to fight through it, her body ended up winning in the end.
The Warrior's Three and even her brother, Heimdall, had been checking in on her from time to time, but now with Thor added to the equation, it only made the Goddess of War feel like a burden. "You didn't have to. "I promise I'll be better soon and be ready to return to battle at your side." She replies with a smile. Knowing it would be rude to not eat the food if he's already made it, Sif took a sip of the soup. "Thank you, Thor." She then paused, briefly giving a sad look. "Thor...can I ask you something?"
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deafarcher · 7 months
“Don’t get up, you’ll make it worse.” - Kairo
"I feel like I got run over by a truck...not sure it can get worse..."
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onlyaphcse · 2 months
“How did Darth Vader know what Luke was getting for Christmas? He felt his presents.”
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“Good one, right? Right? …Please tell me you’ve seen Star Wars. And if not, clear your schedule.”
Pun Starter ( @wildcxrds )
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mistrdctr · 19 days
“Women have to think I’m hot or none of this matters.” - Thor
Absolutely unhinged comedy relief || accepting
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"I mean, granted, I am not 'women', but..."
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"---I can still say that you are quite hot indeed. Don't think you have to worry about that one."
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redheadarcher · 25 days
❛  why me?  ❜ - jacob
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“You’re asking the wrong question here, Jake.” She said softly between laughs. It seemed that more and more she would end up choosing Jacob for pretty much everything. He was pretty much always the first one she asked out when she had free time, the first one she sent a funny video to that made her laugh, whatever. He was always on top of her list.
She just really enjoyed his company, so it was only natural that she would want to share things with him. “You should be asking, why not you?” She asked, wrapping her arm around her neck. “We have fun together, right?”
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𝑻𝑾𝑶 𝑾𝑶𝑹𝑫 𝑺𝑬𝑵𝑻𝑬𝑵𝑪𝑬 𝑺𝑻𝑨𝑹𝑻𝑬𝑹𝑺. // accepting ! @wildcxrds
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godstrayed · 25 days
❦ - shyly drops this here for whatever the future may hold
Send a ❦ if you'd consider shipping our muses ╱ bonus if you add a type of ship you’d like them to be or a thread idea for our muses.
*rubs my hands together* we both have a lot of variety we can toss up and see what happens if you are willing <3
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eternalspawn · 6 months
@wildcxrds said: I saw a mod where he was bald… I miss the person I was before I saw that
oh u mean this. u mean this monstrosity?
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vuulpecula · 8 months
✖ @wildcxrds cont.
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It was poetic, wasn't it? She hadn't thought about that--maybe she had read it somewhere or heard it, she couldn't be sure. "Yes and no," Fox answered. It was a big question to unpack. "I was raised to be, I guess in some ways I want to be, but I don't think I am...not anymore." Looking toward the ground, she shrugged. "Are you?" Was that the right thing to ask? The polite thing?
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writteninscarlet · 5 months
“ stay where you are, i’m on my way. “ - thor! ;; @wildcxrds
send for the sender to go out of their way to find the receiver in the middle of the night and bring them home safely from a night out. ;; accepting
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Wanda wasn’t one to rely on others consciously. Of course, throughout her life she had been protected by her family - both found and biological. This sometimes made her feel as though she were being held back, and sheltered, when she held such immense power that she needed to learn to control it. But she knew that mostly it had been with good intentions.
Now, Wanda wanted to protect others. She was more in control and capable. She was carving her own path in life. It wasn’t always easy. Frequently she was drawn into trouble that left her injured or feeling low - but sheer will power continuously got her through.
Until today. Until now. The fight with the witch hunter (the witch slaughtered named Hexfinder) had left her so mentally and physically drained that she wasn’t sure what to do. Soon, she’d regain her powers and be able to heal but that wouldn’t be for some time. So here Wanda was, successful in battle but realising she was quite ALONE. She had not fought with anyone else, she’d been reckless and determined - a lone witch fighting a witch hunter with dozens if not hundreds of deaths in her past.
She had survived. But without thinking she had called him. She wanted a friendly voice, a familiar face. Wanda wanted comfort and safety. She felt weak saying so, but she knew it was what she needed. She trusted Thor and knew he would come through for her.
And his words instantly made her feel better. The relief was palpable, and she choked out, “Thank you,” before clearing her throat and saying in a clearer, warmer voice, “Thank you.”
Wanda was sore, but she would probably be fine. The relief of knowing Thor was coming for her gave her strength. It at least made her get herself up, dusting herself off and steadying herself. If he could be here soon, she might have enough energy to open a portal to her place. Get some tea.
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differentcentury · 6 months
@wildcxrds liked this post!
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❛ Isn’t that just the sweetest thing? They’ve decorated the square for the holidays. I just love looking at the lights every year. I could do without the snow though. ❜
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vivalavillain · 5 months
song that reminds me of Loki! - neptune by sleeping at last!
Neptune - Sleeping at Last
{I did not ask to be forced to feel things, Allie. I'm adding this to a very different playlist than the last few but it's still going 'on my wall' so to speak.}
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