babyitsmagic · 1 year
what are your muse's biggest red flags when it comes to dating?
how would you describe your muse's interior design style?
is your muse hiding something serious from those around them? why?
for Wilder, Yin, aaaaand Sage
"Fucking everything. I don't communicate. I lash out. I'm not even fucking baseline nice. I don't think I have any goddamn green flags, aside from being a good lay." Which had only caused more problems, really. "I have no interior design style. I keep a mountain of books in the house, I never have enough shelves, and I pile shit all over the floor. And at this point? No. I don't think there's anything I haven't had to share whether I liked it or not."
"Absolutely none. I'm a flawless partner," he answered, smirking, before adding, "But honestly? Frank conversation isn't my strong suit and for someone not always great at monogamy, I can be quite jealous." Not a good look. "For interior design? Expensive and oh, what's the nice word for it? Maximalist, I suppose? I like nice things and I like having lots of them."
He shrugged. "My secrets are numerous. I'm old. But Cordae knows about Viola and Robert knows about Calla, so I don't think there's anything I'm intentionally hiding at this point."
"I'm possessive, controlling, and manipulative. I learned everything I know from Azazel, who's a walking red flag. I try to make sure my apartment isn't a red flag. I don't care what it looks like, but I know an empty, undecorated place is unsettling to most people, so I've got some art work and a couple posters up. Most of my furniture is re-sale shit, which is exactly what someone my age should have." She rolled her eyes. "I'm hiding lots of things all the time. Demon, remember?"
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linesofmagic · 3 years
Colette and Wilder because I am a shit person
@ofviolentdeath || send me a pair name and I’ll tell you what I think it would be like if they had a child.
Name: Ambrose
Gender: demiguy (he/they)
General Appearance: favors more formal clothing; button ups, long coats, nice slacks. No ties tho. No scarfs either. Very specifically nothing that could be easily used as a weapon against him.
Personality: F E R A L . They got so many of their parents' worst traits and so few of the good ones. Paranoid and absolutely vicious. Can, has, and will kill. Isn't sorry.
Special Talents: he got that Daniels and sky magic in spades and will use whatever he needs to protect himself. Charlotte would hate him and honestly? Takes delight in that.
Who they like better: oh, Colette for sure. Thinks Wilder is a fucking moron. Literally can't believe their dad hates magic as much as he does but still stuck with Colette.
Who they take after more: Probably Wilder. That whole gd family of his has it in them to be this feral. Then again Colette’s got it in her too.
Personal Head canon: They've killed a few hunters and not always out of self defense.
Face Claim: Fre.ddy Car.ter
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The high priest's #prayer is like a combination of captivating beauty, harmonious song, cool breeze, warm aroma (cindy's cinnamon comes to mind), and sweet deliciousness all at once. No wonder #numbers62426 occupies the face of many memes, the prayers of many souls, and the benedictive blessing on gatherings of God's people. But look at its context - #jesus is the prophet like Moses who was to come (Deut. 18:15), and has come. Jesus is our ultimate and Great High Priest (Heb. 4:14, 9:11). Jesus is God incarnate who came to earth full of grace--and that is only the verses before. What struck me this a.m. Is the final verse, v. 27 "So shall they put my name upon the people of Israel, and I will bless them." The #name of God is an important concept in the OT. As the high priest spoke these words to the people, he was putting the name of #Yahweh upon the people of Israel. Name is related to reputation. So in a sense the people had God's reputation upon them--His righteousness, faithfulness, loyal love, mercy, grace, justice, all of God's immutable attributes. God's Name also includes His authority, protection, and guidance. The sin of idolatry, including all of its manifestations (Eph.5:5, Col.3:5), defiles the Name of God. After all, the recipients of this #grace are to be a priestly nation, light unto the world, a missionary for all nations. Through this beautiful prayer, God indeed gave the people the greatest blessing--His Name. As Christians we bear the name of Christ--everything holds true for us as it did for the original recipients of this prayer. That's why Paul's letters exhort Christians to walk in a manner worthy of Christ. We are a blessed people who bear #witness to the #truth of Jesus Christ in the #wilderness of the world. Your calling is enormous. You are more than blessed for this task and great privilege. #quote #bible #bibleverse #numbers #oldtestament #promisedland #jesuschrist #gospel #mission #nametheology in brief
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babyitsmagic · 1 year
@ofviolentdeath sent 💔 and Colette for Wilder or Talia || fucked up kissing meme ( accepting ) 5. a lying kiss
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He didn't have the energy to keep arguing or to answer the damn question. And it wasn't like he was going to give her an honest answer anyway, which would just keep the argument going. But if they were doing this, they couldn't keep talking, so instead of saying anything, he leaned in and kissed her, pinning her against the wall.
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babyitsmagic · 1 year
“I hope when you think of me, years down the line, you can’t find one good thing to say.” Colette to Wilder
"Bold of you to assume I'll think of you at all."
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babyitsmagic · 2 years
Ohhh I'm going to regret this one but " Who am I to you? " for Colette and Wilder
"Colette is a giant fucking pain in the ass. She's probably the only person I've ever met more stubborn than I am. She has no sense of boundaries and I'm not convinced she's actually learned any better. It feels more like she's just trying not to make me hate her more. She's reckless as hell and that's coming from me of all people. ...she's also brave and smart, when she wants to be. And I... dont' fully trust her, but I know she's got my back. I just wish she'd stop trying to have it in literally the most upsetting possible ways."
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babyitsmagic · 2 years
"I offered to take your place with your ex, to take whatever he had planned for you onto myself. I don't think it'll come to that but there are others I could make a deal with. Cord wouldn't like it, she'd side with you on that, but I can't let you go through that. I just want you safe, no matter the cost." For Wilder from Colette for the confession meme~
@ofviolentdeath || confess something without consequence (accepting)
"The only reason he would agree to that would be if he thought breaking you would break me," he answered, exhausted by the idea of it. He hated how well he knew Alaric, hated knowing that it wouldn't be a solid no from the demon, but one he'd consider the possibilities of. "Cord staked a claim on my soul, for whatever that's worth." At least Alaric wouldn't be wrecking his afterlife, too.
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babyitsmagic · 2 years
Truth serum Wilder! What are you going to do when Colette gets killed because of you? Will you miss her once she's gone or do you not care about what happens to her?
@ofviolentdeath || send a q, get an honest answer (accepting)
“Bold fucking assumption that it’s going to be my fault. If she were just about anyone else, I’d agree. I know fucking better than to even kind of vaguely let anyone in, given Alaric’s bitchy, possessive bullshit. And I know he’d kill her if given the chance. Probably slowly, just because he doesn’t like her on top of her being one of the only people in my life that’s… whatever she is. But she’s almost as good at making enemies as I am, so it’s not fully guaranteed to be my fault.” He still couldn’t believe she’d punched Alaric, even if it had been somewhat satisfying to hear about. The demon would gut her for that alone, but still. Fuck him. (Except wasn’t that exactly how Wilder had gotten into this mess?) He grit his teeth. “If I didn’t care about her at all, don’t you think I’d have let her keep fucking with that very dark magic? I don’t know if I’ll miss her. Things are… messy as fuck and they’ll probably never not be. But I don’t actually want her to get killed and certainly not because of me.”
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babyitsmagic · 2 years
❓ Colette and Wilder
Send ❓  and my muse will answer all questions honestly.    
Does my muse trust yours?   
"I don't fucking trust anyone. Especially not people with magic. I'm not going to make that mistake again. But I guess I trust her not to kill me or I wouldn't have come to her for help in the first place."
Does my muse dislike yours?
"Sometimes. Often. But I don't hate her. I wish I did."
Would my muse kill someone for yours?
"I'm not actually a murderer. Not directly, at least. ...her grandmother's made me reconsider that, though."
Would my muse kill your muse?
"No. Not actively or passively. I'm still not actually a murderer and I owe her too much at this point."
Would my muse save yours? 
"Yeah, I guess. If I could."
Does my muse find your muse attractive? 
"We hooked up in the first place for a reason."
Is my muse disgusted by yours? 
"By her magic, which I guess I can't pretend isn't part of her, so yeah, I guess."
would my muse go on a date with your muse?  
A scoff. "Even when we got along, no. I don't date anymore. I don't think Colette was really the dating type either, but I could be wrong."
would my muse kiss yours?  
"I have. I probably will again. I don't learn from my mistakes well."
would my muse betray yours?   
"...I would have once. I wouldn't now."
my muse’s favorite thing about yours is ____
"How easy it was between us at first."
the thing my muse dislikes about yours is_____
"Her fucking lack of boundaries. Especially with magic. I get it's how she was raised but that's not a good enough excuse."
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babyitsmagic · 2 years
@ofviolentdeath sent:  [ FINAL ] Wilder and Colette because I am a terrible person || [ FINAL ]:     a letter written in the aftermath of the recipient’s death, where the writer knows they’ll never get the chance to read it.
under a read more bc it got long.
he’s never not going to fucking hate magic. he knows, of course, that getting involved with a demon was his own fault, his own dumb decision. but alaric is a prime example of all the awful things someone can do with power like that. he liked, at first, that alaric wasn’t nice. they never pretended with each other. but it hadn’t taken long for him to understand that a demon being terrible is far different from a human being terrible. wilder knows firsthand how many horrible things someone can do with magic.
he's going to hate with every fiber of his being for the rest of his life. probably in the afterlife too, if he still remembers.
but he can admit that it’s useful on occasion. that it can do things that science hasn’t yet figured out, that science may never figure out. it’s a tool and like any tool, it can be used to harm or to help. it’s never his first choice, but there are days where it’s not his last.
and there are, supposedly, rituals for contacting those passed on. he tries not to fuck with that shit or he feels the old urge to contact his family, the one that never fully goes away, no matter how much he tries to drown it with drink. it wouldn’t be a cathartic conversation anyway. he’s nearly unrecognizable as the person they used to know. he isn’t happy by any stretch of the word. even his good days tend to miss that mark.
so it wouldn’t comfort them to see him. and it wouldn’t comfort him to see them. or to talk or exchange messages or whatever fucking method he decided to use.
so he doesn’t tend to fuck with that shit. but he makes an exception for this. figures. colette was the exception to far too many things.
he knows, has known for years, which books are legit and which are garbage. he asks talia to track down a page from one with the right ritual. she does it and she doesn’t ask questions. just tells him to fucking torch the thing when he’s done. as if he’d keep it.
(as if she doesn’t have damn good reason to call him out on keeping a few piece of magical shit around his workshops.)
he drinks before he starts. not enough to get drunk, but he can’t do it sober. can’t do much sober, really. talia dragged him to an AA meeting once and he stuck with it for a bit, but it didn’t last. he wasn’t surprised. he doubts she was either.
he scrawls the note and casts the ritual. the letter burns without him setting it alight and the revulsion floods him instantly, but he tries to tamp it down. at least long enough to burn the instructions and remove the traces of spell.
he doesn’t know what the afterlife holds for colette. he doesn’t know if the message will get to her or if it was worth the effort at all. it probably wasn’t.
but maybe she’ll read the scrawled words in his terrible writing.            Fuck you. You weren’t supposed to die first.                            I hope you found peace.
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babyitsmagic · 3 years
@ofviolentdeath​ sent:  ‘you know i love you,  right?’ Colette to Wilder
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“Of course, I know. I’m not a complete fucking moron.” The words were quiet, tired. “Not about that, anyway,” he added, knowing she would absolutely argue otherwise, knowing he could be a complete fucking moron about some things. But not this. He knew damn well that no one went to the lengths she had without one hell of a motivation. He knew what that motivation was. “You know that if we both survive this nightmare somehow that I want to get as far away from you and everyone else as physically possible, right?”
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babyitsmagic · 4 years
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@ofviolentdeath​ said:  ❓ Wilder from Colette cuz I'm a dick || meme ( accepting )
Does my muse trust yours?  
“More than I should. Less than she wants.”
Does my muse dislike yours?
“Not as much as she thinks I do, but yes. Most of the time.”
Would my muse kill someone for yours?
“I’m not exactly great at direct involvement on that front, but maybe. If they weren’t human. I’d like to take a shot at her grandmother, if I’m being honest.”
Would my muse kill your muse?
“One of us is probably going to kill the other if Alaric doesn’t do it first.”
Would my muse save yours?
“Didn’t I already?”
Does my muse find your muse attractive?
“We did hook up.”
Is my muse disgusted by yours?
“Sometimes, but not as much as I’m disgusted by myself.”
would my muse go on a date with your muse?
"I don’t date. Not anymore. The closest I get is hooking up and isn’t that how we got into this mess?”
would my muse kiss yours?  
“I have.”
would my muse betray yours?
“...probably. Not to Alaric. He doesn’t fucking get to win. But maybe to someone else.”
my muse’s favorite thing about yours is ____
“She’s not stupid. Even if she’s a dumbass.”
the thing my muse dislikes about yours is_____
“Everything else.”
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babyitsmagic · 4 years
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@ofviolentdeath​ said:  🍷 Ahem. Wilder to Colette || fanfic trope starters (accepting)
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He’s actually been trying to cut back on his drinking. It’s a shit coping mechanism and he’s always known that. And he doesn’t always like the way it clouds his mind. Sometimes he doesn’t want to think straight, but sometimes he does. So he’s been trying, little by little. But this isn’t exactly a situation conducive to that sort of thing. A bar, with an alcoholic for a bar tender, surrounded by the supernatural, and made miserable by it all. It’s easy to slip up. It’s even easier when he’s been overwhelmed and he doesn’t have any healthier alternatives.
So he’s gone from relative sobriety recently to... very drunk. He stares into his glass, swirling the liquid around before taking a long sip. Colette joins him at the bar and he doesn’t glance at her when he says, “I wish I hated you half as much as you think I do.”
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babyitsmagic · 4 years
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@ofviolentdeath​ said:  "Bruises?" Colette and Wilder || meme ( accepting )
He’d punched a hole in the wall and managed to fuck his hand up in the process, which meant he needed to patch himself up and then later he was going to have to fix the fucking wall so Cord wouldn’t be mad about it. He hated, too, that it had actually helped a little bit. He was trying, at least, to be less self destructive, but it wasn’t exactly an easy journey.
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He hadn’t expected Colette to be back yet and he scowled as he worked to wrap the wounds. “I don’t wanna hear it.” He was sure there was judgment or a lecture waiting to happen and he wasn’t in the mood.
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linesofmagic · 5 years
Colette and Wilder >)
@ofviolentdeath​ || send me a pair name and I’ll tell you what I think it would be like if they had a child.
Name: Zane Daniels
Gender: ???? mostly he/him pronouns but they/them works too
General Appearance: gods he’s such a lanky kid??? taller than either of his parents (5′11) and just. so. scrawny. he wears a lot of baggy clothes that are too big on him, but when he was younger it was hard to find clothes that fit him and he just. gave up. it’s a lot of comfy t-shirts and oversized jackets/sweaters
Personality: he comes off as a lot more meek than either of his parents, but he definitely has that like… burning intense anger that his dad’s fam has??? he’s just. a lot more calculating, better at hiding it and getting even later.
Special Talents: they’re like… really good at magic that manipulates emotions and wilder fucking hates it. they try not to use their magic in front of either of their parents, but especially dad. cord’s one of the only people  they feel comfy using it around because they know they can ask cord questions about how to keep it under control.
Who they like better: colette
Who they take after more: ?????????????? neither that much.
Personal Headcanon: zane is really interested in learning about black magic, which no one likes at all.
Face Claim: ow.en tea.gue
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babyitsmagic · 4 years
⛓ to chain my muse to a surface of some sort. (Colette to Wilder so she can go do something stupid and reckless)
     @ofviolentdeath || a bad day for the muses ( accepting )
One some level, he felt safe here. Safe enough, anyway, that he didn’t wake until he felt the cold metal snap around his wrist. His gaze landed on Colette, confusion and an odd sense of betrayal overwhelming him. She’d handcuffed him to the bed frame. He immediately pulled hard, feeling the chain pull taught and the metal dig into his wrist. It would bruise later, but honestly that was the least of his worries right now. “Colette, what the fuck?”
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