babyitsmagic · 1 year
what are your muse's biggest red flags when it comes to dating?
how would you describe your muse's interior design style?
is your muse hiding something serious from those around them? why?
for Wilder, Yin, aaaaand Sage
"Fucking everything. I don't communicate. I lash out. I'm not even fucking baseline nice. I don't think I have any goddamn green flags, aside from being a good lay." Which had only caused more problems, really. "I have no interior design style. I keep a mountain of books in the house, I never have enough shelves, and I pile shit all over the floor. And at this point? No. I don't think there's anything I haven't had to share whether I liked it or not."
"Absolutely none. I'm a flawless partner," he answered, smirking, before adding, "But honestly? Frank conversation isn't my strong suit and for someone not always great at monogamy, I can be quite jealous." Not a good look. "For interior design? Expensive and oh, what's the nice word for it? Maximalist, I suppose? I like nice things and I like having lots of them."
He shrugged. "My secrets are numerous. I'm old. But Cordae knows about Viola and Robert knows about Calla, so I don't think there's anything I'm intentionally hiding at this point."
"I'm possessive, controlling, and manipulative. I learned everything I know from Azazel, who's a walking red flag. I try to make sure my apartment isn't a red flag. I don't care what it looks like, but I know an empty, undecorated place is unsettling to most people, so I've got some art work and a couple posters up. Most of my furniture is re-sale shit, which is exactly what someone my age should have." She rolled her eyes. "I'm hiding lots of things all the time. Demon, remember?"
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ofviolentdeath · 2 years
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“Calla is the friendly one of the four of us. If you are trying to use emotional tactics to get out of a deal you made with Yin, you are best to try her.”
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linesofmagic · 6 years
Yin and anyone xD
send me a pair name and I’ll tell you what I think it would be like if they had a child.
Name: Sonja Delov
Gender: female
General Appearance: sonja has yin’s sense of style and extravagance. she loves expensive clothes and looking nice.
Personality: mmmm. she runs on the not-so-empathetic side. she’s relatively friendly, but she’s cruel and pragmatic and she won’t hesitate to kill someone tbh. in fact, she’s gotten quite good at that, using her soft feature to lure people in, to convince them to trust her.
Special Talents: morality manipulation– she’s excellent at corrupting people
Who they like better: she likes them both well enough.
Who they take after more: robert maybe? yin’s…. softer. 
Personal Headcanon: sonja made a deal when she was fifteen. Her parents weren’t kind to her and she wasn’t emotionally attached enough to let it stand, but she didn’t have enough control of her abilities yet to fix it herself and she didn’t want to get caught so she made a deal with a demon to be rid of them. her contract ended up catching yin’s attention and he took her in. she took an odd sort of liking to robert, who seemed more like her than anyone she’d ever met and she was oddly grateful for that.
Face Claim: jo.die co.mer
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littlesilentrebel · 2 years
here’s an oc list so if i have have a ‘character meme’ on here you can just pick from this list
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him-e · 6 years
Hi, do you know any metas involving queercoding and Ben? I saw a stupid meme from some antis and it made me mad so now I’m hoping to read some actual good takes involving him and queercoding. I hope that made sense?
Sure it did!
For starters: Is Kylo Ren Queer-Coded? Well, Yes And No (this is post-TFA and kind of short and cursory, but it's a good place to start and I liked the point about Kylo killing the traditional masculinity embodied by Han, as well as the comparison with Ra’s unmasking in Stargate, which is… probably one of the most iconic villain moments of my childhood);
This post and these metas discuss the dark side as feminine-coded magic (basically a space stand-in for traditional witchcraft), and consequently Kylo Ren being coded as, essentially, an evil witch. (this ties in nicely with Snoke being originally conceived as a woman in early drafts of the story). Note: I don’t agree with everything said in these posts, because the op’s are strongly dark side-positive and they tend to have a reading of the story that is almost diametrically opposite to the authorial intent (which they’re admittedly very critical of), but it’s worth reading, and the coding stuff is on point, and they also raise some interesting questions re: what this feminine-coding of Kylo’s dark side means in a story where he’s obviously going to be redeemed. Will he still be coded as a witch-prince even after redemption? Or will he be normalized into standard, “good” masculinity?
This post on the feminine-coded traits in Kylo, Hux and Loki, and this (on the yin/yang dichotomy between masculine-coded heroes and feminine/queer-coded villains). Feminine coding in villains is often used as a stand-in for deviance, perversion of the natural order of the world. Such villains are usually negative foils to heroes who radiate natural charisma—as opposed to gaining it with “tricks”—and effortlessly perform a “healthy”, stereotypically gender compliant, unsubtle kind of masculinity (though modern media have started to erode that image and give us softer heroes who are more and more in touch with their feminine side—I think Steve Rogers and even the latest Thor are a good example of that). The interesting thing with Kylo is that he’s a female character’s foil; Rey filling the role of the masculine (yang) principle in this binary has good chances to subvert it all completely (which has in fact already happened);
Here’s a meta on Kylo’s (and Rey’s) androgynous characterization. Kylo Ren’s appearance & costume, especially in TFA, is somewhat androgynous. On the one hand, Adam’s impressive height and muscular build ( + his phallic lightsaber) definitely scream male. On the other hand, the guy has long, soft raven curls, pale skin with a distinct lack of facial hair, big red pouty lips (note that plump lips, like most feminine traits in male characters, are often coded as repulsive, see: Joffrey Baratheon), he’s essentially a male version of Snow White in dark robes. His TFA attire is not only reminiscent of a knight templar, but also of a witch: his clothes are long and billowy with a belt emphasizing his waistline like in a woman’s dress, shaping his figure as an elongated hourglass, while the turtleneck conceals Adam’s muscular neck. His mask is scary, but genderless. If not for his size, fully masked Kylo Ren could be easily mistaken for a woman (interestingly in TLJ his costume is more traditionally masculine, though still medieval/renaissance inspired, with the classic doublet + cloak combo);
A side thought that would be worth exploring is how Kylo is constantly shifting between masculine and feminine coding. TFA Kylo has more androgynous looks and more “yin” (feminine) imagery (dark, cold, wet), but he’s also the aggressor, the pursuer most of the time. TLJ Kylo is superficially more manly (the clothing, the facial hair, the scars, the blatant display of muscles, the association with fire and machinery), which contrasts with how passive—reactive, rather than proactive—he is throughout the film; until he loses Rey and regresses to childish, trauma induced rage;
A lot of things about Kylo, from the layers and layers of thick cloth forming a barrier between him and the rest of the world, to his discomfort to be seen without his mask, to his nervous/awkward body language (staggering gait, clenching/unclenching fists, self-contained demeanor punctuated by sudden outbursts of movement/violence, extreme oscillations in his concept of personal space, etc.) suggest that he’s not entirely comfortable in his own body, he’s both touch starved and afraid of contact. He reads as a virgin, or as someone who hasn’t quite come to terms with his own sexuality yet;
not about queercoding per se, but essential to understand why Kylo’s relationship with masculinity is very layered and interesting, are these posts on Kylo’s emotionality, compassion and vulnerability (which he tries to suppress over and over under a self imposed, but unsuccessful, performance of toxic masculinity); on Kylo’s similarities with Kay’s character in the Snow Queen fairytale (i.e. “the prince in the tower” archetype); on the “whiny crybaby” label and what it says about the cultural perception of male emotions; on Robert Bly’s influence on The Last Jedi ( + more posts on this);
Ben is coded as a “troubled” child, with Han and Leia struggling to deal with his /diversity/ (from various sw novels and canon sources like Bloodline, Last Shot and the novelizations we know they were “frightened of him, he realized, and so they got rid of him”, that Leia had been keeping Ben’s force sensitiveness as a secret, that she blames herself for sending him away and for hiding things from Han). It’s really strong subtext, and can be read as a metaphor for mental illness, for drug addiction, but also for queerness, especially in conjunction with Snoke being clearly coded as a child predator and an abusive mentor.
You should find more stuff on my other blog by searching #queer, #gender and other relevant keywords, and under the tag #gender subversion.
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babyitsmagic · 2 years
truth serum: Yin, what the actual hell is going on between you and Robert? Are you a couple or just co-raising children? Does it bother you to know that he thinks you're just using him as a replacement for his mother?
@ofviolentdeath || truth serum meme (still accepting!)
“That was a lot of questions, wasn’t it? Very intrusive. A little rude. Let me address the last one first – Robert’s connection to Cordae is irrelevant to my feelings for him. I won’t pretend that they aren’t similar people. He’s worse, of course, given what he’s done to his own descendants. Cord would never do something like that. But he’s changed. I never would have trusted him with Calla before the girls. I genuinely do trust him with her now.” He never would have left her alone with Robert if he didn’t. It wasn’t necessarily easy to draw out his protective streak, but the girl had managed it. “But he isn’t her. They are different people. I may have a type. I may tend to date people who push my limits. Rebekah can certainly attest to that particular penchant of mine. Allow me to make this clear – I would still be interested in him, even if we had met under entirely different circumstances. If he were mortal, if he were angelic, if he were any other demon with any other family. My interest is not connected to Cord, even if his connection to her is why I initially sought him out. I don’t like that he feels otherwise, but I also know I can’t change his mind overnight on that point.” He didn’t know if he could ever change his mind, really.
“As for the rest, I think you’d have to ask Robert. We’re certainly co-raising children, but beyond that? I have no more idea what we’re doing than anyone else. I wouldn’t be opposed to a… less complicated dynamic, but that would require trust. Robert trusts me with the girls. I know that. But he does not trust me with himself. Maybe he shouldn’t. But unless that changes, there’s little that will happen between us.”
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babyitsmagic · 2 years
" Who am I to you? " Yin and Robert
"More important than I think he'll ever believe. I care deeply for Robert. He's... he challenges me. And while some may not appreciate that, I do. He has never once been afraid to call me out when he thinks I've done something stupid. And sometimes he's right. Sometimes, I need to listen to him. Sometimes I don't or won't, but I still appreciate having that perspective. It matters. He matters. But he doesn't trust me. And... I do not fully trust him, if we're being honest. I trust him with the girls. But I'm not entirely certain he wouldn't kill me under the right circumstances. And as long as we don't trust each other, I don't know that we can grow any closer."
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babyitsmagic · 2 years
❓ Yin from Robert
@ofviolentdeath || Send ❓  and my muse will answer all questions honestly.    
Does my muse trust yours?   
"With the kids? Yes. With my life? Not so much."
Does my muse dislike yours?
"No. I did at first, though."
Would my muse kill someone for yours?
"Without hesitation, though I don't think he would want, need, or appreciate it."
Would my muse kill your muse?
"Not lightly. In self defense, yes. Probably not under any other circumstances, though."
Would my muse save yours? 
"Yes, but again, I don't think it would be wanted, needed, or appreciated."
Does my muse find your muse attractive? 
Is my muse disgusted by yours? 
"Irritated, yes. Disgusted, no."
would my muse go on a date with your muse?  
"Oh, I can't imagine it would end well, but I've been known to play with fire. I'd give it a shot if he'd let me."
would my muse kiss yours?  
"I have. I would try it again."
would my muse betray yours?   
"Hmmm. The answer isn't no, but it's hardly a firm yes, either. It would depend on the circumstances, I suppose."
my muse’s favorite thing about yours is ____
"He isn't a good person. But he's better than he gives himself credit for. Also, I am rather fond of how challenging he is."
the thing my muse dislikes about yours is_____
"He doesn't know when to stop pushing his luck and it's probably going to get him killed -- not even by me. He shares that trait with Cord."
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babyitsmagic · 6 years
💭Yin and Robert
For every 💭 I receive, I will write one thought my Muse has had about yours.
“I’m pretty sure that one day I’ll have to kill him.                      .....which is a shame because he’s not terrible to have around.”
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babyitsmagic · 7 years
✵ for Yin and you can choose between Tal, Robert, or Cord cuz all 3 are funny for different reasons
@ofviolentdeath ||  cuties get kisses (mistletoe meme | accepting)
He knew Robert wouldn’t like it, but he also didn’t care. It was too tempting to resist. “Do try not to punch me,” was the only warning he offered before pulling the lesser demon into a quick kiss.
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