#wildfire (sonicverse)
spinslash165 · 10 months
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...I know reptiles are my thing, but I'm honestly surprised at how natural super Trip looks in my style.
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hey you ever think about how in the green-verse, prim seemed to automatically take up the position of leader after thorn kicked them out? how she was always the first one to bring her up even though she could never say her actual name, despite definitely knowing it? how she calls her a monster that can’t be reasoned with, insisting on it because otherwise how could she do this to them? how she was always the first one to get agitated at the thought of her? how she’s the one to stop mangey from going to her and insists she can’t be saved, how when she tells the story she looks to the ground? how she sees it as thorn choosing the jungle over them? how she calls her a monster cause it’s easier than thinking of her as the same person she was before?
how she and thorn both were extremely quick to manipulate sonic for their own gain (prim to get supplies, thorn to get the shard)? how they both really do care about the life they protect and will do anything to do what they think is right? how they both so stubbornly stick to their goals they can’t even begin to imagine the other side of things? but you can tell that despite them showing the least sadness at the thought of each other they so desperately want to mend things, thorn is even about to spill during sonic’s therapy sesh until gnarly jumps the gun? how prim is the first one to speak after hearing thorn’s side? how they are both the first to reach out to each other at the end, the first to step to each other and they have mirrored poses, one arm grabbing the other, before reaching out for each other?
how both of them, in telling the story, hesitate before saying they were friends?
do you ever think about what “prim” is short for? what it’s famously short for, specifically in the dystopian genre after suzanne collins started a wildfire known as the hunger games? do you know what the first part of that name, prim, actually means? coming from prima, meaning “first”, then combined with the suffix it’s...
and then do you think about how sonic and tails’s relationship establishes that interspecies adoption/families are a thing in the sonicverse?
do you wonder if
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spinslash165 · 9 months
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Never been happy with Tidal's outfit, so I took another crack at it a few days ago (plus some extra other design tweaks).
Wanted to balance the bounty hunter aspect with something more aquatic - sharper fin-like paldrons, a wetsuit-like bodysuit, and webbed gloves & flippers.
Should hopefully also be simple enough to not be a complete pain to sprite, as well.
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spinslash165 · 6 months
Needed to remedy the sight of mandated/Forces WF Flare badly, ended up revisiting my Trip redesign I did last year in the process.
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First time I've applied it to her super form, actually!
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spinslash165 · 10 months
Haven't really done any full-body SRB2 stuff for super Flare/Chaos Narlare in a long time (the OST vid art comes close ig?), and I wanted to give him something akin to the art in the credits.
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spinslash165 · 6 months
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This was Tex's idea.
I don't like it either.
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spinslash165 · 1 year
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That new Sonic game looks pretty fun! Odd that they gave the giant Flicky animals you rescue from the minibosses clothes all of a sudden, though.
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spinslash165 · 2 years
Some Big and Flare (and Ryder) doodles from before work this morning.
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spinslash165 · 1 year
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6 years, 3 species swaps, 2 mods (4 if you count Kart and a personal Mania skin) and at least... 17 redesigns, maybe more. It's been a ride.
Happy birthday, Flare.
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spinslash165 · 1 year
I'm the guy who asked the Goku question. But now a question unrelated to Flare fighting Goku. Let's just say hypothetically that Flare was the main character of Sonic Frontiers. How would he tackle it, seeing the things Sonic went through was tough. Assuming you actually Frontiers.
(Apologies for the late response, been sidetracked constantly.)
Uhhh... Flare wouldn't handle it all too well. Regardless of who from his new family ends up locked in cyberspace that he needs to save, it's going to be very painful for him to try and push onwards.
...I suppose this would make the Titan bosses a bit different gameplay-wise too, since... well, you know.
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spinslash165 · 2 years
Here's a more formal announcement, in any case!
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spinslash165 · 2 years
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spinslash165 · 1 year
Could Flare beat Goku in a fight? Very important question I swear.
From my somewhat limited knowledge of DB (mainly Z), there's... a lot of circumstances for deciding who's winning, on both sides.
Realistically, I'd say the odds of Goku winning are higher than Flare, but you never know.
This includes factoring Narlare in, for the record - he may be almost invulnerable, but how long Flare can stay as this form is dependant on his stamina. If Goku can't get through his hide for whatever reason, tiring him out is a consistently good strategy as well.
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spinslash165 · 2 years
I... don't know what came over me to make this.
Nostalgia?? For the shit I made back in high school??? That can't be right.
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spinslash165 · 2 years
Flare finally has a new ref, here's a bio
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Flare finally has a ref sheet for his new Sonicverse design! Took me long enough. Since I haven't really talked about... well, anything regarding who my ocs actually are, I should start with this guy. Wall of text under the cut. (The bio for the most part applies just fine to his nonsonic version, just with a few details changed.)
A young dino who ended up exiled from his village as a child after coming across and accidentally merging the spirit of a disgraced deity, Narlok, into himself, Flare is a ball of anxiety, and (when stressed out) very clingy to anyone he considers family or friend, heavily anxious and paranoid about things going wrong in his new location (though these fears have eased quite a bit now that he's met Ryder and they consider each other brothers). When he's (somewhat) calm, though, he's a sweet-hearted (and somewhat goofy) rex who loves hugs and his friends/family (especially his big brother Ryder) and is always willing to help out when prompted. He does have quite the appetite, though that's to be expected - even ignoring the whole 'trying to survive on his own in the wild for years' thing, he is still a growing T.rex after all.
After the soul acquirement, Flare requires a special inhibitor to regulate the deity's seal's output and keep it close to him at all times (if it's over 10ft away from him, he suffers severe pains). Years after leaving his village and finding refuge at Apotos, he was kidnapped in his sleep and forced into a (failed) experiment to try and separate the two souls. This 'woke' Narlok up, unlocking a primal, rampaging kaiju transformation, triggered under extreme stress, making the inhibitor more important than ever.
As a tyrannosaur, Flare's legs are stronger than the majority of other reptiles, especially at his age, allowing him enhanced acceleration and jump strength, besides just being able to do more damage with them. But his most stand-out (natural) ability comes from his back plating, which is able to reflect just about all kinetic force that makes impact with it. Projectiles, melee attacks, the ground, anything. While this makes him a good shield (and particularly bouncy when ramming into a wall or floor), he's also very slippery when on his back. On the other hand, Narlok's presence allows for some more interesting feats, and arguably the most well-known ones Flare has. The deity's power grants the tyrannosaur pyrokinesis, though at his current skill level it's not anything really devastating. It's commonly used through his flamethrower breath, though Flare's also capable of spewing flames from any other part of his body, though in these cases usually through his palms or the end of his tail.
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Under enough stress, however, Flare's inhibitor overloads, forcing his body to mutate into an 80+ft tall monster, boasting physical strength capable of leveling cities, flames as searing as a small star and near-invulnerability - Narlare. Normally, Flare loses control over himself when transformed, and only reverts back once Narlare exhausts himself and passes out (it's still Flare's body after all). With training, however, he can learn to take back control and even trigger the transformation manually.
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spinslash165 · 1 year
I don't have any ideas or anything planned for today, so I'll just repost this piece from last year.
...that is also unrelated to the day. look i just like it
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