spinslash165 · 29 minutes
Dear Supporter,
I hope this message finds you and your family in good health. My name is Eman Zaqout from Gaza. I am reaching out to seek your urgent help in spreading the word about our fundraiser. I lost both my home and my job due to the ongoing genocide in Gaza and we are facing catastrophic living conditions. 💔
I kindly ask you to visit my campaign. Your support, whether through donating or sharing, will help us reach more people who can make a difference. Thank you for your continued support for the Palestinian cause. Your dedication brings us closer to freedom. 🙏🕊
Note: Verified by several people as 90-ghost and aces-and-angels. ☑
Of course!
(Eman's campaign can be found here ↓)
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spinslash165 · 15 days
The first wave of the 2ST Racer Pack Recharged is finally out! Get it here!
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spinslash165 · 2 months
I have stupidly big plans for Racer Pack Recharged, but I've dialled it back enough that the remakes at minimum should release before the year ends. Have a Sparkster remake preview in the meantime! I'd also post the footage, but I guess Tumblr doesn't handle .webm well?
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(Addendum: I don't plan on remaking Jotaro. I don't trust myself enough to do him justice, plus someone else is doing a way better job with him. I do have two humans/humanoids planned for the full pack, but they're a lot more cartoony than JJBA, so I should be fine making them.)
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spinslash165 · 4 months
Another logo I made ages ago, though it wasn't intended for any possible use in the released port, it was purely just for fun.
I don't think I ever posted it places, so here!
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spinslash165 · 4 months
Another logo I made ages ago, though it wasn't intended for any possible use in the released port, it was purely just for fun.
I don't think I ever posted it places, so here!
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spinslash165 · 4 months
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Had this logo sitting around for a good while (even before Ring Racers' release) and never actually exported it, oops. Coming... well, eventually.
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spinslash165 · 5 months
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???? when did i??
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spinslash165 · 6 months
It's that time again
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This time 1.0 isn't getting left out - he's just as important to Flare's history as the other 3 eras pre-WF, SRB2 is why I "revived" Flare in a sense after all. Happy anniversary to my beloved dino son.
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spinslash165 · 6 months
Needed to remedy the sight of mandated/Forces WF Flare badly, ended up revisiting my Trip redesign I did last year in the process.
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First time I've applied it to her super form, actually!
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spinslash165 · 6 months
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This was Tex's idea.
I don't like it either.
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spinslash165 · 8 months
yet another reason to get firefox
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spinslash165 · 8 months
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I'm trying to come up with a design for Trip that I like drawing. So far, I think I've been successful.
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spinslash165 · 8 months
Fang's Gang pulls a heist in Sandopolis Zone!
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...they're not doing very well, though.
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spinslash165 · 9 months
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spinslash165 · 9 months
Alright! Let's actually talk about this waterfall thing. It is an amazing showcase of many things that I adore from late 90s graphics. I am replicating this in Blender, through mere observation of the final game, so some things might not be exactly accurate to what the PS1 does.
First off, this is what I started off with, straight from the Noesis exporter into Blender.
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"Looks boring!" "What are those weird gradient quads?!" Oh we'll talk about those too, don't worry.
Let's start simple, figuring out the Layers.
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We've got the base level geometry, then two layers of water, each with a different texture.
Let's focus on the bottom Water layer first. A waterfall's water falls, and the age old trick to replicate that behaviour is to scroll the texture along the mesh by offsetting the texture coordinates every frame.
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Simple enough. Not too convincing yet.
Let's do the same with the other layer.
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Look at it goooo!
An often-used trick to enhance the waterfall effect is to increase the distance between vertices (or squash texture coordinates) as the geometry goes down.
This affects the scrolling velocity for the texture in each section, making it look like gravity is accelerating the water.
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MGS pulls yet another trick on top of that:
Vertices are subtly animated to oscillate, making the water flow seem more irregular.
It seems to be something similar to what is done to geometry when the camera goes underwater in the docks or vents area.
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One opaque layer of water on top of another is no good.
Alpha Blending is an expensive technique and it'd not give the desired effect.
Additive Blending is used instead. The lower layer is rendered first, the second layer is then rendered on top, adding the color values together.
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Now we get to talk about those weird quads.
They are darkening gradients! Instead of using Additive Blending, they do the opposite, the color value from the texture is subtracted from the scene that was rendered below, effectively creating shadowed areas.
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Who needs HBAO+ anyway?
Lighting pass!
I just threw a few point lights to try and replicate the original vibes of the scene.
MGS, instead, uses lighting information baked into the vertices of the scene to create this mood. And what a mood it is!
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Here's an additional example of the same techniques used in the bottom part of the same scene. Although the game seems to be rendering that water mesh as (almost?) completely opaque, there is an actual floor mesh under it.
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There, I fixed this post. If you enjoy my posts, shit or not, consider supporting me on Ko-fi, I will appreciate it a lot 💞: https://ko-fi.com/parametricpalta
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spinslash165 · 9 months
And one more thing for tonight: the yearly art summary.
...where has this year even gone
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Just like last time, links under the cut.
September: (new oc that I haven't shared outside of discord yet)
October: (trip redesign that I also haven't shared outside of discord yet)
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spinslash165 · 9 months
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Never been happy with Tidal's outfit, so I took another crack at it a few days ago (plus some extra other design tweaks).
Wanted to balance the bounty hunter aspect with something more aquatic - sharper fin-like paldrons, a wetsuit-like bodysuit, and webbed gloves & flippers.
Should hopefully also be simple enough to not be a complete pain to sprite, as well.
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