silencedrage · 1 year
VAN PALMER ( @wildkissed ) said “you’re all i have.”
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The words stick to her skin because she knows that it's true. Van's mom has never counted as a reliable party in Tai's mind and she's probably given Vicky Palmer more credit than she's owed over the years. And she doesn't know how to explain that a part of her craves being that for Van but at the same time, a part of her resents her for it too. She's disgusted by herself for it, and everything tangles up into a complicated knot that she shoves to the deepest recesses of her mind because confronting it is too close like losing Van. She doesn't trust herself not to take the selfish route like she always has, doing what is best for her without regard for anyone else's opinions or feelings.
She opens her mouth and tries to force out the words that she knows she needs to say, what would patch up the holes of their rapidly disintegrating relationship. Or is that just in Tai's mind, just wishful thinking? Her guilt was just another stone added to the yoke around her shoulders and Jesus fuck, what the HELL was wrong with her. Why couldn't she just be fucking grateful for what she had without always wanting more? She blindly reached out to grasp Van's hand, trying to wordlessly convey what her tongue could not.
She's here. She'll always be here. She swears it. She chants the words in her head, wanting to believe like she hasn't wanted to believe since Shauna lost her baby, but Tai feels like the outcome will be the same this time too. If not tonight, then eventually, because she is a selfish, narcisstic brat even if she isn't as sorry about it as she thinks she should. Her lips seal shut again and Tai breathes out without a sound. Like she's the little fucking mermaid or something equally as dumb. God, what a shit girlfriend she was.
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manslaught · 1 year
@wildkissed: at least let me look at it.
the sigh she lets out is riddled with irritation she doesn't even try to hide, rage flickering in mikayla's eyes—it has nothing to do with leah, but she's around, so she's the unfortunate target. mikayla's never enjoyed the vulnerability that comes with another person looking at her wounds, taught from a young age to hide them, deal with them on her own, so it's out of habit that she flinches back like a wounded animal, hands instinctively moving to cover the gash in her leg, palms covered in her own blood. “what are you, a fucking doctor suddenly?” her tone is more hostile than necessary, but that's not uncommon for mikayla, using aggression as a crutch, because it's the only thing that's ever worked for her. “i don't need help.”
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scatcrccio · 1 year
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@wildkissed (travis) sent: [  TWENTY-THREE  ] :  “ i didn’t ask for this… to feel this way. ”
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❝ DO YOU THINK I ASKED FOR THIS? ❞ It was a loaded question, she knew that. The last thing any of them needed was to start developing feelings for one another; it was a different type of an emotional connection and she certainly hadn't expected it. Even after the realization within her hit that she was attracted to him, more so when that attraction was declared to be mutual. Maybe it's what they needed, but she can't shake the wonder if any of this would have happened had they not been left stranded together. The desperation and longing; that want to be touched; she craved him like a drug. Fingers pulling at his shirt a bit, not wanting him to pull away from her just yet, but they were both scared, for many reasons. At the very least, they could be scared together.
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perfectionreached · 1 year
continued from here @wildkissed
maybe it was the guilt that wore her down or maybe it was the feeling of safety, but taissa had never fallen asleep so fast and with so much comfortability. but it was no surprise that her other self had woken up before her. a deadpan face stares back at van, silent for way too long of a time before she speaks, "you." sure, awake taissa would have wanted to see van again, but it was the other tai that actually stood up and made it happen. there was no denying that they had formed their own connection while in the wilderness - whether or not that was something that the real taissa would have loved..the chances are very slim. but she doesn't move from hovering over van, hot breath breathing down at the ginger. "i'm here because of you."
all of sudden she's aware of where she is, eyes wide. "van ?? what the - ?" it was like something switched, her face moves from deadpan to terrified. she jumps away, feeling guilty pretty much immediately. she was a guest here and there was something about waking up and finding herself that close to her ex that filled her with shame. she always felt shame when it came to things she couldn't control like this. van didn't have to tell her that her other self was in control for taissa to know that it was true. "i'm sorry." is all she can say as she walks backwards, millions of questions flying through her brain. "i shouldn't be here. i need to get back to my family, van. this was a mistake."
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violenthunted · 1 year
@wildkissed : you should never tell a psychopath that they are a psychopath, it upsets them.
shelby's hands come up as a shield between them, not quite backtracking and yet not embracing the cutting tone of the other girl either. romans 12:14 : bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse them. "i ain't sayin' yer a psychopath, leah" the diplomatic tone falls a bit on the side of too-cautious to be honest, like perhaps the pageant princess is scared of what leah could do if she were really, truly angry. "but ya gotta admit yer bein' weird. like weird-weird. weirder than a black cow with white spots, if yunno what i mean."
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wrongsung-a · 1 year
the sun was unforgiving in its characteristic peak mid-afternoon but balakirev hadn’t seen much of the lantsov kings in the past and nikolai felt its rage against him justified.   it was decidedly unwise for a prince to be present in a town that only had a large fountain to boast about as a tourist attraction,   but his brother’s wit had been scarce lately    (  not that he had any to begin with  )    and each day that the darkling lived brought him closer to a better plan to usurp the throne.    the people needed a display of strength and support and hope,  and poliznaya was close,  where the best of their soldiers had been stationed.
the walls of the church were burning with the heat and so had been @wildkissed's ( malyen oretsev ) glare,   he realised belatedly.    ‘ are your spies in position? ’    he asked without meeting nikolai’s eye.
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the prince crossed his arms and turned fully to face the other man.    ❛   such little faith.   ❜    nikolai said,   the hint of a grin creeping up on the corner of his lips.    he couldn’t begrudge mal for it.    ❛   just because I sported a different guise when you met me,  malyen,  doesn’t mean I’ve changed entirely since our first meeting.   yes,  the spies are in position.   ❜    he leaned back against a pillar and looked over at the scattered crowd gathering in the markets,   the snow-capped mountains lining the horizon,   a terrible longing blooming in his chest.     ❛   I don’t suppose you want to go down there too,  do you?   ❜
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mecwmellc · 1 year
@wildkissed sent “i just like you. i like spending time with you. you don't owe me anything. nina for kit”
“really?” kit asked. even years later, she couldn’t help but compare herself to all of her siblings. hud, nina, and jay all seemed to know what they were doing and were extremely successful. yeah nina had gone through a divorce recently, but she held her head high and still dropped everything for her siblings. kit was just discovering that she probably didn’t like guys at all and had no idea how to tell people, least of all her siblings. “thank you.”
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isgull · 1 year
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"just give him some time. he'll speak to you when he's ready." lottie can feel javi's gaze on them as she says it, that unblinking stare he's had ever since he was brought back to them. he would speak to her once he was ready for it, too; something tells her he might do so even before speaking to travis. "we know the woods are dangerous, especially when you're out there all alone and scared. i think he just needs to figure out how to put everything into words right now."
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@wildkissed - for travis ! starter call.
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scarymovi3s · 1 year
@wildkissed : i’m sure we’ll see each other again soon. ( from katniss, to kallus. )
it's    a    pain    to    admit,    only    to    himself    &    never    to    another    soul-    but    kallus    is    dimly    impressed.    it    takes    a    special    kind    of    de    trop    fire    to    outsmart    the    president    &    come    out    the    other    end    still    breathing.    whether    it    was    worth    it    or    not    is    still    a    loose    thread    waiting    to    see    itself    played    out.    now    that's    a    game    he'd    pay    to    see.    cat    &    mouse,    who    will    prevail ?    the    all - mighty    capitol,    or    the    coal    digging    girl    from    the    ' seam ' ?
it's    just    so    plain    to    see.    she    doesn't    want    to    be    here.    neither    of    them    do.    her    boyfriend,    her    whatever,    he    is    far    better    at    hiding    it.    she    doesn't    have    the    stomach.    she    doesn't    have    the    nerve.    what    it    takes    to    be    a    true    victor.    to    live    up    to    the    title,    make    your    district    proud.    what    could    a    lowly    girl    from    district    12    know    about    honor ?    kallus    sold    his    whole    life    for    even    a    chance    at    winning,    &    now,    look    at    her,    look    at    them,    eating    from    the    silver    platter    of    their    unearned    victory.    what    a    waste.
pearled teeth    rip    through    his    cheeks,    cold    &    shark    like,    a    grin    sculpted    to    be    more    unnerving    than    welcoming    on    his    pallid    face. ❝    of    course    we    will,    katniss,   ❞   the    shape    of    her    name    is    like    chewing    through    concrete.    he    is    not    much    for    pleasantries    for    those    who    don't    deserve    it. ❝   i'll    be seeing    you,    at    least.    your    faces    are plastered    on    every    screen    in    panem.    you know what they say. everybody loves a happy ending.    ❞   it's    a    blatant    taunt    he    doesn't    bother    to    layer    away under anything else. ❝   your    sister    must    be    very    proud.    ❞
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kindfair · 1 year
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❝ 𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐝𝐨𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐛𝐲 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐬𝐞𝐥𝐟 ? ❞ / @wildkissed !
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❝ eddie ! ❞ lisa calls out, so drunk it's almost like she's singing it out. she moves away from the balcony she'd been smoking her cigarette out of, and quickly wraps him in a hug. ❝ i'm so happy you're here ! ❞ she exclaims, her arm linking to his, her free hand dropping her cigarette down to the ground, where she quickly stumps it out with her heel. ❝ we've gotta get a move on planning warren's birthday party, i want it to be the bash of the century ! ❞ she declares, smiling widely even at the thought of it.
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manslaught · 1 year
@wildkissed: if you're so brave, why don't you go first?
mikayla wants to believe she's above proving herself to men, but unfortunately, that doesn't apply when it sounds like a challenge. with an indignant snort, she glances in percy's direction, her spear turning in her hand. “haven't you, like, been to actual hell?” she deadpans—but considering that, maybe he deserves a break. regardless, it doesn't matter, because her pride won't allow for anything else. she lets out a bored sigh, masking the apprehension she feels. “you've done this before anyway, right? i think annabeth's mentioned something about you two getting ares' shield from a... water park, or something.” the only reason she remembers in the first place is because it has to do with her mother; that's the same reason she's here in the first place, retrieving aphrodite's belt, as if that might earn her some attention, despite the goddess' handmaiden being the one to ask—because even when she wants help, apparently her mother can't bother to acknowledge mikayla's existence directly.
“so what's the worst that can happen? we get trapped in a stupid net?” she scoffs at the idea, likely too sure of herself for her own good. mikayla doesn't want to appear too eager to win her mother's approval, so she acts like it's percy's words that motivate her instead, poking the spearhead at the ground before them before stepping forward, allowing a few more steps before she turns back to look at him, eyebrows raised expectantly. “it's fine. nothing happened.”
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arachost · 1 year
it's rude to point. @wildkissed
there were many times when gwen was grateful for the concept of a masked vigilante, and this was definitely one for the books. behind a thin layer of white, her cheeks flushed in red hot embarrassment and her hand quickly snapped to her side. the finger that had once pointed accusatorially at the raccoon curled into a fist. gwen admittedly had less experience in high super universes but the last thing they had expected was for the uniformed mammal to talk back to her and with such quick wit at that. she stumbled over her words as she tried to explain herself. “ i didn’t mea — what i meant to say — it’s just — ” with a deep breath in she rolled back her shoulders and blurted out the first thing that came to mind. “ i have a pointing problem. it’s not you it’s me. ”
it’s not you it’s me ?! were they breaking up with the four legged companion or apologizing ? she attempted to shake off the graceless excuse by diverting the attention back to the reason they was there in the first place. “ the guy we’re looking for is hard to miss, ” long arms raised to motion as the spider spoke, doing their best to paint an image of the otherwise abstract looking villain they were dealing with. “ he’s pretty gangly and a little awkward, all white with no discernible face, and covered in these dark holes that look like spots. kind of like a dalmatian made out of swiss cheese. ring a bell ? ”
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perfectionreached · 1 year
wildkissed asked: [ goodnight ] — sender kisses receiver goodnight. from van <3
soft shipping prompts
it didn't matter how many times they kissed, taissa still felt like she did the first time. (which feels so far away now) in her mind they were still those girls who quickly clung to each other at soccer tryouts. being stuck in the wildness was terrible, but she honestly couldn't imagine what their relationship would have been like if they would have been stuck at home. maybe this was the better timeline for them. plus she didn't know what she'd do if she didn't have van by her side every night at this point. a smile spreads on her face as they pull away, softly bringing her hand up to touch the side of van's face without her scars. "let's stay up. it's not like we're going to get much sleep anyways - we never do." (she'd never tell van that she feels guilty waking her up every night to roam the forest in her sleep) "why bother ?"
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regisraven-a · 1 year
you might want to take a seat for this . from percy
there was little that would leave a boy searching for magic so ardently slack-jawed with shock,  and here gansey was,  staring at it in disbelief.   the it in question was the stream of water that had floated upwards from a glass left idly on the kitchen counter,   conveniently forming a passage directly into percy’s mouth.    all this made sense,  except @wildkissed was  across the room and last he’d opened his physics textbook,  water did not simply  float  in air.  (  he ought to run through it again,  to see if the laws had changed.  )     gansey stood there like he’d been struck by lightning,  frozen to the spot at the doorway as if even the slightest movement might disturb the scene unfolding before his eyes.
it inevitably did,  when he sucked in a breath.   the other boy sat upright.    the water returned to where it  logically  belonged.
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it was a dream in reverse,  an open-eyed contradiction.   (  you might want to sit down for this.  )   gansey nearly dropped to the floor right there and then,  his face a combination of meticulous analysis and childlike wonder.     ❛   okay,   ❜    he grabbed the nearest chair and sat gingerly,   gaze fixed on the glass of water still.      ❛   so…   just to be clear—   the half-god thing wasn’t a joke?    ❜
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wrongsung-a · 1 year
there weren’t enough stars in the sky to match the lights that lined the streets of west stave.   it glowed consequently,  as though  illuminated from within,   and a pleasant hum reverberated through the streets like the asphalt was singing.   inej detested it all,  the facade that hid ugliness within.   the slightest shiver passed through her hands.   the menagerie was only a stone’s throw away from where they stood,  its scent creeping up on her like the stench of  a foul spirit.  her and nina were supposed to scout secrets about an antique vase that supposedly belonged to the former queen of ravka  &  was now circulating as a rarity between markets.   but the faintest glimpse of animal skin and  lewd grins  dizzied her.   she gripped the table nearby to steady herself,  only to realise it was actually nina’s forearm.      
❛   sorry,  I need t—   ❜     it was then that @wildkissed slipped a sweet roll into her hand,   a delicacy that matched the ones on display at the store behind them. the oblivious baker whistled on.    (  quick,  while no one’s looking.  )    inej was grateful for the distraction,   that bright mischievous grin that could shame fireworks to dust,   but most importantly,   for the hidden concern in the other girl’s smile.    ❛   thank you.    but we must share this.   ❜
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mecwmellc · 1 year
alex summers for percy jackson @wildkissed
months after fighting kronos and sending her brother luke to the afterlife, alex was still reeling from it. she was trying to practice shooting arrows with some of her cabin mates (she had always been hesitant on a sword ever since she heard of backbiter) but she just couldn’t focus. she thought of her brother’s face. percy’s expression when they decided to say goodbye to him. while the rest of her cabin had been mourning luke, alex wasn’t sure she felt the same way. he had gone after percy how many times? after missing another shot she sure wasn’t an apollo kid, alex headed over to cabin three and knocked. “percy? you there?” she asked.
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