#wilford 🫧
corrupt-collective · 9 months
Random question lol
What's yalls inner world like? If you have one at all
Heyhey! We do have one!
Honestly I'm not entirely sure how our innerworld works, though I'd be happy to answer this! I can only go off of what other headmates have told me, however, so I'll try to explain that!
From my understanding, our innerworld is made up of several islands, which are otherwise surrounded by a massive ocean. There's an island that's pretty much just a huge city, as well as an island almost entirely forested, save for some fields and clearings.
There is also a cruise ship which travels between the islands. Those are the only places I'm really aware of, to be honest.
Hope this is a good enough answer, and thank you for the ask!
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ephiesoul · 1 year
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Chibi Merman Wilford 🫧🧜‍♂️💕
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antis-hell · 8 months
- Wilford 🫧
🤔: How Many Alters Are In Your System
Funny of you to assume we know-
(400 registered and an estimated 700 according to our gatekeepers, although its mostly fragments afaik)
🤩: Favorite Thing About Being Part Of A System?
Weirdly, it's having alters itself. Like ik it's not all friends in your head type shit that some people think it is, but some of them are my mates, yk? It's a kind of bond I think you don't really get from irl relationships (probably cus of the whole sharing a brain thing lol)
😢: Least Favorite Thing About Being Part Of A System?
Honestly, the ptsd and the shit that comes with that are the worst for us. If we could have DID without it, I think shit would be a lot nicer
System ask game!
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corrupt-collective · 1 year
YOOOO another egos acc!/pos
Heyo:) How are yall?
Ah, hello there! Yes, we decided that, seeing as the egos are among the more active alters, with me being one of the hosts, it made sense!
We're doing alright! Currently working on a sort of intro post, with alter's information and such. How are you doing, though?
-Wilford 🫧
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corrupt-collective · 9 months
Hihi besties:]
Came to ask if yall have any hobbies/random skills that yall wanna talk about? We have a bunch of alter specific hobbies so I was curious!
(Also, Wilford why is your nickname on sp the Rizzler💀)
Hmm. Some of us, namely Celine, are really great with cosmetics. Hair dye, makeup, nail polish, that kind of thing. Mark is also a really talented writer. Not sure if either of those count but those are the two I can think of at the moment.
As for the Rizzler nickname, that's what some of my real life friends who know we're a system, primarily @forest-grotto-system, calls me and I kind of just go with it. I simply possess too much rizz. /lh /hj
Anyways, thanks for the ask, bestie! 🩷
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corrupt-collective · 1 year
tell me a bit about alla yall!! some fun facts if youre feeling up for it!
Oo, thank you for the ask! We had a bit of a hard time thinking of random facts, but I think this will do! We actually had a lot of fun answering this, once we got into the rhythm.
- Most of us actually know very little about the captain, other than some basic information such as their pronouns and that they are in a relationship with Meteor / Engineer Mark.
- They have source memories of not only ISWM, but also WKM and the other choose-your-own-adventures.
- Always wearing their captain's uniform in headspace, space helmet and all. This prevents us from knowing what they even look like.
- If it wasn't obvious, they are a very private person and don't really talk much. /lh
- She loves crystals. Their favourite is black tourmaline, which is believed to protect from negative energy.
- She firmly believes in spirits and such. To the point she is rather quick to become worried about that kind of thing.
- Actually doesn't really like being referred to as Damien (let alone Celine). It reminds them too much of their past. Wilford and Celine can get away with it, however.
- Follows what we know of source pretty closely, in the way that Dark is mostly comprised of Damien and the house entity, and Celine is sleeping / not present.
- When he is first coming to front, we sometimes see things with a red and blue "aura" around them. This normally lasts a couple of minutes, at most, but felt note-worthy.
- For the duration of him fronting, colours often appear more dull to us. Not quite black and white, but certainly less saturated, if that makes sense.
- Actually the second most separated from source of all of our introjects, Markiplier related and otherwise. Being a factive (of Markiplier), he tries his best to stay somewhat different from source.
- Unsurprisingly, he loves playing video games. Some of his favourites are Subnautica, The Last of Us, Phasmophobia, and video game adaptations of board games and card games (Uno, Monopoly, that kind of thing).
- His favourite colour is forest green, red coming as a close second.
- We spent a long time looking for a space-themed name for Meteor, as the name "Mark" was already taken by the time Meteor split. An embarrassingly long time, actually.
- Lovesick fool for the captain /affectionate. When Captain comes to front, Meteor is sure to follow.
- Much like Captain, he is also often found in his uniform in headspace.
- Completely fine wearing clothes designed for any gender. Dresses and skirts included.
- He is the only one of us with a partner (who is another alter) that is outside of our own system. None of us really mind that fact, though.
- Loves baking. Cakes, brownies, pies, you name it. Even if he doesn't like what he's baking, he is glad to help.
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corrupt-collective · 9 months
🍉 :3
🍉 - What are your collective interests?
This likely won't come as a surprise, but Markiplier. Whether it be his projects or regular videos, we love his content. Other than that, though, we're all really interested in space. Even just looking up at the sky brings a sense of peace to us. :]
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corrupt-collective · 9 months
🍌 - What is a piece of information that always grinds your gears?
Hm. This is a toughy, as it's not easy to upset me.
Probably the misconception that DID / OSDD is rare or in some way unlikely for one to have. I've heard it quite often from those in my life and resources online alike, and it always pisses me off.
🥝 - Think of an alter / part, what's something you love about them?
I'll be picking Mark for this one, because there's just so much I could say about him. He's the most selfless and brave of us that I can think of. I'm confident that he'd do anything to protect this system, and I love him.
Anyways, here ya go! Thank you so much for the ask~! 🩷
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corrupt-collective · 1 year
An Actor Mark introject? In *our* system?
It's more likely than you think. /ref /neu
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corrupt-collective · 1 year
hey hey! heard you were another egos account, just letting you know im always up for interacting!
I'd be glad to interact as well, and am willing to chat whenever!
-Wilford 🫧
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antis-hell · 3 months
☄️💦🌿🍭 for the system ask game, bestie!
- Wilford 🫧🪩
Hi bestieee!!
☄️ - do you experience quick switches or does it take longer to switch usually?
Depends honestly, we mostly have slow switches, but if there's a gatekeeper around, they can be a bit faster
💦 - can you switch ‘on command’ or is that something that is hard for your system? does it depend on the alter?
Nope😔 wish I could tbh, there's only two parts that can control switches, and even they find it tricky at times lol
🌿 - how easily accessed is your headspace?
Pretty easy, I'd say! It's either we switch and we're in headspace, or we just get sent to "sleep" (basically just feels like sleeping without any dreams)
🍭 - how did you pick your system name?
Anagsjgdjd been waiting for someone to ask this one lmao
The Sora Project was originally a fictional project our old host made for some of our ocs where children were genetically modified and then tortured into developing superpowers (dramatic irony much?)
Sooooo after we discovered we were a system, we thought, "lol wouldn't it be funny because we went through trauma (pre ramcoa realisation btw), and now our "superpower" is dissociation"
And then we realised how much that story was probably just a trauma holder coping with the shit we actually went through as a child😭
Anyway we have a fucked up sense of humour lmao and I love our system name
Ask game
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antis-hell · 9 months
Hey besties!
So favourite scents for anyone who wants to answer? I myself find certain scents really grounding and / or comforting, like cotton candy or fresh rain, but I was curious about you guys!
- Wilford 🫧
Oooooo! Yes we do:] (also hi bestie!!)
I've given up on listing everyone that pops on this acc so rapid fire lol
Me(anti): fire is really nice for me, smoke, I don't think it's a grounding thing more just... it makes brain go brrrrrr lol. Also the smell of forests is grounding for me due to my source:]
Darky likes the smell of Roses (ironically/ij) and also steak. Steak is a front trigger for him, so that makes sense, but Roses is just random lol
Mark has this weird thing about chocolate
Ray is really specific he likes violin polish(? I think that's what it's called) cus he used to play the violin in source, he also still knows how to play it now interestingly:]
Damien really likes the smell of mint and snow, although we don't get snow here so we only found that out recently lol
A lot of our star/celestial beings like smell of the night sky unsurprisingly
Ian really likes the smell of acrylic paint, or just anything like that
And Wilford/Ben really likes the smell of rain/the smell just before it starts raining, which I find funny cus dude HATES the actual rain lol
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