#will be tuning in next week for more unseriousness
lewisinho · 7 months
he frolicked around on his scooter, made lawrence barretto’s life flash before his eyes, drove a tractor with half his ass hanging in the air, got some points, won the idgaf war live on tv, indirectly called merc shit (but reliable 🤓☝️) and proceeded to go on his merry way, unbothered moisturised, in his lane etc etc
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187days · 5 months
Day One Hundred Fifty-Nine
It's the last day of Teacher Appreciation Week, so the school was decorated with signs thanking us teachers. We also all got little books full of messages from our students in our mailboxes, which was really sweet. I did, in fact, feel appreciated!
And then I went and taught about a war in real time, which was me at my teacher best (have to be, with a subject that serious). I went over the work I'd assigned yesterday (about the hunger crisis in Gaza), then we read the latest updates from Rafah, and then I opened the floor for questions and comments. I shut down the unserious ones in my first section very quickly; I didn't have any in the other sections. Students were sometimes hesitant to speak up- it's a weighty thing to ask what they think about a crisis that's unfolding as we're speaking, to ask what they'd do if they were in charge- but once one or two mustered the courage, others followed. Powerful stuff, like I said in my last entry.
APGOV was lighter, and easier to teach, but still serious. My students shared what they'd learned from researching bills currently before the General Court. Then I highlighted three that have gotten a lot of attention (a "bathroom bill," a bill about medical aid in dying, a bill that would restrict voter registration), and had them choose one to read. They also had to read the hearing reports to see what people were saying in favor of and against the bill. More on that next week.
It was unexpectedly- and delightfully- sunny when I went out to practice. We've got our final meet of the regular season tomorrow, so today we just did a tune-up for that. It was great to be out there, though!
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chronicallysweet · 8 months
ichika — what do you mean , crush ?
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summ . my lil’ gyaru girl working through her feelings , sort of - and brutus helping her along the way . partially read as unserious , slice of life elements .
per . ichika’s
pt . 1 of 5 !
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day one !
dear diary ,
for a few weeks , i’ve felt a heavy burden on my chest and it seems like no matter how hard i try to make it go away , nothing ever works.
for starters , i feel this really , really odd feeling in my chest whenever i see one of my cafè regulars. it almost feels like my heart is completely sinking in my chest , to extent where i can’t even move or think properly whenever i see them. i, for one think it’s very distracting to my work ethic. i can’t really blame them, though, because it’s not their fault that they’re that pretty.
today i decided to take off of work for a mental health day i suppose. it was kind of because i didn’t want to see this regular, but it’s not like i’d ever say that, because that’s awfully mean.. and that’s not my intention. i just kind of wanted to feel some sort of comfort today rather than a sense of dread and feeling my heart drop all the way down into my ass upon making eye contact with someone. in fact , i decided that today i was going to watch one of jelly’s streams. *
* jelly is a streamer that i enjoy a lot. i guess some would call me a fan girl , and i’d proudly take that title. jelly , please let me marry you !
the stream went quite well , actually !! i said my hellos in the chat before tuning in fully , and all was well until the oh-so-comforting , relatively quiet stream was interrupted by two people who i’d found to be quite .. discomforting? .. it was my regular ! and my regular’s hot friend, who is more commonly known as vile , so i’ll just call her that. it seems much more sensible and less depraved , and i feel like she deserves the liberty of having her name used because she didn’t really do anything wrong.
the hot friend came in with some goods from my bakery, sitting beside jelly and placing a bag of what seemed to be cookies and croissants on jelly’s desk before mentioning how short - staffed the café seemed to be today although i was the only one who wasn’t there. the regular nodded alongside her , but didn’t have much to say really. the conversation sort of went like so,
“ i got some stuff from pearl , no discounts today though ‘cause i don’t think ichika was there this time. ” vile said, maneuvering through jelly’s room decor before setting down the still hot bag of goods on the table right next to jelly’s mousepad, much to her delight. my regular only nodded in agreement , seemingly observing the chat log going by in the lower corner of jelly’s screen.
“ maybe she just needed a day off or something , she does work very hard. between managing a café and dealing with chisa ? that’s a lot. ” jelly replied , nudging vile and raising her eyebrows at the mention of chisa , who is my girlfriend. i could tell that they didn’t like her from the start , but i never really said anything about it. quite frankly , i think they should leave the rivalry amongst themselves .
however , i felt like the more i sat and watched the screen , the more my eyes seemed to wander to this regular. the more i observed how nice they looked today although they looked good every day. perhaps today was just a good hair day or something .. it was neatly done in a braid with clips adorning the whole front. they were cute clips , too. ones that looked like food , some were stars, some hearts , but all of them were very colorful. i was partially wondering who bought them all of that stuff , and for a second i wondered what it would be like to buy them cute things and spoil them with gifts—-
however , that’s when i cut the stream off.
my brain is getting too clouded , so i decided to send brutus a text ..
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ichika : hii brutus ^_^
brutus : hi my baby !
brutus : what’s up ?
brutus : are you okay ?
ichika : yes actually
ichika : i think
ichika : i hate suki
there was a brief pause for about 3 minutes , where my message remained on read before brutus began to type again.
brutus : OH MY GOSH WHAT
brutus : WHAT HAPPENED ?? 😞😞
ichika : what confession
ichika : what
brutus : didn’t you confess to suki ? isn’t that what this was all about ?
ichika : no
ichika : i have chisa
brutus : i’m coming over
ichika : wait what
ichika : wait
ichika : why
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i was now sitting on my bed and brutus was sitting on my swivel chair seated at my desk. he had his hands on his lap as if he was preparing for a lecture.
i only stared at him with a confused look on my face— partially because i was still trying to process the conversation we had earlier about confessions and whatnot.
“you were planning on confessing to suki eventually , were you not?” brutus said , bringing a clenched fist up to his mouth and observing my reaction to the initial statement , which was me making sort of a confused face. it was that and shock , shock that he’d ever assume that i liked suki in the first place! so of course , i had to come up with a rebuttal. “no— like i said , i have a girlfriend already. i don’t like suki. they’re a regular and things are strictly business related.” i replied alongside an eyeroll and crossing of my arms , finding the conversation quite useless if i knew how i felt. the heated feeling i felt on the tip of my ears while talking about suki didn’t dictate anything if i already said how i feel outright.
brutus only rolled the chair closer to my bed causing me to scoot back just a little as he leaned forward to stare at me for some odd reason. his eyes scanned my face , looking at my eyes , my cheeks , my ears. he came to a conclusion it seemed , because all of a sudden he propped himself back up against the office chair.
“ so you’re in denial. ” brutus sternly said , giving me a diagnosis as if he was some therapist — or a doctor , or something. whatever he was trying to be , i didn’t like. rather than agreeing to this , however , i gave him another look of disagreement and turned my head the other direction entirely unless he miraculously decided to give up on this entire situation. much to my surprise , he went silent for a few moments .. but only to grab two of my stuffed animals , one a bunny and the other a cat.
“this is ichika. ichika is a bunny rabbit.. ” brutus started , propping the ‘ichika’ rabbit up against the wall before grabbing the stuffed cat. “ ..and this one is named suki. they’re just the sweetest little kitty there is! ” he exclaimed , gently placing the ‘suki’ stuffed animal against the wall and grabbing a third stuffed animal. a bat. “ this is chisa. she just kind of sucks. ” he whispered to me , placing the bat next to the bunny.
“ now .. ” he grabbed the bunny and placed her flower to the bat , and then scooted the bat further. he moved the bunny over once again , and the bat began to move closer to the ledge of the bed. however , when the bunny would move away , the bat would go closer to it. so the bunny moved back over again , and the bat moved back even further. it was almost like a vicious cycle.
the cat slowly moved towards the bunny during this cycle , and when the bunny reciprocated , the cat did not move. the bat was then moved in between the two of them. my eyes were completely fixated on the animals , observing the silent story and what would happen next between the two of them. brutus moved the bat to the ledge of the bed , pushing it off , and dragging the bunny along to follow it , leaving the cat in the same position as before.
the cat did not move.
after causing the brutal end of both plushies , brutus looked up at me.
“ do you see what’s going on now? ” brutus said gently , grabbing the bunny plush and placing it right next to the cat , the cat only moving impossibly closer. i had somewhat got an understanding of what he was talking about now — the story he was telling .. it oddly made sense to me when explained it plush terms.
“ i do. ”
i felt that clenching , aching feeling in my chest again. my cheeks only started to heat up more as i pursed my lips , grabbing at my chest in a desperate attempt to make the feeling stop.
“ i .. i like them. i like suki. ”
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.. fin !
comment crit . pls !! next part comes out soon :3
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