#will have to do it when 5sos5 drops if i remember
dylanobrienisbatman · 10 months
Hiyaaaaaa it's nearly time for spotify wrapped, do you have any predictions for your top 5 songs? (Thought it might be fun to guess now and compare to the playlist when it drops!) Ilysm 💙
Oh jeez lol
honestly i have no idea? ive listened to WAY more podcasts and audiobooks this year than i did music, so its really a total mystery to me this year! BUT i'll make some predictions
something by 5sos, probably from 5sos5. I'd like it to be Haze , but its probably Easy for You to Say (which is an absolute BANGER). And lbr, its probably more than one 5sos song but in the interest of some variety lets throw caution to the wind here and make some other predictions lol
Something from Sabrina Carpenter, probably Feather? She is THE pop girlie of the moment lbr
Something by Drama (GREAT act btw give them a listen) since i listened to them on my Chicago trip! Maybe 3AM or Tighten it up?
Something by Britney Spears maybe? her book put me in a true britney mood!
Airhead by Honey Revenge maybe? I really dig their album Retrovision and I listened to that a lot this year!
And as a bonus, if the song had come out sooner Houdini by Dua Lipa would definitely have made the top 5. obsessed with that song (can she even make a bad song? im betting not)
Also i cant for the life of me remember what album/artist was the soundtrack to my month in Berlin back in March BUT whoever they were will probably make this list. I usually settle on a single artist or sometimes even just one album and listen to that during a trip so that later on it can sort of be the soundtrack and bring back fun memories, so whatever I listened to in March in Berlin will probably make an appearance!
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starrysvn · 1 year
AAAAAA SAMEE i’ve been a fan of them since i was in elementary school (now im in uni… that’s craZY) and i don’t listen to them that much anymore but sgfg still has my heart <3 i genuinely think it’s one of the albums i can’t live without!! ALSOO did u hear the live version of outer space/carry on from their newest live album???? I TEARED UP A LITTLE 😭😭😭 it feels so nostalgic and omg i remember being 14 and wanting to get a tattoo of the lyrics </3 (i think i’m still gonna get it!!)
HOW COULD I FORGET JET BLACK HEART AND THE GIRL WHO CRIED WOLF DUDEEE but like all of the songs in that album is a part of my muscle memory now bcs it’s the only thing i listened to for 2 years while waiting for youngblood to come out 😭😭😭 that was such a fever dream istg i remember when they went on the 5sos3 tour and everyone was freaking out abt the then unreleased songs they performed (i think one of them was lie to me??) also i religiously watched all of their cocktail chats and tour diaries!! i miss them ngl </3
it’s so nice to talk to u about this !!! i’m literally so giddy rn <33 i hope u’re having a great day today and that u’re taking care of urself well !!! 🫶🫶🫶
HSMDHSJSSH SAME!! (these bitches got us wrapped around their finger *wink wink*) sgfg just has that very… idk comforting power? i don’t know about you, but they released it when i was going through a tough time and it really helped me, it’s so special to me🥺 and OMG YESS!!!! outer/space carry on live DESTROYED ME, i cried so hard, they only did carry on at slfl tour (i still cried) so i was waiting for it😭😭 HEAVY!! YES!! on the tattoo bc same, but at the time i was like 16 so all i could get was a ring with carry on engraved on it… i’ve worn it every day since shdndhsj
PLS SAME!! when they dropped youngblood (the single) and announced the album i was on a school trip and my friend took a video of me screaming crying on the floor😑😑 when you said it’s part of your muscle memory🥺🥺🥺 felt😭 that era truly felt like a fever dream, every night i’d check twitter to see what they’d done aND THEY STILL DO THAT AT CONCERTS!! I HATE THEM (false)!!! 5sos5 wasn’t even out yet and they played easy for you to say, i almost collapsed😭 omg the cocktail chats!!! religiously quote them to this day!! (luke involuntarily creating a chant for more is my fav thing ever lmfao)
AAAAA i’m so happy to talk with u about them!! kinda did a lil happy dance when i saw the ask <33 today i’ll study hard for upcoming exams (ew), so i hope you’ll have a chill, fun day and i hope today’ll be good to you, take care!!🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻
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ghost-of-you · 2 years
please do share unpopular opinions (or just opinions in general) about CALM ty in advance 💕💕🥺
Okay, I'm not sure if my opinions are unpopular but let's go.
We start this off so fucking strong, Red Desert is hands down their best album opener, i love how this has Ashton written all over, the drums in it make me feel like I'm riding a horse while running away through the desert, the harmonies, the buildup, everything about it, amazing. Then we move on to no shame and the "fuck the industry but god i love it here", the lyrics in this paint such an entertainer, I live for the applause thing, buried in some of their cooler melodies to date in my opinion. Old me is the ultimate "everything i did and everything that happened to me made me who i am and i have to live with that whether i like it or not" and i love it so much "had to fuck it up before i really got to know me" that turns into a "had to fuck it up before i let you get to know me" that's life for you right there, some of their most meaningful lyrics. And we get to easier. I have a complicated relationship with studio easier, I think sonically the vault version fits 5sos so much better than the studio version, but I got to admit, current me eats the studio version of this song up, the drums that sound like they're being played with a pipe, the high notes thrown flawlessly all around, the synth layer in the guitar, the vocals, the bass you can feel in your soul, the catch lyrics, honestly, very nice song. Also, again, who told Luke he would never change?? And then we get to teeth, "we're toxic but i love every second of it", the bass alone in this song is enough to drive me feral, but everything around it builds up beautifully, the lyrics, the guitars, the drums, the high notes, great song all around, "late night devil put your hands on me and never never never ever let go", amazing, blew me away from the first time i heard it, i remember saying i wanted that tattooed on me the day it dropped. Then we move on the mandatory song about sex, wildflower. "the song is about abundance" sure Calum, sure. One word for you, HARMONIES. Also love me the mandatory Calum solo song we get every album. It just makes me happy. And now we're done with side A. I feel like this album has a very clear division, and I don't know if its because by the time it came out we had heard the first 6 songs or if its because the division is actually there.
Side B begins with Best Years, look, I think its a cute song, i like the vibes, i like the guitars, but it just doesn't stand out to me, its not bad, its not good, its just there, but i gotta give it to it "I wanna hold your hand while we're growing up" is exactly what I want out of love. Then we move on to not in the same way yet another "we're toxic but I'm loving every second", this song has THE best bridge 5sos has ever written, I don't care, I'm right, also "we fuck and we fight and you call me a psycho", the pre-chorus, chefs kiss, the way it just perfectly describes the being trapped in a cycle, and the way that's exaggerated because the guitar in this is the exact same the whole song, you're just cycling through two notes over and over and over, but we are still getting an insane buildup around the bass and the drums, ugh, talented, brilliant, incredible, amazing, show stopping, spectacular, never the same. Then we move on the song that made me wonder if I can make a song my whole personality, everything about lover of mine is perfect, the only bad thing about it is that it ends, the piano in the beginning, the acoustic guitar riff all around, the electric guitar riffs sprinkled in, Luke's voice, the harmonies in the back, the way we just have the strings until the drop of the drums for the second verse and the way the drums complement the melody, also, when Calum comes in, I get that he likes his high notes, i get it, but his lower harmonies always drive me crazy, and in this song in particular when he comes in I just lose it, the second pre-chorus and chorus of this are everything to me and then the outro when we get the piano back, ugh, i wish i could listen to this song for the first time again, cuz it changed me as a person.
Then we go to thin white lies, love me a good song that's completely built around the bass, the instrumentation in this song is insane, honestly, the bass, the guitars, the beat, mindblowing, and the lyrics "I don't feel your love and i don't ask too many questions" "these empty sounds and endless stories so tell me what i wanna hear" the way its just "this relationship is slowly killing me but i need to pretend a little longer so keep lying to me". Lonely Heart, this song, the way its just the guitar riff and Luke's voice, and then it just drops for the chorus, the harmonies, the little ohs and ahs in the back, the drums only bridge, that leads to a just one guitar and a high note and the drums kicking in again, ugh, gets me every time, and don't get me started on the lyrics, "I'm bad for you and we both know it, but stay with me anyway," excuse me???????? "Can i have a second chance can i have another dance can i start another life with you" excuse me????????????????? And we go from this to high, like way to kick me when I'm down. The play with words on this song fascinates me. "I think that my heart was built to last more than a night" "I know I'll never meet your expectations, but the picture that you paint of me looks better in your mind" excuse me did they really need to write this???? And the melody is pretty much just the guitar riff and harmonies and that makes such an interesting sound. And it makes the album end in such a contrasting note to red desert, since red desert revolves around the drums, honestly, amazing closer.
And now we get to the bonus song, my little love, kill my time. I strongly believe there are like, 5 different romance movie plots hidden in this song, one of their biggest strikes of genius in storytelling, it just paints a picture, honestly, if I'm really into it llwhen I'm listening, I can see the movie playing in my head, and the 80s pop feel???? AMAZING. The guitars, the synth, the beat, the song not really ending, just fading out, ooof, one of their best songs in my humble opinion, "stained hearts trying to find a home looking for something real" yeah.
Solid album all around, a bit chaotic and not at all cohesive, but it works.
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clumsyclifford · 2 years
okay here we go. after several listens of 5sos5 i have finally processed it more or less like a normal person. here are my track-by-track thoughts. i tried to be coherent but no promises.
COMPLETE MESS: complete mess continues to fuck. michael’s bridge continues to fuck. i actually forgive them for the boring move of repeating verse 1 as the bridge simply because hearing michael sing it is a life-changing experience. i loooove how the instrumentation of the chorus changes every time. and holy hell, that moment right after the bridge of everyone just going OHHHH YOU MAKE ME COMPLETE is poetic on so many levels and just EAR CANDY to listen to.
Easy For You To Say: i am really really loving this song. it’s the first non-single song we hear from the album and god luke’s voice just sounds so incredible. i love the staircase of the prechorus and the rhythm of those lyrics and then the way the chorus just goes up and floats. so good. “between all the gasping i finally breathe” knocked me out when i heard it the first time. i do think the verses are missing an even higher harmony line but that’s just me. and oh my god the acoustic guitar in the last prechorus i love it so so so much i love it.
Bad Omens: delicious i would drink this song. everything happening here is so tasty. the melody is so good it builds in such a perfect way the BRIDGE man 5sos have really dropped the ball on good bridges but this song has a GOOD one. and the “heaven knows i should let go it’s nothing that i don’t already know” is the PERFECT post-chorus moment. nothing bad to say about this song
Me Myself & I: look, i might get tired of this song once i fully face the reality that it’s just the same lyrics repeated over and over, but right now i am in me myself & i world. this song FUCKS. i actually love the “myself and i la la lie la la lie la lie lie” bit it’s so fun to sing. luke’s voice sounds great in this and every melody line is so tasty theyre just so satisfying i got no problems here. the sweet sweet belt of “bullshit i feed myself/i did not need your help”. the way it goes up in the last chorus with “and that’s what makes me wanna die” is PERFECT it’s that melody change i’m waiting for and they DELIVER.
Take My Hand: i actually love this song but i don’t like the extra minute at the end in the joshua tree version. so let’s ignore that version for now. i love take my hand it’s so beautiful the lyrics are some of their absolute best on this album and the bridge is so good. another rare moment of 5sos remembering how much a good bridge can add to a song. the way the melody goes up and just soars in the chorus feels sooooo good. “how can you live and let die, young man?” !!! “i forgot every birthday” !!!!!!!!!!! these lyrics really get me.
CAROUSEL: im going to say something weird here. the verses of this song sound like an imagine dragons x taylor swift collab. like if imagine dragons did a song on 1989. this is like thunder x out of the woods. obviously it gets points for the driving mentions. i LIKE the song a lot, but the fact that the delivery of the verses is so imagine dragons-esque kind of turns me off it. this song was on my first-listen top 5 but wouldn’t be on my top 5 now, if that says anything.
Older: i keep skipping this song which may be unfair of me but the way they explained that it was supposed to sound kind of 50s set up my expectations in a way and then i felt like they didn’t really deliver there. also i have not stopped thinking about what hazel said about how they really underutilized the sierra feature because it’s so true. she could have sung a harmony. it would have been so tasty. like don’t get me wrong, by itself this song is very pretty, but i have to divorce it from what it was Supposed to be and what it Could Have Been, which is difficult. points for a sweet love song sung by luke and sierra, though.
HAZE: i put on the soup! i put on the tie! i heard soup on first listen and i cannot unhear it. it slightly bothers me that they never say the song title in the actual song. i don’t have beef with this song but it does not change my neurochemistry like many of the other songs do. it’s an okay song. it’s nothing to write home about. i like how calum’s voice sings “it’s a hell of a ride”.
You Don’t Go To Parties: i’m in fucking love with this song. i’m so into the concept. my one thing is that the entire song feels like it’s waiting for someone to just belt some shit out and no one ever does. the song doesn’t have any rising moments. it needs to go UP. does this make sense? i don’t know! but it does to me. “took my foot up off the break, it’s not an accident” is a great line. the second verse goes tf off. i like how ashton’s verse feels like the precursor to HUFWULF.
BLENDER: BASS BASS BASS BASS i am so fucking weak for this bassline and then the SLAMMING prechorus and then this totally EPIC staccato rapid fire chorus god i love this song. all the pieces of it just come together in such a perfect way. it builds SO WELL but somehow still manages to get that same like…….punch-and-pull-back effect in the second prechorus to chorus by CUTTING the instruments at the start of the second chorus. on every level this song is fucking genius. i’m gonna say it okay? it’s like babylon but better. babylon elite.
Caramel: i’m actually trying to like this one more, because at this moment it’s closer to mid-tier for me. feldy produced, which is making me want to like it a lot, but i dunno man, it’s not doing it. it’s throwing me that the riff at the end of every other verse line is the same as the riff on “just fiiiine” in ghost of you. i also join the ranks of people who do not understand why this song is called caramel, and ESPECIALLY not why it is mentioned in the lyrics at the moment it is. like overall the word caramel does not really fit into this song equation at all and it’s taking points off the song. i like it as a tune but i keep listening hoping to like it more and it just isn’t happening. “love like a landslide” is a cool line. that hot bass moment at the very end is hot. the acoustic guitar bit right after it is completely out of place but intriguing.
Best Friends: fav fav fav fav fav fav fav fav real tears hitting the ground with this song i want to put myself in a pepper grinder this song makes me feel some kinda way to absolutely no one’s surprise the entire chorus i would like to wear it like a hoodie or a bathrobe also the fact that it’s a BANGER???? it’s actually a straight bop but it’s about how fuckign GREAT friendship is?? also michael’s verse??? his voice is the right one for this. i have nothing coherent left to say this song takes me right out. the fucking echo of “i got the best friends in this place” being the LAST thing you hear from the song. DUDE.
Bleach: i am currently fairly neutral on this song, but it wouldn't surprise me if i had a big bleach phase later in my life where i fall in love with this song because it just feels like the kind of song i would become obsessed with, though i can’t explain that. i’m very into the “bleach in my hair every saturday” line (specificity slaps, we know this). michael singing the second prechorus feels right. still struggling to follow the plot of the song but as far as i’m understanding it i actually really like the concept, so that’s promising. i do not like the final “draaaain” that happens right at the end. that adds basically nothing to the song.
Red Line: on first listen i zoned out. on second listen i was reading the lyrics and realized they made absolutely no sense but they intrigued me to no end. on third listen i did not read the lyrics and just Listened to the song and decided that while i don’t understand it i still really like it. i love train songs!! and i do love the rhythm and the tune of the “how many times did we run from each other?” whole bit. none of these lyrics really make sense to me but “the actor says he hates himself” is fascinating.
Moodswings: the michael & luke octaves is an interesting choice (their voices don’t blend super well) but having michael come in on that upper octave actually adds a LOT to this song from the outset. it makes it interesting. plus the duet-esque thing works here because for the rest of the song luke and michael are kinda doing a call and response thing (like “i don’t even know myself” “knowww myyyseeeelf”) and that sounds super good. obsessed whenever they drop the f bomb. and i think that having the ending be on the lower octave is a strong choice, especially with the lyrical switch from “i just wanna fucking push you away” to “it kills me when i try to push you away”. musical genius.
Flatline: thinking about hazel saying this could be a jonas brothers song. she was right. BUT. to be fair, i like every jonas brothers song ive heard. and i really like this one honestly. LOVE the second verse which has bitchin lyrics about how it’s hard to change but he says i love you without hesitating AND also has a groovy beat. i don’t love when whole sections of songs are sung entirely in falsetto but it doesn’t bother me as much as i would expect it to with this song. the prechorus lyrics are kinda generic but i like the run like hell part.
Emotions: the closest to a pop punk song we get on this album but for a pop punk song it’s not very pop or punk. considering michael wrote on it, produced it, and sings the whole thing, i’m going to say he’s the main guy responsible for this song existing, and i’m mad that he could have leaned in 150% and instead only leaned in 50%. this song needs electric guitars. also the lyrics are just not that creative they’re vague and nonspecific. generic. anyone could have written these lyrics. genuinely he could have gone so hard here and instead he wimped out. great tune by itself but in the context of all this i am disappointed
Bloodhound: this is like wildflower x teeth. the bass is YUMMY though. the chorus is super catchy and i’m into that. specifically the “he sunk his teeth into the bone” part is so sonically delicious, and then “he took an L and he won’t go home” kinda makes me laugh but it doesn’t feel gimmicky like slang in music sometimes does so i actually really like it. “i can’t let it go” sounds just like another song but i am drawing a blank on which one.
TEARS!: still trying to reconcile myself with this song. by itself it’s a straight banger. however. i cannot move past the title. why did they call it that? it’s too on the nose it’s tacky it’s gimmicky and i HATE the exclamation mark. it ruins the effect of the whole song and makes it seem jokey when it’s actually a legit good song about a real feeling. having said that, banger of a song. love a calum/ashton moment. it’s a really fascinating song sonically it goes a lot of different places it hits hard and i love the end of the bridge “i swear to god no one is feeling what i’m feeling” that’s a strong line but man the title i just cannot get over it. oh and: why is it the last song?? it doesn’t feel like an album closer at ALL. very weird choice.
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