#will vandom / character study.
veilguardian · 1 year
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justforbooks · 8 months
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The novelist Christopher Priest, who has died aged 80 after suffering from cancer, became eminent more than once over the nearly 60 years of his active working life. But while he relished success, he displayed a wry reserve about the ambiguities attending these moments in the limelight.
In 1983 he was included in the Granta Best of Young British Novelists, a 20-strong cohort, most of them – such as Martin Amis, William Boyd, Kazuo Ishiguro, Ian McEwan, Salman Rushdie, Graham Swift and AN Wilson – significantly younger than Priest, whose career had begun almost two decades earlier, and who had at least 15 books and 50 stories in print by the early 80s. He clearly felt that it was not so much the quality of his work that delayed his “promotion” to the literary establishment, but his reluctance to deny, when asked, that he wrote science fiction.
His large body of work never fitted easily into any mould. Only in recent years has it become widely understood that the sometimes baffling ingenuity and thrust of his fiction has been of a piece, no more detachable into convenient genres than, say, Amis’s or Ishiguro’s tales of the fantastic.
Like them, he wove visions of Britain drifting into a post-empire future without secure signposts. Those stories, and the characters he let loose without a paddle, sink and dodge into realities that no longer count. Lacking much in the way of science-fiction gear, even his early work seems to describe the point that we have now arrived at.
His first novel, Indoctrinaire (1970), jaggedly initiates that scrutiny of a near-future, self-hallucinated Britain that terminated only with his last novel, Airside (2023). His next, much more mature, tale, Fugue for a Darkening Island (1972), is the first of several to envision Britain as islanded both literally and in terms of the traumatic solitude endured by those who live in it. It depicts a land devastatingly isolated by ecological collapse, threatened by uncontrollable waves of the world’s dispossessed. The tale is broken into 69 sections (or islands) in no chronological order.
Inverted World (1974), a brilliantly realised study in how perception can transform a world, and The Space Machine: A Scientific Romance (1976), a wry but genuine homage to HG Wells, step away from his central focus. But in A Dream of Wessex (1977), in some stories from An Infinite Summer (1979), and in a further novel, The Affirmation (1981), he created what he came to call The Dream Archipelago, a sequence of tales set in a variety of similar Britains, all transfigured into differing landscape-dominated worlds, sometimes enjoying a Mediterranean climate, each individual tale following paths into watery labyrinths.
The influence of Richard Jefferies’ After London: Or, Wild England (1885) is clear. The protagonist of The Glamour (1984) is so islanded from reality that he becomes literally invisible.
Born in Cheadle, Cheshire (now Greater Manchester), Christopher was the son of Millicent (nee Haslock) and Walter Priest, a senior executive in the firm of Vandome and Hart, manufacturers of weighing machines. On leaving Cheadle Hulme school at the age of 16, he became an accountancy clerk, work that he was able to leave in 1968. Much later he published the stories he wrote from this period as Ersatz Wines (2008).
The first significant hint of a way forward into his mature vision seems to have come through reading Brian Aldiss’s Non-Stop (1958), a tale whose disruptive questioning of science-fiction conventions borrowed from the US, married to a loud pessimism about humanity’s hopes of dominating any future world, was electrifying.
The boisterous Aldiss soon introduced him to the small but intense literary world in Notting Hill Gate, west London, that Michael Moorcock was beginning to create in the early 60s through the magazine New Worlds.
In an early piece, Priest himself first applied the term New Wave to the experimental fantastic narratives of this era, but was ambivalent about how much he wanted to identify with what he found in New Worlds. He gave up clerical work, began to write full-time, and in 1969 married Christine Merchant. They moved to London and divorced after four years.
The New Worlds/New Wave vision of a world that had lost all sense of itself, with no stories to show a way out, was inspiring: but from the beginning Priest recognised the central influence and mentoring genius of JG Ballard, who made hypnotic stories out of the seemingly unstoryable, for his uncanny intuition that past, present and future were an “inner space” we must explore and live with.
Though his works are formally more ingenious, everything Priest wrote acknowledges his mentor’s foreknowledge that we now live in that inner space, where the lighting is treacherous. His last book, not quite completed at the time of his death, is a study of Ballard.
After the US author Harlan Ellison withdrew one of Priest’s stories from his indefinitely postponed blockbuster anthology Last Dangerous Visions, Priest published The Last Deadloss Visions (1987). It was a ruthless documentation of Ellison’s failure to release this volume, while retaining at least 100 stories, some from as early as 1972, and all the while promising immediate publication (when Ellison died in 2018, the anthology was still in manuscript). Priest treated the vituperation from Ellison’s followers as an inevitable consequence of his honesty, but shrugged it off. Others in the US respected him for speaking out.
In 1981, Priest married Lisa Tuttle; they divorced in 1987. The following year he married the writer Leigh Kennedy, and they had two children, Elizabeth and Simon.
His novel The Prestige (1995), about two feuding 19th-century magicians, won both the James Tait Black Memorial prize and a World Fantasy award. The successful film adaptation by Christopher Nolan (2006) starred Hugh Jackman and Christian Bale as the illusionists sparring over a teleportation stunt.
Responding to this new upsurge in his reputation, Priest wrote about the experience in The Magic: The Story of a Film (2008). Meanwhile, The Separation (2002), a dark alternate history of the second world war featuring Rudolf Hess and Winston Churchill, won an Arthur C Clarke award.
He and Kennedy divorced in 2011, and he and the writer Nina Allan began to live together, soon moving to the Isle of Bute. They married in 2023.
His remaining years were prolific. The Islanders (2011) was soon followed by three further and summatory Dream Archipelago tales. An American Story (2018) takes a contrarian view of the assassination of JF Kennedy. Expect Me Tomorrow (2022) plays an intricate game involving doppelgangers, geology and climate change.
His last novel, Airside, conveys with eerie aplomb the seemingly simple tale of a Hollywood star who escapes the potential wreck of her career by travelling through something like an escape-hatch housed in the Heathrow “airside”: an Escherian space, neither here nor there, that any traveller must somehow traverse without becoming abandoned.
The French director Chris Marker’s most famous film, 200 stills comprising the 20-minute La Jetée (1962), which Priest cites in this novel, is partially set in an airside where past and future intersect. The sadness of that intersection is fathoms deep, serenely knowing. The voiceover for that film, and the narrator of Airside, speak to us in the same tone of voice: a tone that seems to grasp the future in hindsight.
At the end of his career, Priest had finally brought off his greatest trick: to bring us home to where he awaited us.
In his written work, he could be acerbic and taxing (though usually persuasive). My own friendship with him, which deepened over half a century, revealed an urgently kind man, witty, loyal, amused, gregarious. He had the rare gift of taking himself fully as seriously as he warranted: but no more. His laughter was infectious.
He is survived by Nina and his children.
🔔 Christopher Mackenzie Priest, author, born 14 July 1943; died 2 February 2024
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loneforestwolf · 6 months
Heart and Soul (W.I.T.C.H AU)
So, this post will be VERY long one, dedicated to my personal w.i.t.c.h AU. I was thinking about it for so long that it could be it’s own original series. But i know i never going to write the whole story for this idea, and i started to loose interest in writing, and decided to share it somwhere, so that it won’t be wasted. Maybe i will inspire someone, who knows. Anyway if you don’t interested you can just ignore me, i’m doing this more for a self relief than sombody’s approval.
Everyone that stayed, get ready for a looooooooong ride...
So, where did it all started? 
Well, right from the beginning. Let's imagine that the heart of Kandrakar was the real heart of a real dragon. You could say a dragon deity. This deity was killed by a huge stream of dark matter that separated their soul from their body, leaving both to drift in space. When the body break apart into tiny particles, the center of the universe formed around its heart, the well-known Kandrakar, where the main w.i.t.c.h. events take place.
But the dragon soul has also formed its own universe, alternative to this one, but without a clear center. The soul itself has taken the form of a crystal that moves from planet to planet, hoping to find a similar world from an alternate universe to reunite with the heart. Because of its shape and manner of appearance, the chosen ones, into whose hands the soul fell, began to call it the Crystal Star.
The dark matter that killed the dragon has not disappeared anywhere. It has become a barrier between the two universes, and prevents the direct movement of the Crystal into the Kandrakar universe. It also destroys the planets of the Soul Universe, on which its existence depends, so the crystal has to fly independently to those regions where it is most needed. Much later, the inhabitants of this universe will call this matter and its manifestations as Blight.
Ok, there’s the basic, what about the story?
The Star evetually falls in alternative world that is, those far, is closest to the W.I.T.C.H’s Earth. The only downside is that there is no one from the main five and their families. Except the Vandomes.
Oh yeah, I forgot to mention. If there are worlds in the Kandrakar universe that are completely devoid of magic, in the Crystal Star universe each world has its own magical energy. So, all the inhabitants of each planet are endowed with certain magical abilities, but the control of the elements, such as the five main characters have, is extremely rare. The magic of this universe is aimed more at improving the physical characteristics of the user.
And so, on this particular Earth, people have learned to summon the so-called Soul Weapon. They are completely different, from firearms to crossbows, from daggers to massive clubs, it all depends on the predisposition and nature of the owner. Arcane art (elemental control) is also takes place, but is extremely difficult to master. Not only because the element is difficult to bend, but also because it is very difficult to study the arcane because of its rarity.
So, people that exists in both universes are these three - Susan Vandom, Tony Vandom and Dean Collins. All three of them are in the elite squad of Blight Fighters (I hope you haven't forgotten that all the planets of the Crystal Star are periodically raided by dark matter) along with two other squad members who aren't important enough to be named (they'll just get out of the game very quickly, if you know what I mean)
Tony uses a lightning arcane in battle (who would have thought), physically unable to summon a Soul Weapon because of this. He is very fast, control over the element allows him to strengthen his body, he can also electrify metal and fight with it (for example, a chain, when heated,  will made a decent cutter)
Susan summons twin blades. She is also very fast, agile, and able to make important strategic decisions on the go. Always arguing with Tony who’s faster.
Dean is another special case. He also has magic, but not over the element, but healing arcane, which is why he has become almost indispensable on particularly dangerous missions
These three have been together since the Training Center, where future fighters against the black malevolent force are trained. They became almost inseparable until love came between them. At first it seemed that Tony had won this battle, but after a while Susan chose Dean instead of him.
However, this did not prevent Tony from sleeping with her at one of the corporate parties. But no one remembered or suspected anything about it when Susan got pregnant. Everyone just decided that the child was from Dean, and closed the topic on this.
Shortly before the birth of the child, Susan gets a Crystal Star, but she does not feel its influence. Just a presence, somewhere very close... A few months later, a girl is born, whom she calls Ellisabeth, and after some reflection it becomes clear who Crystal chose as it’s guardian. This manifested itself in a pale bluish-purple glow around the child, a kind of protection from the new patron.
A little while later, Susan began to go out on missions again, this time without her trusty partners, whose relationship was greatly shaken because of her. Only she and those two insignificant companions remain, one of whom is absorbed by Blight and kills Susan and the second partner.
Tony and Dean are grieving for her, and the first one is trying to take revenge, while the second gets depressed, but has to take care of his daughter, so tries not to get too drunk.
In pursuit of a converted ex-partner, Tony completely forgets that his body has limits, and excessive use of the Arcane can lead to irreversible consequences. He finds and kills the monster at last, but due to an overload of energy, his left arm got torn off. He was already ready to give up his life, as none other than Dean himself comes to save him.
They are both trying to move on, but the problems don't end there. One very dark night, the security poles placed throughout the city, which should signal the presence of blight, cease to function normally, and a flock of dark worms attacks the residential complex where Dean lives.
This attack raises a lot of noise, elite groups were called to fight blight, but it seemed that its source was inexhaustible, no matter how many fighters cut down dark matter, it continued to arrive. Tony also wanted to help, but he understood that with just one hand he would not be much of assistance, but he decided to come anyway. When he arrived, only ruins remained of the house, dark matter curled in the center in the shape of a dome. There's something there, inside, he knew it, he felt it. And someone who was inside this black matter also felt the presence of an old friend.
A lumen of green light appeared from the black clot. Tony could see Dean through it, holding the barrier with the last of his strength and a sobbing baby in his arms. Their eyes met, and Tony immediately realized what his friend was going to do. Gathering his last powers, Dean narrowed the barrier, and lunged forward, throwing the child wrapped in a green barrier in Tony’s direction. He immediately picks it up and runs towards the Training Complex, which is fenced with special protection that do not let Blight inside.
Almost all the black matter rushes after him, but he manages to reach the safe zone. Unfortunately, Dean spent too much energy to get out of this mess alive, and Tony is left all alone, a crippled man with a baby in his arm. He cannot take care of her, and therefore decides to leave the girl in the care of the orphanage of the Training Center. After all, a lot of children lose their parents because of their profession, and Ellie was no exception.
That was just a glimps of the past, are you still here? If yes, then deep down we go!
Ellisabeth, as the guardian of the crystal star, succeeded in everything early. She showed excellent results both in training and in theory, she grasped everything real quick. Due to the fact that she is the chosen one, she was treated very prejudiced.
No one wanted to play with her because they were afraid that the team she would be on would have an unfair advantage. Also, many were simply afraid to be near her, as they had heard about that attack. They believe that Ellie is drawing blight to her and are afraid that they will die the same way as many in that incident
Nevertheless, she finds her loyal friends among the orphans, with whom she will then form a team “Starlinked”. And we finally came to the protagonists from the side of the Crystal Star! Hooray! First of all, the leader:
Ellisabeth (Ellie) Vandom  (Leader, Crystal Keeper, Spear)
A girl that looks similar to Will, but with long black hair and bright blue eyes (got more from mom for sure). She is also a little taller than Will, maybe half a head. (I will often compare them because they are sisters, even if from parallel universes) Born on July 4.
Her soul weapon was supposed to be paired blades, same ones that Susan had, but under the influence of the Crystal Star and her not-so-friendly environment it became a Spear. She has fast reflexes, crystal abilities can strengthen her teammates and herself. A very kind girl by nature, but because of the attitude in the orphanage she became quite withdrawn. If it weren't for her friends, she could have continued to hide from people, not wanting to harm them with her presence. 
At first, she didn't care about living in an orphanage and learning to fight blight in a complex, but as she got older, she wanted to see the world and participate in real battles, not in magical simulations. But the teachers and the guardians were not ready to let her go, they were afraid that the case of seventeen years ago would happen again, and the girl would not be ready for this.
She still managed to escape from the protection, beyond the complex barriers, where the blight creatures were waiting for her, but she was not alone. Together with her friends, she was able to handle this attack and proved that she can stand up for herself.
And yet, our chosen one didn’t knew that blight has many forms. She fell in love with one of the students in the complex that was about to graduate. Ellie even tried to recrute him in her team by linking him to the star, but crystal’s response shoked her. It zapped her like there was an enemy in front of her, but the boy seemed pretty much normal, so she waved this sign aside.
The crystall was ringing alarm whenever this boy came in sight, and yet, blinded by love, Ellie ignored it as much as she could. Until one day the guy decided to meet her in outskirts of the city. He asked her to come alone because he wanted to tell her something important. I think there is no need to explain how it all ended. She was saved by her friends, who, in their worries, still followed her.
The infected by blight was very jealous of Ellie's power, that she was the chosen one and he was not, and this allowed blight to grow in his heart, although he had never even come close to dark matter creatures before. He almost killed Ellie that day, and was killed almost as soon as the team came to the rescue. This left a big scar on the girl, both mentally and physically (in the center of the chest)
Cooper (Defender, Club) and Rio (Stealthy, Double Kusarigama)
The two have been close since childhood. By an unfortunate coincidence, they also lost their parents together. They were told that they went on a mission and never returned, so, according to a pre-signed agreement, these two were transferred to the orphanage at the Training Complex.
Cooper is a rather bulky young man with wheat-colored hair, a bit yellowish skin, square-round facial features and green eyes like his aura. Born on May 5. Very kind and caring, ready to tear his last shirt for the sake of friends. He found out that his weapon is a club when several children from the orphanage bullied a little boy. Cooper swung his hand, and a handle immediately appeared in it, and a massive structure appeared at the other end, instantly scaring off the offenders.
Rio is an African-American boy with short curly hair. Since childhood he dreamed of becoming a ninja, and rejoiced for a long time when, during the next "rehearsal", he discovered his weapon. His aura is dark blue. Born on March 16. Has a pretty funny attitude. Always trying to be positive and spread it among friends. He jokes in a peculiar way (very often completely out of place)
Apart from the realization of the loss of their parents, they did not have such serious turning points in their lives as Ellie. They met while playing on the playground. Cooper noticed Ellie sitting on a bench to the side and decided to invite her to play ball with him and Rio. Everything was fine until a group of "especially smart kids" began to bully the boys about their choice to hang around next to the "cursed", for which they received a good beating and a couple of bruises.
They have always gone to the playground together since then, and then Adam and Amy joined along.
Adam (Daredevil, Combat Gloves) and Amy (Sharpshooter, Rifle)
These two are twins, born on April 20. Both have dark brown hair and silver-gray eyes. This particular color harmonizes quite well with their auras, so when they use their abilities, in the heat of battle, Adam's eyes turn fiery red, just a couple of shades lighter than his red aura, and Amy's eyes acquire a yellowish tint due to her orange aura.
A younger hot-tempered brother with a righteous heart who constantly finds trouble on his head, and a reasonable, calm older sister who constantly pulls him out of these troubles. There's really nothing more to say about them here. Adam got his "weapon" pretty early when he was beating up another bully at the orphanage. Amy received her rifle much later, although even before that she could create small projectiles in the air and launch them from a hastily assembled slingshot.
They met Ellie when she, Cooper and Rio were being bullied by a small group of children who wanted to be the main ones among their own. In the heat of battle, the twins sided with the chosen one, and since then they have always been happy to spend time together. 
Oh and they were punished for this commotion. Being supported by the Crystal Star, they managed to inflict significant injuries on the aggressive side, for which the whole five were bound to clean the rooms within a week (Adam: But it was clearly worth it!)
Okay, and last but not least:
Tony Vandom (Teacher, Mentor, Arcane Energy)
This man has been through a lot of shit... After losing his left arm, he lost his job and main source of income (yes, in this universe, heroes are paid to save worlds). After losing his best friend, he had completely lost himself. For a long time he was engaged in smuggling and other illegal activities, just so he could spend the money on gambling and booze... In the end, he ended up behind bars because of this, but received a pardon, as the director of the Training Center vouched for him, on the condition that he would teach for a new generation as an experienced fighter against Blight.
And so, after a while, he met a girl, whom he once handed into the hands of a maid. He began to observe her, her successes, and how she got a foster family in the form of her friends. Tony tried in every possible way to secretly help this small group of brave children, and as a result, years later, he became their personal mentor.
Despite the lack of a hand, Tony was still an experienced fighter against black matter, and could tell the children the necessary strategies to deal with different types of monsters. Also, he is the one who contacts them from the command center and gives instructions when the five are on official assignments.
He was incredibly scared when he found out what happened to Ellie after the betrayal. It was then, thanks to tests from the hospital, that was revealed that he was a real father to Ellie, but he decided to keep it a secret for now. After all, Ellie didn't question who her parents were... Yet...  It was Tony's Arcane Energy that helped Ellie get back on her feet faster, as he gave some of his energy to the Crystal Star to heal the girl's wound. Other friends helped too, but the energy of the soul is not as dense as pure energy itself.
And so, here we are... What now?
Just like in the main series (you haven't forgotten that it's all an AU of W.I.T.C.H., have you?) there was a big turnaround. And no, the betrayal of Ellie's beloved wasn't it. Just like W.I.T.C.H., Starlinked did what all heroes do - they were saving worlds from the invasion of Blight creatures. It would seem that they cannot have a single main villain vatsoever, as it was in W.I.T.C.H. (Phobos, Nerissa, Cedric and others). But they had one. Something standing at the head of Blight on one of the relatively peaceful planets. They spent a lot more time fighting it than they should have.
The Blight Fighters have a headquarters from which they receive orders. Connected not only with their planet, but also with others. Another detail is that since all worlds are more or less magical, they are fully aware of the existence of other worlds, thereby maintaining communication among themselves. In this universe, there are full-fledged paths between worlds that can be accessed through the appropriate portal.
Of course, Starlinked wasn't the only team fighting black matter. They were just the most effective (because of the blessing of the Crystal Star) And so it was decided to send them on this mission. During the battle, communication with the squad was cut off, and the portal was destroyed. The team was left alone with the henchmen of Blight and their mighty leader. 
And of course, everything worked out (I would not be crucified now if it were the other way around) and the team got several new abilities in its arsenal. One of these is teleportation - Ellie is able to communicate with starways by the power of a Star and get into any world that needs their help, as well as to her home planet (that's how they returned home) This battle hit the dark forces hard, as a result of which the black curtain got a few holes in it, opening the way to an alternate universe...
Soul and Heart Reunite
A little energy from the universe of the soul began to penetrate into another universe, colliding and connecting with other worlds. The energy of Kandrakar also began to seep into these holes and connect with the worlds of the Soul universe in the same way. Council notices this and starts an investigation. Everything leads to the fact that the "limits of the universe" turn out to be not limits at all, but dark matter, from which, for some reason, the universe of Kandrakar did not suffer at all (matter was determined to destroy the soul of the creature first, since subconsciously it considered it more vulnerable than the universe of the Heart) But now that the Blight began to dissipate, the worlds nearby it were in danger, as matter followed the seeping Soul energy to alternative worlds. So the guards are needed again. The Oracle calls the girls to him with a request to check the distant dimensions to make sure that they are not in danger. He also warns them that they may encounter an enemy of unprecedented strength, so he advises them to be very careful.
On the other side, a report suddenly arrives about a new world that wasn't on the map before. The scouts found it very strange that this planet is far enough away from all the others, and do not know what might be lurking there, so they ask an elite squad of Fighters to investigate it. Ellie and her squad are very excited about this news, while Tony suspects something is wrong. The scouts reported that they did not find any signs of Blight's presence on the planet, but the same thing happened on the planet where the team fought last time, against an enemy comparable to God in strength, so he decides to go with them, if not to help in battle, so to help with advice if communication breaks down again.
Everything leads to the fact that the two teams are meeting. They exchange puzzled glances, especially Will, who, in fact, met her father on a God-forsaken planet, the devil knows how far from their center of the galaxy. And something strange is happening. The Crystal Star and the Heart of Kandrakar fly out towards each other. They combine into one whole, as happened with the Heart and Seal of Phobos, but this time they form a single artifact. There is a flash of light, which draws both teams and Tony into it. After that, there is only an empty place on this planet.
What the hell just happened?
After the union of the soul and heart, their energies began to quickly connect with each other, combining similar worlds from their universes into one whole. The two universes need to unite, and for this you need to shake the remaining matter, which will go into their orbit, and hopefully stay there. The process of reuniting the universes should take a lot of time, just as the guardians of the Heart are clearly not ready to protect the worlds from dark matter - simple possession of the elements will clearly not be enough. So the two artifacts decided that it would be a good idea to throw teenagers and one (not quite stable) adult teacher on a rather dangerous planet, so that they could learn everything there by trial and error. How ironic.
Is Tony unstable? Yes, because there should be only one Tony in this universe. So the heart and soul just combined the two Tonys into one. It gave him back the missing hand, but it also gave him memories from his other life, where he had everything Tony (from the universe of the soul) wanted, but missed it out of his own stupidity/ignorance. So yes, the heroes and their bipolar teacher embark on a survival adventure stuck on a cursed planet.
"But why are they stuck?" You will ask. "Will can open a portal, and Ellie has this teleportation thing." But it just doesn't work anymore. The girls could open portals to the world of Kandrakar and to any one they had ever been to. But they still had to fly to the citadel first to figure out where to open a portal to a new world for them. Elizabeth has a slightly different, but similar story. Their universe has no center, but most worlds are connected by a portal network, and by connecting to this network with the energy of a Crystal Star, she can teleport herself and a small group of people where she and the Star have been.
But. Since the universe is now in utter chaos at the reunion, all this information contained in the artifacts is simply no longer relevant. The portal system in shambles, the council of Kandrakar is trying to minimize possible damage, and because of the two raging energies, they are not able to figure out where their guardians may be, not to mention the fact that they have to eliminate various paradoxes arising from the merging of worlds.
And that's how it ends...
Not because I just haven't thought through the further outcome of events, but simply because it varies very much from this point. As a result, the teams either split into two people (one fairy and one fighter) and travel to find the others. Either everyone stays together, but they are separated by some force or event, after which they need to overcome difficulties to reunite. They start randomly jumping around different worlds in search of their own, using the combined power of both artifacts.
The Heart and Soul were supposed to become one artifact, but after the reunion they separated again, since their keepers still needed them. This led to an involuntary fusion of the souls of Ellie and Will, as a result of which they began to read each other's thoughts and feel what the other feels. Also much later, when Tony has more or less come to his senses, he tells them that they are basically sisters.
In fact, this is what I was looking for. Pure sisterly friendship, adventures, experiences. All this mess was created just so that Will would have a sister with her own powers. Although it would be easier to just make Ellie exist initially, and make the Crystal Star an ordinary artifact from some forgotten planet, which Will took for an ordinary accessory and decided to bring home to herself.
But no, we have what we have, in addition with the team and a new way to use elemental magic. I always thought that a w.i.t.c.h should learn to use their powers more creatively, like in ATLA, otherwise sooner or later there will be an enemy who will not be enough  to just pour a large volume of water on or demolish with a stream of air.
So... Now there are a lot of things that can be thought up for a story. I've been running a big series in my mind with different situations for a long time. However, I can't draw, and I don't have the energy or time to write a book out of it. I leave it to the fans to be torn apart, you can give criticism, I don't mind.
I apologize again for this outline of the text, if you really finished reading, leave "S&H unite" in the comments
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