veilguardian · 1 year
the night before yan lin is to pass the heart of kandrakar to will vandom and bestow the elements of water to irma lair, fire to taranee cook, earth to cornelia hale and air to her beloved granddaughter, she can’t sleep, no matter how much she wishes.
maybe it’s because she’s loathe to bestow this ‘honor’ upon her darling granddaughter and her lovely friends.
one moment, time was nothing but a breeze passing by her window as her sweet, little hay lin grew up from the girl who watched sailor moon on tv and the next, that sweet little girl had grown up; she was now a young girl, trying to make her way in life.
yan lin wishes that she could freeze time as well as she - once upon a very long time ago - froze opponents with icy cold currents.
but she can’t.
she can’t do anything.
yan lin wishes, sometimes, that she had kadma’s strength. even without her element, kadma was as steady as the earth itself. she would plant herself like a tree, refusing to be moved. perhaps that is why kadma got along with the tree people of zamballa so much.
she can only do as the oracle bids her to and pray that he will not discover that she’s heard nerissa’s trill in her dreams every night since he made the decision to saddle five young girls with a burden that is not theirs to carry and a war that is not theirs to fight, worlds that aren’t theirs to protect.
the trill still lingers and, oh, how yan lin wishes that it didn’t.
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veilguardian · 1 year
after a long time of tossing and turning, matt falls asleep. when he wakes up, he stands in a place that is unfamiliar but serene. 
a lot of people and creatures walk around and matt has to rub at his eyes and pinch himself to make sure that he’s actually seeing someone who is more feline than human. before he can do much more, like count the fingers he’s got on his hands, the feline slash human hybrid looks at him (it’s more like a glare, really) and beckons for him to follow. so he does.
he tries not to look down, feels like he’d fall forever if he did.
the feline-human hybrid person leaves him with a man who manages to look both ancient and youthful at the same time and matt is startled at the fact that his eyes seem to have seen so much horror. (the only horror he’d seen, up until now, had been uriah in a foul mood.)
“matt olsen,” says the man, “i’ve been waiting for you.” and i’ve been watching you, too.
it’s then and only then that matt clears his throat and asks where he is. kandrakar, says the man, and the word makes a home in the slopes of his shoulders and nestles itself in the crevices of his heart.
it’s a warm feeling, matt thinks faintly, like sinking into a warm bath after a long day. the man merely smiles and it’s just as serene as it’s surroundings. 
despite that, matt feels both at ease and unsettled at the same time. this is a good place, yet he can’t deny that it’s got sharper, darker edges. something happened here.
if the man heard him, he’s gracious enough not to let matt know that he has. the look in his eyes, however, tells matt that the man knows more than he lets on and that feeling gets amplified when the man says: “i am the oracle. and i’ve got a job for you. but let me tell you about the guardians of kandrakar first…”
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veilguardian · 1 year
“aren’t you tired?”
taranee doesn’t know who asks the question, doesn’t care to answer it because she knows, she’s content to be content right now, cornelia’s curled up against her left side and will’s halfway to nodding off - which is a miracle in itself, given her erratic sleeping patterns - while she rests her weary head on cornelia’s lap. 
irma and hay lin’s quiet voices come from above her, they’re seated on cornelia’s bed, a mess of tangled limbs and irma runs a hand through cornelia’s hair, feels her relax ever so slightly. the question gets repeated.
“aren’t you tired?”
i am, i am, i am is what she wants to say. she’s beyond tired. tiredness is not a second nature but a first; it has sunken into her very bones, into her dna. being tired is a part of who she is now - it’s actually a personality descriptor now, irma once joked - and taranee agrees, knows she’ll carry that feeling with her, always.
she can’t sleep at home. not really. not alone, in any case. sometimes she asks peter to watch a movie with her, only to fall asleep against him. sometimes she watches documentaries with her parents but they have a knack for waking her up and sending her upstairs when she starts to nod off.
taranee only sleeps well when she’s in the presence of her fellow guardians, for she knows that they’ll chase her bad dreams away as quickly and as often as she chases away theirs.
will’s eyelids flutter shut and she hums something inaudible as one of her hands grasps cornelia’s and then it’s cornelia who finally falls asleep after hours of fretting about everything and nothing. she falls asleep after irma does and taranee finally allows herself to relax, to breathe, to be.  
taranee only sleeps well when she’s in the presence of her fellow guardians, for she knows that, when she feels hay lin nudge her in her sleep, they’re together and they’re all alive, alive, alive.
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veilguardian · 1 year
Theresa Cook only cried a handful of five times in her life: the first time she shed tears, she was happy because that was when she’d married Lionel, the second time was when Peter was born, the third time she cried was at her parents’ joint funeral, the fourth were tears of happiness because Taranee’s adoption was finalized. 
The fifth time was today: she was quietly crying as Lionel held her tight, whispering sweet nothings into her short hair. Things like ‘it’s okay, I got you, Terry’ and ‘it’s going to be all right’ while they both knew it wasn’t. Her child, her daughter, had been fighting a war, had been tasked with defending worlds, had been forced to carry a burden that was too much for a high school girl to bear on her own ever since they moved to Heatherfield. Next to her, Peter buried his head in his hands.
The fact that Taranee’s voice sounded so quiet and fragile was what got her to raise her head and wipe her tears away with the back of her hand. Theresa had so many questions, but knew there was a time and place for them, and this wasn’t it. She knew she could be overly strict, harsh even, but it was all to help her two kids. She only wanted what was best for them like her own mother had wanted for her.
Theresa tried to smile, really, she did, but it ended up looking more like a grimace, which probably didn’t help matters. She cleared her throat, shared a look with her husband, and thanked her daughter for coming clean about all of it, recognizing that - while she didn’t understand the specifics - it took a tremendous deal of courage to do so.
“Are you okay?” Taranee looked like she was seconds away from bursting into tears herself.
“Not right now, no, but I will be. Eventually.” Theresa had raised her kids to be honest, had been raised by her parents to be honest, and prided herself on being a honest Judge nine out of ten times. (The one time she wasn’t was when that Ashcroft kid swanned into her daughter’s life.)
Lionel finally spoke up, “Son?” Peter was still sitting on a chair with his head bowed, shivering. “Peter?” That got Taranee’s attention too and Theresa didn’t think she could handle seeing the sheer horror on her daughter’s face.
Peter groaned, the sound muffled because of his bowed head: “It was real. It was all real…”
“Yes it was,” tears pooled in her daughter’s eyes, her voice wobbled. “It was all real and I should have told you from the start but I didn’t 'cause your mind rationalized it, filed it away as 'just a dream’ and I figured—I figured that it was a good thing 'cause it messed with you, man.  And I’m so sorry—” Taranee was crying in earnest now and Theresa wanted nothing more than hold her kids close while repeating Lionel’s earlier words like a mantra: 'it’ll be all right, it’ll be all right, you’ll see��. “—if I was better, or stronger. Or faster, somehow, it wouldn’t have happened but it did and I’m so sorry.”
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veilguardian · 1 year
“we played this wrong, didn’t we?”
peter looks at her, puzzled.
“i was trying to go for a basketball metaphor,” will confesses. “but i don’t know anything about basketball.”
this makes him smile at least until his frown turns upside down again. “it was all real. and you didn’t tell me. tara didn’t either. and matt, he knew too, didn’t he?” slowly, will nods her head. “what about cornelia?” peter asks, “and irma? and hay lin? are they involved too?”
will nods her head again. “yes.”
“why didn’t you all tell me?”
“because your mind rationalized it. filed it away as an elaborate dream. we figured it was better to play it safe than to bring someone else into the fold.” he doesn’t have any powers, and taranee - as much as will loves her - would constantly be torn between her guardian duties and making sure her brother is safe.
and now, with little william in her life, will understands. 
“you all could have trusted me.”
“i know.”
“and you didn’t.”
“i know,” her voice gets quieter.
“and that hurts. a lot.”
“i know,” will whispers. “and i’m sorry.”
a few minutes pass before peter speaks up again: “what happens now?”
“now,” will murmurs, “you’re gonna have to talk to matt. ‘cause tara told me that you two already talked. and that you went to see cornelia the other day, too.” peter nods and will adds: “and then we’ll introduce you to caleb and we’ll make sure to get you some training.”
she still talks like the will he’s come to known, but there’s an undercurrent of something else. a leader, peter realises, someone who’s had to learn to call the shots and make tough choices. “’cause it won’t do for you or any of us to have a target on your back. we can’t be everywhere at once. so if you ever get caught up in something like this again and we’re not around for whatever reason, you’ll know what to do. corny and tara wouldn’t forgive themselves if anything happened to you. and for that matter, neither would i.”
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veilguardian · 1 year
*Disney Land tea cup ride*
Taranee, Elyon: *spinning calmly while talking*
Will, Cornelia, Orube: *spinning faster while having an argument*
Hay Lin and Irma: *flying past them, screaming*
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veilguardian · 1 year
☆.。.:*・°☆.。.:* w.i.t.c.h  ‘it begins’ e1 s1 sentence starters
💧 - please feel free to change names and pronouns as needed! 
“ What’s in there?! “
“ Hey, check out the new girl. “
“ They’re wings! We’ve got wings. “
“ Thanks so much for the invitation. “
“ Every world, including Earth, is in danger. “ 
“ I hate heights. I get woozy in high-heeled shoes. “ 
“ What are you giving me, a bear with a spotlight? “
“ Does anyone have a camera or one of those cell phones? “
“ They’ve got pretty low standards for knighthood over there. “
“ Why don’t you invite your friends for an after-school snack? “
“ If I ever have a party, you guys are definitely the entertainment! “
“ Have you guys noticed a bunch of real strange stuff going on around me lately? “ 
“ No offence to your grandma or anything, but she’s, like, completely deluded. Probably not enough Vitamin D. “ 
“ I sneezed and totally trashed my room. What’s wrong with me? It’s not those ‘becoming a woman’ things, is it? “
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veilguardian · 1 year
☆.。.:*・°☆.。.:* w.i.t.c.h  ‘it resumes’ e2 s1 sentence starters
🔥 please feel free to edit names and pronouns if needed!
“ This is crazy. “
“ Is he cute, or what? “
“ I’m going back for him. “
“ Whoa, slow down Tinkerbell! “ 
“ You’re the kid from yesterday! “
“ I’ll hold them off as long as I can! “ 
“ Can you believe what we just did?! “
“ That was so unreal! Talk about teamwork! “
“ You guys came for me! You really are my friends. “ 
“ Nice shoes. Are you going to the Land of Oz after school? “ 
“ It’s class picture day tomorrow, do you guys get dressed up? “ 
“ So, do you have a girlfriend? Because I think (name) likes you. “
“ Call me a wimp, but in the school yearbook, I’d like to still have a face. “ 
“ Forget Picture Day! I don’t care what I look like, I care about who I am.“
“Let’s go kick some butt! Maybe there’ll be some cute evil boys over there. “
“ I need a rope, some kind of weapon and what do I get? A short readhead with attitude.“ 
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veilguardian · 1 year
☆.。.:*・°☆.。.:* w.i.t.c.h  ‘the key’ e3 s1 sentence starters
⛰️ -  please feel free to edit names and pronouns if needed!
“ Showoff! “
“ It’s just a hair. “
“ Shall we get down, rebel boy? “ 
“ He looks like an overgrown raisin. “ 
“ You sure don’t look like a good guy! “
“ I feel something down the back of my neck! “
“ I think I know where we can find the little troll. “ 
“ You promise not to freak if I tell you what it is? “
“ You’re telling us this is all the stink monkey’s fault? “ 
“ Uh, we’ll need to be magic pixies again. Sorry, “guardians.” “
“ Don’t say anything or they’ll hear (name) screaming back at school. “
“ I thought all earthlings were strange, but I’m beginning to think it’s just the females. “
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veilguardian · 1 year
Yan Lin: how do you girls usually get out of these messes?
Will: we don’t. We just make a bigger mess that cancels the first one out.
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veilguardian · 1 year
Nerissa: aren’t you a little young to be a guardian?
Will: aren’t you a little old to be alive?
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veilguardian · 1 year
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Meridian Alphabet
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veilguardian · 1 year
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What happens when Cornelia tells Peter about her past as a guardian… Set in Cornelia’s sophomore year of college~~
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veilguardian · 1 year
w.i.t.c.h. ask game! 21. your favorite villain?
a.s.k.s. // @aerokinesiiss
i love the runics and i hate the fact that they were dealt with as swiftly as they were. i wanted them to pop up more. i wanted them to become recurring villains.
i also really like dark mother. i can't quite remember if this was stated in the comics but i always figured she was a bit of a foil for cornelia? or perhaps a mirror. like: "this is what you could have become if you didn't have your friends and family to ground you." but it's like i said: it's been ages since i read the comics or watched the cartoons so i could also be pulling this little analysis out of my ass.
i vaguely remember tecla and the fast city, and i remember ragorlang a bit too but if i had any opinion on them, i've long since forgotten it. the same goes for that guy who goes undercover as a teacher at heatherfield high. but i think he could've been pretty interesting.
i wanted more villain!elyon. villain!elyon trying to sway cornelia or the other girls. villain!elyon vs taranee. that would’ve been cool.
i also wanted more from mctiennan and medina - the two government agents. i can't remember how their stint in the comics ended but i really wanted them to come close to or actually finding out the girls' secret. or at least push the parents towards trying to figure it out some more.
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veilguardian · 1 year
w.i.t.c.h. ask game! 7. the previous guardians?
a.s.k.s. // @aerokinesiiss
oh i adore the previous guardians. their team name is a bit unfortunate, but also iconic. kadma's my favorite and i always meant to write her but life just got in the way. i also adore kadma and halinor as a ship. but i also like yan lin a bunch - i love that she's as free and light as air, like her granddaughter. and there is just something so tragic about cassidy and nerissa too. gosh, it makes me want to re-read the comics and re-watch the cartoons.
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veilguardian · 1 year
w.i.t.c.h. ask game! 11. Taranees decision to leave the team for a while?
a.s.k.s. // @aerokinesiiss
from what i remember, that decision was born after himerish the oracle quote-unquote "fixed" her eyesight without asking her or giving her knowledge about it. while i was sad to see her go when i first read about it, i also understood because i'd be pretty pissed too if someone fixed my eyesight without asking me. so yeah, valid.
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veilguardian · 1 year
Health nuts of the WITCH girls, from least to most
Will: Would sooner drown in a pool of Nutella over ever touching kale.
Irma: Lettuce and tomatoes on a cheeseburger count, right? French fries were once potatoes and those are totally healthy, right?
Taranee: Loves adding fruits and veggies to every meal she takes, burns calories by the hundreds by dancing and jogging, due to having fire inside her she burns calories easier than the others.
Cornelia: starts every morning with yoga, meditation and tea; runs on the weekend mornings and trains like crazy for her skating deal. Feels a little concerned over eating plants, but she understand the necessity of nutrients. Changes sugar for honey and herbal tea over bagged one.
Hay Lin: Likes herbal tea and traditional Chinese food, but she doesn't mind binging on ice cream and cookies and chips hard on movie night. Really likes candy in general, but she's also fond of Chinese snacks like White Rabbit candy that her parents' restaurant gets via commerce with asian supermarkets.
Orube: Super into fitness, but of the Basiliaden type. She follows the schedules she did in her youth and still remembers by heart. The training and exercise is easy, but it's hard for her to follow her diet when Earth has different recipes and ingredients compared to Basiliade. Still, she likes the concept of counting calories and observing how much fat, sodium, carbs, etc each food has, and plans her intake based on that.
Elyon: Adapts well to Meridian food, but a part of her still misses Earth junk food like popcorn. On the bright side, the lack of processed foods allow her to enjoy more Metamoorian produce that's full of different yet engulfing nutrients.
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