#william dawes
goofyjelly · 6 months
I've got to go do a thing I might fail y'all; Tumblr mutuals please send me your strength 😭
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tricornonthecob · 9 months
Still got nothing clever
LK 105: Midnight Train to Massachusetts Bay
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I do like how his objection isn't that she's a girl but that she's bRiTiSh
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Just say you thrive on excitement and danger, Sarah. Everyone here except for Moses is an adrenaline junkie.
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He's got a point, Henri is the best field agent here.
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Frigate Friggin' Tuesday.
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James honey I know you're excited and concerned about your crush but I'm only gonna say this once, let a woman be pensive and wistful while she's at sea.
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Had you... had you not considered that.
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I've decided your mother is a secret Whig in a complex romantic web that includes Benji Franx. Your mother would be thrilled. But also please don't tell your mother you're doing this.
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There it is! there's the accent I was lookin fer.
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ayyy heard it was Frigate Friggin Tuesday up in this Bay, y'all got room for one more.
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You could always walk around the mud puddles, Sarah? Oh wait they need to cross a marsh.
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I know you're trying to cheer her up but walking two miles through a marsh unexpectedly and without proper footwear does sound a little hellish.
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What has this orphan boy gone through that he knows how to assess the threat of shoe amphibians and is unfazed by the possibility of unintentional leeches.
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why are you still thrilled to be here, James, I'm not sure that's a normal response?
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Considering how expensive and labor-intensive clothes are to make at this time, yeah, I'd be fuckin upset, too.
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"Is it Mud again, Captain."
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Five second rule, have at it, Sarge.
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"-which would be a much more logical conclusion than some teenagers hiding in the marsh, but what do I know."
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why are they running
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Girl is still adjusting.
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For a brief moment she was sent into an existential crisis.
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I appreciate how all three soldiers have such different silhouettes but I absolutely love the one in the middle. I love him. He is precious to me. I've named him George.
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that is one helluva rug.
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Do you just... keep them in there? Is this a kink thing, Doctor.
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The beagle/great dane mix is just so dang excited.
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James: [disheveled, muddy, exhausted, somehow able to get hyped up about danger and adrenaline, very much into involving other people in his hijinks]
Sarah: "Well I can't not court him."
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She's excited to bring down the house
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You know he likes it, also the VA's voice cracked at the end of that line and its just fucking perfect lol.
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thecrownnetflixuk · 7 months
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Goodbye to Diana, Goddess of the Hunt
Pt 1 of The Crown S6 Will Stand as the Definitive Dramatised Version of Diana & Dodi’s Final Days
Review (& gifs) by L.L @The Crown TV
Having seen Pt 1 of The Crown S6 before its official release, I can understand why Netflix decided to split the final season. The first 4 episodes are almost exclusively dedicated to the events surrounding the tragic deaths of Princess Diana and Dodi Fayed.
It's first-rate drama, but it's not always an easy watch. The series does have some lighter moments too, but it makes sense for The Crown to take a short pause before moving forward in December.
To be clear, Diana and Dodi's car crash is not portrayed in a voyeuristic way. We don't see the moment of impact; hearing it is traumatic enough. Diana's body is not shown. The show doesn't delve into what caused the accident. This is still The Crown, not CSI Paris.
Kudos to Peter Morgan and his research team who somehow scrutinised all reports of Diana and Dodi's final days and managed to turn no doubt conflicting accounts and opinions into 4 brilliantly dramatised episodes which feel like a definitive screen version.
I prefer the sharpened pace of S6 after a disjointed S5. All the cast seem more comfortable in their respective roles ... except ... Dominic West is a great actor, his grief and regret is so believable in these episodes, but for me, West's natural charm and roguishness still doesn't fit well with Charles. Perhaps Camilla would disagree!
There are no such issues with Diana. It's a difficult task playing an icon hunted by the paparazzi, but Elizabeth Debicki radiates the right emotional intelligence and effortless star quality of the princess. In fact, Debicki's empathetic and assured performance largely carries these pivotal episodes and tops her earlier impressive work in S5.
Warning - long read: more detailed spoilers ahead! GO & WATCH THE EPISODES FIRST (NOW ON NETFLIX)
Interview/images: courtesy of Netflix & Elizabeth Debicki.
The final season of The Crown begins in Paris with a bold flash forward to a dog-walker who witnesses the crash at the Pont de l'Alma tunnel. It's a jarring change of tone after S5, but effective.
From the start, we know where this story is headed. But first, it's back to Diana on her summer hols, impertinent rodents scurrying in the palace and Charles getting grumpy over the Queen not showing up for Camilla's birthday. Reassuringly, it's royal business as usual.
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^ Happy 50th, Camilla. I'm with the Queen about this pair; still not quite on board.
Enter Dodi Fayed, who could not be more different to his overbearing father. Khalid Abdalla infuses the shy son-of-a-billionaire with an engaging soulfulness which contradicts Dodi's two-timing behaviour.
Dodi starts out romancing his fiancée, Kelly Fisher (Erin Richards), but after being bullied into it by his father Mohamed Al-Fayed, Dodi pursues Princess Diana. For a while, Dodi juggles both women, before redeeming himself and confessing the truth to Diana.
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^ Diana & Dodi. This time, it's Diana herself who ends up not quite on board this ship.
BAFTA nominee Salim Daw is a force of nature as a magnificently Machiavellian Mohamed Al-Fayed. Daw's performance, along with Elizabeth Debicki's note-perfect Diana, is a standout in S6.
Those who had concerns that The Crown was too generous towards the real Al-Fayed in S5 have no such worries about S6. By episode 3, Mohamed almost crosses into arch villain territory, bribing Dodi into marrying Diana to get British citizenship and raise his social status.
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^ Mohamed Al-Fayed. Give him a cat & he'd be the perfect future Bond villain.
It's a controversial post-death chat with a 'ghost' which (nearly) absolves The Crown's Mohamed. Salim Daw is tremendously genuine during his imagined conversation with Dodi, sobbing for forgiveness. Too little, too late, but we feel his real pain about the loss of his son.
Before watching these episodes, the idea of Ghost!Dodi and Diana in the show did seem off-putting. Confession: I didn’t make it through the surrealistic film ‘Spencer’, where Diana talks to the ghost of Anne Boleyn (although Kristen Stewart seemed well cast in her role.)
Now that I've actually seen the 'ghost' scenes in The Crown, they don't feel ghoulish or disrespectful. Following the crash, both Charles (Dominic West) and Imelda Staunton’s Queen have small conversations with Diana, as though the princess is still with them.
You could take that to mean they’ve gone full royal-bats-in-the-belfry, but as a person who recently lost my dad, I talk to the dead all the time. It’s often what happens when you lose somebody you love. To see this depicted on The Crown felt honest. And human.
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^ Wassup, Betty? Just chillin', chatting w/dead Di* (*not dialogue from The Crown)
As the show wades through the aftermath of the crash, dealing with public sorrow, funerals and grief-stricken young William and Harry, it becomes heartbreaking. However, The Crown does handle heavy subject matter very well, as shown in episodes such as ‘Aberfan.’
With a golden jubilee coming up, hopefully Pt 2 of this final season will be more uplifting, and feature more scenes with Imelda Staunton as Elizabeth II. When we do see the Queen in Pt 1, her intonation is superb. There’s continuity too, with Staunton merging Claire Foy’s vulnerability and regality with Olivia Colman’s steely durability.
I'm no ardent monarchist, but now that we've said goodbye to Diana, I can't imagine that The Crown would end without paying tribute to another Queen of Hearts who reigned for over 70 years.
THE CROWN S6 PT 2:-premieres on Netflix | Thurs 14th Dec 2023
N.B: These are just my (humble) opinions at this point in time. No offence is intended. Agreement = lovely; not compulsory. Disagreement = happens; kindly coexist. Ta!
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crabridgedart · 9 hours
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C3E23 Abridged - Art by @agarthanguide, @larkspurns, ellinainthesky, @nikkidawes and @shmaba
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elijones94 · 7 months
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🎀🎩 As much as I have drawn Disney’s version of Alice, last year, I felt it was high time I did drawings of Hanna-Barbera’s interpretation of the character. This version of Alice appeared in a 1966 one-hour animated TV special. Similarly to what I did last night, I based these Alice drawings on drawings from original model sheets and layout drawings I found online. Surprisingly, her overall design appears to be reminiscent of Princess Aurora from Disney’s “Sleeping Beauty”, on account of the fact that Iwao Takamoto was a clean-up artist for Marc Davis’s animation of the princess. After working on “Sleeping Beauty”, Takamoto left Disney and moved over to Hanna-Barbera Productions where he worked as a layout artist and the studio’s main character designer. 🎀
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thecrownnet · 2 years
The Crown 5 Episode Titles
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Elizabeth Debicki as Princess Diana, Imelda Staunton as Queen Elizabeth and Dominic West as Prince Charles. Photo: Netflix via People
Episode 1 – Queen Victoria Syndrome 
Episode 2 – The System 
Episode 3 – Mou Mou
Episode 4 – Annus Horribilis
Episode 5 – The Way Ahead
Episode 6 – Ipatiev House
Episode 7 – No Woman’s Land
Episode 8 – Gunpowder
Episode 9 – Couple 31
Episode 10 – Decommissioned
♚ Season 5 streaming 3:01 am ET on Nov 9!  Episode Synopsis under the cut. **SPOILERS** 
Source: miscelana
Episode 1 – Queen Victoria Syndrome
The title is not about issues of hemophilia, an evil that afflicts the descendants of Queen Victoria, but the Ruby Jubilee when Elizabeth II equaled her great-grandmother in her reign time. If you think about Diana, this is one of the most delicate episodes for King Charles because it suggests that he acted behind his mother’s back, trying to force the abdication.
Episode 2 – The System
The system obviously points to The Firm and its oppressive “system”, but it is said that it will focus both on the friendship between Penny and Philip and on the process of elaborating Diana’s biography, signaling that it will show the system elaborated by the princess and Andrew Morton to that he would receive her recordings through his friend James Colthurst.
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Episode 3 – Mou Mou
Here we are talking about the Al Sayed Family, as Mohamed Al Sayed approached Lady Di and became her friend, bringing his son closer to the princess.
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Episode 4 – Annus Horribilis
The title says it all: the fire, separations, and scandals of 1992
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Episode 5 – The Way Ahead
Here it refers to the group led by the Queen, made up of senior royals and advisers, who met twice a year to take the temperature of public opinion.
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Episode 6 – Ipatiev House
There are two stories here. Elizabeth II’s visit to Russia and how her presence recalls the tragic trajectory of her cousin ​​Romanovs. The Queen’s great-grandfather refused to help the Russian monarchs, “canceled” at the time, who were arrested and executed in the 1917 Revolution. A delicate passage for the Royal Family to this day.
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Episode 7 – No Woman’s Land
The episode should center on Diana’s game changer, as she openly takes on the narrative of her life. The “Revenge Dress” episode.
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Episode 8 – Gunpowder
This is the episode that makes reference to the revolution against Parliament, but which is actually all the backstory of Diana’s interview with BBC’s Martin Bashir. Explosive, like the title. And Diana knows Hasnat.
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Episode 9 – Couple 31
It seems to be the episode in which Charles tries to spare Camilla from criticism and questions about his union with Diana being just a facade.
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Episode 10 – Decommissioned
The season ends with Hong Kong’s “return” to China, as well as Diana’s final days before her fateful trip with Dodi Al-Fayed.
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jeevesreads · 3 months
15 One Night Stand to HEA Romance Books
When it all starts with a one night stand, the path to happily ever after is unpredictable. I love this type of fling to more romance, where one night changes everything for the couple. Sometimes it’s strangers who spend one spicy evening together before discovering that their lives are more tangled than anticipated. Maybe they’re soon to be boss and employee or single dad and nanny. Maybe they…
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camyfilms · 6 months
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If you went looking for Elizabeth Windsor, you wouldn't find her. You buried her years ago.
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codenameantarctica · 1 year
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Cover for Tad Williams’ “The Navigation’s Children” by DAW Book
Look for preordering here
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awardswatcherik · 8 months
Netflix Releases First Look Images from Part 1 of the Final Season of 'The Crown'
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folklore-barnes · 2 years
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october '22 | playlist
want u like that – MARISA MAINO
something in the water - BOYS WORLD
forever & always (tiny's version) - PICTURE IS US TINY
queen of the night - HEY VIOLET
mr. bright side - THE KILLERS
tattoos - RENEÉ RAPP
saving me - NIKO RUBIO
you all over me (taylor's version) (from the vault) - TAYLOR SWIFT, MAREN MORRIS
i'm in love with a monster - FIFTH HARMONY
angeleyes - ABBA
cleopatra - NOVA TWINS
purple rain - PRINCE
yeah yeah yeah - BLACKPINK
secret love song, pt. ii - LITTLE MIX
breakfast - DOVE CAMERON
look what you made me do - TAYLOR SWIFT
hold the girl - RINA SAWAYAMA
neverita - BAD BUNNY
weird people - LITTLE MIX
come over (again) - CRAWLERS
only wanna dance with you - KESHA
potential breakup song (explicit) - ALY & AJ
cave song - PRETTY VICIOUS
let's not fall in love - BIGBANG
vincent - DON MCLEAN
tornado warnings - SABRINA CARPENTER
can't be tamed - MILEY CYRUS
hala hala - ATEEZ
teenage dream - STEPHEN DAWES
madhouse - NESSA BARRETT
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Wilkins: You only ever focus on my bad qualities, never the good ones.
Dawes: What good qualities?
Wilkins: How rich I am?
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tricornonthecob · 9 months
Wait I got it: Literally kids
LK 105: Let the Midnight Special shine its light on them
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Damn these kids got creds. They'd be unstoppable in an interview.
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Ya girl is on fire. She is hyped for some treasonous shenanigans someone get that girl a paycheck.
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Charisma check passed.
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oh my GOD y'all seein' this??? Sarah Phillips is insane and also fucking phenomenal for not falling off a rearing horse while being a passenger AND side-saddle, holy fucknuggets was she in the circus at one point. Honestly. 11/10 horsemanship, she is so obviously a horse girl it hurts.
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Well now I'm just disappointed Sylvester Stallone didn't pop a wheelie.
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background art appreciation moment
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James your chattery ass is not the best spy.
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same energy.
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ya mare is primed and ready for some daring-do.
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God I know John Hancock was fancy but DAMN is that his sleepin suit.
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the adrenaline junkie horsegirl couple bonds over adrenaline junkie horsegirl things.
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See? horsegirls! in this essay I will -
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Sarah Phillips does what Sarah Phillips wants.
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He knows she won't, he's goading her on, I don't know if he realizes he's flirting right now.
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Wasn't he around because of a booty call?
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Ah yes, a bit of daring-do instead of a cigarette.
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Ride or Die, You Roll I Roll We Roll.
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lookit his face he looks so concerned.
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The sass of this man.
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OUCH right in the self-consciousness.
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oh bb nooooooo
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ouch my heart.
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thecrownnetflixuk · 1 year
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5 Truth Bombs from The Crown S5
Don’t Sweat the Technique
It’s official: The Crown is a fictionalised drama, not a documentary. Only 1% of GB adults surveyed viewed the whole show as fully accurate (which a drama will never be.) That figure edges up to 2% for those in the Gen-Z age bracket.
Nobody tell the 2% about ‘Spencer’, ‘The Windsors’ or those lifetime movies when Harry Botswana’ed Meghan and the, err, spirit of Princess Diana lives on in a lion (or something.)
But as Gillian Anderson put it recently, whilst certain scenes are fictionalised, The Crown is heavily researched, double and triple-checked. There’s true gems amongst The Crown’s jewels!
#1 Prince Charles did try to breakdance*
*apologies if eye-bleach is required
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Actor Dominic West told Jimmy Kimmel that The Crown hired a choreographer(!) so he could dance in the same 'style' as Charles.
That’s a gift that must keep on giving during party season.
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#2 Mohamed Al-Fayed did restore the former King’s home AND employed valet Sydney Johnson
When Sydney Johnson (Jude Akuwudike) started working for the Duke of Windsor it was unusual for a person of colour to be employed in a royal household. He went on to maintain this position for 30+ years before being employed by Al-Fayed (Salim Daw.)
Mohamed Al-Fayed auctioned the royal heirlooms in the 1990's – with rumours abound that Queen Elizabeth II was a secret bidder!
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#3 Prince Philip donated his real DNA to identify the Romanovs
Prince Philip’s (Jonathan Pryce) maternal grandmother was Czarina Aleksandra’s sister. He donated blood to prove that bones unearthed in a Russian forest in the 1990′s belonged to the Romanov family, who were executed in 1918.
Philip’s DNA helped prove that Anna Anderson was what Time magazine called “one of History’s greatest imposters.” Anderson claimed to be the lost Grand Duchess Anastasia, but none of the Czar’s children survived the shooting.
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#4 Prince Charles and Princess Diana really became “Couple 31”
After the biggest royal wedding of the 1980′s, the most famous royal fairytale whimpered to an end as just another  couple in divorce court.
Neither Charles or Diana attended court for the routine hearing (perhaps too busy making breakfast?!🍳) Their divorce was later finalised in Aug 1996.
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#5 Princess Diana did vote against the monarchy
“Monarchy: The Nation Decides” was televised in the UK in January 1997. According to one source, the real  Diana voted ‘no’ for a monarchy 250 times(!)
Head of Research Annie Sulzberger told The Crown Podcast  that although this wasn’t shown on screen, teenage Prince William was there too, trying to convince his Mother not to keep voting due to the cost of the phone calls.
Image(s): Ana Blumenkron, courtesy of Netflix
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badmovieihave · 8 months
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Bad movie I have Mr.Peabody & Sherman: The Complete Collection 1959-1962
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thecrownnet · 2 years
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The Crown Season 5 Episode Titles ♚
Queen Victoria Syndrome
The System
Mou Mou
Annus Horribilis
The Way Ahead
Ipatiev House
No Woman's Land
Couple 31
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