#william schnoebelen
creature-wizard · 3 months
Ahahahahahahaha the conspiracy theorists are fighting again! In Deeper Insights Into The Illuminati Formula, Fritz Springmeier proposes that William Schnoebelen (you know, the guy who claimed Wicca was a satanic deception) is under Illuminati control because he doesn't support Springmeier's claims:
In order to interpret his third eye experience, it needs to be asked where is Bill Schnoebolen coming from? This author’s best evidence to answer that comes from personal testimony. People familiar with this author (Fritz) have contacted Schnoebolen about Fritz for years. Why has Bill Schnoebelen taken a very cold attitude to this chapter’s author (Fritz) and his work? Why has he opposed and slandered this author, and this author’s work like the Vol. 2 book, and other information that this author has been putting out to expose Illuminati mind-control since 1991. One would expect a genuine ex-Satanist to be supportive of someone who risks his life to rescue Satanists from bondage. The reason I introduce personal testimony is that I know what side of things I am on, which is God’s side, and when people like Bill Schnoebolen oppose me from the get-go, without even meeting me, it is solid evidence to me where they are coming from. From what Schnoebolen writes about his third eye experience, and from what this author has learned of third eye cranial manipulation, it appears that Bill is still under some cult deception and is very likely still under the mind-control that placed his cover memory of his third-eye experience into him.
One of his supposed deliverance success stories, an Illuminati victim of mind-control, is still a multiple and still a double agent, and also actively working against this author’s work.
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funnypages · 1 month
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The fun thing about the guy Chick is citing, William Schnoebelen. He’s an ex-Catholic, ex-Mormon, ex-Wiccan, ex-Freemason, ex-Vampire who claims to have talked to the ghosts of Jesus, Adolf Hitler, and Aleister Crowley; and to have sex with a fallen angel
So yeah, the type of guy you want to take seriously
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deblala · 6 months
Dr. William Schnoebelen - YouTube
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world-of-news · 6 months
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miriamchartier · 7 months
Ex- Freemason, Vampire, Illuminatti, Whistleblower : William Schnoebelen...
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ilovedimples · 7 years
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hymnrevival · 7 years
Dangers of Halloween - Bill Schnoebelen by hymn Revival Via Flickr: DANGERS OF HALLOWEEN part 2 Perhaps some have heard my account. I was around ten years of age and out trick or treating with my friend. It was a clear October night, and I chanced to look up at the stars. When I did, the stars were not there, but were replaced with a sky full of dark, leathery bat-like creatures. I stood there, transfixed. These beings, whatever they were, opened their eyes. Dark ruby-red slits of light burned into my soul and I felt an unholy thrill. I believe that at that moment, I was defiled by occult power. It began a long, slow slide into evil that would end with me becoming a witch and a Satanist.” “Far too many former witches who are now Believers share testimonies of having their innocent little souls cracked open as kids by Halloween activities and the floodgates of hell pouring in! Hear our warning and offer your children some godly alternative to Halloween.” “GREATER IS HE THAT IS IN US” 1John 4:4 “ In the midst of all this, we Christians can know that if we bring up our children prayerfully, in the knowledge and fear of the Lord and do NOT expose them unnecessarily to Satan’s ministry of fear, we have in us a power that can effortlessly turn aside Halloween’s evil.” William Schnoebelen www.withoneaccord.org/ Halloween - Unmasking Hellnight - Bill Schnoebelen www.youtube.com/watch?v=D7aUmo8dQsg (Full Video) www.youtube.com/watch?v=VV4hg-uawFs (12 min video)
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dr-archeville · 6 years
The Satanic Panic of the 1980's vs. Dungeons and Dragons -- Geek History [source]
The Satanic Panic of the 1980's was a fanatical moral phenomenon that caught a number of subjects in its frenzied search for Satanic Cults.  No one was safe: not film, not music, and most certainly not Dungeons and Dragons.
In this first installation of Geek History, Phil The Conquistadork discusses the Satanic Panic of the 1980's and Dungeons & Dragons.  In this short piece, you'll learn about Gary Gygax, Dave Arneson, Anton Lavey, Jack Chick, Patricia Pulling, William Schnoebelen, Judas Priest, and maybe even a little bit about yourself.
...Mostly the other stuff, though.
Dark times.  Dark, foolish times.
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creature-wizard · 1 year
People can, of course, go from Wicca to some form of Satanic spirituality, but William "Bill" Schnoebelen claimed that Wicca was actually created to recruit naive spiritual seekers and gradually indoctrinate them into the beliefs of a worldwide Satanic conspiracy.
In Wicca: Satan's Little White Lie, he tries to present himself as an innocent man seduced into dark powers, but the way he actually talks about himself, it sounds more like he just wanted power and would go along with pretty much anything so long as it seemed to offer more power.
So now he's claiming that Wiccans who desired "more wisdom" would be taught that the Horned God was actually Lucifer, and from there be led into LaVeyan Satanism, and from there, be led into "hardcore" satanism; IE, conspiracy theory satanism.
He claims that:
The man who was my immediate superior was a strange, but powerful satanist from Chicago with all sorts of connections in politics and industry. I was amazed at the people of power I would meet at the sabbats.
I figured I had it made and my ship was finally coming in. I signed a pact in my own blood with Satan. He received complete control of my body and soul. In return, I got seven years of whatever I desired: money, sex, drugs or power! It could all be mine!
Familiar fairy tale trope is familiar, lol
Then, Schnoebelen claims that he'd sent a check in to the Church of Satan, and it came back with the words "I'll be praying for you in Jesus's name" written on it. And apparently he knows it's a woman's handwriting because it was "delicate and feminine."
And then he claims:
Within days, things began to happen. I lost my job, my wife got sick, I got sick, and my satanic mentor, so powerful and self-assured, got in a serious truck accident and ended up in the hospital with grievous abdominal injuries. His previously limitless supply of money from California dried up, and I was effectively cut off from all my powerful new contacts.
I'm sorry... what? That's... that's awfully vicious behavior for the deity who's supposed to have the moral high ground, my dude. Are you saying that all this lady did was pray for you, and God just chose violence?
Later, Schnoebelen claims:
Much of my personal story as contained in chapter one is radically different from the current public relations image being promoted in the media by witches and Neo-Pagans.
Like the PR material for any deceptive religious cult, they wish to present as positive an image as possible. They deal in non-issues rather than the central points which really matter in an eternal perspective.
Goddamnit, this is another one of those things where the Christians act offended because the people who aren't Christian don't subscribe to the whole "you need a savior to save you from your sins" thing, isn't it?
Anyway, Schnoebelen quotes Laurie Cabot's list of Witches' Do's and Don'ts, and proceeds to gripe and complain that witches aren't actually morally pure as all that.
Again, we're dealing with a relatively new spiritual movement where people are bound to make idealistic statements that won't hold up upon meeting the complexity of the real world, or that people just won't always live up to because people aren't perfect. And quite frankly, Christianity is no different; y'all have your high-minded ideals, but in the day-to-day you make a lot of concessions and compromises. And you have to, because your survival depends on it. You can't always give your boss your "honest opinion," and it's not prudent to give away everything you own.
What about magic? As I mentioned in my own story, the ethics get a bit nebulous when you decide if you’re going to heal someone without their permission, or do a love spell on a person without their knowledge. You see, this is all so vague it is meaningless. Suppose you have a relative with Alzheimer’s disease. Would it be alright to put a spell on him to kill him and “put him out of his misery?”
Some witches would say yes, others would say no. To whom do we turn to settle these things? In some older witch traditions, being a homosexual was a “no-no,” yet other newer witch groups celebrate “gayness.” Did they get a direct line from the “Universal Law” to change the rules? Is it alright to cheat on your “lady?” If she doesn’t know, she isn’t harmed, is she? You see how misguided and useless this kind of ethical system is? It allows for all manner of exploitation and evil, and believe me - I knew some awfully selfish and exploitative “Wiccans” in my day. One of them stole my high priestess’ wedding and engagement rings!
Man, if only there were people who ask these hard questions and search for ways to deal with these issues without appealing to a higher authority... if only people had been interested in wrangling such things since ancient times... if only there were such things as philosophers and ethicists... if only...
By the way, Bill, if Christians are supposed to be all loving and harmless, is it correct to pray for someone knowing that your god might likely inflict violence on them? Is that really any better or different than straight-up siccing a violent demon on them?
And then Bill claims this about the Threefold Law:
For example, if you perceive that someone has injured you in some fashion, either magically or physically, you have the “right” by Witch Law to hurt him three times worse. What often happens is that witches are injured in some real or imagined way and believe they have the right to hex the offending person three times worse!
This is literally not what the Threefold Law is about. The Threefold Law is one of those kinda culturally Christian "what goes around, comes around" kind of deals. Retaliation isn't supposed to be necessary because the universe will supposedly hurt the original dickbag three times worse.
He claims that a young woman stole the HP's jewelry, and the HP "invoked the law of three" and supposedly, the young woman fell down a stairs and was paralyzed from the neck down:
We did not curse her and say, “Goddess, make her fall down a flight of stairs and be paralyzed.” We just invoked this “Law” upon her. To end up a paralytic for life for ripping off jewelry is a bit severe. This was done when I believed I was a “white” witch and would never have considered cursing someone or seeking power from the devil.
Dude... may I remind you of what you claimed happened when Bank Lady prayed to Jesus? Literally how are Christians any better, in your reckoning?
Schnoebelen claims that magical fights will inevitably escalate and may I remind you, Schnoebelen, that Evangelical Christians see themselves as being in the middle of a spiritual war, waged against everyone who isn't like them. You, Schnoebelen, apparently believe it's justified for Christians to pray to Jesus to inflict violence on anyone who isn't a Christian. The crowd you're appealing to prays for horrible things to happen to everyone they've made their enemies every day. The crowd you're appealing to thought AIDS was God's punishment on the gays.
You don't have the moral ground you want everyone to think you have.
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the-glass-coffin · 3 years
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Wicca Satan’s Little White Lie by William Schnoebelen 1990 Paperback 224 Pages www.TheGlassCoffin.RIP #TheGlassCoffin #Wicca #Satan #OccultBooks #SatanicPanic (at The Glass Coffin: Vampire Parlour) https://www.instagram.com/p/CPSIL_ZjFdg/?utm_medium=tumblr
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kalitor · 7 years
Ex- Freemason, Vampire, Illuminatti, Whistleblower : William Schnoebelen...
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deblala · 6 months
Dr. William Schnoebelen - YouTube
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Bobby Hemmitt Book List
Knowledge is Power - Source - SubconsciousCelebrity’s book list: Great work by SubconsciousCelebrity's for compiling this amazing book list from Bobby Hemmitt and other amazing scholars; Bro. Panic, Yaffa bey, Alim Bey, many more etc. This is truly a Great gem. Thank You. - Scroll down below videos for full Bobby Hemmitt Book list -
He who knows One Book Knows None - Pt. 1/3
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The Hermetica: The Lost Wisdom of the Pharaohs - Presented by Peter Gandy - http://www.pentos.tv
[embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xYrfPbZRCk4[/embed] • Hermetica - Walter Scott [embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FFOkNVLUZkY[/embed] • Hermetica - Copenhaver • Pagan Origins of the Christ myth - John G Jackson (32pages) The Pagan Origins of Jesus Christ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KQpxa32WqEc • The Finding of The Third Eye - Vera Stanley Alder - Support The Show @ http://www.theglobalreality.com/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-hQHtseNhrA • The Egyptian book of the dead - Muata Ashby The Egyptian Book of the Dead Full Documentary https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dklixqvNcss The ancient Egyptian Book of the Dead, warning to black people https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cKWdCj1CA74 • Legends of the Egyptian Gods- E.A. Wallis Budge - http://www.ReligionBookMix.com This is the summary of Legends of the Egyptian Gods - Illustrated by E. A. Wallis Budge, Matthew Vossler. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ad9VrfO2Gq8 Ashra Kwesi The Truth About the Real 'Gods of Egypt' https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dZ1VbxKhHt4 • The Sirius Mystery - Robert Temple - Energy English https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E1R88bnWjbo • Christianity Before Christ - John G. Jackson https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_tOgUnjXa5o Christianity before Christ Dr. John Henrik Clarke https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NvQldd-McsI • Selected Writings and Speeches of Marcus Garvey https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qEhxtbKPGtw • Things Fall Apart - Chinua Achebe https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ohwdA3xas6I • The ankh: African Origins of Electromagnetism - Nur Ankh Amen https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q5vlZkquIxw • African Origins of Civilization Myth or Reality - C.A. Diop https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lAFXFV62tu4 • Without Sanctuary: lynching photography in America - James Allen https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WphcZ0DVuuc • Why Darkness Matters: The Power of Melanin in The Brain https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W7sy7ogCzeY Behold a Pale horse – William Cooper https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yUbFwqglIaA A detailed research into government corruption, secret societies, conspiracies, and the UFO phenomenon. 'Behold a pale horse' We are Multi-Dimensional Cosmic Beings (With a Galactic Heritage) From The Mother Land to the Mothership – Shurlene Wallace https://youtu.be/0zhskk1uEk0 We as the original woman and man are galactic beings with a presence throughout the cosmos. Economic Justice Theory, General Social Structures, Historical References, Kundalini energy, Metaphysics and Mythology, People interactions, Religious Commentary and Opinion, Scientific theoryTagsBobby Hemmitt, Bobby Hemmitt Book List, Dr Alim Bey, Dr Frances Cress Welsing, Neelly Fuller Jr, Neely Fuller Jr The Code Book, The Arch Degree http://amazingthought.net/9-areas-activity/ • The Isis Papers - Frances Wesling • The Hermetica - Peter Gandy • Hermetica - Walter Scott • Hermetica - Copenhaver • Pagan Origins of the Christ myth - John G Jackson (32pages) • The Finding of The Third Eye - Vera Stanley Alder • The Egyptian book of the dead - Muata Ashby • Legends of the Egyptian Gods- E.A. Wallis Budge Ashra Kwesi The Truth About the Real 'Gods of Egypt' • The Sirius Mystery - Robert Temple - Energy English • Christianity Before Christ – John G. Jackson Christianity before Christ Dr. John Henrik Clarke • Selected Writings and Speeches of Marcus Garvey • Things Fall Apart – Chinua Achebe • The ankh: African Origins of Electromagnetism – Nur Ankh Amen • African Origins of Civilization Myth or Reality – C.A. Diop • Without Sanctuary: lynching photography in America – James Allen • Why Darkness Matters: The Power of Melanin in The Brain • Behold a Pale horse - William Cooper • From The Mother Land to the Mothership - Shurlene Wallace • Secret Source - Adam Parfrey • Earth pleiadian keys to the Living Library - Barbara marciniak • Who’s who in Egyptian mythology - Anthony Mercatante • Psychic Self-defense - Dion Fortune • Conflicting Genes Nuetranoids and Genocide - Amun re sen Atum re
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Pelton • Voodoo Shaman: The Hatian Way of Healing and Power - Ross Heaven • Complete book of Voodoo - (original publications spiritual books and supplies) • Voodoo in Haiti - Alfred Metraux • Voodoo Rituals: A Users Guide - Heike Owusu • The Voodoo Quantam Leap: Alternate Realities, Power, & Mysticism - Reginald Crosley • Polaria , The Gift of the White Stone - W.H. 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Burns • The Serpent Power - John Woodroffe • The Teachings of PtahHotep: The Oldest Book in the World - Hilliard III Asa • The Acid- Alkaline food Guide - Larry Trivieri • The Mahabharata • Mysteries of the Mexican pyramid - Peter Tompkins • Man’s Higher Consiousness - Hilton Hotema • We Do Not Die - Hilton Hotema • Ancient Secret of Personal Power: Tetragrammaton - Hilton Hotema • The Magic Wand : The Caduceus - Hilton Hotema • Ancient Future - Wayne Chandler • Symbols Signs & Signets - Ernst Lehner • Ancient Astrological Secrets of the Jews Revealed - Rueven Shomroni • The Great Initiates - Edouard Schuré • Synchronicity: Science, Myth and the Triskter - Allan Combs • Interpreting the Eclipses - Robert Jansky • Sexual Astrology - Marlene Rathgeb • Planetary Symbolism in the Horoscope - Karen Hamaker • In Search of The Medicine Buddha - David Crow
Bobby Hemmitt
Economic Justice Theory, General Social Structures, Historical References, Kundalini energy, Metaphysics and Mythology, People interactions, Religious Commentary and Opion, Science Theory - Bobby Hemmitt, Bobby Hemmitt Book List, Dr Alim Bey More from SubconsciousCelebrity's: Foods that Look Like Body Parts They're Good for http://subconsciouscelebrity.tumblr.com/post/82607350226/luna-patchouli-sage-mode-bblackgoldd List of Spells http://subconsciouscelebrity.tumblr.com/post/82236200668 Vivien Thomas gifted hands movie http://subconsciouscelebrity.tumblr.com/post/82159243462/algietheminer-black-history-month-vivien Economic Justice Theory, General Social Structures, Historical References, Kundalini energy, Metaphysics and Mythology, People interactions, Religious Commentary and Opinion, Scientific theoryTagsBobby Hemmitt, Bobby Hemmitt Book List, Dr Alim Bey, Dr Frances Cress Welsing, Neelly Fuller Jr, Neely Fuller Jr The Code Book, The Arch Degree
Bobby Hemmitt Book List
Knowledge is Power – Source – SubconsciousCelebrity’s book list: Great work by SubconsciousCelebrity’s for compiling this amazing book list from Bobby Hemmitt and other amazing scholars; Bro. Panic, Yaffa bey, Alim Bey, many more etc. This is truly a gem. Thank You. • The Isis Papers – Frances Wesling • The Hermetica – Peter Gandy • Hermetica – Walter Scott • Hermetica – Copenhaver • Pagan…
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itunesbooks · 5 years
The Illuminati: Facts & Fiction - Mark Dice
The Illuminati: Facts & Fiction Mark Dice Genre: Social Science Price: $7.99 Publish Date: April 13, 2009 Publisher: The Resistance Seller: The Resistance Manifesto Secret societies have both fascinated and frightened people for hundreds of years. Often the infamous Illuminati is mentioned as the core of conspiracies which span the globe. The Illuminati is actually a historical secret society which had goals of revolutions and world domination dating back to the 1770s.  Since then, rumors and conspiracy theories involving the Illuminati continue to spread, sometimes finding their way into popular novels like Dan Brown's Angels & Demons and Hollywood movies like Lara Croft: Tomb Raider . Some men have even come forward claiming to be former members, offering details of what they allege are the inner workings of the organization. When you sift through all of the information available on the subject, you may be surprised that the truth is stranger than fiction.  In The Illuminati: Facts & Fiction , conspiracy and occult expert Mark Dice separates history from Hollywood and shows why tales of the secret society won't die.  - Original Writings and Documents  - Purported texts  - Freemasonry's connections  - The Georgia Guidestones  - Alleged Victims and Defectors  - Aliens and Reptillians  - Activists and Eyewitnesses  - Fictional books  - Fictional films  - TV references  - Mainstream Media Manipulation  - Documentary Films  - The Music Industry - Pre-Illuminati Organizations  - The Luciferian Doctrine  - The Federal Reserve  - Skull and Bones  - The Bilderberg Group  - Bohemian Grove  - The Council on Foreign Relations  - The Franklin Cover-up  - Sex Magic - Election Fraud  - The Necronomicon  - The Secret Doctrine  - Emerald Tablet  - The Book of Thoth  - The Book of Dzyan  - The Report From Iron Mountain  - Protocols of the Elders of Zion  - The Holy Grail  - MK-ULTRA Documents  - The Satanic Bible  - The Secret Doctrine  - David Rockefeller’s Memoirs  - Memoirs Illustrating the History of Jacobinism  - Secret Societies and Subversive Movements  - Occult Theocrasy  - Externalization of the Hierarchy  - None Dare Call It Conspiracy  - Magick: In Theory and Practice  - Bloodlines of the Illuminati  - The Lexicon of Freemasonry  - Morals and Dogma  - The Secret Teachings of All Ages  - Myron Fagan  - Edith Miller  - Gary Allen  - Abbe Barruel  - Nesta Webster  - Anthony J. Hilder  - John Robison  - Johnny Gosch  - William Morgan  - Chris Jones, former Bohemian Grove employee  - Ted Gunderson former FBI Agent  - John Todd  - Bill Schnoebelen  - Mike Warnke  - Cathy O’Brien  - Aleister Crowley  - Alice Bailey  - Benjamine Crème - William Cooper  - Carol Quigley  - Zeitgeist’s Peter Joseph  - Helena Blavatsky  - Phil Schneider  - Benjamin Fulford  - Hal Turner, FBI informant  - Manly P. Hall  - Fritz Springmeier  - Albert Pike  - Anton LaVey - David Icke  - And More —About the Author— Mark Dice is a media analyst and political activist who, in an entertaining and educational way, gets people to question our celebrity obsessed culture and the role the mainstream media and elite secret societies play in shaping our lives. He has been featured on various television shows including the History Channel's Decoded and America's Book of Secrets , Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura , Secret Societies of Hollywood on E! Channel, America Declassified on the Travel Channel, and is a frequent guest on Coast to Coast AM , The Alex Jones Show , and more. http://dlvr.it/R4tNxH
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tipsycad147 · 5 years
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Written by Algoth’s Grove
List of Magical Masons:
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Helena Petrovna Blavatsky:
Interestingly enough, Blavatsky was presented with a Certificate of Adoption by John Yarker in the year of 1877. But author of Isis Unveiled and many more titles and papers attested to the fact that she had no affiliation with the freemasons.
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Manly Palmer Hall:
Including titles such as “The Divine Art, The Secret Teachings of All Ages, Initiates of the Flame, and The Story of Healing.” Hall published over 150 esoterically spiritual and masonic books. He was initiated into The Jewel Lodge No. 374 on June 28th, 1954 and there is no known record of him quitting freemasonry.
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Paul Foster Case:
Paul Case is the founder of The Los Angeles Occult School. His books such as “The Book of Tokens” which outlines an impressive collection of meditations on the Tarot Cards of the Major Arcana. He was initiated into freemasonry at The Fairport Lodge No. 476, on 22nd March 1926. Affiliated and Demitted from The Hollenback Lodge No. 319, Los Angeles in 1944 and Affiliated to Eagle Rock Lodge No. 422, Los Angeles. It should also be noted that he was initiated into the Second Order of the Thoth-Hermes Temple of The Golden Dawn in 1920 in New York.
There are many authors and leaders who profess connection with freemasonry. One such delusional character seems to be William Schnoebelen. The Grand Lodge of England does not recognise him or his outrageous claims. The internet is filled with falsehoods and fears and many people take these lies into themselves and spread tales of dread and horror.
There is no doubt that Gardnerian Witchcraft and many other lineages have there roots and ritual formations linked with the freemasons. However, how has this impacted the pagan front negatively. If anything, there is order and structure. There is a hierarchical degree form of study in place and if anything, there is, just like in freemasonry, a gentle teaching of love and acceptance toward a world of people who give back to the community.
References: http://freemasonry.bcy.ca/index.html
Algoth’s Grove
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hymnrevival · 4 years
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Dangers of Halloween - Bill Schnoebelen Perhaps some have heard my account. I was around ten years of age and out trick or treating with my friend. It was a clear October night, and I chanced to look up at the stars. When I did, the stars were not there, but were replaced with a sky full of dark, leathery bat-like creatures. I stood there, transfixed. These beings, whatever they were, opened their eyes. Dark ruby-red slits of light burned into my soul and I felt an unholy thrill. I believe that at that moment, I was defiled by occult power. It began a long, slow slide into evil that would end with me becoming a witch and a Satanist.” “Far too many former witches who are now Believers share testimonies of having their innocent little souls cracked open as kids by Halloween activities and the floodgates of hell pouring in! Hear our warning and offer your children some godly alternative to Halloween.” “GREATER IS HE THAT IS IN US” 1John 4:4 “ In the midst of all this, we Christians can know that if we bring up our children prayerfully, in the knowledge and fear of the Lord and do NOT expose them unnecessarily to Satan’s ministry of fear, we have in us a power that can effortlessly turn aside Halloween’s evil.” William Schnoebelen www.withoneaccord.org/ Halloween - Unmasking Hellnight - Bill Schnoebelen www.youtube.com/watch?v=D7aUmo8dQsg (Full Video) https://www.instagram.com/p/CG7aE81nNXw/?igshid=1b8lnpwq3gnrs
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