#wilma gold fics
lillylvjy · 10 months
Lonely girl (you are my world)
a/n// hello!!!! So this is a two part fic… ahh so exciting! Part two will be out tomorrow for sure! I grinned it out today and I love it. This is another Wilma fic, enemies to lovers to be specific. So have fun, please read the warnings! And enjoy!
warnings// kissing, making out, neck kissing, very suggestive! Wilma is a cocky asshole I love her, reader and Wilma are secretly in love, Wilma is very possessive, readers kinda a brat in a way, dominant Wilma….. um if I missed anything please tell me! Also no this is not smut! It’s just very suggestive!
For this fic I recommend 16+ please! that’s all I ask.
wc// 1.4K
wilma gold x reader, wilma gold x afab!reader, (can be gn!reader but mentions of reader being afab!)
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(p.s this song that the titles from is my favorite song rn so- please go listen to it! It’s the song linked up above! Also thank Charlie for getting me into it!!)
You had enough.
It was the same thing every other week. Go to the market, set up your booth where you were assigned, which was usually the same place right beside her, and have a fun time bickering with your next door booth neighbor. It also happened in each others shops when the other felt bored and had the itch to go annoy the other working person.
The her in question is none other than Wilma Gold. The infamous local artist, whose shop is right across from yours. Always cocky about her pieces and how people admire them and take them home with them as decoration. You always hated it.
That smile she’d give them as she’d explain what every piece meant, how she’d get so excited when someone asked about a certain class she has at her shop that they wanted to take. How her stupid, deep brown eyes sparkled as someone with interest in her drawings started complimenting her. How her laugh could fill a room and warm your heart in seconds and how random art facts rolled off her sweet tongue like honey and how you wanted to just take it all in and-
Ok. No you don’t absolutely hate her. But she definitely isn’t your favorite person.
Right now you were currently trying to bake as much as you could before closing the shop. It wasn’t busy today since there was a big snow storm on the way that started mid afternoon, so you thought it was a good opportunity to start baking.
Until the power went out.
That’s when you knew you were fucked. You started to put all your dough and pastries in containers so they didn’t go bad and they were still decently fresh for the next time you opened, whenever that may be.
As you began to clean your counters, and tables even if they barley were used, you heard banging coming from the front door. You frowned as you popped your head up and looked around the corner, not expecting anyone to be out, then immediately rolled your eyes as you saw who was there.
Lovely Wilma from across the street.
Now if there were butterflies floating around in your stomach, and your head was fuzzy with want, you wouldn’t tell anyone. That was only your knowledge.
Walking up to the door you quickly unlocked it and before you could push it open, the woman on the other side flung it open and rushed inside, rubbing her hands up and down her arms as she did.
“What do you want?” You asked her as you flung the towel over your shoulder and went to grab the broom.
“Why is it so warm in here?” Wilma asked as she walked up to the counter and lifted herself into it. You scoffed as you hit her with the broom.
“Off, you’re making it dirty again. And also why did you come stomping up in here like you own this place? You have your own shop for a reason, you know.” You sassed back as you continued sweeping up the place and making it as clean as possible.
“Shit sweetheart, what’s got your panties in a twist? I know for a fact it’s not me, but I bet you’d like it if it was me-“
“Shut up.” You quickly said as you stood straight up, back facing her to hide your blush that crept up your neck and took over your face, suddenly making you hotter than you liked.
“Hmm… I just came in here to seek warmth, I saw your windows were a bit foggy and I know you wouldn’t have any other reason for them to be foggy so. I invited myself, and fuck am I glad. Why is it warm in here? If your hiding someone you can tell them to come ou-“
You cut her off by placing the broom on the counter next to her and leaning against it. “So what if I had someone in here? What would it be to you?”
Wilma’s brows lifted as she closed her eyes and poked her cheek with her tongue and scoffed as she smiled. Shaking her head, she let out an amused hum. Crossing her arms she lifted herself off the counter and turned towards you. “It wouldn’t mean shit to me. Just wanna know who you’ve been seeing.”
You laughed as you turned your body so your forearms were resting against the counter, the front of your body facing the cash register with your head hung low. “I have a back up generator in the back of the store. Goes all the way up to my apartment. Maybe you should get one, darling.” You said as you pushed off the counter and pulled yourself up to sit on it, smiling at her as you did.
Wilma scoffed as she wet her lips, looking you up and down. “Cute. But I think I’m good. I’ll just come here next time and annoy you, yeah?”
“Hmm better watch out though. Might have someone over. You might walk into something you don’t want to see.” You said as you watched her walk over to the door, preparing herself for the freezing weather outside to take over.
“Bullshit. The only thing I’ll be walking in on is you closing your shop up for good.” She said as she turned to you.
“Fuck you. I’ll find someone, and they’ll be in here all the time, so when you do see the windows foggy again, it won’t be from the heater, it’ll be from-“
“Don’t you dare finish that fucking sentence.” Wilma said harshly as she walked up to you and took your chin in her hand as she gently pushed your head up to look at her. Even with you sitting on the counter, she loomed over you quite a bit. “If I see you with anyone, let alone anyone touching you, it won’t be so peaceful anymore, understand?”
You opened and closed your mouth multiple times, words not coming out and your mind fuzzy. Your eyes wide and full of want, love, hunger, and lust. This has to be a dream, right? Another one of your stupid, unrealistic dreams that you had. She hated you, she can’t be serious. Right? All that was heard was your small squeaks coming from you and the running of the generator.
“Come on love, if you go brain dead just from this then…” Wilma slowly cut herself off as you nodded up at her, smiling up at her. “Words.”
“Yes. Yes, I understand.” As you spoke, her thumb lightly brushed against your lips, making your lip tingle as they moved. You quickly kissed her thumb as you ended your sentence, looking up at her yet again, waiting for her next move.
“Oh fuck this.” Wilma said as she gripped your chin yet again and placed her lips roughly against yours. As the kiss went on, they messier it got. Both of you pulling at each other to get the other closer, Wilma between your legs pulling you by your hips, wrapping your legs around her waist.
“You sure you wanna do this?” You said, as her lips moved down to your neck and started to suck and kiss and bite any area that was available.
“Of course I am, what better opportunity to claim you and get some warmth for the night.” Wilma said as she smirked up at you, pulling you off the counter as you locked the store up and led her up the stairs to your loft apartment above the store.
“You better be thanking god right now for your luck.” You said to the woman behind you as you unlocked the door and stepped inside.
Wilma quickly closed the door and pushed you up against the wall beside it, cupping your neck in her hands as gently as she could, almost surprising you with the completely change in touch she was using with you 10 seconds ago.
“You bet your pretty little ass I am.”
taglist: @maxx-is-dumb12 @mysticalsoot @saccharinesunset (if you wanna be added, go ahead and ask or my dms are wide open!)
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Fantasy College
Written by AO3 Author outofthedormroom
I love Dimension 20 so much. I wasn't done with the characters and wanted to write some fic. So this is the bad kids headed to college.
Chapter 1: Is it lunch time yet?
Chapter Text
Adaine clicked the locks on her suitcase into place. She looked around the small apartment she’d called home for the past two years. Since moving out of Jawbones’ place after her 16th birthday she’d made the apartment above the deli her home. Adaine was excited to go to Aguefort University of Violence; the university was only a year old. At the start of her senior year Professor Aguefort announced that since he had died, came back to life, and took back control of the Adventuring Academy he was bored and wanted to be a dean of a fancy university. Since none would take him he started his own university. Only 6 people died during the first school year so it felt like a safe choice. As Adaine finished taking her last look around Zadye floated into the room.
“God dammit Zadye, just because it is my last day here doesn’t mean you can break the not announce yourself rule.” Adaine said annoyed.
“Now that you’re leaving I need to prep this place for one hell of a haunting.” Zadye said very pleased. “What is scarier this…” The room became icey cold and sets of eyes seemed to fill every shadow “or this?” Blood starts to drip down the wall and the smell of death takes over the room.
“Still not over being kicked out of the theatre department?”
“It was a bullshit call from Ms. Jones!” Zadye took a pause. “Hey Adaine, this shithole will be my main haunt but would it be cool with you if I haunted your dorm room from time to time?”
“If you can follow the announcing yourself rule then yes. If my roommate is terrible then you only need to follow that rule if I’m home.” Adaine offered. She was going to miss Zadye not his mellow drama goth kid stuff but the person, while ghost, under that front.
“I will scare that bitch to death if she doesn’t meet your cleaning standards.” and puff Zadye was vanished.
“Zayde, just because you don’t want to confront your feelings doesn’t mean you leave the conversation.” Adaine yelled and a bloody middle finger appeared on the door. She rolled her eyes and left the first place that ever felt like her home.
As she closed the door a text came in from Fig.
“Fig, you haven’t packed anything! We have to move you in tomorrow!” Sandra Lynn yelled from stairs to the attic.
“Ugh Mom get off my case!” Fig yelled continuing to play her bass behind a closed door.
“Now Fig, I know I’m not your parent and it’s not my place to tell you how to live your life but it is my job to help get you college ready. And as a guidance counselor I can tell you, you have to pack your stuff before moving into your dorm room.” Jawbone offered. Fig could tell that he was standing by her mom.
“I have until 8am. I’m working on a sick song called I’m in College for a Great Time.” Little did her mom know that she wasn’t technically in college. Arthur was just letting her move into a dorm in exchange for her playing at the on campus coffee shop.
“I’m calling your father!” Fig hit a cord.
“Which one?” Sandra-Lynn didn’t answer but Fig could hear her calling someone. The crystal ran when a voicemail picked up. It was muffled but Fig’s keen ears could make it out.
“Hello you have reached Principal Gilear Faeth, I can’t come to the phone right now but….Ragh stop it! I’m not the lunch lad anymore, no need for the BBQ sauce. BEEP” Gilear had had that voicemail for nearly a year and he couldn’t figure out how to change it.
“One down, one to go! Either way, I’m not starting for a while.” Fig called out. She knew she pushed her mom too far when one of her arrows hit the door lock breaking it. Her mom pushed the door open with Jawbone behind her.
“Fig, it is 6pm the day before you start at AUV. Get it together. You don’t want to forget anything. You need to get started, I don’t know what you need.” Sandra Lynn looked ready to start a mom rant.
“Ugh, I have a plan!” Fig put her bass down and picked up her crystal. She send Adaine a text asking her to cast unseen servant to pack her bags. “I just texted Adaine to help!” A moment later Fig’s items start sort, fold, and pack themselves.
“Well you’re not always going to have a wizard around to help.” Sandra Lynn said, rolling her eyes. After they left, Jawbone and Sandra Lynn shared a laugh.
“I am Fabian Seacaster, Son of Hallariel Seacaster, and I am here to get my room assignment.” Fabian declared at what looked to be the weakling incharge of check in.
“Does Seacaster start with a C or an S?” The man asked. Fabian narrowed his eyes.
“Are you mocking me?” He flipped over the table and lifted the man in the air. “I can tell you right now you do not want too…” The man vanished from his hands. “Where the hell?”
“I found it by your first name, you’re the only Fabian of your class. You are living in The Hall of Our Fathers’ floor 2. And lucky you; a single!” The man had blinked a few feet away.
“Fabian, try not to kill the RAs.” Hallariel said coming up from behind. “Now my baby needs your finest suite.”
“Well, we have dorms not suite. Fabian has been asided our average-ist single.” The RA said. “I am Swaine Smyth and I will be you RA. Now I’m not going to write you up for grabbing me cause I’m cool like that but consider this an informal warning.”
“While Swaine consider yourself warn!” Fabian whipped around, paused for a moment and turned back. “Now how do I get to my dorm?” Swaine gave him direction. Fabian and his mother headed off for the dorms followed by pirates carrying all of his things.
Once they reached room D20 they were surprised to see Gilear. Hallariel greet him with a kiss. Fabian considered killing for the millionth time.
“Fig’s fake father what are you doing here?” Fabian said as he opened the door.
“Oh...well Fig and Gorthalax are running late. I think they went to hell to get some decoration for her dorm. I thought I’d said hello to you, your mother, and our future child.” Gilear said touching his mother’s stomach.
“I cannot believe you will be the father to my future awesome brother. He will have so much to overcome being half you.”
“Hurtful...well I will go see if I can find Fig. I believe she is in room D6.” Gilear left. As he turn Fabian noticed a single bean on the backside of his pants.
“Thank you so much for helping me move in. My parents are at a church fundraising and won’t be coming till later.” Kristen said to Tracker as she hopped onto her freshly made bed.
“No problem,” Tracker said joining Kristen on the bed “I can’t believe you got a single.”
“Perks of knowing the dean and founding a new region that is extremely popular among young people so I can afford a little upgrade.” Kristen said looking at her pride flag with YES! Printed over it.
“Hey, makes it easier to come and visit.” Tracker said as she snuggled closer. “Plus it makes it nice that you won’t freak out any roommate trying to convert them.”
“YES! Doesn’t want me to convert per say just ask people to care more.” A knock at the door or room D4. “Here come my folks, let’s be extra gay.” Kristen said getting up to greet her parents Mac and Donna as well as her brothers Bricker, Buckey, and Cork.
“Kristen; you missed a great corn cake breakfast. We raised 400 gold pieces for Sole!” Donna said excitedly.
“Mom, we both know that Sole doesn’t need money. He runs the most profitably chain of self tanning places ever. It’s the Fantasy McDonalds of sun tanning. The best thing that ever happened to him was falling from the heavens.”
“Kristen, don’t be like that Sole needs to to make sure Helio’s beer pong x-sports league gets off the ground...I see she is here.” Mac said looking at Tracker.
“Yes Dad, my girlfriend of 3 years is here to help me move in since you were raising money for beer pong sports.” Her brothers had gathered around Tracker.
“Tracker! Do the trick for us!” Cork begged. “Please!” Added Buckey.
“Okay but you guys need to make me mad.” Tracker said. The three boys started make funny faces. In response, Tracker turned her face into that of her wolf form. “Howl, howl, howl” chanted the boys. Tracker started making wolf noises to entertain them.
“I don’t love the boys playing with people like...while you know.” Her dad trailed off carefully watching Tracker.
“Gay people? Like me? I don’t know why I invited you. We can either go and have a nice meal at the family move in lunch or you can leave and keep being a homophobe.”
“Don’t call us that, we love all people but we don’t trust all people” Her mom shot back.
“Homophobes it is; hey guys” Kristen turns to her brothers who were still being entertained by Tracker. “Because mom and dad are bigots you have to leave and stop playing with Tracker.”
“Mom and Dad being bigots ruin everything!” Bickery declared as Kristen family left.
Riz hung up his PI license on the wall of room D8. It was truly the most beautiful thing he’d ever see.
“Ok Riz, you are unpacked. Sorry I can’t stay long but my case is taking up so much time. Here is a Baston Market gift card in case you get hungry. Gorthalax and Fig are stuck in hellish traffic but they should be here by lunch and he can help you with anything. Is there anything else I can do before I had back to HQ.” Sklonda asked.
“I get it mom. In four years I will have the same problem.” Riz said. “Plus I can text the other bad kids and see if they are free to do things on the green and other such college student fun.”
“I’m so proud of you sweetie and I know your dad would be too.”
“Thanks mom.”
Gorgug drove the car as his parents cried in the back seat.
“Gorgug, buddy we are so so gd proud of you! It seems like yesterday you died for the first time and now you are starting college. Before you know it Wilma” his dad started crying harder. “Wilma we will be grandparents.”
“Now Gorgug, while we are sad you are leaving the tree we are mainly proud of you for going to college and being an all around great kid.” Wilma said choking back tears.
“I know, you’ve been proudly crying all day. We missed check in.”
“Oh gosh darn it did we keep you from having an important college experience.” Digby added. His parents cried harder. Gorgug stepped on the gas. They were going to get to campus just in time for the move in family lunch.
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lillylvjy · 7 months
So ride with me tonight.
notes; hello hello! Another softball Wilma fic! I feel like this is the one time I’m just like being consistent with posting and I’m happy about it so! I have more coming! Enjoy!
Warning; reader has a bunch of religious trauma but it’s barely mentioned, reader has a sibling that is barely mentioned, we love Diane and Mark, readers mom is kinda an asshole who’s name is Kathy, so much fluff between reader and Wilma, Wil is the third wheel, reader in dress, kissing, Wilma and reader teasing wil, if I missed anything please tell me!
who; softball!wilma x female!reader (sorry! I fed into my delusions)
edited; nope!
wc; 1.4k
au by @phxntomsdusk !!!
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You saw her once you walked in. Your family always sat close together, usually behind them, considering her mom was really close to yours. But today was different.
You guys decided to sit with them.
Wilma smiled as you followed your family to where the Gold’s were sitting, standing up so your parents and siblings could scoot down to her parents and sat back down once you were the last one to pass. Wil gave you a smile as you sat down next to her, pinky automatically linking with yours.
Turning your head, her smile igniting your own, as you fully slipped your hand into hers. Your mom once asked you why you always held hands with Wilma, getting suspicious on why you both were so close.
“Mom. We grew up with each other, we’re best friends, can’t friends hold hands? Diane said you guys used to all the time…”
After that she didn’t say anything but you knew she had some suspicions, you just had to steer her away from them. You hated lying to her but if it was the only way to protect yourself and your relationship with Wilma, you’d take what you can get.
“Good morning love.” Wilma whispered to you as you grabbed the book and flipped to the page the first song was on.
“Good morning.” You said softly as the organ started playing and everyone stood.
The whole time Wilma was either shoulder to shoulder with you while you stood, or she was holding your hand while you sat. She just wanted you close, as you did her.
After church was over, your family stayed back until all the rush to get out and go to brunch was over as you all walked outside.
“Hey, darling. Wanna hang out? Get lunch, go shopping, anything before I have my game this evening? Don’t ask why it’s in a Sunday, i’d really like to know as well…”
“Can I come with?!” Wil asked as he over heard Wilma’s ask.
You laughed as Wilma scoffed and agreed to dragging him along. You looked at your mom, who was currently laughing at something Diane said. You wanted to go, you really did, but was it worth the lie?
One glance at Wilm was all you needed to determine your decision.
“Ok, give me a minute and see what mother says…” Wilma and Wil both laughed at the name as you walked over to the adults. You rubbed your hands on your dress as your anxiety started rise up. You didn’t like the thought of your mom asking you so many questions to the point you’d break and reveal everything. You didn’t want her to find out and ruin this. It was the best thing you had so far. “Hey mom? Dad? Can I go out with Wilma and Wil? They want to hang out before Wilma’s game. And can I also go to that as well?” You asked hesitantly, playing with your hands as your nervousness showed.
Mark and Diane both smiled at you as your mom looked at your dad for an opinion, yet he didn’t have one, shrugging and pointing at your mom. She sighed and looked at you, “What will you be doing? Better be nothing bad, especially since it’s Sunday and you should be at home reading the Bible with us-“
“Hey, Kathy. She’ll be ok, I promise. I bet they’re only going out to breakfast and coming back to our house! I’ll bring her home after the game safely. I promise.”
“Also what would it hurt for her to miss just one Sunday of reading the Bible…” Mark finished off as he wrapped his arm around Diane and smiled at you. You smiled back at both of them with so much thanks and love for them. They were more of parents to you the your actual parents were.
Your mom sighed as she nodded. “Ok fine, yes! Be safe, and Wilma! Don’t kill my daughter!”
“Won’t even think about it!” Wilma yelled back as she smiled at you. “You comin’?” Wilma yelled at you as she tossed her keys in her hand while Wilbur ran to the truck.
Your smile was as wide as ever as you hugged your mom and your second parents, thanking all of them as you ran over to Wilma, you grabbing her hand and pulling her with you.
“Don’t you think it’s slightly weird how they always hold hands?” You heard your mom ask.
“Kathy, we used to do that all the time, plus they’re practically family.”
Family. The word was deeper than your mom could realize. Mark always told you how Wilma seemed lighter and more involved with things besides softball ever since you both became close and started dating. Diane also said how happy Wilma looked too, more than she’s seen in a long while. She always wanted you to her part of her family, whether that was marrying one of her kids or her adopting you, she would take anything. And she certainly got something. Wilbur also made fun of you two, always saying how gross you guys are, but he silently appreciated the relationship. Seeing his sister and best friend happy was more than enough.
“Baby? You ok? I lost you for a second.” Wilma pulls you to her gently as you slow down and look up at her.
“I’m good, but the sound of me being part of the family has a nice tone to it…”
Wilma slowly smiled as she scoffed and wrapped an arm around your shoulder, bringing you into her chest as she walked. “So you do want to get married?”
“Who said anything about marriage….” Wilma looked down at you with wide eyes and anxiety lacing her pupils. “I’m joking, yes of course I do!”
“Thank fuck… my plans would be ruined….”
“What?! Plans? WILMA-“ Wilma pulled away as she started sprinting to the car, you close behind, silently thanking yourself for wearing sneakers with your dress this morning.
Meeting her by the drivers seat, both of you panting as Wilma looked down at you with fond eyes. “Have I told you how pretty you look today, especially in that dress?”
“Thank you my love, but we’re not done with that conversation-“
“Yes ma’am!” Wilma said as she held up her hands defensively as you pointed at her. Both of you laughed as she opened the driver side door, to find Wilbur in the middle seat on his phone. “Hey! Idiot! Scoot over, that seats for her.”
“Pleaseeeee I love the middle seat!”
“No! Now scoot, unless you want me and y/n to hold hands across you and-“
“Ok! Ok fine! There… happy?” Wil asked as he patted the seat for you resting his arm on the head of the seats. Wilma’s truck was an older one, where there was only one row of seats and that was the three in the front, all connected. But you all cherished and loved the old rusty thing a lot.
“Very.” You said as you climbed in, Wilma standing behind you, blocking anyone’s eyes to from seeing anything and to also get in the car herself.
Getting settled in, Wilma took the aux out of Wil’s hands and gave it to you. “She’s the guest, she picks the music.”
“Baby you forget we all share a driving playlist..” you said as you pressed play on the shared playlist, Oklahoma Smokeshow by Zach Bryan coming through the speakers.
Wilma smiled at you as she placed her right hand above your knee, your hand coming and connecting with hers. “I know but I want my girl to pick the music she wants too.”
“And this is the perfect music for me.” You smiled back at her as she leaned down and kissed you gently, both of your smiles interfering as you did. Your free hand reached up and cupped her cheek, rubbing the bone that sat so prominently on her face. You both stayed put, lips not touching but close enough to look like they were, and smiles as bright as the sun.
“…. Did you forget about me?”
“Wilbur I swear to god!” Wilma groaned as her brother as she pulled away and looked at him with anger filled eyes.
Laughing, you rubbed her cheek once more before letting go of her face and squeezing her right hand in yours. “Ok, let’s get some food yeah? I’m starving. Plus he just has to be grateful it didn’t get any worse-“
“Ok! Breakfast yeah? Where are we thinking?! Cracker Barrel, Bob Evan’s-“
You weren’t paying attention to the male as the song continued to play and ring out as the ending played and Wilma’s singing filled your thoughts.
taglist; @mysticalsoot @phxntomsdusk @ivvees-blog (wanna be added? Send an ask or dm!)
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