hotnew-pt · 14 days
Karolina Muchova encanta Nova York e volta às semifinais: Haddad Maia é eliminado #ÚltimasNotícias
Hot News Último descendente da nobre escola tchecaKarolina Muchova disputou a final de Roland Garros 2023 (linda e chegou perto de Iga Swiatek), duas vezes nas quartas de final de Wimbedon e nas semifinais do Fast Slams, há um ano em Nova York. Resultados notáveis ​​para uma jogadora profissional, pouco para uma tenista de sua categoria, prejudicados ao longo de sua carreira por lesões: a última…
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Poppy Delevingne at Wimbedon in a three-piece suit. Delevingne paired her white blazer with a pair of ultra-wide-legged cream trousers.
via Vogue.com
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I always hear tennis commentators like "Kvitova broke her ankle in 700 places last night but she's got some tape on and will now play a full tennis match." Whereas if I so much as get a paper cut I will be dramatically lying on my bed trying to convince my cat to make dinner so I don't have to get up.
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tyrnn · 5 years
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Another big day for Lucario brings in enough growth to get a couple crucial shots by Renamon to defeat him and bring home another point towards the Crown! It's now 13-12, but Renamon still carries a commanding lead of 888.6m over Lucario, 3413.85m to 2525.25m. While Renamon will almost certainly claim victory in the Growth Contest with five events to go, the Games are still too close to call!
Anything could happen next! Head over to https://twitter.com/Tyrnn/status/1111420780288499715 to vote for the next event in the series, and like, retweet, or donate to my Convention Shop Setup fund at:
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sundayssf1sport · 7 years
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Epic Summer Update (Part 2)
Back to “What I Missed When I Took A Summer Break.” My first post was all about how the Sussex spending revelations and the Foundation split started the summer on shaky footing. This post is about how the brf  clearly expected some rough sailing after the split was announced, and they did a massive post-Trooping “happy families” pr drive to smooth over the Cambridge-Sussex divorce. This also set up Harry and Meghan’s late-summer “brand Sussex” launch and signaled that the brf was supportive of their efforts and there were no family conflicts whatsoever.
This is the post that is not going to be in chronological order. The three big events covered in this post are Wimbledon, the christening, and the polo game, but I’m going to start with the Cambridges first because their coverage was more indicative of what the pr drive was supposed to look like, as least as far as the brf was concerned. The poor Sussexes had other ideas as to how to do things. They “went their own way” just as they promised and it did not go well for them.
The brf  pr drive culminated in a “The Truth About their Friendship” cover for People magazine featuring Meghan and Kate. This the message they were communicating. This is what the summer was supposed to look like—bucolic family harmony.
The messaging was that the couples were now “going their own ways” but they still socialized and supported each other. The family pic at the christening, the appearances at Wimbedon and the joint appearances at the polo game were all supposed to signal that, and they mostly did. Unfortunately, said messaging was undermined by the pics, with Meghan sitting as far away from Kate as possible in the christening, little interaction during the polo game, and a surprise Pippa appearance at the Wimbledon royal box.
Kate’s christening body language mirrored that of the Trooping carriage ride.
But Kate was determined to follow her press script and she fixed her body language problem at Wimbledon with some genius Pippa placement. The press got some pics of Kate “interacting with Meghan” in a relaxed and friendly manner, but I think in most of these Kate is actually talking to Pippa.
Good job, Kate. I think this pr drive was a total win for the Cambridges. Louis stole the show (AGAIN!) with his sunglasses and Kate looked maternal and engaged. Meghan was cleverly designated as a Wimbledon “guest” and not host thanks to Pippa’s presence. Pippa had a huge placement upgrade and I wouldn’t be surprised if “Kate and Pippa at Wimbledon” becomes a new tradition. Kate’s status was also enhanced by her position next to Camilla in the carriage and her trophy-delivering duties.
Also, her faces during that men’s finals nail-biter absolutely won the day.
It was a win for the Cambridges all around, imo. The pr drive was so successful that it masked the fact that Will and Kate’s work numbers for the first half of 2019 were unimpressive, to say the least. It’s amazing what good pr can do.
Insert my usual bitching about Kate’s work ethic here. Yes, I love her and, yes, she can prioritize family all she wants, but these numbers have plenty of room to go up. I particularly dislike the fact that most of her appearances are for her own charities, because I think the primary purpose of royal work is the FREAKING ribbon-cutting and the local visits. I want more ribbon-cutting, and I don’t understand why the Cambridges eschew it so much. They are fantastic at it (that visit to Coventry! The boots at the sheep-shearing!) and it should be the mainstay of their Future-Prince-and-Princess-of-Wales pr.
Anyway, back to the scheduled programming. The superhuman efforts involved in the “be nice” pr drive were so exhausting that Kate immediately left for Mustique.
And Lorraine Heggesey left the Royal Foundation, to be replaced by Jason Knauf. I died laughing when I saw this. Lorraine  was brought in from the BBC, where she was known primarily as a super-aggressive crisis handler, successfully manouvering cocaine scandals, racism rows, and the like. You get a surprising number of hits when you google “Lorraine Hegessey crises.” As Louis Black says, “it’s good to have a specialty.”
When she was hired in April 2017, I wondered if she’d been brought in primarily to handle Harry and Meghan and I am not one bit surprised that she’s leaving now that Harry and Meghan are gone. What surprises is that Will must have known he had a huge problem almost as soon as Meghan arrived on the scene. He must have started shopping for a new Foundation head in November or December of 2016. He read the handwriting on the wall pretty goshdarned fast.
Now for the other couple. The pr drive did not go so well for the Sussexes. For some bizarre reason they decided to reprise the drama over Archie’s super-secret birth with unnecessary drama about the no-public-access christening. Hence we had another private event, another super-secret certificate and the more withholding of information (namely, the names of the godparents).  Now this kid has a chance of eventually being the Head of the Church of England, so this is actually pretty important information. Hence, this  was the third signal that they are not willing to deal with their responsibilities.
There’s no reason for this. It’s just stupid, particularly when you then decide to show up at Wimbledon and drop “godparent clues.”
Or when you reveal the godfather to the freaking Times.
Or when you then post the super-private baby’s pic on IG along with a pic with the Queen in order to collect those profitable likes and followers.
Why? You are creating a controversy out of nothing. It’s stupid and unnecessary. You are building enormous press resentment for a couple of social media follows.
You’re also embarrassing HM by suddenly having people notice that the brf does not comply with the rules regarding public access to baptism certificates.
Kudos to Richard Palmer on tracking this down. That’s the second little tidbit of royal non-transparency revealed this summer. The first one was the way royal expenses are all mushed together so you can’t figure out who is costing how much. I know I rag on Meg and Harry a lot, but I love how their shenanigans mean that “suddenly” people are finding out all this stuff.  I bet this makes them really popular with the rest of the brf, btw. They love transparency, dontchaknow?
And, good heavens, don’t they realize that they look absolutely ridiculous when they insist in a super-private christening with no public access because the baby needs private days after they announce that they will take the baby on a public foreign tour for no reason whatsoever?
Now, I’m writing this in August and we are getting a lot of “Why does the UK press hate Meghan? It must be because they are racist” arguments from the Sussex fans and enablers. Heck to the no. the UK press hates Meghan because they pull shit like this all the time. They mislead reporters. They don’t release information. They release false information. They leak lies through authoritative personnel and reporters rely on it and end up with pie on the face. They refuse press access claiming they are super-private, and then publicize stuff anyway. Then they send their press lackeys and rabid fans after the reporters.
They’ve been doing it since November, 2016 but people put up with it because they expected things would change and the palace rules would eventually be imposed. The romance was also big money, so the hassle was worth. Hence, even thought the Sussexes treated everyone like crap, people mostly put up with it and negative commentary was mostly limited to the DM and the Sun who hated her ever since she singled them out with the KP statement.
Things changed with the drama around Archie’s birth. They embarrassed the BBC and ITV and humiliated veteran reporters, and that changed coverage drastically. They went after the royal reporters and attacked them personally. You didn’t use to see negative articles in The Times and The Telegraph, but now they are routine. Everyone hates them right now, and it’s not racism. It’s because they treat the press like shit. The tabloids are used to having the royals treat them like shit and feel that it comes with the territory, but the mainstream outlets are not used to being treated this way.
It’s worse than racism. It’s deep-seated personal resentment.
Anyway, the christening, which should have been a pr win for the Sussexes became a pr disaster instead.
Wimbledon also turned into  pr disaster because Meghan asked for 40 seats (was there biblical significance here?) to be cleared out for her “party of three” and had her security harass everyone around her during Serena’s match.
I love that they first tried to spin this as Meghan “wants to engage with people not phone.” LOL, she was rather obviously only “engaging” with her friends. They also kept mentioning that she was there “privately” supporting her celebrity friend, which was unfortunate given that Meghan was steadily building a rep as someone who wanted the fun part of being a royal (i.e., access to celebs) and not the other part.
Even Lainey called out the palace bullshit.
As did Wendy Williams .
Oh, and she caught flack for wearing jeans.
It was a huge contrast to Kate’s first Wimbledon visit where she wore a white McQueen dress, sat with the fans, let people take pics and videos, and made no fuss.
The weird thing is that I bet Meghan thought she was perfectly emulating Kate’s outing and even improving on it by bringing college friends/potential godparents and dressing in her trademark California Casual wear, and she expected glowing coverage and stories about how much more normal and approachable she was than Kate. She likely didn’t realize that the ridiculous security perimeter and spectator harassment would change the story. She really is oblivious.
The press also contrasted Meghan’s behavior to that of the Queen.
Oh, they also had to move the date of the christening because they hadn’t consulted the other royals before scheduling and HM and PC were both busy.
And, for those of us on #merchwatch, her Wimbledom necklace designer confessed that she gave Meghan the “A” necklace (an another unidentified piece of jewelry) as a present. That’s thousands of dollars in free jewelry.
Meghan’s polo outing was also less-than-successful as she was criticized for holding Archie awkwardly.
Even I admit this was a “bitch eating crackers” moment. Now, I claim the uber-BEC crown, but I think this was the point where it became clear that the BEC crowd has grown enormously. Somehow (Was it the celeb sunglasses? Was it the I don’t-dress-for-plebs potato-sack dress? Was it the hypocrisy of claiming privacy over the christening and then showing up for polo pap pics with the baby?) by this point in July Meghan had managed to rub people the wrong way.
The big palace pr drive that was so successful at painting the Cambridges as a normal, down-to-earth family  getting along with other family members and fulfilling royal duties in a dignified-but-modern way had the exact opposite effect on the Sussexes. They were seen as spoilt, spendthrift celebrity wannabes, flouting royal rules and disrespecting HM and PC.
Note that they were already building a “hypocrisy” rep at this point  because the polo posing, social media posting, spotlight seeking, and reliance on the public purse contradicted their loud claims for privacy. #PlaneGate did not spring fully-formed from the head of Zeus in August. It build up during the entire summer.
The polo outing even gave rise to a bizarre rumor that Harry had vanished for 48 hours.
At this point, thinks were so pathetic that Piers Morgan, of all people, decided to try and give her some pointers.
And the Times had a scathing editorial where they broke down the rules for Meghan in an “explain like I’m five” kind of way.
And the Blind Gossip source came back to bitch about how Meghan was not following advice and every single mistake was completely self-inflicted. This blind is interesting because it’s clearly a staffer who has simply had it with the Sussexes and how they mess up everything. It’s also the first time this source mentions the d-word, divorce.
Oh, and Pippa’s presence at Wimbledon was spun as the Middletons “supporting” a struggling Meghan. I lol’ed when I saw this. You know your star has crashed to earth when the Middletons, of all people, are “supporting” you. The stans were so irate that Keir had so change his language to “unity” to “reflect what a powerful, smart, independent woman Meghan is.” LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL.
Meghan’s response was to throw the security team under the bus, via Omid Scobie, who seems to be morphing into Rodrigo Alves, the Human Ken Doll. Let go of the fillers and botox, Omid!
In a (presumably) completely unrelated development, Mariah Carey wore Meghan’s tiara on the cover of Cosmo.
I marvel at the synchronicity of that cover because I do feel that at that moment, Meghan was at a critical juncture in her public perception. The thin veneer of royalty of the Trooping/Christening/Royal Box trifecta was fading before the harsh celebrity wannabe hustling. Piers Morgan is a complete a-hole, but he knows media and he knew that Meghan facing an inflection point in public perception and his list of tips reflected.
So what did Meghan do at this point? She went to the Lion King premiere and hung out with Beyonce.
I’ll cover this in the next post.
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skippyv20 · 5 years
Will FORTY-love fill the gate crashed box? Confusion besetting an African ((Queen)) This suggests Wimbedon to me
Thank you.....😁❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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Roger Federer, el tenista masculino de mayor edad en la final de Wimbledon
Roger Federer, el tenista masculino de mayor edad en la final de Wimbledon
[vc_row el_id=”texto”][vc_column css=”.vc_custom_1477190328536{margin-bottom: 0px !important;}”][vc_empty_space][vc_column_text]Para la que será su décimoprimera final del Abierto de Wimbledon,  se clasificó el tenista suizo Roger Federer, en donde se enfrentará al croata Marin Cilic.
El considerado mejor tenista de la historia tiene el récord absoluto con 18 Grand Slams y aspira a ganar su…
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fisicol92 · 7 years
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Novak Djokovic raced into the Wimbledon third round on Thursday, but has yet to be given a real workout. The three-time champion was in relentless form as he trounced Wimbledon debutant Adam Pavlasek 6-2 6-2 6-1 in little more than 90 minutes.
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racingliners · 6 years
Even if my fave player loses a tennis match, all I have to do is sigh, and be thankful that at least it wasn't Isner v Anderson from Wimbedon this year
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edwardfoley · 3 years
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Very pleased to be assisting a few former clients selling their homes in Wimbedon Village and Merton Park in the last week. If you would like some independent advice in selling and advice on marketing or choosing the right estate agent, then please get in touch. . . . . . #wimbledonvillage #wimbledon #mertonpark #raynespark #realty #wimbledonhouses #wimbledonhomes #coombe #putney #putneyhomes #winkworthwimbledon #southfields #SW19 #SW20 #estateagentsofinstagram https://www.instagram.com/p/CazjktqAOst/?utm_medium=tumblr
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thenugking · 7 years
so happy jodie whittaker won the wimbedon mens final
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wsmith215 · 4 years
ATP, WTA, ITF cancel events through July due to coronavirus
The professional tennis tours are extending their suspensions caused by the coronavirus pandemic through at least the end of July.
The total number of tournaments scrapped by the ATP, WTA and International Tennis Federation since March now tops 40.
“Just like tennis fans, players and tournament hosts all over the world, we share in the disappointment the Tour continues to be affected in this way,” ATP chairman Andrea Gaudenzi said in a statement. “We continue to assess all of our options in an effort to resume the Tour as soon as it is safe to do so, including the feasibility of rescheduling events later in the season.”
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Said the WTA in a statement: “We regret this is the case but will continue to be guided by medical experts for when it is safe and possible to return to WTA competition. We continue to monitor the situation closely and are hopeful to be back on the court as soon as possible.”
The ATP said Friday that the post-Wimbledon grass-court Hall of Fame Open in Newport, Rhode Island, and a hard-court US Open tuneup in Atlanta were among the events that “will not take place as scheduled.” Others added to the tour’s suspension of play are in Hamburg, Germany; Bastad, Sweden; Los Cabos, Mexico; Gstaad, Switzerland; Umag, Croatia; and Kitzbuhel, Austria.
The WTA added tournaments in Bastad; Lausanne, Switzerland; Bucharest, Romania; and Jurmala, Latvia, to its list of cancellations. The women’s tour also said “a decision regarding the dates in which” events in Palermo, Sicily (scheduled for July 20-26), and Karlsruhe, Germany (July 28-Aug. 2), “may be played” will be made in June.
Lower-tier events for the ATP and WTA also were affected, and the ITF announcement included juniors, seniors and wheelchair players.
In addition to the cancellation of its July 11-18 tournament, the International Tennis Hall of Fame said Friday that its 2020 induction ceremony for Goran Ivanisevic and Conchita Martinez is being called off. They will be honored alongside any Class of 2021 inductees next year.
As of now, the men’s and women’s Citi Open hard-court tournament in Washington, where qualifying would begin Aug. 1, could mark the return for top-level tennis — if it returns at all this year. The tours said they will make further scheduling announcements in June.
The top tours already had been on hold until at least July 13. That was announced April 1, the same day the All England Club said it would be canceling Wimbedon for the first time in 75 years because of the outbreak.
Some small tennis exhibitions have been organized, with small fields and no fans, but no sanctioned play has been allowed since early March.
The Associated Press contributed to this report.
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The post ATP, WTA, ITF cancel events through July due to coronavirus appeared first on The Bleak Report.
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thisdaynews · 5 years
Australian Open: Sofia Kenin beats Garbine Muguruza to win title
New Post has been published on https://thebiafrastar.com/australian-open-sofia-kenin-beats-garbine-muguruza-to-win-title/
Australian Open: Sofia Kenin beats Garbine Muguruza to win title
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By Jonathan Jurejko
BBC Sport at Melbourne Park
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Sofia Kenin sealed victory when Garbine Muguruza double-faulted on championship point
2020 Australian Open Venue:Melbourne ParkDates:20 January to 2 February Coverage:Listen on BBC Radio 5 Live Sports Extra and online; Live text on selected matches on the BBC Sport website and app; Watch highlights on BBC Two and BBC iPlayer.
American Sofia Kenin fulfilled her potential by winning a first Grand Slam title with victory over Spain’s Garbine Muguruza at the Australian Open.
Kenin won 4-6 6-2 6-2 against two-time major winner Muguruza in Melbourne.
The 21-year-old was a child prodigy, who started making television appearances from the age of five and hitting with the stars soon after.
“My dream has officially come true,” said Kenin, the eighth first-time women’s champion in the past 12 Slams.
“Dreams come true. If you have a dream then go for it – it will come true.
“These two weeks have been the best two weeks of my life.”
Kenin, who turned 21 in November, is the youngest Australian Open champion since Russian Maria Sharapova in 2008.
The American 14th seed was gifted victory when Muguruza produced a double fault on the second match point – the Spaniard’s third of the game and eighth of the match.
Kenin dropped her racquet to the court and covered her face in shock, before going over to the opposite corner where her dad – and coach – Alex was sitting.
The pair warmly cupped hands before she returned to the court, spinning around and lifting her arms up towards him again in a gesture which summed up her shock.
Reaction to Kenin’s victory over Muguruza
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Confident Kenin fulfils a dream long predicted to come true
Sofia Kenin will become the highest-ranked American when the new list is published on Monday
Kenin was born in Russia but was a few months old when she moved with her parents to the United States, where she picked up a racquet at the age of five.
Raised in Florida, she quickly became a star in the States, featuring on television programmes and the covers of magazines which predicted a successful professional career ahead.
Famously, aged five, she claimed she would be able to return a serve from hard-hitting American star Andy Roddick, then practised with Grand Slam champions John McEnroe, Venus Williams and Kim Clijsters.
Two years later she spoke of her ambition to win one of the sport’s biggest prizes.
Now she has achieved her dream. And that confidence illustrated while still at primary school remains one of her key attributes.
Kenin never gives up and never shies away from a fight on court, which is what she found herself in after Muguruza won the opening set.
Demonstratively frustrated, she came out punching in the second, returning even more relentlessly than usual. Muguruza, who won the 2016 French Open and 2017 Wimbedon titles, could not cope.
Breaks at 2-1 and 5-3 enabled Kenin to take the match into a decider, before she swung the momentum of a tight third set her way with a monumental hold for 3-3.
Trailing 40-0, she fought back with five points of the highest quality. Two backhands down the line under the most intense of pressure were outrageous, a third winner – this time down the other flank – almost ridiculous.
An ace out wide and a crosscourt forehand winner – after drawing Muguruza into the net – clinched the hold. It also virtually clinched the championship.
From that point, Muguruza’s confidence waned, with the Spaniard losing serve in the next game and again – in the most painful of circumstances – in what proved to be the final game.
More to follow.
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cringe-attacks · 7 years
the real reason we can't have the plushies in pjs is bc we've spent all our luck for the rich gay couple wimbedon selfies and now we can't have any more nice things for another week
guess we cant have any more nice things until august when we can finally ask dan about that week in march !
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xoidua · 5 years
Dream about the monster
"Ngày xưa khi có chuyện không vui
Mẹ tôi đến khẽ nói bên tai rằng
Con ơi chớ quá lo âu, cứ vui đi
Đời ta đôi lúc gặp không may
Thì ta vẫn cứ mai nuôi hy vọng
Sau cơn mưa nắng sẽ lên cao, cứ vui đi"
- Let it Be do Chú Chu Minh Ký đặt lời.
Bản thu live trên youtube mà tôi đã nghe đi nghe lại không biết bao nhiêu lần kể từ thời còn là sinh viên. Ước mơ về một ngôi nhà nơi tôi luôn được đắm chìm trong không gian âm nhạc tràn ngập năng lượng và niềm hy vọng được thắp lên đơn giản như thế.
15/7/2019, trở về nhà sau 6 tiếng ngồi trên xe làm người tôi mỏi nhừ. Một giấc ngủ mê man cho trôi bớt mệt mỏi rồi choàng tỉnh khoảng 10h tối. Tiếng ti vi vẫn đều đều đột nhiên hô vang: "Đã có set 1 cho Novak". Anh ấy có thể không phải là người chơi tốt nhất trên sân trong set 1 nhưng sự đeo đuổi dai dẳng, bền bỉ cùng với khả năng tận dụng cơ hội tốt trong thời điểm then chốt giúp anh ấy vượt lên. Phía bên kia, một Roger nhanh, chính xác và quyết đoán đang lên lại dây cót đòi lại set 1 bỏ phí những cơ hội ngon ăn. Trong một trận đấu kéo dài gần 5 giờ đồng hồ. Đến người xem cũng phải kiên trì bền bỉ chứ chưa nói gì đến vận động viên. Họ quả thực đã chứng minh cho cả thế giới đẳng cấp của một trong những huyền thoại của làng tennis đương đại. Nếu Federer đánh hiểm, đánh mạnh để nhanh chóng kết thúc thì Djokovic tỉnh táo, kiên trì phòng thủ và lạnh lùng trong từng pha dứt điểm khi cơ hội đến. Cái cảm giác 2 Championship point trôi qua tay Federer nó đau đớn và dấy lên một sự lo âu mồn một trong từng con tim yêu Fedex và nét mặt người vợ anh ấy. Nhưng thể thao là thế, đó là cuộc chơi của những nhà vô địch. Bạn có tự hỏi vì sao chúng ta hay gọi "Người chiến thắng" nhưng đồng thời lại gọi người còn lại là "Kẻ chiến bại"? Ranh giới giữa thắng thua nó chỉ mong manh trong một vài tích tắc chẳng đáng là gì so với thời gian sống một đời người nhưng lại quyết định đến vận mệnh của cuộc đời đó. Rằng người ta chỉ tôn vinh chiến thắng và chỉ nó mà thôi. Thời khắc đó vụt qua nhanh đến mức nhiều người còn không kịp định hình xem nó đã diễn ra như thế nào. Nhưng đâu thể ngời rằng, khoảnh khắc đó đã là lịch sử, rằng lịch sử đã chọn Novak chứ không phải Roger là Nhà vô địch đêm nay.
Năm 2017, khi Federer đánh bại Nadal trong trận chung kết AO cũng kéo dài 5 set, anh đã phát biểu: "Nadal là một vận động viên vĩ đại. Đêm nay cả hai chúng tôi đều xứng đáng là những nhà vô địch. Tuy nhiên Tennis là một môn thể thao khốc liệt khi bạn không thể có kết quả hòa". Năm nay, đến lượt Federer cảm nhận sự đau đớn khi không thể kết liễu đối thủ để đăng quang ở sân đấu mà không ngoa anh được xem là một vị vua. Wimbledon là giải Grand Slam mang đến nhiều thành công nhất cho anh nhưng cũng là nơi ghi dấu những nỗi buồn cay đắng nhất trong sự mỹ miều "trận chung kết wimbedon hay nhất lịch sử". Năm 2008, sau 4h 48p anh để chiếc cup tuột vào tay Nadal để rồi sau 11 năm, "trận chung kết wimbledon hay nhất lịch sử" có thể phải được định nghĩa lại với con số 4h 57p 3-2 (13-12 (7-3)). Có nỗi buồn nào xót xa đến thế. Federer lặng lẽ chấp nhận sự thật một cách bình thản: Anh vẫn luôn là nhà vô địch của những nhà vô địch và dẫu có là nhà vô địch thì bạn vẫn thất bại như thường. Anh ấy đã 37 tuổi, còn có thể chơi đỉnh cao và chinh phục những danh hiệu bao lâu nữa?
Quay trở lại giấc ngủ muộn lúc 2h sáng, quả là một thời gian khó để ngủ. Lấy cuốn sách cạnh bên "Cứ bay rồi sẽ cao" - Nguyễn Phi Vân & Nguyễn Tuấn Quỳnh như một cứu cánh cho đôi mắt không biết nhìn về đâu trong căn phòng. Rồi cơn ngủ mê man kéo đến, tôi thấy mình là một khán giả trong căn phòng ấy, ở Acoustic Bar, lắng nghe chú Ký hát "Let it be" - The Beatles. Mộng mị, mờ ảo. Tôi đã mơ về một quán như thế bao lâu? Tôi cũng không rõ. Giờ đây, tôi đã là chủ một quán bar như vậy, thật không phải là cơn mơ. Nhưng tôi lại nhớ nhiều về những ký ức đẹp tuyệt vời ấy. Khi chú Ký đưa mic về phía chúng tôi "Let it be". Tôi mơ thấy những giai điệu ngọt ngào như đôi cánh nâng ước mơ, hy vọng của tôi bay cao. Tôi mơ thấy mình bắt tay, ôm chầm lấy chú. Không bỏ lỡ một giây phút nào, ước muốn chú sẽ biểu diễn ở quán của tôi được chú đáp lại bằng một cái gật đầu kèm cái tay bắt chặt. Chú ấy là quái kiệt (Monster) của đất Sài Gòn - mảnh đất tôi thương thầm và chú ấy đang hát tác phẩm của một quái vật khác xứ âu châu - The Beatles. Hãy xem cái cách mà chú truyền năng lượng, niềm tin và tình yêu âm nhạc đến khán giả, chú phải là một rockstar cỡ bự trong bầu trời âm nhạc mới đúng.  Tin được không, chúng tôi sẽ đón chào ánh sáng rực rỡ đó đến sưởi ấm cả không gian của mình bằng âm nhạc thuần chất, gần gũi, chân thật. Tôi không quan tâm lắm đến những ca sĩ nổi danh ngoài kia, ồn ào, kiểu cách và phóng đại mọi thứ. Tôi thích cái cách chú ấy tỏa sáng tự nhiên trong tâm hồn mỗi người khán giả  khi chú cất tiếng hát.
Tôi lại tưởng tượng rằng Federer đang ngồi trong căn phòng tối lắng nghe được bản nhạc đó: 
"And in my hour of darkness she is standing right in front of me Speaking words of wisdom, let it be......
... and when the night is cloudy there is still a light that shines on me Shine until tomorrow, let it be"
Nó mới xoa dịu đi nỗi buồn và niềm đau biết bao. Tôi đã gục ngã, đã yếu đuối như thế nào khi thất bại sau mỗi giải tennis? Đã tự cảm thấy ngu ngốc và dằn vặt thế nào khi mất hết tiền? Đã mơ mộng viển vông, liều lĩnh và bất chấp như thế nào về Nhà hát của những giấc mơ? Tất cả đều chứa đựng trong cái tên: The DreamTheater Rock Pub - Let it be. Trong những thời khắc đen tối như vậy, chú ấy đã đến khẽ hát lên: 
"Đời ta đôi lúc gặp không may
Thì ta vẫn cứ mai nuôi hy vọng
Sau cơn mưa nắng sẽ lên cao, cứ vui đi"
Đêm qua, tôi mơ được gặp quái kiệt. Last nigh, I dreamed about the monster!
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5s dành cho quảng cáo: Với âm nhạc sôi động, đồ ăn ngon, beer n cocktail và không gian sôi động mỗi tối, Ngày 31/8/2019: The DreamTheater Pub sẽ chính thức đi vào hoạt động. Join us for the rock n roll night! 
------------------------- Cảm ơn các bạn đã quan tâm. Youtube: https://youtube.com/c/beeline92 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/xoiduamedia/ Website: http://xoidua.com
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