#wimbledon 17
The ATP and US Open posting more about Roger than yesterday’s matches is what I want to see
Loved the caption of this one:
“He’s here, and he’s perfect 🤩”
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masonjarsmoments · 2 months
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So you can be Norwegian and make it to the finals in Wimbledon? Casper start taking notes.
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lorenzlund · 2 years
“Mörder meines Sohnes/Tochter/sehr enge Verwandte/Vaters etc. läuft nach über 1 Jahr immer noch frei herum!”
Der Ort-er einer Person tut es weiterhin. Es ist wahrscheinlich, auch ihr Handy sendete dann, andere empfingen dann von ihm ausgehende Signale, sie kannten den gegenwärtigen Aufenthaltsort, wussten wo genau sie gleich auf sie treffen könnten! Sie wollten ihr begegnen! Heutzutage läuft das so fast nur noch über privat von uns mitgeführte Handies! Aber selbst ein auf Reisen privat mitgeführter Laptop kann diese Funktion so jederzeit für andere auch erfüllen, sogar der eines vielleicht grösseren Firmenbesitzers, und so passiert es dann vielleicht, stirbt der Chef dabei gleich selber, die Firma benötigt danach einen neuen!
Leiter des ehmaligen REAL-Marktes von Nienbg./Weser kommt in den 90er Jahren ums Leben (vermutlich eine sehr schwere plötzliche körperliche Erkrankung auch bei ihm, die genauen Umstände, woran auch er verstarb, wurden mir so nicht bekannt, leider gilt das so bis heute! (*Zumindest versuche ich dann sehr bald es erneut herauszufinden, und auch in dem Fall dann wieder, genauso bei einem vielleicht noch weiteren! Fast immer gelingt das! Nur halt damals noch nicht, ich stand damals noch an meinen beruflichen Anfängen als Ermittler, man könnte sagen, mir fehlte es zum damaligen Zeitpunkt noch an genügender auch eigener Erfahrung dafür! Meine Einstellung war erst jüngst erfolgt!)
Nur ein bis zwei Jahre später stirbt selbst der Sohn an einer schweren Erkrankung plötzlich noch genauso! (angeblich schwerer Herzfehler von Geburt an auch bei ihm, er sei nur erst jetzt auch bei ihm entdeckt worden, als bereits 16-jährigem!).
Das M- vor -örder als nur einzelner Buchstabe mit hoher Sicherheit taucht es auch hier wieder ein weiteres Mal nur stellvertretend für ‘im’ (’m, en, em) auf, also ‘in etwas sein, sich befinden’, ‘drinnen’. Boris Becker: Ich bin drin! Gemeint hatte er damit, er hatte sich erfolgreich gerade erneut im Netz oder dem Web ‘eingeloggt’. the log, engl.: für Holzstamm. Von-der-Ley-en. ley : das Gesetz. Dennoch steht es auch hier wieder für: Gesäß, das! Jenes was Männer wie Frauen stets gleichermaßen haben oder selber von Geburt an auch besitzen!
“Was, wenn nun jemand ein Feuer legte, und du/ihr wart an dem Ort schon vorher! Es kann immer nur eine Wahrheit geben!” (aus der Inhaltsbeschreibung zu einem neu erschienenen Roman mit dem Titel: Wir sind Wahrheit!)
“(Und) was, würde sogar dein eigener Bruder plötzlich verprügelt, und du fändest etwas über ihn heraus, was du so bislang über ihn noch nicht wußtest!”
“Tu’ das so niemals wieder, Sohn, bitte ich Dich!’ (Biden in einer jüngst auch zu ihm gänzlich neu erschienenen Biographie)
das Bar- oder Nacktsein von jemand. ‘Bar sein jeder Vernunft!’
“Nachdem die junge Iranerin ihren Vergewaltiger in Notwehr erstach, ist sie zum Tode verurteilt worden durch die Justiz”.
(Wie wird eine freiheitsliebende Frau aus dem Iran ein oder zum Schmetterling? Sachbuch) ...
*... dessen freiheitsliebende Flügel in der Sonne verbrennen, es schlicht erneut tun müssen, weil er plant, er möchte sich zu ihr aufschwingen,... auf selbe Höhe!
Warum selbst der junge Ikarus schon in der viel zu heißen Sonne geradezu selber auch verbrennen musste, schon damals!l
“Beau, tu’ das bitte so nie wieder, versprich mir das!”
Die Söhnen von deren Vätern mitgegebenen Ratschläge werden in der Folge durch einen von ihnen missachtet.
“Seine grundlose Festnahme, das wochenllange Foltern des jungen Iraners, sein erzwungenes (sehr wahrscheinlich dann falsches) Geständnis, das beständige Ignorieren von (Gegen-)Beweisen, ... und dann am Ende doch noch das Todesurteil!”
[Körper-)Mutationen, der Mutant : de, ausgehend von: Kühen weiblichen, und von den durch sie unternommenen und sich gegen einen einzelnen Mann  richtenden Aktionen und/oder Taten. der sogen. Alterungsprozess bei Männern wie Frauen oder das Altern, er kann auch sehr plötzlich stattfinden.]
‘Dieses Buch handelt von einem Jungen, der freiwillig einen Berg besteigen will, und dessen Freundin aber nun deswegen zurückbleibt!’ (Aus: Wirkliche Wahrheiten, als noch weiterem Roman. ‘Bislang noch galt er als eigentlich sehr normaler Junge, aber jetzt ist er plötzlich krank! So sehr krank, dass er vielleicht nie mehr gesund werden wird! Dennoch will er den Berg weiter besteigen, und sei es das letzte, was er im Leben täte!!’
“Beau, müssen Hunde wie du eigentlich auch sterben?? Mom???” “Hunde machen unser Leben heller. Aber auch sie sterben!!”
“Beau selber hat fast nie vor etwas Angst, Mom!” “Er lebt einfach!’)
‘Die Ministerin kritisierte die geplante Justiz-Reform!’
‘Just-iz’: Die ‘Gerade-ID’. ‘hart, fest bleiben, nach wie vor’; ‘Härte beweisen, nach wie vor, vor allem der Mann, oder vornehmlich er! Seine eigene Un- oder Nicht-abhängigkeit anderen unter erneuten Beweis stellen! unbeugsam, Ein echter Unbeugsamer halt noch, oder ein nahezu Unbeugsamer, zumindest dieser Mann noch!
Just in! the/a bi- Bär. BER-Terminal. ‘Bärentöter’ (in Romanen Karl Mays), der mitgeführte Kuschelbär selbst bei oder von Kindern, ‘Steiftier’ der Firma STEIF
In & out !  *(r)aus & (danach sofort wieder vielleicht noch genauso auch) r’in!
Rin Tin Tin (erfolgreicher Hunderoman), dreimal ‘rin’!
“Inside out, ... and up you turn me, Inside out, an’ round & round, Inside out, man (\boy),  ...!!!” (aus dem amerik. Soul als Musikstil)
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megumimania · 4 months
STARSTRUCK — art donaldson
synopsis: as art’s donaldson’s biggest fan you have to make yourself known to him by any means necessary.
warnings/tags: nsfw under the cut (17+), art x superfan!reader, reader is kinda delulu, p in v sex, public sex, unprotected sex, first time writing smut so be nice i beg 😩, please don’t fuck in bathrooms or have unprotected sex,!
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art shouldn’t even be here right now.
the pr mess that would ensue if he was caught by an eagle eyed fan or the paparazzi was a nightmare that he didn’t want to deal with. after all what brand would endorse a player that had been seen attending a club?
the neon sign of the club illuminated the street corner, creating a light purple haze that drew him in like a moth to a flame. new rochelle was a fairly uneventful county and since tashi was away every night doing god knows what, art was desperate to kill some time.
he entered the club in a baseball cap, sunglasses and some sweats, trying to mantain a low profile. but it was hard to be discreet when he was casually adorning a rolex on his wrist, which drew some attention from some patrons with how it caught in the light.
bass filled rap music was blasting through the speakers as art moved his way through the throng of the bodies dancing, grinding and making out in the club.
thankfully no one bothered to pay attention to the random white dude in sweats as he took his spot at the club’s vip section, sipping on his drink and mindlessly swaying to the beat of the music.
men and women came over to his section, trying to charm and flirt their way into his pants or to get a drink but he wasn’t interested at all.
he was pulled out of his thoughts by a tap on his shoulder and his immediate reflex was to say no pictures but when he finally made out who it was his face paled, the blood devoid on his face.
how did you know he was here?
art couldn’t believe it.
his number one super-fan aka the head of the so called artnation on twitter and instagram had managed to track him down. honestly he was both super impressed and kind of freaked out but he didn’t let it show. what a way to spend to spend a friday night, he thought to himself.
you were everywhere he went: at the meet and greets, the us open, wimbledon, the australia open, his launch parties. every time you met him, you always had that stupid starstruck look in your eyes when ever he signed another piece of memorabilia for you to add to your collection, made you look even more pathetic.
“how did you find me?” art grumbled, his plans for a quiet booze filled night going down the drain.
what made matters worse was the proximity between you both. you were leaning over him, your boobs practically spilling out of your dress. your voice was a mere whisper, tickling the hairs on his sensitive neck.
god he was a wreck.
“i have my sources.” you replied, not wanting to give
that part was believable. art’s legion of super fans were unreal. whilst some spent their time breaking down the cost of the outfits he wore and some spent their time speculating on his future collaborations, others spent their time tracking his location.
“well…uh it was nice meeting you. again.” art spluttered, looking for the way to end the conversation without sounding like an asshole. “i’ve gotta go to the bathroom.” he stood up taking his leave.
“wait up!” you called out after him. you needed to grab his attention for a longer while, you wanted to have a conversation with art that was memorable, something that you two could joke or talk about when you both “ran” into each other next.
“is it true that you and tashi are getting a divorce?”
“what?” art’s head spun around so fast that he almost gave himself whiplash.
“where the hell do you get off on making up rumours about my wife like that?” his stepped closer to you and you could make out the tick of his jaw underneath the strobe lights. yeah he was pissed.
you sometimes got ahead of yourself and this was one of the times where you low-key felt bad for overstepping boundaries, but in your eyes it was all apart of the fan experience.
what you didn’t expect was to be getting fucked by the art donaldson in a dark club bathroom, his fingers stuffed in your mouth so you wouldn’t make a sound.
who knew that art’s anger towards your lack of respect for his marriage and privacy would have him end up fucking you in the club bathroom?
the music drowned out your moans and the sound of skin slapping against skin as art buried himself inside you, his tip just brushing against your g spot. your dress was bunched up to your hips and your panties were in tatters on the ground.
“hope you’re fucking proud of yourself. all those years of stalking me and my family finally paid off hm?” he groaned against your ear. the way your pussy was milking him dry was enough to send him into a frenzy.
art should’ve felt bad or even guilty for what he was doing, his wedding ring still being on was a glaring reminder of his promised vows of fidelity but what was a relationship without any secrets?
maybe thats why he was here right now, balls deep inside you. he wanted a secret, something to hold over tashi, drive her insane, make her second guess he ever told her, like he did on that one night in atlanta.
you were too fucked out to respond, your mind becoming hazy with each thrust. you held onto the bathroom wall, desperately attempting to anchor yourself into this reality.
“f-fuck don’t stop.” you shuddered as art kept his brutal unforgiving pace, not paying attention to the banging outside the door.
“is that all you gotta say to me?” he grabbed onto your hips, pulling you flush against him so that you now took every inch of his dick. “c’mon i know you got a bigger vocabulary than that.” he teased, rolling his hips into yours watching your jaw go slack as you became drunk on him.
you whined at the sensation, your wet pussy fluttering around him, making his eyes roll back. “please i-im sorry.” you pleaded, your eyes glossy and filled with lust and need but art wasn’t swayed that easily, so he played dumb.
“sorry for what?” he asked, his hands finding your tits, squeezing them as his fingers rolled over your sensitive nipples, eliciting a mewl from you. he wasn’t gonna last any longer if your cunt kept him prisoner like this.
“f-for harassing you and invading your privacy—shit!” you groaned out as art started to fuck into you again, leaning forward to give you a sloppy, wet kiss. “that’s more like it.” art grunted in your ear, feeling his climax soon approaching.
his strokes were more frantic, less controlled as his hips stuttered with each thrust, the coolness of his wedding band against your hips contrasting with the warmth you both felt building up inside of you both. it was literal bliss.
the knot that was finally building up inside of you finally snapped as you came all over his dick with a cry, slumped over his shoulder. his orgasm slowly approached after, as he came all over your dress.
you both stayed like that for a moment as you tried to regain your breath, your hearts beating in tandem with one another.
the passion filled atmosphere dissipated as you were pulled back into reality, the buzz of chatter outside the door, the click-clack sound of heels entering and leaving the bathroom, the smell of weed and cigarette smoke coming from the window.
art looked like he was mentally somewhere else, maybe the weight of his actions finally settled in. tashi didn’t look like a woman who could stay with a cheater. you weren’t going to wait for him, you already got what you wanted and even more, this night would be enough to satiate you for months.
“you run to the blogs or the press about this and i swear on everything holy and good that i will sue your ass for every penny that you have. you got that?” he was back to his professional tone that had you weak in the knees before leaving the scene of passion soon after.
sure you spent your days talking about him in fanspaces online, speculating about his life but you’d never let this night of passion be shared online. it was too intimate, too personal. despite its brief nature of your encounter it was what tied you together.
you were apart of his life now, whether the memories of tonight that he’d have were good or terrible, you completed your goal. you left a lasting impression on him and would occupy a space in his mind no matter how many times he tried to forget.
people always say to never meet your idols but maybe they’ve never had the chance to fuck them yet.
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gabessquishytum · 7 months
Okay what about dom/sub dreamling where hob is an athlete and dream is his coach.
Maybe it’s a solo sport like figure skating tennis or running but dream takes hob’s training very very seriously.
When he is first hired hob is kind of a hot shot and a brat who doesn’t want to listen but dream gets him in hand very quickly.
And hob responds very well to Dream’s methods. It isn’t long before Dream is in full control of hob’s meals, his clothing, his company—everything.
Hob is told to break up with his girlfriend and he does it without being told twice.
Dream forces vibrating toys into his arse before he trains, meaning hob is performing better than ever. When hob loses, he is spanked and edged in punishment…and when hob wins, he finally gets Dream’s fingers and tongue in his hole. But no matter how much he begs, Dream isn’t going to fuck him until he makes it to nationals. Hob has to earn his cock.
Love this, LOVE sports au. Definitely one of my favourite things. Since tennis is the thing I know about, we’re gonna go with that.
So maybe Hob won a grand slam really early in his career (he was like 17) and then immediately crashed down for a few years because it all got too much for him. He ends up with his new coach and he’s actually not even sure if he wants to do this anymore. Of course, Dream immediately reminds him exactly how lucky he is to have such talent and how he’s going to be a great player if he just does what Dream tells him. Hob reluctantly agrees.
Within a few months, he’s improving and winning matches. Mostly because Dream trains him brutally. He’s constantly coming up with new physical torture. Plugs, nipple clamps, even sounding toys. After a while it’s a relief to just play without having some kind of device doing weird things to his body. He breezes through competitions and crawls back up the rankings.
He still has his moments. He smashes a racket during a frustrating match which he goes on to lose. He gets penalised by the umpire, then Dream smacks his arse absolutely raw in the showers where anyone could walk in. At the press conference he’s much more humble (and squirming on his sore bottom).
The payoff is that Dream takes very good care of Hob. He has the best meal plans, the best sponsorship deals, hell, Dream even does most of his massages even though he has a full team for that. Dream pampers and spoils Hob whenever he’s on a winning streak, and he’s always so full of praise whenever he sees Hob working hard.
Still, Hob hasn’t been allowed to take his dick yet. He promised Dream in a moment of hubris that he could win at Wimbledon this year, and Dream is holding him to that promise. So god help him, he’d better work hard. He couldn’t care less about the trophy, but he’s seen Dream’s cock plenty of times and he WANTS it. He’d bend over in front of 100,000 people on centre court if Dream asked him to.
It all depends on him winning though. So he’d better keep practicing with that extra large vibrator in his hole. Dream is just about to turn up the settings…
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the-jewel-catalogue · 2 months
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Kate + Wimbledon 16/?
Duchess of Cambridge - 2021
Layered two gold necklaces by Spells of Love and Daniella Draper
Simone Rocha Faux Pearl Curb-Chain Earrings 
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Kate + Wimbledon 17/?
Duchess of Cambridge - 2021
a bangle by Halcyon Day
 a pair of Green Tourmaline and Green Amethyst Diamond Earrings by her favourite jeweller, Kiki McDonough.
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Kate + Wimbledon 18/?
Duchess of Cambridge - 2021
Mappin & Webb Empress Earrings,
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oswincoleman · 9 months
2023 Year in Review: Jenna Coleman public appearances
1. Lemons Lemons Lemons Lemons Lemons press night
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2. Finch and Chanel pre-BAFTA party
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3. Royal Horticultural Society gala
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4. Chanel dinner
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5. Nuclear Children premiere
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6. Veronica Beard summer party
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7. Chanel show at the Paris fashion week
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8. Wimbledon
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9. Armani dinner in Venice
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10. Armani fashion show in Venice
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11. Miu Miu Women's Tales in Venice
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12. BGC charity day
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13. V&A museum dinner
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14. ATG summer party
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15. Vogue World
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16. JW Anderson fashion show at the London fashion week
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17. Vanya premiere
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18. Evening Standard theatre awards
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19. Chanel party in Manchester
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20. Chanel fashion show in Manchester
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Which one was your favourite?
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ginnysgraffiti · 5 months
☆ ginny | she.her | 18 yo. | northern italy, near crema | half italian half french | wannabe actress | drama club member | 17/05/'24 first play | tennis player | could talk about BONES AND ALL forever.
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✦ . . .𓈀 #MASTER.LIST -> timothée, taylor russell,
mike faist, austin butler
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☆ directed by luca guadagnino ᯓ ᡣ𐭩 and written by camille de angelis | probably watching wimbledon | djokovic obsessed | new york lover | listening to music.
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→ sorry for grammar mistakes, english isn't my first language.
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leiflitter · 6 months
Some of my favourite Felix quotes from the early chapters of YAH! because I love that idiot so much.
“It was two thousand and six. I wasn't about to start batting my eyes at the rugger lads, Ollie. And I'm lazy. Girls were easy.” - Chapter 4
“I won't be alone, I'll have Oliver with me. Gives us a chance to do some middle-aged man stuff- sit around and watch 1917 or Das Boot-” - Chapter 10
“So you do want to kiss me?” - Chapter 12
“Not to ruin the moment, Olls, but my knees are killing me. Reckon we could wriggle about a bit?” - Chapter 14
“He should be thanking you. Don't get me wrong, Olls, I'm not angry- but you should have crept into my room. I'd have tossed him out on his ear if you'd woken me up, gave me an impromptu handy and asked me nicely.” - Chapter 15
“Christ alive, if I had a monster like that I'd sack off the degree and go into adult entertainment.” - Chapter 16
“Oh, yeah. Firstly, I've learned- from much experience- that if you cum in hot water it gets a bit… sticky. Googled it once- something about the protein- it's just rather grim. It's why I try to float about a bit- not to ruin the mood, though, I know how you felt about runny eggs- tell me to shut up if I'm cockblocking myself, yeah?” - Chapter 17
“Well- you touch me, I touch you. Take positions, count down from three and off we go. One hand only, first to get their, erm, horse to the finish wins.” - Chapter 18
“Then at breakfast you can go oh, how's Sir Catton today? And I can go oh, ha-ha, raring to go- but do call me Felix. And nobody'd be any the wiser… Ooh, and I can send Fredders to come find you, and if he goes Sir Catton would appreciate your presence you know I'm up for it, eh?” - Chapter 19
“I was fed up with everyone going on about Wimbledon- Federer was everywhere in those shorts, Venetia and mum kept going on about his legs, and I just thought the whole look was pretty awful. So…Formal Tennis.” - Chapter 20
“You're driving me absolutely bonkers. I had to lie to Lu- told her I couldn't get off because I was sad about Venetia.” - Chapter 21
"It's you, Professor. I'm hopelessly in love with you and I just can't do anything except think about you.” - Chapter 22
“Christ on a bike. Runny eggs at mach fucking five." / “Olls? Your cock's out, mate.” - Chapter 23
“But indulge me a little- this sex with men business, Ollie, how do I hold up in the rankings? Top ten- top three- oh no, don't tell me-” - Chapter 24
“We can always do with another hand about the place- and you're already settled in at the house. You can cuddle Dozie in the Mornings, tutor Harry in the afternoons and we can be boring old men in the evenings. Sounds perfect to me.” - Chapter 25
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srbachchan · 1 year
DAY 5629
Jalsa, Mumbai                 July 16,  2023                  Sun 11:49 PM         
🪔 .. July 16 .. birthday greetings to Ef Sanjay H Aggarwal .. Ef Amit Agarwal from Ghana 🇬🇭 .. and Ef Mukesh Hirani from Chennai ..
🪔 .. July 17 .. birthday greetings to Ef Walaa Zakariya Mohamed Ali from Egypt 🇪🇬 ..
.. love to all and affection and the best of joys to you ..
And .. historically .. on this day .. 17 July 1902 .. the Air Conditioner was invented by Willis Haviland Carrier ..
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So Novak lost .. and the young throb of the Tennis World, Carlos, won a hard fought battle at Wimbledon .. victory and defeat are the emblems of sport .. win some lose some .. but what was most heart - breaking was Novak looking at his two sons, who had come to cheer Dad, to win .. 
When you lose before your child , and not succeed , it is the most heart wrenching moment for the Father .. 
The child expects His father to be the best in the World .. and when he sees He is not .. the effect is on the Father  ..
For Novak to emotionally break down as his sons looked on to their Father not being first .. was devastating for the Father ..
may it never happen to any Father ..
For the child the Father is the Hero always .. .. and at times like this even more so .. 
Just a short while back, Novak was in a similar situation at Roland Garros .. same opponent - a bit under distress - and victory .. and the children watching on .. and a word of advice to them from him .. not today .. 
But defeat is humbling .. it is a builder of strength .. a gauntlet thrown at you feet .. whether you pick up the gloves or not  .. but when you do , the pride is irreplaceable  .. get up and ride the horse again .. 
easy to be philosophical about it .. tough to comply .. 
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vintagebiker43 · 2 months
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Claudio Cerasa  
Al direttore - Vannacci considerato un estremista da Le Pen: what else?
Luca Marini
Sarà un fine settimana da incubo per il generale Roberto Vannacci. E non solo per essere riuscito a offrire al partito di Marine Le Pen una chiave per apparire per un istante moderato (Vannacci vicepresidente del nuovo gruppo dei Patrioti è troppo anche per i patrioti francesi) ma per tutto quello che vedrà nelle prossime ore tra l’Olympiastadion di Berlino, dove si giocherà la finale degli Europei di calcio, e il centrale di Wimbledon a Londra, dove si giocheranno le finali femminile (sabato) e maschile (domenica). Vannacci è stato graziato da Jannik Sinner, che avendo perso ai quarti di finale non ha offerto al generale nuove occasioni per dire quel che pensa sulle persone con i capelli rossi (secondo il generale, “non rientrano nella normalità”). Ma non è stato invece graziato dalla favolosa Jasmine Paolini, che ieri ha battuto in una partita epica al terzo set (10-8 al tie break) la croata Donna Vekic, che come Paola Egonu, negli standard di Vannacci sarebbe una delle tante sportive che, per le sue origini, “non rappresenta l’italianità”, avendo una madre per metà polacca e per metà ghanese e avendo persino la pelle non chiara come quella del generale. Spiace. Così come spiacerebbe molto se il generale Vannacci fosse costretto a vedere la finale di domenica sera, tra Spagna e Inghilterra, perché scoprirebbe che le stelle emergenti di questo Euro 2024, come ha notato sabato scorso sul Financial Times Gideon Rachman, sono, senza eccezioni, giocatori di razza mista o figli di immigrati. Jude Bellingham, Bukayo Saka e Trent Alexander-Arnold sono in parte di origine africana. Nico Williams, campione della Spagna, è figlio di richiedenti asilo, come lo erano anche il tedesco Ilkay Gündogan e il francese Eduardo Camavinga. Lamine Yamal, campione spagnolo che domani compie 17 anni, è di origine marocchina ed equato-guineana (Guinea Equatoriale) Ilkay Gündogan, capitano della Germania, è nato a Gelsenkirchen da genitori turchi. Spiace per Vannacci, ma il mondo al contrario è quello suo, non è quello che vedrà tra il centrale di Wimbledon e l’Olympiastadion di Berlino.
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An Incomplete List: Things I need to be in the RWRB movie
(Including things we already know will be in it because god I’m so excited)
Basically this will just be me listing all my favorite parts of the book so I apologize in advance for how long this will be I’m brainrotting HARD rn)
1. The callback between Henry asking June (maybe Nora tho now) to waltz and then later telling Alex he hates waltzing at the V&A idk why but this is important to me
2. PLEASE a flashback of baby Alex seeing the picture of baby Henry in the J14 magazine I WOULD LOVE TO SEE THAT
3. Henry’s (and Alex’s) insomnia (because I am also an insomniac and it’s an important part of their characters I feel)
5. Star Wars including the Leia and Han references/mural and Henry’s favorite movie being Return of the Jedi because THATS MINE TOO❤️❤️ and also “bit short for a stormtrooper”
6. CORNBREAD AND STUFFING CORNBREAD KNOWS MY SINS HENRY buy a summer home in Majorca with the turkey Mr Wobbles and David picture from Henry and their cute little “we’ve obviously got crushes but we’re ignoring it” phone goodbye
8. Nora’s extrapolated data about Alex’s obvious crush lmao
10. “Fucking eyelashes” and also “good to know. I am very, very gay.”
11. The stupid titles they use in their emails like His Royal Horniness and Alex First Son of Off-Brand England
12. BABY and LOVE and SWEETHEART I normally hate pet names (minus love I adore that one always) but I am a SUCKER for Firstprince pet names specifically
13. I’d love to see a flashback to young Henry coming out to Bea even for just a second
14. I NEEDNEEDNEED a shot like this in the movie
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(Art by vkellyeart) but yes give me a shot like this where they’re on opposite ends of the world “two parentheses enclosing 3700 miles”
15. “Say good morning to your strumpet, Henry.”
16. So I know we won’t get the Hoe Dameron and Prince Buttercup kimonos anymore (sadness) but LET NICHOLAS GALITZINE BELT HIS HEART OUT TO QUEEN I BEG
17. Since we don’t get Cash wearing one SLAP A BRIGHT PINK FEATHER BOA ON AMY PLZ
18. Bea’s lime green drop-waist Wimbledon dress with gold honeybee Gucci sunglasses fight me Ellie Bamber would rock that look
19. So I know we know they don’t dance to Your Song in the V&A but I hope Henry still plays it on the piano or at least it plays somewhere in the movie cuz i love that song also JUST HENRY PLAYING PIANO IN GENERAL PLZ AND LET ALEX LOOK AT HIM WITH SEVERE HEART EYES and then Henry falling asleep on Alex and Alex just laying awake like Well Shit
20. “Most things are awful most of the time, but you’re good.”
21. Alex’s vocabulary apparently only being expletives when Zahra busts in on him and Henry lmao and “yes we can unpack the ironic symbolism later GO” and also “I thought you were getting into international relations or something” “I mean technically—“ “if you finish that sentence I’m gonna spend tonight in jail” 😂😂
22. THE POWERPOINTS HAHAHAH and “You need to figure out if you feel forever about him”
23. “Should I tell you that when we’re apart, you body comes back to me in dreams?” Speech and also the story about the prince with his heart outside his body that met the most dashingly gorgeous peasant boy who said absolutley ghastly things to him that made him feel alive for the first time in years
24. “Sometimes you just jump and hope it’s not a cliff” and “But the thing is, jumping off cliffs is kinda my thing. That’s the choice. I love him, with all that, because of all that. On purpose. I love him on purpose.”
25. Dear Thisbe, I wish there weren’t a wall. Love, Pyramus
26. Obtuse fucking asshole and “I fucking love you, okay?” And “when have I ever, since the first instant I touched you, pretended to be anything less than in love with you?” And “I want you— then fucking have me— but I don’t want this” and ok basically you get it their whole goddamn rain-drenched love confession scene
27. The morning after, when Henry says that all the royal shit of “fine” isn’t good enough for him and tells Alex he wants him to help him try to be happy and the chance of a life? That’s one of my favorite scenes if not my absolute favorite and I don’t even know what I need out of it but I know I need it to be PERFECT, including Henry sayings he’s been in love with Alex since they met❤️❤️
28. Prince Consort Road picture plzzzz and everything that happens in the V&A but ESPECIALLY them dancing and “taking a picture of a national gay landmark and a statue”
29. “I want you to know, I’m sure. A thousand percent.” And “I completely fucking love you”
31. “You and me and history, remember? Because you’re it, okay? I’m never gonna love anybody in the world like I love you.”
32. I want Ellen’s reaction to Alex being outed, and Zahra’s as well, with both of them being so supportive. But especially “do you feel forever about him?” “Yeah, I do.”
33. “I won’t lie. Not about this. Not about you.”
34. The crowd outside the palace and the crowds around the world supporting Henry and Alex oh my god i just know imma cry there
35. “You are the absolute worst idea I’ve ever had” Alex’s speech “America: he is my choice.”
36. The suitor pictures
37. Henry’s yellow rose of Texas tie
38. Alex taking Henry to his childhood home is a very small wish but I’d still love to see that
39. Finally, I REALLY hope the movie gives us some kind of epilouge like I don’t even care what kind I just want a future thing where we see them happy in the future at a wedding or literally just sitting together I don’t even care I just want one❤️❤️
I am SO sorry this turned out a lot longer than I expected but goddamn I love this book and I’m so excited for the movie my brain needed something to do lmao
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abattoirstars · 1 year
watching wimbledon so, tennis think piece incoming, i dont think this is a new idea but i wanted to write it out:
Andy Murray has a decent argument to be the unluckiest sportsman of all time. here are some facts.
It is fairly unarguable that the three best men’s singles players of all time are Rafael Nadal, Roger Federer, and Nasty Bastard (/neg) Novak Djokovic.
In a strange quirk of sporting fate, they were/are all active at the same time, fighting in impossibly tense finals for records each of them would break seemingly every year.
Their dominance is such that for almost exactly 18 years (2.2.2004 to 28.2.2022) they swapped the title of world number one between them,
with the exception of 41 weeks in 2016-17. 287 days where all of them were deemed inferior to Sir Andrew Barron Murray.
by all rights, and in any other era, murray would’ve had a period of maybe five years of genuine World Beating dominance, he was clearly good enough to. it’s just that the man happened to be competing against the three greatest sportsmen ever to play in his sport.
even against them he was sometimes the best, but to be as good as he was for as long as he was and come away with two wimbledons, a US open, and two olympic golds is a pittance. it’s more than any of us, and 95% of the ATP circuit, will ever win, but it’s still far less than he deserved.
justice for the only real feminist in men’s tennis, with a sense of humour Scottish dry enough that the tabloids tried to make him seem dull.
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world-of-wales · 9 months
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1 JUNE - Catherine and William attended the Marriage of Crown Prince Hussein of Jordan with Miss Rajwa Al Saif at the Zahran Palace. Afterwards, they attended the State Banquet in Hussein and Rajwa's honour. 6 JUNE - Catherine was received by His Majesty's Lord-Lieutenant of the Royal County of Berkshire (Mr. James Puxley) at Windsor Family Hub. Afterwards, she visited the Bedlom Family Home. Subsequently, Catherine received Mrs. Alice Webb (Trustee, Royal Foundation). 7 JUNE - She paid a visit to Maidenhead Rugby Football Club in Berkshire. 8 JUNE - Catherine held an Early Years Meeting. 13 JUNE - Catherine held an Early Years Meeting at Windsor Castle. 15 JUNE - Catherine visited Riversley Park Children's Centre in Nuneaton and was received by His Majesty's Lord-Lieutenant of Warwickshire (Mr. Timothy Cox). Subsequently, she received Professor Eamon McCrory (Board Member, the Royal Foundation Centre for Early Childhood Advisory Group) at Windsor Castle. 16 JUNE - Kensington Palace released a video about the work done by Health Visitors. Later, in the evening, William and her attended the Senior Colonels' Conference and Dinner at Clarence House. 17 JUNE - Catherine, William and their children took part in The King's Birthday Parade on Horse Guards Parade. Later, they appeared on the Balcony along for the RAF Fly-past. 18 JUNE - Catherine wrote a letter to East Anglia's Children's Hospices to mark Children's Hospice Week. 19 JUNE - Catherine and William attended a Chapter of the Most Noble Order of the Garter in the Throne Room at Windsor Castle. Afterwards, they were present at the Luncheon Party for the Companions of the Garter. Subsequently, they attended the Order of the Garter Installation Service at St George's Chapel. 20 JUNE - Catherine was received by His Majesty's Lord-Lieutenant of Greater London (Sir Kenneth Olisa) as she officially reopened the newly renovated National Portrait Gallery. 21 JUNE - Cathetine visited Eton College with William and George. 23 JUNE - Catherine and William attended the Ascot Races. Later, they were spotted at KOKO. 25 JUNE - Catherine appeared in a video about Wimbledon's Ball Boys and Girls along with Roger Federer. 28 JUNE - Catherine officially opened Hope Street in Southampton where she was received by His Majesty's Lord-Lieutenant of Hampshire (Mr. Nigel Atkinson). 28 JUNE - Catherine officially reopened the newly renovated Young Victoria and Albert Museum and was received by Colonel Jane Davis (Vice Lord-Lieutenant of Greater London). 29 JUNE - Catherine held an Early Years Meeting at Windsor Castle. Subsequently she held further Meetings. 30 JUNE - She received Professor Eamon McCrory (Board Member, the Royal Foundation Centre for Early Childhood Advisory Group) at Windsor Castle.
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Channeling my inner Alex Claremont-Diaz and curating a list of scenes that I need to be included in Red, White, and Royal Blue
(Disclaimer: This does not include scenes we already know are included from the trailer/interviews. It also takes into account the very sad fact that June, Luna, and Liam are not included in the movie)
1. Starting off with, a close up of the paneling with “Rule #1 Don’t Get Caught” etched into it
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2. A flashback to a young Alex and the infamous Henry magazine poster he was obsessed with
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3. Alex working through his sexuality crisis. If he doesn’t say he’s bisexual once in this movie, I will riot
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4. THE RED ROOM SCENE!!!! (Specifically making out against the portrait of Alexander Hamilton)
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5. Waking up in Paris together
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6. Alex calling Henry "baby" and Henry positively melting
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7. Split-screen scene of Alex and Henry lying in their beds as the two parentheses
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8. The chaos of the hotel hallway scene after in-n-out and karaoke (RIP the scene of Pez, June, and Nora we're never going to get)
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11. Henry playing the piano for Alex
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12. Alex coming out to Ellen and Ellen's infamous PowerPoint (don't make me make them myself!!!)
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13. The romantic quotes from historical love letters (and, of course, the inclusion of "History, Huh")
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14. Alex and Oscar talking about Henry at the lake house
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15. Bea's explanation of grief!
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16. The world's reactions to the leak and truth about Alex and Henry
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17. Alex's speech (again if he doesn't say the world bisexual I am rioting!)
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18. The royal portraits!!!
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19. Alex and Henry's perfect outfits for Election Day
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20. Alex taking Henry to his childhood home in Austin
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creative99writer · 24 hours
Pieces of Me
A Jack Draper Story - Part 2
Part 1 can be found here:
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Note: I hope you liked the first part, here is part 2. Again, I'm still new to this whole thing of posting here, and writing things in general, so please bear with me :)
London, Wimbledon -  the year before
POV Jack.
A little fluffy dog ran through the player's lounge, making its way right to a tall blonde girl who immediately crouched down, petting it. "Oh you are so beautiful! Who are you?" she cooed, and was so preoccupied with the dog, she didn't notice the tall, handsome man stopping right in front of her, a slight smile on his lips as he watched the girl interact with the dog.
"His name's Cooper." he said.
The girl looked up, surprised. Her green eyes met his hazel ones. 
And neither of them believed in love at first sight but this very moment must have come very close to it. 
He was thunderstruck. She was - in his mind - the most beautiful girl he had ever seen. And he knew who she was. 
Eleonora 'Elle' Kemp. The women's world number one. 
He knew what she looked like, of course. He had seen her a few times from afar, always surrounded by journalists, fans, or both. He also knew that she was beautiful - tall, like it was quite usual for a tennis player, but even taller than the average tall female tennis player. She was basically a part-time model at this point, but that came with the territory of being such a popular tennis player. She was a superstar, even if she was only 22. She was a multiple grand slam winner, having won her first in Wimbledon at 17. Of course he knew who she was.
But this was the first time he was standing right in front of her and could take in all her features from up close. She was breathtaking. Piercing eyes in a shade he had never seen before. A dazzling smile that came with those eyes, making him try to catch his breath. She had charisma and an aura he couldn't really describe. Finally he understood when people said that a sport needs someone like that - to catch people's attention and draw them in, because Eleonora Kemp certainly did just that. She was mesmerizing.
He had never felt like this before. 
She stood up and he could see how tall she really was. And how that long hair flowed down her shoulders and back like silk. He wondered how it would feel between his fingers... 
"I'm guessing he's yours?" she smiled at him. "He's adorable." 
It took Jack a few moments to gather his thoughts - turn them away from those eyes, hair and smile - and try to form something that sounded remotely like a proper English sentence. It was supposed to be his first language after all.
"Yeah. That little rascal belongs to me." he smiled too, and seemed to have found his charm. He needed it, to be frank if he wanted to keep her attention, he thought. "And he always goes for the beautiful girls." 
Her eyes rested on him and he thought he always wanted to be looked at by those eyes. Her smile widened for a moment before she bit it back, trying to look unimpressed. "Well, I always go for the beautiful boys." she said and crouched down again to pet Cooper, making Jack chuckle. 
'So, she's funny too.' he thought.
"I can see that." he chuckled, and she looked up at him, cheekily. "I'm Jack, by the way." he said, extending his hand to hers, and she took it as she stood up again. 
What he felt the moment his hand touched hers must have been very close to electricity. There was really no other way to describe it, even though it was ridiculous, and physically and scientifically impossible. He nearly flinched from their contact. And it rattled her too, but she tried to not letting it show. She was always good at keeping her emotions at bay or even hide them. It was her trademark on court.
"I'm Elle." she said, giving him her nickname instead of her real name. He had to bite back an 'I know.' because of course he knew that everyone usually called her Elle. And of course he knew who she was.
Cooper put his front paws on her legs, making her look down at him. She picked that fluffy ball that identified as a dog up and cooed at him. 
"I think he's in love with you." Jack chuckled at his dog. Elle gazed at him with a light smile on her lips. 
"Well, I don't have any objections to that, he is so sweet." Eleonora said, petting Cooper who seemingly enjoyed the attention. Jack understood that. He would be same way, had he been his dog.
"Elle!" a voice shouted through the lounge, which could be identified as the voice of her older brother Theodor, or Theo, who was also a tennis player.
A tall guy, who looked incredibly similar to Elle, walked up to them. They both could have introduced themselves as Barbie and Ken and no one would have questioned it. That family was hit with good-looking-genes. And probably fantastic-tennis-player-genes as well. "Well, who is this handsome fella?" Theo was clearly talking about the dog.
"That is Cooper. He belongs to Jack. And for some reason, I am apparently the chosen one." Elle laughed and it was a sound that Jack loved. 
"Oh, Jack?" Theo asked and now turned to Jack. "Oh hey! Jack Draper, right? I'm Theodor, but please call me Theo. God knows everyone does." Theo chuckled, extending his hand to Jack. Apparently, it ran in the family to be super friendly, too - not just good looking.
Jack had never played Theo before. Theo was consistently to be found in the top ten, and he had won three grand slams, had been world number one and was currently ranked number two. Jack, who was in top 10 for the first time in his life didn't know Theo very well, except that he was the heir apparent for Rafa at the French Open and a super funny and nice guy. Just like his sister, he had only seen him from afar. And for some weird reason, they had never played each other before. Jack was surprised Theo knew who he was.
"Yeah. Hi, nice to meet you." They shook hands, and exchanged pleasant smiles while Eleonora was busy with Cooper, petting him still. That dog seemed to be head over heels in love with her, truly.
Theo laughed at his little sister. "Why do the dogs always go for you?" 
Elle snorted. "I don't know. Maybe they can instinctively feel when someone's nice." She stuck her tongue out at her brother, and Jack thought their little exchange was sweet and endearing, even, like typical family who loved each other. Despite their respective successes, they both seemed extremely nice and down to earth. It made him miss his own brother. It was probably nice always having family around, and it was probably less lonely. "Which is why they never come to you." she roasted Theo who rolled his eyes and looked at Jack. 
"Now you see what I have to deal with on a daily basis." he pointed over at his sister, who smirked. 
Jack laughed at them, still watching Elle with Cooper. 
After a moment, Theo interrupted his train of thoughts. "Anyway, Elle, I don't want to interrupt your little romance with Cooper, but we have to get going. Practice. And social media duties." 
Jack expected Eleonora to be annoyed at the prospect of once again having to devote her time to promotional duties. It couldn't be easy to be so in demand. And he knew for a fact that she was highly in demand, always. There were so many videos of her on the ATP's channel and other channel, all over TikTok and Instagram. She really had to be doing this all the damn time. There were also a lot of videos with her brother, which were - granted - funny as hell. But it must have been getting exhausting. At the same time, he was a little disappointed. He would have loved to talk to her properly, get to know her. Not only was she beautiful, but she was interesting. He knew, though, that she was busy, and her demanding life as world number one was probably exhausting enough as it is. She didn't need someone like him taking up the little time she had. So really, he wouldn't have been surprised if she would have rolled her eyes or sighed at having to give up her time to do promotional things, even as the face of female tennis.
To his surprise, though, she just smiled. "Yeah, of course. I nearly forgot about that. This little fella got me all distracted." Elle put Cooper down and stood up again, smiling at Jack. 
And for some reason, Jack wished she had been talking about him. Which was weird and he reprimanded himself for that.
"Thanks for letting me keep him company until duty called once again." she laughed and turned to Theo. "Let's go."
Elle and her brother both turned and made their way out of the players' lounge, with Jack - and Cooper - watching their figures leave, but then Elle turned around one last time. "Bye! It was nice to meet you!" she smiled at him one last time before they both disappeared. 
Jack sighed and looked down at Cooper. "Well. I can definitely see why you chose to run directly to her." He picked Cooper up and walked back to his seat, where he had been before Cooper had decided to run loose. "Maybe you can do it again, so I can speak to her a little longer. Preferably alone." Jack murmured, with a slight smile, not really believing in what he said.
But fate clearly had something different in mind. 
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