tommybaholland · 5 years
Working Hard Or Hardly Working? | tom holland x reader
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(beefcake bby image is not mine)
Summary: the one where you’re struggling with working on your body, but tom isn’t far behind
Word Count: 2.5K
Warnings: body image issues, swearing, the fluffiest shit ive written in a min
“3, 2, 1 REST…”
“Next up, spiderman plank!” 
You groaned as the automated voice instructed you to assume the position. And yet, you proceeded to push through the exercise in hopes that one day, it would be easier. But for right now, you sigh and grunt through every tense muscle and that ache in your lower back.
Tom watched you from a few feet away as he was doing a cooldown run on the treadmill. He has to admit, he was a bit amused with your frustration at the gym. You both used to exercise together, but lately you’ve been preoccupied with this app that tells you what to do, and you do it. You had gotten a head start getting back to the gym after the premiere of Far From Home and downloaded it to help give you direction on what to do for what you wanted to work on. And for you, it was probably the best thing you did. 
Also the fact that Tom is one of the most competitive people you’ve ever met. 
That didn’t bother you, usually. 
But he couldn’t help but notice your attitude at the gym has changed since the press tour ended. You’d been wanting to do your own routine more often, only offering to warm-up and sometimes cooldown routines with Tom. So he allowed you to do your own thing, and would on occasion tease you with, 
“S’okay babe, you probably wouldn’t be able to handle my routine anyway,” while flexing his muscles, which you knew has become thicker and more defined since before Far From Home had begun shooting. 
He honestly couldn’t complain though, watching you and that ass throw down some squats had never been better.
Other than you doing your own thing at the gym, you also seemed more aggressive with the workouts. When you and Tom first came to the gym together, you would just do some cardio on the elliptical or the treadmill and then finish with some yoga. But now you seem more committed and will do HIIT routine after routine and even lift weights some days as well. 
He had also noticed your eating habits had changed drastically as well. He couldn’t remember the last time you had both eaten the same meal. In fact, he couldn’t even remember the last time you had eaten, in general. You just didn’t seem to want to enjoy the usual things you and him would indulge in lately. He minded wandered to last night, when you turned down a legendary pastime you and him would take part in from time to time. 
“What kind of pizza should we order?”
“Oh, uh, I’m actually not that hungry.”
“What?” Tom questioned in disbelief. “You’re still drinking though, right?”
You shook your head. “No, sorry. I think I’m going to just have water.”
“You’re kidding, right? You love our beer and pizza nights,” Tom replied, in disbelief.
“You can still order it and we can still watch something!” You reiterated. “I’m just––taking a break from pizza and beer.” 
Something seemed off to him. Normally, he just brushed it off, thinking that you missed being active and wanted to catch up. But your mood and behavior didn’t seem right to him. 
Frankly, you didn’t look very happy.
You had finished your last exercise, and were left panting and dripping with sweat. You took a sip of water before getting a disinfectant wipe to wipe down your yoga mat. Tom stepped off the treadmill as you finished cleaning your mat, calling over to you.
“Ready to go soon, love?” 
You nodded, still trying to catch your breath. Your heart was racing, and your muscles felt thoroughly worked, despite that you skipped some exercises or took more breaks during the hard ones. 
As Tom was putting away some of the free weights he has used, you decided to weigh yourself on the scale in the gym. You took a deep breath before stepping on the scale, something you always did, calling it the “moment of truth.” 
Standing up straight and sucking everything in, you looked down at the numbers to see your fate. 
No change. 
It wasn’t the worst thing in the world. You didn’t gain weight, but nothing had been lost either. You sighed, rubbing over your face and through your sweaty hair before stepping off and putting your shoes back on. 
Grabbing your stuff, Tom rejoined you at the front of the gym, wrapping an arm around your shoulders to pull you into his side, placing a small kiss on your temple. 
He quickly pulled his hand off of your arm, rubbing the excess moisture onto his shirt. 
“You’re quite sweaty,” he chuckled. “A bit smelly, too.” 
You gave him a small chuckle and smile, humoring him. But it wasn’t as big of a reaction as he normally would get from you. 
The ride home was silent between the two of you. Tom posted on his insta story for the thousandth time about Far From Home while you sat in the seat adjacent to him, dealing with your own business.
Leaning your cheek on your hand that was propped up on the window by your elbow, you looked at the graph that the app had created with all the data points you had entered for your weight. 
You tried to weigh yourself everyday, or almost every day, once reading somewhere that people who weigh themselves regularly have more motivation and therefore, lose more weight. You’d been committing yourself to working out everyday and trying to make healthier choices for about a month now and you would’ve thought you’d see a small difference in the numbers. 
But the graph didn’t show that. 
The trend was an absolute mess, with hills and plateaus everywhere. It was disappointing and frustrating to you. And it wasn’t just about looking good,
It was about feeling healthier about yourself. 
It almost made you feel like you weren’t allowed to have that. Tom worked hard and trained enough to make his body “Spider-Man ready” but he was also naturally athletic. His body was practically made to look like that.
You, however, are soft and round with some strong build. It was just extremely hard to get that build to show. 
Upon arriving back to Tom’s apartment, he went straight to the kitchen to make his usual post-workout protein shake, turning to you as you put your water bottle down on the counter. 
“You want one, darling?” 
“Uh, no thanks. I think I’m gonna go shower,” You could feel the redness still on your cheeks. “I feel gross.” 
And it wasn’t just from the sweat. 
Tom nodded, giving you a small smile before you turned and went into his room to grab a change of clothes before walking down the hall to the bathroom to shower. 
Tom could sense that you wanted to be alone, deciding that he shouldn’t join you in the shower like he normally would do. 
You took your sweet time getting clean, mainly focusing on how your body didn’t feel much different as you rubbed body wash over your skin. 
One thing that you and Tom had in common was you both liked the idea of a challenge and would persevere through anything that stretched beyond your normal abilities. That’s why he loved being Spider-Man. He gets to show people what he can really do, even if it takes time, or 40 takes, to get there. 
You’re the exact same way. You never really like repeating the same thing over and over again with work and want to show off your capabilities. Normally you would see this as a challenge and keep trying to see it through to your goal. 
But lately just the thought of perseverance has been the real challenge. 
You wanna just say ‘fuck it’. Some days, you just want to go to the gym and spend time with your boyfriend without being distracted by some app telling you what to do. Some days, you wanna eat all the pizza and drink all the beer you want while watching stupid late night movies with Tom. 
Some days, you just want to give up.
And that’s how you’re feeling right now. 
You knew Tom was catching on to your behavior, especially with eating. You felt ashamed when you had to decline the traditional things you would eat together and drag his spirits down with you. You had to admit, sometimes you would become jealous that he could eat whatever he wanted, and burn it off quickly without a change in his sculpted body. 
It didn’t seem fair to you. 
Getting out of the shower, feeling cleaner, you decided to hop on the scale one last time, completely naked. After taking your habitual ‘moment of truth’ deep breath, you stepped on and the result was the same. 
“Fuck,” you swore under your breath. It was true. 
You stepped off and proceeded to dress yourself with anger, not wanting to dry your hair. 
Exiting the bathroom, you passed Tom, who was still in the kitchen, and walked over to the sectional couch where you took your usual corner spot. Tom eventually bumbled over, holding two glasses of a brown, thick liquid. 
“I made you one anyway,” he voiced, handing you the fuller glass before sitting down next to you, his knees tucked up and turned towards you. “I figured you hadn’t eaten yet.”
Ugh, why did he have to be so good?
You returned a quiet ‘thanks’ as you accepted the glass. You didn’t take a sip but just stared down into it, the smell making your stomach yearn for a taste. 
“It’s chocolate,” Tom pointed out, beaming with pride. “Your favorite.”
“....What time is it?” You asked in response. 
“It’s,” Tom paused, checking his phone for the time. “10:10. Why?”
“I-I can’t eat until 11,” you remarked softly. 
Tom’s expression contorted into confusion. “Well, that’s the point, babe,” he chuckled. “It’s a protein shake, you’re not eating it.”
You could hear the smile in his voice, wanting to roll your eyes playfully or do something that showed him you were amused. But you just kept your head down, letting out another sigh. 
Tom’s tone changed as he saw you were serious and continued to not drink it. 
“Aw, c’mon, love, please drink it. Can’t remember when you last had something to eat. And I know I would be starving after what you did at the gym today” 
You hated making him feel responsible for your health. You knew you needed to eat, but you couldn’t bring yourself to tell him the whole truth.
“I just….want to feel fuller throughout the day,” you explained. 
Tom nodded, shifting his own gaze down to his fingers, which were tapping the glass of his cup. He suddenly put his glass down on the coffee table in front of you, before moving closer next to you, placing a hand on your shoulder. 
“Y/N….why can’t you eat until 11?” He asked earnestly. 
You could feel the tears welling up in your eyes. That was like the equivalent of stressful things building up and you break down once someone asks ‘you okay?.’ You turned your face away from him for a second, trying to gather the words.
“I….don’t w-wanna gain weight and then regret everything tomorrow after I work my ass off at the gym and then don’t see the results,” you spat, the first tear beginning to fall. 
“Aw, love,” Tom consoled, taking your glass from your hands to place it next to his on the table before moving slightly behind you so he could pull you into his arms, his chin resting on top of your head. 
“What’s all this about? You know I think you’re beautiful,” he reminded you.
You sniffled, wiping your face before pulling away from him. “That’s the thing, Tom.”
“This isn’t about you. I mean, I want to look good for you but that’s not why a-and not to sound vain but...I know I’m pretty,” You rambled out, making yourself chuckle a bit. 
He chuckled with you, reaching up to wipe away a tear, pushing a piece of your hair behind your ears before letting you continue. 
“I know how you feel about me...and I’m glad you remind me but I just,” you paused for a moment, shifting your eyes from eyes, trying to find how to say it exactly. 
“I just want to feel healthier,” you finally get out. 
“I haven’t felt that way in….a while,” you admitted. “Especially when the movie premiered, I could just...feel myself going over the edge.” 
More tears came to surface, you took a moment to breathe through them. 
“And my body just isn’t like yours, I gain weight so easily! And working out everyday isn’t enough; I have to practically not eat anything to see any change in the numbers...right now I’ve been fluctuating back and forth...I just can’t seem to get out of this spot..I-I just,”
You broke down at that point, leaning back into his body as he comforted you, pulling you into his lap. 
“It’s okay, baby. You’ve just worried me, ‘s all,” he admitted. 
“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you. Didn’t mean to make you worry,” you apologized as your tears subsided, resting your head on his shoulder. “But I’m putting in more effort than I can give and it leaves me exhausted everyday. I’m just….frustrated.”
“I’m sorry you’re having a rough time, love. It is hard,” Tom agrees. “But just remember that you’re your own toughest critic and I know you’re strong enough to overcome that. I, for one, think you look sexy as fuck,” he voiced, a hand squeezing your hip. 
You chuckle a bit, sensing a similar situation. “I could say the same for you.”
“What do you mean?” Tom questions with a smirk.
You sit up again, leaning back into the cushion of the couch with his arm still around you. 
“You’ve just openly talked about how you thought you looked better in the last Spider-Man than in this one so,” you shrugged. 
Tom scoffs a laugh. “Yeah, but, that was different. I still look good, I just thought I looked better in Homecoming,” he clarifies. 
“Okay, well, I, for one, think you look sexy as fuck anytime,” you emphasized, throwing his words back at him, while squeezing his thick bicep. 
Tom tipped his head back, laughing before wrapping you in his arms again to squish you into a hug. Pulling away, he kissed your lips quickly before pulling away slightly, his nose brushing yours. 
“Well, my point is, we can figure out what you need together. I’m glad that you’re trying to help improve on yourself but just know that I’m here to support you all the way.” 
“Thanks, Tommy,” you giggled before placing your lips on his again, your hand going to the back of his neck while his pulled your waist closer. 
“Starting with,” he spoke against your lips before pulling away and reaching over.
“Chugging this,” He held the drink he made for you in front of you, prompting you to finally drink it. 
“Are you serious?” You laughed, raising your brows.
“YESSSSS,” he replied, singing loudly. “You’re gonna have to drink it if you wanna build that muscle,” he pointed out, squeezing your bicep, which had a little more loose skin on it than his did. 
You sighed dramatically, taking the glass from his hands, looking down at the thick, brown liquid again. 
“Weeeeeee like to drink with Y/N because Y/N is our mate—” Tom started sing-yelling again, this time belting out one of your infamous drinking songs. 
“—Okay, okay” you shushed him, covering your hand over his mouth to silence him. “But if I puke, you’re gonna regret it.”
“And she gets it down in 8, 7, 6…”
A/N: im back bitcH. heres a lil surprise for everyone, i know its not GRIND but i want to thank everyone for being so patient with me while i was away! i wanted to start with something a lil smaller before i get back into GRIND but i have been writing for it and it’s coming, i promise. i thought of this idea this morning and wrote it today (fastest i’ve written in a while) and this ones pretty personal for me rn bc i have been struggling with trying to take care of my health and i thought it tied in well with toms comment about his physique in ffh. anyway, be patient with yourself and consistency will take care of you!! 
xx. tommybaholland 🌺
i haven’t written in a minute pls tell me ur thoughts!
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deborahnmiranda · 6 years
Been a while since I did a food review, and that could be because of late I have been consciously avoiding too much outside food and trying to eat healthy. Whilst we know the healthiest food is natural fruits and vegetables, sometimes your body crave something more! That’s when healthy options like ASAP come into play!!
Something about the brand
They are as simple as they state to be… As Simple As Possible are Granola bars made from ingredients you know are great for you. A simple food and beverage company started off in Bangalore, India they realised the need for healthy yet convenient food items. Thus came the ASAP granola bar.
The Product & My Experience
As Simple As Possible – ASAP Granola bars are a simple solution to hunger. Keeping it real and healthy!!
Received a box of the assorted variant and that gave me an opportunity to try out all 3 of their flavours.
Almond & Dark Chocolate
Cashew, Almond & Caramel
Fruit & White Chocolate
No added colours and no chemical preservatives, these are the ideal solution to satisfy your hunger and your palate at the same time. I absolutely love all the variants, Almond and dark chocolate being my favourite.
They are a perfect balance of sweet and savoury, except for the Cashew, Almond and Caramel, that is a bit sweeter than the others.
Common ingredients across the three variants are Rolled Oats, Rice Crispies, Honey, Brown Sugar, Butter, Brown Sugar, liquid glucose. Milk powder and edible gum.
In a pack of 6, you can choose a single variant or a mixed box of all 3 flavours. They come neatly packaged in individual wrappers which makes it easy too travel with or pop in your pocket for a bite along the way.
My Review:
I have tried granola bars before and to be honest I was never to great a fan. A similar bar snack I have reviewed in the past and found it to be an okay snack. This changed my thoughts of Granola bars.
With each variant, the bar has a layer, on one side, of either chocolate or caramel. Yumm, it feels like you are eating a chocolate but has some extremely healthy ingredients too. You don’t feel like this is a compromise on a chocolate and the health benefits make it worth every bite.
Also love that they have considered a mixed variant box so one can taste and then decide to go with their favourite flavour. One of the flavours are sure to take your fancy.
Individually packaged single bars to make travel comfortable.
High protein, healthy on-the-go snack
Just the right amount of chocolate to quench any craving yet not over powering
Oats is a prominent flavour so any one who doesn’t like oats will need to skip these.
Price: ₹180 for a pack of 6 bars across or 3 variants or a mixed option
Rating: 8.5/10
I was most surprised at my daughter absolutely loving this. I would get her a granola bar over to a chocolate bar any day and this is the perfect mix of the two. She preferred the Cashew & Caramel variant, it being a bit sweeter than the others, but it’s still a healthy option so gonna stock up on these.
Can be bought at their website here.
Don’t forget to follow my blog for many more such reviews, and check out my other social media, links too.
Spread the love…… Bye till next time!
Food Review: ASAP Granola Bars Been a while since I did a food review, and that could be because of late I have been consciously avoiding too much outside food and trying to eat healthy.
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jobsnhomes1 · 7 years
IIM Ahmedabad Recruitment – Administrative Assistant Vacancy – Last Date 30 November 2017
Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad (IIM Ahmedabad) recruits Administrative Assistant Posts. Candidates with Post Graduation, MBA can apply. About Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad
The Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad (IIM Ahmedabad or IIM-A) is a public business school located in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India. It was the second Indian Institute of Management (IIM) to be established, after IIM Calcutta. It is consistently ranked as one of the leading business schools in India and the Asia-Pacific region. Established in 1961, the institute offers Post Graduate Diploma Programmes in Management and Agri-Business Management, a Fellowship Programme and a number of Executive Training Programmes. The institute is often referred to as WIMWI (Well-known Institute of Management in Western India). Website Address:http://ift.tt/V00HI0 Contact Us:Indian Institute of Management Vastrapur,Ahmedabad 380015 Gujarat INDIA Tel: +91-79-66323456 / 26308357
The post IIM Ahmedabad Recruitment – Administrative Assistant Vacancy – Last Date 30 November 2017 appeared first on Jobsnhomes.
from Jobsnhomes http://ift.tt/2zXru2W via IFTTT
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tommybaholland · 6 years
A Natural (Tom Holland x Reader)
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(this pic killeddd me and its not even mine)
Summary: the one where you and tom get into some reading together.
Word count: 3.5k of pure fluff for y’all
Warnings: i think there’s like one ‘fuck’ in here
You sat in your favorite spot on Tom’s grey couch in the comfort of his apartment, Tessa lying next to you with her head on your lap. You stayed up late, reading a book while waiting for him to come home. you were reading Beneath a Scarlet Sky, a novel that was going to be made into a film adaption with who other than your favorite boy to star in the lead role. you had only started it tonight, but you were nose-deep in Pino Lella’s compelling story and already almost 50 pages in.
Tessa suddenly shot up and jumped off the couch to go greet whoever was at the door. Tessa’s sudden movements made you jump a bit as well as you were too distracted by the words in front of you to hear the door actually open. you heard Tom greet Tess which followed by his footsteps from the front hall into the living room where you sat. you smiled when you saw him appear. he looked tired, as he had come home from a busy evening at a fashion event with some friends. You chose to stay home, wanting to wind down from your own busy past few days. you didn’t get up to greet him as you were too comfy in the corner seat of the couch.
“Hey,” you said, your smile still present on your face.
Tom didn’t reply but instead took his shoes off by the couch before walking over to where you were sitting and practically collapsing half on top of you, with his head on your shoulder and an arm around your midsection. you ran your hands through his soft, fluffy curls as his eyes closed. He finally spoke with that lovely voice,
“I missed you tonight, love”
“We missed you, too”, referring to you and tess, “his favorite girls”.
You picked up your phone, remembering the pictures you had saved of him earlier from tonight’s event. You found a picture that featured both him and Harrison.
“Aww look how handsome,” you paused to show him the screen, “Harrison looks. Oh, and you’re there too, Tom,” you teased. He scoffed and started to move away from you, showing that he’s a little grumpy from being out all night. You caught the sleeve of his orange hoodie, the same one he was wearing in the pictures.
“I’m only joking, tommy,” you reassured with a smile, “you look really good in this color,” you added, feeling the black stitching in the hem of the collar and hood. He smiled and leaned against you again, your hand immediately going back to his hair.
“Although, I don’t know why you hid this hair in a hat for most of the night. I like your hair like this,” you ran your nails through his scalp, “Free and natural.”
He sighed contently at the feeling of your hands in his hair. “Thanks, love. I dunno, it just looked unruly to me. Better to hide it than to try to fight it.”
You kissed the top of his head in response, breathing in his scent. You both sat in a comfortable silence, just enjoying each other’s company. His breathing slowed a bit, you thought he might’ve fallen asleep. But you were disproven as he broke the silence.
“What’re you reading?” he said, readjusting against you.
“Oh just a book that’s going to be made into, yet, another movie,” you replied, showing him the cover. “I wonder who they’ve casted as the lead?” you joked.
The boy looked up from you shoulder to see the cover and chuckled,
“Hmm i’m not sure but whoever it is, he’s probably very good-looking.”
“But surely not 6’0, as the character is described.”
He laughed again, sitting up and said,
“Well jokes on you because I met the real Pino Lella a little while ago and he said I remind him of himself during that time,” he said with a proud smile.
You rolled your eyes while he laid back down on you but smiled at his rebuttal and mused,
“Well i’m glad it’s you, squish.”
He smiled at the nickname you gave him, which made you reminisce about when you first called him the silly pet name, way back during the press junket for Spider-Man.
You and Tom were laying in bed one night, he was telling about a funny moment from an interview he had that day.
“Wow and they hadn’t asked you once about how you learned you got the role,” you point out, joking about how that question seems to come up in every appearance he’s done so far.
He laughed at your comment, and you looked at him lovingly. Before he could reply, you spoke softly.
“Your laugh is my favorite.”
He pulled you closer and gave you a short but meaningful kiss. When you pulled away, he nuzzled his nose against yours and said,
“You’re my favorite.”
After a few moments of basking in your little love bubble, you spoke up again.
“You’re squishy”
Tom looked at you, puzzled.
“What, love?”
“You know in Finding Nemo where Dory says like- oh what’s the line? ‘He is squishy and he will be mine and he will be my squishy’,” You recited, “You’re my squishy,” You said as you pinched his cheek.
He smiled real big, eyes crinkling, as he chuckled, “Well I’m honored to be your squishy, babe.”
“Will you read it to me?” he suddenly asked, breaking you out of your trance.
“You haven’t read it yet? You did get casted in the movie, Tom”
“Please, darling? I want to hear your pretty voice tell me the story,” he pleaded.
You didn’t really like reading out loud, as you didn’t like how your voice sounded when you read aloud. Or talked in front of a big group, unless you had the words planned out. You hated when you had to participate in large group discussions in school, especially when participation was a big grade. You had gotten better about public speaking in college and could give a ten minute presentation no problem but there was still some insecurity there, even with Tom, despite the fact you knew how he felt about you. Regardless, his encouragement helped, so you sighed and gave in.
“Should I start from the beginning?”
“How far in did you get?”
“Not far. About 50 pages.”
“Why don’t you just recap those pages for me and then start reading where you stopped.”
You agreed and began summarizing the beginning of the book, focusing on Pino’s carefree nature with his search for the perfect girl, falling in love with every girl he saw, but was enamored by one in particular, Anna. You hinted that his attitude would have to change as Nazi Germany was quickly overtaking Italy under Mussolini’s rule while the Italian people were waiting anxiously for the Allies to come and end the war.
You started reading and he attended to every word, even laughing when you tried reading in an Italian accent. you kept on reading until you had read almost another 50 pages with tom practically snoring on your shoulder. you ran your hands through his hair and kissed the top of his head, breathing in his scent.
“Tom. Toooooommmyyy. C’mon it’s time for bed,” You whispered as you gently shook his shoulder.
Tom slowly woke up and yawned but wrapped his arms around you tighter to squish you into his side. You smiled at the gesture but unraveled his arms from around you and took his hand to pull him off the couch and led him into his room. You were already in your pjs so you left him to undress while you went into the bathroom to wash your face and brush your teeth. 
When you returned, Tom was already under the covers almost fast asleep but left space for you to crawl in and snuggle beside him. As you climbed in, he stirred a bit and reached out for you and wrapped an arm around you to rub your back. With one hand on his side and one on his chest you kissed his collar and whispered, “Night, squish”.
After that night, Tom wanted you to read the book to him whenever you both had time. He really enjoyed listening to your voice become more animated as the plot got more exciting. You would even stop at some parts to react to what was happening. One of these reactions was gauged by the blossoming romance between Pino and Anna. You both were captured by Pino and Anna’s love affair, which seemed to almost too convenient and perfect despite the situation they were both in.
“What?? She just offered for him to kiss her out of nowhere! That’s random,” you observed.
“I don’t know, Y/N, I think it’s kinda cute. Pino has been hinting that he still feels the same immense feelings for her as when he first saw her,” Tom replied. He really was paying attention.
“Yeah I guess it’s cute but it’s hard to believe she’s all the sudden so into him when she kinda belittled him for being so young and acting like he was making a difference in the war as a driver.”
You read the sentence to yourself a few times again, pondering the validity of the situation when the brunette boy sitting next to you got your attention.
You turned to look at him, “hmm?”
“I was thinking…after we finish this chapter….we could get ready for bed and then…”
You gave him a look to continue.
“You could kiss me,” he recited, verbatim from the book. You rolled your eyes and lightly pushed his shoulder while he said, “It’s what you want, isn’t it?” Again stealing from right off the page.
“I swear if they put that line in the movie, I’ll cringe real hard”
He smirked. “Oh darling I’ll make sure it’s in there.”
You scoffed but finished reading the chapter and decided to call it quits for the night. You both got ready for bed and when you came out of the bathroom, tom was putting on his flannel pj bottoms, his bare back turned to you. You bit your lip and asked,
“Still want that kiss, tommy?”
He turned to look at your smirking face and smiled with his head down, curls falling over his face. When he looked up, he walked over to you, and grabbed your hands.
“More than you can imagine,” he said, taking a line from the book for the third time.
You laughed tilting your head back as he ran his hands up your arms to your shoulders pulling you close and leaning down to kiss you. He moved his hands to your cheeks while yours held onto his hips. It was a short but passionate kiss and you sighed as you pulled away slowly.
“That was how I thought it would be.” It was your turn to recite another line from the chapter.
He smiled and brought his forehead to yours for a moment before quickly leaving a kiss there and hugging you around the shoulders, putting his head on top of yours and swaying you from side to side.
You hadn’t seen Tom for about a month, as you had to travel for work, but luckily your schedules were synced up enough that you could visit him in his cozy London apartment. Your flight was due to arrive late, near midnight, and while you insisted that you could simply take an Uber to his place, Tom refused and wanted to pick you up from the airport himself. You walked out of the gate, trying to contain your excitement as you were about to see your favorite boy after a period of being apart.
You spotted him almost immediately, despite him wearing a baseball cap to cover his infamous curls. He was wearing his comfy, go-to airport outfit which consisted of grey sweatpants and a dark t-shirt. He was looking at his phone, but as if he knew you were there, he looked up and saw you a few moments after you began walking towards him. You picked up your pace a bit once you locked eyes with him and when you were close enough he exclaimed,
“Ahh, there she is!!” He threw his arms around you and squeezed you tight, picking you up off the ground a bit. You breathed in his clean, boyish scent, the one that you missed dearly. He kissed your temple multiple times, making you giggle while finally pulling apart to get a good look at you for the first time in a month.
“I missed you, darling. How was the flight?”
“Aw I missed you too, squish,” you mused while rubbing a hand up and down his side, “And long. I’m ready to see my girl, Tessie!” you exclaimed before yawning. He chuckled, rubbing his hands up and down your arms and replied,
“Well, we better get you home, she’s waiting for you”
He gave you a quick kiss, knowing that you were exhausted from the flight. He took your duffle from you and your hand to lead you out of the airport, where you were welcomed by some flashing lights that belonged to pap cameras. You kept your focus straight ahead, as you always did, quickly trailing behind Tom.
You finally made it to his car, sighing in relief when shutting the passenger door. You loved nighttime car rides, making you doze off into a light sleep but soon you felt a thumb brushing across your cheek. It startled you a bit as you jolted awake.
“It’s alright, love. We’re home,” Tom soothed.
You rubbed your eyes and sighed but gave him a tired smile and nodded. He carried your duffle up to his suite and as soon as he unlocked the door, Tessa came running door the hall and jumping up to greet you. You squatted down to accept her kisses as you cooed,
“Hello, Tess, how’s my lovable staffy doing, huh? Is Tom giving you those treats I got you?” She gave a little whine and continued to beg for your attention.
“As her translator, she says she loves them,” Tom spoke up after watching the adorable interaction between his two favorite girls. You smiled and stood up but yawned again.
“Okay, let’s get you into bed,” he said as he puts his hands on your shoulders to lead you into his bedroom. You tried to grab your duffle that he placed on the ground but he stopped you,
“Don’t worry, love, I got it.” He was so sweet.
Once in his room, he left you in there alone for a moment while he went to get your bag. You didn’t bother digging into your packed clothes for your pjs but just grabbed one of tom’s shirts instead with a pair of your soft shorts you found in his closet. You climbed into your side of the bed when Tom came back in with your bag.
“Sorry, babe, Harrison wanted to know if-”
You spaced out of Tom talking when you saw your copy of Beneath a Scarlet Sky on his nightstand and noticed that the place where you last left off hadn’t been moved. You smiled at the thought of him waiting for you to return to continue reading the book. He was taking his shirt off when he saw you looking at the book and said,
“Why don’t you get some sleep, love, we can pick back up with it tomorrow.”
“You waited for me?”
He looked back and forth between you and the book. “Of course, darling. It’s become sort of a thing for you to read it to me and we can’t break that streak when we’re so far into it,” he replied with a smile, confirming your thoughts.
“Stop, squish, you’re squeezing my heart,” you complained, dramatically putting a hand to your chest as he climbed in next to you.
“That’s my job, isn’t it?” He said while tucking a piece of hair behind your ear.
“Yeah, might as well quit your day job,” you joked as you laid down, snuggling into his side a bit.
“Sounds good to me,” he played along, hugging you into him.
You chortled. “Night, tommy.”
“What...they really just...left us hanging like that?” You commented, referring to the implied intimate scene between Pino and Anna. It was the next morning and after Tom had returned from the gym and you had breakfast, you were back on the couch. You were sitting between his legs in the corner seat with his arms around your shoulders, delving further into the book. And things were getting spicy, but not as spicy as you would’ve liked.
“I mean it was Pino’s first time, it would’ve been nice to have a little more detailed foreplay or something in there. And no offense but they’re living in the middle of a war, like all you could do was fuck and hope you’d see tomorrow,” you ranted.
Tom chuckled. “They’re leaving a spicy sex scene for the movie, babe”. You rolled your eyes when you looked over to see him smirking while wiggling his eyebrows in a suggestive manner.
“Oh right, this’ll be your first on-screen sex scene. Wonder who the lucky girl will be to have some PG-13 sex with Spider-Man,” you teased.
He nuzzled his face into your neck. “Or maybe you should play Anna, and we can just send in a video of us doing it. But the movie would lose its PG-13 rating for sure.” He kissed your neck a few times as you said,
“Oh my god…. anyway.”
You finished the chapter but didn’t get too far into the next one as Anna recounted their night together as “one of the best nights of [her] life”, deeming Pino “a natural”.
“What! ‘A natural’?!! She says it’s one of the best nights of her life but then says he’s ‘a natural’ at sex?? An act that’s already instinctual of most humans?” you ranted again. This book was practically written to be made into a movie. Or a fanfiction canon.
Tom laughed. “Don’t forget that she’s considerably older than him and was previously married,” he explained, “Also it might just be her way of gloating that she was his first.”
“Still, ‘a natural’? I don’t know, it’s just an odd choice of words,” you said, giggling at the end.
Later that night, you and Tom laid in his bed, basking in that post-sex haze. He had a lazy, half lidded smile on his face as you planted soft kisses on his neck leading up to his ear. You moaned quietly into his ear,
“You’re a natural,” you swooned, your voice hushed to an exaggeratedly sexier tone. Tom clapped a hand over his eyes and laughed shamelessly.
“You bet I am,” he retorted, still laughing. You laughed with him, nuzzling into his side.
You finished reading the very last sentence on the very last page of the book, your voice breaking at the final words. You closed the book, letting the first tear fall.
“I’m really glad Pino lived after all of what happened so early on in his life,” you sniffled, wiping your tears.
Tom was just as emotional as you, but tried to hold back tears. “You should’ve met him with me. Such a great guy, really genuine. He was a real laugh too,” he said, referring to when he met the real life Pino.
You looked at the picture of young Pino in the back of the book. “Oh my gosh, you look just like him!” you exclaimed, holding the picture up beside his face to compare and admired Tom’s resemblance to the main character. “Except your ears, they’re quite out there,” you joked. You thought about how the costume crew on the sm:h set wanted to pin his ears back in the Spider-Man suit.
He looked at the picture and laughed. “Yeah, can’t argue with you there.”
“Aww, you’re gonna have your hair cut shorter that’ll make you look so adorable and polished,” you said while pinching his cheek. He smiled big, showing the little crinkles by his eyes that you loved, while looking down shyly. “Aw, baby boy,” you swooned quietly, wrapping your arms around his neck to hug him. You snuggled your head into his shoulder while he rubbed your back, basking in your affection.
“I’m sad you don’t have anything else to read to me,” Tom said, pulling away to look at you with his puppy-like brown eyes.
You gave him a sad smile when you heard the front door shut, your heads turning to see Harrison jog in the room, carrying something in his hands.
“I got the part!” he exclaimed, still pacing around excitedly, "You’re looking at the newest member of the Catch-22 remake!”
You and Tom jumped up to congratulate him as he had worked so hard for this part. “You better start reading Haz,” you noted.
“Oh I already have!” He held up his freshly cracked open copy of Catch-22. “I hope the script does it justice.”
“Ah that’s great, mate!” Tom seemed genuinely excited for his best friend. “Can I see that?” he asked, nodding towards the book.
Harrison nodded and handed it over. “Yeah, course.”
“Thank you,” Tom said in a sing-song voice while walking away, pulling you by the hand. “C’mon Y/N, I found us something else to read!” Tom declared, loud enough for Harrison to hear.
Harrison just smiled as he was used to Tom messing around with him like this. He turned to see that Tom had fully led you into his room, door shut behind you two.
“I am going to need that back so just let me know when you guys are finished…and I’m not talking about the book,” Harrison retorted loudly, hoping you heard every word.
A/N: First of all, i’d just like to say a HUGE thank you for the amount of love on Restless. I did not expect such a huge reception, especially as my first one shot, so thank you thank you thank you💘💕
second, welcome to the second one shot of the series! This was actually the first thing I had written for tom but it took a little while to finish it. But anyway, PLEASe read this book, it’s so good!! And I’m so excited for tom to be in the movie, he’s going to kill it. I tried to leave out spoilers and only focused on smaller parts but i hoped you enjoyed nonetheless!!
~tommybaholland 🌺
what did ya think??
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