#win prizes in dubai
ariaste · 2 months
Hello, published author here who just noticed a thing in the s3 teaser that may help us to determine the timeline:
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This is not an ARC. ARCs, aka "Advance Review Copies" or "Advance Reader Copies" are sent out in advance of the publication of a book in order for magazines/newspapers/whoever (and these days, online book influencers) to review it, and for booksellers to have a chance to read it so they can order copies for their store and hand-sell it better on publication day. ARCs usually go out around 3-4 months before publication.
ARCs are also sometimes called "advance uncorrected proofs" because they usually haven't been through copyedits yet (aka typo-finding and punctuation-checking). ARCs are always clearly marked on the front cover as what they are, to make it harder for people to sell them online and so that bookstores don't accidentally put them out as merchandise.
We know that the IWTV team knows this becaaaaause, from the end of s2e8:
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*THAT'S* an ARC. You can see how it says so all over, both "advance reader's copy" and "advance uncorrected proof". It's also a paperback (as ARCs usually are) rather than the hardback that Lestat is holding -- all very typical and correct.
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And here is a finished copy. And we know exactly how far after publication it is, because:
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Daniel also gives a shout out to a "book fair" and Atlanta, which I take to mean the Decatur Book Festival, which takes place in October. So that means the book would have been published in June -- nice timing! Get all that good Pride Month promo for this gay-ass vampire memoir. So far we are nailing the Expected Publishing Industry Timeline And Behaviors.
So the only thing I can tell you definitively about what this means is that Louis got that ARC probably in February, aka around eight fucking months ago at the end of s2, and still hasn't even skimmed it, and that is HILARIOUS of him. not a shred of guilt on him about it either. (if you get a print ARC (as opposed to an e-ARC) and you don't even read it, it is polite to be a little embarrassed about that. not my personal best friend Louis DPDL tho.)
As for whether Daniel is a vampire during the s3 trailer -- the thing we are all clamoring to know -- I have two possible ways the timeline could be working, given the publishing industry stuff:
OPTION 1: Louis leaves Dubai -> Goes to New Orleans for Depression Hovel reunion, refuses to get back together with Lestat -> Lestat "I will woo him back with a Song, just like last time. ok that didn't work I'LL GO BIGGER. that didn't work. BIGGER" Lioncourt starts his rockstar career as a Gotta Get My Man Back tantrum -> Daniel finishes the manuscript, delivers it to his publisher, and sends an ARC to Louis (February) -> Book is published, bestseller (June) -> Daniel (who was turned at some unknown point) goes on TV about it (October) -> famous currently-bestselling journalist gets in touch with up-and-coming rockstar to get his side of the story -> Lestat has a mental breakdown on camera about how Louis is not even paying attention to all the albums he is recording, hurtful, tragic, heartbreaking
OPTION 2: Daniel DEFINITELY got out of Dubai alive -> [all of the above up to "Daniel sends an ARC to Louis"] -> book is getting great reviews -> already-famous Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist gets in contact with up-and-coming rockstar to do the sequel even before the book is out (slightly odd publishing choice but when you have two Pulitzers, the rules are different, so it's not implausible) -> Daniel gets his finished copies of the book (which brings us to probably May at the earliest; you don't usually get your finished copies more than a month in advance) and has one on set for interviewing Lestat -> Lestat has his sexy little rockstar breakdown on camera -> Daniel is human for interviewing Lestat but gets turned by Armand somewhere in the five-month span between finished copies arriving in May and his TV interview in October.
Option 1 gives the show writers a little more timeline wiggle room, which can be useful, but Option 2 is more Dramatic and builds extra tension if Daniel is trying to do this interview while not having a good time with his Parkinson's. Either way Louis is just out here not answering anybody's phone calls or reading the lovely ARC he was so thoughtfully sent bc he's busy redecorating his house.
THAT SAID, please take all of this with a grain of salt, i have been losing my mind over the s3 trailer and i may have missed something
this has been your war correspondent a report from the publishing industry. thank you and goodnight
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blush-pedri · 2 months
winner, winner | f. torres
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summary: the spain national team win the euros and ferran’s girls couldn’t be prouder.
notes: dad!ferran always 😭 a draft from my old accounts i’ve edited to be more fitting. quickly edited. let me know what you think!!! enjoy! <3
“—AND HERE, PRINCESSA, IS WHERE your papi is going to lift the trophy tomorrow.”
his teammates laughed, smiling at the pair as others continued to walk around and inspect the pitch, mentally preparing themselves for the big day ahead.
ferran stood laughing as well, chuckling heartily even with a pink plastic pacifier hanging between his teeth and soft baby blanket in his arms, his entire heart and soul blinking up at him, clueless to his reason for laughter.
tia torres was, and always would be, his greatest prized possession. i mean, he wouldn’t complain if he got a trophy in his arms tomorrow, but no feeling would top the one when he held his baby girl.
she was just about to turn one, starting to crawl and make funny sounds. ferran was adamant to get her to say papi first, he didn't care if she was halfway there to 'mama' with her drawn out 'mmm's', he knew she understood him and wouldn't let him down by saying papi first. everytime he spoke to her, your heart melted. always such a upbeat, soft tone, he spoke nice and clear to her in the hopes she would repeat it back. he was so sweet with her, so in love, and the way she looked at him and smiled when he talked - you knew she was in love with him too.
she came into your lives a little unexpectedly and despite all the worries and anxieties, you didn’t know what you did without her. ferran didn’t know what he did without her. he didn’t know what he did before her. he felt like an entirely different man since tia came into your lives and cringed at the man he was before. he liked the night feeds and the early mornings. he liked the tasting of bad baby food and job of freshening his girl up with a fresh diaper. he liked the challenge of getting her to sleep (which was easy for him than you) and taking her out by himself so you could enjoy some time to yourself.
he took pride in being a ‘young dad’, he didn’t care about going to nightclubs in dubai or festivals in ibiza anymore, he was happy to be at home with his two girls and make many, many memories with the pair of you.
he stood with her in his arms, walking her around the pitch with his barça teammates by his side. tomorrow was the final against england and you’d flown out with your daughter for what you knew would be a historic moment. after all, you wanted to show your support and be there for your boyfriend in time of celebration or comfort.
“just think, hermano, this time tomorrow, we’ll be here, getting ready for kickoff,” pedri’s arms excitedly shook ferran’s shoulders from behind, hyping him up at the thought. bless him, he’d suffered an injury in his leg, but that didn’t stop his excitement for his teammates playing in the final.
tia’s eyes widened in her sleepy state, looking up at her papi who still had her pacifier in his mouth. he moved her around to face him, smiling at pedri’s antics as she stared up at him, reaching for her dummy, but ferran pulled away teasingly, watching her half-amusingly fight for it. the boys smiled at his immaturity, always messing around - even with a one year old. “hermanoo, give her it,” even pedri thought he was cruel, pouting sympathetically at the little girl.
he chuckled as tia’s small smile turned into a frown as she started to whimper frustratedly, and he gave in, letting go of the dummy for her to take back. "'m only joking, mi princessa, te amo mucho," her cheek was quickly smothered by his kisses as she rightfully sucked her dummy into her mouth. he’d never mean to upset his baby girl on purpose.
he continued to carry her around the pitch, bouncing her slightly as he knew she was usually asleep at this time, but her schedule was a little off with the travelling making her miss out her nap and now with ferran begging you to take her to see the stadium, she was behind on getting her final bottle which usually sent her to sleep.
although it looked like she didn’t need a bottle, as her eyes slowly fluttered with each rock of her daddy’s arms, she was content and cozy in his embrace and didn’t care about the big bright lights shining down on her. if she was in her daddy’s arms, she could fall asleep anywhere.
when she woke up again. it was 6:30am. you’d spent the entire day with her in berlin, exploring with ferran’s family while he was with the international team, prepping for the big day. you were nervous since the minute you woke up, wishing and praying things went their way and that ferran and the team got the result they wanted. you just hoped he would be fine no matter the turnout, and that tia would be able to put a smile on his face no matter what. he’d been playing so well and deserved it more than anything.
the next time you were in the stadium, tia was with you, dressed in a mini 11 jersey with papa on the back, she looked around the place she’d been in just the day before.
you were on edge the entire game, unable to take your eyes off the field and when halftime ended with 0-0, your anxieties increased. ferran was on the bench, undoubtedly awaiting a substitute until the game kicked off and not 2 minutes later - spain had the lead.
the stadium roared and you got the first real sense of hope and belief, trying not to jump and yell too much given your baby was still sat on your knee. from your point of view, you tried to point to the players bench where her papi sat, but she was clueless, too many things going on and too much to look at to keep her occupied, she was transfixed on the many different flags and people surrounding her.
when england scored, you were a wreck again, and prepared yourself for pens when m. oyarzabal shot the second goal into the net and all your nerves deflated. there was no coming back now, you had nothing to be afraid of.
the final whistle blew and you couldn’t stop yourself from jumping up, your daughter jumping in your arms, you yelled out with almost tears of happiness as she looked around bewildered. the stadium was thriving, singing and jumping, celebrating their country as fireworks went off. you watched the team take the stage, proudly representing their kit and your heart swelled with pride as your ferran stepped up the stage, shaking the hands of some very important people before his medal was hung deservingly around his neck.
as other families of players made their way to the pitch, you followed in lead, buzzing with excitement as you led you and tia down the steps.
ferran was talking with pedri’s family when he thought he heard you call him. he glanced around and broke out into the biggest smile when he saw you making your way over with your baby girl in your arms. “it’s papiiii!” you bounced her, trying to get her excited, “clap for papi!”
“mi querida!” he nabbed her from your hands and jumped around, kissing her over and over and over again while your heart exploded with joy. you stepped back and took photos as he tossed her in the air, her sweet giggles melting the hearts of anyone around. “we did it! we did it, bebe!”
tia’s hands held her daddy’s face as he held her in the air, grinning down at him, he took her dummy away so he could see those two little bottom teeth smiling at him.
“congrats! mi guapo,” you finally interrupted their moment, feeling left out, you wrapped your arms around your other half and squeezed him tightly. “we are so so so proud of you!”
“hermosa,” he awed, looking at his main girl. his entire world before his mini-me came along. “te amo.” he kissed your lips, and then again and again and again. you wrapped you arm around his neck and hugged your little family, kissing your daughter’s head before she started to feel jealousy again.
“te amo,” you batted your lashes lovingly at him, looking at those beautiful brown eyes you’d fallen in love with before placing a long sweet kiss on his cheek.
“tia!!” pedri’s voice called as he hurried quickly over to the little one. he didn’t know much about babies but one thing was for sure was that she was definitely ferran’s kid. she was just him as a baby with longer lashes and a cuter nose. “hello, cutie,” he tickled her arm with his finger.
she reached for him willingly, smiling at the familiar face and he gladly accepted her embrace, always flattered she would leave her papi for him for a few minutes.
“congratulations!” you sang from ferran’s side, sharing your pride for the boy. you weren’t the only one classed as ferran’s other half – you shared that title with pedri.
“thank you, y/n,” he nodded, his leg brace pulling a little at your heartstrings. you were glad he got to experience the win with the team nonetheless and got the medal he deserved. “campeons!” he sang, raising tia’s arm in the air.
“oh wow! isn’t she gorgeous,” pedri’s mum appeared with the rest of his family, his brother greeting the little baby in his brothers arms.
“thank you,” you smiled, watching them awe over her daughter.
“she gets it from me,” ferran cockily smirked, running his hand over his hair like he was some model which made you laugh. you elbowed his side as pedri handed her back, reaching for the trophy being handed his way.
“take your baby, i need to hold my baby,” he proudly took the award into his hands and began posing with his prized possession, leaving you and ferran to chuckle while he got his photos with his family.
ferran sat on the ground with tia who was infatuated with the confetti (trying to eat fistfuls of it which he had to keep pulling from). he placed the medal around her and took some of his own photos, classing this day as probably one of the best days of his life. here with you and his baby girl, feeling like all his hard work paid off in the moment. “are you proud of papa?”
“of course she is proud of her papa,” you answered for her, “she is proud of her papa every single day. she is proud of you when you manage to open a door, let’s be honest!”
he laughed, flicking more confetti from her hands. “are you? are you proud of your papa?” he looked down at her, mirroring her sitting position with her legs apart and hands inbetween. she looked so tiny across from him. “can you say papa? say papaaa.”
“yes! say papa!”
“pa!!” she repeated, laughing at his pleased reaction.
cameras clicked in your direction as the three of you stood together, tia getting distracted by the medal around her daddy’s neck and inspecting it curiously as the trophy was passed in ferran’s direction.
he posed with the trophy, the proud look on your face only growing before you joined. “wow,” you thought, running your thumb over the engraved title of spain on the silver. you all smiled with it, tia playing with the red and yellow ribbon when ferran lifted her to try and set her in it.
“ferran!” you laughed, watching your baby share a look of confusion and maybe a little discomfort from the cold metal at why her dad had placed her in there. he chuckled and quickly lifted her out, kissing her once more.
“that is getting framed for the living room,” he promised, laughing at the image.
her tiny fits wrapped around his fingers as he stood her up from the ground, keeping her still next to the trophy she was almost the same size as. he kissed it once more before handing it off to his next teammate, happy with his time with it. “my girls,” he smiled, hugging his little one on his left and pulling you into his side on the right. “i wouldn’t be able to do it without you,” he kissed both your heads.
“hmm, you couldn’t have done it without your teammates, more so,” you joked.
he rolled his eyes and shook you playfully, feeling you hand hold his over your shoulder as you began to walk around the pitch, greeting other families and congratulating his teammates. really, it gave ferran an excuse to show off his baby girl to his teammates and show just how cute she was, and how much he looked just like him.
to show off both his girls in general, and how they made him feel like he was a winner every day.
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streussal · 4 months
There has (reasonably) been a lot of commentary on how Daniel has not been doing a great job with the interview, from the very beginning of the series. Now Daniel is a Pulitzer prize winning journalist. That tells us that he is highly respected in his field (or at least was at one point). So what are some reasons why this interview might be different?
Well, Daniel has a pre-existing relationship with Louis, one that might be bringing up a lot of trauma. (And to be clear, I mean even prior to Daniel getting flashbacks starting s2e2.) Daniel met Louis when he was young and taking drugs from strange older men he met in bars (probably with the expectation of sex). This resulted in him nearly being killed by Louis. And even aside from Louis nearly killing him, it must be uncomfortable to meet with someone who knew you at such a tumultuous time in your life.
I don't think this interview is Daniel's best work. How could it be? He's emotionally compromised from the start. This is obvious from the fact that he even showed up in Dubai in the first place. The idea that this interview will reveal the existence of vampires to the world is ludicrous - who is going to believe this story, aside from people who already believe in vampires? Who steps into such a dangerous situation for something that will obviously be of zero journalistic value? He's repeating a traumatic experience from his past and pushing for a better outcome, one where he's in control.
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gym-x-plus · 2 years
Let's get this heated up with a fire ABS circuit 🔥 LET'S GO!! Follow @lisafiittworkouts for more fitness content! @strngofficial_
There's still time to grab 50% OFF my annual subscription to the @strngofficial_ fitness app! All subscribers have FREE entry to my January Challenge where you can become the best version of yourself and be in with a chance of winning some incredible prizes - including a trip to Dubai to train with me and @romanelanceford !! link in bio ✨
🔥 3-4 rounds of 30-40s on each exercise
▪️ Leg raise variation
▪️ Kettle bell around the world pass
▪️ Bird dogs
▪️ Lying oblique knee to elbow crunches
Make sure you ❤️, comment & save so I can see which content you like!
Supplements: @strngsupps
Main page: @lisafiitt
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The Cambridge Family in 2022 ♛
Well, that sure was a year! First things first, I did in fact kill the Queen (sorry!), meaning we have a new King and a new Prince and Princess of Wales. As part of the events following the death of Queen Elizabeth II, we saw numerous public walkabouts (x, x), as well as many events with foreign diplomats and royals (x, x, x). The Queen's death followed her hugely successful Platinum Jubilee celebrations, which included a surprise George and Charlotte appearance in Cardiff, and Prince Louis stealing the show at the pageant. William and Catherine undertook a number of overseas trip this year: William began with a visit to Dubai; Catherine then visited Denmark as part of her work on the Early Years; the couple visited Belize, Jamaica, and the Bahamas in a controversial tour; and a final overseas visit to Boston, on behalf of the Earthshot Prize. The Cambridge family - now known as the Wales family - also experienced some personal highs. The family moved their main home from Kensington Palace to Adelaide Cottage, in Windsor, and George, Charlotte and Louis began their new school year at Lambrook School. William and Catherine also gained a new niece, as Catherine's sister Pippa gave birth to another daughter, called Rose. The couple were able to experience some sporting highs, with the Princess of Wales becoming Patron of the Rugby Football Union and Rugby Football League in February, and attending a Six Nations match shortly after. She also attended the Sailing Grand Prix. The couple also attended Wimbledon together twice (x, x) (with Catherine also going alone once), as well as the Commonwealth Games. William was also able to see football finally come home, with the Lionesses' winning the 2022 Euros. With Covid-19 finally beginning to retreat and the BRF experiencing a new beginning, I hope the Wales family continue to flourish next year.
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leftnotright · 10 months
"This will be a skill-building experience. You've had it too easy. You've had your Family name to back you, and your Right Hand at your every call. It's time you learn to carry yourself, to build from the ground up." Dino Cavallone, the Cavallone Don, fresh out of high school.
Reborn, the deadliest hitman of the modern era, has a special kind of torture up his sleeve for his dear struggling student. Dino will have to see how well he handles alienation, isolation, and worst of all, class participation. “Now, go on, my useless student Dino. Let’s continue your education.” (Or: Reborn sends Dino to Australia. It goes better than he could have ever hoped.)
Parings: N/A Characters: Dino (Katekyou Hitman Reborn!), Vic Hunt (OC - Original Character), Reborn (Katekyou Hitman Reborn!), Romario (Katekyou Hitman Reborn!), Cavallone Famiglia, Enzo (Katekyou Hitman Reborn!), Original Characters Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, University, Pre-Canon, Financial Issues, Fluff And Angst
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7
Dino’s coffee table was covered in papers, every page of debt he had available on display with their numbers highlighted and circled. Open on his computer was an internet window with several tabs all squashed together along the top. Dino reached over and moved his cursor across the words: ‘MELBOURNE CUP 2022 WINNINGS FIRST PLACE: $4,400,000’. 
“A bonus of $500,000 for the owner, if their horse won the group one Irish St. Leger run the previous September,” Dino uttered slowly, reading the details of the Melbourne Cup with slow, careful eyes. He penned it down.
The Melbourne Cup didn’t have the largest purse in horse racing, just a bit of skimming had told Dino that. On a notepad, Dino had written down: ‘ DUBAI WORLD CUP $7.2MIL, KENTUCKY DERBY $1.8MIL, THE EVEREST $6.2MIL (IN SYDNEY!)’
But out of all the horse races, especially in the catchment of Australia, the Melbourne Cup had, by far, the greatest reputation. ‘The race that stops the nation’. What a title.
If Dino were to try and get more bang for his buck, he’d have been wiser to go for the Everest or Dubai. However, Dino wasn’t trying to be a one-hit wonder. With the Melbourne Cup came fame, a name backing his horses and the Cavallone brand. If Dino won the Melbourne Cup, it would only make enrolling in richer races all the more simple. 
A meagre four million wasn’t going to put much of a dent in the Cavallone’s debts. No, winning one race wasn’t going to pull them out of the red. Dino was going to be in this for the long haul, participating in one race after another. 
 He needed numbers. As many hooves on the track as possible to increase his chances of winning high positions if not first place. The more horses Dino had in the races, the more prize money he could rake in - and hopefully, break even.
Racing costs money. 
Training, for both jockey and horse. Transportation, feeding, accommodation, equipment and uniforms. All of that came after the original enrollment payments, and for the Melbourne Cup, there were rounds of it. Three to be exact. 
And that was just the Melbourne Cup. 
Dino grimaced and sipped a cup of water, blessedly cold after Dino had found the ice rack in the freezer. He put the glass against his temple and sighed.
There wasn’t much more he could do by himself. Before Dino ran off with this idea, with all his hopeful ‘what if’s and ‘we could’s, Dino would have to present his case to the Family. And since this was going to involve the horses and a whopping portion of the Cavallone funds, he was going to have to talk to the Stable Master and the Vault Keeper. 
That was a full-blown Family Meeting, Dino had never called one of those before! The last time Dino had even seen the Vault Keeper was-
Dino took a slow breath and concentrated on the feeling of cold perspiration dripping down the side of his face. 
The last time Dino had seen the Vault Keeper was the day of his succession and within the hour of his father’s death. 
The Stable Master, at least, Dino knew quite well. 
“Okay,” Dino murmured to Enzo who peeked out from under the coffee table. “For a formal Family Meeting, who do I need to call? Right Hand, Stable Master, Vault Keeper, probably the Head of Housekeeping to keep them in the loop and-” Dino winced, “Available Guardians.”
The Cavallone Don groaned as he flopped back on the couch, still holding that glass to his forehead to try and ward off that headache he felt creeping up on him. 
It wasn’t working. 
☁ ☁ ☁
 The first thing Vic noticed when Dino stumbled into class was that he was all but dead on his feet. The poor guy was slumped over in his seat, resting heavily on the desk in front of him. 
 Vic came and found her seat next to Dino at their group’s table. She unpacked her laptop and produced a folder, full of the handouts and the straws and blu-tack for their activity. 
“How’re you doing?” Vic asked, and gave Dino a gentle nudge.
Dino’s arm slipped out from under his jaw and his head hit the desk with a ‘ bang! ’. Vic cursed as heads snapped around and quickly moved to scoop up Dino’s head, hissing at the red mark on the boy’s forehead.
“Fuck,” she wheezed and Dino blinked widely, very much awake now. “You’re in a fucking state! When did you go to bed?”
“Uuuh,” Dino squinted as he rubbed his head, “The, uh-”
Vic had the sudden and horrible feeling that this boy hadn’t actually gone to sleep that night. She looked to her folder, then to the lesson’s tutor who was setting up the projector for the day’s rostered presentation: Social Class.
Oh fuck.
Where the hell was Jess? Vic looked at her phone and saw a text in the group chat.
Jessica Cheng
Hi guys, really sorry the trains are being replaced by buses, I’m gonna be like 10 minutes late. 
Jessica Cheng
Can we just move the activity after Vic and I’ll come in last?
Jessica Cheng
I’ll sprint it, I promise
Vic twitched and looked at the clock. They were only required to speak for three minutes each. Dino looked like he could speak for less. 
She groaned and rubbed her head before sending a text back.
Vic Hunt
Sure, we’ll buy you time.
Jessica Cheng
Kk see you soon
Jessica went abruptly offline then and Vic only hoped she was able to get across campus fast enough. 
“I will be okay,” Dino grumbled from inside his pillow of arms. “May speak, uh, slowly. But it will be done.”
Vic looked to Dino and then slumped in her chair. She took a breath through her nose and out her mouth, her feet pressed hard into the carpeted floor. 
“Yeah. Yeah, sure, we’ll be fine.”
“Dino, Jessica and Vic,” the tutor called and Vic grimaced.
By the end of their tutorial, Jess had scampered off to catch her bus home and Dino and Vic had chosen a sunny patch of grass by the Macquarie University's lake to wallow on. Vic was laid out on her back, her limbs still throbbing with nerves after public speaking adlib with Jess coming not ten, but fifteen minutes late to class. 
Vic was sure she had covered the same point twice with multiple stutters and ‘uh’s. 
“That sucked,” Vic whined loudly.
Dino appeared in her peripheral, sat at her side, and gave a weak smile of agreement. Vic had no idea what he was talking about. Despite his loose hold on English - that was only getting better, she kept reminding him - he had spoken with some kind of damning confidence in his voice that made Vic want to kick him in the shins for making her think he was going to all but faint on her. He spoke like he was used to presenting to groups of people! The bastard!
Vic frowned at him severely, before rolling over in the grass and burying her face in her backpack.
“I believe we- we did very well!” Dino assured and Vic huffed when he gave her a pat on the back. Then under his breath she heard him whisper, “How are you not sweaty?”
“Not everyone had pores like a waterfall,” Vic answered before turning her head and asked, “And what the fuck Dino? You were acting like you were going to die when we got up to speak but as soon as we got that slide up you might have well have been Steve fucking Jobs releasing the new iPhone!”
Dino blinked, and then he curled in on himself. His ears flushed red and Vic had the sudden and intense urge to ask if he had put sunscreen on them today. 
“I, uh, hesitated a lot.”
“No more than I fucking did,” Vic pointed out, “And dude your projection. The teacher had to ask Jess to speak up -- and asked me to slow down. Your pacing was spot on!”
Once again, Dino ducked his head and Vic was reminded of Enzo recoiling back after bumping into her thermos during a study session. 
“You know what? Fuck it, you’re helping me with my public speaking skills from now on. You could sell water to a drowning man.” Vic demanded, before reaching out and poking at Dino’s cargo shorts’ pocket. “Now, release the baby.”
Dino laughed and unpacked Enzo from his pocket, the little turtle stubbornly hiding in his shell even when he was placed on the grass between them, safely in Dino’s shadow. Vic grinned and rolled over to her side, cooing happily as the presence of Enzo soothed her academically injured soul.
 “Hello! Oh hello,” Vic chirped, a complete one-eighty flip from the grumpy, huffy mood she had been in before. “He’s not coming out.”
“Too much sun,” Dino offered, gesturing to the heat that bathed the whole lake despite the students that spotted the valley.  
Vic hummed, it didn’t feel too hot to her. But then again, Enzo had spent most of his life in Italy with Dino. Then she poked Enzo’s shell and saw an eye peeking out at her in great disgruntlement.
“Wait,” Vic sat up and stared at the lake. “Wait, he's a turtle, he can go in the lake! A nice swimmy!” 
Dino’s head snapped around. 
 “After being in your stuffy-ass pocket, a good swim must be exactly what he needs!” Vic insisted, grinning with teeth again.
Dino snatched Enzo up off the ground before Vic could grab him, a nervous smile on his face and a whole new sheet of sweat going down his neck. 
“No! No, uh, Enzo is a- a saltwater turtle! I do not know if the lake water will agree with him.”
Vic paused. Fuck he was right. She winced and scratched the back of her head, feeling bits of grass and leaves come out. 
“Right, sorry, didn’t think about that.” 
God that was a dick move. What was she going to do, grab someone’s emotional support turtle and dump it wherever? Think it through Vic!
“It is okay,” Dino assured, and Vic nearly jumped when he touched her arm -- wow, his hand was moist. “It wouldn’t have hurt him. Enzo is a strong boy.”
Then he reached across and gently placed Enzo in her lap, still once again in his shadow. 
“I don’t think he is liking how warm I am,” Dino laughed.
Vic looked down at Enzo in her lap, then to Dino’s open face. She tucked her chin into her chest and bit down on her smile.
Vic spun and flopped back onto her back with a huff, relaxing all over as she lay in the sun. On her stomach, she felt Enzo shuffle around until he settled on the soft, pillowy space of her stomach.
Dino reached into his pocket and fed the still-hiding Enzo a pellet at a time.
“So, what were you even doing for the whole night?” Vic asked.
Dino shrugged, “Uh, I’ve been investigating. Learning about horse racing, and dealing with some Family issues.” 
Vic hummed lowly, “You’re really keen on that racing idea.”
Dino smiled, and leant back on his hands, voice quiet as he said, “If we can race again…It may save my Family.”
Vic blinked, then tilted her head as she observed him. Vic had only known Dino for little over just a month now, but she felt like she had a loose, if not a reasonable, grasp on one of Dino’s core values: Family.
To Dino, family always comes first. In fact, most of their conversations had at some point turned to family. Dino, at this point, could list off all of Vic’s cousins, aunts and uncles, and Vic was sure she would have to fight Romario for adoption rights.
The ‘Dino Adoption’ debate had become a rather hot topic in the Hunt Houses, a split between factions: To-Adopt, and Not-To-Adopt. Not-To-Adopt was dwindling in numbers, however, with every Dino or University-centric rant Vic sent home. Robbie’s crown was slipping, and Vic’s mum had started a guest bedroom Pinterest inspo-board. 
Vic, her mum and her grandma had been steadfastly ignoring Robbie’s screaming voice messages that ‘we don’t even have a spare room!’
Her dad had always liked carpentry, Vic was sure he’d come up with something. He was always rather smart with his hands — something Vic’s mum liked to sing praises of until someone begged her to shut up over a sea of gagging children. Maybe he’d build a barnyard style granny-flat. Speaking of barns—
“So, like, you’ve been breeding horses for years. You got any cute ones? Like, ones that are fluffy?”
Vic felt like she had at least a loose grip on Dino, and nothing got ‘horse girl’ Dino talking like his horses. Only ask for photos if you’ve got the next few hours free. Dino’s Econ tutorial had been cancelled, they had the whole day.    
The things Vic did to keep her soon-to-be-adopted Dino happy. 
Dino was already fumbling for his phone by the time Vic had uttered the words ‘fluffy’. 
“We have this Przewalski Mongolian! Ah! Beautiful coat! So good to brush, and when she’s freshly bathed!?” 
Dino turned his phone and Vic wheezed at the horse, covered in thick packed fuzz and fur. 
“Oh God, hugging that? Fuckin’ bliss,” Vic all but swooned. “I wanna be squished between two.”
Then she paused, sat up and squinted at the corner of Dino’s screen.
“Gimme that.” Vic took Dino’s phone despite the squawk of alarm and zoomed out to see what Dino had tried to hide. 
In the background of the photo was an early highschool-aged Dino, sporting braces on his teeth and several bandaids all over, and being dragged by the waist of his pants by some huge stallion. The panic and flurry of multiple stablehands and Romario himself attempting to save Dino, a direct contrast to the peaceful grazing of the Mongolian in the foreground. 
Vic snorted before wheezing out her whole lung capacity. Enzo gave a disgruntled click and slipped off Vic’s jumping stomach as she continued to laugh, only fuelled by Dino’s betrayed and indignant babbling. 
Dino lept to take his phone back, but their squabble of hands shifted and zoomed until baby-Dino’s face, crumpled and folded in unflattering fear, took up the screen. Vic doubled over again, cackling with belly and teeth.
Dino huffed as he stole back his phone and moved the picture on screen safely back into his camera roll. He crossed his arms and waited for Vic to be done.
 She took a huge breath, glanced at Dino's face, and then promptly let out another belt of laughter.
 “It was not that funny!” Dino scolded, helping Enzo up into his lap.
 “It was!” Vic gasped, and Dino gave her a smack on the arm.
 “Ah! Abuse! In front of the child!”
 “Enzo has seen worse.”
 “No, my baby,” Vic cried quietly, and rolled over to mourn the sweet turtle’s lost innocence.
 Dino huffed and shifted on the spot, phone in his hands.
 “...We also have a new Haflinger foal,” he said and, this time with an iron grip on his phone, showed Vic the knobbly-kneed foal beside its mother.
 Vic snorted and settled down in the sunbathed grass to be once again regaled of the Cavallone’s prized herd. As always, Dino spoke rapidly. Stumbling over words, ‘ahs’ and ‘ums’, repetition and mistakes not slowing him down in the least as he raved about the last Spring’s yield of four new foals. What Vic couldn’t understand through a thick accent or patchy English-Italian half-words, Vic could fill in with the side gestures Dino made. Vic had heard that Italians spoke with their hands, and Dino was only supporting that stereotype as he drew the shape of a massive mare.
 “Nearly two me’s!” Dino exclaimed.
 Vic imagined a horse that stood well over her own height and immediately felt the need to climb on one. She’d never ridden a horse before, but surely you just, like, clamber up and hold on for dear life.
Dino’s great tale was interrupted, however, when a shrill, aghast voice cut through the afternoon.
“ What the fuck is that!? ”
Dino’s head snapped around and Vic sat up as she saw a girl break off from her group and come storming over. The rest of her group were calling out to her, one of them tried to grab her by her bag.
Vic blinked slowly as the girl came to a stop at Dino’s side, her hackles raised with some kind of righteous anger in her eyes. 
Vic glanced to Dino and asked, “Ah, this your ex or something?”
Dino looked to Vic with wild confusion, “I do not know, I-”
“This is illegal!” The girl snapped and Dino let out a yelp as her hand lashed out and scooped up the still-tucked Enzo. 
In an instant, that warm calm that had utterly steeped Vic’s body flushed out.  
“Oi!” Vic bellowed and sprung to her feet, fists clenched. “What the fuck are you doing?!”
A hot anger boiled in Vic’s blood, Dino’s horror-struck expression only fueling it as he tried to organise himself and ask for Enzo back.
“This!” The girl shouted again, shoving Enzo in Vic’s face, and then Dino’s. “Is an incredibly invasive species! It is illegal to have a Red Eared Slider turtle in Australia!”
“He’s not a Red Slider, you fuck!” Vic seethed, “Enzo’s a Sponge turtle!”
“Look at this shell-”
“Look at his fucking face! ”  
“It's invasive!”
“He’s the wrong fucking species! ” Vic shouted and went to grab Enzo back.
The girl backed out of reach and held Enzo to her chest, loud, angry clicking coming from inside his shell. 
“Red Eared Sliders are aggressive and utterly destroy Australia’s natural freshwater habitats! It needs to be handed over to RSPCA so they can ship it out or put it down!”
Dino gave a sharp gasp of alarm and Vic saw red. 
The hold she had on her temper snapped like a thread pulled taut and with heat in her skin, she lunged forward. Vic went at the girl with nails and elbows. She swiped and poor Enzo went flying in a direction she blindly hoped was Dino’s, a soft ‘aaaaaaaaaaa’ emitting from the shell as it disappeared from her tunnel vision.
The girl screamed as Vic got her hands on her, and threw her whole body weight to send the girl head over heels. She hit the water with an almighty splash, and a flock of ducks noisily took flight.
Vic breathed ragged through her teeth, fists clenched. Her temper, white-hot and utterly boiling her blood, was only slightly settled by the sight of the shell-shocked girl sitting, drenched in the lake.
“Who’s the fucking ‘invasive species’ now, bitch!?” Vic bellowed.
"Got to go, got to go!" Dino chanted near hysterically as he grabbed Vic by her arm and started running.
Vic with gritted teeth and tense shoulders, let Dino drag her across the field and towards the Village. She huffed when she nearly crashed into Dino’s back as he came to a sudden, slow walk. Dino, casually, innocently, walked with Vic passed Campus Security as they sailed passed in their little golf carts.
Vic snorted through her nose and gave Dino’s back a scrutinising look but couldn’t be bothered to see past her own heat haze. 
The gates of the Village came into view and Vic stormed forward, taking heavy, stomped footsteps all the way through to her shitty five-bedroom dormhouse, with her shitty roommates, who didn’t respect her fucking personal space-!
Vic hit her bed facedown. Calm down, calm down, calm fucking down!
Faintly, in the far back of her awareness, Vic heard Dino sit in her creaking desk chair and the thump of him dropping their bags. Dino was such a good boy - what was he doing when Enzo was taken she didn’t look - he was so nice and warm - he walked passed the security didn’t even flinch knew what to do-
Vic rolled onto her back and took a breath in through her nose and out her mouth. In and out, in and out. That girl had said to put Enzo down. Dino’s support animal, someone he took everywhere with him no matter what - Dino needed Enzo and that girl said ‘put down’. 
Vic took another breath in. She clenched her fists. A breath out and clenched her forearms- Why wasn’t it working-
There was a roar in her ears, a thundering thump in her chest.
Then a weight dropped on her stomach, just substantial enough that Vic started out of her rambling spiral. Vic lifted her head and craned her neck, Enzo’s big, beady eyes stared back up at her.
Enzo looked around slowly, before his feet popped out from his shell and, slowly, he plodded up to find a comfortable place on Vic’s chest. 
Just behind Enzo, Vic could see Dino, his hands still outstretched from where he had dropped Enzo on her.
Dino smiled a bit, an awkward, lopsided thing, and said, “Enzo, he, uh, helps me be calm.”
Vic blinked, before she let out a puff of breath. She dropped her head back and used Enzo’s weight to try and sink that rising heat. She felt that familiar rumble in her chest swell and grow, and she let it out in a long, gaping yawn.
Vic hated getting angry, she was always tired afterwards.
Vic sniffed and scratched her cheek, her body heavy right down to the core like her bones were waterlogged. 
“You wanna eat somethin’?” Vic asked.
Dino paused, startled, before he lowered himself to sit on the edge of Vic’s bed and said, “Yeah, what would you like?”
“Chicken nuggets. So many chicken nuggets.”
☁ ☁ ☁
Greasy wrappers and stray grains of salt littered the foot of Vic’s bed as the two of them sat up against the wall, Vic’s phone playing music in the background. Dino heaved as he slumped against the wall. He had eaten an obscene amount of nuggets and sweet and sour sauce.
Vic, somehow, was still going. 40 chicken nuggets, and so far 17 of them were sitting in the seemingly bottomless chasm of Vic’s belly.
Dino slurped on his cola as Vic, unflinchingly, ate her 18th and reached for another. 
“How’s Enzo?” Vic asked through half a mouthful of nugget. 
Dino looked to the turtle that, more or less, had put them into hiding for the foreseeable future — or at least until the blurry video of ‘bodily yeeting entitled Karen into lake’ stopped popping up on Dino’s feed every time he refreshed it. It had become a meme template. The speed of the internet was terrifying.
Vic, hearing the grainy sound of her own voice hollering “Who’s the fucking ‘invasive species’ now, bitch!?” shoved her 20th nugget into her mouth. 
Dino winced and closed his phone. 
“Enzo is fine. I told you, he is hardy.”
Vic grumbled and reached to pet Enzo, who paused his munching on a bag of mixed leaves Vic had pulled from a cooler - an ‘esky’ - in the corner of her room. There were three, all stacked on each other and full of chilled foodstuffs.  
Dino glanced at Vic and saw the 24th nugget disappear. He had already seen a fridge in the shared kitchen on the way up to the room. Now, maybe, wasn’t the best time to ask.
Nonetheless, Dino stored it in his memory, another conversation starter!
Vic’s phone suddenly stopped playing music, and the screen flipped to an incoming call. Vic sighed and shoved her last nugget in her mouth before answering the call from ‘Robbie’.
“What?” She asked, muffled around her chicken nugget.
Dino took another sip of his drink as Vic leant her head on his shoulder. 
Casual touch. Dino hadn't experienced that in… Weeks. It had only just dawned on him how much he had missed it after leaving home. 
Dino shifted a bit to make sure he was comfortable - both for him and Vic. He almost felt like someone priming their lap with blankets, hoping the family cat would choose them for the foreseeable hours.
Dino's rather cosy trail of thought was interrupted by the caller on Vic's phone.
“You fucking threw someone into a lake!?” Robbie screeched from the other side of the phone.
Vic made a lazy, noncommittal noise as she slowly chewed, completely unhurried by the state her brother was apparently in. 
“Vicky, I thought you were over this!”
Vic proceeded to mutter something vaguely mocking through her chewing. Dino snorted a bit despite how he tried to send her a scolding look. Vic ignored him.
“Jesus Christ, Vicky- Why’d you even do it!?”
Vic took a sip of her frozen coke and simply said, “Bitch tried to take Dino’s turtle.”
There was a faint bang, and then a distinctly loud bang. Then came the scream of Robbie being tackled and the fight for the phone.
“Bitch did what to Enzo!?”
Dino glanced to Vic. He had been wondering where she had sent all those turtle pictures — evidently, a good bulk had gone to Bec, her cousin.
“Crazy cunt fucking stole Enzo out of Dino’s lap like he was a Woolies apple and started going on about ‘invasive species’ and ‘putting him down’ and like fuck was I gonna let her talk shit like that!” Vic ranted, waving her cup at the far window like her cousin was standing before them.
There was a pause, before there was a chorus of approval in the background. At least four voices all chipped in with their opinions and Dino was hit with the sudden realisation that there was a roomful of Hunts on the other end of that line.
“You should have thrown her deeper, Vicky!”
“Strengthen those little chicken wings! You’ve gotta start going to the gym!”
“Don’t support this!” Robbie yelled over the cheering and was met with a round of ‘boo’s.
“Oi, we always back family! Even if they’re doing something kinda stupid — we always back our family!”
Dino stared down at the bubbles patterning the sides of his waxed paper cup. Family always backs each other.
“Dino and Enzo are my babies, I’m not letting some half-cocked bitch make ‘em sad,” Vic scoffed and wrapped an arm around him — tipping a bit of ice down the back of his shirt as she did. Not entirely by accident, if Vic’s snicker meant anything as he frantically tried to get it out.
As Dino finally got the last of the ice out from the waist of his pants, Dino saw Vic grin up at him with the usual amount of teeth. He huffed and couldn’t resist smiling back at her.
Romario was going to be so proud of him. Everyone was going to be proud of him! 
Family backs each other, even in their riskiest of endeavours.
“If you wanna adopt the bastard, you’ve gotta stop being violent in public!”
There were jeers and the bellowing of a crowd of people and Vic slipped off Dino’s shoulder and back onto her bed, phone pressed to her ear. 
Dino looked down at Vic as she listened to her family through the phone. She looked the most relaxed he had seen her in — probably ever. Distinctly, it wasn't that strange, almost sedated calm that followed Vic around usually. This calm was the most human he had seen, the most natural.
Dino looked down at Vic, who laid with her eyes closed and her family screaming in her ear, and found himself wondering what kind of Flame she had hidden dormant.
Then, there was a loud crash from Vic's phone and the line went dead, someone had obviously slapped the end button with their elbow or face in the scuffle. Vic scoffed as the music on her phone resumed and she let it drop to the side of the pillow, already pawing around for her frozen coke.
Dino watched her fingertips graze the edge, collecting droplets of perspiration. He nudged it slightly further out of reach. 
"Cunt," Vic hissed and Dino laughed as she uncoordinatedly smacked the side of her calf against his head.
Vic gave a heave of great effort and distress as she rolled onto her belly, finally grasping her slushy drink in hand. She took a long slurp before she craned her neck to look at Enzo, only his little tail visible as he dug deeper into the pile of leafy greens.
"I will not be able to bring Enzo out of my pocket for a time," Dino sighed and saw Vic blow disgruntled bubbles into her slushy.
"Yeah," she bit out, keeping whatever loaded rant she had shoved deep away. 
 Dino smiled weakly and took another drink of his cola, a loud, empty slurp that rattled the straw. Then Dino looked around at Vic's room, the cramped desk, the stacked eskys.
 "If you want," Dino started and leant back on a hand, trying to be nonchalant-
 Vic's body pillow didn't take his weight and Dino gave a gurgled yelp as his arm gave way and he fell. His head connected painfully with Vic's bony knees, Vic gave a gasp of pain and Dino clutched his head. 
 Soon, the two of them sat on the bed, two young adults curled up in groaning pain.
 "What the fuck, Dino?" Vic wheezed, holding her knees as they throbbed.
 "Sorry," Dino whined as the beginnings of a headache settled deep in his right temple. "I wanted to ask you if you would like to meet at my house. Enzo cannot meet you outside for a while."
 Vic massaged her knees before she kicked Dino in the side.
 “Fucking oath I am! Thought that was a fucking given!” 
 Dino winced as Vic kicked him in the side again, before, tentatively, Dino lightly thumped his foot against the back of Vic’s thigh. There was a distinct, fleshy ‘thwap’.
 A pause hung in the air, and Dino had the familiar sensation of social-faux-pas-dread settle in the bottom of his stomach—
 Dino heard something akin to an elated warcry from the other end of the bed, and all seventy kilos of Vic’s weight came crashing down on him, twenty-four nuggets and all. Dino wheezed and the two became a brawling wrangle of slapping hands and kicking feet, all up until Vic rolled and kicked Dino off the side of the bed. 
 Dino shrieked and clawed at the sheets until he went tumbling, shoulders-first to the floor. He gasped, splayed out on his back on the dorm’s musty carpet and stared up at Vic’s ceiling, dotted with weird marks.
 Vic’s face appeared from over the edge, a smug, vindictive curl to her grin. 
 “Cunt,” she said.
 Dino grabbed his cup, sloshing with half-melted ice cubes, and grabbed Vic by her beloved oversized band-tee and dumped it. 
 Vic shrieked and Dino couldn’t help the belly-deep cackling that burst out as he watched Vic frantically scoop at her bra under her shirt.
☁ ☁ ☁
 It had taken a bit over ten days and several nervous breakdowns, cushioned by either Enzo or Vic, but Dino felt like he was ready to call for a Family Meeting of the Cavallone. Or, well, he wasn’t seconds away from cardiac arrest at the thought of it, now.
 Dino wheezed a bit. Now, he just needed to get in contact with Romario and set it up.
 Dino reached for his phone. He hadn’t tried to contact home in a while. Between university, Vic, races, and his bi-weekly laying-on-the-floor-in-crisis time, Dino hadn’t had the chance to call home in…nearly six weeks now! Going on seven! They were fresh into April, nearly mid-semester break, and Dino hadn’t called since February.
 This was probably, no, definitely, the longest Dino hadn’t gone without contact with the Cavallone. 
 Seeing Vic listening to her family, had reminded Dino of just how much he missed them. Dino just wondered if anyone would pick up, or if Reborn’s contact-ban was still in place.
 Dino withered and dialled Romario’s quick-dial, and uttered a short prayer. It rang once, twice—
 Dino suddenly understood why Vic had just laid down and listened. He could hear so much through the phone. Familiar songbirds, the chatter of Cavallone stablehands and the bray of horses. Suddenly, Dino was hit with the smell of the stables in early Spring; the fresh sand and straw they laid on the muddy ground, the lavender and wild rosemary that grew outside, the sweat and manure.
 Dino wanted to be like Vic and just curl up on his side and listen. 
 “Boss! How have you been!?” Romario asked and Dino heard the clammer and cacophony of news in the background: the Boss had finally called home.
 God, Dino had missed the sound of Italian; a good Sicilian accent.
 “I’m fine, Romario. I’ve still got all my fingers and toes,” Dino assured with a laugh. “I’ve got some killer tanlines, though.”
 “Good! After your exams you were far too pasty looking!”
 Dino rolled his eyes, this wasn’t the first time Romario had feared a potential vitamin-D deficiency.
 “So, tell me, what have you been up to?” Romario urged, and Din could just imagine him leant up against the gates of the stables in his singlet and jeans.
 Dino relaxed into the couch, Enzo snoozed in his luggage-enclosure. 
 “Class is hard,” Dino admitted, “I’ve gotta use Google translate and listen to lectures twice as long. If I didn’t have Vic to help me, I would have absolutely bombed on the vocabulary mini-test!”
 At some point, the update had turned into Dino’s whinging time - but could you really blame him? For months, Dino had been left to flail alone in this strange country, and he didn’t even have the English skills to vent properly to his one friend—
 “I’ve-!” Dino started loudly, a rush of pride returning when he remembered his shining achievement. “I’ve made a friend!”
 There was a beat of silence, before someone far away gasped, “ What?”
 “I’ve made a friend!” Dino repeated, “Her name’s Vic!”
 “A woman!?”
 “She’s really nice! She loves Enzo! She threw someone in the lake for us! And she bought us chicken nuggets!” 
 Dino grinned as he regaled Romario and their menagerie of eavesdroppers about the many adventures he had been on with Vic around the university and to the nearby shopping centres. 
 Dino decided to omit the part where he got lost in the Kmart homewares section, and had to go to the front desk so they could call for Vic over the announcement system. ‘Attention customers, could 'Vic Hunt' please come to the front of the store to collect your…child?’ was still engraved in Dino’s head, along with the stares from the staff. Vic had all but run through the store to get him. By then, Dino had been offered a snake-shaped lolly, half of which Vic stole, and held his hand the rest of the shop so neither got lost in that department store maze. 
 Instead, Dino moved onto how he and Vic met almost daily to study and chat, and how she liked to listen about the horses — Dino nearly flung himself off the couch when he snapped up, suddenly reminded of what this phone call was about.
 “Romario,” Dino said and heard the excited chatter fall silent at his tone. “I want to call a Family Meeting.”
 Romario’s shift was immediate.
 “What for, Boss?”
Dino could hear him move away from the stable and the working hands.
“I’ve been thinking about the state of the Family and the few resources we have. Being so far from home has, well, it’s given me a new perspective.” Dino said slowly, knowing he was about to broach a sensitive subject. “The Cavallone need to use our horses again. The Cavallone need to race again.”
Romario took a sharp, hissed breath in through his teeth. Racing was taboo.
“Boss,” he began shakily, like some part of him expected the ghost of the Eight Boss to enact vengeance upon them. “The Cavallone have been banned for nearly one hundred years!”
“In Italy,” Dino pointed out, looking down at the list of races all around the world. “And only in Mafia circles.”
“You want to race civilians?” Romario asked, the disbelief clear in his voice. “Our Cavallone horses, against civilians? ”
“Yes,” Dino responded, “Our horses. Our… untrained horses.” Dino suddenly felt that cardiac arrest creeping up again. “We need money. Racing is lucrative.”
He gripped his trousers until his knuckles were white. “Please, Romario.” Dino’s voice was quiet in the empty, dark living room. “I believe this will work. I believe this, our horses, can save our Family.”
Romario was silent.
Dino let him work through his thoughts. He knew he was asking for a lot, and for Romario to stick his neck out for Dino. Romario was the one who would have to act as proxy and call everyone to the Meeting, and in doing so, show complete faith in Dino’s plan.
Romario’s voice came through the speaker. “Very well, Boss. I’ll organise the Meeting. Will tomorrow suit you?”
A relieved smile broke out on Dino's face. “Whenever. We’ll have to work with timezones, anyway.”
“Ten hours, right? I will see what I can do.”
Dino let out a long sigh, feeling nearly lightheaded. “Thank you, Romario.”
“Of course, Boss,” Romario hummed, “Get some rest, it must be late.”
Dino looked at his clock, 2AM. He needed to go to sleep, he had class at 10AM. 
“Boss, you should send us photos now that we can talk again. Is Australia really all just desert and city?”
“What? No, there’s plenty of greenery and water here!” Dino laughed, “But it’s hot. A different hot to home. Vic has been busy making sure I don’t get heat stroke.”
“Sounds nice, it’s still cold here. But by the time you’re home, it’ll be warm. You come at the end of your semester, right? June?”
“Yeah, June to August, Winter break. Vic will be miserable, she loves warmth. Like a lizard.”
Romario laughed and Dino let himself flop across his couch. They had just said Dino should have gone to bed, but he couldn’t find it in himself to hang up. Not after so long without his Family. 
“So your friend, Vic, is she a local?” 
“Yeah, Vic’s from Australia,” Dino hummed, and grabbed a pillow to cuddle, sleep beginning to press against the back of his eyes. “She says she was born around here, actually. But her family has moved to, uh, Castle-something. Has a new baby cousin she wants to see.”
“And you said she’s been keeping you alive,” Romario chuckled and Dino gave some kind of senseless whine of indignation.
“Only- Kinda, yeah, but like, leave me alone maybe?” Dino grumbled, before rolling over on the couch, “How’s everyone at home doing?”
Dino cuddled into the throw pillow and listened as Romario recited the usual reports on the comings and goings of the Cavallone estate. It was the usual chaos, with a bit of a curve ball thrown in with the Boss away. But Romario, as usual, managed to wrangle everything under control, especially with the Stable Master acting as the Cavallone regent. 
They were still receiving their local import of barley and hay at a steady pace, and the farmers had offered a ‘loyalty perk’ after generations of working together. Dino nearly teared up as he heard how they had reduced their prices by 10%. He made sure to make Romario write down the family name of every farmer, the Cavallone would always be loyal to them. 
The Ninth’s Guardians were still responding to messages, but only enough to assure that they weren’t dead. Even then, only Croix was handling correspondence. Really, the only evidence that the rest of the Guardians were still around was Croix’s word and the Cavallone delivery boys that dropped off supplies to them. Getting them out to the Family Meeting was probably going to be the hardest, they hardly left the Ranch anymore.
Dino frowned and clutched his pillow. He had been worried about his uncles. Losing a Sky was never easy, and Guardians could only outlive their Harmony with so much grace.
One of the younger Cavallone wards had finally been able to manifest a Flame expression. Though, it was scratching some heads with its Frequency. It was probably just a weird expression, maybe some kind of strong Secondary coming through. They hoped the kid settled down soon, it was causing their carers concern. 
Well that was concerning, Dino hummed and sleepily instructed that the child would be put under watch. 
Brutus got bit on the ass by a mule that morning. It was his own fault, he should have known better than to be off-guard in the presence of one of the biters. The Stablehands had a good laugh out of it and everyone had a good look at the pattern on his boxers. 
Dino snorted and relaxed, listening as the accounts became less and less important, Romario’s reports devolving into mindless updates on the little things Dino missed around the place in the time he was gone. He closed his eyes and opened his ears to the sound of Romario and that far off island of Sicily he so missed.
The next morning, Dino received the notification for the Family Meeting’s appointed time: 8PM. 10AM on the Italian’s side.
He spent the time between classes preparing, making notes, practising his delivery. Anything to get rid of the shake in his knees and the quiver in his voice. Vic had noticed and had offered Dino a sympathetic hiss when she had heard the abridged summary.
“Hey,” she said, giving Dino a gentle shove with her elbow. “If you want, I’ll drop by after the call? We can hang out, get some food?”
Then she had bought him something sweet from the student cafe to perk him up before they parted ways. Dino was always grateful that he managed to make a friend all the way out here.
Dino nibbled on the frankly monstrously-sized cookie as he went about setting up his computer and space, trying to hold his treat in a way that wouldn’t melt the choc chips. He moved a bag of takeaway wrappers out from behind his couch and finally made the trip to the bin, taking a few wrappers and packages of assorted socks. 
He fluffed the couch’s throw pillows and quickly brought that random, dying succulent to the back porch. He was in the middle of gently encouraging the fake Monstera plant to sit right when the chime for the meeting rang out. 
Dino gasped and vaulted for the couch, completely overshooting it and slamming face-first into the narrow space between the couch and coffee table.
“Good to see the boy hasn’t changed.”
Dino’s face went red and he began his squirming crawl to try and get his feet out of the air and back under him. 
“I thought you gave up trying to do handstands when you were little Dino!” Came that teasing, smoker-rough voice and Dino finally flipped himself right-side up.
“I wasn’t trying to do a handstand, Uncle Croix!”
The Rain Guardian to the late Ninth Cavallone and Dino’s Uncle in every sense but blood grinned at him through the screen. He was a jovial man that was going well grey, with a short-boxed beard lining framing his jaw and crows feet pinching the corners of his eyes. 
“Young Romario tells me you’ve been good and roasted down there in Australia! Remember to keep away from the sun, or you’ll end up looking like Anvil, all patchy and leather skinned!” Croix powered on and Dino resisted the urge to sink into his chair, knowing that once Croix was rolling, nothing short of an all out gunfight could stop him.
“Let the boy talk, Croy,” the Stablemaster groused, and Dino looked to the second panel where the rest of the Meeting’s attendants sat.
The Stablemaster, the Vault Keeper, the Head of Housekeeping, and Romario all sat around the one board table they had left, and were turned in their seats to face him. The Vault Keeper sat there, nearly unmoving. If it weren’t for the rest of the room, Dino would have thought the camera was frozen.
Dino started to sweat. The last time he had seen all these faces at once, his father had been a cooling body in the next room. 
“Whenever you’re ready, Boss, we can begin,” Romario urged, and Dino snapped to attention.
“Right,” he said, and looked at his notes just to the side of the computer, written on a little notepad. 
Vic at some point had drawn a small dick on the corner of the first hundred or so pages. Up until literally just now, Dino had thought it was a lop-sided heart. 
Dino let out a short snort. He took a breath, and with Vic’s supportive presence in the form of a collection of penned dicks, he began.
“I believe it is safe to say that we are all aware of the state of the Cavallone,” there was a grumble of consensus. “We are sinking, with the last of our furniture reaching their final bid, we have no way of keeping up with the debt.”
Romario winced, and the Stablemater frowned. Croix didn’t utter a sound, and watched through the screen with a solemn expression. 
“At the rate we are going, our Cavallone will succumb to debt and be bankrupt within five years.” Five years. Dino would barely be twenty-three. “We need a way to stop this, our Family, from falling apart.” 
Dino glanced at each face on his screen, “We need to race again.”
The Head of Housekeeping went pale. Croix shifted back in his chair, and the Stablemaster’s expression became utterly stormy. 
Romario looked at Dino through the camera and nodded, as if to say, “go on.”
Dino pushed on, referring to his notes, and those little dicks, whenever he felt his resolve waver. He recalled the great success Cavallone horses flaunted during their golden age, referenced the sheer profits the Family had turned from racing, and how the Cavallone could enjoy the same today. Dino highlighted articles, winning and race purses, and the prestige that came with it. He pointed out budgeting, and plans, and week's worth of fervent research and study. 
Dino pushed that all of this was within grasp. Outside of the thin borders of Italy. Outside of the influence of the Mafia. That the Cavallone’s retribution was there for the taking if they just reached for it.
Faces were grim. 
The Vaultkeeper had turned her head away.
The Head of Housekeeping smiled like he was in pain. He probably was. He had been young, but he had been there during the reign of the Eighth. He had been there to watch him break.
“You want us to race?” The Stablemaster asked, gravel in his tone. “You want us to gamble away the last of the money keeping us afloat?”
Dino took a breath, “That money is time we bought ourselves by selling our history. Do you know what the other Families call us? A Family selling off their pride.”
“Pride will not pay out our debts-”
“In a starving house, pride is all we have left,” Dino rebutted, “Pride, and spite, and a vindictive Will to live. Is this not all we have left to heat our halls and till our fields, and feed our horses — who sit stagnant in their stables, because of men who were too weak to beat us!”
Dino sat straight, his shoulders squared and seethed.
“Since I was born, I have only heard smuggled whispers of the glory of the Cavallone horses. Our trophies sit in dusty, moulding boxes! Instead of taking us on fairly with dignity, they hide behind one another and slash at our ankles! Our right to race was just the tipping point, our trade with merchants and businesses have been undercut by the same hands! How long do we intend to cower at the echoes of the Eighth’s tantrums, and the descendants of tiny men!?”  
The Stablemaster, everyone, had sat up at Dino’s tone, the furrow of his brow, the square of his shoulders. The Vault Keeper turned to Dino slowly.
Dino unclenched his jaw and breathed, long and slow, out through his nose. 
“I know I’ve only been Don for not even a full year, and I know I am asking for more trust than I may deserve. But I believe that our horses are our key to survival. I am willing to bet on it.”
The Stablemaster narrowed his eyes, “What are you betting?”
Dino smiled.
“What is the Cavallone if not my life and head?” 
Croix sat up sharply, “Dino!”
“If the Cavallone fail to pay off their debts, our ‘benefactors’ will expect to be paid in blood,” Dino frowned, “At least this way, you all can renounce the Cavallone name.”
“Like absolute hell would we let you take the fall!” Croix boomed, peeking his laptop’s microphone and leaving a static buzz. 
Romario stood from his chair, “I cannot agree to those terms! Even if the Cavallone falls, I will not leave you, Boss.”
“Unless you have some secret Cavallone blood in your veins, you won’t be much of a prize,” Dino huffed, “But thank you.”
“Okay, I’m in,” the Stablemaster said, and Romario’s head snapped around.
“You can’t be serious! On those terms!?” 
“No, dumbass, those terms are utter horseshit, but he’s proved his conviction. So I’ll bite,” the Stablemaster, the man who called all the final shots on the horses of the Cavallone and the only one who could undermine the Don, turned to look at Dino. “The Cavallone will go down kicking.”
The Vault Keeper turned her hooded head to Dino and said in a voice all raspy and old as ash, “Little Dino, we will never leave you to pay for the mistakes we did not help avoid. Do not say as much again.”
It was cold and scolding, like the distant aunt the Cavallone Vault Keeper was. The Keeper of the Cavallone’s treasures and secrets. She would have never left her station. 
“Right,” Dino smiled, feeling warm to the core. “I meant no insult. But my argument still stands.”
The Vault Keeper looked to the Stablemaster, Head of Housekeeping and Romario. Croix sat silent in his chair. 
“I’ve already said my stance,” the Stablemaster shrugged, “I’m in. The boy Boss knows what he wants, and he wants to race. So long as the horses are safe, I’m happy to let them out of their stables.”
Romario huffed as he dropped back into his chair, fixing his suit jacket, “I support the Boss’ plan to race.”
“It’s a risk,” the Head of Housekeeping said softly, “Keeping up the salaries of the house’s staff will be difficult.”
“Of course, we’ll cut back where we can to keep them paid,” Dino assured, and the man nodded. Dino had always made sure their staff was paid, it was one of the highest priorities. “I’m sure there are some functions on the estate that can be put on hold. Please, make a list of what you think can be done without, and we’ll work through cutting it.”
“...Very well,” he said, slightly ashen.
Dino gazed upon the man who had taught him to button his shirts, and cleaned up after him every time clumsy little Dino made a mess.
“When you get the chance, please, get those trophies out from the attic. They shouldn’t be hidden, let them be on display again, as they should be.”
The Head of Housekeeping blinked at Dino, before he smiled, his grey, wrinkled face softening.
“As you wish, Boss.”
The Vault Keeper sat still again, utterly unmoving. Then she sighed, nearly slumped over as she bowed under the weight of her decision.
“Little Dino, I hope you know what you’re getting us into. I never wanted you to become a gambler.”
“Just this once, I promise,” Dino smiled, “And a few more times after we win.”
‘After’. When, not if.
The Vault Keeper scoffed at Dino. 
Then everyone turned their attention to the last man yet to speak: Croix, the Ninth Rain Guardian and representative of all the Cavallone Guardians. He sat there, seemingly staring through the screen and far away. 
Dino clenched his fists on his knees out of frame of the camera. He hated seeing his zio like this. Guardians could only outlive their Harmony with so much grace.
“Uncle Croix?” Dino urged gently. 
Croix’s clouded eyes lit up with awareness as he came back to himself. He glanced around the screen, taking in those faces that were looking at him expectantly. Dino smiled in a way he hoped was reassuring.
“Whatever you want to do, Dino, your uncles will support you,” Croix said, “I’ve never seen a Cavallone horse race, either. We are long overdue — just, don’t make betting your life a habit.”
Dino grinned sheepishly, and his heart felt bright. 
“That said,” the Stablemaster interjected, and something in his tone made Dino’s stomach tighten. “If we’re going to do this, we do it properly, Boss.”
Dino nodded, “Of course, I don’t plan to do this half-cocked. As you allow, I’d like to use our best-performing horses.”
The best of the Cavallone’s prized herd. Their fastest, their most enduring. 
The Stablemaster crossed his arms, lined with hair and thin scars. 
“Then you’ll be asking for Glory.”
Dino’s smile went thin. He nodded.
“Yes, Glory is at the top of the list. She is our best horse.”
Romario glanced at Dino.
Croix lowered his eyes to his lap, his face carefully blank. Every breath he took was slow and measured.
“Understand me, Dino Cavallone, if you allow anything to happen, or treat her anyway less than she deserves, I will withdraw my support immediately,” the Stablemaster promised, his voice laced with warning.
Dino swallowed thickly. If the Stablemaster pulled out, everything Dino had worked for would come undone within hours. As soon as the Stablemaster called for it, every Cavallone horse would come home.
All for Glory.
For a moment, Dino remembered the thundering of hooves, the frantic screams, a sick bed, the stinging scent of antiseptic. 
An empty bed, the sheets clean and pressed flat. The room utterly still.
Dino let out a long breath, and pushed aside those thoughts and the burn in the back of his throat. 
“Of course, Stablemaster,” Dino said solemnly, purposefully. “I assure you, Glory will be safe and treated with the best care we can afford our horses moving forward.”
The Stablemaster stared at Dino, scrutinising him down to the bone. Then he nodded, one stiff, sure nod.
“On your head, Boss,” he said.
“On my head,” Dino agreed softly.
No one in the room spoke, the silence stretching and strangeling everyone on the call. Dino shook his head and sat up to address the Head of Housekeeping.
“Please organise that list on the estate budget cuts, and send it to me as soon as possible.”
“Yes, Boss,” the elderly man said.
“Vault Keeper, please keep an eye on our finances throughout. Alert us immediately if you notice something awry. We can’t allow for mistakes.”
“Very well,” she responded.
“Stablemaster, please compile a list of our best horses, and everything you believe they will need during and after transport.”
“It’ll be extensive, they're picky bastards.”
“I’m sure we can handle it,” Dino assured, “Romario, you will be my proxy, as always. Please help where you can and keep things running smoothly. We cannot let the other Families get wind of this.”
“Of course, Boss,” Romario nodded, and Dino nearly wheezed in relief. 
Where would he be without Romario? 
Then Dino looked to Croix, who sat watching the flurry with a look of… Nostalgia. Pride. Pain.
“Uncle Croix,” Dino said, and the man sat to attention like all those times the Ninth had called upon him. “Please watch out for yourself and my other uncles. I want you all in good health when we hold a Cavallone-style celebration.”
Croix blinked. Then he let out a booming laugh that Dino had heard throughout his childhood.
“Right! Right! Gotta get these beer bellies fitting back in their suits! Give us some time, won’t you, Dino? Don’t go winning too fast?”
“Bah, you’ll need to cut more than the beer to get back into your suits! Dino, you should budget their cheese, too!” The Stablemaster heckled, and Croix gasped hard enough to choke. 
“My cheese is lite!”
“Light in colour maybe! I’ve seen you scarf that down!”
Dino laughed as Croix vehemently defended his ‘sampling’ of the local delicacies. 
“It puts money back into the local economy!”
“But Croix,” the Head of Housekeeping uttered, a concerned and amused pinch to his brow that spoke of the years he had spent herding Croix and his fellow Set when they were just young men. “Didn’t you develop an intolerance to lactose recently? The doctor said as much.”
Croix thinned his lips and refused to respond. 
The Meeting wound to a close, and everyone had their orders. 
The Cavallone horses would race again, under the crest of their Tenth Generation.
Dino closed his laptop with a weary and utterly stressed sigh. He slumped back into his couch and scratched his nails through his hair. 
He had done it. The first Family Meeting as Don, and he had actually done it! He had convinced the Family to go along with this stupid, ride-or-die plan! Jesus Christ, Dino needed a drink. He was craving Pepsi, the kind he had drunk with Vic.
A steady thump, thump, thump sounded through the walls, the bass beat made the floors vibrate. Dino glanced to his windows — one of his neighbours had a party going. 
The clock on Dino’s phone glared that it was nearly 10PM. Dino yawned and stood from his divot in the couch, scanning the floor for where Enzo had crawled off to. Then he heard it.
A soft ‘clink, chunk’ and repeat. 
Dino listened to the jangle and crunch, and let out a soft groan of, “Enzo, why me? I wanna go to sleep so badly!”
Enzo peered from around the bedroom doorway with a soft wheeze. Dino picked his phone from the table and typed up a text to Romario, taking a drink from his cup as he did. Someone was trying to break into Dino’s dormhouse.
Dino put aside his glass and scooped Enzo up off the floor as he made his way back to his bedroom, turning off the lights as he did. He closed his bedroom door and felt the faintest clunk as the latch fell into place and a jimmy-rigged security system swung into activity. 
Dino had been tutored by Reborn, after all. He had to learn something from the PTSD.
Dino followed his bedtime routine. He changed into some light pyjamas, washed his slightly sweaty face, brushed his teeth and crawled into bed, Enzo cuddled up against his chest. Right over the heart.
Dino closed his eyes, let out a long breath and listened. The crunch of dried gum leaves out near the back porch. The metallic groan as someone mounted the porch railing. The soft, muffled crack of glass. 
Dino continued to breathe, slow and unhurried. He needed his would-be hitman deeper in his house. Dino clutched the handle of his whip, coiled under the blankets with him.
Footsteps over the tile, and disappeared on the rug. Breath outside the bedroom door.
All Dino’s interior doors opened inwards. Dino had to wait.
The door unlatched. The person peered in through a crack. The tip of Dino’s whip caught them in the eye. 
Dino untangled himself from his sheets, watching the man stumble back, clutching his face. Dino almost sympathised with the guy, he had been whipped in the eye more times than he — or Romario — could count.
The would-be assailant stumbled blindly, before giving a sharp gasp as he felt a tug at his clothes. Dino had learnt much from Reborn, and from personal experience, nothing threw someone off like having the threat of indecent exposure during an otherwise serious situation. 
The man fumbled with his shredding pants, hooks and wires ripping and peeling at his suit, eyes red and watering.
Dino stood — and promptly planted his face into the hard weave of the floor rug. Dino groaned. He should have known this was going too well. He heaved himself to his feet, cradling his carpet-burnt nose. 
The man pulled himself free from the last of the hooks, cameo-print briefs on display and belt clinging to the last scraps of a waistband. 
Dino reeled his whip back and lashed it across the man’s bared thigh. It didn’t wrap around like Dino had hoped, but it made the man buckle to the floor with a muted gasp again. 
He was being quiet. Being careful not to alert Dino’s neighbours. But the beat and thump of music from a few doors down told Dino that the majority of his neighbours were either too busy partying away the last hours of a Friday night, or trying to drown it out, to notice.
Better for him, honestly. The crack of a whip wasn’t exactly covert.
The man hissed between his teeth and pulled his weapon of choice from his pocket. Wire glinted and strained in his leather-gloved hands. He lunged, wire tight and Rino pulled his whip across his face. 
He could hear the wire pluck at the leather of his whip, but it never bit through. Something birthed from Leon would never buckle that easily. 
Dino gritted his teeth and kicked at the man’s knees. He went down with a sickening crack and his knees bowing like a bird’s. 
The hitman threw something at Dino from the floor, and Dino swallowed a cry as some kind of powder, hot and irritating, coated his face. Dino pressed his lips and eyes shut, and didn’t dare to breathe, wiping his face with his shirt. Dino fumbled and kicked as he felt hands and wire reach for his ankles.
His face burnt, and Dino tasted something acrid and bitter on the tip of his tongue. Every one of his senses begged Dino to get it off, wash it off, do something.
Dino scrubbed at his lips and around his nose, desperate to breathe again. He charged forward, palming at the walls and feeling the way to the bathroom. Something pulled at Dino’s ankles, the sound of wire pulled taut and a small, sharp pain was his only warning before Dino went toppling into the living room. 
His shoulder crashed into the coffee table and the cup Dino had left to ‘future him’ tipped over and splashed directly into his face. Dino sputtered and spat, before finally taking a sweet, lungful of air. He could still taste the remnants of that powder, but he could breathe. Dino palmed at the tabletop and wiped his face with the pooled water. 
He peered an eye open, and immediately felt the tear-inducing burn. He gritted his teeth and bore it as the blurry figure of his hitman crawled its way towards Dino. 
Dino scrambled to his feet and grabbed his whip. 
The man lunged, sprung from his one good leg. He caught Dino around the middle and the two crashed into the wall console, the dying pot plant dropped and shattered on the carpet. 
Dino struggled as the man tried to press his wire against Dino’s throat. Dino kicked his knee again and felt the bone move under his toes. The man reeled back, mouth agape in a silent scream.
Dino wrapped his whip around the man’s throat and yanked tight.
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chucktaylorupset · 2 years
no but molloy has been a prize winning journalist with a career that stretches over forty years and lous is pulling out all the stops to impress him, twelve course meal, dubai penthouse, exotic endangered species blood sucking, but is there a part of molloy who is used to being in rooms with the rich and powerful and their secrets, and finds the wealth to be the most mundane part of louis?  imagine louis checking in to see how his powerplay is landing and molloy is just like “this confit is almost as well made as the one as i had at that oil baron’s” and louis chokes on his damek
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Hamdan getting award a Humanitarian award is BS and in my opinion it just to make it look like to the public that he is doing something because he has been getting LOTS of pushback lately for not really working… who wins an award that’s legit and there isn’t a profil on efforts thé person made and their impact….. that’s like someone winning the Nobel peace prize and no one knowing what they did… honestly it’s an insult to people intelligence like you expect educated people to eat this BS UP. I think not us educated Emirates likes myself and literally all of us aren’t buying this, the royal family is a bubble worship by a small bubble of people and ok social media it is made to look like all of Dubai I promise you it’s not and we are all equal as pissed العار مثل a shame smh.
So I love when people are honest with their feelings about him. I’m not going to paint him as perfect. He’s human, and not everyone will be happy with him. I’m going to respect both opinions and sides. So thank you for sharing.
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amin1559 · 2 years
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techtired · 10 days
Earn Tuffer Explained: A Full Overview of Its Best Features
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Earn Tuffer is a smartphone app designed to pay users for different chores and activities.  Mobile applications abound in today's fast-paced digital world, providing convenience, entertainment, and even income-generating possibilities. Earn Tuffer has become somewhat well-known among these applications, particularly in Dubai and the United Arab Emirates. This guide will lead you through the features, benefits, and workings of Earn Tuffer, whether your main goal is to learn more about the newest money-making applications or find ways to make extra revenue. What is Earn Tuffer? Designed to pay users for basic activities such as watching movies, doing surveys, playing games, and more, Earn Tuffer is a smartphone software. Users of the app may gather points, which can be redeemed for prizes like cash, gift cards, or other goods. It is reachable to a wide audience as it is available for Android and iOS users. Design for User-friendliness and Interface Earn Tender's most recent iteration boasts a straightforward, intuitive design. Users of the software are met with a simple-to-use home page as soon as they open it, where they may rapidly locate chores, monitor their progress, and check their earned points. The software is meant to be simple. Thus, anyone—including those not incredibly tech-savvy—can use it easily. Important interactive aspects The home screen makes it simple to see how far you have gone by stressing the accessible tasks and user progress. Users may monitor the points they gain as they go through different activities. The software looks good and has a neat layout that improves user experience. How To Download Earn Tuffer? Simple download of the Earn Tuffer software is Free for Android and iOS users. Android devices: Launch the Google Play Store on your smartphone. Type "Ear Tender" in the search bar. From the search results, click on the app, then press Install. The app will be available on your smartphone once installed. iOS-Based Devices: View the Apple App Store on your smartphone. Type "Earn Tender" into the search field. Click the Get button to download and install the program. How Can You Maximize Your Earn Tuffer? Consistency, planning, community interaction, and consistency will help you to maximize your time on Earn Tuffer. These ideas should help you optimize your income: Stay Active Keeping active with the app is one of the simplest methods to increase your income. Frequent searches for fresh projects and offers help you not to miss chances. Every day, spend reviewing and finishing the chores that match your timetable. Sort High Paying Jobs First Not any chores on Earn Tender pay the same benefits. Watching movies, for example, cannot pay as much as finishing tests, surveys, or applications. Emphasize chores with more rewards to maximize your time. 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As you pursue your earning objectives, the community may be a fantastic source of direction and support. Problems and Advice for Making Use of Earn Tender Although Earn Tuffer offers several opportunities to make money, you might encounter specific difficulties. These pointers should help you negotiate those obstacles: Organize Your Time Managing time and juggling several chores might be challenging for hectic people. To get above this, concentrate on high-paying chores and schedule particular hours daily to work on the app. Making a timetable can enable you to finish more without feeling overburdened. Steer Clear of Scams Although Earn Tuffer is a respectable program, one should always be wary of fraud. Verify they are authentic before finishing projects or taking offers. Should anything appear too good to be true, one should exercise caution or shun it altogether. Maintaining Motivation It might feel like your income is rising slowly, particularly when you're first starting. Create little, reasonable goals and acknowledge your advancement to keep inspired. Staying engaged will get more straightforward as you become more acquainted with the software and make more money. Record Your Income Reviewing your withdrawals and income frequently helps you to guarantee correctness. The built-in tracking tools of the program or maintain a separate notebook to record your development. This will keep you orderly and ensure you get the benefits you worked for. Conclusion Earn Tender presents Dubai citizens with a creative and adaptable approach to augment their salary for people wishing to generate money from basic online activities; its easy-to-use interface, a broad spectrum of jobs, and dedication to security appeal. Earn Tuffer offers various earning possibilities that match any schedule, whether your participation in surveys, video viewing, or promotional offers. Users of the app may optimize their income by remaining active, leveraging high-paying assignments, and using the referral network. The experience is improved even more by the community and support structures, which help users stay motivated and negotiate the platform. Earn Tuffer is a website worth looking at for anybody in Dubai searching for a flexible and profitable approach to creating extra income. FAQs What is Earn Tuffer? Users of the smartphone app Make Money with Tuffer gain prizes for completing surveys, viewing movies, and playing games. How can I get benefits from Earn Tender? Completing different chores running via applications will reward you. Gift cards, cash, and other incentives can all be used from the points acquired. Are iOS and Android smartphones compatible with Earn Tuffer? Earn Tuffer is usually downloaded from the Apple program Store for iOS and the Google Play Store for Android.  Using Earn Tuffer, may I run any risk? Use any app with incentives, but be careful to download applications from legitimate app shops. How might I get Earn Tuffer's support? For any questions or problems you wish to have handled, the app's or the website's contact of support is typically there. Read the full article
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marhabaauctions · 1 month
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The Grand Summer Giveaway is an exciting event hosted by Marhaba Auctions, UAE's largest live car auction house. The campaign offers participants the chance to win free cars and create unforgettable memories during the summer season.
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sa7abnews · 1 month
Checkmate: Russian and Chinese stars prepare for tense stand-off in Kazakhstan
New Post has been published on https://sa7ab.info/2024/08/16/checkmate-russian-and-chinese-stars-prepare-for-tense-stand-off-in-kazakhstan/
Checkmate: Russian and Chinese stars prepare for tense stand-off in Kazakhstan
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Magnus Carlsen won’t defend his title, leaving China’s Ding Liren to face Russia’s Ian Nepomniachtchi in Astana for chess’ top honor
Russia and China have been making headlines of late for their deepening bilateral ties, but for three weeks in April, two men from these respective countries will be locked in a fierce battle for the ultimate prize in professional chess – the title of world champion.  Admittedly, a bit of the air was taken out of this year’s event when five-time reigning world champion Magnus Carlsen of Norway declined to defend his title – a crown he maintained with a convincing victory over the same Nepomniachtchi in Dubai two years ago.  RT previews what is in store for this year’s duel and takes a peek into the rarified world of top-level chess. 
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A Cossack from Djibouti: How a Russian con man founded a colony in Africa
The what, when, and where of the championship match The next world champion of chess will be crowned at the conclusion of a 14-game match with classical time controls to be held over three weeks at the St. Regis Astana Hotel in Astana, Kazakhstan. The opening ceremony will be on April 7, with the first game slated for April 9.  If the players are tied after the 14 classical games, the champion will be decided in a series of tiebreaks with shorter time controls. Such an outcome would by no means be unprecedented: the 2018 World Championship match between Carlsen and American challenger Fabiano Caruana was decided by tiebreaks after all 12 classical games ended in draws.  Vying for the title will be 32-year-old Ian Nepomniachtchi from Russia, who will be competing under the flag of the world chess federation (FIDE), and 30-year-old Ding Liren from China.  Nepomniachtchi is making his second consecutive appearance in the championship match, having taken on Magnus Carlsen in Dubai in 2021. He qualified for this year’s event by winning the Candidates Tournament, a grueling double round-robin tournament featuring eight of the top players in the world.  Ding finished second to Nepomniachtchi in the Candidates Tournament but qualified to take on the Russian in Astana when Carlsen announced that he would not be defending his title. 
Ian Nepomniachtchi of Russia and Ding Liren of China compete at the 2020 World Chess Candidates Tournament, which was suspended at the halfway point due to the coronavirus pandemic in March 2020, in Yekaterinburg, Russia
©  Sputnik/Pavel Lisitsyn
Nepomniachtchi and Ding are ranked number two and three in the world FIDE rankings, respectively. The head-to-head record is three wins for Nepomniachtchi, two for Ding and eight draws.  The time control for the 14 classical games will be 120 minutes per side for the first 40 moves, 60 minutes for the next 20 moves and 15 minutes for the rest of the game, with 30 seconds added for each move starting on move 61.  The hefty €2 million prize fund for the match will be split 60% and 40% between the winner and runner-up.
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Russian moves: Here are five athletes who electrified their sports with unique tricks
Where is Magnus? On July 20, 2022, following the conclusion of the Candidates Tournament, Magnus Carlsen, the reigning world champion and the globe’s top-ranked player for over a decade, announced on his podcast that he would not be defending his title.  “I am not motivated to play another match. I simply feel that I don’t have a lot to gain, I don’t particularly like it, and although I’m sure a match would be interesting for historical reasons and all of that, I don’t have any inclination to play and I will simply not play the match,” the world champion said.  Although Carlsen’s announcement sent reverberations throughout the chess world, it wasn’t entirely unexpected. The Norwegian had previously expressed his dissatisfaction with the format of the championship and hinted that he might decline to participate.  Nearly all chess commentators acknowledge that Carlsen’s withdrawal takes a bit of the luster away from an event that has been held 48 times in various formats since its induction in 1886 – with the world’s number one player taking part in all but a few of them.  Carlsen first became world champion in 2013, defeating India’s Viswanathan Anand. He successfully defended his title in 2014, 2016, 2018, and 2021. 
Norwegian world chess champion Magnus Carlsen poses with his favorite chess piece (a bishop) on June 8, 2016 in Paris.
The cast of characters Nepomniachtchi grew up in the Russian city of Bryansk and learned to play chess at the age of four with the help of his grandfather. His prodigious talent became apparent early on and he quickly rose through the junior ranks. In 2000, he won the Under 10 European Championship and proceeded to garner several more European and world youth titles. However, Nepomniachtchi is a man with broad interests – including being a professional-level Dota 2 player – and for a long time he opted not to devote himself entirely to chess.  As a result, for many years he was considered a very strong grandmaster but not among the absolute elite. In 2013, when the 23-year-old Carlsen won his first world championship, the 23-year old Nepomniachtchi finished the year ranked just 29th in the world.
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He had earned a reputation as being perhaps the least hardworking player among the top 20 or so. However, approaching his 30th birthday, Nepomniachtchi changed his approach, improved his work ethic, and eradicated much of the inconsistency that dogged him earlier in his career. The results soon followed and the Russian catapulted into the exclusive group of players with designs on a world title.  Ding hails from the Chinese city of Wenzhou and has accumulated an impressive set of accolades over his career. However, his more private nature and minimal visibility in the media and online blogosphere have kept him somewhat under the radar of many chess fans.  The Chinese grandmaster posted impressive showings at the Youth World Championships in 2003 and 2004. However, he burst onto the scene in earnest in 2009 by going undefeated to win the Chinese Chess Championship at the age of 16, defeating two strong grandmasters, Wang Hao and Ni Hua, in the process. The tournament was also where Ding secured his final grandmaster norm, thus earning the sport’s most prestigious title short of world champion.   Ding’s rise thereafter was steady if not meteoric. In 2015, he broke into the world top ten, becoming only the second Chinese player to accomplish that feat. In 2017-18, he put together a run of 100 straight games without a loss, a record streak at top-level chess at the time (Carlsen would subsequently shatter it by reaching 125).
Ding Liren of China (R) and Sergei Karjakin of Russia playing at the FIDE World Chess Candidates Tournament on the 14th match day.
©  Arne Bänsch/picture alliance via Getty Images
During the pandemic, however, Ding was often caught up in lockdowns in his hometown of Wenzhou and his chess suffered. He was on the verge of missing the 2022 Candidates Tournament to determine the contenders for the World Championship match because he had not played enough games to qualify.  The rules state that a player must have played 30 rated FIDE games over the past year – and no exceptions were in store for players hailing from lockdown-ridden China. Ding had played only four with around a month to go before the deadline. In a bid to make the country’s top player eligible, the Chinese Chess Federation hastily organized several tournaments for Ding to play. He completed the punishing month-long quest with panache, notching 13 victories, 15 draws, and not a single defeat. 
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In the Candidates Tournament, Ding went on to finish in second – trailing only Nepomniachtchi. When Carlsen announced his intention not to defend his title, Ding was vaulted into the match for chess supremacy.  The grueling sport of chess Elite professional chess is a world apart from the leisurely ‘café and coffee’ board game played for centuries by amateurs. It is a sport that takes an enormous physical toll on those who compete at the top level.  In fact, in explaining his decision to bow out of the 2023 title match, Carlsen also cited the stress and mental and physical toll of training for and playing a world championship match.   In addition to the enormous amount of preparation that goes into such a match, the actual games themselves can be tremendously exhausting.  It is by no mistake of terminology that chess is called a sport. In 2018, a US-based company tracked the heart rates of chess players during a tournament. They found that in two hours of sitting and shuffling chess pieces around the board, Russian grandmaster Mikhail Antipov had burned 560 calories – roughly what a professional tennis player would burn in an hour of a singles match.  The 2021 match between Carlsen and Nepomniachtchi featured what turned out to be the longest game ever in the 135-year history of the World Chess Championship. Game six between the two men lasted an astonishing seven hours and forty-five minutes, and concluded after Nepomniachtchi resigned in a lost position following Carlsen’s 136th move.   
Ian Nepomniachtchi of Russia, left, and Magnus Carlsen of Norway, right, compete during the FIDE World Championship at Dubai Expo 2020 in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, Friday, Dec. 10, 2021.
©  AP Photo/Jon Gambrell
Stanford University researcher Robert Sapolsky, one of whose fields of study is stress in primates, believes that “grandmasters sustain elevated blood pressure for hours in the range found in competitive marathon runners.” Some chess players lose a noticeable amount of weight during competitions, sometimes as much as 4-5 kg during a ten-day tournament.  Russian grandmaster and former world champion Anatoly Karpov reportedly lost about 10kg over the five-month-long World Chess Championship match in 1984 against Garry Kasparov. Much as a boxing referee may halt a bloody slugfest to save the fighters from serious injury, the 1984 contest was called off after 48 games, with the head of the international chess federation saying that the match had “exhausted the physical, if not the psychological, resources of not only the participants but of all those associated with the match.”
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“He looked like death,” grandmaster and commentator Maurice Ashley recalled about Karpov’s appearance.  The format of requiring six wins to clinch victory in the match – meaning an open-ended number of games would be needed – was abandoned after the 1984 event, which saw 40 of the 48 games end in a draw.  Applying supercomputers to an ancient game Ever since the Deep Blue chess computer defeated world champion Garry Kasparov in a match in 1996, computers have played an increasingly important role in chess. These days, the most powerful chess programs – called ‘engines’ – are capable of defeating even the top humans. Elite players run extensive computer analysis on chess positions and use engines to develop massive databases of opening moves and responses to parry common opening setups played by their opponents.  Because the number of possible moves in a chess game exceeds the number of atoms estimated to exist in the universe, powerful computers are much more efficiently able to parse through the myriad of possible transformations of any given chess position.  Computers are now an essential component in the toolkit of even amateur players, but the pros have taken it much further, employing supercomputers and sophisticated AI-powered engines.  Nepomniachtchi has been at the forefront of taking advantage of such capabilities. Prior to the 2020-21 Candidates Tournament, Nepomniachtchi’s team reached out to the researchers at Moscow’s Skolkovo Institute of Technology in order to adapt a number of existing chess engines for an AI-based supercomputer cluster. 
Russia’s Ian Nepomniachtchi competes against Norway’s Magnus Carlsen (unseen) during Game 2 of the FIDE World Chess Championship Dubai 2021 on November 27, 2021.
©  Giuseppe CACACE / AFP
The researchers agreed to help and allocated the Zhores supercomputer for his use. Zhores was designed for scientific research into machine learning and artificial intelligence but was adapted to allow Nepomniachtchi to evaluate tens of millions of chess positions per second. After winning the 2021 Candidates Tournament, the Russian grandmaster credited the cutting-edge machine for augmenting his preparation in the opening phase of the game.  
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“It can’t harm my chances,” he said. “And this particular supercomputer, because it is a huge data center which can be used for scientific research, is hopefully more effective than others.”   Of course, top-level chess being fiercely competitive, all the best players have access to something similar. However, having a computer that can calculate faster and potentially see deeper than others offers the possibility of developing some kind of surprise in the opening. Given the extremely small margin of error in elite games, which are played on a knife’s edge, a well-planned novelty can be employed to devastating effect.  “You’re more sure that your analysis is good when you see 500 million node positions than, say 100 million,” Nepomniachtchi said.  So who is expected to win?  The majority of the chess commentators see Nepomniachtchi and Ding as fairly evenly matched.  Financial Times chess writer Leonard Barden called Nepomniachtchi’s recent career record “slightly more convincing” and expects the Russian to win.  Former world champion Garry Kasparov called both “very good players” and said picking between the two was “a very, very close call” before concluding that “Nepo [Nepomniachtchi’s nickname] has a slight edge though Ding is more stable than Nepo.”  The betting odds, according to Forbes magazine, are roughly 50-50. 
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blockinsider · 2 months
Discover Bybit’s New BTC-ETH Dual Asset Offering for Cryptocurrency Trading
Key Points
Bybit has launched a dual asset product featuring Bitcoin and Ethereum.
The Dubai-based crypto exchange also initiated a block trading challenge for P2P traders.
Crypto exchange Bybit, based in Dubai, has introduced a new dual asset product. It includes the leading cryptocurrencies, Bitcoin and Ethereum.
This product allows users to profit simply by holding these cryptocurrencies. There is no need for them to convert these assets into stablecoins like USDT.
Seamless Management of Investments
Bybit’s ETH-BTC Dual Asset Product provides an easy way for crypto holders to manage their investments in these two assets. It also enables them to benefit from their long-term price appreciation.
Users can trade their ETH against their BTC holdings, and vice versa. This allows them to maximize the profits from both assets.
Joan Han, Sales & Marketing Director of Bybit, commented on this development. She said that this product is a revolutionary step for their users. It provides a seamless way for crypto holders to enhance their profits by utilizing the value movements of BTC and ETH.
The ETH-BTC pair offers users a unique opportunity to earn more of both assets. By retaining their current BTC and ETH holdings, users can further capitalize on price fluctuations between the two assets. This optimizes their investments.
The Dual Asset product is more suitable for crypto investors who prefer to hold major cryptocurrencies. These investors seek returns without the need to convert to USDT.
Block Trading Challenge for P2P Traders
In addition to the dual asset product, Bybit has also launched a block trading challenge for P2P traders. This challenge will continue until August 30.
During the campaign, traders need to complete the assigned Block Trading transactions. Successful participants can earn a 200 USDT P2P coupon, enter a lucky draw for a chance to win up to 1,000 USDT, or secure a top position on the leaderboard to receive exclusive USDT prizes.
Bybit is currently the world’s second-largest crypto exchange by trading volumes. It serves more than 37 million users globally. Earlier this week, the crypto exchange hit a major milestone of $107 billion in daily trading volumes. This was four times the average daily trading volumes recorded by the exchange.
This surge in trading volume has been driven by high activity across various products. These include perpetuals, futures, spot, and options. Bybit attributes this growth to its robust platform infrastructure and commitment to delivering an exceptional trading experience.
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shipgo0 · 2 months
Unlocking the Wonders of the Middle East: Travel More, Win More with Exclusive Tour Packages
The Middle East is a region steeped in history, culture, and unparalleled beauty. From the ancient ruins of Petra in Jordan to the futuristic skyline of Dubai, it offers a rich tapestry of experiences for travelers. If you’ve ever dreamed of exploring this fascinating part of the world, now is the perfect time to take advantage of exclusive Middle East tour packages. With the added bonus of the “Travel More Win More” initiative, your journey becomes not only a cultural adventure but also a chance to gain rewards and memorable experiences.
The Allure of the Middle East
The Middle East is a treasure trove of destinations that cater to all types of travelers. Whether you’re drawn to the ancient mysteries of Egypt’s pyramids, the sacred sites of Jerusalem, or the vibrant souks of Marrakech, the region promises an unforgettable journey.
One of the most sought-after destinations is Dubai, known for its ultra-modern architecture, luxury shopping, and lively nightlife. The city’s landmarks, such as the Burj Khalifa and the Palm Jumeirah, are marvels of engineering and design. However, Dubai is just the beginning. Nearby Abu Dhabi offers a more relaxed atmosphere with the stunning Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque and the cultural richness of the Louvre Abu Dhabi.
Discovering Hidden Gems
Beyond the famous cities, Middle East Tour Packages also include hidden gems that offer a more intimate glimpse into the region’s culture and history. Oman, for instance, is an oasis of tranquility with its rugged mountains, pristine beaches, and historic forts. The Wadi Shab, a canyon filled with turquoise pools and waterfalls, is perfect for nature lovers and adventure seekers alike.
Jordan, another jewel of the Middle East, is home to Petra, one of the New Seven Wonders of the World. This ancient city carved into red sandstone cliffs is a must-visit for history enthusiasts. Additionally, the serene waters of the Dead Sea and the otherworldly landscapes of Wadi Rum make Jordan a unique destination worth exploring.
Travel More, Win More: A Rewarding Experience
Traveling has never been more rewarding with the “Travel More Win More” initiative. This exciting program allows travelers to earn rewards and special offers simply by exploring more destinations within the Middle East. Each tour package booked through this initiative offers not just the chance to see breathtaking sights, but also the opportunity to win prizes or gain exclusive benefits.
For example, travelers who book multiple Middle East tour packages through ShipGo.Live are eligible for discounts, complimentary services, or even free upgrades on future trips. This initiative encourages travelers to delve deeper into the region’s vast offerings, making each journey more enriching and worthwhile.
Crafting Your Perfect Tour Package
When choosing a Middle East tour package, it’s important to consider your interests and travel goals. Whether you’re seeking a luxurious escape, a spiritual pilgrimage, or an adventurous trek through deserts and mountains, there’s a package designed to meet your needs.
Many tour packages offer a mix of guided tours and free time, allowing you to explore at your own pace. For those interested in history and culture, itineraries often include visits to UNESCO World Heritage sites, local markets, and museums. Adventure seekers can opt for packages that feature activities like dune bashing, hot air balloon rides, and snorkeling in the Red Sea.
Conclusion: Embrace the Journey
The Middle East is a region of contrasts, where ancient history meets modern luxury, and tranquil oases are found amidst bustling cities. With carefully curated Middle East tour packages, you can explore this diverse and captivating region with ease. The “Travel More Win More” initiative adds an extra layer of excitement to your travels, ensuring that each trip is not only a chance to discover new horizons but also an opportunity to gain rewards.
Whether you’re a seasoned traveler or embarking on your first adventure in the Middle East, ShipGo.Live offers the perfect blend of convenience, luxury, and cultural immersion. Pack your bags and get ready to explore the wonders of the Middle East—your journey promises to be as rewarding as it is unforgettable.
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shoppinginfoguy · 2 months
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Grab Your HONOR 200 Series at Ecity and Win! 🎉
Purchase any HONOR 200 series smartphone at Ecity stores and enter the lucky draw for a chance to win amazing prizes including the Honor Magic V2 Porsche Design worth AED 9499, Bose Headphones worth AED 1599, and more!
Lucky draw rules:
- Valid from 26th July 2024 to 26th Aug 2024.
- Available at Ecity Mall of the Emirates, Dubai Mall, City Centre Sharjah & Al Wahda Mall.
- Purchase and scan the QR in the artwork to enter the lucky draw.
- Winner of the event will be selected by the Organizer subject to the conditions of this event.
T&C Apply.
For more details DM us.
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kormasutra81 · 2 months
Enjoy Live Football Streaming
Original Posted on: https://www.kormasutradxb.com/blog/enjoy-live-football-streaming
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Introduction Enjoy the excitement of live football streaming at Korma Sutra, the best place to go in Al Barsha, Dubai, like never before. Enjoy delicious meals and a lively atmosphere while finding yourself in the thrill of the game. We at Korma Sutra provide premium streaming services so you never have to miss a second of the action. Come enjoy a unique football experience that matches your passion for the game with the best dining available in the area. Learn why football fans should visit Korma Sutra for the best experience possible.
Premier Destination for Live Football Streaming Korma Sutra, located in the center of Al Barsha, has developed itself as the preferred destination for live football streaming. Whether you're a die-hard follower of the English Premier League, La Liga, Serie A, or international tournaments like the FIFA World Cup and UEFA Champions League, Korma Sutra makes sure you don't miss any of it. Our modern streaming technology offers clear audio and high-definition pictures, bringing the stadium experience to your table.
Delicious Food Delicious Food to Complement the Game Korma Sutra believes that good food and football come together very well. Our big menu offers a wide range of Indian and international specialties to suit every taste. From tasty starters to mouthwatering main meals and beautiful desserts, our chefs use the best ingredients to make delicious food that will increase your football viewing experience.
Our signature dishes, like the rich and creamy Butter Chicken, the savory Lamb Rogan Josh, and the spicy Chicken Tikka Masala, are popular favorites that keep our customers coming back for more. For those who prefer lighter meals, we also offer fresh salads, wraps, and sandwiches. Don't forget to enjoy our selection of refreshing beverages, which include traditional Indian lassis, beers, and exotic beverages, all aimed to add to the thrill in the game.
Best Restaurant in Dubai Lively Atmosphere for Every Match The atmosphere at Korma Sutra during live football streaming is amazing. Our spacious and comfy seating arrangements make sure you have the best view of the big displays from wherever you sit. The friendship that develops between fellow football lovers creates a feeling of community, which improves the whole experience. Korma Sutra is the place to be if you want to celebrate a goal, talk about match strategies, or simply spend time with your friends and family.
Special Events and Promotions Korma Sutra frequently organizes unique events and promotions to add to the enjoyment of your football games streaming experience. On match days, we provide special food and drink offers, making it less expensive for you to enjoy your favorite meals while cheering for your side. We also have themed nights and contests, where you can win amazing prizes and goods.
Live Football Streaming Why Choose Korma Sutra for Live Football Streaming? Top-Quality Streaming: Our advanced streaming technology makes sure you have the best viewing experience possible, with continuous live feeds and high-quality video.
Diverse Menu: Our wide selection of Indian and international foods interests all tastes, making sure that everyone finds something to enjoy.
Vibrant Atmosphere: Korma Sutra's active and welcoming environment is perfect for viewing live sport events with fellow fans.
Convenient Location: Korma Sutra can be found easily in Al Barsha, making it a great solution for residents as well as tourists.
Special Promotions: Our match day deals and promos offer excellent value, allowing you to enjoy high-quality food and drinks without breaking the bank.
Tips for Enjoying Live Football Streaming at Korma Sutra To make the most of your live football streaming experience at Korma Sutra, here are a few tips:
Arrive Early: On match days, especially for important games, it's preferred to arrive early to get the finest seats.
Reserve a Table: To avoid disappointment, get a reservation in advance, especially for high-profile matches.
Try Our Specials: Don't miss our match day specials and unique dishes, which are perfect for sharing with friends.
Engage with Fellow Fans: The chance to connect with other fans is one of the highlights of watching football games at Korma Sutra. Share your love for the game, and you might find new friends.
Follow Us on Social Media: Follow Korma Sutra on social media to stay up to speed with all of our current events, promotions, and match schedules.
Conclusion Korma Sutra Restaurant & Cafe in Al Barsha is the perfect location for live football streaming. With high-quality streaming options, a big and delicious menu, and an exciting environment, we offer you a unique football viewing experience. Join us for the next important match and see why Korma Sutra is the go-to place for football fans in Dubai. Whether you're a local or a visitor, our doors are always open to provide you with an amazing football experience. Come for the game, stay for food, and go with memories that will last forever.
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