#windy valley
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reverofenola · 1 year
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trash-icons · 1 year
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atwas-gaming · 1 month
Now THIS is how Tails' gameplay is SUPPOSED to work!
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checkoutmybookshelf · 7 months
You Have My Attention: Anne of Green Gables First Lines
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The icon of Canadian girlhood needs no introduction, as Anne of Green Gables is a global phenomenon at this point. What those of you who read the first book at like age ten and then didn't bother exploring further might not know, however, is that LM Montgomery wrote a whole Anne series. So how did she catch a reader's attention? Let's find out!
"Mrs. Rachel Lynde lived just where the Avonlea main road dipped down into a little hollow, fringed with alders and ladies’ eardrops and traversed by a brook that had its source away back in the woods of the old Cuthbert place; it was reputed to be an intricate, headlong brook in its earlier course through those woods, with dark secrets of pool and cascade; but by the time it reached Lynde’s Hollow it was a quiet, well-conducted little stream, for not even a brook could run past Mrs. Rachel Lynde’s door without due regard for decency and decorum; it probably was conscious that Mrs. Rachel was sitting at her window, keeping a sharp eye on everything that passed, from brooks and children up, and that if she noticed anything odd or out of place she would never rest until she had ferreted out the whys and wherefores thereof."
-- Anne of Green Gables
"A tall, slim girl, 'half-past sixteen,' with serious gray eyes and hair which her friends called auburn, had sat down on the broad red sandstone doorstep of a Prince Edward Island farmhouse one ripe afternoon in August, firmly resolved to construe so many lines of Virgil."
-- Anne of Avonlea
"'Harvest is ended and summer is gone,' quoted Anne Shirley, gazing across the shorn fields dreamily."
-- Anne of the Island
"(Letter from Anne Shirley, B.A., Principal of Summerside High School, to Gilbert Blythe, medical student at Redmond College, Kingsport.)
Windy Poplars,
Spook's Lane,
S'side, P. E. I.,
Monday, September 12th.
Isn't that an address!"
-- Anne of the Windy Poplars 
"'Thanks be, I’m done with geometry, learning or teaching it,' said Anne Shirley, a trifle vindictively, as she thumped a somewhat battered volume of Euclid into a big chest of books, banged the lid in triumph, and sat down upon it, looking at Diana Wright across the Green Gables garret, with gray eyes that were like a morning sky."
-- Anne's House of Dreams
"'How white the moonlight is tonight!' said Anne Blythe to herself, as she went up the walk of the Wright garden to Diana Wright's front door, where little cherry-blossom petals were coming down on the salty, breeze-stirred air."
-- Anne of Ingleside
"It was a clear, apple-green evening in May, and Four Winds Harbour was mirroring back the clouds of the golden west between its softly dark shores. The sea moaned eerily on the sand-bar, sorrowful even in spring, but a sly, jovial wind came piping down the red harbour road along which Miss Cornelia’s comfortable, matronly figure was making its way towards the village of Glen St. Mary."
-- Rainbow Valley 
"It was a warm, golden-cloudy, lovable afternoon. In the big living-room at Ingleside Susan Baker sat down with a certain grim satisfaction hovering about her like an aura; it was four o'clock and Susan, who had been working incessantly since six that morning, felt that she had fairly earned an hour of repose and gossip."
-- Rilla of Ingleside
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nerdyrevelries · 2 months
Castles in the Air
I'm extremely excited to announce that the game I've been working on for the past 4 years is coming to Kickstarter! Castles in the Air (CitA) is a tabletop RPG inspired by the novels of Louisa May Alcott and L.M. Montgomery. Players start as children with boundless dreams who will change over the years based on the relationships they form and choices they make. I think it's a really special game, and I'm looking forward to being able to share it with everyone.
For more information or to sign up to be notified when the Kickstarter launches on May 14th, please check out the game's page on the Storybrewers Roleplaying website. If that name sounds familiar, Storybrewers is the company that created Good Society: A Jane Austen RPG. I feel very honored that they reached out to me about publishing Castles in the Air. While Castles in the Air is a standalone game, its mechanics are inspired by Good Society, and if you like Good Society, I think you'll like CitA too as it allows you to tell similarly compelling stories.
I will be creating some blog posts talking about the literary inspirations for different parts of the game in the weeks leading up to the Kickstarter and during its run. I will be using this as a master post to keep track of all of them, so make sure to check back here or follow my blog if you are interested.
Blog Posts
Meg March: The Nurturer
Jo March: The Pragmatist
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melsie-sims2 · 6 months
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I hate playing single-sim households, so I used up one of the CAS Points to give Erin a roommate! I'd like to introduce you to our latest addition to the 'hood, Kendall Harris!
Zodiac: Aquarius | 4/5/4/5/7
Traits: Friendly, Cat Lover, Clumsy, Family-Oriented
Aspiration: Family/Popularity
Lifetime Want: Have 6 Grandchildren
Sexuality: Straight
After breaking up with her high school sweetheart, Kendall decided she really needed a change of scenery. She was tired of seeing him everywhere she went, especially since they had so many friends in common. She's on her own for the first time ever, and quite frankly she's not sure how she feels about it. At least she has a roommate to interact with, but will the two of them get along?
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pcktknife · 9 months
slept thru most of new mexico we in oklahoma now ( -w-)
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nextstopwonderland · 5 months
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Mox vs Shingo BITV part 2 (part 1)
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elitehoe · 5 months
When Naito counters the deathrider and perfectly slides into destino and pins Mox I might cum
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fyeahsonicthehedgehog · 2 months
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reverofenola · 1 year
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sonicfangamebot · 8 months
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'Beta Windy Valley' (2016) by SonicOtakuSNG (Lost World Mod) Adds a stage based on the BETA version of 'Sonic Adventure's Windy Valley to 'Lost World'. https://gamebanana.com/mods/150079
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daredevilwindypaws · 28 days
if i had a nickel for every time ive heard about green rain (INDEPENDENTLY, FROM WHOLE SEPARATE FANDOMS) i’d have two nickels, which isnt a lot but HOW DO THE FUCK DID THAT HAPPEN TWICE.
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leer-reading-lire · 1 year
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JOMP Book Photo Challenge
March 10: Character Growth
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juleteon · 2 years
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Good days ahead of us.
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