#winnie scofield
trashcankitty12 · 2 years
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Winifred “Winnie” Scofield
Youngest Child of Helia and Morgan Scofield
Magical Chimera
-Winne is the youngest child and only daughter of Helia and Morgan Scofield. 
-Like her brother, she inherited her mother’s ears. Or rather, she has a slight point to her ears. She also tries hard to be in touch with her elven heritage.
-She’s got dark hair like her father that she keeps in a short bob and has gray eyes like he does.
-Winne’s 12 and goes to the Callistan Preparatory Academy. (Which is just a fancy middle school. One where she’s constantly rolling her eyes because of how many of her classmates want to believe they’re better than other people because it's mostly rich kids and she’s only going there because her Great Uncle Saladin and General Grandma went there.)
-(Yes, she and her brother call their Dad’s mom General Grandma. It’s a loving term of endearment and it makes the old woman roll her eyes and laugh. So it’s perfect.)
-Her birthday is December 1st. She’s a Dragon by the Magical Dimension’s standards and a Sagittarius by Earth standards.
-Winnie’s into art, but not to the degree that her brother and father are. It’s a fun hobby and a great way for her to vent some of her frustrations, but it’s not a passion for her like it is for them.
-She really loves making little doodles and often creates mini-comics that she sends to friends to cheer them up.
-Her real passion, currently, is in nature, specifically the animals. 
-Endangered animals tend to be the heart of many of her projects; essays, protests (that her brother helps her set up), videos, photos, and drawings. Basically, anything she turns in at school that doesn’t have a specific topic, it’s probably going to be about a rare or endangered animal.
-Elliot is so proud of his little sister, and is always the first to jump into her campaigns.
-Morgan and Helia are too, often using their own expertise and their influence to assist. (Though they try to stay in the background as much as possible because they don’t want their kids to think they’re taking over their own projects.)
-Winnie has a menagerie of pets that come in and out of the home. (Usually until they are healthy enough to go, but they tend to come back for love.) 
-Helia’s not as okay with the pets as Morgan is, mostly because they tend to just ‘show up’ without warning and oftentimes he ends up getting jumpscared by various animals and insects.
-Morgan finds this all hilarious. Elliot is fairly chill about the animals, so long as leave his cameras alone. 
-Winnie’s like her cousin Etta, physical and ready to fight if she has too. (Though unlike Etta, she doesn’t look for fights, she tries to hold off unless she’s pushed or someone else is in danger.)
-She loves to sword-fight like Etta and has even joined her in the Junior Sword Fighting League. General Grandma is so proud and has even gifted her her own specialty sword. (And Grandpa Palladium is considering getting her her own armor from his family.)
-Winnie has magic, natural-based magic, but she’s not sure if she’s going to become a fairy. Her wings haven’t come in and she’s already 12… So… What’s up? Is she going to be a late winger like her Aunt Flora and Cousin Etta? Or is she just… Not a fairy?
-Her magic isn’t quite that strong yet, but she is getting there. (Typically she works best with runic magic than core magic. But it is what it is.)
-Like any good little sister, Winnie torments her older brother every time he has a romantic interest over, usually by embarrassing him. (Sometimes Elliot just plays along, sometimes he gets her back.)
-(There’s an ongoing prank war within their house; one that sometimes even involves the parents.)
-Winnie’s into comfort when it comes to her clothing options and loves oversized hoodies, soft shirts, and pajama pants. (Though will quickly swap to jeans when going for a hike. After all, safety first.)
-She and her brother can’t play board games or card games together unless they’re on the same side/playing co-op. (Fights break out.)
-(Poppa Salvador thinks it's funny, making him think of his dynamic with Griffin when they were younger. Morgan’s not impressed.)
-Winifred isn’t fond of her school, it’s been said before. But she does have her core group of friends and her clubs. (Outside the Junior Sword Fighting League of course.)
-She’s in the Environmental Club, part of a comic book club, and helps out with a volunteer project with their school. (And has plans to revamp it once she’s met with the principal.)
-Winnie is also the one who organizes minor rebellions in her school. (Dress coding issues, the sit-in to stop the destruction of the hiking trail behind the school, the refusal to do school work when it came out about the athletes getting free passes, etc.)
-(Her parents are just glad she hasn’t followed Valkyrie’s advice to burn down the science lab like she’d done once.)
-Winnie’s favorite classes are her Natural Science classes (biology, anatomy, geology, botany).
-Least favorite? Her Writing classes. And History classes.
-Don’t get her wrong, she loves history, she just doesn’t like the way they’re taught, especially since she has family directly involved with some of the major historical incidents that have happened the last few decades and knows the classes taught are full of bullshit and speculation.
-In fact she often gets into arguments with her history teachers because she corrects them. Yes, she’s that child.
-Morgan is so proud of her daughter. Helia is too, but couldn’t she find a nicer way to call out her teachers instead of flat-out calling them idiots?
-If her wings come in, she’ll be going (hopefully) to Alfea and focusing her studies on Environmentalism. However if they don’t, she’s unsure.
-Part of her thinks she could go to Cloud Tower, but she doesn’t feel like she’s a witch. After all, they use core magic more than runic magic, same as fairies. And unlike Elementals, she doesn’t draw directly from an elemental center.
-She doesn’t want to go to the same school as her brother because she’s not as into art. 
-Truthfully she’s thinking of studying more deeply into her elven roots, but that would require some research and some lengthy discussions with her Grandpa Palladium’s family.
-Fingers crossed.
-She’s not sure really what she wants to do when she’s grown, but she’s certain of one thing; animals are going to be at the forefront and she’s definitely going to be an activist of some kind.
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31ivan · 7 years
Watching Season 5 of Prison Break
Akhirnya nongol jg si scofield 😁😁😁 Tuh taaaannnn... with Winny – View on Path.
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