#winx next gen oc
trashcankitty12 · 7 months
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Princess Makara Poole of Andros
Second Born Child of Layla and Nabu Poole
Passionate Princess
-Makara Poole is the second born of Layla and Nabu Poole, and is second in line for the throne. (Which is fine by her, less problems on her end.)
-Her birthday is March 20th, making her a Phoenix in the Magical Dimension and a Pisces on Earth.
-She and her brother both have their mom’s dark skin tone, but she does have hair like her father. A violet sort of shade.
-She keeps her hair long and prefers her ‘natural’ look. Afros, braids, dreads; she loves them all and she knows she can rock them.
-Her eyes are the same as her father’s as well. It comes with the territory, she supposes.
-She’s about 14/15 when we first meet her at Alfea.
-Like her mother and brother, she does have some mer-people qualities, but she doesn’t have a full tail or anything. (Which is a major bummer to her. But hey, fins and gills are fine.)
-(She’s more disappointed in her scale color than anything, such a boring shade of green. But it is what it is.)
-Unlike her brother, Makara is a bit more… Mischievous. She enjoys pulling pranks and causing just a bit of chaos. And because she refuses to do so alone, her cousins tend to get involved. (It’s fun and everyone ends up laughing… Usually.)
-(Honestly this is probably the reason she and Etta get along so well.)
-She does try to hold off on anything too major for galas or big events though, no need in incurring the wrath of her grandparents and her parents. (Once. That happened once and she swore never again.)
-(She’d never seen her Baba or her Grandpa so disappointed in her, and her Grandma and Dadi seemed so hurt. Not to mention how embarrassed her parents were. So never again.)
-(For those curious, she swapped out a few of the chosen menu items when she was about 8 because she thought it would be funny to see a few of the ‘stuffy older people’ swell up… That was when she learned a major lesson about allergies and how people can react to food swapping.)
-Makara loves everything and anything to do with the beach and the ocean. It’s literally in her blood.
-Swimming, surfing, diving, beach parties, sandcastle making, sailing, etc. She loves it all.
-Though if she had to have a preference; swimming and diving are her biggest loves. Feeling the water on her skin, letting her body shift with the salt water into her scales and fins; it’s the most incredible thing she’s ever felt in her life and she’s honestly addicted.
-And while she prefers swimming in the ocean, she’s fine with swimming in pools. (Though her scales and fins don’t activate outside of salt water, but that’s probably for the best.)
-(She competes in swimming competitions at Alfea, which means if she had her fins and scales, she’d be considered a cheater. So… It’s for the best.)
-Makara and Caspian, along with their cousins, are training for their tattoos. In fact, there’s a bit of a competition going on to see who gets them first. (Her money, of course, is on herself. She’s never been one to doubt.)
-(That said, their elder cousin has already completed one of the first tasks involved… But still…)
-Unlike Caspian, she only has rudimentary knowledge of how boats and ships operate. She prefers being in the water itself than being on a boat in the water. That said, she knows enough about them to keep from capsizing or getting her crew killed.
-Like her father, Makara does try to keep close to her spirituality. Meditation and prayer aren’t uncommon for her. And neither is talking to her ancestors. 
-Like her mother, Makara is a sporty woman, but she’s a bit more picky about what she does and why.
-Example: for fun and games, she enjoys volleyball or MagiBall, something she can just play around with her friends doing. Group sports are awesome for this. But for something she’s willing to compete in and really try; that’s swimming and boxing.
-Boxing was a surprise for her, one her Aunt Talia got her into. Granted, she was always going to learn self-defense styles because her mom and dad were insistent just in case her magic failed, but this… This was something that hit a button for her and she loved it.
-The rush, the skill, the way it’s sort of a dance if done properly; it’s exhilarating. And she just… Falls into it.
-(Etta may or may not be one of her favorite sparring partners, simply because both girls are more than willing to go all out. And then, of course, laugh about it later while trying to heal.)
-She does enjoy some of the gymnastics and cheerleading activities, and she definitely sees how they could be important for her flexibility and spacial awareness, but they’re more Artemis and Nixie’s thing.
-Makara loves dancing, just like her mom and dad. Granted, she’s not as fond of some of their ‘dance styles’ and considers them ‘old and embarrassing’ at times, but it's a fun family thing.
-(She secretly really loves learning ballroom dances. The looks on people’s faces when they see just how she glides across the floors, it’s priceless.)
-Also like Layla and Nabu, Makara has a policy about fighting: Do No Harm, Take No Shit.
-She’s okay with letting things roll off of her like waves, that’s fine. But if you keep pressing her and pressing her, or if you decide to harm those weaker than you or pick on someone she holds dear, she’s going to throttle you or drown you. Whichever comes first.
-(She seldom throws the first punch outside of the ring, but you can best bet she’ll fight to throw the last one.)
-Makara admittedly has a one-track mind when it comes to her goals. She’s been known to throw herself completely into them and forget other tasks or responsibilities she may have. Thankfully she has such an amazing older brother and friends who help bring her out of it.
-As the second-born royal to the Androsian Throne, Makara gets a tad more leeway than her brother does when it comes to royal events or galas. Less scrutiny to her style or her decorum. Not to mention she has a few extra ‘I’ll pass on that’ cards than he does.
-(She seldom makes her brother deal with the royal pains alone, but there are a few events that she does her best to steer clear of. Sorry Bro!)
-(Makara and Nixie both have issues trying to please the politicians and royals of other realms, feeling like it’s all so fake and disingenuous. They’d rather be allowed to just speak their mind and be done.)
-Like her friends, Makara goes to Alfea for school, and she surprisingly has her own room. (She tried to convince Artemis to share with her, but the Solarian Princess needs her space.)
-(She’s okay having her own room. She is. But sometimes she does sleep on the common room’s couch. Or Etta spends the night in her room when Zephyr’s working on projects late into the night.)
-One of her favorite classes is their Ecological Science classes. She loves getting to explore new terrains and learning about the different animals and plants. Especially if they get to go into the water.
-She’s not fond of the Political or Social Graces classes she has to take with Dufour, however. Or of the Cooking classes.
-(She gets that it’s an important skill to learn, but some of the recipes they learn to make seem a bit… Much.)
-Makara’s okay with Divination and some of the History classes. She doesn’t dislike them, but she’s had more interesting classes in her life. 
-(For History, her family is full of people she could talk to who actually lived through those events. And as for Divination, that’s just not something she likes messing with. But she doesn’t mind letting Etta or Lily use her for practice.)
-She does have a fondness for the Defense classes with Griselda and the Physical Education classes in general. Constantly moving and getting her body and mind involved in something just works wonders for her.
-Makara, like her mother, got into playing drums! She’s trying to start a band, but it’s not easy to find people she gets along with creatively. (Which is why she and Musa and Riven’s daughter don’t play together, they have different styles and tend to clash. Their son, however, seems to be on the same level.)
-Since Caspian is the one next in line for the throne, Makara is trying to decide on what sort of path she wants to take when she’s older.
-Perhaps an advisor? Or she could travel the realms? Run a ship? Or maybe she’ll get that band together and tour? The possibilities are endless for a dreamer like her.
-Probably. Maybe. Right?
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meirisuu · 7 months
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okay so I don't usually post this kinda stuff BUT I remembered I was very obsessed with the concept of a winx next generation and making kid ocs for my faves...so I redid my old kid ocs for Musa x Riven and Tecna x Timmy 🙏
Brief descriptions and a little relationship chart under the cut
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emsartwork · 1 year
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me like a month ago: lmao what if i Winx Brand yassified my diverse and uniquely designed next gen ocs wouldn’t that be funny
do they all suffer from same face syndrome now? yes, especially the guys. did i end up white/skinny washing all of them? yeah a little. is it funny? in a kind of depressing way yes. literally only ruth kept her melanin because her parents aren’t any cannon characters, everybody else is a direct 50/50 of their parents’ skin tones
this experiment did make me realize i design a lot of outfits with a seam or detail across the breast/collar bone tho! so thats good to be aware of i guess??? 
Ophelia, Selene, Anemone, Ruth, Eirlys
Arcturus, Thorn, Jack, Aiden, Ramiel, Nasim’s three forms, and Cymi 
ladies base 
guys base
i did the “androgynous” base by averaging out the ladies and the guys bases but its hard to get any degree of androgyny in the winx style rip
child art for cymi was original but based on Frankenstein-ed cannon art of the few children characters we’ve seen
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teawinx · 1 year
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Back with more of this guy!
Still haven’t settled on an Enchantix design, but we’re getting there
Yes the heartshaped tiddy window is 100% necessary don’t judge me
99% of this was just me fucking around with light brushes on Procreate lol
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winxngasks · 6 months
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🌸 Terra, daughter of Flora and Helia, Fairy of Flowers 🌸
And next up, we have Terra! Honestly had a little difficulty trying to figure out her style, but I think I found a good one for her. I hope you enjoy!
More details about her looks can be found under the 'readmore'!
. For Terra, she has chin-length and wavy hair that is naturally a brownish, dirty blonde color, but she has dyed it an all-over rose gold color. Does not mind wearing makeup, but wears it lightly most of the time, usually in soft, pastel shades. For a physical detail I wanted to highlight, it would be that her ears are pierced.
. For color scheme, she prefers wearing soft and light colors, with pinks, greens, and blues making up most of her clothes, but she does dabble in other colors at times. A big lover of floral patterns and embroidery, with very few solid-color pieces. Prefers more of a light and 'breezy' style that is perfect for spring and summer days, with modest crop-tops, shorts, and short summer dresses. Like her mom, she also enjoys corset-style tops and puff sleeves.
. Enjoys wearing accessories, with all containing floral or butterfly motifs. A lot of them are homemade and made with her parents and siblings, which she enjoys the most as it is a fun bonding activity for her. The main accessory I chose to give her here is a pink flower crown, with flower crowns being her main favorite accessory and a callback to her her status as the "Fairy of Flowers".
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@gloriousdreamunknown’s Stella Junior’s Enchantix (Normal and Were-Staryummy)
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zexal-club · 2 months
Wake up, moots and followers, new Zexal Club OC just dropped!
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Introducing Cody, son of Tecna and Timmy! Was originally gonna be named Tyler, but I changed it last minute.
I am still working on his profile and everything, but I'll show you what I got so far
@yukii0nna @marrondrawsalot @kousaka-ayumu @bakawitch
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beezonia · 2 months
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Also here are the next gen babies, I love them dearly
Thinking of giving layla and nabu another kid but idk yet
Stella and Brandon have the most kids
Tecna and Timmy had one kid and she was a complete surprise to the two of them
Clover and Damion may or may not be together
Penelope has a girlfriend in cloud tower
Ash and Kun are best friends
So are Amaya and Solei and Yijun
Pascal and Melina have a bit of a love hate relationship
Yeah that’s all on them for now! Lmk if you want to see more of them!
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girlsofthemagixclub · 11 months
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It's been a while, again! I'm still figuring out how I want to write posts and chapters, but in the meantime, I figured I could still post some simpler stuff. Have a sketch of the Magix girls as they appear in Arcane Wings.
Designing those signatures was somehow the worst part of this sketch, lol.
Not sure if I'll ever colour this in, but maybe. Maybe.
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libraryofkaty · 1 year
A story from December 2020, of an AU for two of my Winx Club next-gen characters, Everest(son of Krystal/Roy) and Orion(son of Stella/Brandon). This story explore the idea of instead of them keeping their romance a secret from others(being from rival schools), what if they kept their jobs as spies(from rival spy groups) from each other instead. They are both aged up to their early-twenties here(both are originally 15) too, since I felt it was needed for the direction I had in mind for this story.
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starlooove · 2 years
Winx next gen fanartists that make any child of Aisha’s white or lightly tanned my detested
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trashcankitty12 · 1 year
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Crowned Princess Nichole “Nixie” Hannes-Grant of Domino
Eldest Daughter of Queen Bloom and King Sky
Eldest Sister Of Mark and Emily
The Fairy of the Dragon Fire
- Nixie is the eldest child of Bloom and Sky, and the Crown Princess of Domino.
- She’s 15 turning 16 when we first meet her. And her birthday is April 6th. She’s an Aries by Earth Standards and a Griffin by the Magical Dimension’s.
- Nixie’s a blonde like her father, but her eye color is closer to the shade of blue Bloom’s is. She tends to keep her hair long and it curls just a tad, much like her brother’s.
-As the first born child, she is the Crowned Princess of Domino. (And the new Keeper of the Light Dragon Fire, AKA Dragon of Life.)
-She is about 15 when we first met her, turning 16 on her next birthday.
-Her nickname was one she got from her best friend, Willow (yes, that Willow). They were both about 2 and really getting into learning how to speak 'properly' and Nixie was the best he could do at the time. The name stuck. (She loves it. Sort of a play on the word Pixie as well and she just feels so magical to her.)
-Nixie's best friend may be Artemis, but she dorms with Musa and Riven's eldest daughter. She does love getting to be first to hear the newest tunes from her other best friends.
-While Nixie loves her large family and would do just about anything for them, she clashes hard with her Papa Erendor and Nana Samara. They have their 'ideas' about what a young princess should be like and how she should behave and Nixie has her own.
-(Their biggest clash comes as Nixie grows up and becomes closer and closer to Willow. Erendor does not want any attachments to dark magic in his family line. Nixie has threatened to burn him and his castle down.)
-Speaking of Princess Talk... Nixie isn't Princess Charming. She's much like her mother and Grandma Vanessa; if it's on her mind, she's going to say it. If she thinks it, it's out of her mouth. And if she thinks you've wronged someone or hurt someone she cares for, she's going to make you know about it.
-This is why Mark stays close to his sister during the large events, making sure she doesn't start any international incidents. (Even if some would be worth it.)
-He's like 70% of her impulse control when it comes to dealing with aggravating people.
-Nixie adores her little sister, Emily. Adores her. Which is why she is often talked into tea parties and dress-up games.
-(That said, she's had to hide her journals and photos from the little girl, who enjoys learning so much about her big sister and asks questions she shouldn't. Like if she and Willow are getting married or if she's going to runaway from the kingdom and Emily it's complicated.)
-One of the things she enjoys most about being a princess is the fact she gets to travel often, especially as the eldest. She loves getting to go to new places and learn about new things and cultures. (Part of her wonders if it's her Dragon enjoying seeing how Her creations have grown and changed.)
-Unlike Bloom, Nixie isn't quite so clumsy. She's actually quite good on her feet. In fact, gymnastics is one of her favorite sports/hobbies. (She's even considering competing for Alfea, assuming Artemis and Layla's daughter join her.)
-She's also a champion equestrian, though she credits her wins to her beloved horse Spirit.
-Yes. Spirit. Named for this movie her mother insisted she and her brother watch when they were small. (She absolutely adored the movie and wished so hard she could have went and burned down those mean settlers/ranchers who tried to hurt Spirit.)
-Nixie loves photography and enjoys taking photos when she can. This has caused many impromptu modeling shots of Artemis and her younger sister Emily and 'photos taken before disaster' while around the Sylvane Twins Etta and Lily.
-(She may have her own photo gallery of Willow as well. Specifically from their night adventures with him talking about and showing her the constellations.)
-Nixie's straight, but she's more than willing to admit when another woman looks good.
-(Okay... Straight may be pushing it. She's always only been attracted to men, but she never wants relationships with men she's not close too. And even more honestly, she's only got one person in mind whenever she thinks of love and marriage. The problem is how complicated it would make things, given their planets' histories with each other.)
-Sky and Bloom have taught her how to sword fight, a skill deemed vital in the event of being unable to connect to her magic. She's good and she enjoys it, but Nixie prefers getting a bit more... Physical in her fighting.
-She enjoys a fist fight. Has had been a few over the years. Her parents and grandparents have been to her middle and elementary schools plenty of times to discuss her behavior.
-(She never started the fights, she finished them. Like a lady. Though her family still aren't happy about her willingness to throw hands. She is a princess.)
-Nixie is the friend who, upon learning someone is talking shit or threatening her friends, will immediately do everything in her power to burn them. Depending on the mood and the severity of the threats, that will be a metaphorical burn or a literal one.
-Few people seem to be able to calm her down when she's so fired up. But she manages. (Dragons help anyone who dares touch her siblings though. They'll never be able to identify the body.)
-At Alfea, Nixie's favorite subjects tend to be physical education (along with Etta and Layla and Nabu's daughter), and Magic Expression.
-She also really loves doing the nature classes. They provide the best photo opportunities and she gets to have a mini-adventure.
-Nixie enjoys astronomy classes too, though its admittedly something she learned to love because of the Solarian Twins and Willow.
-History is another favorite. And Planets. Getting to learn about cultures and beliefs different from hers are just things she loves.
-She absolutely hates flying classes though, particularly the ones in which she has to be speedy about it. Speed is not her thing and she's often left at the back. (Along with Zephyr and Artemis.)
-Nixie also hates Divination but that's just because she tends to see the worst visions possible. Artemis and Etta swear she just needs to focus a little better.
-Nixie's also not a fan of dealing with Griselda's defense classes. They just tend to piss her off and she fire her up and she's not into feeling like that so much.
-(Yes, she is working on her temper. She's been getting better about it as she's grown, but there's certain things that tend to trigger the rage.)
-She's not the smallest of the new fairies, but she isn't one of the tallest ones either. She's about 5'3. Which she's a little self-conscious about because most people on Domino are 5'6" at the least.
-Nixie loves being on Earth visiting her Grandma Vanessa and Grandpa Mike. The food feels like it has a little extra something to it and there's just so much warmth there. Joy. A vast difference from the Palaces of Eraklyon or Domino.
-(It's due to all the BS that occurs in politics and that there's staff to handle everything and anything. Or at least, that's her theory.)
-She understands how privileged she is to be a princess and how she has so many responsibilities and everything. She gets that.
-But sometimes... Sometimes she thinks she would have preferred being raised like her mom. Without all the pressures to be perfect and presentable and without her future (or at least her future career) being chosen for her due to birth.
-Honestly, her brother would make a better King than she would a Queen. But whatever. Royal Kid Problems, right?
-Nixie knows she's going to be Queen of Domino some day, its a given considering the Dragon resides within her and she's the first born. But she hopes to travel and get to see things and have adventures before she has to become Queen. Hopefully...
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thetimelordbatgirl · 2 years
Ngl, all the terrible Fate S2 stuff at least making me remember I have winx oc’s to work on and shit. 
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meirisuu · 4 months
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decided to indulge in my 14 year old self's obsession with winx next gen ocs and finally design a whole group of them!!
character sheets and descriptions + doodle dump under the cut!
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21. Daughter of Bloom and Sky. An Alfea graduate, Enchantix fairy, Guardian Fairy of Eraklyon and Heir of Eraklyon's throne. Basically a burnt out overachiever and perfectionist who shouldered everyone's high expectations due to being Bloom's daughter, and had high hopes for the future but is now barely trying to hold things together. She can be a little intimidating and hotheaded, but that's because she's very tired.
She's cordial exes with Luke, Stella and Brandon's son, but they still remained best friends. She's currently dating a wizard named Ike.
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Lucian (Luke)
21. Son of Stella and Brandon. Crowned Prince of Solaria who has recently taken on more responsibilities as the de facto new King of Solaria now that he recently came of age—but...he doesn't really want to be called a King quite yet. He's a charming and responsible young man who's inherited his mother's love and passion for fashion, and is a little snobby about it sometimes, much to his friends' chagrin.
He's cordial exes with Blaire, Bloom and Sky's daughter, but they still remained best friends. He's currently single, but there isn't a day where he isn't talking to or seeing someone.
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Violet (Vi)
21. Daughter of Flora and Helia. Guardian Fairy of Linphea and a reputable freelance photographer who's a bit too chill for her own good. She can be nonchalant and a bit too cool headed at times it freaks people out, but it's quite handy for her job and hobby as a photographer, requiring precise focus to capture the best photos. She's also a deeply sentimental person, capturing and treasuring all memories of her family and friends through photography.
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Maxine (Max)
21 years old, daughter of Musa and Riven. Formerly an Alfea student and a fairy-in-training, but have shifted to Red Fountain to pursue being a Specialist. She turned out to be a skilled prodigy, and now teaches at Red Fountain part time. She's a chill and easygoing person, and is well liked by everyone in the school, even capturing some people's hearts. Despite this, she can also have an explosive temperament if certain buttons are pushed.
On a long term relationship with her former roommate Tesla, Tecna and Timmy's daughter. They go way back, since Alfea.
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20 years old, son of Musa and Riven. He's a quiet and chill guy who's had a bit of a troubled past. He went to Red Fountain alongside his sister but he mostly did it to appease Riven, and has no interest in being a hero, instead preferring to pursue his interest in music. He looks a little scary to some people, and he used to have a notorious reputation, but he's passed that now.
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21. Daughter of Tecna and Timmy. A gifted tech genius who dropped out of Alfea to defy expectations and pursue her passions, and now works as a reputable robotics engineer in Zenith's government. Her demeanor is generally blunt and sarcastic, which is off-putting for most people, but she mellows out around people she's comfortable with.
On a long term relationship with her former roommate Tesla, Tecna and Timmy's daughter. They go way back, since Alfea.
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21. Son of Aisha and Nabu, and the wizard prince of Andros. A reliable and approachable young man who gets along with everyone, and is actually in talking terms with everyone in the friend group despite the incident. He's also a very physically active person, and despite being a formidable wizard, he still chose to take some combat classes in Red Fountain. Behind his easygoing demeanor is a cunning and strategic mind that should not be underestimated.
+ some more doodles about the TxT and MxR kids because can you not tell that tecna and musa are my winx meowmeows
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teawinx · 1 year
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So my friend on the The Union Of War Discord has this Winx AU about the characters future children and the political drama is juicy
So I had to make an oc for it
This is Blaine, Diaspro and Darcy’s son and the “oc”est oc I think I’ve ever made He’s a Fairy/Witch hybrid, the Squire of Bloom and Sky’s son whom he’s desperately in love with and is gonna get his heart broken by, and the prince of a new Kingdom who’s lost his title as heir to the throne because why not at this point And Fairy of Darkness because duh
Pure indulgence here. Healing my inner 14 year old who was too restrained with her ocs out of fear of them being “mary sues”
These are sketchy concept for his Magic Winx and Enchantix looks, + a Charmix Brooch. I’m still trying to figure out his Enchantix look. It doesn’t feel like Enchantix yet, but I’m also taking into account that he’s not 100% a fairy. He does have the big wings too, but I didn’t draw them why?
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winxngasks · 6 months
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⚡ Eleanor, daughter of Tecna and Timmy, Fairy of Electricity ⚡
Second-to-last up, we have Ellie! Hers was difficult to put together only in the sense that I wasn't sure what kind of outfits to include for her, but decided to go with ones that fit her simple but comfy vibes. I hope you enjoy!
More details about her looks can be found under the 'readmore'!
. For Ellie, she has chin-length and straight light brown hair, not doing much with it but she does like keeping it shorter with fringe bangs. She does not have any piercings nor is she really that fond of wearing makeup on a daily basis, as she is usually quite messy whenever she applies her own and much prefers having others do it for her when she does wear it. Has freckles like her dad, but only across her face. For a physical detail I wanted to highlight, it would be the prosthetic that she has for her left forearm, as she was born without that limb.
. For her color scheme, she has no preference when it comes to tone but usually wears lighter colors most of the time, with blues, greens, and teals/turquoises making up most of her clothes, but she does have some neutrals and other colors for some balance. Her style is more of a plain but comfy one, with long-sleeves, turtlenecks, sweaters, and comfy jeans and pants. Layers her clothes a lot of the time, as she is more prone to getting cold. Likes some patterns with her clothes, usually for her socks or fun graphics for her shirts.
. Like her parents she does not own many accessories, as most would either be her tech or her smartwatch. At most she has some colorful belts, and one butterfly necklace she got to match with her friends. The main "accessory" I chose to give her here is some teal, cat-eye shaped glasses, as she has a need for them like her dad and does like wearing fun, colorful frames.
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