#winning strategies in dragon tiger
arsgrouponline · 6 months
Amazing Winning Strategies in Dragon Tiger
Explore the world of online gambling with winning strategies in dragon tiger at Arsgrouponline.com, your ultimate guide to elevating your gameplay. Discover unparalleled insights and unveil expert tips that will empower you to conquer the Dragon Tiger table. With a focus on winning strategies in Dragon Tiger, Arsgrouponline.com provides a comprehensive resource to enhance your gaming experience. Elevate your understanding of this thrilling card game, explore proven techniques, and unlock the potential for extraordinary wins. Dive into the realm of Dragon Tiger with confidence, armed with the knowledge and strategies offered by Arsgrouponline.com. It's time to elevate your game and embark on a journey of triumph!
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blackjackkent · 7 months
I think we may want to invest some time in thinking about a better guard strategy for our camp, because Hector wakes up to a githyanki man staring down at him in his bedroll.
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It's Voss - the man on the dragon who instructed the soldiers on the bridge to kill their group, back near Waukeen's Rest. In this moment, though, he is alone but for a small group of masked associates.
Hector makes a sort, startled noise, scrambles to his feet and backs away a few steps.
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Before he even hears her, Lae'zel is at his side, squared off and ready for battle. She glares at the kith'rak as if daring him to attack.
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"Supreme kith'rak," she says coldly. "Has Vlaakith sent you to slay me with your own blade?"
Hector half-expects Voss to respond with equal force - but the kith'rak remains perfectly still, a slight, sad smile touching his lips.
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"I've not come to kill you, Lae'zel," he says softly. "I've come to aid you."
It is a far cry from the imperious soldier they saw out on the bridge, demanding their death.
"Don't trust him..." whispers the dream guardian in Hector's ear.
As if recognizing their skepticism, Voss turns his sword, lays it across both his palms, and then kneels to set it on the ground.
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"Ska'kek kir Gith shabell'eth," he says, with ritual intensity. "My blade rests. Mother Gith compels you to listen."
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Hector watches this display cautiously. He doesn't know what this man wants, or where he stands in the spider's web of factions and alliances developing around them, but he has been thrown into danger by too many gith in the last day to take this at face value. "Your cronies tried to kill us," he says warily. "Why should Lae'zel listen to you?"
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"I knew you would fight," Voss says matter-of-factly, looking up to meet his eyes directly. "And I knew you would win. I needed to ensure Vlaakith's trust. This was the only way."
Hector quirks an eyebrow up. Ah. He can see, possibly, where this is going - and he can see, just as clearly, that Lae'zel will object to it.
Voss knows it too. His eyes shift to the young gith soldier, focusing on her with all of his intensity. "I know you carry the Astral Prism, Lae'zel," he says. "Within it lies the seed of Vlaakith's demise. And I intend to help you bring it to fruition."
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Lae'zel at once rears back like a tiger preparing to strike. Her eyes flash and her hand goes to the hilt of her sword. "Vlaakith's demise? Shka'keth," she snarls. "I should run you through for suggesting it."
But she doesn't move, doesn't strike. The undirected, anxious energy vibrates through her, but she hesitates, watching him.
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"What are you asking of us, Voss?" Hector asks, voice low, as if afraid of snapping the tension holding Lae'zel in place.
Voss draws a slow breath, lets it out.
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"I am asking for your help - and your trust. I've heard word from Creche Y'llek. You are infected - yet the one in the Prism has chosen you, protects you with their power." He waits until Hector nods confirmation. "The Prism's tenant alone has the power to end Vlaakith's tyranny. I've sought their freedom for eons. When the Prism went missing, I feared the worst. Instead, you've granted the opportunity I've so long awaited. All that remains is the key that unchains them - and I've found someone who I believe can provide it."
He pauses, then turns from Hector, looks directly at Lae'zel again. "Bring the Prism to Baldur's Gate," he says. "I'll be waiting in a taproom called Sharess's Caress. That is where we decide the fate of my people."
Another brief hesitation. Then he steps forward, spreads his hands slightly. "Lae'zel...together we will break our chains," he says firmly. "And be Vlaakith's slaves no longer."
It is a conciliatory gesture, an offer of alliance, and Lae'zel recoils from it fearfully.
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"I am no slave, Jhe'stil Kithrak," she snaps, desperately fervent, as if the words themselves could push him backwards, push his offer away from her. "The Undying Queen is my freedom. It is she who will purify me, and she who will ascend me!"
Voss lets his hands fall to his sides and shakes his head sharply. "Lies, Lae'zel," he says, not without sympathy. "Every last one. There is no purification, no ascension. The zaith'isk does not purify - it extracts memories and kills the infected. Nor does the lich queen glorify the ascended. She feeds on most all of them to grow her power and pursue godhood."
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Hector's jaw clenches and he ducks his head, drawing back into himself. He remembers the brutal, white-hot pain of the zaith'isk, the feeling of his soul and body being torn from each other. In that moment he is suddenly, absolutely certain this man is telling the truth.
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"Madness," Lae'zel cries out, shaking her head furiously. "You flood me with this...this heresy!" Her fingers grip on her sword and she pulls it from its sheathe, bringing it to bear on the kneeling man on the ground.
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"I...I will hear no more of it!"
For a long moment, everything hangs on a knife edge. No one moves. Voss's eyes are fixed on Lae'zel, his expression immobile. Hector too can see the conflict and uncertainty tearing across his companion's face. For the first time since he's known her, he can see the tip of the sword tremble as she grips it.
She knows the truth. She knows it was well as he does. And it is tearing her heart out.
He could tell her to stand down, take a mode of military authority, and he suspects that in this moment she would probably listen. And if he told her to kill Voss, she would probably listen to that too. She is desperate for a voice of guidance, for the certainty that has led her this far and suddenly been stripped away.
But this isn't a choice he can make for her. They came here for her. They are in this together.
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"What do you want to do, Lae'zel?" he says softly. "I have your back."
She draws a slow breath, lets it out. Her fingers tighten around the sword hilt, knuckles whitening. He can see the urge to strike, to lash out and destroy the thing bringing her pain.
But then she stops, and sheathes her sword, and closes her eyes.
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"I served Vlaakith the whole of my life," she says, almost inaudibly. "Learned her words. Fought her battles. Yet she names me Hshar'lak." She swallows, and her voice turns thick. "Your words carry truth."
She opens her eyes, looks at Voss, then turns to face Hector squarely for a moment. Her gaze meets his and holds it for a long time. Then she turns and stalks away back towards her tent.
"I will meet you in Baldur's Gate. Do not make me regret it."
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selenacosmic · 1 year
Hey there! Could I request ikemen sengoku Oda forces, takeda- kenshin-uesugi forces, and lone forces all suitors as Mafias in 21st century Japan and MC just a normal shy innocent citizen 🙏 Thank you!
Ohh I love this one! Thank you for requesting!
Warlords as mafias in 21st century with normal MC.
Oda forces.
Nobunaga Oda.
Naturally he would be the boss in his mafia group, they would be known as The Oda (Azuchi gang sounds funny as a mafia group). The most feared man in Japan, no one would dare mess with Nobunaga or his business. And those who do? They better try fleeing the country.
Hideyoshi Toyotomi.
Nobunaga’s loyal right hand man, hideyoshi is the one who handles almost everything for his boss. You could say that he is Nobunaga’s eyes and ears. He is also in charge of protecting the group whenever it is needed.
Ieyasu Tokugawa.
Ieyasu is the least active in the mafia, mostly because he prefers a low profile. He uses the disguise of a doctor to hide in society, meanwhile he secretly handles things involving the yakuza in secret.
Mitsuhide Akechi.
Nobunaga’s left hand man, while Hideyoshi handles things in the light for Nobunaga, as the most visible yakuza, Mitsuhide is like a shadow. He investigates, discover and handles things without anyone knowing his existence within the group.
Masamune Date.
Most people who see Masamune will be both intimidated and fascinated. He is most easy to approach, but people should be careful while doing so. Both his eyepatch and tattoos are enough to make people know exactly for who he works for.
Mitsunari Ishida.
He is the one you would least expect as someone to be part of the Oda group, with his kind and angelic demeanor, Mitsunari can fool people by pretending to be a regular businessman. In a way, he follows after Ieyasu’s strategy of pretending to be a normal person in society.
Just like Masamune, Keiji is like the muscle of the yakuza, strong and clearly shows that he is part of the Oda. He may be just as friendly as Masamune, though we know that is all a facade.
Ranmaru Mori.
The sweetest one among them. Ranmaru is a spy, though if he is loyal to the Oda or to another organization, that is debatable. No one can possibly imagine that Ranmaru is part of the yakuza with that idol like appearance.
Uesugi-Takeda alliance.
Kenshin Uesugi.
From the enemy yakuza, Kenshin’s group is known as the Dragon’s sword, he is just as feared as Nobunaga. Known for his passion for fighting, Kenshin naturally makes others want to submit with his charisma. In fact, he built the group after having a fight with a mafia group and winning it.
Shingen Takeda.
Shingen is a leader as well, though he is not violent at all when compared to Kenshin and Nobunaga. He believes things can be handled without the need for violence. Though… when it’s needed, he shows others just how much of a beast he can be in a fight. Joined hands with kenshin to try and take Nobunaga down.
Yukimura Sanada.
He is the loyal “dog”, as others can him, of the tiger of Kabukicho street. He does not only bite but also stabs if his boss is in danger. Now Yukimura isn’t violent at all, but he can be overprotective.
Sasuke doesn’t even know how he became part of Kenshin’s mafia, all Sasuke knows is that he once saved kenshin once when he was shot by bringing him to the hospital fast. Now, he seems to be protected and is constantly offered to join Kenshin’s group.
Yoshimoto Imagawa
He is more elegant, prefers to use traditional clothes and always stays away from violence, he prefers to deal with other aspects of the yakuza, away from all the fights and dangers. He is distinguished for being the one who painted most of the tattoos they have.
Another one who is called a “loyal dog” for always protecting kenshin. Just like how Hideyoshi and Mitsuhide are to Nobunaga, Kanetsugu is both for kenshin and more. He will do everything for kenshin, asked or not for his safety.
Lone forces.
He is a lone wolf, challenging other mafia groups for their deeds. He believes that he should get rid of all these groups to ensure people’s safety. Kennyo tends to hide and move around a lot.
Another lone wolf, he left the Oda group to go against them for having different goals, Kicho has a habit of making things difficult for Nobunaga in anything he can mess with. The only one who dares challenge Nobunaga.
Motonari Mouri.
Motonari has a group of his own, though they are few and more secretive. He is used to traveling outside the country a lot, coming back only to cause trouble to all other groups for the fun of it.
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blemiria · 11 months
Be Resplendent and Outstanding
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standard disclaimer: not a professional TL, may have mistakes, have fun
"For Feng Commerce Alliance it is easy to have an outstanding combat strategy, a determined enterprising attitude, humane and caring attitude, prying open the international market, injecting new life into Siesta's economic market. Just as Ms. Beatrice Schwire said, the value of commerce, is in communication, and the most famous commerce activity, is to communicate with the future." -- From Siesta 1099 year's outstanding business award's acceptance speech.
Siesta's city auditorium on New Years even, Ceylan Doykos personally gave the award to Swire, and as of today it was in the big pile of gifts Swire was taking back to Lungmen from Siesta.
"You went to Siesta for a vacation, and you just take stuff like this back?" Hoshiguma looked at the Columbian words on the certificate, curiously asking.
"'The most famous commerce activity, is for communication' ---- I have to include this sentence in my autobiography."
"On this certificate it says, wow how impressive... not even with two months, you managed to do this much? What does 'Prying open the global market' mean?"
"I found some pathways, helped Siesta's unprofitable Coffee bean market to Kazimierz-- do you want to try some? I have some in my bag."
"What do you mean by 'humane and caring attitude'?"
"I did some investments, constructed a paradise on water at the volcano hot springs, everyone is sure to love it."
"Then, 'determined enterprising attitude' is..."
"Many Siesta companies were bidding on construction, if you want to get the contract, of course you gotta do something surprising."
"Then how did you win?"
"Just something I did on the way, don't pay too much attention." "Oh..."
"Stop looking at that, help me organize the gifts. This is a surfboard for you, this is a volcano clay mask for that stinky rat, this record is for that dragon on the road -- lets wait for her to grab that herself, and also this can of fruit for Lao Wei......"
The two spent an entire afternoon making a small mountain of souvenirs organized by type, in the end only that plaque was lying on the ground all by itself.
"Do you need to find a place to put this up? But I see that your shelves are full of other awards...."
"No need, this will just be for that old sick tiger's gift -- I'll go to the hospital tomorrow, I'll give it to him myself."
Swire casually put the plaque into her purse, quickly stretching her waist out. "Representing Lungmen's future, I'll go discuss it with him."
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ladyevol · 2 years
[This fanfiction takes place in an AU that reimagines Minecraft in a Dungeons and Dragons Setting! I hope you enjoy!]
It was happening again. Everyone else in the island seemed to have found their so-called soulmates and Scar was left all alone just like last time. Had his soulmate really rejected him so early on? He knew he was clumsy and had a tendency to get injured, but he wasn't all bad! He had magic, something most other competitors couldn't fathom besides just a few tricks! He was a prince too and half a shark! Sharks were cool, weren't they? He could protect them- maybe. He wasn't good at actual fighting despite being large and muscular. Those were mostly just for show. But intimidation was still a tactic!
"No matter," he muttered to himself and wheeled through the forest. If he wanted to survive, he would need to start gathering resources and make a base. He would win, even if alone. 
. . .
While exploring and looking for a mine to gather materials and a place to create a base, Scar came across the most amazing finding in the world: Giant Jellies! There were over a dozen of them rummaging through the land in search of what was likely food. Now, Scar had had cats ever since he first came to the surface, but never ones these big! Maybe he wouldn't need a soulmate after all.
. . .
It took him an entire night to gather enough resources to start on a base. The great white shark merman was exhausted by the end. No doubt, this was a task better suited for two, if not for their help, for the distraction of having someone to speak to.
Shaking away his thoughts, Scar made his way outside the mine. In the distance he could see the start of a base, which was curious. He was pretty far away from all the others since he opted to make a base near the giant cats in the island. Curious, he wheeled towards it. 
Behind the spiky walls, barely illuminated was a short aasimar with colorful wings, dirty blonde hair and in a red sweater. "Well, hello there!" 
Grian jumped, having clearly not expected someone there so late or maybe so early. It was adorable how his wings fluttered with distress, "how-"
"Say, Grian, you wouldn't have any fish or meat with you by any chance, would you?"
"N-no, but if you are hungry I can get you some bread."
"No, no, it's not for me! It's for my true soulmates! I will be living with the Jellies!" 
"The Jellies?" Grian's black eyes blinked.
"Yup! The big cats that live not too far from here!" 
"Scar, those are not giant cats! That's a pack of saber tooth tigers! They will eat you alive!" 
"Oh, only if they are hungry, you know how grumpy cats can be when they are hungry! But if you feed them and give them lots of love they can be the best companions in the world!" 
Grian put his hands together and inhaled, "you are insane, you know that? Actually insane! Do you have no regard towards your ACTUAL soul mate?!"
"The Jellies are my soulmate and if I had any other soulmate, maybe they would deserve for us to get devoured considering that they haven't even bothered to say hi."
"That is a joke, Grian! Trust me, I'm a cat expert. I know what I'm doing!" 
Grian stared at him for a few moments and then sighed, "ok, listen, I will go there with you, ok? Just- wait until I'm done with the walls and I will come, but promise you won't try anything until then, ok?" 
"Yeah, of course! You've got a Scar word!" One Scar had no intention of keeping with the fingers crossed behind his back.
. . .
After leaving Grian's base, Scar was lucky enough to find a nearby river brimming with life. While he wasn't the most skilled person on land, Scar was an absolute ace when it came to swimming. When he jumped inside, the fish swam deeper into the water, a smart strategy to deal with surface dwellers, but a useless one against an amphibious apex predator such as himself. They stood no chance. 
After several hours fishing, with the occasional break for a snack because fish were delicious, Scar headed to where he had first encountered the Jellies while looking for his soulmate. They were all asleep together, some cuddling in what had to be one of the cutest scenes he had ever seen. They even had babies. He must have gasped a little too loudly, because one of the animals shifted and opened its eyes. Upon seeing Scar, it bared its teeth and stood up slowly, snarling, ready to pounce. The others began getting up as well.
"No, hey, hey, it's ok, I mean no harm!" He assured it and reached inside his bag of holding. He pulled a large fish from inside and tossed it to the beast, "see? I'm a friend! I brought food to all of you!" He tossed more fishes to each of the animals surrounding him. They sniffed the offerings before happily devouring them. He had noticed they seemed rather skinny, so they more than welcomed the meal.
Scar smiled, continuing to feed them until another one of the giant cats approached him. This one was larger than the others and was side-eyeing him. The creature larger than two lions continued forward, enough so to make the merman swallow. He knew she could easily overpower him if she wanted. After a few uncomfortably long moments, she finally decided to eat as well. Once all of them were finished, they all laid down again and went back to sleep, seemingly unbothered by his presence. That made Scar smile. 
Finally, somewhere he was welcomed to.
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02021992 · 19 days
Teen Patti Master App
Download the Teen Patti Master App & get a Rs. 1500 bonus & 20% Bonus on every recharge. Play with your friends and multiple online users, earn real cash and withdraw into your bank account.
Teen Patti Master is a gaming app, where users can play multiple games and earn money, and Teen Patti Master provides instant withdrawal facilities to their customers.
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pathbend-blog · 1 month
We Win this This Trip
One Way Or Anothrr
"Altered Beast" is a classic arcade game originally released by Sega in 1988. It's known for its distinctive gameplay, where you control a resurrected centurion who has the ability to transform into powerful beasts with supernatural abilities.
### Plot:
The game is set in Ancient Greece and begins with the player being resurrected by Zeus to rescue his daughter Athena from the demon god Neff. As the player progresses through different levels, they fight off various undead and demonic creatures. With each level, the player collects power-ups (in the form of spirit balls) that gradually transform them into a more powerful beast form, such as a werewolf, dragon, bear, or tiger, each with unique abilities.
### Gameplay:
The gameplay involves navigating through different levels (usually five in total), battling enemies and avoiding obstacles. The final challenge of each level is a boss fight against Neff, who takes on different forms himself.
### Transformations and Powers:
- **Werewolf**: Enhanced speed and agility, powerful melee attacks.
- **Dragon**: Ability to fly and shoot lightning bolts.
- **Bear**: Stronger physical attacks and ground shockwaves.
- **Tiger**: Fast attacks and an agile form with powerful leaps.
### Walkthrough:
Here's a basic walkthrough for "Altered Beast":
1. **Level 1: Graveyard**
- Defeat the slow-moving undead and other creatures.
- Collect three spirit balls from white two-headed wolves to transform into the Werewolf.
- Boss Fight: Battle Neff as a giant head that spawns slow-moving zombies.
2. **Level 2: Underworld**
- More varied enemies including burrowing worms and jumping creatures.
- Collect spirit balls to transform into the Dragon.
- Boss Fight: Neff transforms into a green, armor-plated rhinoceros. Use the dragon’s flight and lightning to maintain distance and attack.
3. **Level 3: Cave**
- Encounter creatures like chicken stingers and bouncing blobs.
- Collect spirit balls to become the Bear.
- Boss Fight: Neff becomes a large plant-like creature. Use the Bear's shockwave attacks to defeat it.
4. **Level 4: Cavern**
- Face against flying and land-based enemies.
- Transform into the Tiger after collecting spirit balls.
- Boss Fight: Neff appears as a crocodile creature. Use the Tiger's agility and leaping attacks.
5. **Level 5: Neff's Palace**
- This level contains a mixture of all previous enemies.
- No transformations here; fight as the centurion.
- Final Boss: Neff in his final form. The strategy here is to dodge his attacks and continue to hit him until he is defeated.
### Ending:
Upon defeating Neff in the final battle, Athena is rescued, and the game concludes with her thanking the player. The game can be replayed with increased difficulty.
"Altered Beast" is remembered for its unique transformation feature and its famous line, "Rise from your grave," which is heard at the beginning of the game. It's a nostalgic title for many gamers and has been
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79kinggcomvn · 6 months
Dragon Tiger at 79King | A Super Hot Card Game
Introduction to the Dragon Tiger Card Game
Dragon Tiger, also known as Rồng Hổ in Vietnamese, is an engaging card game that attracts a large number of betting enthusiasts due to its simple rules and high winning odds. This genre is currently extremely popular in many online casinos. To gain a better understanding of this form of entertainment, you can follow the information shared by 79King.com below.
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Overview of the Dragon Tiger Card Game
Dragon Tiger (or Rồng Hổ) is a real money card game originating from Cambodia. When participating, you observe and place bets on three outcomes: dragon, tiger, and tie, according to the rules. The game uses 6 to 8 decks of cards, and each side is dealt one card. The side with the higher score wins, and in case of a tie, it is considered a draw.
Dragon Tiger features a simple gameplay, allowing players to make quick decisions without much time for contemplation. To achieve the desired victory, players need to be sharp and agile, choosing the lucky betting option to receive significant rewards.
Common Terms in Dragon Tiger
For convenient participation, it's advisable to familiarize yourself with common terms, which are usually indicated on the betting table to ensure a seamless betting experience:
Dealer: The person who deals the cards and is an employee of the casino. Dragon: Dragon bet. Tiger: Tiger bet. Tie: Tie bet. Detailed Gameplay of Dragon Tiger
Depending on the casino and the specific room, each round will determine the use of 6 to 8 decks of cards. It's essential to understand the rules to ensure a smooth gaming experience.
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Rules of Dragon Tiger
The rules of playing Dragon Tiger are straightforward, involving a combination of multiple Western decks of cards. To start, place your money on the side you believe has a high winning probability. The dealer will then deal the cards into two betting areas—Dragon and Tiger—according to the rules.
Each player is allowed to draw 2 cards, after which the dealer will reveal one card on the casino's side, and players will then reveal their cards one by one. The side with the highest score wins, and the player receives a reward.
Scoring in Dragon Tiger Online
Dragon Tiger online uses a standard 52-card Western deck, similar to traditional card games like Poker. However, there are differences in how points are calculated:
From 2 to 10: Points are counted based on the displayed number. Ace: Depending on the casino, the point may be counted as 1 or 10. J, Q, K: 10 points each. When participating, it's essential to remember these rules to accurately calculate your score and place an appropriate bet. Lack of understanding of these basic concepts may lead to incorrect decisions and quick loss of capital.
Tips for Winning Big in Dragon Tiger
Not only in Dragon Tiger but in any gambling activity, success requires preparation with basic experience and knowledge. The following effective betting tips will help customers increase their chances of winning substantial rewards:
Predicting Outcomes
Predicting outcomes is a valuable experience in playing Dragon Tiger and can yield positive results. Game rooms often display a summary of the previous results for players. Base your predictions on these results for upcoming bets.
For accurate predictions, analyze the previously appeared results. Although each round shows separate results, they are genuinely related. Players should pay attention to patterns in most betting rounds to make more accurate choices.
Using the Doubling Up Strategy
For this betting tip, observe and summarize the results of previous betting rounds. Players will identify patterns for specific sides to make predictions for themselves. If you notice a consistent pattern after 5 rounds, place a bet accordingly.
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For example, if the Tiger side has consecutively won 5 rounds and then switches to the Dragon side, follow that pattern for the next round. The appearance of the pattern may be long or short, so bettors should carefully analyze before making accurate decisions.
Utilizing the Double Bet Strategy
Double betting involves wagering on the repetition of results between two sides, with the Dragon winning first and the Tiger winning next. This betting tactic is effective and easy to apply, with a success rate of over 90%. Follow the previous rounds of Dragon and Tiger to determine if there is a continuous repetition, and use it to bet on the next round. This strategy is sure to help customers win substantial profits.
Playing the Martingale System
Doubling up is the most basic strategy, doubling the amount into the next hand when losing, and returning to the initial capital when winning. This approach can be applied not only to Dragon Tiger but also to other games. However, the weakness of this method is that losing multiple hands in a row can easily lead to capital loss. Players must be cautious in managing their capital and carefully analyze predictions to avoid quickly depleting their funds.
The information above is shared by 79King to help you understand more about the Dragon Tiger card game. Mastering this knowledge serves as a foundation for players to achieve many victories and bring home significant prize money. Stay tuned for more useful articles updated on the Casino channel!
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88myrcom · 7 months
Easily beat the dealer with 10 tips for playing Dragon Tiger
With a win rate of up to 98%, Dragon Tiger at M88 is not only one of the interesting games but also the top choice of the majority of players.
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w88youcom · 1 year
Sharing top 3 Dragon tiger game tips and Winning tricks to claim RM 30
Learn the basics and study some strategies https://www.w88you.info/dragon-tiger-game-tips-tricks/
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rummynewapp · 1 year
Play Rummy New App's Ultimate Teen Patti Joy
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Today I'm going to tell you about the best and most recent Teen Patti Joy app. You can earn hundreds of rupees by playing games on this app while sitting at home. If you want to know how to make money without playing games, read this post at Rummy New App carefully.
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Monthly Bonus
If your system tax and charge totaled more than "1000" the previous week, choose "Weekly Bonus" to be eligible for an additional "500" bonus. (You must register as "VIP 1" to receive this treatment!).
The refer-and-earn strategy described above allows you to make money without investing. After that, I'll show you how to make money quickly by playing games on the "Rummy New App."
Money should be transferred from your bank account to your Rummy New App account. To bet more money and have a better chance of winning, you should contribute at least 1001 rupees.
When the funds are added. Choose "Dragon VS Tiger."
Bet Rs. 10 on "Drago" or "Tige."
Assume you placed a wager on "Tige."
If you win, you will receive 10 x 1.95 = 19.5 rupees. However, the "Dragon" triumphs. Again, place a bet of Rs. 10 + Rs. 20 = Rs. 30 on the Tiger.
You will receive 30 x 1.95 = 58.5 if you win this time.
However, if you continue to lose and do not win, employ the following winning strategy!
Where Can I Get My Money?
Withdrawing funds from Rummy New App requires two steps. It's easy and only takes a few seconds to deposit funds into your bank account.
From the app's home screen, Click "Withdraw," enter the amount of the withdrawal, and then click the "Withdraw" button.
Within a few minutes, your funds will be transferred to the bank of your choice.
Click "Record" to view and record the withdrawal progress.
You can contact customer service with any problem. Their help is prompt and courteous!
Friends, you can withdraw any money you have earned using this app as long as you have at least Rs. 100. You can begin using a bank account or a UPI here. In less than 5 minutes, your funds will be deposited into your bank account and UPI.
Friends VIPs can access an option in the Teenpatti Joy App after purchasing Daily Bonus Earn. You will see the VIP option for this. You can purchase Teen Patti Joy VIP by clicking on it.
Daily Bonus: Log in every day to redeem your Daily Bonus. Weekly Bonus: To be eligible for the weekly bonus, you must log in every week. Monthly Bonus: Log in once per month to access your monthly premium. Move up a level to qualify for the monthly award.
Why is there a download button if you enjoy playing this Rummy New App game? Click on it to download the game and begin earning money right away. If you want this material, please inform your loved ones.
Teen Patti Joy APK Specifications
Assume you want to make money with Teen Patti APK. As a result, before you download this application, we will notify you of some of its key features. Any reservations you have will be dispelled once you learn more about the benefits of this application. Let us go over the main features of the Teen Patti Yes APK.
Play a Game With Real People: You can play online Rummy and Teen Patti games with real people using this app. Thousands of players are always ready to play the games Teen Patti and Rummy in this application. Rummy and Teen Patti can be played against live opponents here.
Play this game in your native tongue:
The ability to play the game in your native language is one of the app's best features, my friends. This app is available in three languages: English, Hindi, and Punjabi Urdu. All of these languages are supported by this program.
Message Your Friends:
Friends, another fantastic feature of this app has been discovered. While playing this game, you can communicate with your friends. Interacting with other players in this game will enhance your enjoyment.
Outstanding User Experience:
The user interface of this application is excellent. To the best of its ability, this program highlights all of its features. You will see what a professional application looks like if you download and run this application from this page.
Withdrawal of Quick Payments:
The ability to withdraw payments quickly is the program's most notable feature. Payments beginning at 100 can be canceled here. Furthermore, within 24 hours of the charge withdrawal, your funds are credited to your bank account.
Excellent Deals:
Friends, in this application, the company offers you several exclusive offers. The company will send you a new proposal once a month. Use your request to receive free incentives and commissions that will be useful as you play free games on this program.
Several Games:
Friends You can play card games and other activities in this app. Teen Patti, Rummy, Casino Poker, Ludo, and Cricket are all available here. There are numerous other fantastic games available here as well.
Quick Assistance:
Talk to your friends about the application's support system. The company will fully support you in this endeavor. If you have a problem at this location, the company will resolve it as soon as possible.
There are several sources of income:
In terms of earning money, there are numerous opportunities in this program. This program allows you to earn money by playing games. You can also earn money by promoting this app.
For more details and a chance to win a sign-up bonus, go to Rummynabob.fun or Rummynewapp.fun.
1 note · View note
To be successful at Game Betting Strategy over the long term, experience and careful planning are essential, despite the fact that luck plays a considerable role in the activity. This is the case even if the probability of an outcome is low.
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02021992 · 1 month
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Download the Teen Patti Master App & get a Rs. 1500 bonus & 20% Bonus on every recharge. Play with your friends and multiple online users, earn real cash and withdraw into your bank account.
Teen Patti Master is a gaming app, where users can play multiple games and earn money, and Teen Patti Master provides instant withdrawal facilities to their customers.
One such game app is Teen Patti Master, which gives users the chance to win real money while offering an exciting gaming experience. With millions of installations and players from all around the world, including India, Teen Patti Master is an immensely popular game that has amazing opportunities to win up to Rs. 10,000 per week.
We are always happy to solve our customer’s queries anytime. Teen Patti Master App provides multiple games like Teen Patti, Dragon vs Tiger, Rummy, Aviator, Andar Bahar, 7 Up & Down, etc. So friends Download the Teen Patti Master App & Earn as much as possible.
Teen Patti Master is the ideal game to play with friends or family if you're searching for something to do. The game Teen Patti Master is simple to pick up and may be played for hours on end. So, why do you hesitate? Start playing now by downloading the Teen Patti Master APK game app! One such game that appeals to players of all ages is Teen Patti.
For people who like playing card games, the Teen Patti Master apk app is a great and addictive game. The multiplayer features of the app allow users to communicate and plan strategies with one another, which adds to its enjoyment. The Teen Patti Master APK App is certain to keep you entertained for hours with its plenty of features and simple design.
With the growing popularity of mobile gaming, it's now easier than ever to play Teen Patti anywhere and whenever you want, thanks to the Teen Patti Master App.
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yolo247blogs · 2 years
Follow this dragon tiger game strategy to win:
Count The Cards This game is perfect for those who like keeping track of the cards by counting since very few cards are dealt. For instance, pay attention to 7s, which are losing cards, and check how many 7s are dealt from the deck.
Don't Rely on the Betting Systems Regardless of what you might have heard about betting systems in Dragon Tiger, we'll make it clear for you they don't work. Rather than wasting your time trying to learn some betting system, a more useful alternative is to follow our tips and save yourself from ending up frustrated.
Never Bet on a Tie Betting on a tie indeed has a high payout odds, which are 8:1. But it also has a house advantage of up to 32.77%. That is why only the fortunate ones win when betting on a tie.
Understand The Game Rather than rushing into betting, take your time to analyze and execute a specific strategy. Observe the dealer, and if possible, record the results of every game so you can make more precise betting decisions in the future.
Manage Your Bankroll If you wish to keep playing longer without wasting all your money, a good strategy is to place smaller bets more times. This way you'll get more out of your available bankroll, rather than playing a few games and potentially losing your money over a short period.
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neeno837 · 2 years
Basics of Baccarat Playing
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In no way is baccarat distinct from other games. The playing strategies for general online gambling websites, or even baccarat at a casino, or online baccarat, are comparable. The structure is nearly same. Comfort levels will differ, or is that just the environment?
and for playing baccarat online It's a simple game that may be played for quick cash. because the online baccarat game allows for swift credit deposits and withdrawals. It is against the rules to force the player to guess. Which card side will have the most overall points? It will be compensated to do just that if the guess is accurate. Similar to the game of Pokdeng, Baccarat will feature a mechanism for calculating the card points. However, we won't limit our play with the dealer to that.
baccarat online It's a wager made with a casino. You can choose from two piles with two cards on each side, called the player's side (player) and the banker's side (Banker). You are free to pick whichever team you want to gamble on. which, after the dealer has dealt a hand of cards Any side with larger cards or nine points will be deemed the winner of that round. The guidelines are as follows.
In Baccarat, the 9-point card, sometimes known as Pok 9, has the highest value.
Pok 8 (eight points), the second-largest card size after Pok 9,
J, Q, and K are worth 10. (if 2 or 3 pairs of cards are turned out, it will be equal to 0 points).
Baccarat cards will result in a total score of 9, which is the highest. The total will be regarded as equal to 0 if it is 10 points or less, but if it is 11 points or more, only the number of units can be tallied, for example, 5 cards plus 9 cards. 14, however only 4 points are used in baccarat
The dealer will deal extra cards if the sum of the cards is fewer than 5. and if it is assumed that a draw will occur, the cards will be worth less than the starting point of the opposing side. The other side will win this round without needing to draw any more cards. They must be raised to remeasure unless the other side has fewer than 5 points. If it turns out that all five cards have the same value, it will be deemed a draw. No more draws.
These are just merely introductory guidelines. On your baccarat website, you can get more information on how to play alternative third card draw regulations.
The gateway to apply for the most well-liked online baccarat websites is UFADEAL เว็บแทงบาคาร่าไม่ผ่านเอเย่นต์ . In addition to sports wagers on events like football, basketball, Muay Thai, international boxing, fighting cock, and e-sports, this site also features a variety of other casino games for you to play, including roulette, dice, dragon tiger, bounce, and online slots. UFADEAL continues to satisfy the needs of those seeking information up to 0.7%. How to use a website to bet baccarat at least 10 baht because you may bet baccarat on our website for just 10 baht. Applying for membership using your LINE ID is possible at: @UFADEAL here. Our Call crew is here. 24-hour service center for you.
Visit the following website for further details: https://www.tumblr.com/
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88myrcom · 8 months
9 Dragon Tiger winning strategies to win up to RM900 every day Chance of winning up to 98% in Dragon Tiger game https://www.88myr.com/9-dragon-tiger-winning-strategies/
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