#winter is about fighting yule deer to the death
eorzeashan · 9 months
Echani Wintertide: "Trul's Tide"
Winter is a vital time in Echani culture, given their connection to the cold and the frost of their home planets. While it is a time of life and celebration much like the rest of the galaxy, it is also one of war and tribulations for the Echani. This period bears witness to some of the most important rites of passage for a people said to be born from the fallen snow, as cold and majestic as the season they revere the most.
To understand the naming convention of such an auspicious event, one must revisit the Echani religion. Trul is a main deity of the Echani pantheon, the mother wolf and the god of the Echa'olm, ancestor to all Echani and Eshan wolves whom the Echani owe their descent to. She is a multi-legged, massive Echa'olm who rules over the night sky, and it is said the light of the largest stars seen from Eshan are her eyes--with the rest of the constellations being that of her many children.
The season of winter is named after her not only because of ancient Echani reverence of the cold, but because legend states that freshly fallen snow is the shed fur of Trul, whose pelt is whiter than bone, softer than feather down and colder than the sea. Every winter, Trul and her pups do battle in the sky with the giant armored nerf-deer named Ne'Yool to kick off the annual hunts, and the ferocity of their battle is said to be the cause of earthquakes and massive snowfall in the region. This is true in part, as Ne'Yool's own species are not actually nerf-deer as the name suggests, but a mammalian semi-aquatic fish who migrate to land every winter in search of warmer climates. The nerf-deer tunnel through Eshan's glaciers, causing earthquakes and such, and bringing with them a dark tide as they ascend the ice beaches. This is why winter is named "Trul'stide".
The nerf-deer are hunted every winter in preparation for the celebratory feasts, as tributes to Trul and the primary source of meat in a time of little sustenance. Due to their natural outer bone formations, nerf-deer are considered formidable foes, and great honor is given to warriors who slay any number of them. Nerf-deer goulash, cooked right within the shell, is a regional specialty that varies from planet to planet, province to province, yet each Echani settlement claims theirs is the original recipe. Such is the importance of Ne'Yool and Trul's bounty; adults partake of the meat, and children are given the bones and tendons to chew and play with. The children of the chief hunter are given the marrow, seasoned with spices, as a reward.
Winter is not just for the hunt; it is a time of reflection, observation, survival...and the extension of the family. Seekers, or single Echani searching for the children of other families to adopt, take this time to adorn themselves with a pup-pouch--an elaborate outer carrying bag lined with decor that speaks of the life they've lived thus far as a warrior, with the inside containing soft blanket material made from their own fur. As explained before, Echani often raise children unrelated to them by blood, and it is common for children to choose different parents to live different life experiences with before moving on to the next, and rarer for them to only stay with the parents of their birth. The pup-pouch is scented with the bearer's pheromones on Trul'stide, and if successful, will attract a new child who will climb into the pouch to signify that they accept their new parent. Seeker meetups often happen at the Trul'stide feasts where most Echani gather, hence marking Winter as a time of family.
Recent adaptations of Life Day from the wider galaxy to Trul'stide have seen the adoption of the cultural precedent of gifts in Eshan, especially those to children, but it is not seen as a requirement. Young adults are more likely to celebrate the modern way, given their fascination with the outer worlds (and partying). While Eshan sees much jubilation in this time like many other cultures, it is not always peaceful: in late winter the government exams are held. It is a time when Echani warriors vye for the highest position on the Seat of Sisters, Eshan's main governing body.
However, the government exams are not written. Rather, mass combative tournaments are held where warriors challenge each other to single combat with a judging panel overseeing the duel, who keep note of the character of the fighter and their methods, as well as the eventual victor. Echani body-language reading abilities allow the panel to judge the fitness of an individual for a particular government seat by measuring their strength in both physicality and mentality, and if the panel is in unanimous favor, they are allowed to move on to the next battle until only one individual remains to be elected for their new position. Warriors seeking to rise politically train all year for the exams, and current seat-holders strengthen their defenses in case of declared war outside of the tourneys. Ancient times saw much bloodshed in wintertime as warriors fought one another for seats and privileges, leading to the creation of the exams.
In more recent times, in an attempt to appeal to tourism and the spirit of the season, Eshan has seen fit to hold the tourneys over holovid, and for the first time in many centuries, allow offworlders to spectate the tournaments in person--resulting in a multi-billion credit sport where fans flock to the stadiums to witness Echani martial arts in this time. Echani Exam tickets are a popular Life Day gift, and signed paraphernalia has become part of the exams itself for those who treat the tourneys as a special occasion. The mascots representing the government games, Echi and Thrys who are white and brown echa'olms, are especially loved by children and given exclusively as Life Day plushies.
Eshan has seen much modernization when it comes to Trul'stide, even adapting to the galaxy-wide cultural phenomenon of Life Day, yet retains its own traditions when it comes to winter. This, and its importance to the culture, will never change.
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rachaelrice · 3 years
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C A I L L E A G H “CAHL-eeochh” / etymology = “veiled one” from Latin “woolen cloak” Gaelic (Scotland, Ireland, Isle of Man) ancestor hag-goddess who rules winter, runs with wolves, protects the deer, and creates the weather. She is ancient, from before there were “white people” and possibly before there were light-skinned people, she made mountains and whirlpools. She created and destroyed, she was mother and she was death. She carried a staff, or a hammer, or a broom, and where it struck the ground, ice formed and nothing grew. “She threw it beneath the hard holly tree / where no grass or fur has ever grown.” In the time between Samhain (late fall) and Bealltainn (late spring), she roams the lands before ceding (or becoming) Brìghde [Brigid]. Legend has it that she would gather firewood on February 1st (Imbolc) and if it was sunny, she could get plenty of wood and there would be more winter to come. Or you might see her as a large bird carrying sticks in her beak. For me, between Yule and Imbolc is particularly depressing. Taking down the holiday decor was particularly sad for me this year. I struggle to find my path around this time and often feel “neither here nor there,” which I suppose is correct given the season. But it’s still hard. It is still winter but there are stirrings of spring, and it’s good to remember many seeds need to be frozen before they can sprout: breaking in half the way a heart sometimes does when it longs for something it’s not yet time for. Shout out to @jenlemen’s The Nest for this insight. There is no rush, but the anticipation can be nearly unbearable. It’s good to know the ancient goddess had to fight her way into spring as well. It never came without a struggle. And once upon a time, a corn dolly “Cailleach” was made from the last of the harvested grain by the first farmer to finish their harvest and tossed into a neighbor’s field who was not done with their field work. That doll would need care all winter to assure the next good crop. She’s being tossed now into the good care of @melaniedewberry_ who also knows about the magical practice ways. Photos: late winter around the PNW. https://www.instagram.com/p/CZP90n6PuIn/?utm_medium=tumblr
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violetregicide · 7 years
Province: Gao'dir ((guy-oh deer))) Capital City: Pedret (pea-dret)) Colors: blue, red, and orange Symbol: a solid black anchor Races: bipedal feral-foots(aka pawfoot trolls), polar fishtrolls, standard landwelling trolls(humanoid) Government: Kratocracy(sole rule by the Emperor) Religion: Pantheon of the Four Celestials(open religion that centeres on worship of the sun, Pelonris(peh-loan-ris) and three moons, Ferjn(fee-yearn), the smallest, Untrei(oon-trey), the largest, and Yulrec(yule-wreek)the green moon) Worship of the Lady of the Ice is the second main religion in this province, though not widely practiced anywhere outside of the uppermost region and by sailors hailing from upper Gao'dir. Resources: Gold, iron, stone, fish, and tech related hard drives and memory chips Description of Major Cities: Pedret, Capitol(very high population, most diverse city): a large secure city or stone carved into the side of a moutain, overlooking the weathered, icy port and the choppy Gradosian Sea. It looks very underwhelming and bleak for a capital, but most of the actual city is in the carved out inside of the mountains hull. The inner city has levels upon levels of different stores homes and businesses stacked on top of each other, all carved into the moutain side over many generations, connected by paved stone walkways, wooden bridges for the newer constructs. It is kept heated by a lava pool discovered a bit aways from the moutain center. Mixed caste populous    Nuum'yal(noom-yall)(medium population): this city is only polar fishtrolls. It is so far up by the poles, that any other specie of troll who try to live there perish witin a week or less. Since the city is in the middle of the upper middle, windy polar tundra. The buildings of the city are all very low and close to the ground, with odd swooping, leaning round shapes. If you didnt know better, on first glance the white windowless buildings look like snowdrifts. There is two gold mines next to the city, which puts it on high on the list of importance to the Empires economy. All low-mid tier violet populous. Eqlin(eck-lyn)(high population) is city is located on the outskirt of the middle region, border the top of the lower regions forests, sandwiched inbetween a stone gully and the trees. Most of the buildings are either carved into the stone cliff, dug into the ground, or made from wood. The city is more or less highly populated because of the two mines, which provide good jobs and pay. Mostly a midblood populous. Xaykiltriq(zay-keel-treek)(very high population): this city is one of the most scenic cities in the entire province. Taking example from the magnificent treehives of Treseti, most of the buildings are in the air, suspended between the mixed oak and pine forests. Super strong wires and cables hold the constructs up, with swinging wooden bridges connecting between each platform. The ground below is completely open and grassy, and is usually converted into a trading market during the night, covered in all different stalls from the other provinces. Its lively and bustling, lit by floating lanterns and lights in the traders stalls, so many other trolls voices ringing together, different scents from the foods being cooked, so many different glittering, colorful wares surrounding the crowded walkways. Its a very popular visitors spot because of all the different spots to see. The mining section is a half mile from the city itself, six medium sized mines scattered loosely around a quater mile area. A small town has sprung up around the mines, housing the trolls that work there. The different mines contain silicon, titanium, granite, iron, copper, and a single marble quarry. Mixed lowblood populous Most of the stone and the matierals for making the tech comes from here History: the first residents of Gao'dir were prisoners sent to the bitterly cold province as a death sentence, a final way of ridding extra charges who were clogging up the sytem during the rule of Their Imperial Valliance. Among them were twelve feralfoots, twenty polars, and thirteen various caste regular trolls who together started the barebones construction of the now capitol city of Pedret in the mother moutain. They never expected the prisoners to survive, let alone settle down and declare independence from the empire Gao'dir is the youngest province on Beforus, only belonging to the Empire for 2,457 sweeps. This means is dosent have as much political power as the other older provinces. But theyre working on improving their standing with the Empire, considering there is now a new ruler on the throne. Physical: most that live here have a thick, padded muscular build. Long thick hair and weathered skin is a common sight to see around much of these parts. Even the smallest troll in Gao'dir is stronger and leaner than the average troll on Beforus.
Mannerisms: The people of the upmost region of Gao'dir are a quiet, gruff bunch. Not much talking is done, as that wastes precious hest and energy. In fact, most use technology to properly communicate from troll to troll. They hold the appearances of savages, but its the complete opposite. They practice good manners, and are quite polite to those they have accepted into their various close knit communes. They have some of the strongest group “family structures” out of any others in the provinces. Young trolls and their lusii are recruited into one of the many small villages, where they are offered safety and food in return for helping contribute to the village. Middle region Gao'dir residents are much livelier and chattier than the upper regions, there being more abundant resources to contribute to other activities. Theyre often found running about, huddled in small groups either chatting or exchanging items. Sometimes fights break out, but rarely, since most cant afford to be hurt in any manner without death looming Lower region has a strict work ethic for the most part, housing the most mines in the entire province. The trolls here look harsh, tough and muscled, less padded and fatty built than the others
Weather patterns: The upper regions of Gao'dir experience constant below zero tempatures, and blizzard like conditions near daily. Only the hardiest of life can live in these areas without perishing. The middle regions are best described as arctic tundra with dwarfed shrubbery and trees scattered about. Weather can go from mild springlike weather, to being just as bad as the poles in a matter of hours. Cholerbears are common in these regions, and caution should be exercised when traveling the tundras. The lower areas are nothing but mixed forests, which are visited by rain and sleet/snow on the daily depending on the season. This region of the province is the most densely populated, as tempatures are nowhere as extreme as is in the upper two regions. Language: basic Beforean is the main language, slang and other colloquialism is freely exchanged depending on region. Sign language and local languages are also used. Cuisine: upper regions mostly eat wild lusii and large fish they hunt down, sometimes other trolls if times are desparate enough, but many refuse to go to those lengths. Insects are a rare springtime delicacy that are greatly savored when they are available. Middle regions eat ground nuts, tubers, lusus/cholerbear/bird meat, and fish if by the shoreline. Bark and sometimes berries are also consumed as a protien packed snack for the hunters. Lower regions have a heavy meat based diet, herding alien cattle and hunting native wildlife, sometimes adding hardy winter greens to suppliment their meals. Vegetables can be grown in this region, and so those are added in when needed, and also traded to the uppermost regions for money and other goods they cant get where they are Transport: by foot, via mount, or transportalizer Greetings: “May the the Light of the Three Ladies guide your path”, the classic grunt n nod, most greetings vary per group
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