fixquotes · 7 months
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"Life's Tragedy is that we get old to soon and wise too late"
- Benjamin Franklin
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nashnausher · 3 years
NASH 2021 - it’s July, my birthday month! Lets make Chess great again Lets make the Renaissance great again Lets make the Baroque great again Lets make the Gothic great again Lets make Chiaroscuro great again Lets make Poetry great again Lets make Reading great again Lets make Debating great again Lets make Beauty great again #me #gymselfie #selfietime #wisdomcomeswithage #july2021 #birthdaymonth (at Vancouver, British Columbia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CQ_izCWlL6W/?utm_medium=tumblr
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jerilynnphoto · 3 years
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I don’t want to scare anybody about getting older, but here’s one of those things that you should be aware of once your body starts aging. A little self-care goes a very long way. These photos were not taken a year apart. I took the photo on the left yesterday afternoon. I just took the one on the right this afternoon, on the first day of the new year. Yesterday I had not gotten enough sleep the night before. Last night I slept well. I dyed my hair, took a shower, dry brushed my skin, and I’ve been drinking water. There is no filter on either photo. I took both of them outside my front door. My lesson here (besides humility for me😜) is that if you don’t take care of your body, no amount of lotion is going to keep you looking young. I plan on reverse aging this year by filling my body and my soul with the right things for me. We only get one body to house our souls and to share our beautiful spirits with others in this human existence. Let’s try to be kinder to ourselves as we work so hard to be kinder to the world. You ladies take care of yourselves. It’s not an indulgence or a luxury. It is a necessity! Happy new year, loves🥳🎉🎈🤩🥂🍾💥🥰 #selfcareisvital #takecareofyourbody #agingisaprivilege #agingisntforwimps #eathealthyfood #dothethings #agingisokay #wisdomcomeswithage #wisewoman #maidenmothercrone #maybeyoushouldgoandloveyourself #youloveyou #dailycare #womenshealth #nurtureyourself #nurtureyoursoul #feedyourbody #feedyourmind #empathchick #universalmomma (at Coral Springs, Florida) https://www.instagram.com/p/CJhS2dULr-B/?igshid=birhjputzoe7
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My eyes
I have BIG eyes. I used to hear that all my life growing up and I hated it. Now I see how beautiful my eyes completes my face. 
If I knew then what I know now...
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mi1ir · 7 years
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S 😅 D #olddays #truestories #peoplecallingmebali #wisdomcomeswithage #canyoutell
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bigbootysmurf-blog · 7 years
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Realist ish ever wrote!!! #repost #wisdomcomeswithage
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ble3eding · 7 years
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#wisdom #wisdomcomeswithage #alberteinstein #knowledge #knowyourworth #knowledgeispower #bedifferent #bewierd #anticonformity #anticonformist
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efabuloushb · 7 years
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Plant kindness, harvest support. Plant love, harvest kindness. Plant good vibes, harvest love. Be the kindness you need in this world. Harvest the love around you. #FabWorld #BibleHasSomeCoolPoints #Harvest #Life #WisdomComesWithAge http://ift.tt/2iedBDZ
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I keep hearing some rumbling about "well I'll just take you to the hospital myself" Because I can't quit the fever. It's addicted to me more than lust on Viagra. I had to eat for my pain medication... So I did but it just caused some serious neausua.. still three hours later. And I only ate rice. I have to sit up.. no laying down... Idk why.. gravity I suppose So then Jeremyuh and i get into it because he thinks his 20 year old daughter should not say bad words He's all "I've wished we could have this moment for so long" I won BTW He tried the whole whining "but Sabrina" trick on me. He's still cute after all these years but the whole "I'm older than you were when you died" thing got him. #wisdomcomeswithage "So what's a few words gonna hurt? It's not like she's not dead" So then he tried telling me how he was out at the bar when Jesse murdered the kids. And he went on and on. And I was like okay.. Just listening to his whole story about what a horrible person he was. I didn't even care. Surprisingly he was graphic but I didn't feel like throwing up... But I was all "if I lose on this next game of wizard of Oz then I'm not believing you" So I lost. Then I told him he was stupid for expecting me to when I know how much he disliked Jesse and would use any excuse to get rid of him or at least not leave me in the house with him. But apparently Jesse had lied to me after and said that Jeremyuh had lied and was at the bar. Okay well when I'm emotional I tend to believe shit that I know isn't true. Plus I was all in Trauma and shit. And honestly I probably just wanted a reason not to care that he was murdered in front of me. Just to be angry instead of heart broken and sad. And scared. So Matt's all "I'm gonna take you to the hospital" Like all random all day. I'm fucking sick and people are freaking out. Nothing really seems right. I decided awhile ago to stop caffeine.. so I been working on it for like two weeks... I know that the withdrawals are bad so I make sure I have some almost every day. But it's just headaches mostly... So nothing is quite right that I'm dehydrated. Or barfing. I wanted to throw up while drinking a coke so.. idk I told Matt I didn't believe he would come take me to the hospital. I told him "you're gonna come like Jeremyuh did, too late" So idk what's wrong. I guess my kidney was infected... So.. that's why I was on the Antibiotics yesterday and my wbc is like double... Still no reason really to be puking... And not dropping the fever. So I'll drink some water... Take more pills. See if god really gave him the balls.
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shitgarristexts · 8 years
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On aforementioned chaperoning trip, I took students to Georgetown’s favorite restaurant.  Garris wanted to make sure I had my head screwed on right.
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melaniefiona · 8 years
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GrannyIsm #68. 💜 #WisdomComesWithAge #Awake xo
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Perched in a tall oak tree, Artemis surveyed the grounds below her. Or that was her name now, anyway. She had chosen it on her first day here, three days ago. She watched the sun slowly begin to dip below the horizon, and for a moment, wondered if maybe she should head in. Did it get cold at night here? Maybe. What was the point of her being here? She knew, without a doubt, that she was not in the running to be the next 'L'. Nor did she want to be. This was her life! She didn't want L's life. A moving shape caught her eye, and she pushed herself up slightly to look at it. The long figure of Watari was walking through the grounds. Glancing around, it occurred to her he probably was looking for her. Everyone else was already inside. Slowly, she slipped from the branches and headed down to meet him.
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starherd · 12 years
[[ Real Life has struck and struck rather nastily again.  It may be a while until I can respond to anybody.  I'm hoping it's only days, but then next weekend I'll be without internet for three days.  :(  Right when I thought I was getting closer to catching up, too... ]]
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