#wise words from a elementary student
gibsongirled · 20 days
the scientist.
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description: as a scientist, you were told by your professors and peers that anything could happen anytime. you just didn't expect it to happen while you were trying to find a cure.
warnings: mentions of blood, guns, death (not reader), apocalypse au.
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Your parents once said that you were destined for something great. Of course, they were right in a way.
You’ve always had a sense of perseverance- that and your innate fear of failing. Your parents and their friends have said that you were wise beyond your years and they were right. I mean, adults were always right, right? But you also had a nagging feeling of being inferior to other people. You didn’t know how that started; maybe it was when your teacher in elementary said that you spelled a word wrong on your homework - of course, they spelled it right - and it just spiraled down from there.
You spun around in your chair, tapping your fingers on your knees. It was a slow day in the lab- some people were out, some high school students were signing up to be interns, and you could hear multiple voices - some frantic and some calm - as they walked past your door and down the hall. You stopped spinning, seeing that the lab adjacent to yours had people in hazmat suits wheeling a body bag in there and then left it on the autopsy table. That was the only glimpse you got before the doors shut in your face and then you let out a sigh, being bored again.
Your lab partner, Hannah, was late again for the third time that week and you tried to keep the lab running as smoothly as you could. That included being on hold with the IT department for several hours because the computers were down and you had to digitize some files that were on your desk since yesterday. And the centrifuge needed to be replaced due to a malfunction, but you’ll bring it up with Hannah if she even ends up coming in tonight. You wouldn’t blame her if she didn’t though, some weird flu thing was going around and most of the staff that worked in the labs were out sick- except for you apparently.
That weird flu thing was the reason you were stuck in the lab anyway. A strain of a new upgraded version of the hemorrhagic fever was going around Little Rock and a few cases were documented. You were half sure that the person in the body bag in the lab adjacent was a victim of the virus.
You were back to tweaking the formula since the first clinical trial on a group didn’t have the outcome that you and Hannah expected. Hannah barged in late, pushing through the door with the palm of her hand as she rummaged through her bag for something. It was routine at this point and you gave her a nod for a greeting, and carefully shook a test tube full of clear liquid.
You didn’t like the lab all too much. It felt clean and sterile in a way that made you feel like the very existence of yourself would taint the room. Hannah didn’t seem to share the same idea as you, but the two of you were different in every way, so it was not a surprise. You both sat in silence across the room from each other and worked on your respective tasks, the only sounds in the room was the clinking of test tubes and clacky sounds from the keyboard as Hannah typed away on the janky computer that looked like it was from the 90s. You often wondered if the higher ups even planned to replace some of the equipment- that thought sometimes stray away from you and end up into the ball of thoughts that make you wonder why you were even working here.
They say the equation for humor is tragedy plus time. You don’t know who said that, but they were either right or terribly wrong.
Loud red lights blared above you, bathing you in its bright light. There was a joke about this; an epidemiologist and a virologist walked into a bar, of course the joke’s been wiped clean. You didn’t tell it correctly anyway. You were not that good at making jokes, but that didn’t stop you from keeping them in your notes app.
Hannah had left the room to grab a tissue sample from the person in the body bag in the other lab and you didn’t think much of it. Everything was going well until you heard a loud scream and the alarm followed after, causing you to run and lock the door like the drills had instructed. You hoped that Hannah was alright and that this was just another unscheduled drill that they sprung upon the staff. You watched through the small window on the door, seeing men in hazmat suits running down the hall. Jeez, they really went all out for the drill this time. Well that was your thought until you saw blood flow across the floor tiles and your eyes widened. You backed away from the door, your eyes catching Hannah in the other lab as she looked around in a panic.
You froze in place, feeling like the floor suddenly turned into quicksand and making it hard for you to move as the man - who was originally zipped up in the body bag - that was on the autopsy table behind Hannah suddenly sat up. He looked pale and his face looked disfigured, blood seeped down his eyes and noise as his mouth was in a fixed position. You tried to scream, tried to warn her that she needed to get out of there right now, but your warnings fell on deaf ears as the alarm was louder and she was far away from you. Hannah saw you, catching the fear in your wide eyes and hearing the heavy, raspy breathing behind you.
You watched as she turned slowly, being face to face with something that not even the best Hollywood SFX artists could recreate. You could see that she didn’t even get the chance to scream before the man - he wasn’t even a man now, just some creature inhabiting the body of a man - tore her neck off, spraying blood against the window on the door.
A scream lodged itself in your throat and you felt your hands clam up. You had to leave. You couldn’t stay here forever. This wasn’t even in your paygrade and maybe it was in the NDA you signed, but what kind of NDAs have zombie outbreaks listed? Maybe you should have read inbetween the lines a little bit more before you signed your life away to be a victim to a creature that’s probably mindless.
You watched as men in hazmat suits kicked down the door that Hannah was in, shooting the man… creature? You don’t know, still trying to wrap your mind around it, and trying not to pass out or puke, or both. Shit happens in Little Rock, right?
You have to get out of here.
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dallasgallant · 2 months
Time period post: Terminology and technology
This started as quick and easy smaller one but it’s sort of diverged into subsections, anyways… this’ll be on some of the existing technology and terminology of them time. There was actually a far bit more than you’d assume.
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Let’s start terminology wise. “Refrigerated air” is still one of my favorites that I’ve discovered, it basically means that a building is air conditioned! HUGE! NEW THING! It was being added to motels, businesses - homes eventually etc. so a motel being “Refrigerated air, color Tv, swimming pool” is a really damn nice place. Now days motels seem to be looked down upon but they’ve always been a huge part of the culture, especially when cars were new and big and the height of road trips back in the 1950s-60s. (Howard Johnsons , holiday inn etc) this was also the height of roadside attractions/tourist traps think ‘worlds largest’ anything, Route 66 (before it crumped into the remains of today)
Another terminology heavy thing is Schooling,
Back in the day it was much more common to hear “Primary school” in America than it is now an alternative is Grammar school - both of which being daycare-Elementary. Then “junior high” was more common than Middle school
But in a smaller town it’s also common to have more than one if not all of these schools and grade levels shoved into one huge building.
Corporal punishment- hitting students, was still a thing. (Also the argument of basically student rights/are people when it came to anti war protest in high schools)
Desegregation of schools began.
Schools also started later in the morning but still got out at a decent time; this changed in the 1980s
As for general terminology a lot of slang is still used today that was introduced in the 60s, I’d recommend looking it up but for JD specific stuff I do have a post up!
It’s also important to recognize some of their language would be outdated… not actively out to harm but they wouldn’t have knowledge of language 50+ years in the future etc. (like how a lot of older phrases or words have become offensive etc)
As for technology, a lot was changing too. The computer was still new and huge— spanning rooms as this huge mechanical thing that was going to get man to the moon. Still far from being in homes. However, still a lot of neat stuff and gadgets for people to play with.
The 60s are really the height of what we’d now consider “Retrofuturism” with how maybe one day they’ll be huge video screens and transporters and video watches and world peace etc. there was a obsession with progress and innovation in a very optimistic way.
Though if you wanted to transport your music (and weren’t going to carry a huge ass record player around) you have small portable radios but also hand/shirt pocket ones as well. I can’t speak to sound quality …
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Phones were still on the wall or on the table. Color tv was slowly being adopted in households across the country— but still pretty $$$ a lot of people would be sticking with B&W even if tv and movies were making the more permanent switch.
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So uh fun fact about cars. It wasn’t until 1968 models came out that seatbelts were standard and required. It’s more than likely the boys cars don’t have seatbelts. (They were invented in the late 50s and it sort of depended)
Bench seats were also super common so it didn’t matter which side of a car you got into as you could just slide across. You can see where this only adds to teen car culture- make out points, drive ins with some uh backseat bingo (actual term! Lmao)
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Gravity Falls School-Related Headcanons
Both Dipper and Mabel are good students, although Mabel does occasionally get in trouble for getting distracted/not sitting still/talking in class, however, they're both generally considered to be good kids.
Dipper generally excels in all of his academic subjects, however his favourite subjects are biology and ancient history. He's usually pretty quiet in class, except every now and again he says either the most unhinged or most badass thing ever and everyone is freshly reminded that yes, Dipper Pines is, in fact, in this class (this is heavily inspired by my best friend who is exactly like that). Dipper doesn't hate PhysEd as much as he used to pre-Gravity Falls, however he's still not a huge fan of it.
Mabel's best subjects are the artistic ones, and she is instantly beloved by all the art teachers. She does a ton of extracurriculars, partially because she has a bunch of interests, and also because she has a tendency to join clubs and such because her friends/guys she's interested in are in them, and she has participated to some degree in every school musical she's had the chance to take part in. The only class she really struggles with a lot is maths, because it's 'too boring and logic-y' for her to stay focused on, particularly if Dipper isn't there to help her. She's also a cheerleader, because of course she is.
Friendgroup wise, Mabel has a lot of friendgroups. She has friends from all of her various classes and extracurriculars, friends she knows from elementary school (I had a long mindblank whereupon I forgot the word for 'primary school' in the USA, just thought I should let you know), and of course, she has extrovert-adopted Dipper and his friends. Despite this whole army of friends, she doesn't have any particularly close friends in Piedmont, and if she's asked who her best friend is, she'll respond with Candy and Grenda, who remain the only people who can quite match her energy.
Dipper, meanwhile, has pretty much had the same one best friend, named Ethan DiMarcos, forever. The two of them have very similar interests (although Ethan can't quite match Dipper's enthusiasm for all things paranormal), and tend to keep to themselves much of the time, and have pretty much had each other's back. While I'm not a huge fan of the idea that Dipper has been relentlessly bullied his entire school career and has no friends, it is canon that he has been victim of some bullying, and he's certainly not popular. Post-Gravity Falls, I think he's actually able to stand up to the bullies a little better, and generally he and Ethan have each other's backs. They do have a third friend, Paige Li, who they only met at the beginning of high school, because she was trying to find other DD&MD fans. Paige has had a crush on Dipper for ages, but despite Ethan and Mabel trying to pull strings, nothing is likely ever to come from it. Speaking of Ethan and Mabel, they did date for about a month in ninth grade, which horrified Dipper, especially since he was put in the middle of it when they broke up, thankfully amicably.
Now, I have said plenty about the Pineses, let's talk about what the other characters are like in school:
Candy's best subjects are chemistry, physics and music, and manages to be an impressively good student, despite reading fanfiction in class.
Grenda isn't necessarily the greatest student in most classes, however, she's BRILLIANT at English. For all she lacks in verbally diplomatic skills, she's incredibly smooth on paper. Grenda also, unsurprisingly, is also very good at PhysEd.
Pacifica's best subject is mathematics, and unsurprisingly she excels particularly at any finance-related maths. She's also the star of the school's debate team, because she has the power to crush people in the grip of logic. She also refuses point-blank to join the cheer team, even though they really want her.
Gideon's true calling is the stage, so drama class is his best class, although he's a brilliant student at most subjects.
Wendy and her friends are decidedly not good students, as they're all more interested in having fun and causing trouble than doing work (except Thompson, of course). This results in them being decidedly not the teacher's favourites.
I think that's all I got for now, thanks for reading!
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lorna-d-m · 10 months
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Word Count: 4,870
Rating: E
Warning: wine drinking, swearing, breast play, some dry humping
Author's Note: happy thanksgiving! Now that it's passed I can officially say: Merry Christmas y'all! Timeline wise, this takes place between chapters six and seven.
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Alice missed the days of elementary school when the last day before winter break was reserved for nostalgic movies, hot chocolate, and wearing your pajamas to school. Instead, students completed their end-of-term exams. Instead of relaxing, kicking up her feet and putting on a movie, she graded first periods’ exams during second, and so on and so on. Those who finished before the end of the period could read or study for another exam. 
Stevie approached her desk, and she looked up assuming he had a question about the exam. Instead, he handed her a small envelope and whispered so quietly she could hardly hear him, “Merry Christmas, Ms. Greene”. Stevie turned on his heels and returned to his desk.
Curiosity piqued, Alice examined the envelope. She would recognize Stevie’s handwriting, so she assumed it must be Laszlo who scrawled her name on the front of the envelope. Alice noted the fancy stationery: the thick off-white envelope with a red wax seal. 
It was a simple but elegant Christmas card depicting a winter scene. Before she read it, she looked at the gift card tucked inside. It was for her favorite coffee chain and $15, plenty for two drinks or a drink and a snack. Inside the card, Laszlo wrote a brief thank you, Merry Christmas, and Happy Holidays. He signed, as well as Stevie. 
Stevie watched her open the card. Not wanting to distract any students or draw too much attention, Alice mouthed thank you to him. She wondered if any other of Stevie’s teachers received a card. When she checked her phone at lunch, Bits answered her question. 
Nice Christmas gifts from the good doc 🎄🎁 I’m assuming you’ll get more than a card from him? 😏😉
Alice chuckled, knowing all the innuendos Bitsy meant with a simple wink and smirk emoji combination. They made plans for Saturday when Stevie was supposed to be hanging out at a friend’s house.
Oh hush you 🤫A lady doesn’t kiss and tell
She went back to grading, worrying if the gifts she bought him were enough. Saying he was difficult to shop for felt like a lame excuse, but Alice couldn’t think of anything else to get him. Unless… well she supposed it was more of a purchase for her, but he would certainly appreciate it.
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Laszlo deliberated for two days about what to cook for dinner. It was not his first time cooking for Alice, but it was his first time in his kitchen amongst all his tools and familiarity. The expectations were higher. He wanted to do something delicious for her, showing her how much he cared for her. Once decided, he went to the markets in the morning. It was his guilty pleasure. Laszlo enjoyed carefully perusing all his options and leisurely strolling around. He could never stick to a list; he always bought things he didn’t need but decided at the moment he wanted. 
He returned, carefully holding a brown paper grocery bag to his chest. Stevie stood over the stove, cooking a late-morning breakfast of eggs and toast. Laszlo had to tease him as he slipped into a winter break sleep schedule. 
“Good morning. Any later and I would tell you good afternoon.” 
“Ha ha,” Stevie laughed dryly. “I’ve never heard that one before.” 
Laszlo unpacked his groceries and handed a party-size bag of chips to Stevie. “For tonight,” Laszlo thought it rude to go to someone’s house emptyhanded. “Do you need a ride or is Jake picking you up?”
“He said he’d pick me up at like four, and then…” Stevie trailed off, but Laszlo waited expectedly. “I was going to ask you how late I could stay.”
Curfew was, Laszlo didn’t like to call it a debate, but a matter of discussion. On school nights Laszlo stuck to 9:30, wanting Stevie home at a reasonable time. On weekends, however, he was more flexible. So long as Stevie was transparent about his plans, telling him where he wanted to go and who he would be with, Laszlo was willing to adjust the time. 
Laszlo trusted Stevie and he had yet to disappoint him, but for emergencies and peace of mind, they had each other’s location shared on their phones. It went both ways, Laszlo could see if Stevie was at school, home, or a friend’s house, and Stevie could see if he was at the university, the Institute, the police station, or the courts. As a show of faith, Laszlo told him he would only check if he had a legitimate concern or cause. He had yet to check, knock on wood. 
And of course, if Laszlo coincidentally had plans with Alice the same night, then perhaps Stevie could stay with his friends a bit longer.
“That depends,” Laszlo huffed a sigh in thought, “Will he be dropping you off, or will I pick you up?” 
Stevie didn’t bother to plate his food or sit at the table. He stood at the counter, scooping the scrambled eggs onto a piece of sourdough toast with his wooden spoon. At least he didn’t create many dishes… Stevie answered with a mouthful, “He can drop me off.” 
Perfect. “How does eleven sound then? Take it as an early Christmas present.” Then Laszlo could enjoy more time with Alice. “And text me when you’re on your way back.” That way they had a reminder when she needed to leave. 
“Thanks!” Stevie was a quick eater, a result of his childhood, and already he finished his breakfast. After cleaning the few dishes he used, he went back to his room.
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Alice pressed her lips into a thin line in focus. It was an unconscious habit as she piped details on gingerbread cookies in royal icing: delicate buttons to the little men, twinkling lights on the trees, and fine lines on the snowflakes. Flour and icing smeared her cheek and dusted her clothes, and she was sweating from the residual heat of the oven. 
The timer on her phone startled her, making her smear the line of the snowflake. She cursed and set the cookie aside. Alice didn’t want to give Laszlo an ugly cookie. And, she sighed while brushing away an errant lock of hair, she didn’t want to look like an ugly cookie either. The timer reminded her to step back and start getting ready.
After hearing Laszlo had no Christmas plans, other than little celebrations with Stevie since John and Sara were on a much-needed vacation, Alice wanted to make sure their night was perfect. She debated what to wear, settling on a red low-cut sweater and a tight skirt. Classic, but enticing, and she could show off one of her gifts for Laszlo.
Alice parked on the street and waited in her toasty car. It was her first time visiting Laszlo’s house. She pulled out her phone, and rather than text Laszlo that she arrived, she typed a message for Bitsy.
Oh shit. He’s rich rich 💰
Bitsy responded quickly. oh??? 👀👀That’s good because you need to marry rich you’re a teacher
She took a picture of the front of the brownstone house and sent it. That should tell Bitsy all she needed to know. Then, she texted Laszlo that she had arrived. Taking a deep breath in, she left the coziness of her car and braved the cold night air. 
The front door was off street level; it was up a set of stairs. Alice was careful, her hand gliding over the railing as she ascended them. The last thing she wanted was to slip on icy steps: embarrassing herself and ruining her hard work that afternoon or Laszlo’s gifts. Before she could knock on the old brass knocker or ring the decorative doorbell, Laszlo opened the door. 
He radiated warmth, and not just because of the heat escaping the house. Laszlo wore a white apron over his clothes, a lock of hair fell across his forehead, his sleeve was rolled up, and he smelled like the delicious food he cooked. It made Alice’s stomach growl and her heart flutter. 
“Please, come in. You can put your coat there,” he gestured to a coat rack in the corner of the vestibule and took the platter of cookies from her hands, “and I can take these to the kitchen.”
He had a vestibule and a foyer beyond that. Alice knew he had money, but she did not realize how much until she saw his home. She shed her coat, and she caught Laszlo’s eyes appreciating the neckline of her sweater just as she intended. 
“I’m afraid I haven’t quite finished, but please, feel free to wait in the parlor and nibble on the cheese board while I return downstairs.”
“Your kitchen is downstairs?” Alice almost asked “you have a parlor?” but that was a less pressing matter.
Laszlo chuckled. “Yes, it’s an old house, so the garage, kitchen, and ironically Stevie’s room are all street level. I promise I won’t be long.”
“Good,” she pressed a kiss to his cheek, “I’m hungry and I’ll miss you.” 
His cheeks flushed, and he kissed her properly. “Then I won’t keep you waiting.” He disappeared down the stairs, readjusting the apron tied around his waist. Alice admired his ass as he left. 
Alice did as Laszlo suggested and wandered to the parlor. She nibbled on a cracker with brie and thinly sliced apple while she surveyed the room. A heavy, ornate fireplace warmed the room, and she relished its heat. Her sweater and skirt did little to keep her warm. Alice noticed there were no pictures on the mantle, just a television mounted on the wall. It was one of the fancy ones disguised as a landscape painting, complete with a gilded frame. 
Two bookshelves bookended the fireplace, and Alice skimmed through the titles. Some she recognized, like classic novels, whereas the psychological essays and journals were far from her realm of familiarity. Where did he find the time to read, she mused. A record player nestled in the corner, made to look like a vintage gramophone, filled the room with traditional Christmas music. Alice hummed along to the familiar song. Laszlo was a maximalist, filling his home with as much as he could in his eclectic style.
Alice heard footsteps coming up the stairs, so she went to the formal dining room. As she wondered how often Laszlo and Stevie ate there, he answered her silent question.
“We rarely use it, but I wanted tonight to be special.” 
“Please, let me help you,” she offered. Laszlo held a heavy tray laden with plates and bowls with one hand.
“There’s no need,” he insisted, setting it on the table.  “It’s part of why we don’t use the dining room very often.”
“I can imagine, but it looks lovely, Laszlo.” He dressed up the space with formal dinnerware and linens. He lit a candelabra on the table, and pitchers of water and bottles of wine waited to be poured. 
“Thank you.” He blushed again, clearly unused to praise. Alice wanted to make the tinge of pink darker. 
“You’ve put in so much effort, and I appreciate it. You’ve made tonight special and memorable, and we’ve barely begun.” 
Laszlo returned downstairs for the rest of the meal, and Alice stole a glance at what he brought up already. A basket of dinner rolls, small bowls of soup, and salads. This was meant to be the appetizer, and she wondered eagerly what the main course could be. With perfect timing, he brought the entrée: roasted vegetables, seared duck breast with a red wine sauce, and creamy mashed potatoes. 
Once everything was settled on the table, Laszlo could settle himself. He removed his apron revealing a white button-up and a Christmas-themed waistcoat: dark green with white detailing and gold buttons. Laszlo pulled out her seat for her, and then he poured them both a glass of water and a glass of red wine.  
“Please, enjoy. There’s plenty.” He offered her the basket of warm dinner rolls glistening with butter.
Laszlo was an excellent cook, and she was excited to try it. He waited until she tasted it and smiled before he ate anything.  
Over dinner, they reminisced on past Christmases: best presents, worst presents, family drama, vacations. Alice thought long and hard about the best present she ever received and decided it must have been when she got a Barbie dreamhouse. She knew what it was as soon as she saw the gigantic wrapped box by the tree, but her parents made her wait until the end to unwrap it. Laszlo smiled saying he had something similar happen when his parents bought the baby grand piano for the parlor.
“Do you play?” She noticed it, but the keys were covered and the music books were nowhere in sight. If he did, he left no clues. 
“No,” he frowned, “not since I was a young boy.”
Alice didn’t want to upset him, so she did not press it. She found it odd since he was the one who mentioned the piano, to begin with, but this was a happy night. From then on, Laszlo was more inclined to listen to her than share his memories. 
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Alice insisted upon helping him clean up after the meal, and Laszlo found it hard to refuse her. He enjoyed simply being near her, and he admitted it was easier with an extra set of hands. Laszlo rinsed the dishes from dinner while Alice unloaded the dishwasher. 
“I wasn’t sure about making Christmas cookies,” Alice confessed.
Laszlo raised an eyebrow in playful alarm. “Why ever not? Your cookies are delectable.”
“I don’t want you to think I’m a one trick pony. You’ve had my cookies before at open house and the conferences, so I thought I should show you something new.”
“But they’re delicious, and I presume gingerbread to fit the season. I’ve not tasted those.”
“Which is why I went with it. You can really only do gingerbread this time of year. But I think next time, I’ll make something totally different.”
“I look forward to it.” Since his hands were covered with soapy water, he pressed a kiss to her cheek. “Speaking of dessert, do you want it now or do you want to wait?”
Alice smirked. “Well, if dessert is a real kiss, I want it now.” 
How could he refuse? Laszlo kissed her again, his tongue slipping into her mouth. Alice pinned him against the counter, and since her hands were dry she ran them through his hair and rested them at the back of his neck. Laszlo leaned into her touch.
Abruptly, Alice ended their kiss. She stayed close to him, pressed to him. “But if dessert is the cookies, they can wait until we’re watching a movie on the couch.” Laszlo hardly understood what she said. He was too distracted by the way Alice kissed him. She giggled, clearly amused by his love-drunk expression, and smiled. “Come on,” she teased, “let’s finish this up.” Laszlo did not need any more encouragement. 
They set out all their gifts on the coffee table along with the platter of cookies and two mugs of hot chocolate. Laszlo insisted on preparing it for them, his recipe using dark chocolate and rich milk to create the most decadent drink. Stevie preferred the instant Swiss Miss powder, no doubt due to his unrefined palette, and Alice surprised Laszlo by asking for a sprinkle of cinnamon and nutmeg. Curious, he had to try it for himself.
Alice shivered once on the couch, so Laszlo found the red knit blanket he kept in the living room and draped it over her shoulders. She looked comfortable like she belonged there.
“Can I go first?” Alice volunteered, “My gifts for you require a little bit of explanation.”
“Well now you must. You’ve piqued my curiosity.”
She handed him one slim box, one wrapped present that could only be a book by its shape and size, and a flat, rectangular box. All were wrapped in delicate blue and white snowflake wrapping paper and finished with silver bows. Laszlo reached for the smallest box first. He tore the paper at the tape and lifted the lid from the box. It was a black and gold fountain pen, weighted in his hand.
“It’s supposed to be smear proof. All the reviews said it was left hand certified.”
“That’s very thoughtful of you.” He reached for the book next, sliding his thumb under the edge of the wrapping paper. It was a well-read, well-loved paperback copy of her favorite book. Laszlo glanced at her before skimming through the pages. 
“We talked about books before, and how a person’s favorite book can tell you a lot about them, so I thought I would give you my favorite filled with all my thoughts and annotations.” It was a deeply personable gift. Laszlo was shocked, and he immediately tried to give it back to her. “I already bought myself another copy, please, keep it.”
The final present was a rich golden-colored cable knit sweater. Laszlo held it up, modeling what it would look like, and he saw her eyes light up. He would have to wear more gold…
“I had to guess your size, so I put the receipt in the box in case you need to return it or exchange it. But I thought the gold would suit you, and I see I was right.”
“Thank you, darling.” He kissed her cheek again. Laszlo enjoyed seeing her cheeks flush whenever he did. “It’s all so thoughtful.”
“Technically,” Alice said with a sly grin, “there’s one more gift, but you’ll have to wait to unwrap it.”
“Oh?” Laszlo checked the coffee table wondering how he missed it. Alice nodded, removed the blanket from her shoulders, and sat up straight, pushing her plentiful chest out. “Oh!”
Intentionally, her sweater slipped off her shoulder exposing a touch of lace. His eyes followed the movement. “It’s more of an investment, I think, but mutually beneficial.”
“Certainly,” he agreed, unconsciously licking his lips. 
“But not yet.” Alice fixed her sweater and re-wrapped the blanket. Laszlo blinked twice, refocusing on the moment. She knew how to tease him, draw him in, and turn his head all around. It was maddening and enthralling. He thought carefully about the order in which to give his gifts to her. Start small.
“The poinsettias on the table are yours to keep, so long as you keep them away from Georgie. I read they’re not good for cats, so put them somewhere high and out of reach for him.”
“They’re gorgeous, Laszlo, and I appreciate the research. All the other flowers you’ve given me have been Georgie safe, so I’ll have to find somewhere special for these.”
Next was a little gift bag filled with imported German chocolates, the best in his opinion, and cat treats for Georgie. Treats for both of them, he explained, with a sheepish smile at the pun. These were all small gifts, trivial really, but they all brought a smile to her face. It was time to step it up. He handed her a slim, unmarked envelope with two tickets to the Nutcracker, on Christmas Eve no less. 
Alice’s eyes glittered. “I thought this had been sold out for months! How did you get these?”
“I have a box, so I get the first pick of any tickets…” he trailed off. He always bought at least two tickets. In years past, he would take John, Stevie, or John and Sara and play the third wheel. This year, Laszlo would have a date. 
“Fuck off,” Alice said indelicately, but still alluringly to him. “You have a box?”
“I do,” he snickered, “It was my family’s before it became mine.”
“That’s incredible.” She still held the tickets in her hand, looking them over and over. His eyes met hers, a silent question. What are you thinking? “Honestly, I’m trying to think if I have an outfit worthy of this.”
“Whatever you wear, I’m sure it will be divine, and I hope you pair it with this.” He slid his final present over to her: a small jewelry box. 
Tentatively, she set the tickets down and picked up the box. It wasn’t wrapped; Laszlo thought the black velvet spoke for itself. Now he feared it was too much too soon. Jewelry set certain expectations. It announced intention. 
“Oh, Laszlo.” Her thumb rubbed along the edge of the box, and she tilted the necklace and earrings toward the light. “It’s- I don’t know what to say other than thank you.” Alice’s wide eyes met his, and he thought he saw the shadow of a tear.
“Darling, what’s wrong?” The troublesome tear slipped down her cheek when he asked, and more threatened to follow. Given the nature of his work, Laszlo was accustomed to tears, but he did not know what to do when Alice cried.
“You’ve done so much and given me such wonderful gifts,” she tried to steady her voice but was unsuccessful, “and I’m worried I didn’t do enough.”
“Don’t say that,” he rushed to assure her. In the unspoken silence, Laszlo sensed her true fear was that she wasn’t enough. He struggled for words, so he took her hand in his and squeezed it. “You have given me plenty.”
Alice smiled, tears still in her eyes, and nodded to herself. “Thank you, Laszlo, just-” she paused again, registering her hand in his, “Thank you.”
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After Alice dried her tears, embarrassed she cried but comforted by Laszlo’s words, they dimmed the lights and turned on a movie. All playful bickering about what to watch stopped when Alice spotted an old stop-motion classic about the year without Santa Claus. She had not seen it in years, but she vividly remembered the song with heat miser and snow miser. Laszlo chuckled and indulged her, selecting the movie and letting the opening credits play. 
She cuddled up next to Laszlo, his arm across her shoulders, and she shared her blanket with him. Alice leaned her head on his chest, and he rested his chin at the top of her head. She was comforted by his slow and steady breathing. Laszlo was a rock: steady and reliable under her. 
Both their hands wandered, appreciative and lingering touches, until the movie was forgotten and Laszlo encouraged her to sit on his lap. Alice hesitated, biting her tongue at a quip about being more than he could handle, but he was insistent and unflinching. She straddled his lap, her already short skirt rising up even further, teasing him with the tops of her thighs. 
“There you are,” Laszlo crooned. He looked less perfect and more like a person. Toussled hair, pink cheeks, sly smile. Alice adored him like this. His hand circled her waist and pulled her closer, eliminating any space between them. His kiss tasted of their drink, rich chocolate with a touch of spice. Alice melted into his touch. Laszlo panted, whining into her mouth as he felt her chest pressing against him.
His hand slipped under the knit of her red sweater and traced the skin underneath. His fingers danced over the clasp of her new bra, her gift just for him to unwrap, asking her permission before advancing any further. She broke their kiss and nodded, a quiet “I want this” escaping her lips. Laszlo needed no more encouragement, and he deftly undid the clasp. She pulled the sweater over her head and tossed it aside. Her nipples pebbled in the sudden chill, and Laszlo was quick to latch himself to her. 
He took one into his mouth, lavishing it with attention, while he cupped her other breast with his hand. Laszlo did not want it to feel unappreciated as he nipped, licked, and pinched. Alice moaned his name and wriggled her hips against him, craving more in the heady heat of the moment. “I want to see you,” she huffed. 
Laszlo paused and drew back. A trail of saliva connected them, and Alice brushed it away with her thumb. “I’m all yours,” he murmured.
Alice hastily unfastened the buttons on his waistcoat and shirt, cursing him for wearing so many layers, but grateful for them too. Laszlo looked good in his layers, coordinated and well-put-together, but she wanted to see underneath his careful clothing choices.  Alice feasted her eyes on a broad chest, dusted with coarse hair and fine freckles, leading down to his soft stomach. Laszlo tipped his head back and groaned when she trailed her hand down his chest.
“Much better.” Pleased, Alice touched Laszlo’s chin and brought his attention back. His eyes were hazy, as if he’d drunk more than a glass of wine, as he studied her form. Laszlo ran an appreciative hand across her body: cupping her breast, holding her waist, and resting on her ass. He kissed her again, his lips wandering from her lips to her jaw, and her collarbone. 
“Laszlo, I-” His phone, forgotten on the coffee table, rang and interrupted her. She turned, glancing at the caller ID, and handed it to him. “It’s Stevie, he’s probably on his way home.”
Laszlo answered and held the phone to his ear. Alice was somewhat relieved he called. She wasn’t sure how much further they were going to go, and she was nervous to broach the topic. This was a natural end to the evening. When she went to move off his lap, he held her there with his right hand. Not firmly, but the surprising and warm touch was enough to keep her there. She slipped her hand over his.
Alice waited until he hung up to speak. “I think it’s time for me to go, Las.” 
“Please, darling, five more minutes.” His hips ground against hers, and his voice was as enticingly sweet as honey. 
“Five minutes, my final Christmas present for you,” she teased.
His lips reattached to hers, and his hand groped her breast. Her hips continued above him, and Laszlo followed every one of her movements. 
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Hindered by Laszlo’s request, but hastened by his assistance to redress, Alice left without issue. She promised to text him when she arrived home safe and sound, and he reminded her what time they would leave for the Nutcracker. Laszlo waited for Stevie to return in the kitchen, hoping to ask about his evening before locking the front door and going to bed. 
“Hey,” Stevie entered through the more hidden ground-level door that connected through the garage. He preferred the direct access rather than messing with the front door. It was part of why he chose to live downstairs.
“How was it?” 
“Good,” he shrugged, “Caleb got a new game for us to play, so it took a while to figure out the rules, but it was fun.”
“Did they enjoy the chips?”
“Yeah, yeah, they did.” Stevie glanced at the sink, empty apart from two mugs of hot chocolate. “How was your evening?” 
One mug was still smeared with lipstick, and panic shot through Laszlo. Did he have any of her lipstick on his face? He wished he checked a mirror instead of presuming he looked okay. Laszlo flustered, thinking on the spot.
“Fine. Some people from the psychology department came over for dinner, part of a new tradition they’re trying to start.”
Stevie poured himself a glass of water and stood in front of the fridge. “That’s cool. Any leftovers? ”
“What? They didn’t feed you over there?” Laszlo chuckled, relieved by the change in subject.
“They did, but I’m still hungry. Growing boy and all.” Stevie ate a dinner roll without bothering to microwave it. 
Laszlo rolled his eyes. Ah, the youth. “Goodnight, and don’t forget to lock up.”
“Already did.”
Laszlo meant it when he said, “Good kid.”
Two days later, Laszlo picked Alice up from her apartment with a bouquet of pale pink roses. She wore a simple, elegant black dress and shawl. Underneath her silver shawl, Laszlo spotted the simple necklace he gave her and more than one purple hickey. He felt a sense of satisfaction seeing his work.
They arrived early to the theater and worked slowly through the crowds. People acknowledged him — former clients or students — and he stopped for a moment to chat with some of them. His chest puffed up with pride, talking to them with a woman as wonderful as Alice on his arm. She shimmered under the chandeliers.
Finally, Laszlo brought her to his box on the upper level. Alice whispered in his ear she always wondered what the view from the boxes was like rather than general admission. Laszlo promised to take her to more shows in the coming year. They enjoyed the show, her hand clasped in his, and her shawl slipping off her shoulders.
Laszlo asked if she was hungry, too, when they left the theater. Sheepishly, Alice confessed she was. He swung by a fast-food joint, one of the only things open at the late hour on Christmas Eve, and ordered fries and milkshakes. After their midnight snack, they made out like teenagers in the front seat. It was a complete contrast to the formality of their evening, but it was the perfect way to end the night.
taglist: @scuttle-buttle @fictionlandslanddreams @livvyshmiv @somethingthatsaysbubbles @hardlyinteresting @sapphiredreamer26 @aedeluca @alycu1 @linkpk88 @rachreads @fandom-princess-forevermore @groovyponypatrollamp @to-fat-to-give-a-crap @kateris-world @eli-the-thinker
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[Ambrose (derogatory)] anon here (rofl I'm glad you liked that)
I think it's also up to interpretation a bit how old YW is. I mean it's assumed (because of the target demographic) they're like elementary/middle school age ofc. But at Merle's age anything under 50 could be 'young' imo (and they have to call them something, so 🤷).
Do I think YW is in their mid-40s? Probably not lol but they could at least be a young adult (unless there's some canon confirmation I'm forgetting. Which I totally could be XD)
Are there some more capable adults he could get to help? Probably. But that actually leads me to another Thought which is the book of secrets. Clearly it says something about YW being destined to save the spiral yada yada so maybe by default Ambrose trusts and relies on them even when they're not the best equipped - but maybe that's literally WHY the book of secrets says that, because it knows he's gonna put all his eggs in one basket and not bother to get support from anyone else. So it ends up that. Yeah. YW is the one who goes through all this. Thanks for the trauma bro /j
Anyway I do like the idea of the protagonist jumping in and wanting to be the hero (and also being ready to throw down with anybody) because I feel like it fits with the generally helpful but also somewhat chaotic and morally dubious image they've cultivated over their journey. If Ambrose seemed less like he didn't give a fuck (not just about YW but all death students, etc) it'd be a much better dynamic
but we were robbed
(here's hoping some fic writer revamps his character to the wise and supportive headmaster the students deserve)
And that's definitely a good point with how the Wizard's age comes into play! I think the most heinous thing that stands out about canon is that the Wizard is assumed to be a child - probably because the game is geared towards younger kids and most of the fandom by that time WERE young kids, AND the Wizard was essentially supposed to be YOU or an insert that represented you. Also even canon, up until arc 2 or 3, even comments on how young the Wizard is constantly. So it's the fact that an adult person is taking advantage of and using a CHILD and putting them in dangerous situations. For the greater good? Yeah!!! But that's still a little kid. That's the part that kinda stands out when it comes to Ambrose's treatment of the Wizard. A child has no autonomy in a situation when pitted against an adult, a child doesn't know any better to realize what's happening, the child isn't mature enough to have the words or know the actions to stand up for themselves. Combined with the fact that the child is in an unfamiliar place with an unfamiliar stranger telling them to do things, the child is the completely vulnerable party in this scenario.
If the Wizard was a young adult by the time they were recruited by Ambrose, most of that would be gone. There would still be a power imbalance (Ambrose being the Headmaster and unofficial mentor of the Wizard, who has power and influence over the City guard vs. the Wizard who is just an apprentice with no societal standing or knowledge of the aspiral yet) but AT LEAST an adult would (hopefully) be better equipped to handle themselves. An adult would most likely recognize what's really going on, what the situation is, and is able to rationalize and plan accordingly.
AND YEAH GOOD QUESTION ABOUT THE OTHER CAPABLE ADULTS because yes. Yes there are. There are infinite other choices Ambrose could have chosen before the Young Wizard. At least, for a lot of other issues that don't include saving the Spiral. Like you said Ambrose likes putting all his eggs in a basket and if he can kill multiple birds with one stone, he will. Since the Wizard is already here and the BOS said they were the chosen savior, there's no need to worry about the Other Guys!
Although imo the only way this eager Wizard AU could work in Ambrose's favor if he was like, actually shown to care about the Young Wizard's wellbeing despite his inability to help. It wouldn't be enough for Ambrose to just sit back and do nothing even in his old age when The Wizard is still essentially in danger (despite being eager to put themselves in that position in the first place), I would actually have to see Ambrose take whatever action he could in order for this dynamic to feel more equal and wholesome. Does Ambrose send other companions to help the Wizard out? Does Ambrose sit the Wizard down and gently explain although he appreciates the help, he expects the Wizard to be careful? Does Ambrose use his position of power to help take the load off the Wizard's shoulders every now and then? Does Ambrose take time out of his day to simply have tea with the Wizard and check in on them outside of any Spiral business?
Even if Ambrose was too old to do things himself, he still could do other things to make sure the Wizard was safe, especially if the Wizard was exhibiting some self-destructive behavior. It isn't enough that he's just too old; taking actions to ensure the Wizard's safety and little acts of service that ensures the Wizard KNOWS that they are cared for and loved - THAT'S my ideal Ambrose and Wizard relationship. A bond that feels true and a relationship that's equal where it's less "old man uses child" and "two partners who are in this together". The last part of your ask PERFECTLY captures this that Ambrose needs to SHOW his love and care and protection for the Wizard, not just to say it every once in a while. This is a genius ask and a genius AU you've come up with anon
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invadernurse · 9 months
Catching Flies (Revised) Ch.11
Eh? Eh??? She's back?
Yep. I am.
If you're unfamilliar with the story: It's an Invader Zim fanfic with a Found Family trope, a slow burn romance with Professor Membrane, and a afab non-binary teacher!Reader (that's really more of an OC than anything at this point.)
Anyways Here's the link to the first chapter. And a link to the master post. And the previous chapter in case you wanna see if that sparks your memory.
Chapter 11: House of Chaos
Overall rating: Teen
Summary: You catch more flies with honey than vinegar. That’s what they say anyway.
Teacher!Reader makes the mistake of trying to help the two most troubled kids in your class. This leads to forming a science club, learning some childhood psychology, adopting an alien older than you, and somehow catching Professor Membrane’s interest.
Afab Non-binary Reader;
The reader does have a last name: Nemo– which means no-name.
The Membrane house was a bit different than you expected. You had thought it would be something grand-- a high-tech and sleek home that was the height of both technology and modern architecture. Instead, while it did stand out, it was also more...common. Like an ordinary two story house that was slightly modified but not much. And the inside, while eccentric, was normal. 
Absolutely normal.
It was so extremely weird. 
"So this is your teacher?" A small girl appeared next to Dib, who had answered the door along with Zim. She peered at you through thick eyelashes, a dark look in her golden eyes. "They don't look special."
"Gaz, be nice," Dib warned, shooting his sister a look. "Please?"
You offered a faint smile, a little disturbed by the odd feeling climbing up your spine. You weren't exactly one to believe in auras and energies, yet something about Gaz was decidedly ...different. You vaguely recall Meyer’s words, and could almost believe them. Almost. 
"You must be Gaz,” you greeted after a moment. “Your reputation precedes you."
She briefly looked at your offered hand and decided to glare at you instead. "And?"
Was this really an elementary student? She seemed far more than just a child. You could almost see why Meyers seemed so terrified of her. "...I try not to let my first impressions be tainted by other people's opinions," you said after a moment, gaining a faint smile. More of a smirk, really.
"Wise idea." She dismissed you as she pulled a GameSlave2 from her pocket, already absorbed in it by the time she settled on the couch. 
"Gaz is a terrifying creature," Zim whispered as the boys led you away from the living room and into the kitchen. "I have yet to see another human as formidable as her. Thankfully, as long as you don’t interrupt her video games or get between her and pizza, she will leave you alone.”
“Uh huh,” you said doubtfully, though you couldn’t help but notice the slight awe in his voice. 
“Master Dib! Oh and guests!” A robot rolled into view as you entered the kitchen, and as odd as it was, it made absolute sense for the Membrane home. It wasn’t anything like Zim’s parent-drones, but a blocky kind of robot, a chef’s hat on its head and an oven inside its body. “May Foodio 3000 interest you in an afternoon snack? Pizza rolls? Fruit? Smoothie? A nine-course banquet?” 
“Uh, pizza rolls I guess,” Dib answered distractedly as he set his computer up on the table. 
“Perfect! And for you?” The robot turned towards Zim expectantly, a smile on its simulated face, which Zim glowered at. 
“I don’t want any of your disgusting food,” he waved him off, settling into the chair across from Dib, while you reluctantly took the last seat. 
“Disgusting?” The robot… gasped. Somehow.  “Au contraire! I am the latest Foodio model, able to cook any desired course in a matter of minutes! From delicate baklava to something like a simple corn dog, nothing is too complicated for me! Please, I must insist! What is your favorite dish?” 
“Just order something,” Dib said before Zim could open his mouth. “It’s a fault in his programming, but he won’t give up until he gives you something.”
“Fine,” Zim sighed. “How about, I don’t know, a taco. Meatless!” he quickly added, “And plenty of that one sauce, what does Gir call it again? Flaming poo of death?” 
“Ah! Taco palace’s infamous deathly poo sauce!” Foodio’s eyes lit up as he clapped its hands together before turning to you. “And for you?"
“Uh,” you paused, racking your brain before asking about your favorite snack. 
“Perfect! I will be right back with your food!” 
“Whatever happened to Clembrane?” Zim asked as you watched in fascination as Foodio buzzed about the kitchen, his two hands moving faster than your eyes could keep up. 
“He just disappeared one night,” Dib answered, apparently knowing who (or maybe what?) Zim was referring to. “Which is kinda disappointing, I was starting to like the pudding too. Dad was happy though, he thought it meant he was completely healed from his hallucination.” 
“What?” You turned back, brows knitted in confusion at the last piece of the conversation. Both boys paused, as if caught red handed. 
“Nothing!” Both boys denied instantly, making you even more suspicious. You readied yourself to pry more when you heard a door open. The door just off the kitchen had opened, and you presumed it was to a basement of some sort as Professor Membrane stepped out, wiping some kind of dust off his white lab coat. 
"I figured you boys were ready to start on the blueprints today." Membrane stated as he entered, making you pause. You knew he had expressly invited you, but you were still expecting some kind of negative reaction. Instead, he seemed more preoccupied with a small device in his hands. "I borrowed this prototype from the R and D department. I think it will be quite helpful, and there is only a moderate risk of it self-destructing…" 
Professor Membrane trailed off, and it took a second to realize his attention was on you. You blushed and gave a small wave shyly, which seemed to spur him to action. 
"R-right, Mx Nemo. Sorry, I was, ehem, joking about the risk of this exploding. It's quite minimal, I assure you." 
Did he...stutter? The realization caught you off guard as he settled in between the boys, directly across the table from you. Yet there were no other oddities in his behavior; in fact as soon as the small device turned on, creating a holographic model of the boys' device, it was pure professionalism. 
Well, not pure professionalism. You were delightfully surprised to watch the three discuss the schematics, even if it was completely impossible for you to try to follow along. The discussion of hydraulics, power sources and outputs were far out of your level comprehension, but obviously not theirs. And watching the boys engage positively with someone other than you, someone who completely understood them, was amazing. Professor Membrane was patient to listen to them, and then either agree or explain the flaws or alternatives that would be better. 
After a while, however, you started to wonder what exactly you were doing here. The three were obviously off in their own little world, the two boys actually behaving and arguing productively without fighting or name calling. 
Maybe you should just leave? You glanced up at the clock; it was approaching supper time. You could use that as an excuse, even if Foodio's snack had quelled any hunger. 
"Are you sure we can't add a laser?" Membrane asked almost petulantly, drawing your attention from your thoughts. "It's the most practical means for guidance and targeting."
"You read the requirements," Dib sighed, scratching his head. "No lasers. Plus it would be too much for the battery. We're already pushing it."
"Well if you let me put a fission fuel cell there, we would have enough power for a million lasers to destroy our enemies with!" Zim snarled, frustration evident in his voice as well as the snarling expression on his face. 
Dib sighed and rubbed his nose. "For the last time, Zim. We're not using a nuclear power cell and it isn't a weapon. It's supposed to be for exploration only."
"We would explore our enemy's world first and then destroy them!" 
Zim started with the maniacal laughter until Gaz (who must have entered during the discussion without you noticing) decided it was too much and threw a cookie at him. "It's too early for that, Zim. Shut up."
"Now daughter, throwing food at our guests isn't nice."
"But his voice is so annoying." Gaz made her way from the counter to your side, and you tried not to act unsettled as she glared up at you with squinted amber eyes. "Are you smart enough to be more than cannon folder?"
"Uh…" What?
"We've talked about recruiting others for your schemes, Gaz," Professor Membrane said without missing a beat, his attention not even drifting from the holographic model he was tinkering with. "Besides, Mx. Nemo is hardly cannon fodder."
You swore he glanced at you from behind his goggles, yet you could see nothing but the light reflecting off them. Either way, you were highly curious, and rather disturbed, by what they meant by ‘cannon fodder.’ And the fact they were discussing it as if talking about meaningless death was normal… 
"It's Vampire Piggy Deus Ex Machina 3,” Gaz explained to her father, as if that made perfect sense. Which, it did actually. You were well aware of the Vampire Piggy series. “I need a second player and no one online is volunteering. Their day will soon come where they will regret not offering their sacrifice to me, but first I have to beat this boss." 
"While video games have their benefits, I am sure Mx Nemo likely has more important things to do," Professor MEmbrane sighed before you could say anything. “I can assist you later tonight or tomorrow.”
“But I need it now,” Gaz growled, clenching her small fists. “I have the other side quests completed. This is the only one left! If I don’t get it done now, I will die.” 
"Actually, I enjoy the Vampire Piggy saga,” you boldly interrupted as Professor Membrane sighed at the child’s dramatics. “I haven't played the Deus Ex Machina spin offs yet, but I'd be willing to give it a shot. I haven't been much help to you boys anyways." 
Was it slightly immature and improper of you to slip away from where your students were working to play videogames with their younger sibling? Probably. Would you have a massive anxiety attack about it later? Undeniably. 
Were you enjoying yourself as you and Gaz cleared out a den of vampiric swine together? Absolutely.
 The girl played far better than you expected someone of her age group with her quick reflexes and keen mind. There was no looking up walk throughs or anything as you put your minds together to figure out the puzzles, or strategize to defeat the Boar of all Vampires. 
It was like a throwback to your college days, making you almost giddy. When was the last time you were able to play a video game? Usually you were so overwhelmed with papers to grade and plans to revise that you never had time to even think about it.
Granted, you still had those left to do, and would regret this come morning. But right now you were enjoying the fleeting happiness and serotonin.
"Gazleen, Mx. Nemo, Dinner will be ready in exactly ten minutes and thirty seconds," Foodio called, and you glanced over, seeing the oven (?) that comprised his middle section glow warmly, though you couldn't see what was inside. "Please find an acceptable place to end the game and join us in the dining room."
"Ugh," Gaz sighed, already opening the menu to save while your gaze shot to the clock. It was a quarter past seven, which was far longer than what you intended. 
You swore under your breath, then winced as you noticed Gaz's cheshire smile, confirming she heard you. "I really should head home. It's far too late and I…"
"No no no! Dinner is nearly complete! I have calculated everything perfectly for everyones over all nutrition and dietary needs!" If it was possible for a robot to look distressed, Foodio looked absolutely panicked as it interlaced its fingers. "Having guests over has been an exciting new experience! Please stay!"
"Don't reject his food," Gaz muttered from your side. "He tends to malfunction when you do and can get a little murdery." 
You quickly looked between the robot and the small girl, trying hard to decide if she was kidding or not. Surely Professor Membrane wouldn't allow a defect like that to be around his children. After all, children could be notoriously picky eaters. 
Or maybe that was the way he got his children not to complain about their food. You couldn't tell if that was insane or brilliant.
"Mx. Nemo, I insist you stay. It's the least I could do to repay you." Professor Membrane spoke as he exited the kitchen, no doubtedly hearing your protest. 
"Y-you don't need to repay me…" you protested, wringing your hands together nervously. It was one thing to visit a student’s house to help with an after-school project…. Then end up playing video games for over an hour. But then to stay for dinner? As Repayment?  For what? "Honestly, I've been unprofessional enough today." 
His head tilted slightly while he crossed his arms. "I'm puzzled, I haven't seen any kind of unprofessional  behavior from you, today or any time before." 
You opened your mouth, already partially gesturing to the large tv where the game system's home screen was still visible, before Gaz grabbed your hand and pulled hard. 
"Just give up now and accept your fate." 
Surprisingly, dinner was going much better than you expected. It was more like a family affair despite you and Zim's presence, with all three children bickering between mouthfuls of food; something about bigfoot versus yeti which went over your head. Not that you were paying much attention. 
You had taken the seat next to the professor, and subsequently was pulled into an...interesting  conversation.
"Dib had explained how there was a reassignment for the science club," He started, eyebrows knitted in a frown. "I have to admit, that is quite disappointing."
"I know, I was so pi--frustrated," you quickly corrected as three pairs of relatively innocent eyes focused on you, as if they had specialized hearing for forbidden words, "when I was told. Mr. Boltzmann and Meyers made their mind up and I didn't even get a chance to throw my two cents in. I mean, I know I'm not exactly an expert in the scientific field, but no one else was trying. No one seemed to give a damn, and I bet that they still don't. Boltzmann only cares because he has new equipment to play with, and Meyer's a sexist pig who seems to thrive on causing misery." You stabbed the carrot with a little more force than needed, the metal of your fork scratching against the plate. The jarring sound broke through your dark thoughts and reminded you of your surroundings. 
Gaz didn't seem to be paying any attention as she devoured the pizza slice in front of her, while the boys on either side of her were either snarling with rage (Zim) or at least upset on your behalf (Dib.)
But you were more worried with the Professor's reaction to your impromptu rant. While he may somehow find your somewhat unprofessional behavior acceptable to this point, there was no way he wouldn't frown upon such behavior (or language) in front of the children. 
Of course, there was no possible way to study his facial expression; the goggles reflected the light that hung over the table, and the collar of his lab coat still covered everything below the bridge of his nose (though you had sworn you had caught a glimpse of his unshaven jaw while he had been eating. Just a split second of a dark five-o'clock shadow and pale skin. But it was more than anything you had seen on the web.) 
"Those insignificant pigs will cower before us!" Zim suddenly shouted, jumping up onto his chair and holding his spoon as if it were a weapon. "They shall rue the day-"
"Sit down," Gaz snapped, tugging harshly on his oversized shirt to set him off balance. "Be quiet. I'm eating."
"But revenge-!"
"No," you and Professor Membrane echoed one another, causing you to glance briefly at him and then blush. You didn't fail to notice he cleared his throat and adjusted his goggles almost nervously. 
"I'm touched that you feel that way," you started after a moment. "But it would be wrong of you to get involved. You could get in serious trouble, and that is the last thing you guys need."
"Mx. Nemo is right. We'll settle this, and in the meantime we want you to focus on your project." 
It was awkward yet inspiring to have Professor Membrane agreeing with you. Yet, you wondered if there really was anything anyone could do. "Besides, Meyers is sort of right," you admitted with a sigh. "Science and literature are two vastly different subjects. Boltzmann is far more qualified on paper for running a science club."
The outrage for Dib and Zime was instantaneous. "No!" Dib shouted while Zim scoffed.
"Hah! As if!" 
"I have found that just because someone has the right degrees and diplomas hardly means they are qualified for the job," Professor Membrane agreed. "While I have yet to meet this Bolt-man, I am inclined to disagree he is more qualified." 
"Can't a girl just eat her pizza? In peace?" 
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beardedmrbean · 6 months
The Iowa House approved a bill aimed at improving literacy rates for Iowa students, allowing parents to have their child repeat a grade if they are not proficient in reading and adding new educational requirements for teachers.
House File 2618 passed on a 92-3 vote Tuesday. The bill would require schools to notify parents or guardians of students in kindergarten through sixth grade who are not reading at grade-level proficiency, and inform them of their ability to request that their child repeat a grade. Students who are not meeting literacy benchmarks will be given a personalized plan to assist them until they are able to read at grade level.
Rep. Sharon Steckman, D-Mason City, said many of the measures required by the bill are efforts teachers already take to improve literacy outcomes with students.
“Teachers watch out for kids that are not reading at grade level already,” Steckman said. “Teachers talk to parents already. Teachers put forth an (Individualized Education Program), or some sort of a plan for that student to get on grade level already. So much of this we’re already doing.”
She also praised the bill for being “toned down” from Gov. Kim Reynolds’ original proposal. When Reynolds brought up legislation at the beginning of session as a way to improve literacy rates in Iowa schools, she proposed requiring Iowa teacher licensure candidates in early childhood, elementary, K-12 reading and literacy preparation programs, as well as those in special education, to pass the Foundations of Reading assessment to graduate.
The passing requirement for teacher licensure was removed in a House amendment, but education program students would still be required to take the assessment, with results reported to the Iowa Department of Education.
Related California Considers ‘Science of Reading’ Bill, as 6 in 10 Students Lag Behind
The House bill also omits some of the prescriptions on reading instruction and literacy strategies present in the Senate’s version related to the teaching of phonics — teaching the sounds of letters to learn how to read — and banning certain literacy teaching strategies associated with rote memorization or contextual clues to identify a written word.
These measures were discussed in the context of the “science of reading” teaching methods that put a larger emphasis on phonics to improve young students’ reading and language abilities. Other states, including Mississippi, have seen improvements in national reading scores after adopting the approach.
Reynolds said in January that while Iowa did not see the drops in reading scores in recent years that other states have, “holding steady isn’t good enough” for Iowa students. The results from the 2022-2023 Iowa Statewide Assessment of Student Progress showed that 34% of Iowa third-graders were not yet proficient in English Language Art skills. Studies have found that students not proficient at reading in third grade face greater difficulties with academics and in their personal life as they age.
Rep. Tom Moore, R-Griswold, thanked Reynolds’ office for working with lawmakers to come up with a “good compromise” on how to approach improving reading education for Iowa students. Moore agreed with Steckman on the bill’s provisions being strategies many Iowa teachers already employ — but said that it was important to ensure all students get more literacy support as needed.
“Obviously, we wouldn’t be in the middle of the pack nationally reading-wise if all of our teachers were doing some of these things,” Moore said.
The legislation heads to the Senate for further consideration.
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jeduka · 20 days
GMAT Syllabus 2024: Check Section-wise Exam Pattern
The Graduate Management Aptitude Test(GMAT) is one of the eligibility criteria for aspiring international students who want to pursue business education abroad. It assesses the candidate's readiness for graduate-level management education. If you are planning to study at one of the Top B-Schools in the world, understand the GMAT Syllabus and start preparing for it.
Before you decide to appear for any exam, it is essential to understand the subjects and what they cover. In this blog, we will provide you with complete information about the GMAT syllabus.
GMAT Exam Syllabus and Pattern
The content of the GMAT syllabus is relevant to today’s business challenges and opportunities, ensuring candidates are prepared for graduate business school and beyond. The GMAT Exam is 2 hours and 15 minutes long (with one optional 10-minute break) and consists of 64 questions in total. 
Number of Questions
Time Duration
Quantitative Reasoning 
45 Minutes
Verbal Reasoning 
45 Minutes
Data Insights
45 Minutes
GMAT Quantitative Reasoning Syllabus and Pattern
The Quantitative Section of GMAT covers  Problem-Solving questions. To solve them, you will need to know arithmetic and elementary algebra. There will be 21 questions, and the given time is 45 minutes. Also, note that you cannot use a calculator while working on this section.
 The topics GMAT Quantitative Reasoning section are divided as below:
Permutation and combination
Ratio and Proportion
Algebraic Expressions and Equations
Simple and Compounded Interest
Arithmetic and Geometric Progressions
Speed, Time, Distance
Number Properties
Multiples and Factors
GMAT Verbal Reasoning Syllabus and Pattern
Verbal Reasoning Syllabus is composed of Reading Comprehension and Critical Reasoning questions. Reading Comprehension questions measure your skill of reading comprehension and understanding of the logical connections between the passage's points and concepts, draw inferences, and follow the development of quantitative concepts. Critical Reasoning questions contain a short reading passage, which is usually less than 100 words. It measures your ability to make arguments, evaluate arguments, and formulate or evaluate a plan of action. The Verbal Skills segment will have 23 multiple-choice questions and will last 45 minutes.
The Verbal Reasoning module will cover the following topics:
Critical Reasoning
The Rhetorical Construction of the Sentences
Reading Unseen Passages
Subject-Verb Agreement
Misplaced Modifiers
Countable vs. Uncountable
GMAT Data Insights Syllabus and Pattern
The Data Insights section of the GMAT includes Critical Thinking, Information Synthesis, and Problem-Solving. It will have 20 questions, and you will be given 45 minutes. This section measures the skills of exam takers to analyze and interpret various formats of data sets, such as text, graphs, charts etc., and extract conclusions. You can use an on-screen calculator in this section.
The Data Insights section will cover the following areas:
Data Sufficiency
Graphics Interpretation
Table Analysis
Two-part Analysis
Multi-source Reasoning
The GMAT assesses a wide range of skills essential for success in graduate management education. By understanding the GMAT syllabus, mastering key concepts, and adopting effective preparation strategies, you can enhance your performance and achieve your academic goals. Also, note that GMAT scores are valid for five years from the declaration of results.
If you have made up your mind to pursue your business and management studies abroad, Start your preparation now. As exam results take time, you may be required to retake them if your score doesn’t meet the eligibility criteria of the B-School. Keep in mind that Jeduka is always here to help you with the requirements, admission process, and student visa process. The counselor will guide you in your study abroad journey.
Do not miss this: Best GMAT Preparation Books and Online Resources
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coldtreefest · 2 months
There is nothing in the highest and lowest social status, at the very top there is pride, while at the bottom there is despondency, and in the middle there is confusion from: gluttony, lust, greed, anger, envy, My heart and penis are feverish and delirious with love passion for you, The focus of everything except your beauty is blurred, A deep coma of enamored dreams of your beauty, Looking at the priceless, supreme beauty of a blonde I want her to fuck me, to drum me with her kisses and tongue, Highly detailed by deceit, technocracy of temptations, the industry of sin, It's funny how the best friend corrects the lives of her friends with her envious, insidious egoism, Cynics carry the ego benefit on their hands that everyone sees, this is how the sympathy of the herd instinct is formed, My skin is simply electrified with enamored passion, from the touch of your skin and look, hotly exciting an erection in love, a wild boner, amazing sensations from the fact that they are nearby, I'm about to pass out from the overload of sincere love, I have an uncontrollable, inevitable, fateful, incontinence of love for a blonde, If your parents are not wise mentors, you will grow up a useless nation, the cold of narcissistic indifference goes into the genome, into the depths of self-destructive centuries of civilization, the foundation of the world is the correct education of a healthy lifestyle, even the bed of lovers will always be cold from indifference and self-detached imaginary employment, Gorgeous blonde, I would fry her with my dick, on her panties it is written: well, let's light it up, Old people are historians, living sources of times that they experienced on themselves, the wisdom that has accumulated over the course of a century, young people will miss their time because of technology, Trusting your broker creditor is like pouring a bucket of sulfuric acid on yourself with a word that nothing will happen, well, what if you have little faith in good luck to your football team, your trolling is inappropriate, I lost my car because of it, and yours too, what
So three hours of lecture on elementary physics, who understood what, student: I didn't understand anything, but I feel, professor: so I feel that not everyone will get a credit author Musin Almat Zhumabekovich
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art-of-manliness · 3 months
The Elementary Morality of Civilization
Note: From the 19th through to the mid-20th century, educational institutions — from elementary schools to colleges — sought to not only develop students’ academic abilities, but to cultivate, as one textbook from 1849 put it, their “virtuous and noble sentiments.” In 1916, the Character Education Institution, a kind of think-tank for research on moral education in schools, held a contest for the best morality code for children — a code which explained the fundamental basics of living a moral life. The winning entry was penned by William J. Hutchins, a college president. It was then checked against lists of 650 potential moral acts, 92 “desirable human characteristics,” other contest entries, and literature on moral education, and subsequently revised and expanded accordingly. “The Children’s Morality Code for Elementary Schools” was published in 1926 and students were encouraged to uphold its tenets by forming classroom clubs dedicated to its support.  THE ELEMENTARY MORALITY OF CIVILIZATION Boys and girls who are good Americans try to become strong and useful, worthy of their nation, that our country may become ever greater and better. Therefore, they obey the laws of right living which the best Americans have always obeyed. I. THE LAW OF SELF-CONTROL GOOD AMERICANS CONTROL THEMSELVES Those who best control themselves can best serve their country. 1. I will control my tongue, and will not allow it to speak mean, vulgar, or profane words. I will think before I speak. I will tell the truth and nothing but the truth. 2. I will control my temper, and will not get angry when people or things displease me. Even when indignant against wrong and contradicting falsehood, I will keep my self-control. 3. I will control my thoughts, and will not allow a foolish wish to spoil a wise purpose. 4. I will control my actions. I will be careful and thrifty, and insist on doing right. 5. I will not ridicule nor defile the character of another; I will keep my self-respect, and help others to keep theirs. II. THE LAW OF GOOD HEALTH GOOD AMERICANS TRY TO GAIN AND KEEP GOOD HEALTH The welfare of our country depends upon those who are physically fit for their daily work. Therefore: 1. I will try to take such food, sleep, and exercise as will keep me always in good health. 2. I will keep my clothes, my body, and my mind clean. 3. I will avoid those habits which would harm me, and will make and never break those habits which will help me. 4. I will protect the health of others, and guard their safety as well as my own. 5. I will grow strong and skillful. III. THE LAW OF KINDNESS GOOD AMERICANS ARE KIND In America those who are different must live in the same communities. We are of many different sorts, but we are one great people. Every unkindness hurts the common life; every kindness helps. Therefore: 1. I will be kind in all my thoughts. I will bear no spites or grudges. I will never despise anybody. 2. I will be kind in all my speech. I will never gossip nor will I speak unkindly of any one. Words may wound or heal. 3. I will be kind in my acts. I will not selfishly insist on having my own way. I will be polite: rude people are not good Americans. I will not make unnecessary trouble for those who work for me, nor forget to be grateful. I will be careful of other people’s things. I will do my best to prevent cruelty, and will give help to those who are in need. IV. THE LAW OF SPORTSMANSHIP GOOD AMERICANS PLAY FAIR Strong play increases and trains one’s strength and courage. Sportsmanship helps one to be a gentleman, a lady. Therefore: 1. I will not cheat; I will keep the rules, but I will play the game hard, for the fun of the game, to win by strength and skill. If I should not play fair, the loser would lose the fun of the game, the winner would lose his self-respect, and the game itself would become a mean and often cruel business. 2. I will treat my opponents with courtesy, and trust them if they deserve it. I will be… http://dlvr.it/T8sTMH
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3.7.24 Thursday
8:04 am
I still have windblow....I feel bitter....I wanna leave the hometown... I don't wanna be standard here and I wanna have nose perfection and find my soul mate...
I feel intimidated by the people here in Cavite....Where are they,their hiding place?
Where is Mitch? Did she give me that "simple battery" since 2007? Or became a member of people who tried to plan something on me?
I was spoiled and my memory came back in one piece... I'm not bad but I don't want people who will just want me to be standard on beauty coz I was raised here to humble myself but not to adjust and choose friends wisely.
8:19 am
I still have windblow...
I was religious, we were religious... My adoptive mother or Aunt Teresa ( younger sister of my biological mother ) raised me in the church since I was 13 but I was active in Church Of Christ since I was 6 then I became a choir member when I turned 13 here in the house of my adoptive parent's...
I saw O-day, I just accidentally saw him from the past years here he was there somewhere at the HQ of Paceer, I just smiled coz I know I saw him and met him before. Oday or Kuya O-day or Rodel,I met him in Salitran Elem. School but our meeting was all about "volleyball. But he didn'tknow me when I turned 13, my adoptive parent's train me to be middle-class or go back to being a Manila girl but studying in Immaculate Conception Academy. To the point that they trained me to be aware of my accent coz I unconcisouly acquired the "eh" here in Cavite. Cavitenyo or Cavitenya when they talked they have this eh either in-front or at the end of their words or sentence...
O-day is a tall guy nearly going to 6 footer... We just met in Salitran Elementary School just for volleyball thing. He didn't know my progress when I turned 13... He saw me again,I'm already a college graduate of De La Salle as B.S.Biology that was around 2009,O-day was there hanging out with people there in Paceer.I graduated B.S. Biology batch 2004.
8:38 am
For the recap,I'm not putting down Mitch on the news up here.
Mitch graduated B.S. Biology batch 2003....We were together for almost 3 and half years... She didn't hide things from me, I believe so... The "yoga" girl that I met. Everyday we were together... I remember we used to buy our lip and cheek tint in "bodyshop" we buy in regular basis as in if our lip and tint was done then we will just hit the mall and let's go let's buy our tint in "Body Shop". In our time it cost 700 then now it is 1k pesoses....That is our original lip and cheek tint.
Mitch,graduated a year ahead of me coz I was a transferee student from FEU-Recto I left my X-BF there who looks like that "fucking cute Revo" one of the QA's in Conduent. Now, I'm thinking of Mark and I'm somehow angry on him.
This is not bad and thanks we have "Ever Bilena" but hoping I can buy again my "Body Shop". I bought my "bronzer" in bodyshop and my conditioner spray and my tea tree oil concealer and oil for pimple and the white musk body mist and sometimes those body butter.
I bought a lot of different kinds of lotions...
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9:21 am
Hmm...Windblow....Though, Mitch never hide things from me, I believe so... I believed her... In a way I never actually interfere on her personal life. Though, we had a thing but we valued the"friendship" the most than any other kind of relationship that we had or can have... But she is not a kind of friend that will steal a bf at your back, Mitch will never do that, unless she is being cornered or a major plan to lead her on that path... But Mitch is smart enough not only on being a doctor but Mitch is competitive that she is truly "FIERCE"!!!
Did Mitch give me a "simple battery" since 2007???
9:45 am
Windblow... About "implenon"... It is not my right to answer for that but some said it was existing in Immaculate Conception Academy and in De La Salle but I respect the private life of a particular person. It is something private...
10:50 am
I have windblow.... I have menstruation thank God it is still kinda flowing... I wanna have a baby with someone tall and cute face but I want stability.... I still want my vanity... But a baby inside a matrimony... I don't know when.... Plus, frustration on sex...
Get out of my hair reds or 20's but be responsible as well... I feel bitter for 17 years...
I'm somehow panicking... I have mixed-up and so many frustrations in life....I just want people to respect me that I hate still, I hate being compared... I wanna travel and my vanity and my own career... It is all mixed-up...
Tomorrow I will surrender my id badge in Conduent.I need a job and I need money...
11:01 am
I feel bitter and mixed-up... I plan to buy it...
I don't have plans to have a baby outside the matrimony... Take me or leave me...
I feel stress, I really need sex with someone mature and able to understand my needs and able to respect me...
I hate being 2nd choice...
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11:18 am
I got my baby his nose and paw shine...
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12:11 noon
Will re-apply again tomorrow in Concentrix Moa and EXL and Infinite O....Why, they are all putting me down...I feel bitter and somehow a trauma in my mind angels...
I hope my "speech and power" teachers will go down to assist me now in call centers that I was their student and I'm having a hard time now and my lifestyle is different and I can speak English.
I'm commuting now and it is understandable I can't maintain my English words when I'm commuting...
Can "Speech and Power" assist me and help not to have a total damage in my part coz some of the Bisayaz are all organized that they are the leaders behind the call centers...
Some didn't know that English has a varities of ways on how to pronounce the words... It can be English -American; English-British; English-Australian sounds like Bristish and in USA there are so many accents as well like Black English Accent or Black English or Texas English yada2x...
I don't know and will find a part time job...
2:10 pm
I'm having "menstrual headache"....
2:29 pm
I'm watching "The Programs" it is about cult and kidnapping, weird.... But there are 5 different schools competing each other... Was it tunnel???
5:49 pm
I need a job,my Uncle's are not helping me at all... Tomorrow will go to Manila and find a part time a job and find my next family....
Still, waiting for Amazon...
7:05 pm
Ham-Burger time... ;)
In fairness the Pow's Trading Burger Patties is also yummy 7 slices per pack ( 38 pesoses ) but somehow thin slice compared to CDO much more thicker slice.The Pow's Trading is kinda difficult to cook coz of its thin slice...
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Italian Dressing and Mayo...
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With Love and Passion this Ham- Burger..
Frying on a dairy cream...
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For sale 45 pesos each...
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10:18 pm
I still have windblow... I don't like snake women or snake gf's...
Again,I feel bitter I can't find a cute bf who got stability or able to lift me... My beauty inspiration now is Revo ( one of qa's in Conduent )... It is just weird if I feel bitter, on getting a bf my style is alternate coz I feel bitter on black then will go to white again....I feel bitter... I have no success on black...I have no succes on the real mature world... I will find cute,tall and able to lift me... But I must be cuter than him, will tell you that...
But I'm gonna tell him, I must be cuter than him...I feel jealous here in Cavite.
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madamwoozle · 8 months
Part I - Eliminating Reference Sections in the Library Learning Commons
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I'm glad Canada doesn't seem to be screening our traditional reference sources, for "gender identity content" (like in Florida).
I noticed elementary schools in my former districts have, under their Learning Commons tab - both ERAC - BC Digital Classroom and Elementary District Digital Resources, by subject. There are many different World Books - all 2024. Several different "Gale in Context" 's are also current.
Although the World Book Atlas is from 2024, other databases go back as far as 2005. "Kids' Magazines" lists 2019 on their "Beginner's World Atlas" (good for History.)
Since students have to be introduced to magazines and teachers find it hard to look up their topics, I'm glad Magazines are generally digital now in many libraries. "Nat Geo Kids" seems to have new and older dates. I think both are good sources to compare with "World Book Atlas". One can still find a lot of info from the illustrations/captions.
Personally, I used to like sets of six physical books (Nat Geo for Kids, Amazing Animals series, etc.) for Primary Classes. They seemed to enjoy sharing the picture info. There was more social interaction than if these books were digital.
There is often one large printed dictionary on a short lecturn. We found when the students searched online, with their invented spelling, it was more difficult for them to find hits. (At least in the hard copy version, a lot of other words starting with the same letter are grouped together.)
Students like to take out hard copies of the most current "Guinness Book of World Records." They get constant use, so justify their cost
I'm hesitant to let Intermediate students roam free using the browsers/search engines. Some sources, like Wikipedia, may be above their reading level (unless the whole class goes to the same page.) Often, I've found some students hyper jump to sites like Google Images, YouTube, (TikTok?) when we've asked them to stick to the material using the Learning Commons or District Tabs on the school website. One can set rules. Devices are a privilege and will be temporarily switched to print resources if abused. However, that's not teaching them Digital Literacy. I'm in touch with two IT Departments in B.C. I would prefer if the school iPads could sometimes be set just to our "Digital Resource References" for Research and Writing. (Simply passing out and signing into a class set of devices takes time!)
At another time, I feel we could lift the controls, for units on wisely using online info. AI brings in a whole new playing field on the internet too!
One of the district IT Departments wrote: "We don't personally restrict, block, or limit websites on the IPads."
I've found the controls limiting certain keywords, are often counterproductive/'chosen randomly/are too restrictive.
In conclusion, I generally believe in subscriptions to current digital Reference resources. For print, I believe one should consult with other teachers on what they REALLY need, to tie in with their unit plans. This can be done digitally, on a physical sign-up list and by asking to be added early to Staff Meeting Agendas. Otherwise, the "New Library Info" often gets squeezed out, for time the Administration deems more important. Maybe we T-L's should set up a short appointment before the staff meeting and buy them a latte - to showcase new reference materials that were requested, how we're actually saving money on the budget, that both print and digital Reference Resources have their advantages.
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abegail8 · 9 months
My Journey as a Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in English Student
It's quite challenging to take a path where you know that you are not good enough. It's terrifying to face your fear because you have no idea what will happen along your journey. But there are sayings that “you would not know unless you tried it" and that even though the result will be different from what you expect it to be, at least it is still better than having what if. I've chosen English as my major because it's one of my weaknesses, and I want to face it. And I'd like to know why, from elementary school right up to the college, we need a English subject. As I became one of the future educators of language, I realized it was important, aside from being our universal language. It is also used as a medium of communication in different types of jobs, especially in interviews.
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It feels like a roller coaster ride when I go on this journey, where you get mixed feelings along the way. The beauty inside this path, the beauty I used to despise, slowly emerges as I walk it. As a junior English major student exploring the realms of education and language, I am not only engaged in the study of the structure of grammar and literature but also molding my perspective, principles, beliefs, and teaching philosophies that I gained from my experience as I embarked on this journey.
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In everything we do, we always need to be inspired and motivated. My loved ones are the reason why I am always inspired and motivated. They are always inspiring me to achieve my dreams and goals. They are also the ones that keep me motivated in everything I do, because I know they have been rooting for me from the beginning. I've also decided to stay because of my loved ones, despite the fact that there are a lot of reasons why I should quit. My loved ones serve as a constant source of inspiration and motivation, guiding me in all my endeavors, providing unwavering support, and expressing pride in my achievements, regardless of my life's outcomes or choices.
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In this journey, there have been a lot of challenges that I have encountered and conquered, and there will be a lot more in the future. Especially when I'm a freshmen student, because there are so many things to work on. Such as my grammar since I am bad at it so much that every worksheet that I passed has a lot of grammatical errors. And my pronunciation; since there are a lot of words that sound like, you have to pronounce them correctly to be able to say them well. Also, my public speaking skills are such that I am afraid to speak or to stand in front of the class in less than a minute because I am always thinking that they might judge me or what. I'm also a bit of a stutterer when it comes to reporting, and when I'm nervous, I'm instantly a rapper. Sometimes I doubt my abilities and question how bad I am on this journey. Sometimes I am insecure about my classmates because I realize that they are capable of anything without effort, while at the same time, I am trying to do it as hard as I can for me to be able to do it. Sometimes I find myself wondering if I am going to make it through these challenges or if I should stop because things are so difficult. There are times that I lose the spark of passion that I have, and all I need to do is sleep or do nothing at all. Sometimes I find myself looking for a job and thinking of stopping schooling because it is tiring at all. It is quite difficult to manage your time, especially when midterms or finals are around the corner. I experience that I am doing my worksheet while crying because I badly want to sleep and rest, but I can’t because I still have a lot of things to do. Having ten subjects per semester is so challenging that you really need to spend your free time wisely. There are times that I skip lunch or dinner to be able to finish the given task. There are also a lot of gatherings that I did not attend because of my broken schedule. And then, looking back on those days, I can say that I am grateful because I decided to keep going, knowing that I have to work hard for what I want in life because there is no easy way or shortcut to achieving those things. That everything I do right now will be worth it in time.
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As I look back on those days, it was necessary for me to spend more time studying the proper structure of grammar in order to be able to write sentences or paragraphs that contained fewer grammar errors. Those days that I watch online videos for me to be able to know how to pronounce that certain word are. Also those times that I am discussing what I am supposed to discuss in the mirror for me to be able to deliver and give information effectively in the class. Those days that I need to read a lot to add to those vocabulary words I know since my vocabulary words are only limited. And those a lot more days, either good or bad, are what make me who I am today. That makes me strong and will keep me going on this journey. And I can say that I am grateful because I decided to keep going, knowing that I have to work hard for what I want in life because there is no easy way or shortcut to achieving those things. Everything I have done since the beginning of this journey—those breakdowns, sleepless nights, skipped lunch or dinners, and not attending a lot of family or friend gatherings—will be worth it in time.
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On every journey, there is a huge possibility that you will meet a lot of different individuals. And that's why you need to choose people wisely who can help you and lead you on the right path. I'm glad I've met these people who make my journey bearable, because we all know it's hard to be alone on a journey, and there is also a saying that "no man is an island." This individual helps me in times of need, and vice versa. I am forever grateful that I have met people like them who help, guide, and teach me those things that I am having a hard time with.
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Before I end it, I will state some of the misconceptions about being an English major, including the belief that it is a simple process of translating words, sentences, and phrases to pass and obtain a degree. However, this is not the case, as being an English major involves more than just translation. It is also assumed that memorizing all vocabulary words is necessary, but this is not the case as one becomes a teacher rather than a human dictionary. Additionally, not everyone who takes an English major aims to become a writer, as many only want to face their weaknesses for job opportunities, especially in other countries, and for various reasons. It is essential to recognize that being an English major is not a one-time endeavor.
In conclusion, being an English major student does not only revolve around grammar and literature; it is more than that. There are a lot of times that you will fall along the way, but you always need to stand up every time you fall. Don’t let those challenges shake that passion inside you and stop what you are doing. Always remember why you started that journey in the first place.
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wordjust · 2 years
Vocab workbooks
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You can also view the word lists of the other levels of The Word Up Project. All the model compositions, power words and vocabulary exercises are categorized based on popular. We encourage all parents to pursue early vocabulary development with their kids. English Vocab Workbook for Creative Writing 5. Vocabulary development is fundamental to improving reading and writing skills.
This vocabulary word list is free and printable, but is also available through our systematic vocabulary development program, The Word Up Project, which has been proven to raise scores. Each workbook contains 30-40 lessons, with each lesson introducing 10 new vocabulary words through different exercises. Those words were then analyzed to see how often they appeared on English Language Arts state tests given in the fourth, fifth and sixth grades.
Vocabulary development is fundamental to improving reading and writing skills. OurSight Words and Spelling Workbook for Kids is a great way for your little one to learn how to read and write high frequency words that make up the majority. LOWEST PRICES ON Vocabulary Fundamentals,Word of the Day,Words Every Grader Needs to Know,Building Words,Vocabulary in Context for Common Core Standards. Each workbook contains 30-40 lessons, with each lesson introducing 10 new vocabulary words through different exercises. VERDICT: Perfect book to efficiently improve the vocabulary of young learners, or for foreigners learning English as Second Language.This fourth grade vocabulary list was built from an analysis of difficult words that appear in basal readers and other books commonly taught in the 4th grade. Vocabulary Workbooks Vocabulary These vocabulary workbooks help students grow their vocabulary and learn essential skills. FairPrice offers a wide range of products with. These words have their definition and pronunciation in the 2nd part of the book, followed by the answer key. Shop for Casco English Vocab Workbook for Creative Writing 3 from Singapores trusted grocery retailer. Or to reuse them inside a prepared sentence, or to practice them through some other activity: find the root, a synonym, an antonym, or ask an adult a question using some of these words. Then the student is asked to define these words, like in this example: Ontario: The Essentials Skills of Customer Service Vocabulary Building Workbook is a brilliantly crafted developmental instrument forany workplace. In each, you find 5 words in bold used in a sentence. Vocabulary Workbooks Homeschool Language Arts Spelling & Vocabulary Wordly Wise 3000 See More Grade K See More Wordly Wise 3000 Book K Student 10.88 15.19 Save 28 Wordly Wise 3000 Book K Teacher's 99.89 119.89 Save 17 Wordly Wise 3000 Book K Teacher's 70.69 84.79 Save 17 Wordly Wise 3000 Book K Picture 57.19 68. These exercises help elementary school kids develop their knowledge of words. These words are presented throughout 36 lessons. Vocabulary Worksheets Vocabulary worksheets for K5 Free, printable vocabulary worksheets to practice and improve vocabulary, word recognition and word usage. Spectrum Grade 3 Vocabulary Workbook3rd Grade State Standards for Word Classification, Roots, Compound Words With Answer Key for Homeschool or Classroom (160 pgs) by Spectrum Aug 15, 2014. The Vocabulary Workbook for 6th Grade is great to go over that hurdle without pressure.Īnd the trick is to focus first on high-frequency words, which this book does with 180 Tier Two words that sixth graders are expected to know, to make them stronger readers and writers. When you consider vocabulary acquisition, it may seem daunting at first for young learners. Weekly Activities to Boost Your Word Power ,
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female-buckets · 6 months
Star basketball player Abby Meyers signed with the London Lions last August, but she called Maryland home before calling the shots in London.
Meyers, a lesbian shooting guard, grew up in Potomac and graduated from Walt Whitman High School in 2017. She played for Princeton in her undergraduate years and played for the University of Maryland during graduate school.
She began playing basketball in elementary school, and she was already showing an abundance of potential by the time she was in high school.
In her freshman year of high school, the school’s basketball coach sat down with Meyers and her family and showed them a list of universities with Division I basketball teams. Meyers circled the names of the schools that she was interested in attending. From there, the doors leading to a collegiate basketball career began to open. She began working towards her dream and ended up playing for Princeton.
“It was kind of like a mutual understanding between the two of us, me and basketball,” Meyers told the Washington Blade. “I took more individual lessons, and I just realized that the potential was sky high.”
She came back to her home state to attend the University of Maryland not only for its business program but also for its celebrated basketball team.
“I grew up watching Alyssa Thomas, Shatori Walker-Kimbrough and so many other legends that passed through that program,” Meyers said. “So for me, I knew that basketball-wise, it was the best decision I could make. … They definitely had all of the qualities to make me the best player I could be.”
Before shipping off to London, Meyers briefly played in the WNBA for the Washington Mystics in the summer of 2023. In fact, the aforementioned UMD alum Shatori Walker-Kimbrough was one of her teammates.
She described her time with the WNBA and in London so far as a “learning experience.” 
“I got to relearn what it meant to be a rookie again,” Meyers said. “All of a sudden you enter a new team, a new level and you’re at the bottom, and you just have to let your actions speak louder than your words.”
Meyers publicly came out around 2019, and since then she has been a role model for many other lesbian women in sports.
“By coming out I’m actually being my authentic self, but I was scared that people were going to judge me and look at me differently when in fact, I was met with open arms, love, and appreciation,” Meyers said.
Meyers believes the journey one takes to coming out is an individual process that looks different for everyone.
“At the end of the day, it’s your own race; run it at your own pace,” Meyers said.  “Never be apologetic for who you are. When you have to start compromising yourself and your values for other people, that’s not the community you want to be a part of.”
She has not experienced much homophobic stigma since coming out, but that does not mean that it does not exist in other sports communities. However, in this modern social climate, Meyers pointed out, people are much more accepting of gay women in sports.
Nina Hazra, a University of Maryland medical student, grew up playing basketball with Meyers. The two were on the same team in middle school, but they went to different high schools and would often play against each other. 
Hazra did not play much past high school, but she remained close friends with her former teammate and rival to this day. She went to most of the home games during Meyers’ stint at UMD.
Though Hazra is straight, she noticed a tension in the sports world that affects all women, regardless of sexuality. However, with today’s shifting climate, it has become easier for female athletes to express their identities
“Women who express strong emotions in sports are often treated differently than men who do the exact same thing,” Hazra said in an interview. “I feel like as we’ve gotten older, there’s been a lot more celebration of womanhood in whatever form in sports, and I think that’s one of the places where you can then kind of go outside those societal norms.”
But Hazra still noticed the impact Meyers had on younger generations in sports who may be struggling with their identities.
“It doesn’t matter your sexuality, your gender identity, all that stuff. That doesn’t matter when you’re playing a sport,” Hazra said. “A lot of us didn’t have role models in those years growing up and just to get to see her being that for so many girls is so amazing.”
Elisa Pinzan, also a former Terrapin, is good friends with Meyers. 
Originally from Italy, Pinzan played for the University of South Florida for four years before entering the transfer portal and landing at UMD. She now plays for Keflavik IF in Iceland.
Pinzan and Meyers formed a strong bond while playing for the Terrapins together. 
“She was the first person I got close to; she is very open, smiley and friendly, and I felt comfortable around her from the first day,” Pinzan described. “I am glad to have met someone like Abby, with such a kind soul.”
Pinzan thought that fans should keep their eyes peeled for the Terrapins this upcoming March Madness season. 
“They are a very young team with energy, enthusiasm and grit on the floor, and I think they are a lot better than the record they have,” Pinzan wrote about the Terrapins in an interview. “Despite being young though, they are learning a lot every game and I am sure they will be able to transfer these lessons for the best time of the year coming up.”
Meyers agreed that there is a lot to look forward to this March Madness. She said that with Coach Brenda Frese’s game plans and strong assistant staff, the Terrapins have a strong chance of advancing throughout the competition.
According to Meyers, March Madness will be different for women’s basketball this year, pointing out that it’s more popular right now than men’s games, as women’s basketball is selling out arenas.
“I only think it’s gonna get better and it’s going to grow even more,” Meyers said. “Just the marketing, the social media, the overall awareness of the women’s game. Fans are growing by the number.”
Meyers believes that female basketball players have to rely more on their skill than their athleticism, which she believes makes women’s games just as — if not more — exciting than men’s games. She said that over the past few years, there has been a strong shift in women’s viewership that has shrunk the gap between men’s and women’s basketball, including from a technical standpoint, given that men and women play with the same level of equipment.
Regardless of where UMD ends up this March Madness, Meyers will be cheering the Terrapins on from across the pond — especially the women.
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Amid a crush of heavy news from around the world, who couldn't use some sage advice right now?
Call a new hotline, and you'll get just that — encouraging words from a resilient group of kindergartners.
Kids' voices will prompt you with a menu of options:
If you're feeling mad, frustrated or nervous, press 1. If you need words of encouragement and life advice, press 2. If you need a pep talk from kindergartners, press 3. If you need to hear kids laughing with delight, press 4. For encouragement in Spanish, press 5.
Pressing 3 leads to a chorus of kids sounding off a series of uplifting mantras:
"Be grateful for yourself," offers one student.
"If you're feeling up high and unbalanced, think of groundhogs," another chimes in.
"Bro, you're looking great."
Peptoc, as the free hotline is called, is a project from the students of West Side Elementary, a small school in the town of Healdsburg, Calif.
It was put together with the help of teachers Jessica Martin and Asherah Weiss. Martin, who teaches the arts program at the school, says she was inspired by her students' positive attitudes, despite all they've been through — the pandemic, wildfires in the region and just the everyday challenges of being a kid.
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