#wish i was a ghost so i could fly thru your lives and haunt you sweetly. hand in invisible ghostly hand
groupwest · 2 years
begging my brain to not be so empty i have to message so many people back but there’s nothing to say i wish we had evolved past spoken and written language by now. i wish i could just send love beams and movies to play in peoples heads and little birds to sit on my friends shoulders and play with their hair for me
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tumblunni · 6 years
Oh! And also how ghosts are great!
Like thats not just me being morbid about the suicidalness, i mean ive always thought that a ghost's particular superpowers would be like the biggest healing thing for all my anxieties!
Being able to turn invisible AND fly AND walk thru the wall to escape?? I could essentially be alone even when im in a crowd of people! And it was just relaxing to sit down and think "hey what would i do in this place if i had absolutely no fear of social embarassment?" Like how i'd actually be able to look at all the things on every single shelf in a shop, without being on a countdown fuse until i get overwhelmed. And i wouldnt be constantly looking over my shoulder so much i cant focus on what im taking in! I could look around all the scenery instead of eyes glued to my feet to avoid eye contact. And i could lay down on the nice looking grass at the park! I could climb trees! I could collect acorns! I could do old stress relief childhood things that randomly become not allowed when you hit a certain age, cos people are judgmental jerks! I could take my plush animals out with me and photograph them in different places! I could wear whatever wild style i want! I could however much i want to order, without worrying people would judge me for it! I could take off my socks when i have a blister on my foot and treat the blister on my foot and then reapply the sock to my foot! (Oh man my dreams are very mundane aint they.. This blister is real annoyin...) I could go to the beach again! The beach is like maximum crowd and maximum embarassment i havent been there for yeaaaars. And i could go out and explore all the places i havent been! And all the places i couldnt be, like interesting looking roofs or go visit the cute birds when all the stuff down there in the human world is too overwhelming. And i could fly all the way to all the countries all you guys live in, and give you a big bunni hug! I could help you out with chores with my amazing new powers and repay you for all your kindness!
And yo i could also chill out in relaxing old houses or cool haunted forests and nobody would give me shit for it. Take a nap in a bog! Go explore a sunken pirate ship!
And oh man lol my first childhood self insert oc was kinda like.. A contrived way to have these powers while not being a ghost, so nobody would realize i was suicidal? I had actual wings to fly with, and the power of 'shadow portals' to go through walls. And i was a demon because i still identified greatly with the idea of being a misunderstood monster, yeah.
The shadow portals also had an even bigger wish fullfillment tho? Like, i always found darkness comforting as something that concealed me. And whenever i was being beaten by my parents i would sorta disassociate by imagining falling through the floor into my shadow. The idea for the portals was that it was like a pocket dimension inside that you could hide in. And absoluteky nobody could ever break down the door! But also it kinda had simular appeal to walking thru walls cos when i opened the door again i could manifest out of any other shadow, not just the one i came in through. So i could make it past any obstacles and travel to new and exciting parts of the world in an instant! And funnily enough even though this was a wish fullfillment and the rules i set out for this power were so badly written that it was mary sue powerful, i never actually wanted to be the main character. I was just the goofy comic relief sidekick to my friends and i always wrote about myself still failing at everything in the fictional world.the difference was just that people found it funny like in cartoons, and they always forgave me and still wanted to be friends. Like that was one of Dan's powers, just 'everyone either wants to be my friend or ay least doesnt hate me if they dont'. Mary sue ocs are pretty much always just a manifestation of people who are abused or bullied in real life wishing for a world where people would like them. And yeah often it leads to bad writing but honestly those kids and teens are writing it for themselves rather than you, yknow? Its what they need right now.
So umm anyway that was my one of those bad ocs and im not ashamed of any of it, cos i still think ghost shadow powers are fuckin awesome and it would be rad to meet a bunch of superhero friends. And if you dont agree then youre probably lying! We call these kids's stuff "cringe" cos its just so unapologetically what everyone wants to be, and theyre not old enough to learn the shame that kept the rest of us from making stuff like that. And that sucks cos honestly when a passionately over the top wonderful thing is actually written with fully developed writing skills and all, its the best of the best! So many of my friends's passion projects are just BEYOND AMAZING and i hate seeing how they have so little confidence simply because the thing is something important and cathartic to their real life worries or wishes and tehyve just been taught that putting any emotion at ALL into fiction is somehow cringe. And man im exactly the same way, ive quit so many projects cos im totally crushed by my anxiety about them! So yeah lets all just hope for good project luck in the future and all support each other's awesome ideas okay?
And yo seriously i really need to revive that idea and give it to a new oc or something.
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