haropladraws · 4 months
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commission for @wisteriafield of her WoL, ciel in the gundam 00 style! thank you for your support!!
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cerastes · 3 years
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Cover to a porn game
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amber-gimlet · 3 years
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fu hua voice “for today’s physical therapy I’m going to beat the shit out of you”
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redwhitebreeze · 3 years
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Too late Wisty you can't stop the Ganq squad from invading you in full Kirk's armor.
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wyrmmaster · 3 years
Did you do all the ultimates blind or do you have a good guide for uwu on hand?
We used our own strats for all three but I can answer specific questions you might have and there's clear vods as highlights on my twitch
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darkarchercatalyst · 4 years
Hey did you ever read SAO Alicization? I dont actually know but perhaps the serires finally moved past kirito and i really liked the design of one Alice Synthesis Thirty despite her ridiculous name
Wisty I feel like this must have been sent months ago and I was never notified, but why in the world would I willingly interact with SAO beyond what I already have?
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ryo-maybe · 4 years
Whats Southern Italy's relationship with Sicily like anyway
I mean, Sicily is also Southern Italy, so it becomes more of a question about the infra-regional relationships in the South, which is kind of a complex clusterfuck in its own right depending on a myriad of factors, such as the generational groups you’re examining, the various local realities of each region and city and whatnot. Broadly speaking, it’s a mutual clusterfuck of retrograde prejudices and heartfelt comradeship all in the same flavorful soup. Basically imagine this
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except the Spider-Men are a Sicilian and a Calabrian calling each other dirty mafiosos while the Neapolitan in the NYPD van is blasting Italian Enka at eardrum-rupturing volume while waiting for the dudes to get on with it already so he can double-park in front of the single most illegal parking spot he picked because if anything has us Southern Italians on the same page, it’s the fact we absolutely shouldn’t ever have been granted the privilege of private automated locomotion.
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weisswinds · 4 years
Bleachs first opening is so so good, oozing with style and unique presentation and then they immediately opt for Stock Shonen OP animations :V i love UVERworld but Man
YEAH. i was trying to figure out why i never once skipped the first OP, but got bored of the second one almost right away. the song is nice and all but yeah, the visuals are so lacking by comparison. Everyone in the first opening has like five different outfits, its fantastic
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lordelmelloi2 · 3 years
I got really fuckin sick for 3 weeks awhile back (somehow wasnt covid) and then got my 2nd shot this week, but how've you been since we last talked?
Ive been alive!! its just god my allergies kill me sometimes. I got an intake appointmence with my new psych place scheduledfor next week  today so hopefully ill be able to take my venlafaxine and get my life at least a Little bit together somehow mperhaps. im hoping the extra energy venlafaxine gives me will give me the ability to work on overdue projects tbh ive been banking on it for a while :SOBEMOJI: havent gotten vaxxinated yet because im mortified of the uh hormonal changes it can inflict and I dont wanna deal w/that
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chenkari · 3 years
Bappy Birthday!
hooohoo thank youuu
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eski-creature · 4 years
wisteriafield replied to your post
c o m f y
She is somft and comfy catte. 
Gotta bundle up while walking through Land of the Eternal Snow and Catholic Elves. 
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cerastes · 3 years
I know its gonna be the hip thing to clown on malenia bc everyone is complaining about her boss fight as an outlet for it but im JUST saying she DID get cursed by an outer god and all and if you remember one of the early trailers of her fight with radahn, he smashes her prosthetic.
Given that 1. The arm socket is where Millicent inserts Miquellas Needle and 2. The broken needle is found in the heart of Aeonia. Its highly likely radahn smashed the needle in half with that strike, the sudden outer influence and her worn out state causing an inevitable dam burst (rewatching the scene, its a neat detail that she draws her own blood as a means of direct infection, given that the blade itself was immune to the scarlet rots decay).
I dont think it's really fair to call that "throwing a tantrum", and at the same time the worship of radahn reminds me that just bc he was benevolent to his own men doesnt mean that he couldnt be just as power hungry as any other shardbearer (sans morgott), as ranni already demonstrates the mutual exclusivity of affection, nobility, and morality
I'm at a bit of a loss regarding which angle I should be interpreting this from. It's an ask, as opposed to a post or a DM, so I'm assuming you want my take on it all? And at first glance I'd assume it'd be as response to me making funnies about Malenia yesterday, thus I should address it from that angle, but it could just also be your thoughts on the matter? I'll go with my gut and assume you want my take.
Ok, so,
"I know its gonna be the hip thing to clown on malenia bc everyone is complaining about her boss fight as an outlet for it"
As I believe you know by now, I like to clown on characters in general because it's fun, and it's definitely not me huffing on a copium life support tank since I beat her third try on my second run and I've expressed several times that I do love her fight, and the one thing I had a big issue with -- Waterfowl Dance -- I've come to not mind as much.
There's definitely people that are going to dunk on her as an outlet for frustration, though, I agree, but I don't think that's a bad thing, it's Video Games, that's just how it's been all the time. What does concern me about the way you are framing that, however, is that it is akin to saying that there's no other reasons why anyone would be dunking on her except because they are huffing copium, which is outright incorrect, even, I dare say, from a design perspective.
Elden Ring's lore is sports. You pick the faction/leader you think its coolest to you and that's your favorite. You like Malenia a lot. That's great! Other people think Radahn is the coolest. That's great! Like you can find a lot of reasons to dunk on any demigod, there's plenty of stuff that can be said to dunk on Malenia. I think I've also been very explicit in my thoughts on Malenia, but I'll put it in unalloyed words for the record: I think she's got an extremely cool design and her boss fight is immensely cool, but I find her characterization to be very boring, barebones, and lackluster, especially when compared to the two groups of characters one would normally compare her to, the Demigods (practically all of which have more characterization or at least quirks and details to them than Malenia does) and the Cool Fromsoft Late Game Female Bosses (of which Lady Maria and Sister Friede, imo, have a LOT more going to them than Malenia does).
I'll be fair and say that there IS a factor of Malenia's that I think is very cool and that isn't her boss fight or design: The fact that she and Miquella are foils to each other. While Malenia is a tall, nigh-peerless warrior, Miquella was cursed with the body of a child and is famously a renowned inventor, his Unalloyed Gold series of inventions being absolutely crazy good and advanced, ranging from extremely effective prosthetics to needles that can outright halt the advance of an outer god alien super anthrax (Scarlet Rot). While Malenia's domain is the Scarlet Rot, Miquella's domain is the lush evergreen. There's a couple more ways in which they are foils to each other and I think that's pretty cool, but at the same time, it's something that necessitates her to be associated to another character, her brother, in order to even be present as a factor, and unfortunately, it keeps reminding me of something I don't like about Malenia: "My brother my brother my brother my brother my brother I am my brother's blade where is my brother Miquella."
So, in short, yes, there's definitely copium to be found, but also, there's a lot of reasons as to why anyone would dunk on her regardless, and we shouldn't pretend or frame it otherwise. Maybe you didn't mean it that way, but that's how it came across.
Its highly likely radahn smashed the needle in half with that strike, the sudden outer influence and her worn out state causing an inevitable dam burst
This is a good theory that I like, because it accounts for details and a solid possibility, but there's also, if mind serves, several instances and accounts that mention Malenia having deliberately gone hog wild with the Scarlet Rot as a desperation move because Radahn was giving her so much trouble. I think Millicent herself said something to that effect at one point, though I don't truly remember her dialogue to the detail. Yes, it could be that one is meant to look for details in the way your theory does... Or It Could Also Just Be Malenia Doing That. Both are perfectly fine guesses. "Throwing a tantrum", in my opinion, is still an apt interpretation, if one that can be contested with what you said, but apt nonetheless.
"I dont think it's really fair to call that "throwing a tantrum", and at the same time the worship of radahn reminds me that just bc he was benevolent to his own men doesnt mean that he couldnt be just as power hungry as any other shardbearer (sans morgott), as ranni already demonstrates the mutual exclusivity of affection, nobility, and morality"
Which leads me to this point. I am going to assume you do not mean me when you say this because the only thing I've said as praise towards Radahn is that he learned turbo gravity magic from a scary tall man in a diaper all so he could keep riding his shitty beloved horse, but it's in the ask and it allows me to go back to something I believe is very important to consider:
Elden Ring Lore Is Sports. Like sports fans, some people will dunk on the others that aren't their favorite. That's completely fine, literally all of these demigods are power hungry. My favorite Elden Ring meme is that one that's like "mfers will complain about Queen Marika and then put a new dictator on the throne" with Ranni on the background, which is like, completely a possibility, even though I'm Rannisquad. Literally none of these people are altruistic. That's fun, narratively. Radahn gets brownie points for being benevolent to his men and due to how he vowed to keep the rot at bay, fighting it for a VERY long time (which gives him, unsurprisingly , good PR in and out of universe), but he's still very much a power hungry participant of the war of succession. Morgott, my favorite alongside Ranni among the demigods, is someone I fully do not agree with ideologically speaking, because he may not be power hungry, but he's still protecting a status quo that very clearly is not in benefit of anyone except his Golden Order peers and believers. Rykard, my favorite after Ranni and Morgott among the Demigods, has the right idea, going against the Erdtree, but the way he's going at it is the most fucked up and even self-destructive way, presumably because he's gone full hedonist, and yet, he's the one that is outright the closest to the mark out all of Demigods, because producing a single, incredibly powerful champion IS the right idea, even though he's methods of producing this champion are beyond barbaric.
This is literally just pick your sports team because you like them more than the others. There's no real cut and dry morality here, because everyone's vile to some degree. Malenia clearly inspired immense loyalty among her warriors as a powerful and charismatic, but her flaw is being incredibly narrow sighted and, if you subscribe to the theory of her having deliberately unleashed the rot, which again, is a valid theory to have, unconcerned with the long term consequences of her actions in the moment. And if I don't like that, I don't like that, Cool Female Character or not.
I think Elden Ring and its factions are far better enjoyed when you look at it through the lens of It's Sports: The fans of the other teams have their reasons, you have your reasons, now let's make Funny Content or lore posts or anything, because every Demigod has good things and bad things that can be said about them, and ideologies you can agree and disagree with. I think the purest form of this is Ranni, in order to help you or anyone understand where I am coming from: Ranni 100% is not a good person, she's done fucked up things, confirmed or implied or otherwise, and she explicitly wants to have power over the Lands Between. She's also someone that can become your personal friend and lover, and very very much adores those she loves, like the Tarnished if they side with her, her brother Blaidd, her uncle Iji, and her often forgotten beloved teacher and mentor, the Ice Witch. She's not a good Demigod, but she's your Demigod. I think that's the way to go about Elden Ring, personally.
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amber-gimlet · 4 years
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redwhitebreeze · 3 years
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Must have been that because I was also using clemency in my refusal to use rampart, I told them I felt comfortable using shelltron, clemency and had trust in their skills.
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wyrmmaster · 3 years
idk if you already knew but Ippon Datara is my universal problem solver bc it guaranteed-staggers every single thing in the game (like Gozuki but faster/smaller/cheaper/cooler). I run a purity build and had a pretty minmaxed set of gear throughout the game's lifecycle but I always counted on Ippon to ki break stuff as fast as possible
YUP, been the go-to for me as well!
It's always hammertime.
One that surprised me was Kasha's soul core, I wanted to use it for Reasons but it turned out to be surprisingly great, even against things like Magatsu warriors because it interrupts whatever pattern they're using and tends to bounce away in a direction that lets it hit weakpoints, with fire buildup to boot. Was a pretty nice surprise.
I'm generally just unga-bunga build wise though outside of talismans, lol. Looking forward to another playthrough and getting creative with ninjutsu especially
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utsutori · 4 years
wisteriafield replied to your post: i look back on that kama redesign and im like….i...
half the notes were just people being salty about “WOW YOU THINK YOU’RE BETTER THAN EVERYONE HUH” wasnt it
NO ACTUALLY??? there were like 3 people who didn't like it but the majority of tags were “thanks op” and “dw hire them”
i was flattered but at the same time it took so little effort and wasn't even my art in the end so like. Why Was It So Popular. redrop is a fantastic artist and even tho i don't like kama’s design/status as a sakuraface i still stan.
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