It’s hard to miss the familiar color of pink through the crowds, flying past him where he’s been taking a break on the benches off to the side, looking like she’s practically on a mission. Something must have caught her eye, he figures, but she’s so fast!
“Mika! Where are you headed in such a hurry?!” For that matter, his voice also doesn’t carry well in noisy places. Of course he’s just relieved to (potentially) see someone he knows! Besides that, seeing her safe is also a relief, knowing what this place could pull at any moment. But there’s so much going on with hustle and bustle of summer being in full swing and he’s not nearly fast enough to catch up either, even when he tries to follow after her with the worry that she might get herself into trouble zipping around the shopping district like that.
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lalaluuz · 8 days
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"I just think enamel pins are peak accessorizing and decorating, and I'm tired of being silenced by the naysayers!" The problem, of course, is that her current bag has run out of space for more pins.
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deathreversed · 16 days
It was different now, wasn't it? The last time Nier had been to the Cotes Ward, it had similar aesthetics to the Sky Realm's far eastern islands. Now, it felt like...
It was difficult to describe, now that she thought about it. It almost echoed some of the standard Sky Realm architecture, but everything was just a little off. It was a poor copy, like someone had described it to a builder who didn't really care to get it right. Nier wasn't fond of the change; she had preferred a place that made her feel far from home. Was it possible that she had just wandered far off from familiar streets, and a few correct turns would bring her back to familiar territory?
Or had she been gone for far longer than she realized?
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Sighing, she gives a small wave to someone passing by. "Um, excuse me... Do you know where the cherry blossom grove is? They didn't get rid of that, did they? I'm just looking for a quiet place to collect my thoughts."
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wherethewindblows · 23 days
"Get Equipped~~"
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"This is Starman, he's a bit theatrical for a Wilybot." Which maybe why he stuck out to her!! "He's what some would call a romantic, I feel like you two would get along, I'm sure!"
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plantamagicae · 30 days
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toadstoolism · 1 month
Is there anything you would have changed when you started writing now that you have more experience?
❥ questions for the mun
i would change my excessive thesaurus usage/purple prose... stop going out of your way to use the fanciest-sounding words that literally nobody says or understands girl you're like 12 😭
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ultimatelifefcrm · 1 month
What is your favorite canon muse? & In what fandom did you start?
That's like asking me to pick a favorite child! (It's Zelos Wilder)
Uhhh...Publicly: Megaman. So I'm just gonna say that. A girl loves her robot master children.
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willowingflames · 2 months
"you talk a lot," it was meant negatively. yoohyun always had few words to say towards strangers, he already pays no mind to camera crew and those who conduct interviews. why should he spare any of his time on a random person he didn't know? whatever, it's not like he was paying attention what the girl was saying.
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no beating around the bush here, he might as well be quite blunt about it. "go find someone else to talk to and leave me alone."
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virtualpopsensation · 2 months
Miku is technologically inclined, of course, and that's how her wandering ended up leaving her here: a strange park but beautiful all the same. She's just excited to get the opportunity to experience all of this. And that includes getting to know these strange little guys that litter across the place.
Curiosity unsatisfied, she walks up to someone who looks to be human.
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"Hello! Um, are you a human? A real human?" It's an odd question (Miku is unsure if she's the only virtual being given a physical form or not), but she quickly switches topics. "Do you know what these are?" She gestures a hand to just one of strange dog-like denizens with screens on their heads. "They're very cute!" Is it something from the human world that she's not come across yet? How interesting!
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gungnirclad · 2 months
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ƒ. You can go back to your lodgings for other stuff besides sleeping, you know? Bikki seemed way too engrossed in checking what had changed and what hadn't to do anything else besides the very basics in Apartment 308. And then... Back to the streets. Mermaid Cove Mall. Some random fashion shop. Her amber eyes were fixated on a mannequin wearing a purple short dress accompanied by a cream cardigan. The reason? I don't know. Ask her. Maybe the colors reminded her of Miku. Maybe she was just lost in some random thought. Maybe she missed her. The only certain thing is that if you did as little as clapping next to her, she'd probably get startled.
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unkns · 2 months
  ❛  that look of yours  ❜  till starts, hesitant to finish such a sentence but who was he to back down.   ❛  i've got a bad feeling about what you're intending to do here.  ❜ 
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should he turn down whatever this was immediately?   ❛  the answers no. and i'm busy indefinitely.   ❜  perfect method to avoid this! no flaws in his plans.... unless? // @witchoftrinity
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darkenforcer · 2 months
@witchoftrinity || 🃏🃏🃏
"hope you didn't give my friend too much crap for the booze," although it really doesn't seem like yuri minds much either way, shuffling through a deck of cards as leisurely as can be.
he'd never met the girl prior to today's mishap, so what's better than a friendly game of slapjack to help break the ice? it's more fitting than poker, at least.
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"zev definitely asked for it, won't fault you there... i'd be surprised if no else in this city's been crazy enough to try their luck, though. am i wrong?"
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gleamknight · 2 months
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"You're dressed so extravagently, you must be the lady of the party!" Zelos was quick to take her hands and shake them excitedly. FINALLY, someone else coordinating parties that wasn't him! Hard to believe he wasn't tipsy yet, actually
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lightblume · 2 months
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"You look lovely, my dear. Just as I had envisioned." Tsuru felt like a proud parent as she watched Mika give her a twirl in her dress. After, she takes one of her hands into her own and smiles. "And you were worried it didn't suit you, learn to have a little faith in yourself, won't you?"
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hcrpyiia · 2 months
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Yumine is pacing back and forth. Wings are folded behind her back to make them as close to her as possible. She doesn't want to take up too much space (Even though she's out in the open).
She seems bothered, but what would possibly be causing her minor distress?
She finally stops pacing and pees back into an opened manhole. It's a little too small for her. She can't go in, "Don't worry, I'll get you out of there." But she needs something long and something skinny. Her tail isn't gonna cut it!
There's a small meow echoing from beneath!
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plantamagicae · 1 month
Tweet! :3
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