#with a horrific backstory 💅
sadiecoocoo · 1 month
Oh I just thought of a rlly fucked up thing to do for p2 of surrender your mind… Rex is going to be the embodiment of ✨trauma✨ when I’m done with him
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xplrvibes · 4 months
adam kimmel… and he looks oddly like jimmy kimmel lol i wonder if theyre related
10-14 patients in that small room is inhumane in itself. places like this make me so sad… theyre meant to help people not give sadistic psychopaths an outlet
lexi is so funny. they hear the most fked up things… the boys freak out (admittedly exaggerated reaction for camera) and lexi’s reaction is like ‘ew’ 😂
colby just being an empath 💅
“dude our fan just leaves us” 😂😂 i would too, you crazy mofos. you wanna stay in a srsly haunted spot and talk abt how youre feeling wobbly and woozy… im leaving with steve and the guides man ciao!
colby and steve walking together… talking together… i would look amazing between them
nates facial expressions 😂😂
“what if i put a torch on that table?” that is quite clearly a chair, mr golbach.
steve just commands respect from these spirits dude they listen to him
wait… wtf. ok theyre in the doll room and looking at a portrait of a little girl holding flowers. isnt that “samantha” from the driskill episode?
wait wait wait lemme check
Its the same freaking portrait wait thats crazy wtf 😳 but this girls name is “susie” dude
idk why i noticed that but i did 😂 tbh it’s probably a mass produced art piece and maybe samantha at driskill took a liking to it
alright back to it
they need to put colby under the estes here this would be crazy
waait the knocking… thats insane
lol colby with the hand warmers. honestly whoever invented those deserves all their success.
“are (spirits) trying to lure (lexi) away from us” this is exactly what i thought during the conjuring episodes. i felt like something was trying to lure sam away by mimicking colby bc it knew sam trusted colby and would come running if he suddenly heard colby calling for him 👀
part 3…
Is this the one where Colby stays behind to help Lexi walk over the ice?
I know he did that in a different episode with another lady, but my brain is telling me he did it here, too.
Our little chivalrous gentleman, Colby. 🥰 No wonder all the 1800's era ghost ladies want a crack at him.
But yea, these places have such horrific and sad backstories...no wonder they are all haunted. Even if they aren't haunted (which they are), the decades of bad energy in these places is just baked into the walls at this point.
Omg @ the portrait lmao. That's gonna cause a ruckus if anyone else sees that 🤣.
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