#with any luck ill get it done by 2025
Ah idk if someone has asked this before but what would Naga Scara do if the reader was really sick? Not that fatal that they could die but how would he treat them??
gonna kiss u right on the cheek come here /j
BUT YOU HAD THIS QUESTION FOR SO LONG AND ONLY SENT IT IN NOW??? this is a warning to the rest of you. send in your questions 🔫
Anyway! I think that this would be even worse than him finding out about periods because you're not supposed to get sick. The moment you tell Kuni, he feels a pang of oh-so-familiar fear, which he quickly suppresses. Part of it is that same "Is this my fault?? Did I do something wrong??" anxiety, but it also has the added weight of millennium-old mental baggage. Illness brings back bad memories. He still remembers the end of Gurabad.
He's on edge the entire time. You might know that you're going to be fine and it's nothing that major but matter how many times you tell him, that restless anxiety won't leave him. He'll do his best to hide any fear for your wellbeing; he's stronger than that, above it, is what he tells himself. So, as you might have guessed, it comes out as anger and annoyance, making him very irritable until he's absolutely certain you're going to be fine.
However, if you watch him closely, you might notice a flicker of panic when he thinks your condition has worsened, or the edge of desperation when he looks you over. I wouldn't recommend pointing this out, though. He doesn't like being viewed as anything less than untouchable.
He already viewed you to be as fragile as porcelain before, and this just makes that even worse. He ends up watching you like a hawk, just as much to quell his anxiety as it is to make sure that you don't get worse. Anything you need, expect him to get it for you if at all possible, as quickly as possible. It's because he's genuinely worried you might die on him if he leaves you alone too long or can't get you something. He's a bit out of touch when it comes to human durability, but I guess that's fair. Any human would be delicate in comparison to him.
There's no immediate sigh of relief in this situation. He only starts feeling better when you do, and it's a slow process. For a few days afterwards, he'll continue to keep an eye on you. He's worried it might come back.
It's a tense situation for the both of you. His anxiety rubs off on you, not so much in a "am I going to die??" sense and more in a "why is this emotionally constipated bastard getting so worked up over the person he kidnapped" sort of way. It's really not a good time.
He felt a little embarrassed to be so "doting" but he was too worried over your health to be anything less. To make himself feel a little bit better, he expects you to dote on him afterwards. To even things out, he says.
"What? It's embarrassing? Now you know how I felt. Hurry up then, it's only fair."
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wolfstarlibrarian · 4 years
Hi! First of all, thank you so much for everything you do!!! Second, I know you have a wolfstar teachers section in the card catalog (which I absolutely love) but I just can’t seem to get enough of wolfstar teachers... by any chance do you have any more recommendations in this category? If not, no worries :) thank you again!
Thank you for the love friend! And the Librarian can admit, that was a short list done early on so they’re happy to give you a whole list of more fics in addition to the two previous related lists. Hope you find some fics on here to enjoy! 
Wolfstar Teacher Fics
Wolfstar Hogwarts Professors
Wolfstar Teacher Fics 2
Signs of Affection by @kittycargo
“Hello, everyone! My name is-” the professor did something quick with his fingers and the interpreter paused for just a moment before continuing, “-Remus Lupin. I’ll be your teacher for ASL I." When Sirius learns that he'll have a Deaf student in his class next year, he takes an ASL I summer course at his local community college. He didn't expect the professor to be so attractive though.
Please tell me you're not the TA by @halictus-writer Sirius sees the most attractive man outside of the classroom he's looking for. His biggest wish: please don't be the TA. (NOTE: This author also has another Hogwarts Professor AU in-progress)
Synergy by @remuslives23 Synergy: the whole is greater than the sum of the parts.
snowflakes by @maddy-does
Sirius finally gets to meet the new teacher Harry won't stop raving about, and is equally as impressed.
a matter of time by ThatFilmGraduate A bit of science, a bit of divine intervention, and you have your Perfect Match. Sirius Black takes the Soulmate Test in 2025 and gets some results. It just takes a bit of time.
My Dog Will Always Come Through by @mooncat457writer
Seeing how happy James and Lily are now that they have baby Harry, Sirius wants to add to the family he and Remus have, too. So when Hagrid finds a litter of crup puppies abandoned in the Forbidden Forest, Sirius does his best to convince Remus that they should adopt one.
Of Sticks, Stones and Breaking Bones by @callipygiangoldfish When Remus finds himself with a snotty six-year old on his hip, watching Harry’s family ride off into the sunset, he doesn’t quite know what hit him. After wrestling himself a place in Harry's life as his primary school teacher, he throws himself into his new life as a parent of a scared small boy. There's a black dog in the garden, Lego over the floors, and plenty of bumps along the way, but Remus knows it's going to be an adventure. And if he happens to collect a child (or two) and a boyfriend along the way, then so be it. Otherwise known as ‘The Lupin Household for Waifs and Strays’
he's blinding but you can't look away by JaguarCello Remus Lupin - new English teacher, wearer of extraordinary jumpers, pub quiz winner - and Sirius Black - ill-articulated scandulous past, wearer of leather jackets, Physics teacher - are going to have quite a year. There is Arthurian romance, pub quizzes, kisses, bad singing on tables, far too many highlighters, and lots of alcohol. Maybe a little true love, not that Remus believes in that any more.
Of Caffeine Addictions and Nail Polish by BlueAzalea Remus hated being addicted to caffeine. On top of the withdrawal headaches and jumpiness if he drank too much coffee, it was causing him to pine like sixteen-year-old boy. And he was an adult --Yes Dora 'real adults' carry chocolate on them at all times-- and adults do not pine. Adults go on dates. But how do you know if its a date or not? Or Remus is a teacher. Sirius owns a coffee shop. And neither know what qualifies a date as a date.
Bonjour by Fitamina Remus had the words tattooed on his wrist since i could remember. They were supposed to tell him how is soulmate was, but think are never as we dreamed they would be.
Living It All -orphaned fic After being disowned and disinherited, Sirius Black never imagined a tragic accident would leave him guardian of his younger brother. But there he was, dealing with a sullen teen who was facing both the loss of his parents and his sight. Sirius does his best to take care of him, and when Regulus joins a music class, Sirius certainly doesn’t expect to fall for the adorable music teacher.
Meet You At The Bottom by @remywrites5 “Hi Mr. Lupin!” Harry called out, waving at his teacher. “I’ve brought Uncle Sirius again!” “I can see that,” Remus said, standing up and joining them. “And how are we today?” “Good!” Harry said, jumping up and down in place. “Uncle Sirius would like to snog you. He told my mummy.”
Our Destiny in the Stars -orphaned fic Having no luck in the dating field, and insecure about his body, Remus checks out a dating website which offers the users the opportunity to get to know a person before seeing what they look like. It's during this time he meets Sirius, an enthusiastic teacher--and they immediately click. When they agree to meet, Remus sees a photo of Sirius and immediately panics. He's too good looking to ever be interested in someone like Remus. What the tawny-haired man doesn't know, is Sirius has already checked him out online and has fallen head over heels for the adorable editor.
Remus Lupin's Coffee Order by @remusyoulittleshit Inspired by a list of AUs on Tumblr. Specifically: i purposely got your coffee order wrong just so you’ll talk to me again au
If you know any of the untagged authors, please comment with their tumblr. ❤️
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