#with codependency problems. actually this isn’t giving trans this is just giving me
sammygender · 1 year
obviously every roy sibling is incredibly cisgender but can you imagine if they weren’t. trans connor roy, so irrelevant that his dad probably forgot he was ever a girl? trans kendall roy, worlds first transmasculine absent father? trans sioban roy, determined to out-do her brothers via transitioning to female? trans roman roy— yeah i actually don’t have much to say about him i dont think his character would meaningfully change. notice i say ‘roy sibling’ because greg could theoretically be trans. like i don’t think he is but technically we’d like never know. idk. it’d kind of work. except for the fact that he’s 6’7
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unpopulair opinion: i can't believe sam forgive dean about the gadreel thing. it was abusive.
Yeah, that whole scenario was pretty bad. Especially when in the context of the show, supernatural possession without consent is akin to rape. And it’s actually kind of worse that Dean legitimately tricks Sam in order to get around the whole consent issue. Tricking someone or manipulating someone into having sex with you is still rape and what Dean did to Sam, manipulating and tricking Sam into saying yes, isn’t actually consent, it’s just a loophole around the issue and isn’t actually consent. This moment where Dean tricks Sam should not be toted around as this great display of how much Dean loves his brother. No, this is not an amazing display of Dean’s love for Sam. This is not a symbol of how much Dean loves Sam. This is Dean not respecting other people’s autonomy and being only interested in what these people can do for him, what their existence does for him. What Dean needs for himself trumps everything else, even Sam’s own desires. I’m certainly not saying that I wanted Sam to die in that moment. That’s not what I’m saying at all. Sam and Cas are my favorite characters on this show. But at the same time, in the moment of the whole Gadreel possession, I did not agree with Dean in this moment. And then, because of what Dean did, Sam now has to deal with the fallout of what Gadreel did. Most notably, Kevin Tran’s death. Something like this, I don’t know if I could ever forgive anyone for doing that to me. But in their typical Dean-Stan-Itis fashion, the writers never actually do anything to hold Dean accountable for it. Sam’s mad for like an episode but then he’s all, “let bygones be bygones” and it’s just this weird thing that I can’t stand when the writers do it. They try super hard to make sure that Dean is forgiven for all bad things he does, all the characters and stans are like, “he just cares so much so its okay”…well so do Sam and Cas, what are they? Chopped liver? They all do bad things because they care so much but yet Dean is the one instantly forgiven for everything whereas Sam and Cas are paying for their decisions for multiple seasons? And they’re still being driven by their guilt for those decisions even to this very day. Sam and Cas consistently feel like they’re failures and Dean constantly harps on and brings up their failures but the second Dean feels even a smidge of guilt for the things he’s done, the writers bend over backwards to pat poor Dean on the back and be all, “it’s okay, poor baby, don’t feel bad, it happens to the best of us.”
And the thing that I can’t stand is when Dean stans justify this scenario but in Season 14, when Sam punches Dean for Dean wanting to essentially commit mental suicide, suddenly Sam is the abusive, codependent asshole according to them. Never mind the fact that these scenarios are completely different. With the Gadreel thing, Sam was already knocking at death’s door, he was ready to let go and be at peace and Dean deprived that of him. What happened in season 14 was nowhere near something like that. Sure, there was a part of Sam that didn’t want to let Dean go but he was also trying to prevent Dean from making a decision that would mean a fate worse than death and I would hope that if I was on a verge of making a decision like that that there was someone who loved me enough to punch me in the face in order to get me to re-consider. And not to mention it’s a decision that was chalk full of holes in it (it was a temporary solution to the problem at best). Dean wasn’t about to find peace, he was not dying, there were still other possibilities they could explore to fix the problem. But it’s also worth mentioning that Sam wasn’t aggressively trying to take this decision away from Dean like Dean has done so many times with Cas and Sam. Sam was trying his damnest to try and get Dean to re-consider but he wasn’t doing anything to actively take the decision away from Dean. And that’s the difference between their co-dependent relationship with each other. There’s a difference between how they respect each other. Dean is only interested in what Sam’s existence gives him whereas Sam loves his brother and while wanting his brother by his side, there’s still an element of respect regarding his decisions.
I’m just not a big fan of Dean being unwilling to give the people he loves the respect of autonomy. Autonomy be damned, he’s the one that apparently knows what’s best for everyone and everyone should be grateful for the decisions he makes for them.
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