#with ruleus
theangstbrigade · 8 years
Ruleus => Ananya
 CI: COME OVER TO MY H!VE no wa!t !'m go!ng over !GNORE 
CI: !'M SO PROUD O? YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111 
CI: Have ! ever sa!d !'m env!ous o? your relat!onsh!p w!th C!tr!n? !t seems so n!ce... 
CI: How well do you reelate to w!sh!ng to plot the dem!se o? someone who... oh th!s !s s!lly 
Ruleus => Sage 
 CI: ! l!ke your ha!rcut!!!!!!!
 CI: Sage, what do you do when you ?eel... mghgh 
CI: !'M !RR!TATED OH wrong number. R!ght number?? Co!nc!dence/??? ENOUGH 
CI: O? all the ?aces ! m!ss see!ng around.................... 
CI: Sage, !t's late but are you awake/? 
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grubhivemind · 8 years
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Citrin/Ruleus Mood Board
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pwncrackers · 2 years
"Fallen Comrades"
PwnCrackers Lore
"Six months after the Tusmann Crusades, the Order of the Caulum Knights suffered major losses following their failed attempt at exterminating the desert nomads that threatened the Ruleus Empire's colonial outposts in the eastern coasts of Chalcedonia. Unfed and low on morale, the starving knights found themselves desperate in the dry outback of the Chalcedonian wilderness. None of their messengers have returned with reinforcements, and losing all hope, they turned against each other to survive. The knights fought among themselves, eating each other for survival. This awakened a long-forgotten curse that plagued mankind millions of years ago. This curse, often triggered by the consumption of a kin's flesh, was a rare phenomenon even among the wild animals. It would turn the person suffering from the curse into a bloodthirsty and mindless animal, losing grip of their sanity as the curse takes hold. The curse can either take hold of the mind or the body of the affected, with those being affected in the mind being less obvious to spot. It is impossible to cure a person affected with such curse, as there are no known treatments against such vile affliction. Due to its severity, the curse has been often referred to as the "Demon's Curse", as it transformed the affected individuals into beings that displayed monstrous strength. Due to the non-existence of a cure, most of the curse's victims are killed in mercy, as some would display emotions such as torment. Ever since its discovery from the failed crusade of the Order of Caulum, futile attempts have been made to contain the curse. This curse now affects millions of inhabitants in the former cities of the Rulean Empire, growing ever stronger as the afflicted ones continue to devour each other for survival."
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i have fankids inspired from an rp if you have coin... or are just curious
Ruleus Erykke -- Neon blue (mutant) -- Genetic Doners: ??? (Adopted by Feferi) -- Mage of Light -- Biochemical research and developer Venras Paxxas -- Cerulean -- Genetic Doners: Feferi/Mituna (Blackrom) -- Heir of Life -- Astrourban Planner Marseo Volino -- Candy Red (mutant) -- Genetic Doners: Beforus Eridan/ Beforus Karkat (Redrom) -- Heir of Blood -- Militia Captain/ Rebel Rouser Dennab Nitroh -- Brown -- Genetic Doners: Gamzee/Rufioh (Redrom) -- Knight of Breath -- City Rep/ Art Investor Jack Crocker -- Human -- Genetic Doners: Ectoclone of Dad Crocker -- Seer of Doom -- Part-time Vigilante (will end up as a Business Consultant or a talkshow host) Rory Lalonde -- Human -- Genetic Doners: Mom Lalonde/ Dad Egbert -- Rogue of Time -- Psychologist Joel Strider -- Human -- Genetic Doners: Dirk/Jake -- Prince of Life -- Veterinarian Kikiyo Megido -- Maroon -- Genetic Doners: Rufioh/Aradia (Redrom) -- Mage of Blood -- Postal Delivery Troll/ Exorcist (Lmao I love) Helian Mellow (WIP) -- Yellow -- Genetic Doners: Aradia/Feferi (Redrom) -- Page of Mind -- Personal Assistant Luvier Duvall (WIP)  -- Violet -- Genetic Doners: Mindfang/Dualscar (Blackrom) -- Thief of Hope -- CEO of Toy Manufactoring Company (front for resources commonly used by pirates)
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taciteaneremite · 8 years
COLT: -the day before, colt invited finn to come visit him at his new place now that he's all moved in. he hasn't been away that long, but so much has happened it's felt like an eternity... and when he feels he's been away from finn for a while, he does start to worry about him. hopefully this will help.- 
COLT: -he's waiting inside the transportalizer hub on odimist, preoccupying himself with little travel pamphlets until finn shows up.-
FINN: -it's weird not having colt close by, and while he is just a transportalizer away, it has a tendency of feeling so much farther. he arrives in odimist's hub, standing in the transportalizer. internally counting to five before he steps out and looks for colt-
COLT: -notices someone arriving and tucks away a pamphlet about the wildlife preserve so he can shuffle over to investigate. when he sees his friend, he gives him a big toothy smile.- Howdy Finn.
FINN: -he smiles  seeing colt smile at him--frankly, it's hard not to. he moves over to instinctively give him a tight hug- hey colt
COLT: -SQUEEZES HIM BACK. the biggest bear hug. he pulls away after a moment, looking him over, almost like he's inspecting him. does he look okay? hmm...- 
COLT: Let's get a move on... It's still a ways to drive to the house. -because it's out in the middle of no where. just how he likes it... smiling still, he starts leading him out of the hub.-
FINN: -to the normal eye, he looks fine. but in the eyes of someone that knows him so well, he probably looks a little emotionally worn down. he walks alongside colt, taking a look at the decor of this hub to occupy his mind a little- oh yeah 
FINN: sounds like you really have your own space
COLT: It's so nice...Wait till you see it. -heads out into the parking lot to his TRUCK. which is new. he just bought it. the country boy aesthetic intensifies. he hops into the driver's side and waits for finn to join him before he starts 'er up.-
FINN: -he chuckles a little upon seeing what this place looks like along with colt's new ride- this is so you 
FINN: -he climbs in and buckles up, watching to make sure colt does too-
COLT: -OF COURSE. he always does, but especially with finn around.- Heh... Thanks. 
COLT: -and they're off. pulling out of the hub and into town, but before long they're on the open road headed deeper into the woods. and now... is the time for questioning.- So... How's things on Skaia? I know it ain't been that long but... Still...
FINN: -he keeps his gaze outside of his window, soaking in the scenery and how different it is from his new home- no it's a fair question 
FINN: everyone's just trying to get settled in i think
COLT: -nods slowly- Yeah... That makes sense. 
COLT: Did you know Citrin's movin' to Lauctis? I was surprised but... Guess not too surprised if that's where Ruleus is gonna be.
FINN: seems like people are going in the significant others direction anyway 
FINN: i think quinne's still planning on staying
COLT: Oh? That's good... 
COLT: Yeah, uh... I'd be surprised if she'd wanna go back to Avalon right now...
FINN: i don't think she ever really does 
FINN: but she doesn't always tell me everything so 
FINN: that's what i picked up
COLT: Right... Um... Hopefully she'll open up with time. 
COLT: That was an awful thing that happened... 
COLT: Xebeck... She's uh-- Awake now, right?
FINN: -he nods- yeah 
FINN: disoriented as hell but 
FINN: awake
COLT: Mrrgh... 
COLT: -tries to change the subject- Uh-- The holidays were nice though, right?
FINN: oh 
FINN: yeah 
FINN: well i'm not sure what everyone else did but i basically just spent most of my time with my parents
COLT: -smiles- That's nice, though... 
COLT: -a short while later, they're taking a country road up to colt's rustic home -- and it's quite stunning. it's not a big house, at least it doesn't look that way from the outside. he parks the truck.... anywhere. there isn't really a driveway.- 
COLT: This is it. -seems positively pleased to be back at his place as he announces this, slipping outside and dropping into the grass.-
FINN: -he smiles when he sees his house because it's so colt. everything about this environment is perfect for him. he climbs out of the truck and turns in a circle to take a good look at the sky- wow
COLT: -looks up with him. the sky is so open. a little gray this season, but beautiful and vast all the same.- ... When I was at my great grandma's, I was thinkin' about how... the UU would usually stop in cities and towns. And how I never really looked up at the sky much. But it's hard to ignore when you're out in the wilderness like this. 
COLT: ... Guess it's kinda silly to marvel at it, considerin' we'd spend most of our time floatin' around up there. 
COLT: But you know... Hard to enjoy it when you're stuck in a tuna can. -shuffling towards the front door, getting it unlocked.-
FINN: yeah it's always different when you're looking at it from down here 
FINN: easier to appreciate
COLT: -opens up the door and INSIDE it is pretty darn spaceous with an open ceiling in the living area with a big sliding door that opens out into the backyard. the kitchen is off to their right when they enter and a stairwell just beyond it. it already looks pretty lived in... probably thanks to little.-
FINN: -follows behind him. everything seems so real and adult-like here that it's almost a little jarring. these are what people their age did these days, anyway. colt's home is beautiful- how did you find this anyway
COLT: Ah... Well, we built the house ourselves... -it's easy when your family is hemorrhaging money thanks to your dad being co-owner of the biggest research company in the whole gosh diddly dang universe.- 
COLT: But Joel's the one who pointed me in the direction of Odimist. He came here to help with the wildlife preservation they're doin' here... And I figured I'd scope it out with him. 
COLT: Needless to say I fell in love with the place. Heh.
FINN: this is the place joel and rammie are living too right 
 FINN: not in this house just in odimist
COLT: -nod nod- That's right. 
COLT: If you want, I can take you by their place later... -you should really go see your sister, finn, he says with his EYES.-
FINN: that would be nice 
FINN: i don't want to intrude or anything
COLT: You wouldn't be intrudin'... We can call 'em first. -shuffles over to the kitchen to make some tea.- 
COLT: Do you want anythin' to drink or...?
FINN: -takes a slow look around for somewhere to sit.- water maybe
COLT: -THERES A COUCH. it looks very cozy. like the kind you can just sink into, with lots of pillows.- Okie doke. -pours finn a glass of water.- 
COLT: Make yourself at home... Mi casa es tu casa. :P
FINN: -sits on the couch and nods, smiling a little- tu sofá es mi sofà
COLT: -grins toothily at him. the kettle whistles and colt pours himself his cup of tea before he goes to join finn, handing over the water.- There ya go.
FINN: -takes the water in his hand and sips at it- thanks
COLT: -nestles in... leaning against finn a little bit. he's quiet for a moment, just enjoying finn's company and his warm tea. but then he looks at his best friend with a curious concern.- Hey... 
COLT: How've you been feelin'?
FINN: -his gaze is elsewhere for a while, until colt speaks. how has he been doing? there are a lot of technicalities here and a lot that probably isn't that much of a big deal- well 
FINN: haven't gone to the infirmary as a patient
COLT: That's good. 
COLT: So have you been workin' more again...?
FINN: i'm trying to find a new place to go i guess 
FINN: since the infirmary in the ship is no more i'm trying to see what i can get into on skaia 
FINN: they have different standards there i think 
FINN: i don't know 
FINN: i guess that's because i haven't been
COLT: -tilts head- I'm sure there's somethin' you can do through Skaianet if you need to... If not within the company, they can recommend you to any of the local hospitals. Or... any hospital anywhere, I suppose.
FINN: yeah 
FINN: -he shrugs- i'm kind of rethinking it i guess
COLT: :( 
COLT: Why's that?
FINN: i just don't think i'm actually going to be able to help people like i want to 
FINN: as a doctor 
FINN: so far all i've done is give myself extra time to be neurotic
COLT: Yeah... Reckon that makes sense... But it's somethin' you love doin', too. It ain't as if it's an excuse to enable your more uh... destructive habits. 
COLT: Are you still seein' a therapist? Maybe they can give you suggestions on ways to... I dunno. Work around it?
FINN: it could be though 
FINN: and i am sometimes 
FINN: i don't see any crazy life changes
FINN: i don't know how it's helping at all
COLT: It'll take time, I think... And the right kinda communication so they know exactly what's goin' on with you and help more effectively. 
COLT: If you ain't sure what to talk to them about or somethin'... I can help.
FINN: -he's having a hard time processing all of this for some reason. he hears colt, but it's not really sinking in- yeah 
 FINN: how are you and little
COLT: ... Oh. Um... 
COLT: We're good. Really good. 
COLT: She's applyin' for freight haulin' work right now. You know, she likes travelin' and all that...
FINN: that sounds like her 
FINN: hopefully she doesn't leave for that long at a time though 
FINN: seems like it's going to be scheduled
COLT: -nod nod- Yeah... So long as I know where she is and when I'll see her again, I'll be alright... Plus I don't exactly mind havin' all this entirely to myself. -smiles a little- 
COLT: I can always go with her from time to time, too... I think that'd be fun...
FINN: -takes a sip of his water and listens to colt, imagining what him going on trips with little would look like- it sounds like you're really happy 
FINN: that's great
COLT: Yeah... I really am. 
COLT: I'm glad I did this. -turns the mug in his hands a few times.- I miss hangin' out with you though.
FINN: yeah 
FINN: same but sometimes you just 
FINN: you just have to 
FINN: go
COLT: Yeah. You gotta take care of yourself like that. -sets the mug down on the coffee table and looks at finn again.- ... 
COLT: Can you... do me a favor and do that for yourself too? I know you don't always know how so uh... 
COLT: Just talk to somebody about how you're feelin'. About bein' a doctor. And the sorta things that are makin' you feel that way... 
COLT: Please?
FINN: -looks back at him- i don't know 
FINN: maybe if i have time 
FINN: i don't really want to talk about it with anybody 
FINN: i'm done with it
COLT: Finn... 
COLT: It don't really work that way...
FINN: -he shakes his head- i don't care how things are or aren't supposed to work anymore 
FINN: they just don't really work you know 
FINN: it's like an idea of how things should go but you can't really depend on anything to help other people or help you 
FINN: i think it's probably easier if you accept that 
FINN: you're happy because you did your own thing 
FINN: not because you involved anybody else
FINN: -he's not sure what's coming out of his mouth right now-
COLT: That's not-- -frowns- That's totally different... 
COLT: I'm happy cuz I knew what sorta things were bad for me and what sorta things were good. What I want. 
COLT: But I never woulda recognized that if I didn't let people in... There was so much darkness in my head I couldn't see anythin' goin' on inside me or around me. Sometimes you need guidance. 
COLT: Don't-- -winces- Don't tell me you don't remember what sorta things I'm capable of doin' if I close myself off. 
COLT: I never would've gotten to this point if I hadn't let you help me then.
FINN: -hearing him say that makes his throat ache because he knows, he remembers. he swallows because it's practically physically painful remembering- how did i 
FINN: i don't even remember-- -he stops suddenly- 
FINN: how did i even help you 
FINN: by hovering all the time 
FINN: you probably felt like i couldn't trust you 
FINN: that was all you colt 
FINN: you got yourself out
COLT: -here come the tears as the memories return to him too, vivid as always, but it hurts even worse knowing how alone and lost finn must be feeling. even if he doesn't realize it.- 
COLT: You helped because you were there. 
COLT: I didn't have to bare that burden alone... And maybe it was humiliatin' for a time that somebody knew my secret. That I might have hurt or inconvenienced somebody on account of it. But I never-- -sniffs- I never saw you as a nuisance. 
COLT: It was a relief. When I realized that's what I needed to get better. Just to have somebody...
FINN: -colt NO don't cry. he's going to cry if you cry. his eyes water and he forces himself to look away. he knew that he meant a lot to colt, but often times he wondered if he caused him more worry than anything else. hearing directly from colt that finn actually did help him brings so much relief that tears start to roll down his cheeks, too- i thought i was 
FINN: basically useless i didn't realize 
FINN: any of that
COLT: -huffs a sigh, leaning against him again.- Of course you're not... 
COLT: -wipes his eyes on his sleeve.- Geez... Don't that just proove my point now? Some stuff you ain't gonna see unless people help you see it... 
COLT: I wanna help you cuz you're always lookin' out for me. Even when you're not hoverin' or worryin', you're there for me by just bein' my friend and that's important too. It makes all the difference.
FINN: -he wipes his own eyes and HE DIDNT WANT TO CRY he doesn't want to cry but of course he does anyway. why is colt so great all the time? how does he deal with finn? everything in him feels like it's breaking down, like the weight is finally releasing what he had been holding the entire time-  i uh 
FINN: i feel so 
FINN: alone and useless colt 
FINN: like i can't help myself and everyone around me is basically drowning and really going through shit and 
FINN: -he hides his face in his hands- fuck
COLT: -leans on him some more, carefully draping his arms around finn's shoulders to pull him into a side hug.- 
COLT: It's difficult... Everything's been real difficult... But I'm with you.
FINN: -he just leans into colt completely, sniffling and just listening to his best friend talk.- it's really 
FINN: hard
COLT: -squeezes him tight now that he's got him.- We can take it a step at a time... But you gotta let me help you, Finn.
FINN: -he nods, sniffling and sobbing and being one giant mess- i miss you being so close by
COLT: I know... -starts rubbing circles into his back- 
COLT: It'd be alright if you wanted to visit for a while... You can do that whenever you like.
FINN: -it's so much more calming here- i don't think i could leave quinne alone for too long
COLT: Then if you need me, I'll come runnin' as soon as I can.
FINN: -he looks up at him- really
COLT: Of course really.
FINN: even if you're hanging out with little
COLT: Well... I do live with her now... Reckon we'd be spendin' enough time with each other she won't mind much. -smiles a little- 
COLT: But I know she'd understand anyways.
FINN: -he smiles a little about that and takes a deep breath- 
FINN: thank you
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-- gunhardyTemerity [GT] began pestering effluentBalatron [EB] at 22:51 -- GT: Well howdy doodle egberto. GT: Have you got a moment for a chat chap? EB: hey jake. EB: i have all the time in the world as of right now. GT: Oh you do? Thats swell! GT: I guess youre settling nicely at your old house? GT: Be sure to send photos yeah? Id love to see the home of the legend that started it all. EB: sure. i can do that. GT: Not right away of course... when youre doing better and all! EB: i think i can manage to take some comm pictures of a few (relatively) benevolent harlequins. GT: OH BOY. GT: (Relative) benevolent harlequins are my very favorite kind! :D EB: *doctor jingles.png.* EB: *whistles the clown.png.* EB: i hope that tickles your fancy, my dude. EB: it was never really my thing but they're alright i guess. EB: *a whole lot of fucking figurines.jpg.* GT: Hah! Hahaha! OH MAN. GT: I love this whimsical collection of fellows! GT: Theyre so cheerful and full of good spirits! GT: Its men like these that id like to have at a party im not sure about you. EB: pfft. what a party that would be. you, my dad and a bunch of "funny men" as he'd call them. GT: Thats a keeper. Hehehehe! GT: But where would you be? EB: i think i'd skip it. no offense. GT: Even if i were there? Id be sure to make it fun for the two of us bro. GT: Do you trust me or do you trust me?? EB: jesus, dude. i'd have to be a heartless monster to say no to that. GT: HEAR HEAR. GT: So... GT: How are things in the homefront? Anything like you remember? EB: not much changes in this part of the world, jakey. and i like it that way. EB: it's good. it's safe. EB: cold as balls. EB: roxy cleaned the place up pretty good. she's been helping me out. EB: is ruleus ok? GT: Ru the man us has really taken to his own here! I mean... hes sort of claimed our room as his new territory and it certainly doesnt help that citrins gone and supported his new authority. GT: He sure likes the twins though! Who would have thought? EB: oh. i'm glad it's working out. EB: i've been trying to teach him about gentle touches. GT: He sure likes to teach citrin all he knows! EB: hehe. they're such cute lil buddies. GT: Needless to say hes a cutie pie... and youre doing a great job. EB: thanks but EB: i dunno. EB: i freaked out and left him there. i know he's fine with you guys. and probably doesn't even notice but. EB: well. i know. GT: Hey now... GT: It doesnt seem like the effort matters much but. Rest assured. GT: Its something that looks entirely different from his perspective. GT: Hes just a kiddo after all. And youre being a good daddy not showing him anything but the love. EB: i hope that's how he sees it. GT: One day hell understand but until then? Youre only human john bomb. The best kind of human being there is! EB: i don't see how you can actually think that. EB: ugh. sorry. EB: you're just trying to help. GT: Dont be sorry broseph. GT: I... GT: Well. GT: :( GT: I think about sollux quite a lot. GT: If i werent some bumbling oaf with a wasteful of magic power maybe hed still be here. EB: i mean. of course you think about him. EB: he was special to you. and it hasn't been that long. EB: not that it really matters how long it's been either. EB: and...another thing. EB: this magic stuff is a bunch of bullshit! EB: they didn't teach us how to use it or anything. it doesn't matter how powerful we are if we don't know what to do. or when to do it. EB: how are you supposed to know? how am i supposed to know? GT: Well... GT: Its just... GT: Im awful sorry john. If i knew the answer or what to say i would sure try to say it. GT: But ive been so lost and frankly befuddled with how convoluted this magic business is. GT: I think i have been since the beginning. GT: And... im sorry for how complicated it makes things. EB: no, jake. don't be sorry. i just. i was trying to say that... EB: i don't even know. i just feel really angry about it all. and i'm just as confused as you are. GT: Thats alright bub. GT: For what its worth i... know youre trying your best. And i fully believe youre a good person coming out of all of this. GT: If you have your flaws and all... so what? So long as you try to do the right thing in the end? EB: i'm grateful that you think that. and i mean. i'm grateful people are still on my side and stuff. you, and roxy. and kankri. and dad. EB: but at the same time. it's like. EB: i don't know if i actually can. to be honest, dude. EB: ever since i got on the ship i never actually wanted to leave. no matter what terrible shit would happen, i never thought i'd take ruleus and cut out. EB:  even when feferi died. EB: but now i am thinking about it. a lot. even though i am really trying not to. EB: i don't wanna go back to the ship. or be the doctor anymore. GT: And... GT: Whats wrong with all that? EB: what do you mean? GT: You know id still love and respect the hell out of you bro? Even if you did drop and call it quits. EB: but it's a fucking terrible thing to think about. i already promised i'd try to keep everyone safe. after everything everyone has been through, after the sacrifices everybody made. and the people that have died fighting in the war? GT: I... GT: I know. GT: I felt this way too when uhm. GT: I thought of the possibility that dirk wouldnt wake up. EB: oh. GT: It was just me citrin and the twins i felt. What... what was i going to do? What was i good for? EB: aw jake...:( EB: that's different, buddy. your situation is differnet. GT: I couldnt pull it together. I couldnt be someone the world counted on! But... GT: Why was any of this worth sacrificing my kiddies without their dads? I... I was them. EB: i'd never judge you for that. GT: I was the one growing up on my lonesome and wondering what it is that was so terrible about myself... that i felt... GT: Maybe i wasnt enough to keep my grandma with me. It was an atrocious feeling! It still is! GT: So no!!! I dont think theres anything wrong with letting yourself feel this sort of hullabaloo weakness! EB: i'm confused as hell about how i feel. EB: but i can see what you mean. i think...coming from you it's easier. EB: i'm not saying i am actually going to quit. but. GT: Aw buddy... It just... GT: I understand. It just... feels as though it stops being about you and what you want. Mayhaps its easier to focus on what someone who needs you wants instead. EB: mayhaps. EB: thanks jake. GT: I love you! EB: i love you too, bro. GT: I wish i could swoop the hell in and scoop you in a big ole hug! GT: Id spend the night with you easily. :( EB: hehe i miss our movie nights. EB: though i wouldn't mind if the entire dirkjake clan plus ruleus descended on my dad's poor house. EB: it's fun to think about anyway. GT: Whos to say they wont??? I reckon the whole clan ought to travel around and see the sights! EB: who wouldn't want to see snowy picturesque maple valley wa. we have skating. beavers. and old people riding street legal snow blowers. GT: Sounds like a dream! EB: we also now have roxy lalonde. GT: You mean she was missing before? GT: PSHHAW. EB: i'm really confused now. do you know something i don't. GT: Roxyandra Lalonde is a key ingredient to any party gathering! EB: that i agree with. EB: you know who else we can add to the mix. EB: kankri! EB: your favorite. GT: Oh... EB: pff. GT: Yeah sure buddy! Whatever youd like! EB: hahahaha. GT: ;D EB: why are you winking. what's with the wink. GT: I made you laugh my bucko! EB: oh. EB: that was decidedly unrancorous of me, huh? GT: HUH HUH. I guess youre diddly damn so its unrancorous! EB: /rolls my goddamn eyes/ EB: okay. it's time for john to get some sleep. GT: You mean resting your handsome big pearly blues? You gotcha! GT: Ive got kiddies to systematically put to beddy bye now. GT: Youll be alright bro? EB: i honestly have no idea. but. i feel a little more hopeful about it now. EB: that's something i guess. EB: nah, not "i guess". it is something. GT: *Sniffle.* EB: don't cry. GT: I cant help it. D'8 EB: you big hairy baby. GT: I just miss you to pieces!!!!! EB: i hope you legitimately cry in front of dirk so he feels pressured to bring you here. GT: Dont say that because ill be tempted! GT: Dammit john. GT: Hit the hay would you?? EB: :) EB: ok. goodnight. EB: tell ruleus....nothing i guess because i don't want him to feel weird but. think "john misses you" loudly at him. -- effluentBalatron [EB] ceased pestering gunhardyTemerity [GT] at 01:00 --
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gulescamisade · 7 years
The UU:  Day 5
RULEUS: -pantless scampering through the halls. There have been no adults and NO RULES. He's free.-
SAWTOOTH: =Think again. Shadowing the fish child=
RULEUS: -Is there a pants rule?? Sawtooth YOU dont even have pants.-
FINN: -amazed by this robot. so naturally he is following the giant robot-
SAWTOOTH: =Who needs pants when you have a bitchin cloak? He also knows Finn is following him. And that Gallen is in his cloak=
SAWTOOTH: =There also isn't a pants rule. If Ruleus starts to look a little chilly Sawtooth is gonna blow him with a big warm fan=
FINN: (grande)
RULEUS: -marching and leading this kid parade. The rule is nobody is allowed to wear pants.- Dadd!es are H!D!NG. Let's ?!nd them!
SAWTOOTH: =Thumbs up at Finn, he is the fucking Large=
SAWTOOTH: Not hidin.
RULEUS: H!d!ng!!!!!! Where'd they go?????
FINN: -isn't looking where he's going and bumps into sawtooth-
SAWTOOTH: Other kids can play hide-n-seek. =Makes sure Finn bumps into a cushier part of him.... so Gallen.=
GALLEN: =Peeps from under the robes= honk! =boops Finn's nose and hides again=
RULEUS: That makes no sense. -SNIFF and keeps marching.-
RULEUS: -his super nose is taking them to the docking bay. Thats where everyone had congregated last, right?-
GALLEN: =muffled giggles=
SAWTOOTH: =Ushers Finn with them and watches Ruleus sniff around=
RULEUS: -sniff sniff sniff. There's a car in here? Attempting to climb it.-
RULEUS: What's th!s??? 8O
SAWTOOTH: =Is he climbing into the steering seat? I mean, that's usually locked isn't it?=
RULEUS: -climbing onto the hood of the car, at least. If the window was left open, Ruleus is going to find a way inside it.-
RULEUS: -there's a lot of scrabbling and huffing as he pulls himself up.-
SAWTOOTH: =Watches him struggle=
SAWTOOTH: ..... =Then puts him on the hood=
RULEUS: HAH. ! d!d !t!!!!! -takes all the credit and scrambles.-
FINN: vroom vroom
RULEUS: -pressing his face against the windshield of the car.- Mmmmm.
RULEUS: No. -sits back on his butt.- Not here. 8/
RULEUS: -chinhands to himself so pensively, staring at Sawtooth. Science explain.-
SAWTOOTH: =points to the car= Like he said. Vroom vroom.
RULEUS: -lies on the car, eagle spread.- Gone?
FINN: coche vroom vroom
RULEUS: No more????
FINN: -he remembers sometimes he used to ride in cars. sometimes his papa drove and his mama would hold him close. it was fun-
SAWTOOTH: They'll be back.
RULEUS: -still lying down, he begins peddling his feet.- Bad.
RULEUS: Ngggh.
RULEUS: Bad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
FINN: -watches-
RULEUS: NGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. -hitting his arms around and then. Promptly rolls himself off the car hood. Bye cruel world.-
SAWTOOTH: =catches him=
RULEUS: -flailing his limbs around, tearful.- H!SS.
SAWTOOTH: =holds, he's a warm bot. And a strong bot= They'll be back.
RULEUS: TUMMY HURTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -shriek.-
RULEUS: -kicking his legs more and clawing at his jacket. Bites own hands.-
SAWTOOTH: =Child please=
SAWTOOTH: ..... Nap time.
RULEUS: No.......................................... -chewing up his jacket now. Casually destroying.-
FINN: -incredibly concerned-
RULEUS: DOWN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
SAWTOOTH: =He was made with at least 50 more, also it's material. So not really important=
SAWTOOTH: Chillax. =Sets down=
RULEUS: -Chillaxes in the form of barfing on the ground. He's totally chilled and crying too. Rip.-
FINN: uh oh
SAWTOOTH: Word. =He stoops, pats the fish child's back gently and gives water=
RULEUS: -crying and slorping water. Basically sloshing 60% of it over his front.- 8'((((((((((edited)
SILEAS: -There is shuffling coming from the baby who had been slowly tracking the toddler train. His mother is MIA which means he must do the hunting!! And the weak one is getting more obviously weak, he can smell it.-
SAWTOOTH: =We don't hunt friends here. Also it's ok Ruleus, you're taking a bath after this. It's been decided=
RULEUS: -upending the whole bottle on himself. Cleanse.-
SAWTOOTH: =Still taking a bath=
RULEUS: -is signifcantly calmer and also soaking wet. Throws the bottle aside.- Bye.
RULEUS: -gets up and pitters off.-
FINN: -waves- bye bye
SILEAS: -Crawling on all fours very slowly after the bathing wiggler. He thinks he is being very sneaky, despite being completely out in the open.-
SAWTOOTH: =There are drones for messes, also he's following then looks down at Finn then Sileas. Points to them= Snacks.
SAWTOOTH: =He's going to put them in the main room then go give the fussy fish a bath=
RULEUS: -he gonna be sniffing his way to the pool.-
FINN: snacks
0 notes
quasarsturncoat · 8 years
QUINNE: -The woods are the usual place to be, and she's good at navigating them. Whatever the reason she's moving through them now, she's got an armful of books and a rather chilly demeanor. Not unlike usual, of course. She doesn't seem to be in any big hurry, in any case.-
SIRIUS: =There's soft thumps coming from the tree above, as Sirius starts climbing down. On the last branch, she hugs the trunk and slides down it like a ladder, dusting her hands off when she reaches the bottom.=
QUINNE: -she just stops in her tracks as soon as she picks up on the noise, floppy ears twitching a little. She doesn't bother looking up, just waiting for whoever or whatever it is to reach the ground first. And... It's her.-
QUINNE: -She stares, still just standing there.-
SIRIUS: =turns around holding a bunch of flowrs and oh...someone is there. The clear-nectar-someone from the day previously. Did she tell her her name? She doesnt quite remember=
SIRIUS: (oh hi)
SIRIUS: =points up at the tree and laughs a little= (just...looking at stuff up there hehe)
QUINNE: -her gaze sort of drifts to the bunch of flowers for a moment before snapping back to her face. She doesn't mean to look so judgemental... It's just how her face works. And her general demeanor.-
QUINNE: )) stuff ((
SIRIUS: (these arent for...) =the heat is rising into her face= (for anyone)
SIRIUS: (ahaha)
SIRIUS: (these grow up on the canopy and i never noticed them before so i thought)
SIRIUS: ("oh how nice")
SIRIUS: ("maybe ruleus doesnt know these are up there too")
SIRIUS: ("i will ask him")
SIRIUS: (though i suppose that does mean these are for him)
SIRIUS: (but not in...)
SIRIUS: (that...sense)
SIRIUS: =thinking she should have perhaps fallen out of the tree instead=
QUINNE: ... )) Ruleus? ((
QUINNE: -she's not entirely oblivious to Sirius' distress, but she's kind of thinking that's just how she is. She does seem to have a lot of red that just kind of happens for her. It's cute.-
QUINNE: )) is that your quad mate? ((
SIRIUS: =her brain just goes fzzt! as she stares into the distance wishing she should compel herself to teleport into the sun=
SIRIUS: (n-no)
SIRIUS: (hhhhhhes only a friend of mine)
SIRIUS: (who does science and research and stuff)
SIRIUS: =she didn't say that crucial bit of information, whoops!=
QUINNE: )) on flowers (( -She still sounds sort of doubtful, or maybe just curious. It's hard to tell.-
SIRIUS: (not just on flowers hhhhhhhhhh)
QUINNE: )) does he do research on perfume too? ((
QUINNE: )) you could give him some of that, too (( -She's offering out a little roll-on bottle of it, one with a clay exterior she molded and painted. The top of it has a face painted on.-
QUINNE: )) or don't ((
SIRIUS: =She's now confused more than anything=
SIRIUS: (oh...okay) =!=
SIRIUS: (sure) =carefully takes the bottle and studies it, holding it up to the light like she had with the other bottle the day before=
SIRIUS: (theres science in that)
SIRIUS: =more to herself= (i think...)(edited)
QUINNE: )) maybe (( -she really just gave it to her out of a kind of curiosity... Which is mostly goaded on by the feeling Sirius does have a crush on this Ruleus person. But it's interesting to try to figure things out.-
QUINNE: )) or maybe not ((
SIRIUS: (its a very cute bottle) =Her glow is dying down the less embarrassed she gets and she placed the flower (now wilted from the heat her hands produced) onto a patch of moss so she could examine the object more thoroughly. She hadnt seen this kind in any store, so she ran a finger carefully over the grooves.=
QUINNE: -oh, this wasn't exactly what she had been anticipating.- )) I made it ((
QUINNE: )) all of it ((
SIRIUS: =gasp!= (you did)
SIRIUS: (how)
QUINNE: )) the bottle is clay and paint and the perfume is oil based with ingredients derived from natural sources ((
QUINNE: )) like plants ((
QUINNE: )) and insects ((
SIRIUS: (wow...)
SIRIUS: (are you sure this is something you wanna give away) =?=
SIRIUS: She's turning it in her hands, admiring the swirls of color in the clay. She'll...lift the head to take a cursory sniff. Why does it feel like she's decapitating someone by doing this?=
QUINNE: -it's maybe intentionally that way...- )) no ((
QUINNE: )) I'm not sure of a lot of things ((
QUINNE: )) but I'm not just giving it to you ((
SIRIUS: (oh) =she means she's giving it to SCIENCE, right?=
SIRIUS: (then after the research is done i will return it to you personally)
SIRIUS: (in case you still want it back)
SIRIUS: =pulls her head back and recaps the bottle, smiling= (it smells as tasty as the bottle looks)(edited)
QUINNE: -with that nice sweet flowery smell, it at least gives a good impression- )) I probably won't want it back ((
QUINNE: )) I just want to see what you do with it ((
SIRIUS: (hehehe okay i will put it to good use)
SIRIUS: (ill have to think about for what cause though)
SIRIUS: (If i use it in a confined space my momll start bumping into things)
SIRIUS: (hmm)
SIRIUS: (maybe she should stay out of the labs until the research is done)
SIRIUS: =She has determined Quinne is very sweet.=
QUINNE: )) your mom uses her smell to move around ((
QUINNE: )) I know a little about that ((
SIRIUS: (mhmm)
SIRIUS: (she says its a latant ability everyone has since we were little)
SIRIUS; (but the older we get the less we use it which is why we forget)
SIRIUS: (we'll remember when we need it again)
QUINNE: )) like when you're lost underground in a cave system ((
QUINNE: )) with nothing but you and the infinite darkness and possibility ((
QUINNE: )) kind of like life ((
SIRIUS: =!! waoh. that's deep=
SIRIUS: (yes)
SIRIUS: (a lot like that) =!=
QUINNE: -nods... She understands- )) maybe loss of smell would lead to another possibility ((
QUINNE: )) maybe your mother could use a spell to develop a new ability beyond even that sense ((
QUINNE: )) or maybe not (((edited)
SIRIUS: =Shrugs= (i dont know for sure)
SIRIUS: (but she does say)
SIRIUS: ("make wise choices")
SIRIUS: (and always seems to know what i did before i tell her)
SIRIUS: (i asked aunt rose once and she said)
SIRIUS: ("call it intuition")
QUINNE: )) you're saying she has a power ((
QUINNE: )) I guess that's not that surprising ((
SIRIUS: (a power) =?=
SIRIUS: (i dont know if its a power...)
SIRIUS: (but if it is she doesnt talk about it)
July 25, 2016
QUINNE: )) everyone has powers, and most of them don't ((
QUINNE: )) mostly, she just sounds like a mom ((
QUINNE: )) mom powers are a thing in themselves ((
SIRIUS: (hehehe its gotta be a mom power then)
SIRIUS: (itd be a little weird if she could do something like that windy thing that doctor john can)
QUINNE: .......... )) do you think he might be one of the guardians ((
SIRIUS: (uh)
SIRIUS: (...'guardians') =?=
QUINNE: )) guardians of the watch towers of the east ((
SIRIUS: =nods sagely= (oh right)
SIRIUS: (the watchtowers..)
SIRIUS: =long pause as she THINKS=
SIRIUS: (actually im sorry, youve lost me)
SIRIUS: (i have no idea what youre talking about) =winces=
SIRIUS: (though)
SIRIUS: (i do want to know all about these guardians and their watchtowers) =Hopeful expression!=
QUINNE: )) it's terminology used in witchcraft ((
QUINNE: )) I wanted to see if you knew it ((
SIRIUS: =Shakes her head, apologetic, and starts to glow in embarrassment.= (hhhhhdshfdslfhdhs) =covers her FACE with her hands=
SIRIUS: (i dont im sorry)
SIRIUS: =no matter what the gaze is, Sirius still cant see it with her sight obscured like this..= SIRIUS: (but what does it mean)
QUINNE: )) the poles all have associated elements ((
QUINNE: )) for the east, it's air ((
QUINNE: )) south is fire, north is ground, west is water ((
SIRIUS: (oh)
SIRIUS: (and you asked if doctor john was a guardian of the east because)
SIRIUS: (wind)
SIRIUS; (i get it now)
QUINNE: )) now you understand ((
QUINNE: )) magick can be useful when you understand ((
SIRIUS: =her glow is dying down little by little. It's safe to come out. She lowers her hands=
SIRIUS: (hehehe yes)
SIRIUS: (you seem to know a lot about magic) =It must mean quinne understands A LOT of things=
QUINNE: )) it might be something I do a lot of ((
SIRIUS: =eyes widen in interest=
SIRIUS: (really)
SIRIUS: (what kind of magic do you do)
QUINNE: )) any kind that suits my purposes ((
QUINNE: )) it's an incredibly versatile craft ((
SIRIUS: (thats nice) =!= (i thought witches were experts in only one category) =That's what movies implied, anyway= SIRIUS: (is there a type of magic you like the most)
QUINNE: ... )) the type that uses scents and stones and homemade crafts (( QUINNE: )) so I guess mostly ground and air magick ((
SIRIUS: =star eyes=
SIRIUS: (incredible)
SIRIUS: (can you tell me more)
SIRIUS: (are you allowed to tell me more)
SIRIUS: (do you have a coven where youre sworn to secrecy)
SIRIUS: (youre not getting in trouble by talking to me about this, are you)
QUINNE: )) I dictate the rules ((
QUINNE: )) it's possible I could tell you more ((
QUINNE: )) but that depends ((
SIRIUS: (...)
SIRIUS: (....on) =? She ventured.=
QUINNE: )) your ability ((
QUINNE: -she considers for a moment, then offers out a vial of something golden-brown to her. Looks like yet another syrup.- )) this is an ingredient ((
QUINNE: )) the white witch can use it, if you can find him ((
SIRIUS: =what...ability? her glowing?? that sounds like a line from the human version of Lord of the Rings, the Two Towers.=
SIRIUS: (i will definitely try)
SIRIUS: =if anything, she'd think itd be Uncle Jake. hey had white majyyks, so he couuuuuld be a witch? gee.=
QUINNE: )) then maybe you'll succeed ((
QUINNE: )) or maybe not ((
QUINNE: )) we will see if intents align ((
SIRIUS: =inspects the bottle in her hands for any CLUES. sHIT, how she obtain a quest?! This came literally out of nowhere!=
SIRIUS: (where theres a will theres a way ahaha)
QUINNE: -eyeballs her... at least her attitude seems right for magick, but she's not going to say that yet-
QUINNE: )) I'm looking for something, too ((
SIRIUS: (you are)
SIRIUS: (what kind of thing)
SIRIUS: (is it something specific) = o: =
SIRIUS: =did she just...agree to another quest=
QUINNE: )) a ship ((
QUINNE: )) one that came here recently ((
SIRIUS: (oh) =!= SIRIUS: (well the union did)
SIRIUS: (but you probably already knew that)
SIRIUS: (do you know what it looks like)
QUINNE: )) no ((
SIRIUS: =still turning the bottle in her hands=
SIRIUS: (there one that's landed three days ago down eight landing zones that someone recently took to get a paint job)
SIRIUS: (its metallic cyan with neon orange racing stripes)
SIRIUS: (theres the green rocketship shaped ship that landed yesterday to deliver a shipment) =points in the distance. They can see the nose of it from even this far away=
QUINNE: )) it's full of notable figures and their offspring ((
SIRIUS: (that does sound a lot like the unbreakable union...)
SIRIUS: (theres people like the signless and disciple on board)
SIRIUS: (and it was home to orphaner dualscar once)
SIRIUS: (and aranea serket the famous autobiographer lived on it too)
SIRIUS: (she recorded all the adventures of the union and her crew)(edited)
QUINNE: )) yes that might be the one ((
SIRIUS: (what a coincidence) =Smiles!= (i live there sometimes)
SIRIUS: (were you looking for anyone in particular)
QUINNE: )) maybe ((
SIRIUS: (do you know what they look like)
QUINNE: )) maybe not ((
QUINNE: )) I only need to find the ship ((
SIRIUS: (in that case ill lead you right to it)
SIRIUS: = :D =
SIRIUS: (youll have to talk to the captain to get on board of course but you dont need to worry cause hes super nice)
QUINNE: )) interesting ((
QUINNE: )) I will find out ((
SIRIUS: =Sirius stored the bottle of perfume and the bottle of brown nectar in her sylladex then picked up her wilted flowers. Cant forget those!=
SIRIUS: (are you a fan or fam) =starts walking in the direction of the docks and beckons her to follow= (usually its one of the two)
QUINNE: )) neither one (( -she's following behind her at a leisurely pace-
SIRIUS: =She's...slowing down so her mile-long strides dont leave quinne in the dust.=
SIRIUS: (oooooh)
SIRIUS: (is it okay for me to ask you the reason)
QUINNE: )) you can ask ((
QUINNE: )) but I probably won't tell you (((edited)
SIRIUS: (hehehe okay)
SIRIUS: (just curious)
QUINNE: )) curiosity is good ((
QUINNE: )) you never know what can happen ((
QUINNE: )) it's better to be curious ((
SIRIUS: (then out of curiosity what is the reason for you want to visit the union)
SIRIUS: =joking= (is it the museum)
QUINNE: )) it has a museum? ((
SIRIUS: (it does)
SIRIUS: (most of its items were collected during the war)
SIRIUS: (the second one)
QUINNE: )) hmm ((
QUINNE: )) it could be a reason ((
SIRIUS: (theres some pretty neato things in there)
SIRIUS: (its basically a collection of donations so they kinda tell the story of the people that lived it)
QUINNE: )) it's probable some interesting ghosts cling to them ((
SIRIUS: (oh yeah definitely)
SIRIUS: (i heard my lusii talking about things when they thought i wasnt listening)
SIRIUS: (like)
SIRIUS: (people have...) =looks around to make sure they arent overheard=
SIRIUS: ((died))
SIRIUS: (on the ship before)
QUINNE: )) yes ((
QUINNE: )) I guess that isn't surprising, either ((
QUINNE: )) people seem to die most places ((
QUINNE: )) the circumstances might be unique, though ((
QUINNE: )) as unique as deaths can be ((
SIRIUS: (places where people die is a good place for ghosts to be as any) =beaming smile=
SIRIUS: (baldur taught me this)
QUINNE: )) Baldur ((
QUINNE: -she's looking at her now-
SIRIUS: (yes)
SIRIUS: (hes really into haunts and stuff and is practically an expert in all things ghost and supernatural related)
0 notes
biotechniczeal · 8 years
-- choriocytosicInquisitor [CI] began pestering biotechnicZeal [BZ] at 15:03 --
CI: H!.
BZ: what'z up??
CI: WHADDUP !S... me wonder!ng when you w!ll be v!s!t!ng Lauct!s? >80
CI: W!ll that be soon?
BZ: YEAH, ACTUALLY. i've been packing my zhit.
BZ: i juzt had to make a few arrangementz firzt...
BZ: lmao it'z weird being productive.
CI: !t's not we!rd. !t's good ?or you! And there?ore, TERR!BLE ?or th!ngs !? you mean ?or them to be ?un.
CI: ! m!ss you. 8(
BZ: i mizz you too. B(
BZ: IT BLOWZ... but at leazt i'm keeping myzelf buzy at leazt.
BZ: alzo... zoon... ZOON.
CI: HOW SOON. ! can come see you R!GHT NOW.
CI: !? you tell me where you are.
CI: !'ll go ?!nd you!
BZ: in that caze i'm at my dadz' houze.
BZ: plz.... they're probably too buzy zmooching each other or zomething.
CI: Strangely enough, that doesn't make me ?eel better about the arrangement.
BZ: LMAO i know it'z grozz.
BZ: but ztill.
CI: Okay.
CI: ! w!ll now proceed to vo!ce my compla!nts !n success!on.
CI: Aaa.
CI: ?!ne. !'m go!ng over anyway.
BZ: u fuckin' better.
BZ: >8P
BZ: that'z my butt'z zecret, ruleuz...
BZ: it'z alwayz ready.
CI: 8)
BZ: B)
CI: *Perhaps close to a whole hour later, Ruleus is STORMING into the Casa de Strider English Captor and bullying J Dad awake from his nap. WASSALLA HULLABALO? It's Ruleus in the main living area.*
BZ: *citrin floats in when he hears a whole lot of hollering, which isn't unusual, but there's the distinct sound of RULEUS HOLLERING so he's here.* RULEZ ZTOP HAZZLING MY DAD GOZH!!
CI: *Here he is, the tall lanky fish caveman spongebob meming at Citrin.* CITRIN!!!
CI: JAKE: *still blinking heavily and sleepily, half waving an actual pistol around* Hoh rascals... you boys. You know better than to-- *mumble mumble, he's getting comfy back into the couch.* Take it to your room fellazzz.... zzzz
BZ: *snorts at ruleus and jake... they're both dorks... but here comes the peach, rocketing himself in ruleus' direction so he can cling to him.* eheheheheh!
BZ: you heard the man, let'z zplit.
CI: *HUP, naturally ends up carrying Citrin up in his arms.* GLUB. RIGHT! As you wish!!!! *scurries out of there, peach in tow.* Sorry Mr. English!
CI: JAKE: *snorts and waves his hand. Get on out you crazy kids.*
BZ: eheheheh... *buzzes all the way to his room, and once they're out of sight down the hall, he's covering ruleus in smooches.*
CI: Pfft prfbthth, that TICKLES. *scolds him, but not before ducking right into his room first. Stops dead in his tracks.* Wait.
CI: This is YOUR room, right?
BZ: LOL. well if u don't hear zim, dru or vic zcreaming then i think we're good. *looks over his shoulder*
CI: OKAY. *launches Citrin onto his bed.* BYE.
BZ: WEEEEE. *there he goes. he lands and bounces gleefully. BUMBLES BOUNCE.* eheheheh.
BZ: *curls finger at him after posing seductively.*
BZ: /come hither./
CI: *launches for the bed, flailing his limbs. SCREAM. Casually drops on Citrin.*
BZ: *clings to him and ROLLS.*
CI: >8) *He is FEARSOME AND LARGE and not at all twiggy. There they go, rollin like a tumbleweed.* Ahhhhhhhh, I've missed you sweet peach.
CI: Even a finful of weeks is TOO MUCH.
BZ: ENOUGH IZ TOO MUCH. *giggling against his fins as they roll.*
BZ: pretty zoon we'll be in the zame place though... PERMANENT LIKE.
BZ: i'm gonna hit up nannerz later zo we can zcope out placez to live. oh zhit. *sits up while he's on top of ruleus.* BTW...
BZ: dadz cubed hooked up at the zkaianet branch on lauctiz in the bioengineering department!! >80 juzt an internzhip for now but ye.
CI: An internship??? *his fins perk until he's grinning wide. Yessss, Citrin perched on top of him was the best view. But Ruleus has to roll up to sit and scoop him in another hug.* THAT'S SUCH GREAT GLUBBING NEWS, CITRIN. I KNEW YOU WOULD NEVER HAVE TOO MUCH TROUBLE!!!!
CI: Will you be needing help searching for a place to live? Should I come with you and Ananya?
BZ: eheheh... *flushes a nice shade of peach, leaning into the embrace.* ummm.
BZ: the more the merrier tbh...
BZ: PLUZ it'll be your place too, zo??
BZ: bazically tho idk what the fuck i'm doing.
CI: Neither do I??? *content enough to let Citrin sit on his lap, hugging on him.* But HMMM. Yes. I think I will have to discuss this with Sileas.
CI: I'm not shore what plans he has EXACTLY. But it's a shame we can't all LIVE TOGETHER. It seems ridiculous that we can't. 8/
BZ: lol... yeah... it'z a real zhame...
CI: *tilts head at him* What would your preferences be?
BZ: *shrugs* nothing zuper FANCY... i'm pretty content with a lil apartment or a condo in the city.
CI: WELL YES. But in terms of living arrangements?
BZ: UHH... *sweats* you, me, and ananya?
CI: *looks off thoughtfully* And Sileas isn't included. *It's not a question but an observation.*
BZ: i wanna ztay with ananya but... YIKEZ.
BZ: thoze two couldn't pozzibly live together. lbr.
BZ: there would be blood.
CI: I KNOW. *facepalms* How many more bridges must Sileas burn before he's SATED. I haven't a clue.
BZ: *fidgets a little.* zo like... i dunno. if you guyz talk and he wantz you to ztay with him then uh... that'z cool too. *he knows things... he just doesn't know if these THINGS have come to fruition yet.*
CI: But how fair would that be to you? *furrows his brow with all the fidgets and factors he has to take into account*
CI: Maybe it would be best if I lived on my own.
BZ: ... *nuzzles at him* hey, i'm juzt zaying... whatever you wanna do, i won't be far, right?
BZ: and... no matter where you're at, zileaz iz INEVITABLY gonna have to deal with a lot of me. *smiles a little*
CI: I don't think that's up for debait! *sighs and envelops Citrin in another hug* He can gripe all he likes. I will plant a fresh foot up his posterior.
CI: I just...
CI: Don't sea it all as fair.
CI: If it was only at his expense, I could honestly see myself NOT GIVING A CLAM. *But he knew it didn't work that way. He hugs on Citrin tighter.*
BZ: *buzzes softly, comfortingly... he had to admit to himself, this made him feel pretty darn important.* well... juzt talk to him about it and zee what he'z got to zay.
BZ: if you think having your own place iz the mozt fair then i'm cool with that... really.
CI: *Buries his face by the crook of his neck, absorbing the buzzes.* I would miss you.
BZ: ... gay. *kisses at the side of his head, squeezing him tighter.*
BZ: we'll get it worked out, ruru.
CI: I know... Unfortunately, you're contagious. *grins and gently nibbles the chub. Yum.*
BZ: hrrrkk. *wheezes until the giggles UNLEASH.* fuckin' RUDE.
CI: Isn't it??????????? I should have taken extra precautions before handling you. *peck peck, he steals some smooches*
BZ: FOOLIZH. eheheheh. *gets his revenge by holding ruleus' face in his hands and pressing a big kiss right on his fishy lips.* <3
CI: *BLUH, only not really. Citrin is really actually the best. He meets Citrin's big smooch with a bigger smooch from himself. Mwwwaaah.* I did this to myself. *muffled*
BZ: yep... now u gotta zuffer the conzequencez... *leans into him with all his fat weight so they're lying down again.*
CI: *is thoroughly squished under Citrin's GIRTH.* Should I die, tell them all I died as I lived. *purring from somewhere*
BZ: yez... zmothered betwixt peach cheekz.... *snnrrkks before dragging his kisses down towards his fin and then to his neck.*
CI: *ends up giggling, squirming from under Citrin* That TICKLES-- oh. Sorry.
CI: (Your dad.)
BZ: yez zhhhhh. *nibbles on him.* don't wake daddy. *SNRK.*
CI: That's difficult to do when you are being so... (Ticklish.) *paps him on the butt.*
BZ: yeah?? it ticklez in ur tummy?? >;) *he's papped... but it only makes him STRONGER. nibbles at his collar bone now. a frisky peach.*
CI: *SNORTS and ends up huffing about the rascally teeth prickling his collar. His hand comes up to stroke into the fluff of Citrin's hair instead.* In a particular kind of way, yes. Hmmm. *hums as if thinking.*
CI: We shouldn't get too distracted.
BZ: *buzzes softly...* why not? we can get diztracted for a LITTLE while...
CI: *laughs, scritching at his hair* I could compose, at very least, a small dramatic essay for you to ignore about all the reasons why we /shouldn't/ get "distracted" in your dads' house. But I also think I should tell you about...
CI: Sileas. And him wanting to matrimonialize our quadrant.
BZ: *peeks up at him but... doesn't really look surprised. he just rests his chin on ruleus' chest.* zo he went through with it, huh??
BZ: eheheh... he told me he waz going to. er, or that he WANTED to. but he waz being a dork about it...
BZ: like dur citrin do you think i zhould?? and i'm like bruh.
CI: *Exhales in relief, glad that at least Citrin knew about it. He purrs low in the backburner of his throat.* So he had the maturity and foresight enough for THAT at least. He's really bad with this kind of thing... when it comes down to it.
CI: It's another huge shame because I would not like his dumb baby butt feelings to get in the way of my relationship with you. Or any of our other corresponding relationships. *wrinkles his nose* He and Ananya greatly need an auspistice.
BZ: TELL me about it... but who iz ztrong enough for the tazk... eheheh. *nuzzles to his chest.*
BZ: ... i did really appreciate him talking to me. um... i'm not alwayz...
BZ: really zure where i ztand? er... idk. quadrant ztuff iz confuzing, you know? but when he came at me talking about that and rezpecting my input about you guyz and you going to lauctiz it really... helped clear up zome of my doubtz, i guezz.
BZ: he'z DUMB but at leazt he carez enough about you to look out for me too. and include me in all thiz.
CI: *Lip juts out, distressed by the idea of Citrin still having doubts about things... but ultimately, he puts it to rest.* I've always wanted you included.
BZ: i know... i'm juzt-- DUMB TOO... *looks guilty*
BZ: and i get confuzed.
CI: Citrin... You're not dumb for needing reasshorance. 8(
CI: You are an important part of the reason I would like to move to Lauctis. So the two of us can have a chance at augmenting all the GOOD we can do. Between ourselves...
CI: You inspire me a lot of the time.
BZ: ... *smiles at him bashfully.* yeah? eheh...
BZ: you too...
BZ: i wouldn't have even thought about moving... and i definitely wouldn't have motivated myzelf to get work if i wazn't... thinking about the kind of future i'd get to have with you if i did...
CI: *Citrin's honest bashful smiles should be bottled and kept away for rainy days. Ruleus is so smitten. He clears some hair out of his face.* There's plenty of time to figure it out.
CI: But I do want to figure it out. *takes up his hands and squeezes, nuzzling at his forehead.* No matter how long it takes.
BZ: *holds ruleus' hands tight, so relieved he feels like he might cry, his throat restricting and making his giggles rattle out hoarsely.* eheheh... me too...
BZ: i love you, ruleuz.
CI: *The words warm deep down in his bloodpusher and he's sure he's going to carry them for all of time. Ruleus's purrs roll anew.* I love you too, you silly peach. *murmurs, pecking a cool kiss right to his nose.*
BZ: no ur zilly... *catches him up in more kisses, humming against his lips.*
BZ: ... you zure we can't get diztracted juzt a little...
CI: It's tempting... but-- *he lingers, drawn into his warmth. His inviting softness. Flicks a fin remembering his trail of thought.*
CI: ...
CI: I can hear your dad snoring all the way over here. 8/
BZ: ... yeah that iz kind of a turn off...
BZ: you're gettin' it.
CI: Oh... *goes wall-eyed a little bit.* You know I never do get used to how plainly you put things.
BZ: GOOD. it makez it more fun for me when you're fluztered every time.>;)
CI: Whale how do you EXPECT me to act?? *HUFFS* You...
CI: Fluster me. 8(
BZ: FAIR. there really iz no other way to rezpond... i mean... LOOK AT ME!!
0 notes
theangstbrigade · 8 years
Tumblr media
i really want to see you and i know things with ryan kind of suck right now
did i do anything
i don’t want you to be alone and i know how you are when you isolate yourself and damn it i don’t want to lose you again
why do people leave
hey jack i just wanted you to know that i’m here and i want to see you and see how you’re doing  i miss you 
okay so i know this might not be what i should do but i was just wondering if you feel the same way i do about colt and little but probably not you probably knew anyway i’m not sending this
maybe we should hang out soon  no i can see your response already  hey joel what are you up to i haven’t seen you in like ever i know i get on your nerves a lot but i still consider you one of my really really good friends and i think maybe both of us could have a friend around 
can i visit 
hey joel let me know if you get this 
what is wrong with me...? i figure you would know...!
sometimes you’re the only...! person that will just...! say it like it is..! and i was wondering...! NEVERMIND...!
can you tell rammie to tell sileas
remember that time i punched you in the face...? just reminiscing...! i haven’t seen you around...! it feels like something is missing...! [Sent]
joel...! i need your advice on something...!
is this green thing...? on my wall...? some kind of experiment...? oh wait...! it’s just...! one of those...! sticky lizards...!
have you seen mom...? nevermind...! found her...! 
has sileas been talking about me...? do you still like me...?
i wish it was like when we were younger and we could...! just be younger...! and have less problems...!
i was wondering...! are you able to make...? some kind of serum...? that makes people nice...?
1 note · View note
amaurosismongrel · 8 years
[08:23] -- amaurosisMongrel [AM] began trolling choriocytosicInquisitor [CI] at 20:23 --
[08:23] AM: H3y.
[08:30] CI: HELLO, S!LEAS.
[08:30] AM: Its [o]kay.
[08:31] AM: Y[o]u can mak3 it up t[o] m3 with that lunch dat3 y[o]u pr[o]mis3d a whil3 back.
[08:31] AM: S[o] h[o]w ab[o]ut it?
[08:54] CI: GLUB.
[08:54] CI: OKAY. ! JUST.
[08:55] AM: If y[o]u n33d m[o]r3 sl33p [o]r s[o]m3thing th3n d[o]n't w[o]rry ab[o]ut it.
[08:56] CI: NO. ! WA S JUST.
[08:56] AM: Busy?
[08:56] CI: NEVERM!ND, !'M RUNN!NG OUT O? THE DOOR!!!!!!!
[08:57] AM: [o]kay. S33 y[o]u s[o][o]n.
[01:58] -- amaurosisMongrel [AM]  gave up trolling choriocytosicInquisitor [CI] at 01:58 --}
[08:57] CI: *busts into the cafeteria, looking harried and a little disheveled. It looked like somebody fell asleep in the science labs again.*
[09:00] AM: *Ruleus should really stop doing that, it cant be healthy. Sileas is sitting at one of the tables, previously picking at his nails until he sees Ruleus come in and perks up a little bit. He hasn't gotten food yet because he wanted to wait for his kismesis.* W[o]w. Y[o]u w3r3n't kidding ab[o]ut actually n33ding t[o] wak3 up.
[09:01] CI: Shut up. *dumps himself into the chair, rubbing at his eyes*
[09:02] -- choriocytosicInquisitor [CI] changed their mood to OFFLINE --
[09:02] -- choriocytosicInquisitor [CI] changed their mood to ECSTATIC --
[09:02] -- choriocytosicInquisitor [CI] gave up trolling amaurosisMongrel [AM] at 21:02 --
[09:02] -- choriocytosicInquisitor [CI] changed their mood to OFFLINE --
[09:03] -- choriocytosicInquisitor [CI] changed their mood to ECSTATIC --
[09:03] -- choriocytosicInquisitor [CI] began trolling amaurosisMongrel [AM] at 21:03 --
[09:03] AM: *A small smile flits across his face for a moment.* Hard night in th3 lab?
[09:17] CI: *yawns* Mostly paperwork. And my own summary report wh!ch ?ollowed promptly.
[09:18] AM: Was it a summary [o]n h[o]w y[o]u [o]p[o]rat3 und3r sl33p d3pr3vati[o]n? *Hes getting to his feet now, trying to shuffle them towards the food.*
[09:31] CI: *follows him now, gathering himself up a tray. He's probably going to have some soup.* NO. ! was summar!z!ng the result o? the GENE SPL!C!NG that had taken place earl!er !n the day.
[09:31] CI: !t's not exactly an easy task hav!ng to wr!te reports a?ter every exper!ment that happens !n that lab. My n!ghts are typ!cally ?ULL.
[09:34] AM: S[o] I'v3 n[o]tic3d. *Hes getting a bowl of chicken nuggests, baby carrots, and pouring apple sauce over it all. All food gets mixed up inside of you anyways so why not combine it together.* Als[o] whil3 I kn[o]w y[o]u just l[o]v3 w[o]rking y[o]urs3lf int[o] the gr[o]und f[o]r what3v3r w3rid[o] r3as[o]n, mayb3 y[o]u sh[o]uld at l3ast try giving y[o]urs3lf a br3ak fr[o]m it?
[09:41] CI: THAT'S A ?!NE SUGGEST!ON. !? ! was !n any mood to accept !t. *shrimp salad it is. He is going back to the table and munching some leaves.*
[09:43] AM: *He follows behind and sits next to Ruleus before digging a fork into his odd food combination.* Y[o]u kn[o]w that stubb[o]rn additud3 [o]f y[o]urs is just s[o][o][o] actractiv3. *Rolls eyes and munches.*
[09:47] CI: ! would almost say the same about you. *eyes the food with disgust*
[09:48] AM: *He lifts up a forkfull of applesauce coated chicken nugget and holds it towards Ruleus' face.*
[09:48] AM: Want s[o]m3.
[09:49] CI: *shivers* NO.
[09:49] CI: *stuffs more shrimp and lettuce into his mouth*
[09:50] AM: Y[o]u sur3. *Leans it a big closer while smirking.*
[09:53] CI: ! w!ll take a sol!d chunk out of your arm !? you do not remove your hand.
[09:53] AM: Is that a pr[o]mis3.
[09:56] CI: *suddenly chomps right on the fleshy part of his hand* CHOMP.
[09:59] AM: *He drops the fork and the mess of a food probably lands in Ruleus' salad as Sileas pulls his hand back, shaking the GROSS BOYFRIEND SPIT off.* H3y, that wasn't my arm!
[10:00] AM: *He frowns and finished cleaning off his hand by rubbing it on his own shirt.*
[10:00] AM: I think th3 w[o]rd y[o]u ar3 l[o][o]king f[o]r is impr[o]v3d.
[10:24] CI: Eughhh. ! can't eat th!s anymore. *makes such a face and pushes his plate away. Time to sip at some juice.*
[10:25] AM: Y[o]u ar3 such a wriggl3r ar3 y[o]u s3ri[o]usly n[o]t g[o]ing t[o] 3at it anym[o]r3? Thats such a wast3. *He huffs and steals his fork back off Ruleus' plate to start eating his own food again.*
[10:26] CI: Yes, that !s what ! am say!ng. ! do not say th!ngs ?or the sake o? hear!ng my own vo!ce.
[10:27] AM: C[o]uld hav3 f[o][o]l3d m3. *He mumbles around a mouthful of apple sauce and carrots.*
[10:27] AM: [o]h, *Quickly swallows.* C[o]ngradulati[o]ns [o]n the n3w quad I gu3ss.
[10:28] CI: What?? *When did he get a new quad. Oh. Fins perk with surprise.* Thank you! 8O
[10:28] AM: Citrin t[o]ld m3. *His tone of voice indicates that he might be the slightest bit grumpy about that factoid.*
[10:29] CI: Good ?or h!m!!! !'m glad to sea the two o? you talk!ng aga!n. *Sileas is always grumpy. What's so new about it NOW?*
[10:30] AM: I'm n[o]t sur3 it was s[o] much talking as it was y3lling but, *Shrugs.* I think its b3hind us n[o]w th[o]ugh.
[10:30] AM: I'm als[o] g[o]ing t[o] gu3ss that this might b3 why I hav3n't b33n abl3 t[o] g3t y[o]u f[o]r a dat3 in a whil3.
[10:31] AM: I d[o] n[o]t envy h[o]w y[o]u ar3 g[o]ing t[o] hav3 t[o] balanc3 quads.
[10:33] CI: *raises eyebrows* Yell!ng?
[10:33] AM: Y3ah, y3lling.
[10:34] AM: But isn't h3 always y3lling?
[10:34] CI: Maybe?? *there is an odd look on his face til he shrugs and drinks the rest of his juice down*
[10:35] CI: ! wouldn't worry about me balanc!ng my quadrants. ! am QU!TE E??!C!ENT W!TH MANAG!NG MY T!ME.
[10:37] AM: *Sileas sighs and just shrugs. He's wearing his goggles so of course he noticed the look. He has no idea what it might mean, but he saw it.* S[o] 3ffici3nt that I'm sur3 y[o]u hav3 plann3d [o]ut wh3n y[o]u g3t y[o]ur thr33 h[o]urs [o]f sl33p like s[o]m3 dumb n3rd l[o]rd.
[10:37] AM: *He returns to picking at his food with decreased enthusiasm.*
[10:38] CI: *peering over at him with a squint.* Someth!ng !s bugg!ng you?
[10:43] AM: N[o].
[10:43] AM: ...Actually.
[10:43] AM: *Another sigh and he lowers his fork.*
[10:44] AM: Y3ah kind [o]f.
[10:44] AM: *Sileas turns himself to more easily face Ruleus as he continues.* I d[o]n't kn[o]w I'm trying t[o] hav3 s[o]m3 3n3rgy f[o]r this lunchdat3 right n[o]w but f[o]r what3v3r r3as[o]n I .... D[o]n't? *He frowns a little. Hes not great at articulating his actuall feelings most of the time.* Mayb3 its b3caus3 I f33l lik3 I hav3 t[o] sign up f[o]r s[o]m3 s[o]rt [o]f fak3 visiting h[o]urs just s[o] I can
[10:44] AM: call y[o]u a silly idi[o]t.
[10:45] AM: And th3 last f3w tim3s I hav3 g[o]tt3n t[o] s33 y[o]u is 3ith3r at a party, [o]r y[o]u ar3 s[o] tir3d I sw3ar I am ab[o]ut t[o] watch y[o]u fall asl33p in y[o]ur [o]wn salad.
[10:46] AM: I m3an, f[o]r crip3s sak3 I had t[o] h3ar my kism3sis had a mat3sprit fr[o]m s[o]m3[o]n3 3ls3???
[10:46] AM: And apar3ntly I was [o]n3 [o]f th3 v3ry f3w p3[o]pl3 wh[o] didn't kn[o]w!
[10:47] AM: Did y[o]u just f[o]rg3t? [o]r am I just making s[o]m3 hug3 d3al ab[o]ut s[o]m3thing that isn't any [o]f my busin3ss??
[10:48] AM: *The more he goes on ranting, the more scrunched up and upset his expression gets. Sileas had been wrestling with this for a while and now it seems this was the chance to let it all out.*
[10:49] CI: *dismay has his fins drooping and he looks off. It's true there were a few hints of these problems here and there... but not prominent enough that Ruleus would dare bring them up on his own. He's just been so goshdarn TIRED and lapsed with his attention, he knew it was true. Ruleus winces the further Sileas chews him out.*
[10:49] CI: You can't s!mply wr!te !t o?? as none o? your bus!ness. There !s more at work here than the obv!ous. *says, avoiding his eye. A blind troll. Avoiding the eye of a blind troll.*
[10:51] AM: Lik3 what?! *He sounds near exasperated about it.*
[10:54] CI: ! am... not sure. *Ruleus has never been one to lack the ability to find words. He looks ashamed.*
[10:55] AM: *Its quite clear Sileas is not satisfied with that answer. He crosses his arms tightly in front of himself, shoulders drooping.*
[10:56] AM: Can y[o]u at l3ast pr3t3nd y[o]u can l[o][o]k at m3.
[10:56] AM: Straight [o]n.
[10:57] AM: If n[o]t th3n I'll tak3 [o]ff the g[o]ggl3s [o]r what3v3r and just imagin3 that y[o]u can.
[10:59] CI: *cautions a glance that way but regrets it immediately. He lets out a long slow sigh.* ...! th!nk perhaps we need to g!ve one another a l!ttle b!t o? space.
[10:59] CI: To sort through what we are ?eel!ng.
[11:00] AM: Wh.... *He stares at Ruleus. Hardcore stares.*
[11:00] AM: Spac3.
[11:00] AM: Spac3??
[11:01] AM: *This is not what he wanted at all.*
[11:03] CI: YES, space. *stares back at him, disapproving.* Space enough to g!ve mysel? t!me to th!nk when !'m not so glubb!ng T!RED. So that ! do not con?use the wh!plash o? my sent!ments w!th TRUTH o? what !t !s ! really want r!ght now.
[11:06] AM: *These are all valid reasons, but the main thing Sileas is focusing on (And panicing about) is the "Space" aspect. He wanted less space! Not more! This whole thing had gone pear shaped rather quickly, and maybe he should have seen that coming.* Is... Is it b3caus3 I'm c[o]mplaining?? B3caus3 th3n f[o]rg3t, I tak3 it back! I was [o]v3r r3acting!! I d[o] that a l[o]t y[o]u /kn[o]w/ I d[o], hahah?? *
[11:06] AM: Because awkward laughter is going to make this so much better.*
[11:07] CI: *fins are pinning because it is the LEAST thing from better* Holy mackeral, S!leas.
[11:07] CI: Look just... calm down?? *reaches out a hand with equal amounts of awkward*
[11:10] AM: [o]kay, y3ah, calm. I can d[o] calm. I'm calming d[o]wn, [o]kay?? *Except he really isn't. Sileas KNOWS hes going over the top, he KNOWS its snowballing, but the thought of losing anymore of Ruleus is just extremely worrying to him.*
[11:11] CI: ... *hesitates before allowing his hand to retreat* We only have to ?!gure out how to ?!X whatever !s wrong here.
[11:11] CI: W!th us.
[11:11] CI: ! do not want you to ?eel as !? !'m ?orc!ng mysel? to see you. That !s the LAST TH!NG ! want to do.
[11:12] AM: I... I kn[o]w but. *Hes drooping even more now.*
[11:12] AM: I kn[o]w y[o]u're right a l[o]t. I just...
[11:13] AM: *He starts chewing on the inside of his cheek, looking very much like a kicked puppy.* Frick... I kn[o]w.
[11:13] AM: Urgh.
[11:14] AM: *Sileas looks away and pushes his goggles up on his face so that they wont work. Sometimes going back to being blind is the best comfort.*
[11:25] CI: *can only stare at him as Sileas sits there making a mess of his feelings. It felt so long ago that it was the very thing that had drawn Ruleus to him, frustrated by the prospect of his intellegence dashed away by his idiot upswings of emotion. Convincing him of his own self-worthlessness. It was too familiar to Ruleus to not have him doing something, anything to bridge the distance between them.
[11:25] CI: A hand comes up to his shoulder.* S!leas.
[11:30] AM: *He feels the hand on him. He knows its there. But he almost wishes it wasn't.* I messed this up. I'm alm[o]st nin3 sw33ps [o]ld and I c-can't 3v3n- *Can't even finish a sentence aparently. Sileas had worked so hard for so long to be able to shut down his strong sense of self doubt, but it always managed to bubble up at the worst times.*
[11:31] CI: You are be!ng h!ghly !llog!cal.
[11:31] CI: !t's really very sad. *rubbing his shoulder*
[11:35] AM: *He leans into the touch of his hand a little.* I didn't want t[o] mak3 it w[o]rs3.
[11:35] AM: I sh[o]uldn't hav3 mad3 a big d3al ab[o]ut it. I d[o]n't want m[o]r3 spac3.
[11:36] CI: Yes but !t !s what !t !s. Some th!ngs must be addressed, ?or better or worse.
[11:36] CI: That's not to say our relat!onsh!p !s !n any k!nd o? endangerment. *scoffs*
[11:36] AM: Its n[o]t?
[11:37] CI: As !? ! would let your !d!ot emot!ons dec!de how our quadrants progresses ?rom here.
[11:40] AM: Mrh. *He does seem to lighten up from having been insulted and assured at the same time.*
[11:41] AM: At l3ast th3y ar3n't as stupid as y[o]ur handwriting.
[11:41] CI: At least you can read !t. You're welcome.
[11:42] AM: At l3ast I c[o]uld st[o]mach d3c3nt gummy w[o]rms.
[11:44] CI: Some day, you w!ll get better at !nsult!ng me. *rOLLS HIS EYES*
[11:47] AM: S[o]m3day y[o]u may b3c[o]m3 alm[o]st half as pr3tty as m3. H3h. *He smirks. Its a bit short lived though and soon fades back to a pout.*
[11:47] AM: D[o] y[o]u still... want spac3? *He sounds much less freaked out about it now, and just disapointed instead.*
[11:48] CI: THAT !S BETTER. *kinda side eyeing him. But of course. Sileas doesn't see this. Oh, he was distracted and doesn't follow what he's saying exactly.* ...Oh r!ght!
[11:48] CI: !t was more a general!zat!on than an !mmed!ate demand.
[11:50] AM: S[o]... n[o]? *HOPEFULL QUESTION??*
[11:51] CI: NOT R!GHT NOW. *confirms, rising to his feet with hands against the table.* And ! th!nk we should go to my room r!ght now!
[11:53] AM: *The flood of stupid relief is near overwhelming and Sileas sinks into his seat.* Wait, g[o] th3r3 right n[o]w?
[11:53] CI: ! repeat. R!ght now.
[11:56] AM: Uh. Right n[o]w, [o]kay g[o]t it. *He should probably buss the plates right? Rather then making it easier for himself he's reaching blind without the help of his goggles for the trays and plates, managing to get both in his grasp.* Giv3 m3 [o]n3 s3c[o]nd. *He scampers off to go put the trays in the washbin but NOT before he stores the leftover food in his sylladex. Ruleus may not be able to stomac
[11:56] AM: h weird food mash ups, but Sileas isn't one to waste prime snacking material.*
[11:57] AM: *Returns after its done.* Alright w3'r3 g[o][o]d.
[11:57] CI: *Is already walking off. Later loser!!!!!!*
[11:58] AM: *Returns to an empty table. RUDE.*
[11:59] CI: Hahahahaha! ! gave you goggles ?or a REASON. *says distantly*
[12:00] AM: *Despite being jaded by that taunt, its impossible for Sileas not to smile. He is soon running after Ruleus, goggles still pushed up. He doesn't need to be able to see to sprint after his hate boyfriend. Its going to make it that much more romantic when he PASSES HIM.*
[12:01] CI: *Except Ruleus is already sticking one long leg out to trip him.* >8)
[12:03] AM: *Ruleus plays DIRTY. Sileas of course trips over this leg and goes tumbling full throttle into summer salts on the floor.*
[12:04] AM: *How durable are these goggles anyways, hopefully they can endure falling off his head and skittering across the floor.*
[12:04] AM: UGH!! *Sileas himself is fine though, and already sitting up to brush himself off.*
[12:05] CI: WASTED!!!!! *Citrin would be so proud of this meme. He trots off, plucking the goggles up to inspect them as he walks along. Of course he encased the biotech with a durable covering. He's not an IDIOT.*
[12:05] CI: *puts them away in his sylladex*
[12:05] AM: *Him goggles >80*
[12:07] AM: *He pushes himself up to his feet again and bends to crack his knee joints and then his back. It had been a while since he had taken a tumble like that. Durgah and his mom would be ashamed of his fall.* What kind [o]f twist3d guy purp[o]s3fully trips a blind tr[o]ll.
[12:08] CI: H!s super!or k!smes!s.
[12:08] AM: *Snorts.* Y3ah, k33p t3lling y[o]urself y[o]ur sup3ri[o]r. I'll hum[o]r it. *He then hunches back down to the ground, carefully feeling around for those goggles.*
[12:09] CI: Hahahaha, shall ! meet you back !n my room????
[12:09] CI: *totally saw that*
[12:10] AM: Uh, y3ah, just h[o]ld [o]n a s3c[o]nd. *He seriously doesnt want to lose those things, so he widens out his floor search.*
[12:11] CI: Hm, you seem to have scu??ed them a l!ttle... *sounds a little far away. He is continuing his walk.*
[12:13] AM: *It takes moments for it to click that Ruleus has them.* (Y[o]u frick3r.) *Sileas is up and trotting after him again.* T3chnically its y[o]ur fault if th3y ar3 b3caus3 y[o]u g3t a kick [o]ut [o]f bullying th3 impar3d.
[12:14] CI: Have you cons!dered that you w!ll not need them where you are go!ng? *the suggestion is all in his tone of voice. This is definitely how you flirt.*
[12:16] AM: *He opens his mouth and then promptly shuts it as his face tints blue.* Y[o]u kn[o]w, y[o]ur abs[o]lut3ly right. N[o]w I w[o]n't hav3 t[o] suff3r l[o][o]king at y[o]ur ugly mug. I think th3 last tim3 I mad3 3y3 c[o]ntact with y[o]u I alm[o]st turn3d t[o] st[o]n3. *Moving a little faster to close the distance between them now.*
[12:17] AM: Y[o]u'r3*))
[12:18] CI: YEAH but that doesn't stop you ?rom do!ng !t anyway. You must l!ke !t on some level. *Turning down the hall, it's only a matter of time before they're approaching Ruleus's block door. With a big huff of relief, he lets himself in.*
[12:20] AM: *He is rushing in behind him just in case Ruleus would try to mess with him again and shut the door.* I think I r3ally just lik3 t[o] punish mys3lf with y[o]ur fac3.
[12:20] CI: So now !'m a ?orm o? sel? harm?????? *peeling his labcoat from his shoulders*
[12:23] AM: Mayb3. [o]r mayb3 I'm just a mas[o]chistic w3rid[o] wh[o] g3ts [o]ff [o]n th3 suff3ring y[o]ur f3atur3s caus3 m3. *Knowing Ruleus' block so well, Sileas does what he has been doing for years; navigating himself through his kismesis block and claiming the whole bed for himself. Pillows and all.*
[12:25] CI: *kicking off his shoes and yes, pants too. He will stand there in plain old boxer briefs and be proud of it! He crawls into bed with him immediately.* !? that's the case, ! can ?org!ve you.
[12:25] CI: Nobody's per?ect a?ter all.
[12:27] AM: *Its not anything Sileas hasn't "Seen" before. But he does grin when he feels more skin exposed when Ruleus joins him on the bed.* Fair p[o]int.
[12:28] AM: *He touches his shoe covered foot to Ruleus' bare leggy.*
[12:29] CI: *was lying face flat into the pillows and groans. Forces himself to sit back up and start prying Sileas's shoes off. Forcing them off, if he has to.* Hold st!ll.
[12:31] AM: *Of course it will have to be forcing them off, he can't make it EASY for Ruleus. Sileas snickers a little and moves his legs and feet as much as he can.* I d[o]n't trust y[o]u n[o]t t[o] st3al my sh[o]es and cl[o]n3 th3m. *Its enevitable that one slips off his sock covered foot. At least he was wearing socks today.*
[12:34] CI: *TAKES OFF HIS SOCKS TOO, WHIILE HE'S AT IT. There is no mercy in this arena.* Your shoes and socks have no purpose other than to be on my ?LOOR. *It'll take him a second to process what he just said.*
[12:35] AM: *That sentence catches him a little off guard, and makes him go blue in the face again, so its easy enough to finish stripping his feet bare.*
[12:36] AM: [o]n th3 fl[o][o]r y[o]u say?
[12:36] CI: On the FL- *Oh. Then it hits him. If Sileas goes blue in the face, Ruleus turns positively teal and whaps Sileas's leg from himself.* THE ?LOOR.
[12:38] AM: [o]w! *Alright Ruleus, you have his shoes and socks, but you've now subjected yourself to TOE PINCHING. Sileas knows how to pick things up with his feet well enough that his big toe and the one next can be turned into mean pinching machines. And they are headed straight for Ruleus' calfs.*
[12:38] CI: NO. *crawling rapidly away from pinching toes as his legs can take him* ! W!LL K!CK YOU O?? TH!S RECL!N!NG PLAT?ORM.
[12:40] AM: H3h3h3h! *He is reaching for him as far as his legs can, but eventually Ruleus is safe. Of course this just gives Sileas the room to hog up half the bed by spreading out his limbs.*
[12:40] CI: *is now stuffing a pillow onto his face. Rip in fucking rest.*
[12:42] AM: Y[o]u kn[o]w if y[o]ur sh33ts didn't r33k [o]f antis3ptic, this w[o]uld b3 a pr3tty nic3-MMPHM!!! *He is SMOTHERD. Sileas flails about for a bit and then makes a big show about dropping limp and playing dead.*
[12:43] CI: ?!nally. At last.
[12:43] CI: There was s!lence.
[12:43] CI: *carefully removing pillow*
[12:43] AM: *Hes laying there with his eyes screwed shut and his tongue hanging out. Very dead looking.*
[12:44] CI: ... *plugs his nose up with two fingers*
[12:45] AM: *He holds his breath to keep it up.* .....
[12:49] CI: *No way is he removing his fingers.* S!leas.
[12:49] AM: *He still ded.*
[12:49] AM: .............
[12:51] CI: ?!ne, !? you want to be so stubborn... *leans down to peck the corner of his gaped mouth*
[12:54] AM: *His breath comes out in a wheeze when he gets pecked on the corner of his mouth, and then he quickly turns his head to smuggly kiss Ruleus full on. Clearly this was his PLAN.*
[12:56] CI: *He's been bamboozled!!! But little does Sileas know that it's what Ruleus wanted all along. Kisses him with the pillow propped up behind his horns. A convenient cover.*
[12:58] AM: *Very convenient indeed. Sileas lifts a hand to cup the side of Ruleus' face as the kissing continues, using his thumb and forefinger to swiftly but gently tug at the seadweller's ear fin with intentions to annoy.*
[01:04] CI: *rrrrrrgh it's like he's asking for another bite to the hand. Well okay. The bites happen but theyre more nips along the inside of his palm. Prickly of sharp teeth but harmless.*
[01:06] AM: *His pleased grin gets a little wider, and at the nipping he pulls his hand away from Ruleus's fin to poke his hate boyfriend's nose.*
[01:07] CI: *Okay. He will bite the shit out of his finger now.*
[01:08] AM: OUCH!! *Okay well he had that coming, Sileas pulls his finger back out of harms way and holds it to himself to protect from further harm.*
[01:08] AM: *[O]UCH!!))
[01:09] CI: Serves you r!ght. *rolls off him, resting the pillow under his head.*
[01:10] AM: *Sileas huffs and brings his finger up to his mouth to suck on the bite marks while he is quick to move his legs into Ruleus's area of the bed again.*
[01:11] AM: Trip m3, tak3 my g[o]ggl3s, and n[o]w biting?
[01:11] AM: Y[o]u ar3 tru3ly th3 w[o]rst. *Stretches one leg across Ruleus.*
[01:13] CI: You're gett!ng o?? on the su??er!ng remember? *pats his leg as if comforting*
[01:14] AM: And y[o]u must b3 g3tting [o]ff [o]n t[o]rturing m3. *He snuggles closer since his leg wasn't shoved off.*
[01:14] CI: Oh w!thout a doubt.
[01:15] CI: What k!nd o? a dynam!c do you th!nk th!s !s?
[01:15] AM: A dumb [o]n3.
[01:15] AM: *He drops his arm over Ruleus next.*
[01:16] CI: *BIG SIGH. Just get up here, already. Ruleus is tugging him on top of him.*
[01:18] AM: *That tugging give sileas all the permission he needs to roll over and crush Ruleus with his dead weight. Sileas only does that for a moment or two to tease him though before he shifts his hands on either side of the seadweller and hoists his weight up.*
[01:18] AM: H[o]ws it g[o]ing d[o]wn th3r3.
[01:19] CI: *OOF. Sightless eyes are gazing down at him.* Oh !t's go!ng well. And YOURSEL???
[01:21] AM: I'm pr3tty [o]kay. I've g[o]t a b[o]n3y l[o]s3r und3rn3ath m3 th[o]ugh.
[01:22] CI: A bony what now? *casual butt touch. Petty insults do not PHASE him.*
[01:26] AM: *That would be a hand on his butt. Sileas leans down and nuzzles into Ruleus' neck and gills area, placing a kiss or two on the skin.* A pan fri3d sci3ntist wh[o] puts m[o]r3 dr[o][o]l [o]n his pap3rs th3n l3tt3rs, and can't stomach r3al f[o][o]d. *He murmers against his neck.*
[01:35] CI: Oh yes. That's much acceptable an analys!s. *rumbles, the gill slits on his neck shifting reflexively by the skim of his kismesis's lips against his skin. The pat of his butt becomes more of a stroke over his hips and a run of his palm over the small of his back. This was feeling nice...*
[01:39] AM: *The shifting of Ruleus's hand entices a pleased grumble out of Sileas as he moves from the base of his neck, grazing kisses as he goes, to come to a stop to nip at the junction between throat and jaw bone.*
[01:42] CI: *It's not fair that he gets to have all the fun. Huffing just against Sileas's shoulder, fingers start grazing over the skin of his back, touching on him from under his stupid shirt.*
[01:46] AM: *The sudden sensation of fingers on bare skin causes him to lightly shudder. Sileas responded by shifting to balance himself with one hand, leaving the other free to slide down and rest at Ruleus' hip. Meanwhile Sileas's mouth has attached itself lower on his neck as he begins to suck with the intent to leave marks.*
0 notes
-- trenchantDynamo [TD] began pestering choriocytosicInquisitor [CI] at 21:57 --
TD: Hello Ruleus.
TD: I've noticed the brrrace on Little. I'm verrry happy to see that it's much morrre aesthetically pleasing.
CI: HELLO, RAMM!E. And ! sea your apprec!at!on ?or aesthet!cs cont!nues to ENABLE BAD TREATMENT O? D!SAB!L!T!ES AMONG OUR PEERS.
CI: But that !s ne!ther here nor there.
CI: Who cares !? L!ttle came seek!ng rel!e? ?or the pa!n her leg was caus!ng!!!
TD: That's rrrude.
TD: She always looks cute.
CI: Then !t was never up to you to dec!de whether she should have taken her dork!sh brace off.
CI: ESPEC!ALLY wh!le her leg was heal!ng.
CI: She's adorable regardless!!! You sa!d !t YOURSEL?.
TD: Well yes, she is adorrrable.
TD: The brrrace wasn't.
TD: It was a harrrmless swap forrr the sake of herrr not wearrring a bag on herrr head.
CI: !? can't be too much to ask that you respect my author!ty as a pro?ess!onal. Aesthet!cs be clammed!
CI: Th!s was a troll's D!SAB!L!TY you are d!sregard!ng. ! cannot condone a repeat o? th!s, Ramm!e.
CI: ! know you are much more respons!ble than th!s.
TD: Well I know a brrrace when I see one.
TD: Which makes me wonderrr.
TD: Did you see what you put on herrr.
TD: With, yourrr eyes.
CI: ! d!d and ! apolog!zed pro?usely but !t was always meant to be TEMPORARY.
CI: And she agreed to !t!!!!!!
CI: You had no place to conv!nce her o? remov!ng !t.
CI: Be?ore the replacement was ?!n!shed.
TD: Werrre therrre complications orrr arrre you doing the thing.
CI: Do!ng what th!ng?
TD: You know.
TD: The thing.
CI: ??????????
TD: Wherrre therrre arrre no actual prrroblems but you arrre verrry fussy rrregarrrdless.
CI: There !s a problem when OTHER PEOPLE'S WELL BE!NG that ! AM !N CHARGE O? !s be!ng marred by petty PEER PRESSURE.
TD: Therrre is also a prrroblem when she feels she can't show herrr face.
TD: Therrre was no harrrm done as "potential" as it may be.
TD: I'm not carrreless.
TD: Yes. Incrrredibly morrritfying.
TD: It was trrragic.
CI: What !s mort!?y!ng !s your careless att!tude.
TD: Ruleus please. I'm a naturrrally hatched nurrrturrrerrr.
CI: Then maybe you should pursue my job !nstead o? explo!t!ng your NON EX!STENT ONE.
TD: Oh dearrr. This is, indeed, a full blown thing.
TD: Deep brrreaths dearrr. No harrrm, no foul.
CI: ! only want to know th!s !sn't go!ng to happen aga!n, Ramm!e. ! really d!sl!ke argu!ng.
TD: Do you? Well, should I find no morrre prrroblems it likely won't happen again.
CI: Your problems w!th author!ty !s ?!ne.
CI: Stop us!ng your ?r!ends as excuses to act out on !t.
TD: Alrrright. You have no faith in my abilities which I don't carrre about but I do not use my frrriends as any excuse.
TD: I'm sorrrrrry to say but you'rrre not exactly an authorrritative figurrre rrripe forrr the challenging.
CI: ! don't care ?or your petty jabs! ! care about L!TTLE and how she copes w!th her day to day pa!n!!!!
CI: Wh!ch clearly.
CI: Doesn't matter to you.
TD: No.
TD: You carrre about yourrr ego.
TD: Yourrr prrride.
CI: !t was you who gave her bouncy shoes the very next day a?ter she came by the !n?!rmary.
CI: Not me.
CI: You are an enabler and also a bad ?r!end. We are done d!scuss!ng th!s.
-- choriocytosicInquisitor [CI] ceased pestering trenchantDynamo [TD] at 22:50 -- 
2 notes · View notes
windedarabesque · 9 years
-- windedArabesque [WA] began trolling choriocytosicInquisitor [CI] at 23:05 --
WA: ruleus...?
CI: Hello, Ananya.
WA: i...!
WA: i wanted to see...!
WA: if you saw my apology...!
CI: Apology??? Why do you need to g!ve an apology?
WA: for my reaction...! in the memo...! and for saying...! mean things...!
CI: Mean th!ngs?
CI: ! don't even remember what they were.
WA: you know...! what i mean...!
WA: wait...?
WA: really...?
CI: Really.
WA: well...! if you do ever remember them...!
WA: please know that i am sorry...! and i didn't mean it...!
CI: ! KNOW you d!dn't mean !t.
CI: That's why you don't need to apolog!ze.
CI: !T'S VERY... Ugh. ! don't know.
CI: Some parts ?rustrat!ng, other parts ag!tat!ng, and OTHER PARTS.
CI: R!d!culous.
WA: oh...!
WA: then i want to be sorry...! for making you feel those things...!
CI: !t's really not your ?ault, Ananya.
CI: Hghgh?jsdk. ! w!sh you wouldn't APOLOG!ZE ?or !t.
WA: i feel like it is...?
CI: No, !t's not.
WA: but...?
WA: i don't understand why...!
CI: !'m the one who !s BUGG!NG over th!ngs that you can't help.
CI: As ! sa!d be?ore, !t's r!d!culous and ! know !t !s.
WA: what do you mean...?
WA: what are you talking about...? with the things i can't help...?
CI: There's no po!nt !n br!ng!ng attent!on to !t.
CI: ! don't W!SH to add onto your hum!l!at!on ?uther.
CI: So we move on.
WA: are you talking about...? my lungs...? or the things that i said...?
CI: Your lungs, ! suppose???
CI: But that's ne!ther here nor there.
WA: i understand...! that you care...! and i shouldn't...! lose my temper...! so quickly...!
WA: when you are just...! trying to help...!
CI: And why must you apolog!ze ?or los!ng your temper???
WA: because...! the things that i say...! are hurtful...!
WA: you...? what...?
CI: !t just !s.
WA: i don't like it...! when i do that...!
CI: ! know.
WA: it seems like it makes...! you feel bad...!
CI: ! can take a l!ttle b!t o? retal!at!on, Ananya.
CI: !'m not A?RA!D o? stra!n!ng our relat!onsh!p ?or the sake o?
CI: Well, heck. Maybe that's why th!s argu!ng !s so dread?ully aw?ul a th!ng.
WA: for the sake of what...?
CI: ! don't know? Someth!ng r!d!culous, ! !mag!ne.
WA: because there is no point to it...!
CI: !'m com!ng to REAL!ZE that.
CI: !t's really all okay, Ananya. !t's not the end o? the world.
WA: so we are...? ok...?
CI: We're always okay. Even !? !t doesn't seem l!ke !t.
CI: You don't l!ke certa!n parts o? yoursel? and ! shouldn't be the one to br!ng !t out.
CI: !t's not ?A!R to you.
CI: And ?or that, ! apolog!ze.
WA: ...
WA: ...it's...!
WA: okay...!
CI: Yes, that's what !'m try!ng to convey.
WA: virtual high five...? then...?
CI: V!rtual h!gh ?!ve.
WA: okay...!
CI: Anyway. Now that that's settled?
CI: We can move on and ?orget that any o? th!s ever mattered!
WA: sure...! i would like that...!
CI: Good.
WA: good...!
CI: Anyth!ng else we must talk about?
WA: nothing that we must talk about...! i guess...!
CI: Well alr!ght then!
CI: Should ! leave you to your bus!ness?
WA: no...!
WA: i mean...!
WA: i don't know...! i still feel weird...! about all of this...!
CI: Why would you?
CI: !t's all ?!ne and stu?? now, r!ght?
WA: you seem...! like you're acting...! different...!
CI: ???
CI: ! don't see !t.
WA: well, i do...!
CI: !'m not sure what !'m supposed to say?
CI: !? !'m act!ng d!??erent, ! really don't mean !t.
CI: ! just need t!me to ?!GURE OUT a ?ew th!ngs.
CI: But mostly, ! do need to exam!ne my behav!or and more !mportantly, work to ?!x !t.
CI: !t's really ?or the best, Ananya! Trust me.
WA: well, okay...!
CI: So we're ?!ne?
WA: yes...! we are fine...!
CI: Excellent!
CI: We can move on now.
WA: we are moving on...!
CI: Yes, haha.
WA: i didn't...! tell your mom anything...! either...!
CI: !t's not l!ke she NEEDS another reason to ground me. Although she probubbly would LOOK ?or one.
CI: What w!th the backsass !'m told ! g!ve her.
WA: she doesn't take that at all...!
CI: Challenge all author!ty, Ananya.
CI: Or.
CI: You're not really l!v!ng.
WA: that is...! definitely an interesting thought...!
CI: !? you really th!nk so.
WA: i do...!
WA: i can't...! really say that to my mom...!
CI: You can !? you really WANTED TO.
CI: But whatever. !'m not here to be a bad !n?luence.
WA: i would feel...! too bad...!
CI: ! wouldn't.
CI: Even Arad!a needs to be TOLD SOMET!MES.
CI: ...
CI: Don't tell her ! sa!d that.
WA: really...?
CI: Yes.
CI: ! mean NO.
CI: You have to know ! sa!d no. ?or the sake o? record keep!ng.
WA: i mean you think she needs to be told...?
CI: Why not???
CI: Dy!ng once doesn't mean a troll's !MPERV!OUS TO CR!T!C!SM.
CI: Wh!ch !s my op!n!on.
WA: um...!
WA: okay...! yes, i'll keep that in mind...!
CI: Anyway.
CI: Now !s when ! leave you, ! th!nk.
CI: Papers to wr!te and such.
WA: i'm getting sleepy anyway...!
WA: good luck with your papers...!
CI: Have a good sleep, Ananya.
WA: thank you...!
WA: bye...!
CI: N!ght n!ght.
1 note · View note
-- boreisticEcstasiate [BE] began pestering choriocytosicInquisitor [CI] at 23:36 --
BE: heey bro
BE: i th-think i mighta, uhh, upset someone or mmmaybe
BE: i dont unnderstand shit?
CI: Greet!ngs, Gallen! You d!d who, what now?
BE: i du-dunno :(
BE: ffeels off man
CI: Huh, well then. No worr!es. We can have the ?!shue sorted qu!ck as a splash!
CI: So what's the s!tuat!on?
BE: me and sil wwas sposed to hang and it was goin g-good
BE: uh, well he looked a lil upset at first
BE: but then we was hhhappy and chill
BE: then we wasnt, and he lefft?
BE: i didnt mean to upsset any motherfucker but he said he was alllll good
BE: werent peach makin him uncomfy
CI: Oh blubber, well that certa!nly sounds l!ke a problem. And one he has no !ntent!on o? address!ng r!ght away!
CI: The most you can prov!de !s pat!ence on h!s part unt!l he !s certa!n enough that whatever a!ls h!s m!nd !s someth!ng that !s worth br!ng!ng up !n conversat!on.
CI: You can't ?ORCE a person to tell you what !s wrong w!th them. Only o??er a w!ll!ng ear?!n when they need !t!
BE: nah aint nothin wr-wrong
BE: brothhher said so himself
CI: !? noth!ng was truely wrong, then th!s wouldn't be an !ssue. Clearly, someth!ng sw!ms amuck.
CI: Maybe he was just say!ng as a means o? de?lect!on?
BE: yeah, you rrrright and it dont feel like his usual vibe :(
BE: im all for earrin ai-ailments though cant reason why
BE: shhhit aint gotta be like what, its said up to
CI: Glub. And you yoursel? seem so worked up about !t.
CI: !'m sure that whatever's happen!ng, however S!leas !s ?eel!ng, all o? !t w!ll sur?ace g!ven t!me.
CI: And you can't pass judgement on h!s dec!s!on to w!thold !n?ormat!on!
CI: Really, Gallen, the most you can do !s wa!t !t out unt!l he's ready to talk.
CI: And everyth!ng w!ll turn out ?!ne, you w!ll see.
BE: just dont get it, wwish i cou-could help a motherfuckin bro out
BE: bottlin of fffeelins makes for bad j-juju
BE: but i, yeah, i b-believe you
CI: Haha, you're ent!rely r!ght, Glublen.
CI: Maybe... !? you're so worr!ed, you should g!?t h!m w!th someth!ng n!ce? As a token o? peace to prove you'll be recept!ve to anyth!ng he has to say?
CI: Or not say, even.
BE: i c-could make him a neg-neggativity receptor line
BE: or uh, web for his block
BE: it could ssponge up all them ills
CI: Haha, you mean one o? those decorat!ve, er. Water they called?
CI: Dream snatchers?
BE: yeah! with some kn-knots up in the abbsorptional and dark polars
BE: that could d-do some good to suck it all up
CI: Yes! That could very well work. So long as he understands the sp!r!t !n wh!ch he's rece!v!ng the g!?t!
BE: oh shit, yyeah, cant keep them mmotherfuckers when the knots
BE: unfold
BE: thats b-bad shit
BE: ima write some, proper exxxaminationaries for it
CI: Go all out !? you must!
CI: And now ! have to ask... w!ll YOU be okay? You won't stress or re?lect too much, w!ll you?
CI: That would be as you're say!ng "bad juju". Part!cularly ?or your emocean places!
BE: y-yeaah, im confused still and i aint so happy to b-be that way
BE: when it comes to my friends bidnnnness
BE: but, ima help him out
BE: i th-think i can do that, yeah?
CI: Yes, !t's best to ground yoursel? w!th knowledge o? what you CAN DO NOW !nstead o? ?!xat!ng on what could have been done !n the past.
CI: L!ve !n the present and all! Glub glub glub!
BE: ahhahaha yeah savor all these mmmiraculous moments
BE: for g-good or bad they shhape yourself
BE: into which you will bbe in the next
BE: present
CI: And w!th yoursel?, you learn to love others ?or all that they are! :D
CI: !t's all a matter o? keep!ng your ch!n up, Galglub. You've got th!s!
BE: amen :)
BE: thanks ruls, you knooow your shit some well
CI: Well, ! DO TRY. Your pra!se and commentary !s most welcome.
CI: W!th !t, ! can ache!ve THE !MPOSS!BLE.
BE: aint nnothin impossible my motherbrother!
BE: alls in grasp with ennough reachers
CI: And that's exactly the sp!r!t needed to take lead o? our team!
CI: ! shalln't ?a!l you yet.
BE: our teams gonna be m-most miraculously bitchin with this energy bro
BE: all them good worlds mmade up all nice with frogs and shit
CI: !t's the good v!be !n energy, ?or that's WHAT WE MAKE O? !T.
CI: W!th the bless!ng o? these myth!cal ?rog gods, we may learn a l!ttle b!t more about ourselves and each other. !'M VERY EXC!TED ?OR THESE DEVEELOPMENTS!!!
BE: dang :O it sounds like a motherfffuckin
BE: journey man
BE: i like it :)
CI: Hehehe. ! would l!ke to go !nto deta!l about !t but ! also wanted to tell you that my squ!d hat !s under CONSTRUCT!ON.
CI: ! should have !t ?!n!shed soon!
BE: danng you work fast ruls
BE: bet that inky cap is gonna be fffine as hell when we colllorize it
BE: yeah! :D honk honk honk
BE: hells of ded-edicated
CI: !t'll be the ?anc!est schmanc!est hat th!s s!de o? the stellar quadrant.
BE: maybe with them
BE: h-hangy long bits
BE: for over the ears and shit
BE: what if its ggot lil grabbers? :U
CI: The grabbers only enhance the hug ?actor, Gallen! There's noth!ng to worry about.
BE: we can hhhat hug bro
BE: some squiddy frog snugglin
CI: But alas, ! must let you go now. ! w!sh you luck w!th your endeavors w!th S!leas! However the turnatrout happens.
BE: aight man i will! you have a mmmirthful motherfuckin allness :)
-- choriocytosicInquisitor [CI] ceased pestering boreisticEcstasiate [BE] at 00:57 --
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theangstbrigade · 8 years
🌺 Ananya/Sileas
Let’s be real, as much as they’d like to deny it, there was a lot Ananya liked about Sileas. The way he listened. His hugs. The way he’d dance with her when they were younger. She likes how he makes Ruleus so happy. She likes that he’s finally found someone that makes him happy.
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[08:01] -- choriocytosicInquisitor [CI] began pestering boreisticEcstasiate [BE] at 20:01 --
[08:01] CI: GALLEN.
[08:01] BE: hey bro :)
[08:03] CI: HOW DOES THE ?!SH ?LY W!TH YOU TODAY, MY DEAR ?R!ENDMATE? Have the gymnast!cs treated you well?
[08:11] BE: its ffflyin damn good
[08:11] BE: my limbers all mmmotherfuckin bendy
[08:11] BE: whats up with your whimsical self?
[08:12] CI: A ?ew th!ngs o? note! Two objects o? o??!cal bus!ness ! would l!ke to address w!th you !? you don't m!nd.
[08:13] CI: One more !mportant than the other but nevertheless, !t shall be addressed.
[08:13] BE: nnnah bro unload your word burden upon myself
[08:14] BE: ill do my best to get you into the answer cavern of mmmmy mind and we shall adventure it together
[09:12] CI: Haha, !t's no burden, my bro. More l!ke a shr!mple request!
[09:12] CI: And the request !s that you jo!n my rank !n teams ?or a game that's !n the works!
[09:18] BE: awww sure man id love to be on your tt-team :)
[09:19] CI: SPLEND!D!!!
[09:19] CI: ! have to say, !'m very EXC!TED to have you aboard, Glublen!!! Haha!
[09:20] BE: honk honk honk :D
[09:20] BE: what game we ppl-layin my bro?
[09:21] CI: !t shall be a v!rtual one. ?ull o? poss!b!l!ty and creat!v!ty and the chance to K!CK SOME MYTHOLOG!CAL TA!LBONES!!!
[09:24] BE: mythy ones? :O
[09:24] CI: Heck!e yeah bro!
[09:25] CI: !t's all a great part o? the lore o? the un!verse we are p!ec!ng together and such.
[09:25] CI: !t's qu!te !nvolved !? ! do say so mysel?!
[09:27] BE: dammmnnn that sounds like a mmmiraculous game ru
[09:27] BE: all worldy build
[09:27] BE: i like them :)
[09:28] CI: And !'m sure you w!ll l!ke !t too!!!
[09:31] BE: we oughta mmmake a sciencey circle world man
[09:31] BE: nothin mmore factual than some miraculous hoopage
[09:32] CI: Between you and mysel?, there !s actually a secret to the whole th!ng.
[09:32] CI: Mag!c... powers the sc!ence and SC!ENCE POWERS THE MAG!C. >:D
[09:32] CI: !t's really qu!te ?asc!nat!ng!!!
[09:32] BE: yooo thats cooool man
[09:33] BE: so you can mmmagic man
[09:33] BE: it all up
[09:33] BE: get wicked spiritual and straight up f-fact havin
[09:34] CI: Yes. YES. THE STU?? !S R!VET!NG!!!
[09:34] CI: ! bel!eve that's why !t would pay to have someone l!ke you on our team. :)
[09:34] CI: We could use all that sort o? !np!rat!on!
[09:37] BE: ahahaha aww then uh, im do my best
[09:37] BE: get all yall insspired
[09:37] CI: Hehehe!
[09:57] CI: The top!c !s more o? a soc!al nature though.
[09:59] BE: hell yeah :) are you gggettin your shit for
[09:59] BE: the noggin cap clubb
[10:00] CI: YEAH!!!!!!
[10:00] CI: !ncred!ble! How d!d you know?
[10:04] BE: im all mmmotherrfu-ffuckin on that man
[10:04] BE: its gonna be fun as all hells
[10:05] CI: ! am !n the process o? construct!ng a hat as we speak! :D
[10:05] CI: !t shall be a squ!d because ?or all !ntents and porpo!ses, ! have always been rather ?ond o? cephalopods.
[10:10] BE: they are cccool as shit
[10:10] BE: all them grabbers
[10:10] BE: they get all sssucked up on stuff
[10:10] BE: yeah! :D
[10:11] CI: And yours??
[10:12] BE: ima skkeleton frog honk honk honk
[10:15] CI: GLUB. What the ?r!tznuggets???
[10:17] BE: they is! ahhahaha or its a other kkinda frog from this skeleton valley
[10:17] BE: so its a skelecroak
[10:18] BE: by all mmotherfuckin rights and reasons
[10:18] CI: ! now ?eel the overwhelm!ng need to !ncorporate th!s spec!es o? creature !nto our game.
[10:18] CI: !t shall be done.
[10:21] BE: hell yeah! ffrrogs man
[10:21] BE: specially undead fantasy ones :)
[10:21] CI: !t shall be the most !mportant creature !n all the game! Why?? BECAUSE ! GLUBB!NG SAY SO.
[10:27] BE: ahahhaha man frogs deserve it
[10:27] BE: theyre mmmotherfuckin awesome
[10:28] BE: all bein part water and land
[10:28] BE: colorful as sshiit
[10:28] CI: Amph!b!ous, you mean. ;)
[10:31] BE: yeah!
[10:31] BE: my amphibbros
[10:34] CI: Glub glub glub brohe??er! Hehehe!
[10:36] BE: ahahahahaha yeah man
[10:36] BE: i cant wait to get mmmy peep on your cap
[10:36] CI: There's no one to say we can't work on the th!ng together, !s there?
[10:39] BE: :O thats ttruthful
[10:39] BE: if you need to dye yours i gggot the shit for it
[10:59] CI: OH SNAPPLE. ! hadn't cons!dered gett!ng the th!ng dyed!
[11:04] BE: you should ddye it bro
[11:05] BE: its fun c:
[11:05] CI: What colors do you have?? 8O
[11:05] BE: uhhhh
[11:05] BE: hhang on
[11:06] -- boreisticEcstasiate [BE] sent alla thems.jpg --
[11:06] BE: *a fuckton basically*
[11:06] CI: Holy mackeral. That !s a lot o? color stu??.
[11:08] BE: we can do you up a tttoasty squid for yourself
[11:08] BE: all multicolor
[11:08] BE: linnnes on it like w-water waves
[11:08] CI: Woah! Can you do that???
[11:14] BE: yeah i thhhink so i dye my shit sometimes ahahah
[11:14] BE: its nice
[11:19] CI: ?rom the top o? your decorated horns to the soles o? your SHOELESS ?EET. HEHEHE!
[11:21] BE: shh-shit man ahaahhahaha nnah
[11:21] BE: im just, doin up some d-dyin its all chill
[11:26] CI: Yes, ! know !t's ch!ll. !t's always ch!ll!
[11:26] CI: But somet!mes there's cause to make CELEBRAT!ONS AND JOYOUS TYPE NO!SES!!!
[11:26] CI: Espec!ally when cool bros are !nvolved!
[11:29] BE: then i can get ddown with the joy n-nnoises
[11:30] BE: and bro shit
[11:30] CI: But Gallen.
[11:30] CI: You are the cool bro ! am speak!ng o?.
[11:33] BE: ahhhhahahhah well, uh,
[11:33] BE: aight then
[11:33] BE: fu-ffuckin bros
[11:33] BE: :)
[11:33] CI: BROS!!! ?ORE L!?E! :D!!!
[11:34] BE: honk honk honk yeah mmman
[11:34] BE: that lifelong mirac-raculous bondage
[11:39] CI: Hahahaha, ! always enjoy your mad cho!ce o? word!ng, Gallen.
[11:46] BE: ahha yeah?
[11:46] BE: thats good
[11:46] BE: cause i lllike
[11:46] BE: wordin at your self
[11:48] CI: And ! l!ke be!ng subject to your w!se words!
[11:48] CI: !t's almost l!ke you're an older soul trapped w!th!n the plane o? youth alongs!de our motley crew o? ?r!ends.
[11:49] CI: As the poet!c means to descr!be the exper!ence o? be!ng your good bud!
[11:52] BE: oh, uhhh hh-aahha yeah huh?
[11:52] BE: thatd be sssome mirthful shit aha
[11:52] BE: yeah all
[11:53] BE: rebo-reborn soul kinda
[11:53] BE: bidness
[11:55] CI: ! would dr!nk some ju!ce to that!
[11:58] BE: then we sh-should do that hahhaha but ima
[11:58] BE: get my self some of that mm-mmiraculous
[11:58] BE: liquid
[11:59] BE: and uh, see you allllll up on the f-flip
[12:03] CI: R!ghteo, my ?r!end!
[12:05] BE: llater bro
[12:05] -- boreisticEcstasiate [BE] ceased pestering choriocytosicInquisitor [CI] at 00:05 -- 
[12:05] -- boreisticEcstasiate [BE] began pestering choriocytosicInquisitor [CI] at 00:05 --
[12:05] BE: oh and uhh
[12:05] BE: you too
[12:05] -- boreisticEcstasiate [BE] ceased pestering choriocytosicInquisitor [CI] at 00:05 --
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