#with them being none the wiser about the trials they're about to face for the nth time
syrnyj · 10 months
concept: a theatre play in which every show is just one part of the overall story.
the first couple of plays happen normally, with all the same lines and scenes in every one. then something clues one of the characters in to the fact that they have already lived through these events before, but something keeps bringing them back to the beginning.
from this point onwards, the protagonist begins trying everything they can think of to break the time loop, altering the plot of every show in the process & the final performance is the one where they finally succeed.
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spyridonya · 2 years
D and S for kadira, daeran and lann?
D reams - How do they picture their future with their s/o?
None of them exactly thought they'd live long enough to dream. Lann was dead set he would die during the Crusade or die within a few years. Daeran was pretty sure the Other was going to take him out and he wasn't entirely sure if the resurrection spell would work. Kadira subconsciously knew either she or her 'adoptive' mother would be sacrificed to the Worldwound. There's a lot of dreaming when Areelu is made to close the Worldwound.
Essentially, they're all discovering what it's like to have dreams.
Marriage is absolutely a thing, and that follows fairly close to both Lann and Daeran's canon with the KC, though it extended to both their other partner and Lann having a different reason to wanting to marry Kadia right away. (A long headcanon about this later!)
There's uncertainty about having children, notably with the expectation of Daeran's first born being in line for the Crown of Mendev, Lann's nerves about birth and pregnancy, and Kadira not being sure if she'd be a good mother. But there's a want, despite all the prickly underpinnings. And they do. Kadira has two children by Daeran and one child by Lann.
They… don't really want to he in the political spotlight, though in Golden Shell, Daeran and Kadira are very much wanted by local Mendevians and Crusaders as a replacement for Galfrey. Lann still wants to go to the sea, and Kadee wants to see the world and Daeran wants his freedom. I can say for a fact the first two years after the crusade they're able to indulge this and bring Woljif along for some of it.
Eventually they start figuring out goals with the reality of what they are… and find loopholes with the expectations to achieve their duties and happiness at the same time.
Support - Are they helping their s/o achieve their goals? Do they believe in them?
I would have to say without a doubt that Lann and Daeran believe and want to help achieve Kadira's goals about closing the Worldwound. They're both not aware of how much of Kadira is keeping to herself until prior to the aasault on Threshhold, they're ride and die and understand some of her actions in trying to drive them away from her.
Lann is absolutely supported by Kadira and Daeran far quicker than either Lann or Daeran realized. I've not posted it yet, but there's a WIP in which Daeran and Lann fight about some issues but Daeran gives a remarkable amount of support about encouraging Lann to speak to his mother as well as Kadira's canon actions in encouraging the reunion. Daeran and Kadira also help Lann with being chief as much as they're able… Kadira's a bit better in that, understanding the mongrels a little better. Daeran does his best.
Daeran is… seems incredibly lacking in goals. So much of that is due to the Other. When he's essentially free form the grasp, it really is hard for him to understand what he wants and that he has to now face even more expectations in his life. Even in Golden Shell where they do avoid the trial, he's a little aimless for the first few months. However, Kadira is always there by his side and protects him when the Inquisition does shake their swords at him and takes the weight when their crown is thrust upon them. Lann encourages that Daeran is far wiser than he gives himself credit for, and really is a worthy successor to Galfrey.
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crazy-loca-blog · 3 years
Casey Valentine: About Her Present
A/N: Did the inspiration suddenly hit me after I had no idea what to do about this because I had never thought about it before? It did. Set somewhere between the end of Book 3 and right after it just because otherwise I wouldn't have had things to say about Casey's future. Part of the @openheartfanfics "Meet My MC" event.
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Meet My MC || About Her Past
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If Casey had to describe her three-year residency at Edenbrook, she'd say it's been intense, life-changing and unexpected. Time went by so fast and so many things happened in so little time, that quite often she still thinks all of this is just a dream.
Sometimes she still doesn't believe that she survived a betrayal, a trial, and an assasination attempt. She could even write a book about it, but keeping some of these stories to herself and the people around her seems wiser.
She passed her boards with flying colors and now she's ready to face a new challenge: becoming the new head of the Diagnostics Team. Ethan offered her the job after he was offered the Chief of Medicine position by Naveen, and even though at first she didn't know what to answer, she knew that Ethan would have never offered her the position if he considered her incapable of excelling at it.
And you can tell she already has a lot of plans for the team, even though none of them implies filling the spot that she'll leave. The work dynamic with Harper and Tobias is amazing, and they all think they don't need another member at the moment.
She's also glad that her salary will allow her to get rid of her med school debt sooner than she expected, even though she knows what she'll do with part of her first payment: she'll get Esme a ticket to visit her parents in El Salvador. This is something she's been thinking about since she knew her story. She knows how it feels growing up without parents, so if she can make a difference on the life of her intern, she will.
The only condition for her to accept her new position as head of the team was to be able to set some time apart to work in the free clinic. This is one of the most rewardings experiences for her and it reminds her why she decided to become a doctor in the first place, so she doesn't want to lose that.
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When Casey first arrived in Boston, it was all about the medicine. She wanted to learn from the best. Little did she know that the same guy she admired as a doctor would become the love of her life.
Everything began as a mentor and mentee relationship, but after a few months it became something else. And it's been that way for the last three years.
Their relationship has been... interesting, to say the least. They both had different reasons to fight their feelings for each other (Ethan's morals on one side, and Casey's previous heartbreaks on the other side), but apparently when two people are meant to be, things are just inevitable. And they seem to be inevitable.
After the longest time and many highs and lows, they made things official a few weeks ago. And they're over the moon about this. Casey doesn't remember being this happy before.
However, she wants to do things right this time. She has always felt her previous relationships failed because she made too many impulsive and bad decisions, and she really wants things to work this time... mostly because she has recently discovered admitted to herself that this is the first time that she is completely and utterly in love.
Yeah, she thought she had been in love before... but after meeting Ethan and understanding her feelings towards him, she just knew she had been so wrong in the past! She never felt like this about anyone before.
Do people talk about them? All the time. Does she care? Not at all. She felt uncomfortable about rumors at first, but Casey knows that people have been talking about them for the last three years, and she doesn't care anymore. She's just too busy trying to be happy to care about what people say about them.
However, to avoid any potential conflicts at work, they both have decided to keep their relationship as private as possible. And so far it's working.
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If Casey learned something about friendship during her residency, is that you never know when someone may betray you. Luckily, she has few friends, but they're the best.
Luckily, they all happen to be brilliant in their areas of expertise, so they all are geting great job offers to stay in Boston. And none of them is planning to leave.
This is awesome for several reasons, but mainly because they don't need to find a new place to live or a new roomie, which is a relief for everyone, and because they won't need to schedule annual reunions to catch up on their lives... they can keep having their daily or weekly ones.
She is also lucky to keep working with people she admires a lot: Tobias and Harper. She still can't consider them her friends, but they're certainly on their way to become more than colleagues.
Outside Edenbrook, Casey also keeps in touch with her med school besties: Tracy and Lauren. They both are doing their residencies at Mayo Clinic, so the chances they visit each other any time soon are very low. However, Facetime helps them to keep in touch at least once a week... and Tracy is getting married very soon in New York, so Casey is counting the days to see her girls after all this time (maybe she should tell them that now she might be taking a plus one with her?).
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Even though the original plan was that Oliver would be going to Boston with Casey, things changed after grandma Marie passed away and Oliver decided to stay back home.
The twins had never been apart, so this has been a whole new experience for them. Not only it has helped them to become their own person, but now their relationship is stronger than ever.
They keep in touch on a daily basis. They don't talk on the phone often, but they are constantly messaging each other during the day.
Oliver also visits her every two or three months. And Casey's heart feels so full of love when his brother has the chance to share with her extended family, just because they all get along really well. In fact, they've already set a tradition: every time that Oliver is in town, they make plans to spend a day at Martha's Vineyard.
Casey goes back to Virginia every summer; however, the end of her her residency might mean that this is the last time in a while that she'll be able to spend more than two weeks at home. But that's okay... as long as she has a few days to recharge her energy by being in touch with nature and with her roots, she'll survive.
Of course, she's dying to take her friends there. Ethan has already visited and he won't admit it yet, but he's become a fan of that place. He completely gets why Casey loves it so much.
The idea of returning home after the end of her residency was tempting, Casey actually considered it at some point, but she'd be lying to herself if she says her heart is not in Boston.
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Going from Virginia to Massachussets was a 180 degree change in Casey's life. She traded the mountains, the lakes and the river for skyscrapers, Seaport and Boston Common. Of course, this also meant making some life adjustments and discovering new hobbies.
She finally managed to balance work and life (something that had been impossible at med school). And even though Donahue's is the place to go after the long shifts, brunch on weekends with the gang are definitely her favorites.
Bryce, Rafael, and Ethan introduced her to the gym life at Edenbrook. At first, she only trained with the guys, but now she goes a lot by herself too, especially when she feels too stressed or when she needs to disconnect from the world. However, when it comes to release anger, boxing with Jackie is most definitely the option at the top of her list.
Sienna has taught her the art of vision boards to achieve her goals, but she's far from mastering it. in fact, any person who sees her vision boards would think they were made by a 5 year old kid. At least she tries (and she may even have reached a goal or two).
She also volunteers with Rafael once a week at his community center, even though she still can't learn how to dance samba. Sometimes, they also recruit interns, residents and attendings to perform some routine health checks to whoever wants them. These events are a hit... handsy Henrietta can't deal with so many hot doctors at the same time!
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Life has taught her a lot since she arrived in Boston. Third-year resident Casey is a completely different person than the girl who assisted a thoracotomy on her first day at Edenbrook.
Luckily she hasn't stopped being her best self; however, after the incident, she felt that life was giving her a second chance. And she's been making the most of it since then.
She has everything to be happy: a dream job, the best brother in the world, a group of friends that became her extended family, and a "new" boyfriend who has been with her through thick and thin during the last three years.
She still deals with some PTSD, but a good therapy and understanding that this is perfectly normal while trying to learn to deal with it helps a lot.
Now she's ready to make a real difference in health care, the one that she dreamed about making in her intern year.
Tags: @adiehardfan @izzyourresidentlawyer
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theangrypokemaniac · 4 years
Normal Raichu's tail serves as a ground to avoid auto-shock, meaning this one is constantly frazzled from its own voltage.
Doesn't carrying his fat self hurt? Are they tears of liquid gold welling up from the strain?
Or is it the punishing light ever reflected, burning his black eyes blue and blind?
The modern obsession with softness, of symbolically filing down all corners as a message of intent, gets right on me wick.
Raichu had sharp ears and a jagged tail, being, you know, a bolt of lightning, but now he's as swollen and inflated as a balloon animal.
And what are these visible veins in his paws? Is he tapping 'em like Amy Winehouse in her bloodied-ballet-pump prime?
So 'getting high' doesn't mean levitation?
Hours of work went into this drastic image change of the same thing but with three hairs.
The Pokédex says he prefers a subterranean life, wilting under excessive heat, rendering him entirely suitable to thrive in the tropics.
Diglett's become a slaphead concealing the truth with an unconvincing comb-over.
Oh no! How shall I live in such a savage climate?
I know! Blond frizz in the midst of brown fur! That'll block heatstroke!
Dugtrio once featured in many a budding Trainer's squad, so beloved was Dig as the finest move around.
Oh, how the mighty have fallen.
If hairy moles made the final games, what horrors were rejected?
Such beauty in the Kardashian family.
Sweaty proximity of triplets is a trial itself, but consider all the strands coming loose, wedged and itching in the crevices, yanked right from the roots by constant friction, wrapping round their necks like cheese wire, and you unable to brush the damp cascade away, on account of having No Bloody Arms.
Oooh, make yer beady eyes weep, it would, and Dugtrio daren't move in case it slits throats like razor blades.
Born to die garotting himself and all those he knows!
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That's why Oasis were so furious.
Plus, Geodude carrying eight hairs gives the opposite impression: that of a baldy desperately clinging on to the last paltry vestiges of a once-crowning glory.
It'll be those iron filings you always see lying about.
There Geodude and Graveler go, ready to flaunt hirsute manliness to their bearded womenfolk, only for it to involve social disgrace in the shape of gorilla arms, sideburns, and monobrows.
Why stop there? Why are they not coated in spines like a furled hedgehog?
Now magnetic, iron ravished their bodies, meaning they also share the pain of moles in sprouting a wig.
But they're Electric, not Steel. Nature avenged Pikachu by removing their invincibility.
And that molten sun's only gone and fused their fingers together!
Geodude salvaged a single digit, but Graveler's gotta make do with mittens!
What hope for mere fleshy beings, when Alola weather melts stone?
It's gonna boil yer inter soup, man!
Even Pa, master of the art, would look enviously on such achievement.
That said, I feel for Lady Golems having a shave every morning.
A diet of electrical rocks somehow erased the Ground element, and with it the resistance enabling Golem to eat 'em in the first place.
But didn't he have more toes than that? And some arms?
Of the three, Golem boasts the best sense of style, proudly displaying a hairy shell passing for a chest, besides a most debonair moustache.
Oh! Removing his earthly powers now makes him vulnerable to electrocution. It's blackened and blown bits of him off!
How's Golem meant to go wee-wee with malformed stumps?!
That's not claws, that's the jagged splinters of his humerus bones.
Marowak died during evolution. Must've got bone cancer from all the radioactive Muks slithering about.
It's based on the ghost from Pokémon Tower.
Quaint bit of euphemism, using 'based' rather than 'ripped off'. Yer'd burst if troubled with an original idea.
Ah, memories: traipsing up the many levels of said stacked sepulchre, brandishing me trusty Silph Scope, ready to tackle whatever spectre blocked the stairs to the summit.
He's got No Bloody Arms!
There I becalmed Marowak's anger as her soul passed to Heaven.
It was special.
Well that's gone. Turns out Marowak was sucked into the septic tank of Alola instead.
Bit of a downer, assuming I'd gifted eternity, only for this humdrum retcon to saunter up, stripping away the mystery.
Has she not suffered enough, man?!
How can one murder matter to the breed living thousands of miles away?
And up til then, all Alolan Marowak looked normal, then mutated in tasteless tribute, with their weapons spontaneously combusting?
UV rays will be the death of us!
The bone wielded is from its mother. Her spirit acts as protection.
Eh? But Ghost Marowak was the dead mom. She can't be both bereaved child and maternal avenger, else Cubone didn't just lose Ma, but Nana too!
In my day we were happy with the simple pleasures, like wearing Momma's head, and we were glad of it.
I don't know why Millennials have a prissy reputation. It certainly wasn't like that in me youth.
I well recall sitting in the back of Pa T.A.P.'s car, looking out the window, and seeing two lads playing catch with a human skull, since we had to make our own entertainment then.
But oh no, that's not good enough for today's entitled kids, they dug up Momma's mouldering corpse and rifled through her vitals, because it's just take, take, take with them.
And what bone is that meant to be, so casually set alight? Femur?
How bloody big was she, man?! It's longer than Marowak's entire body!
Don't you lie to me! That's a human leg if ever I saw it.
Eee, it ain't half hot.
You can say that again.
I wish I knew a way to cool down.
Well I find growing another head outta me arse does the business.
Exeggutor shot up via the sunshine overload, but his bonus coconut is green, unable to ripen thanks to extreme temperatures.
Marowak's been raiding hospital bins for amputated limbs!
Make yer mind up!
All this time, Exeggutor's suffered a secret head in his arse, just bustin' to be free, and I was none the wiser?
Yer think yer know someone, and then BAM! It's upon yer: illusions shattered.
Am I to understand Proper Exeggutor's walking around belaboured by arse coconuts?
Yer can get cream for that. Modern medicine is a miracle.
And it's buried for eternity, unless exposed to equatorial light?
But that's precisely where the sun don't shine!
I assumed two Exeggcute merged into one face, but this is a sign the remaining couple are secreted somewhere.
Specifically in his arse.
Poor Exeggutor hasn't completed puberty yet. If we linger we may well witness the emergence of the final duo to complete the sextet.
Out of his arse.
Many Alolans consider this its ideal form.
I bet they do. Perverts.
Besides haemorrhoids, it's not so ideal when Eggy can't fit in the living room and has to sleep outside, or its neck snaps during hurricane season.
O Game Freak, thou knows not what thee do!
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