#would anyone be realistically able to see it from start to finish? no!
syrnyj · 10 months
concept: a theatre play in which every show is just one part of the overall story.
the first couple of plays happen normally, with all the same lines and scenes in every one. then something clues one of the characters in to the fact that they have already lived through these events before, but something keeps bringing them back to the beginning.
from this point onwards, the protagonist begins trying everything they can think of to break the time loop, altering the plot of every show in the process & the final performance is the one where they finally succeed.
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ahgasegotarmy116 · 3 months
BANG-ABLE | Jeon Jungkook One Shot
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Summary: You've been single for way too long and you're done with causal sex and all the drama that comes along with it...so why not try something new? Pairing: f!reader x Sex Bot Jungkook (idk man 😂) Word Count: 9.8k~ Warnings: Smut and Explicit language (obvi lmao) a/n: Okayyy it's finally here haha you guys really seemed to like the teaser so I hope this was worth the wait 🥰 p.s. barely edited per usual lol
"You seriously think I would actually get one of those?" I scoff, rolling my eyes at Ava. "What? You said you had been curious about it before, plus you said  you wanted to try something new" she responds, scrolling through the website as I lean in closer, trying to read the smaller print.
I would be lying if I said I hadn't thought about it before, "A sex bot though?" I cringe, the words feeling unnatural coming out of my mouth.
"What? There's no shame in trying one. From what I've heard it's a single person's best friend. You don't have to bother going out to clubs to find meaningless hookups or have to deal with the hassle of finding a no strings attached relationship, or a real relationship in general" she says, pointing out the pros for this situation.
"It's the new and improved fuck buddy. Plus it's not like you have to keep him. You can try it out for a while and decide after that. See, they have a two week trial period!" She says, continuing her efforts in trying to convince me.
"I don't know, doesn't it seem a little...embarrassing? I wouldn't want anyone to know that I have one. Plus, after scrolling through the pictures of them it makes me realize how scarily realistic they look" I say while I take over the mouse and click around on the website here and there.
"And? That's the point. Think of it like you're getting a crap ton of new sex toys of your choosing and it's all assembled perfectly and does exactly what you want it to and will learn everything about you and your body and is only focused on satisfying you" she says, slowly warming me up to it.
"Plus you never have to worry them wanting anyone but you. They're there to serve you and please you and when you're done you could pretty much power them down and go to sleep. Simple as that" she says, her mission on convincing me slowly coming to completion.
"I guess I could start out with a trial period or something" I say tentatively and she immediately starts placing the order.
"Okay and what do you want him to look like? You obviously want to be attracted to him since that's pretty much the whole point so you can either upload a picture, scroll through the options they have on hand or put in a description of them here" she says, clicking in the description box and handing me the laptop.
I sit with it on my lap for a while, watching the cursor blink over and over, waiting for my brain to come up with something until she gets impatient and takes it from me so she can start writing one herself.
"Tall but not too tall...let's say 5 foot 10. Dark brown hair, dark brown eyes that look innocent one moment but seductive the next" she lists off. "That's oddly specific" I laugh and she shakes her head. "I know you're obsessed with duality so shhh let me finish this up" she shushes and I watch her work her magic.
"Alright and done!" she says, handing me the laptop and letting me read through the description one last time before purchasing him. "Really?" I say, cocking a brow at her. "What? You don't like it?" she pouts thinking she got it down to a T. "I do like it, you're just so weird with these descriptions" I say and before she's able to refute it I list off a few of them.
"Abs that make me drool the moment I see them, Tattoo sleeve and hand tattoos so my necklace is pretty, a d- Ava are you serious?" I say scandalized by the last part, as if this wasn't all mortifying already. "What? That one guy you hooked up with had one and you said you liked it so..." she shrugs her shoulders. "A dick piercing" I mumble to myself while rubbing my temples, getting a headache from this whole ordeal.
"Whatever it's fine. Just do it before I change my mind" I say and wave her off while going to grab some wine and two glasses.
"Says he should be here by tomorrow afternoon" she say after going through the rest of the order form leaving me choke on air and her laughing at my reaction. "That fast?" I say after I've calmed down, plopping down on the couch next to her and pour each of us a glass. "Well yeah, the company's slogan is 'Your pleasure is our priority' and they offer overnight shipping on every order" she explains while grabbing the remote, pulling up Bridgerton for us to watch yet again.
I narrow my eyes at her and she looks over at me as if I was the one who's gone crazy. "What? I thought this might you know, refresh your memory on the things you always said 'Me and who?' about since 'Mr. Who' is coming tomorrow" she sing songs at the end and I roll my eyes again.
"Just remember to thank me next time you roll your eyes like that when he's all up in your guts tomorrow afternoon" she teases, taking a sip of her wine while mine nearly comes out of my nose. "AVA!" I scold her and she shrugs her shoulders, "Don't say I didn't warn you".
As the night goes by and we finish up the first half of the third season for the fifth time she gets ready to head home.
"You sure you don't wanna spend the night?" I ask and she shakes her head while she shrugs on her jacket. "No that's okay, I'm sure you've got a lot of things you might want to do to get ready for him so I'll leave you to it. I called an Uber so don't worry I'm not driving home tonight" she says and I nod my head, relieved that she's already got that plan in place.
"I'll come pick up my car sometime tomorrow okay?" she says and I smile before giving her a hug. "Text me when you get home" I say and she promises before walking out to the car. "Have fun tomorrow" she winks and I shake my head, waving her off once she gets in.
"Fun huh?" I chuckle, still in disbelief that I actually went through with it. I guess there's no harm in trying...right?
I'm woken up out of a sound sleep by the doorbell ringing and I think for a second about who it might be while I rub the sleep out of my eyes. 
I reach for my phone on the nightstand to see if anyone asked if they could come over but when I see the text message telling me that he's being delivered soon I bolt to the door, not wanting to have to deal with the awkwardness of trying to get him redelivered.
I straighten myself out and take a deep breath for a second in an effort to compose myself and in the next I'm opening the door.
When I look out I'm met with the sight of a delivery man with a huge wooden crate next to him and my eyes widen at the sheer size of it. "Sign here please" he says, handing me the clipboard and I step aside so he can bring it in.
"Is right here okay?" he asks, rolling it a little further in so it's not blocking the entry way. "Um yeah that's fine, thanks" I say, handing the clip board back to him before he excuses himself and closes the door behind him.
The silence in this room is almost deafening once my focus is trained on the box that's going to shake up my life for at least the next two weeks, gulping at the thought of what I've gotten myself into.
'Maybe if I just leave it there it'll disappear' I think to myself, going into full on panic mode as I start to think a bit deeper about it, turning on my heel to go shower and get dressed but once I come back my theory is disproven when my eyes land directly on the wooden crate that is still in the middle of the room.
I take a deep breath before walking towards it and you would think it was about to attack me with the way I'm being so careful about it. Circling around, debating on whether or not I should open it.
'Ava won't know if I just leave it in the box right? I'll just keep it here for two weeks and then send it back. Simple as that' I think to myself, walking past it and over to the kitchen to make breakfast but the longer I look at it the more curious I get.
I grab the crowbar that the delivery man gave me after I'm finished eating and toy with it, the choice weighing heavier and heavier on my mind as time goes by.
I decide that just one peek at him won't do anyone any harm so I start to pry it open...except for I can't.
For the life of me I can't figure out how the fuck I'm supposed to open this thing and no matter how much I struggle with it it just won't budge. 'I should've asked the delivery man to open it for me' I grumble but I think I would die if a stranger found out that I bought a sex bot but even with this not so discreet packaging he is probably very well aware of what it might be.
There are only two things that could possibly come in a box this size. A robot (not necessarily a sex bot though since there are multiple different kinds for sale) or a casket and last time I checked caskets aren't all the rage right now and they definetly aren't something people get delivered to their home.
I sit on top of the box with a huff, accepting defeat. 'I thought this was supposed to be a stress reliever' I groan and take my phone out of my pocket to call Ava but I'm soon met with her already knocking on my door.
"I hope I'm not...interrupting something" she says with a sly smirk when she takes in my messy state from trying to get that damn box open. "Yeah I wish" I grumble and walk back over to the bane of my existence today and sit on top of it again.
"Oh sick! He's here already" she say, excitement written all over her face but it soon dissipates when she sees the mental struggle written all over my face.
"What's wrong? Aren't you gonna open it?" she asks, tilting her head and checking out the crowbar that's wedged into it, the only proof of any progress I've made. "Can't get it open?" she chuckles and I scoff, not bothering to answer her.
"Come on I'll help you" she says and I sigh before getting up and giving it one last shot. "Alright one, two, three" she says and we both push down on it, thankfully hearing a crack seconds later, telling us we're starting to make progress.
"Yes!" I say, finally feeling hopeful again and when we finally get the last part pried open after a good fifteen minutes of struggle we both sigh, happy that it's all over. "That was a workout in itself" she groans and slumps down on the couch while I do the same for a moment to catch my breath.
"So you gonna go take a look?" she asks while nodding towards the box, "Yeah just give me a second, I have to mentally prepare myself again" I say and she scoffs before going into the kitchen to get the both of us some water.
"Come on dude I helped you open it so you at least have to let me see him! I'm dying over here" she whines and I contemplate it for a second before getting up and grabbing the manual that is lying on top of all the fluffy packaging that's keeping him safe.
"'How to bang your robot' sounds informative" Ava giggles and I scoff, "That's not what it says dummy" I groan, thumbing through the manual until I find the most important piece of information, how to turn him on...well power him up so to say. The other part I guess I'll figure out later on when we're alone, although I'm sure she would love to watch.
I don't think I'll ever be able to understand how she can talk about things like sex so openly but I guess that's part of her twisted charm.
I brush some of the hay-like packaging off of him so the both of us can finally see what he looks like and my breath hitches once his face comes into view.
"I did a good job huh?" she says while elbowing me in the side, groaning when she hits the new tattoo I got on my ribcage the other day. "Oh shit I'm sorry! I forgot!" she says, apologizing but I brush it off as an accident and go back to inspecting him.
After taking more of the packaging off I finally find where his on switch is, which happens to be on his peck. "Really? I haven't even turned him on and I already have to violate him?" I say, hesitating for a second and then just rip the bandaid off so to say and lift his shirt up.
"Damn those abs are drool worthy" Ava whistles and I wack her in the arm, "You're not helping" I groan and find the plate that is covering the on switch, looking between him and her, contemplating on if I should go for it or not.
She nods her head, urging me to do it and after a second or two I give in and flip the switch and quickly and fix his shirt so he's all covered up again. He might be a robot but I still think he deserves to be treated with respect.
Even if his whole purpose is to just fuck me senseless.
We both watch for a second and hear a few of the mechanisms start to move about before he takes his first breath. Well...kinda.
He opens his eyes and blinks a few times and I know for a fact that Ava hit it right on the head in her description. She knows me too well at this point if she was able to create a Mr. Right for me with a few clicks on her keyboard.
That or he's just very attractive to begin with.
He looks around for a second before turning his head towards me, our eyes locking for the first of many times and I can already feel my cheeks start to heat up. 'I'm fucked'
"H-hello" I say tentatively, not really knowing exactly where to go from here. "Hello gorgeous" he say, his first words to me already driving me into cardiac arrest as I choke on air again.
"Ignore her, she's just a little shy. This is-" "Y/n, I know" he says, cutting Ave off since he's already programed to know who I am, her having submitted pictures of me along with my order.
"Yes, this is y/n and I'm her best friend Ava. It's nice to meet you" she says, distracting him as I gulp down the water she brought but unbeknownst to me he has his eyes trained solely on me, already studying my every move. "It's nice to meet you y/n" he says and Ava looks over at me, watching as I struggle to compose myself.
She doesn't take his unwillingness to pay attention to her as an insult because he's meant for me and only me so she smirks again, patting herself on the back for making this creation for me.
"Well I'll leave you guys too it then. Have fun" she says but I grab her arm and drag her down the hallway, not letting her get away that easily. "Why did you do that?" I hiss and she scrunches her brows together, confused as to what I'm referring to.
"You know, make him all flirty with that whole bad boy aesthetic" I say and she smirks. "Because I know that those are the kinds of guys that make you weak in the knees but you and I both know better and stay away from them" she points out and I can't deny it.
"Now you can have all the fun with zero consequences. You can alway alter him later if you'd like but from your reaction it seems as though I've done my job well" she says, peeking her head around the corner and watching him as he gets out of the crate.
"I swear both of you are going to be the death of me" I sigh leaving her placing a hand on my shoulder, faking consolation before turning on her heel to head out.
"Wait! Where are you going?" I ask, chasing after her and glancing back over at my very attractive playmate whose eyes are all over me again as I continue to stay close to her.
"I've got a boyfriend waiting for me at home remember? Now you go have fun" she says shooing me away and when she sees me glance over at him and back at her with mixed emotions written all over my face she pulls me in for a hug to hopefully help calm me down which thankfully helps...a little.
"At least let the guy get to know you. I'm sure he doesn't bite...unless you program him to" she whispers the last part directly into my ear and I push her off me, rubbing away the ticklish feeling that she gave me which has her chuckling.
"It was nice meeting you" she yells over to him but she's not given a response again. "I guess I forgot to add good manners to his list of attributes" she mumbles and I roll my eyes. "That wouldn't really fit the bad boy look you gave him now would it?" I throw back and she laughs, unbothered by my curt behavior which stems from the panic I've had since he first spoke to me.
"Love you loser" she says and I mutter back a similar sentiment, closing the door behind her and resting my forehead against it before dealing with the very temping man in my living room but when I turn around I realize he's somehow managed to sneak up on me.
"What the-" I say, holding my hand over my heart to make sure it somehow doesn't jump out of my chest from the scare he's given me.
"Now that we're finally alone, I guess I can properly introduce myself" he says, resting a hand against the door and using the other one to caress my face before tilting my chin up so I keep my eyes trained on him.
"I'm Jungkook and from my understanding you're in need of some...attention" he says, his hand tracing down my body from my jaw to my neck, down my arm and rests on my waist. Nothing too sexual as of yet but enough to get my heartbeat racing even faster than it was before.
"I-" I start off, my voice cracking before clearing my throat and starting again, my flustered nature amusing to him, "I guess you could say that" I say and his grip on my waist tightens a bit causing my breath to hitch, the warmth radiating from his skin feeling so human.
Everything about him seems human. From his eyes that I could get lost in, to his lips that have two silver hoops through the bottom to all the other piercings in his ears. I marvel at how his scent is something that I already find intoxicating, his presence itself making me feel so small and I can't help but want to stare at him all day, even the swirls of ink on his forearm seem so real. It makes me wonder how someone like him could be created.
"I take it that my appearance is to your liking" he startles me again, a smug look on his face and I can tell already that she's got his personality down to a tee. "Um yeah. I uh, I guess you could say that" I stumble over my words and he laughs, that cocky fucking laugh that the guys that know they're hot do but I don't mind it.
Not this time. Not with him.
"Tell me love, would you like some of that...attention now or later" he says, leaning forward and whispering it in my ear, placing a kiss under it, making me shudder.
Feeling him smile against my skin makes me want him to fuck me on this floor right now but I know I can't do that. I know I'm not ready for that yet.
"W-why don't we start later? I kinda wanna talk to you first" I say and he runs his nose along the column of my neck, making me lose my train of thought for a moment.
"We can talk later if you want. I wouldn't mind learning more about you in other ways first" he says, his tempting nature almost making me give in before I finally regain my willpower and slip out from under his arm, quickly walking towards the couch to sit down.
"No let's talk first" I say and I can hear that same cocky laugh come out of him before he pushes off the door and makes his way over, sitting way closer than necessary but luckily I have some space to scoot away from him so I can turn to face him instead.
He drapes an arm over the couch while his other hand rest on my bare knee, again nothing sexual but I take note of how he already feels the need to at least touch me in some way, something I know I will never get used to since things like that have always given me a fluttery feeling in my stomach.
I shouldn't have worn a dress today...
He waits patiently for me to say something with his eyes focused on me and I try my hardest to remember exactly what I wanted to say but I start to realize that I just ended up using this as an excuse to buy more time before going any further with this. I know why I bought him and what his purpose is but damn!
"So um, I know you know my name already but I'm y/n and it's nice to meet you. How old are you? Well...I guess I should ask how old did they make you? No I'm sorry this is weird just yeah tell me a bit about yourself if you don't mind" I say and hope that they programed some sort of back story into him and he's not a blank canvas and luckily my prayers are answered.
"Well I'm twenty six and I'll be turning twenty seven on September first. I like tattoos, piercings, motorcycles and boxing. I was made custom for you so I don't have any other outside experiences besides interacting with the people who double checked me at the factory as well as your friend that was just here. So as far as that goes, you're the only person I've had a real conversation with. Was there anything else you'd like to know about me? I can run though some of the features I have if you'd like" he says starting to get up to what I assume is get undressed but I grab onto his wrist and immediately stop him.
"No! I mean no, let's save that for later. I'm sure you'll figure out what will please me as things...progress between us" I say, not really knowing how exactly to phrase it. "So you'd like me to learn your body through experience?" he asks and my cheeks flush at the thought and all I can manage to do is nod before my eyes go wide as his hand slides up my thigh.
"Well I can assure you I'm very eager to learn. I may not look it but I rather enjoy studying when I have such a gorgeous subject to focus on" he says, his hand somehow having slipped under my dress.
"We um, we'll have plenty of time for that" I say, placing my hand on top of his to make sure it doesn't trail up any further. And again I'm so surprised at how human he feels, it's something that I expected but I didn't realize that he would feel this real.
He huffs and nods sitting back to give me some more space, not wanting to make me feel uncomfortable but still wanting to fulfill his duty to me. I notice the change in his expression and I rush to explain myself since I don't want there to be any sort of misunderstandings between us.
"I'm not saying this because I don't want you, you know that right?" I ask and he shakes his head not completely understanding since he's programed for one sole purpose upon opening. "Am I doing something wrong?" he asks, wanting to make changes to his behavior so he can make sure he's doing what I want and servicing me well.
"You're not doing anything wrong I promise. I'm- well I'm just a little bit nervous and I get flustered easily. I don't really know how this should go so I wanted to take it a bit slower" I say and he nods his head and I can see that there's almost a mechanical glow flickering behind his eyes which I can only assume is something that happens when he alters his behaviors based on my liking.
"I do like the way you've been treating me but I'd like to work up to that...if that makes sense" I say and he nods again and once I've stopped speaking my mind on it he finishes up his reprograming and looks back over at me, his seductive eyes a little bit softer now which somehow makes me even more flustered.
"Better?" he asks, his low sultry voice switching to one that's more playful, his teasing nature a clear want for me still but a lot more manageable this time. "Better" I echo, giving him a soft smile and another once over before realizing that I haven't said much about myself in return.
"Sorry, I guess I should tell you a bit about myself as well" I say but before I can start he's already listing off things like my birthdate and the fact that I'm only a year younger than him as well as my interests and hobbies.
"Wow that uh, that order form was a lot more detailed than I thought it was" I say and he laughs. "Weren't you the one that filled it out?" he asks curiously, tilting his head to the side, the first glimpse of innocence that I've seen all day.
"Well kinda. Ava was the one who did it and I just kinda glanced over at it once it came to the physical appearance but uh, she kinda came up with all of that too" I admit and he nods his head, taking in all that I've told him.
"So is my personality not to your liking? I can always instruct you on how to reprogram me more thoroughly" he offers and my heart breaks at that. "No Jungkook I don't want to change you. I think we just have to take a second to get used to each other. Your personality is to my liking because..." I trail off, weighing on whether or not I should say this but go for it anyway. He's a robot right? There's no harm in being honest with him.
I take a deep breath before trying to finish my statement, clearing my head so I can formulate it right. "Everything about you is to my liking because I am extremely attracted to you" I admit and look at my lap, not being able to face him. This is what he's here for though right? I'm meant to be attracted to him and he's meant to fulfill my desires so why do I feel shy admitting this to him?
The next thing that happens takes me by surprise as he hooks his finger under my chin and tilts it up before placing a kiss on my lips, one that I can only label as a perfect first kiss. My eyes go wide when I realize that I just kissed a robot but something about it feels so natural...and that's the part that scares me.
He leans back and gauges my reaction and when he sees that I was not displeased with the choice he made he leans in and kisses me again, and again, and again until I'm the one that's started to take control.
I place my hand on his shoulder and push him back but don't break the contact between us and when he realizes what I'm doing he grabs my hips and guides me onto his lap, the synthetic muscles of his thighs feeling so real.
From the way his hands are exploring my body and even the way he tastes on my tongue everything about him feels...human.
I need to stop thinking. I just need to enjoy this, enjoy him and when his hands move from resting on my hips to sliding down and grabbing my ass all thoughts of him being anything but real flee.
Our lip lock is broken once I'm gasping for air and he trails his kisses down my neck and presses his lips against the place he first kissed me, making me shiver again and he takes note of that, learning through experience just as he said.
"You're sensitive here aren't you?" He teases and if this taunting tone is the one he uses to gather intel on me them I'm screwed. He could literally do anything to me right now and I'd fold. What is it about him that's driving me insane when we've done almost nothing?
He bites down on that spot when I don't answer and when I moan instead of a cry of pain he gets his answer. "That's what I thought" he chuckles and continues his ministrations, touching me here and there and trying to garner other sounds and reactions out of me.
"J-jungkook" I stutter out and he hums against my skin while he sucks marks into it, no doubt wanting to experiment with my body. Licking, kissing, sucking every bit of bare skin that's exposed to him. "What is it gorgeous?" he asks, kissing the mark he's made before leaning back against the couch to look at me.
"B-bedroom?" I stutter out and he smirks as he responds. "You sure you don't wanna ride me right here?" he says and my breath hitches, not expecting him to be like this. "This view is way too good to give up on" he says, his hands gripping my thighs while his thumb rubs circles against my skin.
"Be a good girl and ride me yeah?" he rasps in my ear, kissing my neck making me want to melt into him, everything about this making me dizzy.
He makes the decision for me as he slips his hand under my dress again while he uses the other to hold onto my neck and pulls me down to kiss him again. He plays with the hem of my underwear and pulls on it and snaps it back into place making me bite on his lip.
"Ow!" I groan gaining me a deep chuckle that makes my scoldings die in my throat. "I know you're a little slut for pain no? Something about you just screams the desire to be put in your place" he says and my eyes widen. I've never told anyone about that but this man...robot has known me for less than an hour and is already aware of it.
"We can experiment with that next time because right now I just want you to ride my fingers. You can do that for me right gorgeous?" he says, using that word as a pet name now. I swear if he calls me that all the time I'm gonna lose it.
He leans back and looks at me, taking note of all of my reactions and when he cocks a brow at me I nod my head right away. "Yeah" I say, my voice sounding foreign to me but thankfully that was enough for him as he tells me to stand up and take my underwear off.
"Keep the dress on. You look so pretty after getting all dolled up for me. I would hate to make you take it off" he says and I swear everything about him is driving me insane. If he wasn't a robot I would be in serious trouble.
"Come here" he says, beckoning me over with one finger and once I get close enough he grabs me by my hips and makes me straddle him.
He takes one of his hands off and slides it down my thigh painfully slow and I find myself getting wetter at the feeling, getting teased by him feeling totally new.
Once his fingers trace up and down my folds he hums in satisfaction. "So wet for me already and I've barely touched you" he taunts and I squirm, needing him to do something. No matter how much I love his teasing I decide seconds later that I need him now.
"Please" I let out and he smiles before circling his finger around my entrance still toying with me. After a another minute of this torture he finally speaks up as if he had been waiting for me. "Come on gorgeous, you asked for it. Ride my fingers so I can see how pretty you look" he says, barely dipping a finger inside of me, coaxing me into letting my inhibitions go.
I sink down on it and I let out a whine, not having been touched like this in a while making me sensitive. "That's it, keep going love, you're doing so well" he rasps in my ear and I lift my hips up a bit before sinking back down on it again, a sloppy pace being set in and he chuckles at my efforts.
"Someone hasn't been fucking my baby properly huh? Needed to get me to do it right? You're so pretty though, looking so concentrated and frustrated because you can't go fast enough" he taunts, adding another finger when I sink back down making me throw my head back from the stretch, my want to ride him only increasing.
"Gotta make you work for it a little" he says, finally adding a third finger making me moan his name in response. "Fuck I love watching you fall apart like this" he curses and takes his fingers out of me only long enough to take his jeans and boxers off and once I see him I can't help but gulp at the size.
"It's okay, don't worry. I can change it as I make my way inside you. I promise you it won't hurt. This is always all about you" he says, tilting my chin up and making eye contact with me. I nod my head and mumble out a quiet 'okay' before he grabs my hips and makes me hover over it while he lines himself up.
"Sit on my lap gorgeous" he says as words of encouragement when he senses my hesitation. 'Shit am I really about to bang a robot?' are the thoughts that run through my head but once the tip pushes past my folds I couldn't give a fuck who he was.
Both of us watch as it disappears inside me and I let out a few shuddering breaths as I feel him adjust, fulfilling his promise to change it to make it fit. "You're doing so well" he says, rubbing up and down my thighs, letting me get used to the feeling.
"You okay?" he asks, noticing how still and silent I've gotten. "Yeah, I just haven't done this in a while" I admit even though he already knows. "Want me to take over?" he asks, thrusting up into me once to show that he's more than willing to do it. "No, I can do it" I say, taking a deep breath before lifting my hips up and and dropping down on him, knocking the wind out of myself when I come down too fast.
"You sure?" he asks, grabbing onto my hips and helping me set a pace to make it easier for me. "Shit" I curse under my breath and he chuckles, "Baby's got a dirty mouth huh? I would've never known since you've been so shy and blushy with me this whole time" he lifts his hips off the couch and gives me a sharp thrust making more curses fall from my lips.
"That's it, just like that. Doing so good for me" he says, coaching me and making me feel more confident and when he hit's a spot inside of me I shudder and it catches his attention. "Right there huh?" he asks, thrusting up into me, this time softer, going with the rhythm I've set in but makes my hips stutter when he brushes against it over and over and over again. 
"You wanna lay down for me?" he asks and I nod letting him take over and laying me down while still staying inside of me. "You're so beautiful" he say, taking in my dazed state before he start moving his hips, brushing up against that spot again and making my back arch off the couch. 
"F-fuck Jungkook" I moan and he chuckles, watching me fall apart under him. "Fuck, right there" I scream, toes curling and body seizing as my orgasm crashes down on me with one last pointed thrust, a string of obscenities falling from my lips as he fucks me through it but when I start to get sensitive again he keeps going. 
"Jungkook wait" I say, my breathing picking up when I realize what he's trying to do. "You can give me one more can't you?" he asks, his hips slowing down but never stopping, his movements more sensual now making my breathing more ragged, the feeling of an onset high building again. 
I whimper once he picks up his pace a bit but he stops when he hears it. "Tell me to stop and I will" he says, reminding me that this is all about me, I control what happens here and it is my decision. 
"Keep going" I say, pulling him down and locking our lips together, needing to muffle these embarrassing moans with his mouth when he starts up again, his pace picking up now and moving faster than before. "S-shit just like that" I stutter, the change in pace bringing me close to that edge so much sooner.
"Been thinking about this view ever since I laid my eyes on you. It's even better than I expected. Look at the way you fall apart under me" he says, his words barely registering when I'm about to tip over. "Eyes on me pretty" he says and when I see the way he's looking at me I reach that high in seconds, my body convulsing from how hard he's made me cum again, the second more intense than the first. 
He fucks me though my high and places kisses all over my neck and let's me catch my breath as I come down and soon I'm left in a daze. 
"J-jungkook" I stutter out as a way to ask him to stop and he does, pulling out and making me hiss. "Look at the mess you've made" he says and I look up to see he's glistening with my slick and I cover my face. 
"I'm sorry I just..." I start not really knowing why I'm apologizing. "You just what?" he says, taking one of my hands off my face and kissing my wrist, smiling when he registers how high my heart rate has gotten. 
"You're really good with that thing you know" I say and he laughs. "Cute and a sense of humor. Looks like I lucked out on my owner" he says and I feel a sense of guilt, remembering that this isn't real. That he isn't real.
"Did I say something wrong?" he asks and I shake my head before sitting up. "No, no you did nothing wrong I just, well it made me feel weird when you called me your owner" I say and I watch as his eyes glow, another sign of him reprograming himself. 
"What would you like me to call you?" he asks leaving me hesitating for a second before I finally come up with it. "Maybe your girlfriend?" I propose and the corner of his mouth tugs up, clearly finding the result favorable but I rush to explain myself. 
"Or you can just call me your friend you know because girlfriend is kind of forward and I don't know" I cut myself off when I realize I'm rambling and get shy when I see the way he's looking at me. Utterly fascinated with my every move and although I just finished I can't help but get a little breathless.
"Do you wanna be my girlfriend y/n?" he asks, the use of my name instead of the pet names he's been calling me having a different effect on me. 
"I well, I just" I start tripping over my words again but he grabs my chin gently and dips it up and down, making the choice for me to nod yes as my answer. "Glad we got that cleared up" he says tapping me twice under my chin before straightening himself out and picking me up off the couch and carrying me into my room. 
"Wait Jungkook what are you doing?" I panic as I wrap my arms around his neck to help me balance. "I figured you might want a bath after what just happened so..." he trails off as he walks into the bathroom and sets me down on top of the counter before turning on the faucet and grabbing a bottle and tipping it contents into to make me a bubble bath. 
"Are you able to..." I trail off and he turns around and walks over to me, resting both hands on the counter on either side of my hips and giving me his undivided attention. "Am I able to what?" he asks, tilting his head and waiting for me to continue. "Can you take a bath with me too? Or is that not possible?" I ask, not having read hardly any of the instructions before turning him on. 
"If you're asking if I'm waterproof the answer is yes I can be submerged into water without issue" he says, tracing a finger against my jaw before tipping it up to place a chased kiss on my lips, turning back to the bath and making sure the temperature is alright before he starts to strip. 
I watch as he does so, curious to see if there are any real differences that I can spot but there really aren't. "Incredible" I mumble under my breath and he catches onto it. "Like what you see?" he chuckles and walks back over to me and lifts me up off the counter and reaches for my zipper. 
"No, I mean yes but I'm just so surprised how lifelike you are. Is that rude to say?" I cringe and he chuckles again,  letting his attention go back to undressing me as he lets my dress pool around my ankles scanning my body being fully bare to him and I gulp watching his reaction as I'm sure he's literally committing it to memory. 
"The answer is no, it's not rude" he says, his eyes trailing back up to mine as he places a hand on my waist and the other cupping my face with his thumb tracing along the bottom of my lip. "Your word is law to me. Whatever comes out of these two lips is true" he says and my breath hitches as he leans in close. 
I close my eyes and wait for the feeling of his lips against mine but when they don't reach me I look back up at him, his face dangerously close to mine making my heart rate pick up again. "What do you want me to do?" he rasps, his warm breath leaving goosebumps in their wake. "Kiss me" I whisper and close my eyes again and soon feel his lips on mine again. 
"Pick me up" I mumble through our kisses and he does just that and reads my mind by walking over to the tub and placing me in gently with him sinking in after me. I lay with my back up against the wall of the tub and take in a shaky breath once he crawls closer and hovers over me and before he can ask me again I'm sitting up and pressing my lips up against his again. 
He responds with a fervor and devours my lips, taking my breath away leaving me gasping for air once he notices. "Sorry, I forgot that I need to let you catch your breath sometimes huh?" he taunts and I roll my eyes but once I feel his finger dragging up and down my folds again he looks up at me. 
"Do you want my fi-" "No, just you" I say cutting him off with another kiss and he gets the message, lining himself up with me again and pressing in, this time making it a bit bigger making my back arch off the wall. "You can take it, shh" he says, pressing a kiss on my temple as I take in the stretch, shaky breaths being the only thing heard for a few more seconds before I nod my head. 
"That's my girl" he says, pulling back before rocking his hips back into me, setting a pace that makes my eyes roll back, still being sensitive from before but drunk on the feeling of him inside of me, hitting all the right spots making my toes curl. 
The water sloshes around and I'm taken out of the moment for a second when I hear a big splash of it hit the floor. "Jungkook I-" "I'll clean it up later" he says and smashes his lips against mine, picking up the pace and making an even bigger mess, a third of the water we stared with all over the floor. 
"Fuck Jungkook, f-faster" I pant out and he smirks as he sets in an inhuman pace that has me screaming his name, the wind knocked out of me and seconds later I'm cumming. 
I'm gulping down air once that initial wave dies down soon sending shockwaves in it's wake as he fucks me through it, slowing down to a lazier more sensual pace and when I open my eyes everything has gone so hazy. 
"You cried" he says, wiping a tear off of my face and I realize that's the clear cause for my vision. "Just when I thought you couldn't get any more temping you go and pull this" he says, leaning in to lick up the tears on my other cheek. 
"I hope you know I'm never letting you get away from me until you're a sobbing mess like you were just a second ago" he teases, cupping my face and looking at me, a clear want for more hidden behind those eyes but I shake my head.
"No more please, not tonight" I mumble and he chuckles and nods his head before he places one last kiss on my lips. "Should I fill up the tub again" he asks, his forehead against mine after having broken the kiss. 
"Oh! Um yeah if you wouldn't mind" I say awkwardly and he smiles and places a kiss on my forehead before he gets out of the tub and wraps a towel low around his waist and grabs the bottle again to fill up what will now be a nice relaxing bubble bath, emphasis on the relaxing aspect.
"Is everything okay?" he asks monitoring the temperature as the water fills up again. "I'm fine, I think I'm just trying to get used to this you know. Like us" I say and he nods his head, trying to understand but I can see that things are still not clear. 
"Jungkook you have been treating me so well and taking care of me and making sure I'm satisfied. I just need a second to process" I say and he looks up at me to gauge my sincerity and assesses that I'm being truthful. 
"Okay, I just don't want to do anything that you might not like" he says, insecure with the arrangement as well since well this was his first time too. Even though he's just a robot the lines between human and machine are so blurry after people have created things like him. 
"If I didn't like it I would've told you. You've been very receptive and have been working on finding my limits and I appreciate that and I'm more than satisfied with the way that you've been treating me. To be honest you're even better than I expected" I admit, hoping to lighten him up and luckily it does. 
"Oh yeah?" he smirks and I roll my eyes, "Don't get too far ahead of yourself. One good fuck does not equal perfection" I say, trying to deflate his ego but it only boosts his want to prove himself even more. 
"Remind me to ask you about that in a few days okay? Wanna make sure I've been making progress" he says and I go quiet, thoughts of what might happen between us in the coming days making me anxious. 
"If my body wasn't spent already I would make you put your money where your mouth is" I throw back moments later and he cocks a brow at me. 
"Well would you look at that, cute, funny and mouthy" he taunts and I recoil back into the corner of the tub when he stalks closer to me. "Might makeyou put that mouth of yours to work next time huh?" he says, caressing my jaw and running his thumb along my bottom lip "But I bet you'd like that a little too much" he say, tapping under my chin twice and heading towards the closet to get some extra towels to clean up the mess we made.
I observe him wordlessly as he mops up the floor until it's completely dry and he heads out to grab something or other and comes back into the bathroom with a new pair of jeans on, these ones tighter than the first pair. "Where did those clothes come from?" I ask, gulping at the sight of him back in his 'Man that I should steer clear of' aesthetic.
"They were in the box I came in" he says, slipping a white t shirt over his head. "I can always walk around shirtless if you'd like" he says, noticing the pout that I had unconsciously put on my face and I clear my throat and make excuses. 
"No that's okay. Whatever you're comfortable with, or I guess programed with is fine by me" I say and I stand up to get out of the tub and walk over to the shower to rinse off but when I try to my knees give out and he catches me, the white t shirt he's wearing now wet and I gulp at the sight of it. 
'I swear I'm such a slut' I think to myself.
"That might be the case but you're my slut now" he says and I flinch and try to get out of his hold. "Did you just read my mind?" I ask, fully confused as to how he could've known what I was thinking. "No silly you said that out loud...but it was kind of written all over your face anyways" he teases and push him off of me or at least try to but he guides me by my hips into the shower so I won't hurt myself. 
He leaves me to finish up on my own and places a towel nearby so I can dry of easily and when I walk into my room I can see he's sat on my bed wearing a new shirt, black this time but a little tighter than the one before.
"Do you want me to leave?" he asks, seeing the hesitance written across my face but I shake my head. 
"No, I have to get use to you seeing me naked anyway so might as well..." I say, cutting myself off and let my towel drop, "start now" I finish and I can see his eyes widen making me smile. I turn to walk towards my dresser, pulling out a two piece set instead of going through the effort of getting dressed again.
"You're just full of surprises aren't you?" he says having come up behind me and wrapping his arms around my bare waist, quickly tugging on one of my nipples making me yelp. "Jungkook what are you-" I start but he reaches into my drawer and grabs a nightgown instead...if you could even call it that. One gust of air and I'm completely exposed. 
"Wear this one" he whispers in my ear and places a kiss on my bare shoulder before leaving the room and wandering off to who knows were. 
'How did he even know that was in th-' I cut off my thoughts as the realization of what he might've done hits me. I slip on the one he had chosen and walk out and down the hallway into the living room and I catch a glimpse of him in the kitchen, seemingly making me something. 
"Did you go through my clothes?" I ask with a lilt in my voice, amused and honestly turned on at the thought. "No. I just took a look at your lingerie since I'm the one who's gonna be seeing it from now on. I just wanted to see what I have to look forward to" he says with his back turned to me and my cheeks heat up at his nonchalant attitude about it but I know for a fact he's just doing this to get a reaction out of me. 
"Looks like someone's eager" I say, walking over to him and wrapping my arms around his waist and look down on what he's making. "I hope you like breakfast for dinner" he says as he pours in the egg mixture and soon adds the filling making by my standards a perfect omelet. "I love it" I say taking a whiff of the mouth watering dish. 
"How did you even find all of this?" I ask, confused as to where all these ingredients came from. "While you were in the shower someone came and delivered your groceries so I just brought them in" he says and my mouth forms an 'o' forgetting I had set that up yesterday. "Oh yeah I forgot that was coming today. Thanks for bringing it all in" I say and he hums in response. 
After I'm all finished eating I'm honestly spent and when I go to rinse off my plate and put it in the dishwasher I feel him wrap his arms around my waist from behind, our roles now reversed. 
"You know why I wanted you to wear this right?" he rasps in my ear and starts placing more kisses on my neck making me almost forget the question but I decide to shake my head since I want him to tell me, the seduction in his words almost tangible. 
"Easy access" he says as he slips his hand under my nightgown and rests it on my stomach, slowly trailing down to slip under my waistband but I push him off after a second, remembering the ache he's caused between my legs.
"Nope, no more tonight" I say, turning around to face him and the innocence Ava had added to the list of traits coming through as he's standing there pouting at me. "Come on let's go to bed" I laugh grabbing his hand and he drags his feet behind me as he follows, still not happy with the outcome of it all. 
"Fine..." he says and takes off the jeans and t shirt he just put on about an hour ago and places them on a chair next to what is now his side of the bed. "but take these off" he says, walking over to me and grabbing the waistband of my underwear and snapping it back into place again. 
"Hey!" I call out and he chuckles as he walks back over to his side of the bed and gets under the covers and waits for me to do as he asks. I narrow my eyes at him for a second but ultimately do it granting him 'easy access' as he's called it for tomorrow morning when he no doubt fucks me back to sleep.
Once I'm finished he tugs on my arm and makes me topple down on the bed in a fit of giggles. "You're so cute when you laugh" he says, caressing my face once we've settled in beside each other and I smile. 
"You think so?" I ask and he nods his head. "You look even prettier when you cum though" he says and I widen my eyes and sit up and wack him on his chest before turning around to face away from him. I feel the bed shift as he switches his position and soon put an arm around my waist and pull me back to him so my back is flush with his chest.
"You're insufferable" I mumble and he laughs, "Goodnight love" he says and I get a fluttery feeling in my stomach. "Goodnight Jungkook" I say back and he places one last kiss on my bare shoulder before I close my eyes and drift off to sleep.
"Dream of me" he says right before I pass out and I do, I dream of all we could possible do together...what he's going to do to me and it makes me want to pull myself out of the dream to get to him now but I know he'll be there when I wake up. 
'How to bang your robot' Ava's voice echoes in my head while I'm lost in la la land and I smile...
Oh how informative it was indeed.
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whoreforhorror · 2 years
Slasher with an S/O who self-harms
Included: Billy Loomis, Hannibal Lecter, Rusty Nail, Michael Myers, Bo Sinclair
Tw: Mentions of self-harm and blood
Billy Loomis
Billy had been out with Stu as Ghostface quite late into the night. He figured you would be asleep. Still, on the off chance that you weren’t, he made his way to your house. Realistically, even if you were asleep, he was just going to join you in bed. 
He got to your window to find you were up, sitting on the edge of your bed with your back to the window. He was happy to see you up because he wanted to spend time with you, but it wasn’t really usual for you to be up quite this late. He snuck in quietly, planning to try and give you a scare, and got about halfway to you before he noticed a few more details he had missed.
You were incredibly quiet, the silence of the room feeling a bit suffocating at the moment. Your head was hung low and you had a blade in one of your hands. Your arms were bleeding. You were… bleeding? What the fuck?
Billy closes in on you, achieving his original goal of giving you quite the jump scare in the process. He didn’t care about that right now. Before you really know what was happening, you’re in the bathroom, sitting while he pulls out medical supplies. Billy was silent and methodical as he cleaned each wound, making sure they weren’t too deep before wrapping your arms in gauze and medical wrap. He didn’t say a word. He didn’t look at you.
He’d sit you back down on the edge of your bed, standing in front of you in silence. Even considering he didn’t really like to talk that much, he was too quiet. It put you on edge and made you worry. You couldn’t tell if he was angry or worried, and his face wasn’t giving anything away.
You avoided eye contact for what felt like an eternity before you came to the conclusion that you’d have to be the first to talk. “Billy-“ You couldn’t get anything out before he dropped to his knees in front of you and hugged your waist, burying his head in your stomach. You could hear him sob quietly into your shirt, and his hold on you was tight.
He cried for a while before he could gather himself enough to talk. Even then, all he said was “Why?”. He’d kill anyone responsible for making you feel this way. Point blank. No Stu, no Ghostface, no teasing or foreplay. It would be him, them, and his knife, and it would be messy. If it wasn’t that simple, he’d listen to everything you told him, anything you’d be willing to share. When you finished, he’d stand up to hold you properly and to talk in your ear. He couldn’t bring himself to talk anywhere above a whisper at the moment. 
“I can’t lose you. You’re all I have. I love you so much-“ It was the first time he had told you that and you couldn’t ignore the sting created by having him say it in this moment rather than during something happy and romantic. “I need you here with me. Anything you want I’ll help you with. I’ll do anything to make you feel better, just say the word.”
Eventually, he’d get you to lay down with him and he’d hold you tight as you both slept. From now on, he’d keep a closer eye on you and anything your body language would tell him about how you’re feeling. Sometimes, when he’s really tired and you’re asleep, he’ll run his thumb over your scars and think to himself about how he’d missed the signs and what he can do to keep this from happening ever again.
Hannibal Lecter
The dinner party really wasn’t supposed to start like this. Hannibal had bought you an outfit he’d seen while he was out, and it had reminded him of you. It was a sweet thought, and you couldn’t deny it looked amazing, but there was one issue. It had short sleeves. You’d been able to get away with wearing long sleeves up until this point because of the weather, which was cold, but each day was just a bit warmer and it was to the point where it was too warm to add a jacket to an outfit. So here you were, looking at the outfit laying neatly on the bed, tears in your eyes as you thought about your arms and how Hannibal was going to react. Would he think you’re weak? Imperfect? Valueless? Would he think you were trying to damage his image?
Hannibal, who had been around for nearly twenty minutes, was growing concerned about how long it was taking you to get around. He knocked on the door, calling out to you and asking if everything was alright. You responded, saying everything was ok, but he could hear the distress and shakiness in your voice as you spoke. Of course, he could. He thought about his options for a second before announcing that he was coming into the room. You didn’t want him to but there was no way to keep him out. You knew that.
“What’s wrong, my love? Do you not like the outfit?” He knew it wasn’t that, but he’d rather you tell him what was really wrong rather than him having to figure it out himself. “I can take it back if it’s not to your liking.” You’d have to choose between acting as if you hated the outfit he’d gifted you or telling him about your self-harming. You hated sounding ungrateful, especially when Hannibal was always so gracious. You had to tell him.
And when you did, he goes quiet for a moment. He’d known something was wrong but he certainly hadn’t been expecting that. He hadn’t noticed. How hadn’t he noticed? He’s panicking internally but refuses to let it show at the moment. For the first time in a very, very long time, he’s feeling fear, sadness, confusion, and anger toward himself.
He’ll do whatever is needed to make you feel comfortable. If you want to cover them, he’ll figure it out. If you don’t want to, he’s more than supportive and will shut down anyone who would dare say something about them.
Once dinner is done and the guests have left, he’ll question you. In that moment, you don’t have Hannibal, you have Dr. Lecter. He will want to know how long you’ve been struggling with mental health, how long you’ve been self-harming, what triggers you, how can he help, etc.
He’ll pay close attention to you after he knows. You and sharp objects, that is. He won’t lock away knives or anything of that sort. He knows that will only make you feel worse, but he’ll make sure to remember exactly where sharp objects are and how they’re positioned. He’s going to know if you do it again. Once he knows, it’s impossible to hide it. Point blank. Still, he’ll be gentle about it. He doesn’t think you’re wrong or damaged; he just thinks you need a bit of structure and help.
Rest assured, you’ll get the best care with Hannibal. He’s a psychiatrist after all, and one of the best at that. However, he might use this as a way to subtly manipulate you into sharing his… unique food tastes. After all, why harm yourself when you can take all of your emotions out on others?
Rusty Nail
Rusty is gone A LOT, that’s no secret. But, that means you’re left with a lot of time to think, and thinking leads you to, well, the predicament you’re in now. You didn’t think he was supposed to be home for another day or two, but he’s early. He’s early and your arm is leaking fresh blood. If that wasn’t bad enough, you also hadn’t heard him (you were too wrapped up in your thoughts) until he was opening the bedroom door.
“Darlin’?” He’s walking towards you slowly, like you’re an animal that could lash out if he moves too quickly. Gently, he takes your hands and holds up your arms to give himself a better view. He wipes his thumb across a drop of blood to convince himself that this is real, and not a sort of twisted hallucination. “Darlin’.” He says it softly, this time.
He’s incredibly gentle as he guides you to the bathroom to tend to your wounds, quiet too. You’re sat on the side of the tub and he’s kneeling before you. As he finishes, he lets out a deep sigh, looking up at you before circling his arms around your waist and burring his face into your stomach. His hold is tight, and this lasts for quite a while.
When Rusty gathers himself enough to look at you again, he’ll pick you up and carry you to bed. You don’t feel like arguing. He didn’t have to say anything for you to know he was right, you were tired and you weren’t going to fight him on it. Even if you wanted to, the shattered look in his eyes acted as a foolproof deterrent.
As you nap, he cooks a meal for you. He wakes you up after a while to eat and draws you a bath after you’re done. He doesn’t say much. He doesn’t know what to say. For every moment he can, he’s going to take care of you like your royalty. Gradually, as the tension loosens, he’ll talk more and so will you but there is still a heavy sadness and tension in the air around him.
He’ll ask you quietly in the morning, as you two laze in bed, why you do it. Whether or not you tell him, he respects your choice. If you do tell him, he’ll want to talk through the issue. If it’s a person, he’s already thinking up ways to draw as much suffering from him as possible. If you don’t want to tell him, that’s ok. He’ll hold you close and whisper things about how much he loves you and what he would do to prove it.
When he’s on the road, he’ll call you every afternoon. Talk to him about anything, he just wants to hear you speak and get insight on your day. He wants to make sure you’re ok, as well. 
He’d take you for a drive if you wanted. He absolutely loves having you in his passenger seat, riding alongside him in his rig. It makes him feel happy and possessive. One night, when he’s not on the road, he’d stock his truck with snacks, drinks, and blankets. He’d drive you out a field and stargaze with you late into the night, possibly until you fell asleep. If that happened, he’d carry you back into the truck so he could drive home.
Michael Myers
Micheal knew something had been off for a while, but assumed you’d come to him when you were ready to share. He’d grown impatient though, and decided to watch you while you thought he was away, to see if he could figure out what was wrong.
He’d caught you in the act and was shocked. Well, he felt as much shock as he was capable of feeling, which is far more than he is used to but not like a person might normally. Still, the pang of emotion was something he didn’t feel often. He’d suspected something was up but he hadn’t suspected this. Not in the slightest.
Of course, he’d seen people self-harm before. He had his time in the hospital to thank for that. He remembered how the doctors would react. Restraints, heavy surveillance, taking away anything even slightly dangerous, frequent and consistent check-ins, and medication, loads of medications. He also remembered how much the patients hated it. He had a few hours before you expected him home, which meant he had a few hours to think.
When Michael came home, you greeted him as you always did. You were cheery and excitable. It put a weird taste in his mouth and a feeling like an itch he couldn’t scratch. It didn’t sit right with him and made him very unhappy.
He was still for a moment longer than normal, catching your attention and causing you to ask if something was wrong. He responds by pointing to your arm, confusing you. He grabs your wrist and pulls up one of your sleeves, and you freeze, looking at him in the eye holes of his mask in shock. 
Michael would give you the materials needed to take care of your wounds and watch as you patch yourself up. He’d teach you if you didn’t know how. After, he’d lay on the couch with you and watch movies until you fell asleep. Only after you’re asleep would he leave a kiss on each arm. A promise to you and himself that he’d do what he needed to make you happy.
Michael will be around more after he finds out. Not in an overbearing way, but he realized that he doesn’t spend as much time as he should with you. He’ll bring home little gifts that he thinks you’ll like and will make you masks that he thinks fit your personality. You might even sucker him into cleaning the house or cooking from time to time.
Bo Sinclair
It was WAY too hot for long sleeves in Louisiana. It was the middle of summer, and mid-day at that. Bo thought you’d knock more than a few screws loose to be dressed for late fall at this time of year. And to be outside on top of that?
Bo had asked you to come to the church to help with some minor repairs, and you’d been more than happy to come along. Problem was, you’d had a relapse the night before and your arms were covered in fresh wounds. You were practically dying in the summer heat, but you’d risk the heatstroke to avoid Bo finding out. 
“What’re you doin’ with them sleeves? You look like you’re fixin’ to go out in winter, not the Louisiana summer.” You hadn’t really thought of a cover story, which was coming back to bite you in the ass. You’d decided to say you just weren’t feeling too great, causing Bo to look back at you. 
“What’s wrong sugar?” You’d responded and said you felt cold and you were tired, and you could tell he wasn’t sure if he really believed you. He put a hand on your forehead as you looked up at him. “Well, you’re burnin’ up but that’s probably because of them sleeves. Why don’t ya take it off? Certainly wouldn’t mind the view to give me a lil’ work encouragement.” 
You turned him down and suggested that you’d go get some lemonade, to which he agreed was a good idea and wanted to join you. He was at a good stopping place anyway. While you were washing up to serve the lemonade, you’d had to push up your sleeves a bit to avoid getting them wet. You hadn’t accounted for Bo coming up behind you and wrapping his arms around you. 
He was about to say something when he saw them. When you felt him tense up, you tensed up too. You froze and waited for him to say something, to do anything that gave you an indication of how to respond. After a few seconds, he took his arms away from your waist and grabbed your shoulders gently, turning you around to face him.
“You know… I’ve got some scars too…” It was the first time you’d seen the scars on his wrist. It was the only thing he could think to do in the moment. You started fretting over him, asking what happened, if he was alright, who did this, and other things along that line in a continuous stream of worry. He had to interrupt you and raise his voice to get you to quiet down. He agreed that he would tell you what happened if you told him why you’d harmed yourself. 
In the end, you both wound up having an hours-long conversation about both of your histories and troubles. You both talked until you passed out, holding each other close and feeling leagues closer to him than you had before. It was a rare, bittersweet moment to bond and it would result in a permanent, noticeable shift in the interactions between you two.
After the conversation, you two held each other closer. You were softer when speaking to each other, and arguments often got resolved much quicker and with fewer tears than there used to be. You both understood each other more than anyone else had, and it shows.
Bo would do the best he could to make you feel comfortable showing your arms, no matter what stage of healing they were in. Bo would even show his scars more if it helped, granted that there was no chance of visitors. If tourists said anything about it, they wouldn’t get to be a sculpture. Vincent wouldn’t be able to reconstruct them well enough if he tried. No, they’d wind up in the pit with Lester’s roadkill. 
Bo would kiss your scars in intimate moments if you’d let him. It’s his way of showing that he loves every part of you, regardless of how much you like it yourself. 
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changisworld · 6 months
Boy!pussy Han Jisung hard thoughts
Mdni, i’m not using warnings to surprise the people above the age of 18, don’t interact, it’s smut.
©️Do not translate, re-post or copy & paste any of my work, it is strictly forbidden for ALL writing i post unless told otherwise.
main masterlist here
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Boy!pussy jisung who cant help bit wear thee tiniest skirts while at home, the colour always matching his panties. Nothing stops sungie from purposely bending over in front of you, slightly exposing his pracht ass & your favourite thong, your thong, as he wears it on himself.
Hasnt got a single dom bone in his body when it comes to you.. just LOOK AT YOU, how could anyone not melt.
Obviously loves being bratty & won’t stop until you’ve got him sinking down onto the ridged alien dildo you caught him unboxing, all giddy. (you made him use it on you when you seen it, of course.)
There’s almost nothing better that he can possibly think of than you resting your sopping cunt onto his face, using him to get off. He whines more than you do & his lege shake instantly as you reach down & give his clit some friction by tugging on his panties, rubbing against it causing him to accidentally nibble your own clit too hard, causing you to punish him by finishing yourself off, only letting him watch, not letting him touch himself.
Has such a huge kink for your fingers, especially when groping him. Palm his cunt, pinch his nipples, wrap them around his throat, he does.not.care. As long as they’re making contact with him, he can die happy.
When he’s been a good boy, you reward him well. Pulling out all his favourite toys, those being; clit suckers, realistic feeling vibrators that you can slide into his cunt, hitting his G-spot with ease, monster/ hentai dildos too, but not too thick(poor bubs can’t take those yet)
whines SO MUCH but who’s surprised.. will quite literally squeal, shriek & scream as you suckle on his bundle of nerves while you’re also moaning into his cunt, about to orgasm from the grinding you’re doing against a pillow beneath your waist & pussy. Your whines push him even closer to the edge but of course he doesn’t weave his hands through your hair.. not out of choice but because you had already handcuffed them to one another, weaving it through the cute middle part of the lacey bra he’s wearing, making it impossible for him to move them unless he takes the bra off, which of course, he can’t.
When you’re both wanting to be soft with one another, tribbing is the way to go. You both don’t care who’s the top & who’s the bottom, It just happens naturally as you are both rolling around, grinding helplessly into each others thighs as you swap spit. As much as Jisung loves receiving, he loves giving even more. He loves being on top of you, pussies grinding against each others & also against each others thighs, leaving slick on one another & also swapping it. He loves to see your reddened face, hair sticking to your forehead as you let out small, cute whimpers, which eggs him on even more. will twiddle with your nipples in his slim fingers as you come undone, eyes rolling back as your hips start spasming, He would kill to be able to contort his body enough to be able to kiss & lick your nipples as your swollen clits clash together but he sadly can’t so instead resorts to letting globs of spit hit directly against them, you hissing in response, tightening your already iron grip on his tiny waist, helping him with his movements against you.
You both can’t help but share underwear. It started off as an accident, simply putting on a pair, not realising it belongs to the other seeing since you see one another’s panties so often. After a few times of you realising, you began doing it on purpose, wearing loose & short sleep shorts as you do mundane tasks around your apartment, purposely angling yourself so that he can see his panties, covering your core, through the baggy leg opening of your shorts. A minute later he’s pouting, giving you his oh so cute boba eyes as he is now pressed against you, chest to chest as he begins twiddling with the drawstrings, simply waiting for you to give in & give him permission, which you obviously do, who would ever decline that.
You both like to experiment with different strap on’s, all different lengths, thickness & shapes & don’t think you both don’t feel amazing while it’s happening, doesn’t matter who’s the top & whos the bottom, you both definitely orgasm multiple times but you both can’t help but feel a bit disconnected, both of you craving full contact while doing something so intimate, so you both tend to not really think of it as a ‘go to’ but you both still do rest tempt it every once in a while, seeing if the feelings change. If it’s missionary though, you both do enjoy it a lot more. Sucking on each others necks, leaving marks for everyone to see is both of your guys ultimate kinks, always making sure the marks are purple & red, never letting them heal enough before sucking new ones into the skin.
When he is feeling bratty, you ‘punish’ him by nibbling harder than usual on his little button, overstimulating him within a few minutes.. the poor pain slut he is. You definitely like to overstimulate him rather than edge, you can’t help but get so flustered as you see the tears in his eyes & staining his cheeks as his hands are trying to swat you away, making your fingers speed up even more as you give him a small giggle, not even thinking about pausing. By the end of it, His poor peachy ass is completely red, cheeks are stained, knuckles are all red & white from the constant clenching he has been doing against the duvet, his cunt over twice the size, a puddle of wetness against the same duvet as you made him cum as many times as possible before you finally decide to give him a break.
Can’t help but slither his hand around your neck as he kisses you, full of tongue & spit. you always let out a small gasp into his lips which he always blushes at, knowing he is the only one able to make you react this way, a puddle of wetness forming in not only your underwear but his too.
Things Boy!Pussy Han would say:
“y/nnie.. p-s-so big” He whines as his newest dildo he just purchased stretches him out as you watch, jaw agape at one of the hottest sights you think you’ve ever seen.
“k-kiss me, now” He hushes out as you both look into each others eyes as you’re fucking into him with your newest strap on, his legs against your waist, noses almost touching.
“t-too- slow d-down please, g-gna cum!” He squeals as he is trying to hold back tears, bottom lip a complete different colour to the top one as he tries to hold back his whines, trying to steady himself & not squirt all over your fingers… again.
“so beautiful, my y/nnie baby, taste so good, wanna die here”he muffles in between your thighs, slurping away at everything you have to offer.
“wha’cha gonna do about it hm? you were busy so i took it apon myself to cum until you interrupted me.” he snarks at you, frowning slightly at you as he was using your pillow to grind against, it got a big dark patch beneath him.
i’m pretty sure i hate this but i still have the urge to post it LMAO
Got my inspo for this off of my SUB!SKZ ENTHUSIAST @jilixthinker
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I just finished Pastra’s Jeff The Killer rewrite and HOLY SHIT!
I remember growing up on creepypastas. I watched video after video, audio after audio, and enjoyed every minute of it. I watched Creepy Gaming and HoodHoodlumsRevenge mainly and I came to know many different creepypastas. Fan-art and fan comics fascinated me and I even drew Tails Doll in my school to activate the Tails Doll curse. My obsession even went so far as to attempt to make a Tails Doll plush and even me and my friend made a shitty Sonic.exe plush.
As I got older though, I realized that most of the really popular creepypastas were complete shit. Granted, there were some good ones like Ben Drowned and No End House, but most of them were just lazy and romanized murder and other vile topics. Jeff The Killer was no exception. I’ve seen many people complain and be frustrated by how popular it was while masterpieces like Psychosis and The Showers were more underground. I remember every major criticism that the story had that completely tore any believability away from it.
But then Pastra rewrote and reworked the story. What once started as a story written for the sake of being edgy is not something genuinely terrifying that kept both me and my brother at the edge of our seat. Every criticism of the original was taken accounted for in the rewrite. From making Jeff’s appearance more realistic, but still iconic, to making it make sense why Jeff would “snap” and all the way to making it make more sense why Jeff was able to overpower people. Everything was considered.
And you want to know what the cherry on top was? It was the plot twist. The fact that Jeff didn’t snap at all. He was truly psychotic and not like a campy movie, “kills anyone they see”, psychotic, but a realistic and has a goal in mind psychotic. The ending was absolute perfection as we finally get to see Jeff’s point of view and his planning. The best part? That’s easily the fact that we don’t know who made it out alive.
Pastra, if you end up finding this, I want you to know that you are an excellent horror writer and have clearly done your research on this topic. I really hope it gets as popular, if not more, than the original and it gives me a lot of hope for your future projects. Take care of yourself and remember that you’re extremely talented.
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cripplecharacters · 1 month
Feel free not to answer this question as it's more a research-type question, I'm just not sure how to go about finding what I need: do you happen to know any fiction books with portrayals of medium to high support autistic people that are considered realistic and positive? All I can find is rep of low support autistic ppl (unless it's in semi-educational children's books) and it's making it harder to figure out how to write medium to high support autistic ppl myself.
When I was diagnosed, it was before the levels were used (Or at least before they were used where I lived). I suspect that I would be considered 'level one autistic' today but would likely have been 'level two', bridging into 'level three' as a child. This is all just to explain my perspective with this.
That being said, here are some of my recommendations:
A Step Toward Falling by Cammie McGovern
I just finished this book earlier today and while it isn't specifically about autistic characters, it does feature several autistic characters with high support needs as well as other disabled characters. The book is written from the perspective of two characters, one of which is developmentally disabled (Belinda). Although her disability is never specified, I do see a lot of autistic traits in Belinda. The premise of this book is a bit heavy. It's about two characters (Who are not disabled) who end up volunteering at a centre for adults with developmental disabilities. One of the things I appreciated about this book was how well rounded the characters are. Each of them has their own stories, interests, and ideas. I also like how it discussed sex and relationships in the context of people with developmental disabilities. Something to note is that this does have some sensitive topics such as ableism, sexual assault, and bullying. It is also written by a parent of an autistic child but, as far as I'm aware, the author herself is abled. I did have some conflicted feelings about specific parts of it but I'll leave that for you to make your own decisions about. Target Audience: Young Adult
How to Speak Dolphin by Ginny Rorby
I also read this book recently and I personally really disliked it. There were several scenes that made me feel very gross and I found that the autistic character was dehumanized very often. One line that stuck with me was another character about a blind character, essentially saying, "I thought she was going to drown herself. If I was blind, that's what I would do." Although the character does get to know the blind character and changes her mind, it really felt awful to read and seemed so unnecessary -- especially given the target audience. The way it talks about blindness in general bugs me. That being said, I have seen several autistic people recommending the book (Which was why I read it in the first place) so I'll include it here anyways since my opinion seems to be in the minority around this book. Target Audience: Elementary/Middle Schoolers This is a brief review from another autistic person. [Link]
Planet Earth is Blue by Nicole Panteleakos
This book centers around Nova, a young autistic girl with high support needs. Nova is a foster child who is missing her older sister and the story is told through a mix of narrative, letters to Nova's sister, and flashbacks. It's been a while since I've read this book but I remember really enjoying it (And maybe crying a little bit too). The author is autistic herself and also consulted many other autistic people with a variety of experiences, which I appreciated. Target Audience: Middle Schoolers This is a more in-depth review on the book from a reader who (I believe) is also autistic. [Link]
These are also a couple books that I've seen recommended but can't personally recommend as I haven't read them myself yet:
Real by Carol Cujec
Remember Dippy by Shirley Reva Vernick
I know it's not very much but hopefully it's enough to get you started! If anyone has any recommendations for anon, feel free to mention them in the notes.
~ Mod Icarus
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ovaryacted · 6 months
do you think re4make leon knows how to fuck? 👀
The little eye emoji at the end is making me laugh. But hmm, I've actually thought of this before in-depth, and if I'm gonna be completely honest...probably not. HOLD ON HOLD ON! HEAR ME OUT FIRST DON'T BOO ME OFF THE STAGE!
So in my mind (keyword: my), I don't think Leon would know how to "fuck". He's just not a #realfucker. HOWEVER, that does not mean he is an idiot when it comes to sex and what to do. He just doesn't have enough "experience" that would put him in a category of people who are masters in the bedroom, and that is okay! Frankly, I think it's more realistic and sticks to his loser persona.
I mean, we are dealing with a 27/28-year-old man with immense trauma and survivor's guilt who's been blackmailed into military service and literally thinks about dying frequently. He's in Spain fighting demons both literally and figuratively and has one foot in the grave at all times. No, I don't think he knows how to fuck, he probably hasn't even really done anything that would qualify as "fucking" in a healthy way.
He'd probably have limited chances to actually get involved with anyone, especially if he was being trained to the degree he was. Also, if he was under Krauser's supervision and being trained by him as a means of survival, he doesn't know anything about another human's touch outside of obligation. Not to mention the context of the period he was in the military (close to the early 2000s I think), he probably experienced a fuck ton of homophobia for being a "pretty boy" anyway and that would be a direct jab to his wavering self-confidence.
If anything, he's probably had some quick blowjobs or given them, but actual sex? Nah, his brain can't comprehend doing something like that when he's too busy wondering if he'll live to see another day.
Let us say he was allowed to fuck somebody, I think he would be clueless on where to start or what to do. Sure, Leon is smart and perceptive, he'll be able to adapt eventually, but it won't be a natural process. I made an analysis post about this topic a while ago, about viewing Leon as a sex god when he's the complete opposite in my mind, and I always come back to that because that's how I interpret him.
Does he know where the clit is? Does he know what to do with a dick? Sure, he knows enough about the female and male body to understand what to touch and what goes where. The thing he doesn't know is how to do it in a way that makes both parties feel good, and how it varies from person to person. Has he watched porn or looked through magazines? Probably back when he was a hormonal teenager with nothing better to do, or before he found himself in his current situation, but he doesn't like it. He doesn't see women in particular in the same light as every other form of media views them, so his perception of sex and how it should be done contradicts the norm. Or, he just assumes that he should know what to do, and since he doesn't or can't seem to figure it out, he doesn't bother trying to find out.
He doesn't give me those vibes that he's someone who would know what to do in the bedroom off that bat, and I'm not saying that to be a bummer but that's how I see him at least during this part of his life. But, if you trust him and make him feel comfortable enough by reassuring him as you guide him in the process, he will know how to fuck but primarily know how to fuck you.
Even if I say he doesn't know how to fuck (outside of the regular missionary but he finishes too early so it's embarrassing), he will always be a munch to me. That is his skill in the bedroom, his thing. I always say this but to me, the reason why he doesn't know how to fuck is because he's too damn busy diving headfirst into some pussy so he doesn't care about the whole "fucking" aspect of things. He gets off on getting his partners off, that's just the truth, my truth and I'm sticking to it.
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dududuuuuudud · 4 months
Love Square
Before I start, this is MY opinion and any hate will be blocked.
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The ship 'Gwuncan' has been the most hated ship of all of Total Drama.
Gwen and Duncan started off as strangers and started bonding over their love for movies. They interacted a couple of times during Island but started sealing their bond in Action. For the couple episodes they were together for, they started getting along. By the end of Action, Gwen started having a small crush on Duncan. Duncan seemed to keep his emotions sealed but during the episode Gwen was eliminated, Duncan had shown little attraction toward Gwen. During World Tour, Duncan seemed to be more interested in Gwen . Although he quit the competition and Gwen was left alone with his girlfriend. As soon as Duncan came back, the two were able to finally come back together. The problem here was that Duncan was 'dating' Courtney at the time.
Now that I finished that little insight, I'll start explaining more in detail.
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As mentioned before, Gwen and Duncan had started off as friends and had gotten to learn more about each other. Moreover, their ship dynamic has obviously been labelled as Friends to Lovers. What makes this ship so good is that they actually knew each other and accepted it for who they are. Also, because they were able to change and develop with 'no pressure, no planning, no pookums.' -Gwen, Ex Files.
For example, as they spent time with each other, they were able to be vulnerable and be free. In Action, Duncan was obviously dating Courtney at the time and he was able to tell stuff like how he had a picture of her under her pillow or just simply talk about her. In another instance, Duncan knew a bunch of trivial facts about Gwen. Did he know trivial facts about other people? No. Although there hasn't been any evidence on Gwen's side, from what I can infer Gwen would be able to trust Duncan. Vice versa. Gwen and Duncan knew what they were going to be in for once they started dating each other.
As stated, Gwen and Duncan tried to go easy on their relationship. The relationship had been going on for at least one year, maybe two if we think about the timeline from World Tour to All Stars. Gwen and Duncan had been going smoothly and maybe have lasted longer than any other couple other than Geoff and Bridgette. The two were able to communicate and sort out their problems and were faithful to each other. Obviously until All Stars happened but if you think realistically, that is something they would NEVER do to each other. Ultimately, All Stars was ruined and if there wasn't All Stars, Gwen and Duncan would be happily together. Think about it.
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Gwen and Duncan were so caring around each other. They were always worried and cared about each other and they always cheered each other on. (Apart from when Duncan cheered for Owen in the Island finale)
Finally, how Gwen and Duncan were able to change and grow. For example, Hook, Line, and Screamer s1. That episode was the episode Gwen and Duncan started bonding and may have become friend-ish. This episode was important because that episode brought some change. Gwen, who normally was alone and enclosed was able to bring herself up to make sure everyone is safe. This might not be linked with Gwuncan but it really is. It's because of the help of Duncan why Gwen was a bit more social and was able to take charge. Did you see her take charge in other episodes? You barely see her interact with anyone other than Trent, LeShawna and Heather. Duncan stayed by Gwen's side until the very end. Now Duncan. Normally, Duncan doesn't really care or show empathy towards other. Well, he doesn't do that often. Duncan started embracing his more caring side. Maybe it's because Gwen might be killed by an escaped psycho killer but wouldn't he just think of it as maybe a horror movie in real life? He wouldn't really care unless it's affecting him. In this episode, Duncan was able to show worry and care for Gwen. These two were able to show unfamiliar sides because of each other. Imagine if they had more screen time? They could show that they are more than a punk X goth ship and demonstrate how compatible the two are.
The only problem they faced seemed to be how they started and All Stars as it derailed a lot of fans to hating them.
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The ship 'Duncney' is one of the most loved ship of all of Total Drama. Even with how toxic they are.
The two started off as strangers as Duncan soon started to flirt/tease Courtney. After a bunch of episodes of this overused chiché' ship, Courtney soon started liking him. After stealing food and Courtney vomiting, the two shared a kiss. Afterwards, Courtney was eliminated and their relationship started going downhill. Especially because they barely knew anything about each other.
Duncan and Courtney were the typical punk X prep type. 'Opposites Attracts'. In season one, what people call their 'prime time', their relationship followed a simple formula. Duncan flirts/teases, Courtney's angry and yells/hits him and repeat. In season two they followed another formula, they argue and then make out. Finally, in season three they followed another formula. Fight, fight, repeat. What made this relationship peak? What made it so iconic? The answer is that shippers just want to ship Courtney with someone.
Even at their best times, there was something bad happening. They were always arguing and fighting.
An extra detail, Duncan voted for Courtney when he was dating her.
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Their relationship was so awful that it was even toxic. There was physical abuse (Courtney hitting Duncan on multiple occasions), mental abuse (Courtney setting rules for their relationship and how Duncan should change), cheating (Duncan flirting with Heather while dating Courtney and cheating on her with Gwen. Also Courtney about to kiss Justin in front of Duncan), bad communication (They don't communicate at all), controlling (Courtney controlling Duncan), double standards (How Duncan can't do something but Courtney can), victimised (Courtney being victimised), Jealousy (Always jealous and fighting for petty things), no connections (Don't know each other at all), can't compromise (Too stubborn to listen), using each other. (Courtney using Duncan for money and Duncan just liking Courtney for her looks) and the list goes on.
This relationship has caused nothing but chaos amongst the ships. What makes this worse is that Duncan and Courtney didn't know each other that well and just went into a relationship. They didn't know what they were getting themselves into and ended up making each other worse.
The two made each other the worst selves they could be. Duncan brought out Courtney' a horrible person's real personality (I think she was faking her act in season one and was genuinely a horrible person) as Courtney was able to drive Duncan into cheating.
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Is it not crazy how awful they were to each other. They never got along in the beginning and never cared either. I think that the only time Duncan really cared about Courtney was in the picture above.
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Another one of the most beloved ships of Total Drama.
Gwen and Trent started off as friends I guess as they flirted and hung out with each other. Gwen obviously had a massive crush on Trent. The two grew closer as Gwen finally kissed Trent. That same episode, Trent got voted off but the two continued their relationship. Trent cheered Gwen on in the finale as she won. A day after she won, the two competed in Action. Problems started to arise as they felt as if they didn't know each other at all. In episode five, the broke up as Trent also got eliminated. Afterwards, the two managed to be friends to stop them from hating each other.
Side note: This ship isn't particularly that awful but it isn't the best.
Many say that their ship dynamic was 'Opposites Attract' as other say they were 'Friends to Lovers'. This ship was more of both as they were opposites yet were able to be friends.
Although season one was their 'prime time', -well their only time- there had been a few issues.
The first one was when Heather read out Gwen's diary where Gwen confessed she had a crush on Trent. Trent at first seemed weirded out as he looked at Cody and afterwards did nothing. This was completely forgotten the next couple of episodes as the two faced more problems. This was when Trent left Gwen buried alive. To be honest, there seemed to have been a reason but a promise is a promise and Trent broke it. This didn't seem that bad but Gwen obviously tried giving Trent the silent treatment after that. Finally, a big problem. After Gwen kissed Trent, a couple minutes later Gwen found herself watching Trent kiss Heather. Although Heather kissed Trent, Trent shut his eyes and kissed back. If it was really an accident why would he have kissed back?
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More problems started arising in Action. After Trent had been separated from Gwen, he started getting jealous over Duncan. It seemed acceptable since Gwen and Duncan seemed pretty close and alike but he seemed really jealous. Trent called Lindsay beautiful just to pester Gwen and called both her and Duncan 'punk wannabes'. Trent soon started obsessing over Gwen. He started naming things after Gwen and started his nine obsession. It seemed to really worry Gwen.
Gwen was also in the wrong. During Action, Gwen had called Duncan 'hot, sexy, stud-like.'. That was to just make Duncan listen to her but she still said it. Also, there was a video of Gwen and Duncan's star gazing scene where the two were wrestling and ended up in a less than one centimetre distance. Although it wasn't classified when that scene was. From my knowledge, it was most likely AFTER Gwen and Trent broke up.
Gwen and Trent were also bad in their communication skills. They couldn't talk about why Trent started obsessing over her and numbers and the Gwen/Duncan situation. Most problems aired from there.
After their break up, Gwen had to deal with tons of hate because of Trent. Especially in the Aftermath. Trent just watched most of the way until things went out of hand.
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A positive thing about this was that Trent and Gwen managed to get along after their break up to solidify their friendship.
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What Gwen and Duncan did was completely wrong for cheating on Courtney. The thing is that Courtney had it coming. Courtney had been awful to Duncan ever since she had dated him. She was practically pushing him away. Duncan was probably sick of all the drama and as seen, Duncan had a crush on Gwen.
Now, Gwen betrayed Courtney but from the footage we can see, it seemed to be all in the heat of the moment. Gwen and Duncan kissed but after Gwen came back to her conscious, she started feeling awful about it. Especially in All Stars.
I honestly can't blame Duncan. "If he wanted to be out of the relationship he should've broken up"-A Duncney fan. When did she give Duncan a chance to speak. I agree but Duncan and Courtney had broken up and come back together multiple times. Maybe if he cheated he would've been out of the relationship for good.
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"If he didn't want to date Courtney, why did he kiss her on the bus?"-Another Duncney fan. Maybe if you think about it, you would realise that they were about to die and just kissed just because of it. They didn't kiss because they still liked each other because if they did, why would they have treated each other that badly? The possibility of dying could just be the reason they kissed. Did that mean they got back together? No.
In World Tour, I believed that Duncan thought they weren't together. I mean, if he was with Courtney he would at least try to talk to her. He didn't. At the same time Courtney is really demanding and assumed they got together. Duncan obviously should've made it clear but at the same time I don't think he really cared about his relationship with Courtney. He really liked Gwen at the time.
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In All Stars everyone can collectively agree EVERYONE was out of character. No one seemed to be the same as they were before.
Although when you think about it, it starts to make sense. Gwen. Gwen came back to All Stars to make amends with Courtney. The reason why she seemed so OOC seemed to be because of Courtney. Because of her morals and guilt. She felt awful.
Duncan. Duncan seemed to be OOC too. Duncan was always a softie but he tries not to show it. From the two years Gwen and Duncan dated, Gwen was able to make Duncan the best version of himself. That is without making rules or forcing him. That's why he seemed so nice and a softie in All Stars.
What I believed happened is that Gwen didn't want Duncan to come because Courtney hated her and Duncan together. That's why Gwen had seemed so distant in All Stars.
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What about Duncan being jealous over Scott? If he was jealous, Duncan would try winning Courtney over. Did he try that? No, because he wasn't jealous. If he liked Courtney, once he broke up with Gwen he would've flirted with her or searched for a reaction. That didn't happen either. These rumours of Duncan having a crush on Courtney is absurd since the only reason he came to the show is for GWEN. NOT Courtney.
Duncan might've been right about Courtney. She still seemed boy crazy in making Duncan jealous. Courtney seemed to try doing this in World Tour so what's stopping her now? If she really liked Scott, she wouldn't have used Scott either. I believe she was trying to date Scott and be subtle about it to make Duncan jealous. Duncan was able to see through it and that's why he didn't believe that Courtney really liked Scott. NOT because he still had feelings for her.
Gwen and Duncan had been dating for two years and they would've broken up long back if Duncan still had feelings.
Also, Gwen may have been different but the cause of that is Courtney.
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Also considered one of the best Total Drama ships.
In World Tour, Courtney and Gwen interacted for one episode and have labelled themselves as 'friends'. Afterwards, Gwen dates Duncan and Courtney is mad. Afterwards, Gwen comes to All Stars to make it up for Courtney. Finally they become friends until Courtney backstabs Gwen.
This friendship is not meant to last. They move forward so quickly and act as if they were best friends.
Many even ship them. If you really want a w/w ship, ship Gweather. At least they were better than Gwourtney.
The two are not compatible as a ship or friendship because of how they back stab each other. Also think about it, if they were to be friends what would they talk about? How their ex is Duncan and how they hate Heather? Talk about a friendship. They never interacted until needed for drama and are considered the best ship. The two are so awful for each other and also bring out the worst in each other. Just watch All Stars and you'll understand and see how unbearable they are together and how they ruined each others' characters.
If you read this much, thank you so much for reading my rant. I just want to explain the whole situation in my point of view and yeah.
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pochipop · 1 year
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#. synopsis! — childe knows he doesn't deserve this, but he just can't let you go .
#. characters! — childe .
#. warnings! — angst .
#. word count! — 1k .
#. alt accounts! — @ddollipop (nsfw) @yyolkchi (reblog/spam) .
#. others! — navigation & masterlist .
#. a/n! — this is my "from the vault" era. most of the things i'll be posting for a while will probably have been started anywhere from a few months to over a year ago. i have a huge google doc just stocked with fics that i started and never finished, so i'm trying to wrap some of them up neatly enough to post them and at least let them see the light of day lol.
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It’s always lonely at the top.
On nights like this, Childe realizes that now more than ever. Snezhnaya is his home, —but in a more abstract sense of the term. He knows the snow-covered lands and the bitter chill of frost like the backs of his scarred hands, and yet this nation feels less like the soft place he can fall upon each time he returns from somewhere else. It’s the center of his youth, the place that fills most of his heart, but things have certainly changed since he was little more than a young boy who loved making angels in the snow. The world moves faster now; days bleed into weeks in a matter of moments, and there are many times Childe wishes that the weather could freeze time like it does everything else around here.
Still, maybe it’s better that it doesn't. Even if it did somehow, he’s not sure how he’d spend that time anyway. A part of him is all too certain that he’d waste it away, losing sight of his goals within seconds.
He’s always been too driven by madness for his own good.
The viscous truth of it all is that Childe craves acceptance, but doesn’t really like to be loved. Even as you sleep next to him, his arm clutched in your warm, forgiving grip; he doesn’t know how to put such thoughts to the wayside. Selfishly, he wants you. Sometimes, it feels like he needs you. Realistically, though, Childe knows he shouldn’t have you. You’re not much of a fighter, and your only ties to the Fatui are through him, which he holds an insurmountable level of shame and regret for. If not for him, he’s certain your life would be a lot less complicated.
You’ve even said so yourself, albeit only jokingly. Those few little quips hold just enough water for Childe to drown himself in them, though. He wants to push you away as his lungs fill in and oxygen depletes, but you’re so goddamn intoxicating that he can’t bear the thought of parting ways. You snuggle closer to him as if seeking the heat of his body, —as if seeking the protection it offers from any ghoulish figures that could pop up in your otherwise sugar coated dreams.
Childe isn’t sure what he’d do without this, —without the ability to come staggering home to you. Truthfully, you’re more of a home to him now than Snezhnaya has ever been. He yearns for nights like this more than you’ll ever know, more than he’ll ever be able to articulate properly, because Celestia knows he’s never been very good with words.
Not when they’re genuine, anyway.
He can put on a show just fine, put that charismatic mask on and make strangers fall to their knees at his feet. But once they get a glimpse of the monster inside that lusts for violence and bloodshed on every battlefield, they run for the hills. And Childe isn't naive enough to wonder why. He knows, probably better than anyone else ever will, that he is hard to love, and even more difficult to be loved by.
When everything is going steady, he likes to send some ripples through the water just because he can. He pushes buttons he knows he should leave alone, —maybe because he can’t help himself, or maybe because deep down, he wants to push you away. You can’t just up and decide that you want to see him rot his way back into the earth beneath his feet if he flips all the right switches and makes it happen at will. There’s no disappointment to be had there if he’s the one who incites it; like flicking a match and watching your house go up in flames.
If he does it to himself, there’s no reason to be sad about it.
Self-sabotage has always been kind of his thing. Still, here you are with your soft tufts of breath fanning against him, trusting him not to let himself snap to the point of no return and burn everything down around you both (figuratively and literally.) And for the life of him, —Childe doesn’t get it. He really doesn’t. You’ve always wanted a simpler life, one you know he can’t give you. . . But here you are, and he doesn’t have the heart to push you away like he knows deep down that he should.
If he’s being honest with himself, and this is one of the rare times that he is, he knows he should be building his walls high enough to force you out if that’s what it takes. Everytime you lay with him like this, he knows he’s stealing that tranquil life you’ve always wanted away from you, and it eats him up inside. He’s not what’s best for anybody, nonetheless for you.
He knows, he knows, he knows. . . He really should just—
“Hey,” you say softly, and his resolve crumbles away like the walls he tries to build between himself and you. “Can’t sleep?”
Childe looks over at you and pauses for a few moments, admiring the way you love him, even when he doesn’t deserve it. Then he thinks to himself that he’s never truly deserved it, and the cycle begins again. He hums in acknowledgement, and you hold him closer, like you’re trying to mend all his broken pieces back together (even if you don’t know it.) It won’t help him sleep, but it feels nice to be cared for like this. To be loved, to be seen. . . To be stripped bare in the moonlight that spills in from your window is a blessing sent straight from Celestia, and it makes him wonder just what he’s ever done well enough to have ended up here in his lifetime.
“You’re thinking too much,” you say.
He almost laughs, pressing a gentle kiss to the crown of your head.
“Yeah,” he agrees, “I know.”
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sin-cognito · 4 months
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Rarepair New Year 2024 ch19: Papyrus/Stretch
Wordcount: 2024
Stretch lets out a desperate sigh as he checks the balance in his bank account. He's less than 10G shy of being in the red, and it's only the middle of the month. He knows he realistically can't even live off of instant ramen until he gets his monthly allowance from the scholarship. There's no way.
Stretch lets out a desperate sigh as he checks the balance in his bank account. He's less than 10G shy of being in the red, and it's only the middle of the month. He knows he realistically can't even live off of instant ramen until he gets his monthly allowance from the scholarship. There's no way.
He scrolls through his contacts, checking with all his regulars if anyone's interested in a quick handjob or a naughty pic. He'll even do blowjobs for half the usual price, he's that desperate.
Despite his pleas, no one is currently interested or available, or has the money to help him out, so he does what any sane, broke skeleton would do: he looks for a sugar daddy website. He knows they're fishy and have a very unbalanced ratio between sugar babies and daddies, but at this point, what other choice does he have but to hope that a dirty old man will take a liking to his youthful bones and will be willing to spend money on him in exchange for some sexual favors?
Stretch isn't thrilled by the idea of having paid sex, despite being okay with sexual favors like handjobs and blowjobs, but he doesn't know what else to try. Yes he tried getting a part-time job like other, less unfortunate students, but even after half a century of monsters living on the surface, mentalities are hard to change and most of this fucking city is still very speciest, skeleton monsters being at the top of the non-employable list.
His grumbling stomach reminds him to focus on the task at hand.
Stretch doesn't let his embarrassment get in the way of creating a sugar baby profile, he threw any decency away the moment he couldn't lie to himself anymore about the state of his finances. He uploads a handful of pics, trying to show his body in the best light. He adds his info and really insists on how urgent and dire his need for money is, implying that he won't be very regarding as to what the daddy will ask him to do. Just like that the profile is up. He gives the algorithm a couple hours to work its magic, just enough to finish his homework and take a shower. When he's all clean, he checks his phone again and starts combing through the handful of messages he's received already.
While most of them are obvious scams, a couple look legit enough that he replies back, and he soon receives some inquiries about his rates. Huh. Stretch didn't think that far, so he provides some random numbers to see what lands and hopes for the best.
In the end, only one daddy seems to not object to the price, so Stretch agrees to send him some nudes after he's confirmed the payment. It was much easier than he thought, and he sighs in relief at being able to eat meat this week.
He stays in contact with the sugar daddy, 'The Great Spaghetti Master', or 'Spaghetti' for short, over the next few days, messaging him regularly in the hopes that he will become Stretch's regular sponsor. So far everything is going extremely smoothly, Spaghetti seems delighted with Stretch's naughty pictures and explicit videos. Stretch himself feels more and more at ease with the idea of having a sugar daddy, and it doesn't take him long to contact Spaghetti to see if he wants more of Stretch. The sugar daddy seemed pleased with the idea, and they agree to meet at a fancy bar.
Stretch takes his time to get ready properly. He wants to do this right. Or more precisely, he wants to make an impact on his sugar daddy so that Spaghetti will want to spoil him rotten. So he puts on a little bit of makeup, just a touch, nothing tacky, and wears the new outfit he bought last week thanks to his daddy's generosity. He keeps it a secret from Spaghetti, hoping it will please him and be to his tastes.
He then shows up to the bar a little early, just enough to get himself a drink first to calm his nerves. He knows that things are safe for now, as he's far from being the only patron in the bar right now, and he's told the bartender about his situation. The fire monster has agreed to keep an eye on Stretch for the evening, just in case he needs help getting rid of Spaghetti, though Stretch doubts the daddy will do anything untoward.
As he sips at his tequila honey bee, Stretch looks around the bar, wondering when his daddy will show up, and more importantly what he looks like. All he knows is that Spaghetti is a dude, Stretch doesn't even know if he's a human or a monster, or even how old he is. Stretch spots a couple old guys in the bar who loosely match the mental image he has of a sugar daddy. One is very obviously a tired and overstressed white-collar worker with little to no hair and who needs alcohol to find any meaning in life, while the other is the polar opposite: a well-fitted, dark gray suit with a neatly folded handkerchief in his lapel pocket, his hair carefully parted in the middle and combed orderly behind his ears. Stretch makes a face. Money is money and he agreed to meet his daddy so he won't be too regarding, but he'd rather Spaghetti be someone else.
The rest of the patrons are mostly couples, some old, others on the younger side, and a handful of single ladies. If Stretch wasn't on a mission to meet his sugar daddy and milk for all he's worth, he might take a chance at one of them. Instead, he focuses on the rest of the patrons, noticing another young skeleton who looks to be around his own age. Skeleton monsters are relatively rare to come by, so when the guy looks his way and their gaze meet, Stretch smiles and lifts his drink. The other nods politely.
Having checked the whole bar and found no one that matches his daddy's description, Stretch turns around on his stool and gulps the rest of his drink down. He raises his hand for the barman, but as he's about to place a new order, the fire monster brings him a tall glass with an orangey liquid.
Stretch quirks a brow at the barman, who points in the direction of the skeleton monster Stretch noticed earlier and says, "from the gentleskeleton over there."
"alright, but what drink is it?" Stretch asks as he nods from afar at the skeleton.
"A skeleton key."
It's a good thing that Stretch wasn't drinking the cocktail already, or he'd be spitting it all over himself with how hard he snorts. He thanks the barman, grabs the glass and makes his way to the other skeleton.
"nice choice," he says, and adds as he gestures at the empty chair, "you're waiting for someone?"
"THANK YOU! AND PLEASE," the other replies in a much too loud voice, waving his hand at the seat to let Stretch know he can sit down.
Stretch thanks the skeleton for the drink before introducing himself. The other then does the same. His name is Papyrus and he is indeed the same age as Stretch. They start talking and once they realize they have a lot in common in terms of center of interests, movies they like, games they play, music tastes, etc, they're unstoppable. They order a few more drinks and continue to chat until the barman comes up to them to let them know that the bar is going to close soon. Stretch only then realizes that he missed his sugar daddy, but he had a great evening chatting with Papyrus so he doesn't regret it. And he had told Spaghetti to text him once he was there and he never received any message, so he was stood up and that means that he doesn't need to feel bad about spending all evening chatting with Papyrus instead.
"ALLOW ME TO WALK YOU TO YOUR CAR," Papyrus offers, lifting his arm gallantly for Stretch to grab. Oh, Stretch does like an old-fashioned gentleskeleton.
"heh, i don't have a car, i came by foot."
Stretch thinks about the offer. On the one hand, it's not very wise to hop in a stranger's vehicle, but on the other hand he got nothing but good vibes from Papyrus all night, and he doesn't want the evening to stop quite yet. He reasons that he was going to have sex with a sugar daddy he's never met before anyway, so he might as well see where Papyrus' car might lead him.
He soon finds his answer in the shape of a high-end hotel, where Papyrus is apparently staying for a few days. He briefly explains that he's on a business trip for his father's company, but Stretch doesn't quite remember all the details between all the kisses and caresses and moans. They quickly make their way to the bed, where Papyrus proceeds to fuck the brains out of Stretch, until they switch and it's Stretch's turn to make Papyrus see stars. They go at it all night, in all sorts of combinations, whether it be top, bottom, type of genitalia, or who takes control.
It's not until daybreak that they're finally satisfied, and Stretch collapses on the bed and manages to get about two hours of sleep before he's woken up by a text. He grumbles as he squints at the screen and sees it's a message from his sugar daddy.
We seem to have missed each other last night, I'm sorry and I wish we can plan this again for another time. I'll be around until the end of the week, if you still wish to meet.
Stretch lets his phone drop as he buries his face into the pillow. He pats on the bed next to him but finds the spot empty. Lifting his skull up, he watches Papyrus finish to dress up.
"you're going already?" He rasps, his voice completely destroyed by last night's moaning.
"OH! GOOD MORNING, STRETCH," Papyrus happily chirps back, somehow perfectly functional even after the wild night they had and despite the last of sleep. "NO, I'M JUST PUTTING SOME FRESH CLOTHES ON SO I CAN BRING THE DIRTY ONES TO THE RECEPTION TO HAVE THEM CLEAN THEM UP."
Stretch blushes.
"uhm, sorry about that. i hope i didn't ruin your clothes…"
Papyrus giggles and the sound is adorable. "NOT AT ALL MY DEAR." He makes his way back to the bed and sits down next to Stretch, kissing the top of his skull. Stretch wants to purr. "YOU CAN STAY HERE AND REST, I WILL BE WORKING FROM THE NEXT ROOM. GO BACK TO SLEEP."
Bless him, Stretch says with a happy sigh as he drops his skull back on the pillow.
Stretch hums sleepily. What the fuck is Papyrus talking about? Has Stretch fallen asleep already after all?
"what prices?" He mumbles sleepily, trying to rub the tiredness out of his eyesockets as he sits up a little.
"papyrus. what are you talking about?" Stretch can't help but ask, even as he knows the answer.
Papyrus beams at him, unperturbed.
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simp999 · 1 year
A New Home Ch. 1
Splatoon Manga Various x Skilled! Isekai'd Reader
What happens when a Splatoon Manga fan gets sent to Inkopolis?
Will you change the plot entirely?
Will you make a lot of friends or will you become the most feared inkling in town?
Series: Splatoon
Wc: 1.2k
A/N: If anyone wants to be on a taglist for this series, don't be afraid to tell me :D
A/N 2: Hey! I've already got a couple chapters ready to publish, just gotta finish the art for the banner and clean them up! Buckle your seatbelts, we're in for a long ride! Love you guys! <3
Warnings: Minimal swearing, I'll try to cool it.
Notes: 'Thinking' "Speaking"
Next part
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You gently rubbed the sides of your temples as you attempted to soothe the painful throbbing coming from your skull. 
‘What the hell happened?’
Only once the pain had finally subsided were you able to take in your unfamiliar surroundings. You were sitting in a back alleyway.
"Well that’s not sketchy whatsoever,"
You mumble to yourself, noticing the odd colors. You weren’t sure how to explain it, but everything seemed more… vivid? Saturated? The leaves were greener, and there were brightly colored signs and stickers everywhere. It kind of reminds you of how Japan looks in the media. You saw that you had the strap of your backpack gripped in the hand that wasn’t just soothing your headache, you were glad that you had something familiar with you. You quickly assessed the items you had in there. Water bottle, phone, charger, notepad, pencils, eraser, mini first aid kid, and oh, would you look at that, some pain-soothing meds. Perfect. Thanking any of the gods above for this being one of the singular times that you were prepared, you took the small pill. You heard lots of chattering coming from outside the alleyway. Once you were finally able to stand up, not without feeling slightly dizzy for a second, you made your way to the middle of a wide-open area.
'No damn way.'
Are those inklings walking around? You quickly jump back into the alleyway, trying to catch your breath and figure out what the hell is going on here. You look down at your hands once again and see that they’re bigger, and your fingers are definitely more square than you remember them being. You look around in a panicked state, trying to find some sort of reflective surface. You find a broken-down shop window’s glass, and what looks back at you definitely isn’t you. Or at least, the you that you’re used to seeing. What’s staring back at you is your avatar, from your favorite Nintendo game. Your eyes are bigger, and you have… tentacles? You immediately bring your hand up to feel them. Oh, they’re not as slimy as you thought. That’s good. But they sure are sensitive. 
'Alright,'You think to yourself, 'I can get used to this. Yeah. This is fine. Probably just a weird, extremely realistic dream of some sort.'
You peek your head out of the alleyway, to take in the sight of Inkopolis Plaza once again.
'Yup. Absolutely normal.' A few moments pass and your thoughts start to calm, making you more reasonable.
'Hey wait, doesn’t this mean that I don’t have to worry about real-life stuff? Maybe I could just enjoy this for a bit. That sounds nice.'
With a quick breath in and out, you shrug your bag over your shoulders and make your way to the center of the square.
You paid no mind to the chatter around you, - until it involved you. After getting bumped into by an idiotic inkling running by, you decide that you’re better off ignoring him, trying to make your presence as non-noticeable as possible. 
“Oh, sorry about that!”
“Yeah, no worries.”
The inkling continues on and you’re about to settle down on a nearby bench when you realize,
'Was that blue inkling wearing goggles?'
You try to glance back at the inkling boy, but he’s already gone into Inkopolis Tower. 
'Well, this is Splatoon one, and they’ve got limited gear, so it was probably just some random dude.' You reason with yourself, trying not to get your hopes up.
You sit on the bench with your backpack on your lap, taking in the scenery. 
'I’ve got nothing better to do, so maybe I should try some turf while I’m here? This probably is just a dream, so I’ve only got so much time here, right? So why not enjoy it?'
With a small smile on your face, you realize that you don’t have a weapon, so you make your way over to Ammo Knights. Remembering how much Sheldon likes to talk, you try to walk around the store discreetly while looking around for your main weapon while his back is turned. You assume he’s cleaning a weapon or something.
“Ah, hello, hello! You seem to be new here, may I introduce you to some weapons?-”
You're quick to cut him off before he can continue, claiming that you’re looking for your main weapon.
“I’m sorry, but you’ll have to get more experience doing turf war before getting a weapon of that caliber. Here, how about you try this one?”
Sheldon hands you a Splattershot Jr. and sends you off.
You look down at the weapon held lazily in your hands. 
Seriously? You’re an S+ ranker for cod’s sake, rank X in Splatoon 2! Man, this is infuriating, but it’s not like you can do anything about it. You take a quick glance at your reflection then look down at your shirt. Your basic tee. You look a little lower and spot the cream basics.
“Oh, guess I really am a newbie.” 
“I s'pose I’ve never actually played turf before, so maybe I do suck.”
A couple of matches of carrying your team and spawn-camping your opponents later, it seems you’re ‘good’ enough to get a better weapon, and gear. After the first two matches you started to feel really bad, so you went easy on the opponents, opting to simply turf.
Even if you weren’t up the the ‘right level’ or whatever, Sheldon could easily tell that you’re some kind of veteran with the way you carried yourself and your weapon. Not to mention how pressed you were about getting your main. So despite not being at the proper level, he carefully handed you your favorite weapon and allowed you to test it out in the training range. With him watching over carefully, of course. He really hoped he was making the right decision here, or else you’re paying double-maybe even triple for the weapon if you break it.
You roll your eyes at him, holding the weapon as if it were your most prized possession. 
And man, did it feel good. 
It’s like it felt just right in your hands, like it was made for you. 
You made your way to the training area, inspecting the weapon carefully since, y’know, you've never technically used it before. Once you figured out how the ink worked, you started attacking the targets, with perfect precision. Not one wasted drop of ink. 
You’re crouched down after destroying all of the targets in seconds, taking a breather. You get up and dust yourself off, looking at your beloved weapon. 
‘Oh yeah, we’re gonna have lots of fun.’ You look at the machine in your hands with adoration.
It’s almost like you’ve been doing this for years, the muscle memory is definitely there. It’s almost like your skills transferred over from how good you were at the game.
'That’s pretty useful,' you think to yourself, walking out of the shop as Sheldon stares at the ‘newbie’ with his jaw on the floor.
Next part
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xiangqiankua · 7 months
I finally really truly registered to take the TOCFL (I had signed up for a free pilot test last year but when I went to make the deposit to confirm my slot, everything for Band B & C were already full, alas). I stopped taking formal classes a year ago, also stopped private tutoring, and had been lazily coasting along reading manga, scrolling Taiwanese social media, and occasionally listening to a podcast. Then I decided to apply for grad school.
Scared that having to read anything scholarly and of length in Chinese on a regular basis would make my brain combust, I applied to a program that apparently has enough English classes to graduate. Upon further investigation, many of the interesting ones are in Chinese. Strangely, to take classes in Chinese the department only requires a proficiency certificate equivalent to A2 level. I attached a transcript from my last language center class (around C1), but if I get accepted I figure I ought to have a TOCFL certificate, and if I don't, I'll definitely need one to apply for programs taught entirely in Chinese later.
I registered for Band B because I think I still read too slowly for Band C, plus they only play the listening passages once and I find listening to text being read in a newscaster style (vs conversational tone) extremely challenging. (I asked a teacher once what to do about this and she said listen to more Chinese news, because even the Taiwanese news tends to have a more informal tone.) The exam is in about a month, so I need a plan of action. I had already started reviewing the word list for TOCFL 4, which is 5000 words but sometimes just the same character 4 times in a row, each with a different part of speech:
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It's been kind of torturous because it's in alphabetical order, on the other hand it's good because it gives me pause as to whether I would really be able to make the correct choice between 規定、規矩、規律 and 規則 on a fill-in-the-blank question. So far all the words are familiar except some unexpected ones on feudalism and sending telegrams, but familiar and intimate are two different things so if I don't know the precise definition immediately I've been looking it up, along with examples sentences. My current goal is to finish going through the word list, try all the previous exams available on the TOCFL site to practice timing myself, and also find some more ideal listening content (for now I could go back to the audio files for 當代中文5 that I never got through properly). I also want to look up the most commonly used 成語 because they aren't included on the word list but surely they'll appear on the exam. Ideally I should also try to do more relevant reading (news articles, perhaps), but we'll see how far I actually get with that. I think I also need to do this studying at the beginning of the day, being a great procrastinator.
My dream scenario is that Band B turns out to be a breeze and makes me confident enough to take Band C! (Edit- I know the reading/listening test is electronic and apparently adjusts itself to your level. Maybe whatever level one selects at registration is simply the one it starts with?) Realistically though, I read one anecdote online from a guy complaining that he passed HSK 6 and then only squeaked in at TOCFL 3. Hence my apprehension and need for a study plan for test taking. Anyone else taken TOCFL lately?
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jestersmonsters · 6 months
Jester's Monster AU
Part 10 (End Of Chapter 1)
Warnings(for all parts, not just this one): Blood, gore, general angst, panic attacks, violence, death, dismemberment, attempted cannibalism (from vampires & werewolves), trauma, possible bad writing (I try), and the closest thing to realistic trauma responses I can get in a tmnt monster au.
💜First - 👈Prev - C1 Art Dump👉
Donnie was on his phone in bed, looking for more info on vampires. It was hard to know what was real and what was just fiction. He was getting increasingly frustrated.... but with what Mikey had told him, he was able to kind of guess. He preferred to write it down on a notebook or something, but since he was trying to rest, he just wrote what he knew in his notes app. He'd have to make a physical copy later. He was most worried about that "withered stomach" thing Mikey had mentioned, so he was looking for more details on that. It took some digging, but this is what he found:
Vampires can eat and drink any food or drink regularly so long as they feed on blood once a week. A week without blood will cause one to be unable to stomach human food from then on this is what they call the withered stomach. If another week passes without this being resolved, then the affected vampire will go into a defensive mode, losing control of their body and attacking any blood they can smell to drink it. If they are fed in that time, then they will return to normal, but if they remain hungry for approximately four hours longer, then the withered stomach will then become permanent if the vampire does not starve to death first.
This information cleared things up for him. No more starving himself from now on, got it. Sure didn't make him feel much better, though.... He already felt sick at the thought that this had happened to him. He assumed his little outburst had come just from that he was new to all this, and his body was still weak. Maybe he'd been trying to replenish energy lost from..... dying. It scared him, though. He'd bitten Casey of all people. That guy was supposed to be tough, and yet he wasn't able to defend himself... just how strong had the vampirism made him? Normally, the idea of being so strong wouldn't scare him, but it did. Because it came with the idea of hurting his family.
As if sensing his stress, there was a knock on the door, and Leo's voice came through. "Hey Dee, can I come in?" he asked. Without answering, Donnie just clicked a remote to open the door and let him in. Then Leo just sat on the edge of his bed, hands clasped quietly. "We didn't really get a chance to talk earlier, so I thought I'd start. And you know I don't apologize often, so you can't fight me on this, but... I'm sorry. I'm sorry for not talking to you for so long. I wouldn't have minded you bringing me back to life, honestly. But the way you did it really scared me. All of it scared me. The way you looked at me with that creepy smile, all the blood, the way my body looked, all of it." he paused a moment to look at Donnie, who wasn't looking back, just staring at his phone with brows furrowed. He just sighed and kept talking. "But when you died, I think.... I understood why you looked at me that way. Because I would have done the same thing in that moment to get you back. It's still... scary.... but it felt like the only thing I could do so.... I get it." he finished. Donnie was looking at him now. He'd put his phone down, and he was just staring. His expression almost looked blank except for the slightest bit of tears brimming his eyes. Cautiously, he placed his hand on the other's.
Leon just smiled at that, understanding that it was Don's own version of an apology. "S'okay bud. I'm alright. You patched me up real good." he assured, leaning over to see what Donnie was doing. "You find anything out?" he asked. "Yeah. Just more about what my diet's gonna be like from now on." Donnie answered. "It's..... a little scary, though. I don't... I don't want to hurt anyone else." he said. To which, Leo just squeezed his hand. "Hey. I didn't get those blood bags for nothing. We're stocked up plenty! And with Raph and I around, even if you do get a little hungry, you won't get your teeth anywhere near anyone else, alright?" he assured, wearing a confident smile. But seeing Donnie was still worried, he just placed his free hand on his shell and rubbed gently. "We'll figure it out, mkay? Just get some rest. You'll be okay." he said in a quiet voice. With that, Donnie tried his best to quiet his troubled mind as he shut his eyes and drifted off to a deep sleep.
[End Of Chapter 1]
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devondespresso · 4 months
Writers 20 questions tag game!!
tagged by the beloved @eriquin 💕💗💖 i haven't been able to participate in a lot of tag games lately (as evident by this being at least a week late ahnsgdsynkd)(edit: its been way more than a week) but i still really really appreciate the tags!!
divider by @/saradika-graphics
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1. How many works do you have on AO3?
7 !! I think i still need to put one up there but i haven't yet cause i wanna edit the ending a tad
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Stranger Thingssssss, and i think its fair to say the Steve Harrington fandom specifically gdnzngxngxgn
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Sweet and Spicy (the one steddie drabble tdnydyndny), My Sunshine, I Can Only Hope Now, Never Again, and Mr. Crayola Henderson
5. Do you respond to comments?
Yes absolutely!! its usually a lot of heart emojis and keyboard smashes mixed in with my actual response zgnzgbzgnzng
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
uhhh itd probably have to be Never Again still, i usually like to lean positive with my endings, that whole love-being-alive thing, so whenever i don't its usually because the focus is a different strong emotion that'd conflict with blatant positivity.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
oo okay also hard to decide for the same reason, I'd say the ending that feels happiest is probably from either I Can Only Hope Now (the Claudia prompt) or Now That We're Alive because both go from sad to happy and hopeful for the future. My Sunshine ends on a good note but its less "aw yippee!" and more "AAAAAAAAAAAA". I like my drabbles (under 400 words) to end pretty fluffy so far, and stuff like Mr. Crayola Henderson stays a pretty consistent light and fun so I don't think the happy end hits as hard.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
no, thank god, not yet anyway
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
nopeeee tho Never Again has an E and M version it's not exactly fun enough to be smut i don't think
10. Do you write crossovers?
also nope
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
not that im aware?? I'd be pretty pissed if it was but also like. is it doing well? is it popular? 👀
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
not that im aware but i give full permission if anyone wants to
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
nope, most ive done is bounce ideas or beta, but I'd be down to try it!
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
i don't know if i have one?? just in general for stranger things i enjoy steve ships a lot. big fan of Vi and Caitlyn from Arcane but im not really in fandom for that show cause what would i change?? im very much a gen fic enjoyer and if i had to list all my fav platonic dynamics... we'd be here a while xgnzngzgn
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you will?
oh irony my cruelest adversary. a few months ago i was happy and ignorant in my haven of only one active wip. Now there's a small handful, and unless i get possesed with the same emotions i was venting in it, i fear the short Robin-centric letter style thing won't be finished soon. its decent so far but there would be a good bit of editing trying to actually articulate the feeling in a realistic way plus fitting it to Robin's first-person writing style. I don't intend to drop it but lately it just calls to me the least, but that could change
16. What are your writing strengths?
i think its a strange mix of intuition and a technical understanding of writing that works really well for the way i think. Its very broad and basically has no rules, just a understanding of how my favorite stories work, how most writing rules are really trends that tend to work better and then you can dig deeper behind a lot of them to see the *why* behind it. that plus trusting the nagging feeling that something's off makes editing my most productive stage, i can vibe check the area and then start digging dgnxnhxngxng
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
god this changes every time i revisit this draft xumxhmxmxhm this time its probably character introspection. i love writing like a movie and having character action or dialogue or setting or symbols communicate things, but putting down what the characters thinking with similar tact is soooo harddddddd and especially in angst or emotion moments, i want my readers caught in the same thought process as the pov character, i want it to feel so real that even if they never experienced the situation the characters in and even if they know logically the characters wrong, they understand. and that unfortunately involves bypassing their stance as an outside perspective on the matter, which is uhhhhh very very hard xhmznhxhnxhm
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
Depends on the intent, i think it works best when the author speaks the language themselves, and especially with stuff like asl it helps clarify the grammatic differences. I think if its a language the pov character isn't supposed to understand then "said something in x language" works better for universal immersion.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Stranger things babeyyyyyy, i actually started writing the Steve Henderson au first, tho the first drafts of chapters are very different from current ones
20. Favorite fic you've written?
MY SUNSHINE!!!!!!! i am so open about my favouritism with that one, its the most contemplative and atmospheric and emotional and its short enough that i was spending time on every word, every line to make sure it felt right and contributed to the picture i wanted. they say its more achievable (compared to long fiction) to make a perfect short story and that's what My Sunshine feels like to me, the perfect little taste of themes I'm enjoying most in writing rn, specifically with the Steve Henderson au (my second favourite fic xgnxngxgn)
i forget how many ppl im supposed to tag so im gonna do 20, no pressure ofc!! @marvel-ous-m @acasualcrossfade @pearynice @imfinereallyy @tinytalkingtina
@klausinamarink @puppy-steve @queenie-ofthe-void @eyesofshinigami @stellarspecter
@dreamwatch @lightoftheseraph @withacapitalp @findafight @hbyrde36
@vegasol @carolperkinsexgirlfriend @lingeringmirth @momotonescreaming @sourw0lfs
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easy-revenge · 2 years
we need more on the easy revenge and how himeno plays a role in aki’s development please i love her <3 give me the meta i love u thank u
the way y'all are enabling me to be insufferable on main? i love it. its me and my problematic fave against the world. buckle up.
honestly i cant believe i havent talked about easy revenge on here? its my favorite part from himeno's arc and one of my favs for aki as well. so... essay incoming.
gonna start a bit from further back and make some himeno haters mad right off the bat. himeno, in my humble (and correct) opinion, was the person who knew aki better than anyone else. and it has very little to do with how long they knew each other.
himeno knew. she knew that aki wouldn't make it. she knew since before we, as an audience, started observing this story. she knew the harsh but very realistic truth was that aki ultimately was just some guy, and i say that with the unimaginable love i have for him.
he was never special enough. he was never talented enough, strong enough and against popular belief, never driven enough either to kill the gun devil. he gave away his lifespan, he put his life on the line for others every day. he offered to use his sword to save denji, whom he allegedly despised at the time. that's not the behavior of someone who lives for a singular, selfish purpose.
himeno saw him and knew. she knew that if aki was to stand against the gun devil with a sword in hand, he wouldn't make it out alive. she saw him and knew that there were other things he wanted as well.
she was also selfish about it. she wanted him alive and close to her. she wanted them to leave public safety together. she wanted to cup her hands around the dancing little flame that was his shriveling life span and protect it with her life. but selfishness aside, she knew that ultimately it would be the best case scenario for aki as well.
she was proven right. multiple times. after her death. aki admitted to not looking at himself objectively shortly after he lost her, bc he wouldn't have been able to go on otherwise. aki had always been trapped. he'd been set up to fail by the narrative and by makima all along. and even though that was something himeno couldn't know, she was proven correct again when aki died before even getting to look at the gun devil and have a chance to go down fighting.
himeno never told aki that she didn't believe in him. it wasn't something he'd ever be ready to hear, especially while she was still alive. aki wouldn't be able to live without a goal to strive for. he'd clutched at that pipe dream and held on for dear life for too long, gave up too much on his way there. he didn't know how to exist without a finish line to run towards.
but himeno saw him stick gum to a woman's coat for her. she saw him being happy about it. she saw him taking care of power and denji, even though he was aki hayakawa, the devil hunter who hated devils the most. she saw him stare longingly at makima. she felt his breath against her own face as they shared cigarettes.
it rly isnt that hard to see, if u care enough to look. and himeno cared more than enough. aki thought he wanted revenge. it takes a lot of hate in a man's soul to dedicate his life to that. aki was kind. aki cried for his co-workers' deaths. aki wanted to be the big brother he never got to be. he wanted the family he lost. he wanted to save people from things similar to what he went through.
aki deserved to lead a life where his kindness wouldn't put him at a disadvantage.
and that's what himeno wanted for him. even if it wasn't a life he would live by her side, she wanted him to be fulfilled. with her dying breath, she herself left him with a wish he could make come true.
later she'd leave him with a wish he'd at least try to.
easy revenge. small victories. moments of fulfillment. she probably put that cigarette upside down in the packet she died with, for good luck. it's such an honest wish. such a caring one. maybe something himeno would've lived by too if she didn't find her brief fulfilment in addiction.
it seems utterly pointless now. bc aki did die in the hands of the gun devil. he didn't get to protect denji and power. he didn't get to protect angel either. he failed in every way a man can fail bc he didn't escape the narrative. would never have been able to.
personally though, i dont think he would've gotten as close as he did to taking something back if it wasn't for that cigarette. if it wasn't for the remnants of himeno, the mere essence of her having the power to give it to him before dying alongside ghost.
bc he did get a family. he got to be an older brother again. he gave two months he couldn't really spare to save a devil. took the same devil out to eat with him.
he ASKED to leave the gun devil mission to protect his family. to not lose anyone else the way he lost himeno. to not see another loved one of his go in the little time he had left.
he did everything in his power to honor both of himeno's dying wishes. he cried for her when she died and got his easy revenge. at least as much of it as he could.
to me, himeno was vital to aki's development and storyline, both alive and in death. aki deserved a person to know him. to see him. and himeno wasn't perfect, but she was that for him, even if it took him a bit too long to fully realize.
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elvain · 5 months
MK's Moves: April Wrap-Up
hi all! here's a little check-in/update for my writing during the month of april. :) i had a really wordy month, and all the support i have received has been near and dear to my heart. thank you very much.
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Chaptered Fics:
At The Heart Of Time: 13/42 chapters posted. as always, this fic is one of my biggest priorities in terms of my writing this year. i'm getting a start on chapter 18-20 during the month of may.
Forged In Amber: 4/28 chapters posted. my beloved amnesia fic has been so much fun for me to write! during the month of april, i was able to get up to chapter 10 in my writing.
A Semblance of my Soul: 4/11 chapters posted. this fic is absolutely self-indulgent and serves no real purpose beyond being silly :3 i bumped it up from 8 chapters to 11 and i'm hoping to get this fic finished this summer.
You, Me, and the Multiverse, Too: 2/20 chapters posted. i finally got to post my alison blare/jennifer walters fic! i've worked really, really hard on outlining + worldbuilding for this fic and i am really excited to share it.
Performance of the Dead: 6/6 chapters posted. i wrote and completed this fic for namor week, 2024! it follows a series of journal excerpts that give insights into key moments of namor's life.
silver streams / golden hearts: 2.5k words. i finally made good on my promises and wrote some idril/tuor. the experts call this one "smut with gravitas"
Ride Out In The Country: 2.4k. inspired by my friend rhov's eomer/lothiriel fanart, i wrote some flirty banter ft. firefoot with an attitude.
Mutual In Divine Love: 4.1k words. this arwen/eowyn fic was written for a couple of members of my tolkien discord server. i'm super proud of this one. :)
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Goals for May:
You, Me, and the Multiverse, Too - complete 10 of 20 chapters. reaching the halfway mark on this fic would be a dream come true! currently sitting at 6/20.
At The Heart Of Time - complete chapters 18, 19, and 20. a heavier fic means heavier writing so i'm trying to stay realistic about this one. currently sitting at 17/20 chapters.
[UNDECIDED ONE-SHOT] - i'm going to try to limit myself to only posting ONE one-shot this month in order to focus more on my ongoing works. we will see if i make it...
Special Announcement:
in april, my best friends and i launched a brand new fanfic network for marvel comics - excelsiorfics! please take a moment to explore the blog i linked. this network is a labour of love and passion for the community and the team is super excited for what's to come. :)
as always, my askbox is open for any and all questions/comments about my writing. i would love the chance to open up some more about this stuff. :)
-> NOTE: if anyone would like to be added or removed to my taglist, please give me a shout. i have 2 separate taglists for the 2 fandoms i write for and you are welcome to ask to be added to either/both. <3
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