#without further ado i'm watching the first ep rIGHT NOW
the-pjo-analyst · 9 months
The Lightning Thief Summary
Here I was thinking I'd finish editing this today and still have plenty of time before the show airs and then they release the episodes early sjkdfhsdkfh
Anyway over a year later and it's done! Thank you for everyone who's been patient with my posts despite taking so long to finish. I'll put a pause on my book analyses so I can focus on reading the Trials of Apollo (I never finished the series,,,,,) so I can finally read all the new content we got this year! Maybe I'll make live posts as I read 👀 I kinda want to make posts about the tv show when it airs too.... we'll see :D
Until then, here's a summary of the first book:
The concept of home In terms of a physical place, Camp Half-Blood is the biggest example of this, as a sanctuary for demigods who struggle to survive and fit in in the regular world. I find it interesting how in every book something threatens the existence of CHB as a safe place. In this case it's something small, the hellhound that Luke brought in. Luke even says he did it so Chiron would believe camp wasn't safe and send Percy off on a quest. Each threat progressively gets worse, which forces the demigods to go on quests to either directly or indirectly save/help their home. There's also people as a place to call home, like how Sally is to Percy. Funny enough the motif of demigods going on quests to protect their home also applies to here because Percy doesn't accept his quest to save CHB, he does it to save his mom, the only person at that point he felt at home with. Because brain is hardwired to think about percabeth all the time I'll put this out in the open: Percy and Annabeth stand on opposite ends of the "what is home" spectrum at the beginning, Percy's being a person and Annabeth's being a place, and then they kinda switch with Percy finding a home at CHB and Annabeth learning to call her mortal family home. But haha psyche it's actually them growing to call each other home. Like when Percy is on the fence whether to stay at camp for the year or not, a major reason he decides against it is bc Annabeth won't be there. And then Annabeth would never have considered living with her dad again is Percy didn't encourage her.
Supporting others and having support from loved ones This pops up a lot in the book and it's an important driving force for a lot of the characters: Percy having a loving mother, the trio having each other's backs throughout their quest, the trio supporting each other's goals, even Poseidon watching over Percy. When they're at their lowest, when they think about giving up, they all had someone who picked them back up, someone who eased the pain a little, and that helped them keep going and lift them up. On the topic of Percy vs Luke, this is a major point that distinguishes the two as heroes. Percy has a support system that he can fall back to when he makes mistakes or bad things happen to him while Luke doesn't, not really. Although it's hard to tell from Percy's pov whether Luke had any close friends or not, it doesn't seem like he had anyone to confide in (at least after Thalia). He's left to stew in his negative emotions, another reason why he was so easy to be manipulated.
Identity Maybe too early to really talk about this, but the first book introduces this idea of how characters identify themselves, and especially who they identify with. Demigods being categorized demigods by their godly parent and also them choosing whether to identify by that or not. On the flip side, demigods feeling lost or not seen when they either aren't claimed or don't have a cabin to truly call theirs. There's also Annabeth who practically grew up in this system and internalized it, and came to find there's more to the world than just who your godly parent is. And Percy on the opposite side again lmao, who considers himself Sally Jackson's son first and foremost, and then learns to accept Poseidon in his life in whatever form it entails.
Worship of the gods and broken systems Probably the most important theme to the plot line of the series. I talked a lot about this in terms of Percy vs Luke for my ch 21 and 22 posts, essentially how demigods' over-reliance on the gods breeds a flawed and defective system. A subtheme for this is the gods and responsibility: who gets blamed for the actions of the gods? are the gods obligated to claim and acknowledge their children? I think what makes Percy the perfect Child of the Prophecy is that he has never relied on the gods as omniscient and almighty beings to give him what he needs, he instead relies on his own power, and that allows him to work with the gods to create change in future books. He never had a moment where he worshiped the gods and also never had a moment of disillusionment bc he was immediately thrust into a situation that revealed out broken the system was as soon as he was brought into the world of immortals. He sees the gods and their world as they are, both the good and the bad.
Percy: I'll just summarize his core qualities since I talk too much about this kid 😂: Percy is strong-minded and doesn’t back down easily, he has high integrity, he’s incredibly loyal to his friends and stands up for them, he heavily relies on his instincts and is impulsive, he's also very street-smart! he's impertinent lol and doesn't take well to authority if he feels it isn’t deserving or fair, he loves loves loves his mom, he always fights to protect, he has an incredibly low self-esteem and desires others to see beyond the trouble that follows him, he doesn't like "bothering" people with his problems. His sass and spite probably formed as a defense mechanism against his low self-esteem and the abusive environment he grew up in. It's interesting reading the book while fully looking at Percy's characteristics in terms of how growing up with Gabe affected him. For example, if he had a stable home, would his self esteem be as low as it is?
This pops up at the end and becomes hugely important in the later books, but Percy tends to take on responsibilities way too personally and they tend to become fixations. After Luke's betrayal, Percy is like I have to go find him and I can't just sit around while Luke is planning to destroy the world. He's like,,,, proactive to a fault.
Traits he probably gets as a child of Poseidon bc I love discussions that try to pinpoint this: the inability regulate strong emotions, like his temper; his brooding expression that gives him the air of a troublemaker and loose canon; his difficultly in following the rules; obv his love of beaches too.
Annabeth: As I've said before, Annabeth makes a good foil for Percy as the logical and book-smart person to Percy's heavy emotions and instincts. She's introduced as someone who's opposing to Percy in almost every way: someone who's entire world is her godly parent and the immortal world, who relies on her brain first before anything else, who's a bit manipulative, who's very confident in her abilities. But they also have some similarities: where Annabeth has faced lots of abandonment and Percy has faced a lot of rejection, and from these experiences they both have come to desire acknowledgement of their worth and the good in them. And they come to find these things in each other. It's also important to note how they learn from one another on their quest, like Percy starting to form strategies in his battles and Annabeth finding that the immortal world isn't everything.
Annabeth's aspirations and fatal flaw are very much tied together, since she's learned growing up that she can only rely on herself to do things right, plus having incredible pride as a child of Athena, led to her developing hubris. And it goes hand-in-hand with her desire for something permanent since she's never had something stable prior to arriving at camp. Her dream to be an architect allows her to both create something that will last eternity and make her stamp on the world.
Grover: The growth for Grover is a little less prominent compared to Percy and Annabeth. He's introduced as being meek with low-confidence but he has Big Dreams for that Tiny Body. It's really because he has Percy and Annabeth that he's able to grow and gain more confidence in himself, without them his aspirations would just be a pipe dream (I'm sorry I made an accidental pun lol). Grover rises to the occasion because he has people who believe in him and frequently tell him so and he also wants to meet those expectations. And that support takes physical form at the end of the book, both with Grover gaining his searcher license and him getting a growth spurt. You can see with your eyes how much he's matured, filling into the shoes of the person he wants to be in a literal sense.
Luke: Whereas Annabeth is different from Percy in every way but the ones that really matter, Luke is similar to Percy in every aspect except ones that really matter. He's a very caring and supportive person, so much so that he takes Percy under his wing when no one else does when Percy arrives at camp. He sees a broken system in the immortal world and wants something better for demigods. And yet he's also incredibly selfish, he leans more into putting himself and his desires first before anything else. He had relied too much on the gods to fix and provide everything and becomes bitter when that doesn't happen. Despite being a source of support for others, he doesn't have that for himself. And because of these differences, Luke is way more susceptible to Kronos' influence than Percy is. Kronos can offer glory and power and self gratification, and where Percy would refuse because it goes against his morals and who he is (someone who thinks about others before himself), Luke is more likely to be swayed.
Honestly Luke seems like a "what if" in comparison to Percy. What if Percy lost his mom? What if he was left at camp when he was younger? What if Percy never found a support system? All the examples I'm thinking of boil down to Percy having a parental figure that guides him and teaches him important lessons, while Luke doesn't lmao.
There's two sides in Luke, love vs anger, kindness vs selfishness, gods vs titans, celestial bronze vs steel, and this conflict appears frequently throughout the series. I want to see what moments this conflict shows itself in the later books!
Other things to keep in mind for the series when I continue reading and other notes:
Does Percy have claustrophobia? Or does it only show up at St Louis lol
The parallels between Percy and Luke
Ways Percy and Annabeth get closer and learn from one another
[B2 Summary]
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ivy-diaries · 4 months
‎ ⁎ ‎ ‎ 𓍼 ‎ ‎ ๋ ‎ ◜ &.&. THE IVY INCIDENT S1 ep #2◞ ‎ ... ‎ ‎
˒ wc! 3k
˒ starring! Ivy Kang , Yeonjun Choi
˒ taglist! @stealanity @alixnsuperstxr @riikiblr @skz-libby @escapetheash (lmk if you wanna be added)
˒ desc! on this episode of "The Ivy Incident" ivy welcomes her husband, TXT'S Yeonjun as the first guest of the season where they talk about their relationship, wedding and much more!
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The Ivy incident intro plays and ivy is once again seated in the same place as last episode but this time, the camera is just showing her instead of the whole setting. Ivy smiles and leans in so the mic can catch her voice nice and sound.
“Hey guys!! welcome or welcome back to the Ivy incident! if you didn't know already this is a podcast where I invite my friends and close people to come on and just have a good chat for sometime! if you guys haven't done all the basics about adding this pod to your favorites and giving it a review of your choice, do it right now and putting all of that aside, let's begin!” she grins, claps her hands together and looks at the camera. The grin is somewhat a naughty one. not the kind you think… get your mind off the gutter!
She chuckles and continues, “last week for our first episode, we had no guest and it was just me and Diane in the studio by ourselves but today, we have a very exciting and probably the most requested one after I asked who I should invite here. and probably I should mention this too, this person was the most excited to be here too!” There's a deep chuckle heard in the background and Ivy looks off camera and smiles. 
“So without further ado, let's have the first guest of the season introduce themselves!” she adds on and the camera pans out and TXT's Yeonjun comes into frame with an identical mic set up as ivy. He chuckles before speaking, “hi everyone. this is tomorrow by together's yeonjun or in this scenario jen's husband and just like she mentioned, im very excited to be here” 
A few claps are heard behind the camera, probably from the couple's staff members and the couple start laughing at that. “Thank you so much for that guys, we're honored to have that kind of a welcome” she laughs and the scene cuts to a small video of yeonjun just to introduce him and a small snippet of ivy and yeonjun’s wedding video.
“So! how does it feel to be here finally? and how have you been? update us on recent life happenings!” Ivy asks her husband and smiles lovingly at him as he stares at her with the same if not more affection than her stare.  
“So the first and obvious thing is that I got married to my beautiful wife and yes, married life is so great! And other than that, we’re preparing for a comeback as a group and for a tour if i can say that yet… and that has been hectic but it's fun to be back with the boys after a while.” he answers ivy with a smile. 
She smiles in return, “That's so nice to hear! Although it's not fun to watch you come home late and tired, it's nice to hear you're having fun with the guys! So we got a lot of questions from moas, soleils and the viewers of this pod who have subscribed to the email newsletter. There were a lot of repeated questions, I heard.. So we’re gonna do the ones that were frequently asked! Are you ready to begin this husband?” she asks him and smiles at him (for the millionth time) 
“Yup! I was born ready! Also, I love it when you call me your husband if I'm being honest.” he answers and gives her a lovesick smile which makes her giggle in return. 
“Okay! First question! This is too funny to not read it verbatim oh my god! It says, What was the man's first impression of Ivy? “ ivy reads it and laughs 
“Not the yeonjun slander again oh my god” yeonjun says and laughs with her but stops laughing eventually to answer the question 
“I think at first, I was just intimidated by her sheer talent and the fact that she was a senior. Like if we go back to the beginning and before we both met each other, she had already established a name for herself at what? The age of 14, 15? To think of it now is pure insanity! Wait.. i think i’ve gone off topic here, but yea, to me she was a cool senior and even though she was younger than me, she was the most talented person i’d ever seen. When I saw her on that monthly evaluation, I still remember the date by the way, I fell in love instantly. The way she carried herself was and is still mind blowing to me.” he concludes after yapping for a bit.
Ivy looks starstruck at his explanation and chuckles. “I knew you’d have stuff to say but I didn't know you’d say so much! And for the record, I do too remember the date of the day we first saw each other and actually it's more memorable because i had bought my polaroid camera with me that day and a few of the trainees asked me if they could take a picture with me and he was one of them and with him, we took two pictures and i took one polaroid with me and he took one with him. Mine is still in my photobook!” She tells the camera her side of the story and a few awws are heard from behind the camera and the couple just laugh.
“Okay, so I will read the next question! Who said "I love you" first? Oohh okay a classic question” yeonjun reads it off and looks at ivy
“He did. Although I felt that I loved him, it took me quite some time to say it out loud.. He said it to me when we were “cooking” ” she air quotes it and laughs “we were making a mess literally. And then we were suddenly slow dancing and then we started giggling and then through the giggles he suddenly goes oh my god i love you and i freeze. And then he realizes he's said it out loud and then he freezes but he’s quick to recover. He gives me a smile and says like it’s very true but like you don’t have to say it back just cause i've said it now.. Take your time and stuff and all of this is not going into my head” she laughs “it's just going in one ear and off the other. But like it took me a few more months to muster up the courage and finally say it. And when i did, he cried” yeonjun laughs at her words recounting the scene in his head 
The couple take a few moments to recover and then they're back with the third question. “Ooh this one’s a little spicy “Have you guys ever been caught in the act? What was your guys’ reaction?” ” she reads it out and looks at her husband.
They hold eye contact for a good 5 seconds before bursting out laughing. “Poor beomgyu has seen stuff way more times than he should've '' she says.
“But like yeah.. Like all couples, we’ve been caught doing some stuff a few times.. I mean thank god not in the middle of the act but like we’ve been caught by beomgyu i think thrice? And once by my mum and thankfully that's it.. I don’t wanna explain this any more than that since we have a lot of young viewers'' Ivy laughs before concluding
“Ok! Fourth question? “how did all your friends react when you told them you were engaged?” That is a great question cause we have footage for all of these! I filmed it and stay tuned for it guys, the wedding series will be posted soon! It's just that I'm having a hard time editing and working at the same time so I don't know how long it’ll take but I’ll try my best to finish them asap! But anyways back to the question..” 
“Okay for starters, they were really happy but they were all really reactions” yeonjun says and Ivy laughs remembering them. 
“To start with the boys, they were all very happy for us and you know since they’ve been with us ever since we started dating, they know everything that went down, they kept saying that we really belonged to each other and made each other the better version of ourselves. It was really nice to hear it actually” ivy says and yeonjun nods agreeing. 
“To say I received threats from all of her friends is an understatement. And to make matters worse, they're my friends too.” Ivy laughs at his words. 
“The pandora girlies were mostly really happy for us although some of them pretended to have a sob party over this” ivy laughs. 
“Lua, obviously, was very sweet about it, she congratulated us and wished us the best as always.. Jeongie however, was the one we were all looking out for you know, since i’ve known her for a pretty long time, and as i expected, she teared up making a few of us tear up as well.” she laughs at the memory. 
“The funny thing is, me and her were like hugging each other and crying and like that was it, and the next day i hear beomgyu going like “yeonjun hyung is gonna sleep with both eyes open cuz he made jeongie cry” and the even funny part is enha didn't even know why she cried but was like “hyung what did you do” and the whole time i was just on the floor laughing” ivy laughs. 
“My misery is so funny isn't it?” yeonjun asks and laughs “oh that wasn't even the bad ones, just you wait” he says looking directly into the camera making everyone laugh.
“Rin went absolutely wild. She was jumping, screaming one second and the next she was like all serious and was like “omg what would happen to your careers and stuff” and we had to remind her that like the public would not be mad if we got married but would absolutely come for our throats if we didn’t and then she was back to being unhinged and took like a million pictures of my ring in a million different angles.” ivy laughed and showed the camera her ring
“Can i just tell you how offended she got because i didn’t ask her for jens hand and like her opinion of the ring? She was out for my throat. And at one point she tried to drunk fight me.. Like actually throw hands and i'm not gonna like i was terrified” yeonjun says making everyone laugh 
“She threw me a party for like my promotion to fiance from girlfriend where she was just asking me every single detail of the proposal” ivy laughs
“Inka had almost the same reaction, she pushed me away to give jen a hug, again, threatened me with a "if you hurt her i'll kill you" look but to my surprise, by the end of it, she teared up and like genuinely congratulated us” yeonjun says smiling 
“The others were all really happy and like gave us the biggest hugs and like you could tell they were all really happy for us by their reactions.” Ivy says. 
“Okay, next question, what is this the fifth question? “Who first brought up the option of marriage? Was it an easy topic?” that's a great question”
“Hmmm… the first time I think we ever brought up marriage was when we were stuck in lockdown together and had nothing better to do..” ivy laughs “we had both agreed we were not ready yet and would wait a year or two more to even get engaged and that timeline worked perfectly i guess.. But surprisingly every now and then I get a few comments from people that I got married too young? I mean relatively i am young but i was not too young when i got married so i don't really understand their point” ivy says and yeonjun nods. 
“Next question, this question is really interesting “What made Ivy and and yeonjun realize that they're in love with each other and what was their big 'oh I want to marry this person' moment???” ” ivy reads of the question 
“Okay i’ll go first.. I think my big moment was, this is kinda bad if i say it out loud oh my god” yeonjun laughs but continues nonetheless and ivy just gives him a raised eyebrow
“This was on our second anniversary.. I had big plans for us not gonna lie.. Even if I think about it now, the eighteen year old me had some rizz.. So naturally I was very excited, but when I went to pick Jen up, she was as sick as sick could get. She was throwing up and stuff and I could not just stand there and watch it happen. I threw off my blazer - yes I wore a blazer.. I spent the night taking care of her and I actually liked it.. Like it made me realize that I'd give up on anything to make sure she was okay and I think that's when I realized I wanted to spend my life with her” he concludes with a soft smile. 
Ivy is seen with a smile and glossy eyes and she laughs when a few staff point it out. “I know this because he mentioned it when he was drunk once and I sobbed over it. But it never fails to make me tear up. Uhm.. it's kinda funny because my realization is the morning after this” ivy laughs as she dabs her eyes with a tissue her husband handed her. 
“I woke up the next morning and was obviously a lot better and just saw him on the side of my bed sitting on a stool sleeping.. And like for a moment i was very surprised and then it hit me that like i was sick on our anniversary and had ruined it… but when i looked around, i realized that he had taken care of me and i don't know how to describe this feeling but i was very grateful that he had done that for me and it was only after he left my place that day and after my schedules, i realized that i actually hated living alone and not coming home knowing he’d be there waiting or he’d come home to me as well.. Does that make any sense? We wouldn't live together for two more years but still.." Ivy says and turns to yeonjun and gives him a loving smile. 
“Seventh question! “Have you guys ever thought of having a family?” oohhh” yeonjun reads it and looks at ivy
“We have but not anytime soon…. I’d love to have a family one day but not now because truthfully i think we’re both doing really well career wise and we have a few more things we want to accomplish before you know, taking it slow and have a baby.. Plus, we’ve talked about it and we don't want to raise our child in the city because as much as i love the city vibes, it’s not my ideal place to start a family if it makes any sense” ivy replies
“Everything Jen said and like at the end of the day, it’s her body and just like Rachel Green said, no uterus no opinion.” yeonjun says and the staff bursts laughing. 
“Third to last question!! “Who cooks and who washes the dishes?” these questions are freaking everywhere omg” ivy laughs 
“Well it depends on who gets home first! If I get home first, I cook or if he does, he cooks! It's simple in the choi household!” ivy smiles 
“Second to last! “Who's the closest to their in-laws?” That is a good question isn't it?” yeonjun says. 
“Well we’re both very close to each other’s families so I wouldn't really compare who's closer.. But jun is very close to my brother cuz they're the same age and they match each others vibes and i’m pretty close to his mother and i'm so thankful for this but like she makes me vegetarian friendly dishes of like actual korean dishes so i can eat them too and it's soo sweet of her and i love her for it” she says giving the camera a hand heart knowing her mother-in-law watches her videos. 
“Last question “what were your vows? And how was your wedding day” oh no..” ivy laughs as she reads the question. 
“Okay we’re not gonna answer this right now because we have a video of it but we’ll give you like little insights of it” she says 
“I wrote stuff about our past and what we promised each other when we were young.. I mean we were and still are pretty young but we were just kids when we started dating. I mean she was 16, I was 17… and I mean we are still just 24 and 25 but we were literally just kids when we met and we had so many dreams and things we wanted to achieve individually and together and I think we are doing pretty fine compared to what we started..” yeonjun says smiling 
“I mean it was really emotional and we made almost everyone cry hearing it and we still cried looking at the video when we got it back from our photographer.. I’d say we had a pretty normal wedding for people who work in this industry. Because we had like a few ceremonies” ivy laughs 
“The first, we had it in Paris where we had a little private wedding and then we came back to korea and had, not a wedding but we had like a reception or a large dinner party you could say because most of our friends and jun’s family lives in korea. And then we had our final ceremony in the US because most of my family lives there. The one in Korea was somewhat public but the other two were not and I'm really thankful for it if I'm being honest. Because we know how some people are from just seeing airport footage of idols these days. So like I was saying.. Am I yapping now?” Ivy asked and it made yeonjun laugh. 
“No no you're fine go on” yeonjun laughs 
“As I was saying.. We had a really fun time at our wedding! Our vows were really emotional as we were saying in the beginning. I’ll try and tell you guys what they were because i don't think we have them right now” ivy looks at her husband and he nods in agreement. 
“So yea I guess that answers the question.. I don't even know what I said.. I think i was yapping mostly so im very sorry for that” she laughs 
“But that concludes today’s episode!” yeonjun groans at her words “he doesn’t wanna go home.. But please tell us your thoughts about how you felt today!” ivy laughs 
“I had soo much fun today.. I mean I always have the best time when you're around so this was the usual.. Okay okay i’ll stop flirting!” he laughs as ivy threatens to throw a pillow at him. “As I was saying, I had soo much fun and I hope I can come back one day! Thank you so much for having me here and this has been tomorrow by together’s yeonjun so far! Thank you!” he says and everyone claps
“That's it for this episode and I hope you guys enjoyed today where i had a great time talking with yeonjun and stay tuned for the upcoming episodes and this has been ivy so far and thank you for listening to the ivy incident! Have a great day or good night!! Byee!!” Ivy and yeonjun wave and the outro plays with clips of Ivy being cute throughout the episode.
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˒ priya talks! the edit of the cover is not mine!! credits to the creator and pinterest where I found it!! if you've read this far, cuz this is pretty long, reblog with a 🧸!! let me know who you guys want to see next on the episode!! love ya!!
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magadauthan · 5 months
Ep 26: Under the Sky So Blue
Thank you to the @trigun98watchparty for making this possible, and to all of you who have been reading along with me to this point. It's been a great trip down memory lane and getting acquainted or re-acquainted with other '98 fans who watched the first Trigun and loved it despite its flaws.
Also big thank you to those who engaged in meta, especially @tiggymalvern! Finding you again was the nicest surprise of all!
Without further ado, I am plant-ing (HARF) my tongue firmly in cheek for the intro to this recap.
Knives. We need to talk.
You have spent the last 130 years working on becoming the most basic bitch on NML, and you've done a good job. You couldn't be any blonder or blue-eyed. You have (had) a loyal second-in-command who did all your dirty work for you so you didn't have to get your hair mussed. You have a Squad who secretly hates you but sticks around because they want to be on the right side of things if you win out. And you have a silly-looking pair of boots.
It's also well known that you are the Beverage Boy of NML. On your desk (which is sitting in front of a big loopy wall art stating "Live, Laugh, Murder Everyone") and next to the "Universe's #1 Brother" mug you bought yourself is a canvas frame that says "But first, coffee." You probably killed everyone else at Target so you could get the latest Stanley.
But Knives. Knives. The wine? That's a red you're drinking. Red wine doesn't get chilled. It should be decanted and served at room temperature. Plus, basic bitches drink rosé, or a white zinfandel. To make your declassé behavior worse, you're drinking it out of a martini glass. If you're going to have a Cosmo, have a Cosmo. It's no shame. But really - how are you going to claim that you're a superior breed if you don't know such simple rules of etiquette?
Get a grip, Beverage Boy.
--Aw, baby Vash.
--I wonder whether the twins need to eat and drink, or whether it's just easier for them if they do.
--You know, Knives, humans wouldn't have had to rely so heavily on the Plants if you hadn't crashed the ships. Ofc he didn't intend to have anyone survive besides himself and Vash, which sounds pretty boring. What were the two of you going to do for all eternity?
--Was Knives working on the guns before the ship crashed, and that's what he went in to find?
--I remember seeing somewhere that the little cartridge above the barrel of the Long Colts is a teeny Plant, or Plant-stuff. Anyone else recall this?
--NOW who's the big whiny baby, Knives? (my leg, it hurts! Why?)
--That must be a very young Doc on the ship. Although, there's nothing to say that a year on NML is the same as a year on Earth. It would be more surprising if it was, rather than it wasn't.
--LOL William Conrad (aka Revnunt Buskus) is from Cleveland, Ohio
--No but seriously, how did Knives get himself and Vash's severed arm out of July after getting blasted to smithereens?
--"Hi Knives! Living as a human was great! Congratulations bro, I am done with your shit!"
--Vash kept quite a few of Leonov's wires. They've come in handy.
--Knives has learned Vash's physical tricks well enough to keep up with him... and Vash has finally figured out how to control his Plant powers well enough to cancel his brother out. (Tristamp really nailed this; their battle in the final ep was fantastic)
--Vash is worn out. Not only has he been shot through the shoulder by his brother, he's likely not completely healed from the encounter with Legato.
--Even in death, WW is looking after his friend and kicking his ass to do something, damnit! I'm right here to help you!
--The peppering Knives got from the Punisher likely wouldn't have been enough to put Vash off, but Knives has never been able to handle physical pain. Vash remembers this very well and takes excellent advantage of it.
--that boy has jawlines for days
--A blast from the well, the cauldron of Rebirth. Vash is reborn to be his own person, to make the right choices for himself and his conscience, rather than for her memory.
Which is what every mother wants for her son. I should know.
--go get your man, Meryl, he won't keep you waiting. if he did you'd go find him anyway.
--Vash leaves his coat, his gun... and his sunglasses. He's done hiding behind them. He doesn't need to anymore.
--This would have been the ending scene, for most anime. Anyone who watches anime gets used to the vague ending, the things left unsaid, and the ambiguity. There's rarely a "happy ending" the way Westerners think of them. Vash could have wandered off into the sunset, leaving the viewer to wonder whether he ever saw Milly and Meryl again. That's pretty normal.
And then there's Trigun, which takes that expected ambiguity and says "nah, we're not done."
Vash comes back to town. He's made his choice to accept the girls into his life, of his own volition, and he's going to let them make their own choices about having him (and his brother) in their lives. There would be an awful lot to sort out, but he wants to try.
This is the very next scene. Don't tell me otherwise; I don't want to hear it. (credit: doujinshi circle Nail Cut Club; title Meteo Strike).
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I have Big Thoughts about what could happen after this, and of course a fanfic, but my cat wants me to go to bed now. She's being very persistent.
Thanks to all of you who read this far. You're the best, and I love you all! And talk to me, I like hearing from ppl!
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fixinglitg · 11 months
Disclaimer: This involves some controversial opinions. Mainly because I know how much my opinion differs from others, and sometimes this fanbase (mostly on Reddit naturally) handles others opinions not so well when it's about their favourite character/LI.
Also, this is the one of the last posts I make before continuing my "fixing bi women" series thing I'm trying to do. It'a taking a lot longer than I thought so I just wanted to add in some filler posts so people don't think I just disappeared (if I do stop posting, I'll let yous know, don't worry)
Without further ado, and with that disclaimer in mind, continue to read if you wish!
So I've done multiple tier lists over the years, however I decided to make a fresh one after deciding that I really wanted to put the characters into more specific categories. And name those categories accordingly so that people can at least get an understanding as to why they're there for me (apart from the last one but I have an explanation for that). For each category, I'll give a few examples as to why I've chosen them in that category, but I won't do that for everyone as it'd take a very long time and my fingers can't deal with all that typing conatantly.
Note: if you'd like to hear a reason why I like/dislike a character and I haven't stated it, I'll gladly answer when I can!
SO let's begin!
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This should be pretty self explanatory. I love the character that much that if they were real and my actual partner, I'd 100% marry them. And here are a couple reasons why I like specific characters:
Levi: So I genuinely think Levi is one of my favourite male LI's of all time. And I like him more than Mason because of the differences in cherrygate. If you get Levi for cherrygate, he acts more sorry for it than Mason does. He looks like he genuinely actually regrets it, and doesn't really try to push the blame elsewhere. On top of that, if you don't get him during cherrygate, he acts like a sassy little bitch towards Mason and it's so cute to watch. And I just really like his character in general. So much that I might actually continue playing S1 for him.
Gary: Now I'm pretty sure Gary is the canon LI for S2, and I'd have to agree with their choice. I like the fact that you can just go around and continue seeing him even if you're not together. And the secret kiss in the gym? That is literally the one and only time I've ever allowed my LI to do that, because I'm all about loyalty but that man was something else. On top of that, I just feel like him and MC have serious chemistry. Like proper serious chem.
Angie: I mean, come on. Angie felt like the first real friends to lovers route for me. I often choose the wlw routes when possible, so just getting her right at the end was so satisfying. Now I am a little disappointed that we didn't get more episodes with her as our LI, but her character development? Literally fantastic. And that's what I love, y'know? I know some people are really impatient and don't like it when the slow burn route is only completed right at the end, but like- I'm in love. The way she questions MC and her experiences with other women, the way she opens up to you and lets you see her, and the roof terrace scene on like- Ep 39? My absolute favourite from the new app.
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This one is also self explanatory. These are marriage material too, but since the people in the category above exist, I can't marry these lot :(
BUT, I still they are worthy enough to marry. Now I know the only controversial ones will probably be Gabi and Finn, but come on. Apart from Lulu, they were literally the best LIs from S5.
Finn: Even though this man is always like "I like you" and then runs back to Kat, that's basically that season in a nutshell. But there's just something charming about Finn. Is it the Irish accent I imagine when he speaks? Is it the fact that he defended MC even though literally barely anyone else did because that season was the bully MC season? Is it the red flags? But in all seriousness, I just think he is genuinely the best out of the worst, and he'd probably improve a lot once they've left the villa. I don't think having Kat on his back was helpful at the end when you finally get to couple up with him.
Gabi: I mean, so many people dislike this woman but I don't get why? You have to be reasonable to like Gabi. See, the way I see it is that Gabi doesn't really know about MC for a while. I can't remember if she actually does know much about MC and her role in Suresh's life before she enters villa so this part may be a load of shit, but bear with me for a moment. If you've got a guy sleeping round your house, and you find a ring, you'd assume it's for you, right? And then he disappears and you see another woman in his life (I imagine that's when Gabi really finds out about MC) you'd think she's the other woman. I don't think she really paid much attention after that. And when you really think about it, if Gabi didn't have her "tantrum" as people call it, when would we have actually found out about Suresh wanting to marry MC? Either way, I just like her character, and I think she's cool enough for a ring on that finger.
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So this one is BF/GF material characters. People that I haven't really thought about marrying, and I don't know if I would, but people that I'm into nonetheless. To be honest, I don't really think many of these need explaining, but if you want to know my reasoning behind Bill, go check out u/SoundNo3485 they're really awesome and I've seen them post a lot about Kassam, Bill, and now for S7 Rafael. So yeah, just click that name and you'll be sent right to their Reddit page!
Note: since there's a 10 image limit, I had to leave these two together.
This one (the second category in the picture) is basically the last one, but we'd end up breaking up in the end. Now I know that the only one gonna be questioned is Felix, so I'll explain.
Felix: When you put aside his really horrible social cues, his terrible attempts at seducing women, and his kinda weird behaviour, he's actually a cute LI. Just like with Jakub, he'll actually have sweet moments with your LI, and he also has some unique dialogue when you bring the boys back from CA (which there is some of for each of them, but not a lot really). Overall, he still shivers my timbers sometimes, but once I can get past that, he's kinda cute. And he's not even that horrible looking, I think he just needs a beard. But then again, he's only 21 so I can't expect that.
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So for these lot, I don't have feelings for or my feelings are so weak that were just best friends babe. I mean, six out of the twelve I picked are undatable anyways, so can you really be surprised?
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These people I like a little to consider them as a friend, but I wouldn't want to class them as anything more because I can't see them as anything more. Now you might be wondering why Blake is there. And I am too, she's a bit of a bitch tbh. But at the same time, I really like her?? I'm not even sure I can give you lot an explanation as to why I like her. If she was an OG, I'd imagine we'd be friends.
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Yep. Now we're getting to the characters I don't really like. It's not that I don't like these characters, I just don't feel anything towards them, or can't remember them, or literally don't care for them. Like at all. I guess the best would have to be Jen but I literally have zero reasons as to why.
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I do not like these characters at all. Now these are pretty simple explanations to the point where I don't even think I need that much to explain why. Apart from Hannah, but I'll get to her.
Cherry: Started cherrygate and this woman is so odd sometimes. And her sad (like very sad) expression looks constipated.
Miles/Jasper: Genuinely, how could you actually like either of them? I mean, Miles is definitely more attractive, but even their names suck ass imo ofc (no offense to anyone with those names I'll just associate you with these two from now on)
Mason: Literally the biggest asshole once cherrygate starts. This man is so immature about it unlike Levi. And I swear to god this man blames you or someone else rather than taking the blame?? Frustrated me to no end.
Lexi: I mean, she made S4 at the start interesting, but I just found her kinda annoying? Would be a cool enemy to lovers, but as she is I have no likings to her.
Grace: Oh how I wish I could like her. But since my first route was with Ozzy, she was just this delulu woman who couldn't seem to grasp the fact that Ozzy likes MC. And even off his route when Ozzy likes MC, but MC doesn't, she still tries to pretend Ozzy and her are a good match. You're just not babe. You're the NOPE of S6.
Marshall: I mean, come on. I can't date my first LIs twin brother, that's fucking weird. Yet he definitely deserves better than Ratmelia. Though, that doesn't mean I like him whatsoever.
Hamish: I'm sorry, this man is just a walking ick, that's all I can say.
Hannah: Now, Hannah before she left would've been WAYYY higher. But R!Hannah? No, just no. You shouldn't change yourself just to get people to like you more. And you don't have to fake stuff like confidence (at least my headcannon is she faked it) to be liked. If you're trying to get with someone, changing yourself just for them is toxic in multiple ways. Just find someone who fucking appreciates you for you, you get me babe? Okay, rant over.
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I mean, can you really be surprised that almost the rest of the S5 cast are in this category, plus Jo? I mean, apparently Jo is nice, but she's called me a people pleaser way too many times for me to think that she's not the canon option for that statement. I mean, what the actual fuck? I'm trying to get you lot to calm the fuck down because you're acting like children, and then you go ahead and say that to me? I'm sorry, I like Rahim, but he fucked up choosing Jo over Shannon.
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I mean. I just really fucking despise these people. The only one I can at least enjoy is Dylan since he added a whole ass scene to the game, and it was fucking amazing I can't lie. I only done that after like- 3 routes though and then restarted the episode for Angie again because I ain't continuing that. It's cool how he automatically makes you get a second place if you go as far as possible with him. But yeah, other than that, I hate these all.
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Now some of you might have been wondering where these three were. Yes. They are literally the last row. Meaning the ABSOLUTE WORST.
Bobby: I'm sorry, I can understand the appeal, but I just can never get behind it. I hate how he basically acts childish throughout the whole thing (and I mean, I love some childish people, but this man was hitting all the wrong spots). And he literally looks more concerned by Lottie and "oh poor Lottie, I'm sure Gary will come back" meanwhile Gary is in the hideout with MC giving her the time of her life. And then it's like "Poor Priya y'know" BRO YOU THREW THE POOR WOMAN UNDER THE BUS IMMEDIATELY. I just felt like, when I attempted his route for the first time since I've matured, that he's too concerned by other people. Not ONCE do I remember him comforting MC first. And then the nail on the coffin was the fact that he chose Hope over Priya. I love Hope, and I really wished she coupled up with Lucas at some point instead since her and Noah were beyond toxic, but calling her the "apron to his gloves" or some shit like that was beyond infuriating.
Noah: I half explained it in the Bobby reasoning, but his man is such a fucking child?? When Hope and Priya are fighting over him, you can choose to question Noah which I do ever single fucking time, and it just shows his true colours. He basically just says it's not his fault and he's not gonna take any responsibility for it, but my guy just won't fucking pick who he likes more which wouldn't end this issue. Like oh my God, that part was so- it literally felt like the equivalent to S5. As a whole. Also, I don't find him attractive lmao.
Bruno: I mean, Bruno is literally just an IKEA Bobby. Hate his fucking looks, hate his shitty jokes, and I just hate him in general.
So now that that's over, you'll probably gain an understanding as to which characters I'm more likely to post about.
And if anyone dislikes the characters I love, or loves the characters I hate, that's okay. That's fine. I respect your opinion, just please do not start ridiculing me or telling me I'm wrong or anything like that, it does get boring after a while.
See you for the next post (god my fingers are dead) <3
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rpmemesbyarat · 3 years
RP meme from Scream Queens Ep 10 "Thanksgiving"
Listen. I don't want you to take this the wrong way, but I don't think I can bone you right now.
My wanger is way stressed out.
I've killed for our love.
I just gave her a little push.
You and I can pick up right where we left off.
You can bring me home for Thanksgiving and introduce me to my future in-laws.
What did you do with the body?
I put it in the meat locker. It's where we've been putting all the dead bodies.
I need to see the body.
Look, we can have a three-way with the body.
I'll show you the body, but not so you can have sex with it.
I'll show it to you so that you and I will share a dangerous secret that will strengthen our relationship and bring us closer together.
I don't understand how this keeps happening!
Is this meat locker, like, a wormhole to an alternate universe or something?
She'll probably stop at nothing until she gets her revenge by murdering you.
No one wants to spend a room service Thanksgiving alone.
Are you going to talk at all?
You shouldn't be mad at me.
We're the sane ones.
Now, I know you've got other plans today, and for alibi's sake we need to protect your cover, but I am not letting you leave on an empty stomach.
Is that what quail is? I thought they were bigger.
You know what I was picturing? Pheasant.
Time to slice off those breasts.
I feel like this holiday is all about family, and, well, as you know, I gave up on my real family a long time ago.
I mean, at this point, the closest thing I have to family is. . . you.
I understand that Thanksgiving is supposed to be about family and being together and thanking God that we were born rich in America and not in Uganda or Venezuela or any of those other African countries.
You're late. The game's just about to start.
What do you think would happen if those instructions were incorrect?
This family's fortune is built on being right on time.
There's nothing better than sitting together as a family, watching the game. Laughing, smiling, just enjoying the warmth of each other's company. That's what it's all about today. Togetherness.
I hate defrosted food.
Why is it called Italian Style Chicken Cacciatore? All chicken cacciatore is Italian style.
This is not what Thanksgiving is supposed to be.
A bunch of my sort-of friends have been killed and no one has asked me about it.
Oh. And I'm starting a new family tradition. It involves me never coming to any family occasions ever again.
Would you stop with the screaming?
It's more like a stay of execution until no one is looking.
I've never cooked before, but that should be fine, since I usually just pretend to eat.
Well, I can cook and eat for the both of us.
So we've decided to have an orphans Thanksgiving all together.
I mean, I guess you could come over here if you wanted.
And this year I'm so thankful for the lax indecency laws in Eastern Europe that inundate our Internet with millions of hours of hard-core porn.
You know, ever since I was a little boy, I knew what God wanted me to do and that was make money off the backs of creative people.
I am so thankful that he, for whatever reason, has not murdered me yet.
You have such a vast future ahead of you.
You'll meet so many new and different women. So many wonderful women to go out with and break up with and move on from.
You should be thankful that this table is too long for me to reach across and strangle you, bitch!
What are you doing here? How are you alive?
When I woke up and regained consciousness, I felt better than ever.
The only thing you're carrying is water weight, you bloated little tramp.
I have a little game to play that's gonna make the time fly right by.
No, I've never killed anyone as far as I know.
Okay, there is no evidence at all that mass murder is genetic.
I would say that is more than a little suspicious.
I have bathroom shame issues. I always wait until everyone is asleep and then I sneak down to poop in the little powder room downstairs.
I mean, don't we all agree that those babies are the killers?
That seems like an unnecessarily complicated cover story.
I think we have plenty here to go to the police.
What, are you drunk?
You know, the one time I call you for a little advice, you're hammered.
I suppose we should discuss the matter of payment.
I'm asking you to name your price.
Are you propositioning me?
No, I'm asking how much money it'll take to make you go away.
My family is super-gross rich.
That outfit screams desperation.
I am, however, willing to write you a check for $50,000 if you will leave now and never come back.
It's a lot of money for a family like yours.
What is the best part about Thanksgiving?
Tastes like Henry VIII just barfed in my mouth.
Well, I don't want to sound like a dick here, but have you ever considered maybe you should leave?
I brought some of my famous eight-meat stuffing. It's beef, venison, alligator, buffalo, rabbit, goat, rattlesnake and Spam. I cut all of the meats super thin, so that you're guaranteed every meat in every bite.
I thought you said you were leaving forever or something like that?
Have you ever even cracked open a book?
You did say just the other day that the only way to live is to play the long game.
I really hope you can come up with something better than that.
I can prove that you're the only person in this room we know for a fact is a murderer.
I saw you in the coffee shop the other day, reading one of your old Playgirl magazines.
Okay, look, there's just some stuff that doesn't add up.
Look, I've gone through all the suspects in my mind, and I can explain away all my suspicions for everyone except you.
Can we just talk this out, so you can help me see that I'm wrong?
I mean, it would fit in with your whole hard worker, let's find out the truth, never take no for an answer, awful personality.
Anything to redeem your beloved dead mother.
I can't rest when the killer's still out there, so I stayed behind to do some more research.
You're skinny and pretty, so that's a plus, but it's highly competitive, so you'd better be rich, too.
You know how at the beginning of the year, I was always secretly following you so I could just keep an eye on you, make sure you were safe?
I heard you talking to someone, but I couldn't hear what it was about.
Thank you for letting me talk about this, talk this out, and hear your side of the story.
Um, homely, ugly.
Gold digger! Not welcome.
No, no, too chunky to wear that outfit.
I'm fairly certain this board game's been tampered with.
And while my motivations were airtight and my conscience clear, still, I'm sorry.
I mean, no one deserves to be spoken to like that, particularly not by what is, without a doubt, the most awful family in America.
I've honestly seen more tasteful decor at a Sizzler.
And you, sir, give the kind, hard-working, deeply moral people who work in such a wonderful industry as Hollywood a bad name.
I am walking out that door and never speaking to you again.
How could such a stud evolve from a boy who was so clearly a douche?
Oh, please, look, I-I was so bombed at that party. I mean, I remember I puked while I was making out with some girl, but there is no way that I could've found my way back down there 20 minutes later, let alone 20 years.
This is really embarrassing, um, but I started the paleo diet, because I'm back on the dating scene now, and I-I wanted to lose some weight.
I never saw a body down there.
I-I was a bit of a man slut back in the day, and it was the '90s, so nobody wore condoms.
I'm obligated to take it to the police.
What are you gonna do with the money?
didn't take the money, idiot.
Okay, first of all, I experienced extreme emotional trauma this evening, and second, I'm the one delegating tasks, thank you very much.
I couldn't find any matches.
I was sharpening this knife.
You haven't eaten yet, have you? I knew it!
You've come back. You've chosen me over your awful family.
First of all, my family is awesome. How dare you?
So, without further ado, dinner is served.
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