#without it I felt like (and kinda still do) that I can't 'Ouma' the way I want to Best
jacksmusesdrv3 · 1 year
I oversimplify the tears I cry While you tear them down line by line
Okay so this song is a doozy of a thing, and it’s mostly ‘vibes related’ rather than entirely, but it really stirred some feelings in me that I wanna spill
[!SONG CW!]: (general) self harm, disordered eating, suicidal ideation (towards the end of the song), blood, strangulation
Lemme just grab a couple of caps this time. I think that should be all I need
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First says that Ouma ‘lies to entertain others’, and he likely references his experiences in the world generally. If we follow on from that, the second refers to how he plunged to the absolute limit of his sanity for his plans and, in no small part, it’s to entertain others- the people around him, presumably (though you can add the outside world watching as another layer to that...). Adding this to the gamification talk here, the idea is that Ouma could’ve been suffering for others’ gratification long before this killing game was a thing.
The difference to the song though, is that far from being open about his true feelings, Ouma covers and obfuscates them a great deal. That obfuscation is the ‘show’ he puts on- not so much the ‘open suffering for others to consume’, but the suffering he endures being a constant under the surface.
For an Ouma with this history, it’s basically the same, if he was made into a spectacle in his past. A ‘circus monster’, if you will: ‘you know nothing about me, but you’re entertained anyway, so that’s good, right? :D’
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kaito-is-baby · 4 years
Can't believe I'm asking for this o///-///o. Can I get the V3 guys the morning after doing the do with their S/O for the first time,
Of course! I find this a very cute request actually so I will try my best, enjoy it sweet anon!
I wouldn't call it NSFW but it is a little bit explicit so don't read it if you want to avoid that kind of imagines
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I am going to use any excuse to use one of my baby's sprites, get used to Kaito's face
Shuichi Saihara
•He never sleeps more than 4 hours straight so he wakes up first
•And he wakes you up with breakfast
•He wants to spoil you, he had a great moment yesterday
•And he hopes you had too
•He even asks you about it a couple of times
•If you liked what he did or if you think he can do something better next time
•And you assure him that you loved it and that he was amazing last night
•He is kinda shy so he doesn't really look straight at your eyes after what you did
•He just can't look at you without remembering your face and your moans when you... finished
•So he is blushing all the time
•And you find it very cute
•But you try to make him look at you anyways because you want to repeat what you did and he has to look at you again
Kaito Momota
•He goes for a round two just after you two wake up
•Seriously, you don't even have breakfast or anything just another session like the one from yesterday
•Even if you two are still a little tired, he doesn't care, he loved what you did and wants it again!
•So he wakes you up with a lot of kisses everywhere
•"Good morning, babe~"
•His kisses start on your cheeks and your face but soon go to your neck, your chest... you know, he keeps going down on your body
•Stopping when his face is just in front of your hips
•And then he looks at you smirking before taking your clothes again to go for his so desired round two
•"Do you have energy for another?"
•Yeah, yeah you obviously do!
Kokichi Ouma
•You try to hug your boyfriend but your arm falls onto the bed
•And then you realize that you are alone
•You open your eyes and you confirm it, there is no one at your side
•Kokichi is gone
•Where is your boyfriend?
•But he isn't there either
•You get up and go to the kitchen, maybe he is having breakfast
•Instead you find a note
•In it he... breaks up with you?
•Is this for real?
•You try to ignore the tears forming in your eyes while searching for him
•But he isn't anywhere
•So you throw yourself on the couch and spend a long time on there, sad, maybe even crying and trying to call him to talk about it
•Until your stomach hurts and you realize you haven't eaten anything yet
•With heavy feets you go to the fridge for a glass of milk
•And when you open it...
•"BOOO! You missed me S/O~?"
•You almost die on that exact moment
•"Nishishishi~ You are so stupid~ You really thought I was gonna break up with you like that? I think I even heard you cry~ how weak!"
•He tries to laugh at you but he can't move because he spent too much time on that fridge
•So when he finally admits that he can't get out you manage to set him free and you two take a hot bath together to try and bring his normal temperature back
•It's amazing how stubborn he can be, he could have died on that fridge!
•But you are glad he hasn't, even if he is an idiot you really really love him
Rantaro Amami
•This boy is soft
•He wasn't that soft last night I have to say but you liked it that way so... good for you two
•You wake up on his arms, being hugged by him
•And when he realizes you are awake he hugs you even tighter
•"Baby, come on, we have to get up"
•But he just grumbles and hides his face on your neck
•He wants to cuddle you for a while, let the boy enjoy
•He gives you a lot of kisses on your head and forehead while caressing you
•While you just giggle
•And after being like that for a while he sets you free and you two finally get up
•But not without him telling you how much he liked it and asking you if you felt the same before leaving the bed
•If you had soemthing important that morning sorry, you are going to be late
Korekiyo Shinguji
•You wake up with the scent of taditional tea
•How can it be so relaxing? The tea, the sun in your body, the soft wind that enters through the window... you couldn't feel better
•Well, yes, you could if your boyfriend was there too with you
•But he appears on the door soon
•With tea for the two of you
•"Aw, darling, you are already awake? Well, do you wnat a massage? I know a lot about exotics massages that really help relax the muscles after... an sport session like last night one"
•You chuckle and accept happily
•And once he is done with the massage you give him one too, of course
•Maybe it will lead to something more... I mean, massages are a pretty sexy thing, don't you think?
•That's all up to you two
•Well, tell me, do robots have dicks?
•I suposse yes after what you did last night
•Keebo is like Shuichi, he doesn't need a lot of sleep
•So he also prepares breakfast for you and brings it to your bed
•He is so so sweet
•And even if he is not tired at all because... he is a robot he has search enough information to know that you may be tired
•Or having some muscular pain or something like that
•So he thinks that the best thing he can do is prepare a hot relaxing bath for you
•And you accept happily, of course
•"Come on, join me on the bath, honey~"
•But he just... can't, he is too shy for that, he can't even see you naked
•"Keebo, baby, after what we did yesterday, I don't think you should worry about-"
•You really didn't think robots could blush that much, wow
•But even if you had prefered to share the bath with him you still enjoy it and appreciate the cute gesture of your boyfriend
Ryoma Hoshi
•When you wake up he is sleeping hugged onto you, with his head on your chest and snorting a little bit
•You try to wake him up but he is a very heavy sleeper
•Who would have said so? You wouldn't have believed
•But to be honest, he doesn't sleep well usually
•After all he's been through he can't be tranquil while sleeping
•But with you at his side he does manage to sleep tightly
•And maybe the fact tha he must be a little tired of yesterday also helps
•But let's ignore that fact
•You know that he likes to sleep with you and he finds difficult to sleep so you decide to not bother him and spend the morning cuddling him and playing with his hair
•Not that you care anyways, you love being with him!
Gonta Gokuhara
•I mean, your sounds didn't sound very gentle at least
•What you did yesterday wasn't very gentlemanly to say, right?
•But you liked it so he did nothing wrong, right?
•Being Ginta how he is he doesn't really understand what happened
•He just knows that he enjoyed it a lot
•And that you seemed just as pleased as him
•He asked a lot of times if it hurted you or if you liked it and that kind of things
•And you assured him that everything was alright
•Even if you couldn't move the next morning
•Because, even being Gonta the sweetie pie he is he is very like an animal on... that aspect
•And he is also very big so you probably are especially tired
•But you aren't complaining, it was totally worth it
•And once he realizes that you can't do much he does everything he can to help you
•Carrying you princess style everywhere and doing everything you ask him for
•Even if you try to explain him that you aren't that bad, you can walk and that kind of things
•You just... had never been this tired before in your life
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