#wizardess heart zett
eye-cri · 2 years
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This may be the last of this series! I know I haven't done all characters, but I'm not sure if I'll come across new "I want a baby" interactions easily. Even these ones were only found yesterday. Was gonna start a new yearly series :P
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eye-burning · 7 months
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Yes! I'm still on this! To be fair I did warn it would drag on.
Cyan Includes: Nox, Felix, Slightly Off Taffy, Cerim, Florin, Brunhild, Eress, Oberon, Saella, Zett and, Chocolate Cake
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ness-plays-wizards · 1 year
Caesar Route Chapter 12 (6-10)
Last time on the Caesar Route, everybody got very close to finally finding the Star Sapphire, and then Caesar died.
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Nevermind, he just turned into a pig, I guess. Wait, who the hell did he kiss? Apparently nobody, according to the narration.
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I guess this is supposed to clue us into Caesar becoming only an animal, not a human inside an animal, but I guess the route forgor that Liz’s special ability is literally talking to animals.
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Nevermind, it looks like the route did not forgor, although it doesn’t really make sense for her to not understand Caesar just because she’s only at half magic power. From my understanding, she could just... do that. Idk, guess it’s weird for me to expect magic to act like anything less than what is convenient for the plot, y’know?
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Slight tangent here, okay, but why the fuck is Lucious in all these CGs? Like, is it the fucking Lucious route? Wait your turn, budders. I swear, all these new routes just include fucking whoever in their CGs. Remember that one where Hiro was straddling Caesar and Liz was in the corner like she was the live slug reaction?
Ah, simpler times.
Anyway Lucious drops some previously unmentioned Baroque lore in that the curse slowly turns Baroques into pigs permanently and their spirit gets trapped in the Labyrinth, so I guess we just found out who all the shadows are. 
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Idk man this still just makes you look like a huge asshole since you didn’t help a guy who was going to turn into a literal pig just because he didn’t tell anybody about that stipulation of the curse. 
It honestly seems like the least harmless of Caesar’s lies. Sure, it’ll hurt people emotionally and it was kind of a dick move to keep it from Liz, since he claimed he was in love with her, but considering his whole thing with Zett, it’s hardly the most dangerous lie in the mix.
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So that’s the big twist of the route, I guess. Woo.
(we still have three more segments of this chapter to go)
Liz starts crying and realizes she’s in love with Caesar because reasons. She kisses the pig’s snout, but surprise! Nothing happens.
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WHY ARE YOU STILL HERE? And what the hell is everyone else doing? Are they just sitting there, watching this, without saying a single thing??
Then Zett of all people fucking shows up, claiming he can do something to help Caesar and Liz just,,,,, believes him. Without even asking questions. I mean I get it’s a dire situation, but geez..
Zett uses the Potion of Plot Convenience to somehow undo everything that just happened to Caesar and return him to human form. Liz is at first relieved to see him back to human form, then is pissed over everything he kept from her, and rightfully so tbh!
Zett gets butthurt over not getting any gratitude or attention, at which point Caesar thanks him and Zeus finally remembers how to open his mouth again (oh well, it was fun while it lasted), and everyone remembers that Zett is supposed to be imprisoned right now, which means he broke out.
Zett casually mentions that he let himself be caught (mmHM) and that it was all part of the plan. Mischa suggests that Caesar stop fucking lying, and he agrees.
Before I end today’s segment, I just want to take a moment to talk about some stuff. I know that I’m harping on Caesar a lot this route for some of his less than stellar choices, and I’ve been getting on Lucious’s case a lot, and Hugo’s bullshit is really ambiguous, and also Shithead (no other words are needed for that one). But I want to briefly talk about the main villain of these past few routes: the Day King. 
Like okay, your daughter falls in love with some dude you don’t really like. Whatevs. It’s a fictional dad rite of passage. It’s gonna happen to all of you. And I’m sure your response to it is totally normal and healthy. Oh wait, no it wasn’t. It was to throw him into a magical labyrinth and curse him to be trapped there for all eternity. And do you pay the price for that? No, of course not, the entire price had to be paid by all the descendants of the noble house that either helped you or you stole their magic, or whatever the arrangement was, because it feels like the wording keeping changing.
Anyway, fuck the Day King, all my homies hate the Day King.
Queued for June 22
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memoria-99 · 5 months
Wizardess Heart: Meaning of characters' names
Liz: God's promise
Elias: Jehovah is god, The strong lord
Luca: Bringer of light / Luciano: Light
Yukiya: Long lasting happiness
Klaus: People's victory
Randy: Shield / Serge: Guardian
Azusa: Catalpa tree
Joel: Jehovah is god, God is willing
Vincent: Conquering
Leon: Lion
Cerim: Confidence
Guy: Leader
Glenn: From the wooded valley
Leslie: Holly garden, Glorious ruler
Sigurd: Guardian of victory
Mel: Honey, Brave strength, Bald(?)
Zeus: Sky Greek god crazy for women
Hiro: Prosperous, Tolerant
Alfonse: Noble, Ready for battle
Caesar: Head of hair
Lucious: Light
Hugo: Spirit, Intellect
Hisoka: Secret, Scarlet thought poem Pedophile clown
Willem: Resolute protector
Nox: Night
Rex: King
Gray: literally Gray
Ted: God's gift
Lars: Crowned with laurel
Clive: Cliff
Florin: Flourishing
Albert: Noble and bright
Light: literally Light
Felix: Happy, Fortunate
Vain: Glad
Viggo: War
Amelia: Hardworking
Randolph: Shield wolf
Conrad: Brave counsel
Aulelia: Golden
Brunhild: Armed for battle / Eress: Wonderful
Saella: Happiness, Bliss
Claudia: Enclosure, Lame(?)
Sephira: West wind, Sapphire
Clara: Clear, Bright
Elaine: Shining light
Scarlett: Red
Augustus: Magnificent
Lacan: White
Zett: Olive
Taffy: A type of candy
Ronny: Powerful
Chica: Small young girl
Mischa: Honey, Who is like god
Hachi: Eight, Bee Japanese loyal dog
Chocolate Cake: literally Chocolate cake
Nidhogg: Curse striker
Zurvan: God of time
Shu: Warm hearted, Circuit
Leon chose a weird name considering his identity
Mel would envy Caesar
Zurvan=male ver Liz(???)
Btw Leslie and Viggo really matches the owners' character
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cinnabuncombyne · 3 months
𝐖𝐢𝐳𝐚𝐫𝐝𝐞𝐬𝐬 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭 - 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐋𝐢𝐬𝐭
Below I have the characters from the mobile game Wizardess Heart/Wizard+ below! Primary and Secondary Characters are included! Pets and other beings will be added as well! Website(s) Used: Characters | Wizardess Heart
Albert Auburne
Alfonse Goldstein
Amelia Nile
Augustus Cole
Azuza Kuze
Caesar Raphael
Cerim Laiado
Chica - Human Version
Clive Lagren
Conrad Schuyler
Elder Wing Rabbit
Elias Goldstein
Florin Arden
Glen Qing
Guy Brighton
Hiro Tachibana
Hisoka Hagakure
Hugo Peers
Joel Crawford
Klaus Goldstein
Lars Lagrene
Leslie Roseblade
Light Fildora
Liz Hart
Loran Merkulova
Luca Orlem
Lucious Duller
Mel Glover
Nox Noir
Randy March
Rex Blanc
Scarlett Quin
Sigurd Curtis
Tsukasa Kuze
Vincent Knight
Walter Goldstein
Willem V
Yukiya Reizen
Zeus Brundle
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All right, I don't really post but since you all are lacking in Zett content I drew this. This is my OC Bianca btw.
*REFERENCED ART* so don't come after me plz
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askprinceelias · 3 years
Let’s give appreciation to the non-popular guys from Wizardess heart. 
- Cerim Leiado - Guy Brighton - Azusa Kuze - Clive Lagrene - Florin Arden - Gray - Caesar Raphael - Leon - Lesile Roseblade - Lars Lagrene - Light Fildora - Mel Glover - Nox Noir - Rex Blanc - Zett
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thatwisegirl · 3 years
Wizardess heart characters and their drinks ( Last Part )
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This is the last part of the wh drink series and I would like to thank everyone who regularly liked and rebloged all my posts.
You all are amazing ❤️
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“Fancy meeting you here,” he said nonchalantly, as if we were in town and not in a forest on a hard to reach peninsula. For a moment, I wondered if I was hallucinating. But no, Zett was really here, right in front of me.
“What are you doing here?!” I demanded. “You’re not a student, are you?”
“No, I’m here doing some freelance security,” he replied. He looked weirdly proud of himself, smirking and folding his arms against his puffed-up chest.
“‘Freelance security?’” I wanted to sigh. What was he doing now? This was seriously the weirdest dude I’d ever met.
“Yeah. I’m just making sure the Academy’s secure so no weirdos get in,” he told me.
“Well, you already failed. You’re here.” I couldn’t stop myself from letting the words slip out of my mouth. But instead of getting mad, he just grinned at me.
“Oh, I’m allowed here,” he said. I really doubt it, I wanted to say, but pissing off a guy in the middle of the forest seemed like a really bad idea. “All right, I make sure my secret entrance is secure, but really, I watch out for creeps,” he added with a shrug.
“Is that a problem?” I asked. All right. I could bite for a moment.
“Well, yeah. You got a private school full of privileged rich kids and a lot of them either come from real old money or their parents are celebrities. And also, you know the kind of parents that send their kids to private school,” he said with accusatory eyes and a bitter note in his voice. I wouldn’t lie, that stung a bit.
“No, I wouldn’t, actually. I was home-schooled until now, and I’m an orphan” I told him. I wanted to add, “Are you happy now?” but the smirk slid off his face in an instant and there was something… strange in his eyes. Was that worry?
“Shit, are you also a part of that whack job cult – I mean, are you a part of Kristina’s church?” Zett quickly caught himself. I raised an eyebrow.
“Kristina? The waitress?” I searched my mind for the night we met. She had a brother here, doesn’t she? I don’t think I’ve met him. “Uh, no, I don’t know Kristina or her brother at all.” Zett’s body relaxed and he breathed a sigh of relief.
“Geez, you scared me. I was worried you were a part of their cult or something. Zacharias – her twin – was home-schooled too until a year ago. It’s kind of their thing.” He straightened up, that cocky grin returned to his face. “Well, I’m glad you’re not getting religious trauma.”
“… Thank you?” What the hell was I supposed to say to that? Like, I guess I’m glad, too? “But really. Why and how are you here? Don’t you need an Academy emblem to get in?” I asked. When in doubt, change the subject.
“I got a fake. It works just fine and I’m free to come and go as I please.”
“To do your ‘freelance security?’”
“That and bring people things they need.”
“Wait… you’re an errand boy?!”
“Sometimes. For my good friends. And you, if you want to hire me,” he added with a wink.
“So you just avoided my question for like, five minutes to avoid telling me you’re just an errand boy?” What was up with this guy? I didn’t know whether to laugh or be irritated.
“You know I like my secrets,” he said. “But seriously, what are youdoing out here looking for a lantern?”
“I’m being hazed,” I replied. That wiped the grin off his face. “What’s with the seriousness?” I asked as he started walking deeper into the forest. Not knowing what to do, I followed him. As we walked, he rummaged through his bag and brought out
“I know what you’re looking for. I helped design it,” he told me. “When you find it, don’t touch it. If you do, it’ll start projecting ghosts and shit.”
“I, uh… Thank you? But why are you helping me?” I inquired.
“Why not?” he replied. There was a moment of silence and he turned back to me, shrugging. “You look like you’re in a bad mood. I doubt you wanna deal with the lantern.”
“I mean, you’re not wrong.” I kept my eyes peeled for the lantern or any kind of animal I can ask. Zett and I were silent as we walked through the forest. I tried to stay on my guard too, just in case. I really should invest in pepper spray or a knife.
We turned a corner on the trail and I spotted an owl on a branch, looking regal as it surveyed its surroundings. Yay! Now I canget to work.
“Excuse me, Mr. Owl,” I called out, approaching the bird. It looked down at me. “Hi, I’m looking for a lantern. It looks like a golden sphere. Have you seen anything like that around here?”
“I don’t know what it looked like, but I did see something glowing over yonder.” The owl stretched his wing off the trail, towards a large oak tree.
“Great! Thank you so much!” Carefully, I stepped over some bushes and went off the path.
“Uh, what was that?” Zett hurried after me, gracefully stepping over the bushes and getting to me in no time. Huh. I wouldn’t have thought he could move so elegantly, but here we were.
“I can speak to animals. I figured they’d know where the lantern is. Or at least, they’d have a clue,” I told him.
“Impressive.” Again, a silence fell between us as we made our way towards the big tree.
“So, who are you doing errands for? Or is that confidential?” I added teasingly. He laughed.
“Maybe.” He flashed me a grin. “Nah, I can tell you. My best friend Isabelle asked me to get her a makeup collection that released earlier today, so I’m going to go give it to her.”
“Isabelle? Super short, purple hair?” I asked.
“You know her?”
“Yeah, I met her earlier,” I said. It was probably for the best I didn’t mention we lived in the same suite. “Do you know everyone in the Night Class?”
“Mm, probably not. But I know a lot of them.” We reached the large oak tree. From behind it, there was a faint, golden glow. I hurried towards it. “Hey, remember not to touch it!” Zett called after me. I peeked around the tree and sure enough, there it was, casting star-shaped rays of light onto the ground. Honestly, it was a very pretty lantern. Maybe Zett could make me a real lantern that looked like this. And speak of the devil, he walked right on by me, getting of his knees and fishing what looked like a screwdriver out of his back pocket. He carefully stuck it into the lantern and after fiddling with it for a few seconds, the lantern flickered and smoke poured out of the holes. The acrid stench made me cough, but soon the thick black smoke turned to gray wisps. Zett picked it up and handed it to me.
“There you go. It should be safe now,” he said. I couldn’t see anything written on his face that would tell me if he was lying or not. He seemed to be telling the truth. Not to mention this looked broken now. Tentatively, I grabbed it and held onto it tight. It was still pretty warm and nothing happened.
“Thanks again for helping me,” I told him.
“Don’t worry about it. I don’t know what’s up with you, but I hope you feel better. Really.” He paused. “When you give that back to whoever, tell them it was smoking when you found it and you had to douse it with water, all right? Don’t tell them I was here.”
“Okay…” And again, with the shady stuff. “Uh, I guess I’ll see you around?”
“Yeah. You ever need me, tell Isabelle and she’ll call me. I’ll see you later, baby.” It was good he left because otherwise I would have hit him. Geez. How was I going to handle him? If he ran errands for the other students, I was bound to run into him again. I didn’t mind him he was nice, but man, he was really capable of leaving a bad taste in my mouth.
I hurried back to the trail and back to Zeus. As soon as he realized the lantern was off, that gleeful smile on his face disappeared.
“What the hell?! Why isn’t the lantern lit?!” he demanded, storming over to me. He wrenched the lantern out of my hands.
“I found it because it was smoking. I couldn’t really figure out the mechanics, but I think something’s busted in it,” I lied.
“Damn it! I’m going to have to have my friend look at it,” he groaned. I wondered if he meant Zett. “Well… Good job, I guess.” There was a distinct bitter note in his voice.
“Cool, I’m going back to the dorms now.” I didn’t wait for an answer, heading back to the mausoleum and back to my room. As I neared our suite, I could smell something spicy and fragrant in the air. My nose twitched. I slipped into our suite and peeked into the kitchen. Dorian was stirring something in a large pot, Aika beside him slathering melted butter onto some rolls.
“That smells really good,” I commented. Aika flinched a little and the two turned back to face me. Dorian gave me a stern look and immediately my stomach dropped.
“Can you go tell Isabelle to get her ass in here? I told her dinner was ready ten minutes ago,” he demanded. I just nodded and hurried out of the room. Isabelle’s door was propped open just a smidgen and I poked my head in. Isabelle was on the floor, a huge cardboard box with an intricate pattern printed on it sitting in front of her. It was full of assorted makeup items. I knocked and she looked up.
“Come on in! You’re just in time! I just got this delivered!” she told me. I opened the door and ventured in a step.
“Dinner’s ready and Dorian doesn’t seem happy with you,” I told her quietly. She just laughed and stood up, leaving the box in place.
“Oh, Dorian’s always big mad,” she said. Together, we walked back to the kitchen. “So, how did the first day go?” Isabelle asked as she plucked a roll off a plate.
“It was fine. Hard, but fine,” I told her.
“How did Zeus’ dumbass hazing go?” Aika asked.
“How do you know about that?”
“Tsukasa came in here in a panic and told us about it,” Dorian replied. “He wanted us to do something about it.” And you didn’t? I made a mental note not to trust them in an emergency.
“Poor thing was hysterical. His heart’s too big for him,” Isabelle commented, taking a seat. I quickly got my own food and sat down across from her. “He’s too nice for the Night Class, if you ask me.”
“I don’t know, he’s pretty stubborn,”Aika commented.
“He and Fandamilia seem really nice,” I added. Isabelle’s lips pursed into a fine line. Dorian snorted.
“I wouldn’t mention her if I were you. Isabelle hates her,” he told me.
“What? Why?” Once again, words I shouldn’t have said slipped out. I really need to work on my filter.
“Because she likes Zeus and keeps trying to justify his shitty behavior,” Isabelle said tensely. “I just don’t think you should try and make excuses or ignore people’s shitty behavior.”
“I mean… Yeah…” Aika said, looking a little uncomfortable. “No one’s perfect and you can’t bleach red flags. Not acknowledging bad behavior isn’t great. … But she’s in love, you know? She just wants him to love her back.”
“Explains it, but it’s not an excuse,” Isabelle added.
“I’m stopping this before it becomes a fight,” Dorian spoke up. “We’re moving on.” I wondered if Isabelle excused the bad things Zett did. Or maybe she didn’t know about him being a weird and lowkey creepy flirt. But then again, he didn’t have to derail his job to go help me with the lantern. Speaking of, Isabelle had that makeup package, so he must’ve already come through here. Did he see my name on the nameplate next to my door? Did Isabelle mention me to him? Was I going to run into him again? Something told me that even if I wasn’t suitemates with Isabelle, I’d be seeing more of him.
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dark-wizardess · 4 years
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I am sorry, thats the first thing I thought of 😂
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eye-cri · 2 years
Guns being illegal but not swords in the wizardess heart world is so funny to me.... like when you think about it it sort of makes sense because when someone kills with a gun they can one, be far enough to not get blood on them and their weapon. Two, although the sound of a gun may traumatize the person into not killing again, in the end guns don't really leave the victim wounds the same as a sword would. Like yeah there'd be blood for both but the sword would leave a more gruesome wound.
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blueberrin · 4 years
I really hope that Wizardess Heart stays, since it's the only game I actually play and enjoy. Plus, we might be getting Vain, Felix and Viggo for the next season.
I'm really scared. Especially after they mercilessly killed two games that I had played earlier (Lost Alice and Blood in roses). I want to hope that Solmare do not ruin this game with their stupid decisions that scare away the players, which leads to the fact that they stop playing. They showed us a lot of characters that people liked, but instead of releasing their routes, they release routes of characters that we had never seen before... (And they don’t even add Zett to the vote 🙄) I don’t understand how they work. But I swear that if they kill WH, then I will never play any of the games of this company again.
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ness-plays-wizards · 1 year
Caesar Route Chapter 9 (6-10)
Last time on the Caesar route, Remy assigns everyone to do basically the same jobs as the last time he split the party, and Liz and Caesar have a really cringe conversation with Viggo on their way to have a entirely separate cringe conversation with Zett.
TW: implied suicide
Caesar and Viggo exchange a few more barbs that I don’t care to pay attention to before Liz and Caesar make their way toward Zett’s cell, holding hands because this is Otomeland. Liz asks Caesar if what Viggo said is true, and I’ve already forgotten the thing that Viggo apparently said. Caesar only laughs in response.
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Huh, guess that’s what Viggo said.
This route is trying so hard to be Dark(tm). 
So they make it to Zett’s cell. Caesar and Zett have this ulcer-inducing conversation:
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Then Zett suggests that Caesar break the curse by having Liz kiss him, which I assume is a jab due to the nature of this curse? I’m left wondering what genre this route is actually trying to emulate, because we’re all over the fucking place right now.
Caesar tells Zett that he told Liz their backstory, but Zett seems unimpressed and has picked up the terrible habit of referring to Liz as “princess.”
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Really? Because none of what they said makes any goddamn sense to me.
Then they leave.
Liz and Caesar gather their camping supplies in magical glass balls that condense everything and wonder where Zeus and Hiro are when a magic note from Zeus arrives and tells them to meet them at the dining hall. But when they get to the dining hall, there’s a massive crowd gathered. 
Where Zeus and Hiro are having a fucking hot dog eating contest, of all things.
What the fuck is the tone of this route???
Amelia’s there too for some reason, and she approaches Liz and explained that the whole thing started as a normal meal and somehow turned into a competition. 
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Guess neither of them can deep throat very well.
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The jokes write themselves for this one, folks. 
Queued for: May 18
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atopearth · 5 years
Shall we Date? Wizardess Heart Part 24 - Caesar Raphael Route
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Ooh, so Caesar turns into a pig because the House of Baroque was cursed after they cursed the Prince into the labyrinth as their price for doing such a thing? Oh wow!! Caesar’s route starts off with his confession to the heroine already? That’s nice and different! I appreciate the idea of the guy confessing to the girl when she just likes him as a friend for now and then it progresses into something more. This sounds like it’ll be fun!
I found it rather forced that Zeus would be so adamant on knowing what the heroine knows about this criminal called Zett, or at least enough to cause such a ruckus and push the headmaster away leading him into accidentally kissing Caesar. I feel like it was pretty unnatural lol, but oh well, Caesar the piggy is always cute to see. As for Zett, I’m glad she realised that even if Caesar was talking with Zett, it doesn’t mean they’re collaborating on some evil plan just because he’s a criminal, and she didn’t expose it in front of others and instead wanted to ask him about it. Good that Caesar noticed and told everyone that he did know Zett. I’m not a fan of Caesar, but it’s hard to not soften up to a guy that would sacrifice himself and lie to the heroine just so she can run away and save herself without feeling like she’s abandoning him. I honestly didn’t expect Caesar to have such a saddening past, where he had actually been sold to a circus, mistreated everyday, starving and used for show material since he can turn into a pig. That’s where he met Zett huh? I guess you can see why they seemed so close and yet it didn’t seem like they were close either. They bond over a similar past that torments them… And I don’t think what Caesar did was that bad that it would totally break off their trust, he stole stuff as a child to survive etc, can’t blame him for wanting to live in circumstances he couldn’t control. He lied but it’s not like he did it all maliciously. Ohh yeah, he wants the star sapphire, that’s why it’s bad and he was probably going to run off with it or something lolol! Yeah okay, I think I can understand it now lol!
Kinda whatever right now with how everything is going, I don’t feel like I really care about Caesar anymore hahaha, it’s just so draggy about the whole “is he using me, does he really love me, do I love him” thing and I just don’t care anymore lol. Well, that was pretty dramatic, Caesar nearly turned into a little piggy forever because of his curse! Lucky Zett saved him somehow? Ooh, only a temporary solution, they still need the kiss of true love between them to cure the curse. Honestly though, at this point, with how concerned the heroine has been and how much she’s tried to protect him, I’m more sceptical about whether he truly loves her instead lol. Like, I feel like he of course really loves her, and that only increased with all the things she did for him, but in a sense, to me, it never really felt like a romantic love? Aaand, the curse (of completely turning into a pig) has lifted but he still turns into a pig with a kiss lolll, well yeah, that sounds really…uneventful lol.
Overall, I honestly thought it would be interesting because the guy confesses in the beginning, but in the end it felt like it served as an excuse that Caesar loved her already and so it only required her love to really develop. Which I guess it did, but I’m not sure why? Ever since the beginning, because he loved her, she was somehow more self sacrificing and did everything for him before she even “liked” him, and yet he was the one that supposedly loved her “more”. Yeah, I didn’t buy the romance and thought it was really meh, especially when Caesar “lies” but she never really thinks about it too much, she just goes whatever, and likes him anyway. I just feel like, everything was so based around shallow emotions without enough rationality, so she and, I guess he is also just liking each other because that’s how it is. I also wanted more of a background on the Baroque family and stuff, but instead the story focused on just the curse and having to have a kiss of true love to save them, yeah, I didn’t really care about that lol, so yeah, another disappointingly draggy route that I’m glad I’m done with!
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Shall We Date? Wizardess Heart: Caesar Raphael [Walkthrough]
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This little royal piggy has a few secrets up his sleeves. How can you know him all over again?
Don’t forget the others~
Vincent Knight Vincent Knight (Sequel) Klaus Goldstein I Klaus Goldstein II (Absolute Perfection) Klaus Goldstein (Sequel) Yukiya Reizen (Sequel) Zeus Brundle Hiro Tachibana Alfonse Goldstein
Chapter 1: Sudden Confession
Magic Checkpoint: 500 Magic Grade needed
Who was that? (+1) ...Nothing. (+7)
That sounds pretty good to me. (+7) That’s a bit much... (+1)
Chapter 2: Hidden Identity
No I haven’t! (+1) I’m sorry to interrupt. (+7)
No, I know nothing. (+7) Well... Zett is Caesar’s friend. (+1)
Chapter 3: Magic Soldiers
Can we searched different bookshelves? (+7) It’d be more efficient if we searched together... +1
No, that is not true! (+7) ... (+1)
Avatar Checkpoint:
Premium: [Room] The Baroque’s Cursed Cane (Charm +5): Price: 50 Coins/ 500 Lune
Chapter 4: The Song of the Coin
I do. (+7) I don’t. (+1)
Magic Checkpoint: 3000 Magic Grade needed
... Yes, you’re right. (+7) I think we should be more cautious. (+1)
Chapter 5: The Illusionary Town
That would be awful! (+1) That wouldn’t be so bad. (+7)
All right. (+1) I can’t! (+7)
Chapter 6: King
Of course I was. (+7) Well, yes... (+1)
I’m sorry. (+7) Why didn’t you say anything? (+1)
Avatar Checkpoint:
Premium: [Room] The Baroque’s Classy Boots (Charm +25): Price: 250 Coins Normal: [Room] Court Wizard’s Boots (Charm: +5): Price: 50 Coins/ 500 Lune
Chapter 7: Prince
That can’t be! (+7) Really? (+1)
Magic Checkpoint: 5000 Magic Grade needed
I should. (+1) I just can’t. (+7)
Chapter 8: Truth and Lies
I can’t... (+1) All right. (+7)
Avatar Checkpoint:
Premium: [Room] Wavy Hairstyle with Side-twisted Pigtails (Charm +40): Price: 400 Coins Normal: [Room] Half-up Braided Buns (Charm: +10): Price: 100 Coins/ 3000 Lune
No, not exactly. (+1) For now. (+7)
Chapter 9: Gourmand Battle?!
You’re right. (+7) I... I trust you. +1
About what Viggo said... (+7) Nothing. (+1)
Magic Checkpoint: 10000 Magic Grade needed
Chapter 10: Shadow Spirits
If you say so. (+1) You’re lying, aren’t you? (+7)
Caesar! (+7) Lucious! (+1)
Avatar Checkpoint:
Premium: [Room] The Baroque’s Attire (Charm +80): Price: 800 Coins Normal: [Room] Court Wizard’s Uniform (Charm: +40): Price: 400 Coins/ 8000 Lune
Chapter 11: The Carnelian Treasure
Of course I am! (+1) Not at all. (+7)
Magic Checkpoint: 14000 Magic Grade needed
I’ll help! (+7) I’ll just watch. (+1)
Chapter 12: Aquamarine Bed
Are you sure? (+7) Okay... (+1)
Zeus, stop! Please! (+7) ... (+1)
Avatar Checkpoint:
Premium: [Garden] The Kingdom of Daylight Background -Past- (Charm +80): Price: 1000 Coins Normal: [Garden] Ruins of the Kingdom of Daylight background (Charm: +40): Price: 500 Coins/ 10000 Lune
Chapter 13: Sunken Castle Beneath the Lake
Maybe we should leave it to Klaus. (+1) No... we won’t let you take them! (+7)
I know, right! (+7) Not at all... (+1)
Magic Checkpoint: 18000 Magic Grade needed
Chapter 14: The Star Sapphire
I don’t want it to happen! (+1) I’m not giving up yet! (+7)
No! (+7) It’s finally time... (+1)
Magic Checkpoint: 20000 Magic Grade needed
Happy Ending
~165  Affection points needed
Normal Ending
~ 107 Affection Points needed
Unhappy Ending
~ Default Ending
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ness-plays-wizards · 1 year
Caesar Route Chapter 3 (10-14)
Last time on the Caesar route, we learned that Magic Soldiers are not actually magic super soldiers, they’re just corpses carrying a black robe plague variant and also it’s all Zett’s fault.
Everybody confronts Zett, who gets pissed that Caesar “betrayed” him. Liz’s knee jerk reaction is to defend Caesar, and
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Yeah I don’t think that reasoning with this guy should be strategy number one. Man’s literally making corpse foot soldiers out of the fucking black plague.
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So Caesar breaks up with Zett, and Zett defaults to “of course it’s because you’re into the girl” and then Caesar basically confirms that. Zett calls him naive and THEN
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Put that down as stuff I didn’t expect to hear from Zeus. 
Zett pulls a smoke bomb escape. Zeus and Hiro run after him, so Liz, Caesar, and Alfonse have to deal with the walking corpses. Liz asks Alfonse if the Mikhail cells from last route will work, and Alfonse thinks they will. It’s a good thing that they masters mass producing them last route, or something. I don’t remember much of the plot anymore.
Liz and Caesar hold down the corpses while Alfonse uses the Mikhail cells on them. The Mikhail cells are effective. Alfonse leaves to visit the Goldstein Lab to get more Mikhail cells, which I’m sure will go Very Smoothly considering the state of the head of the lab. But the important thing to THIS route is that Liz and Caesar are now ALONE. 
Caesar starts reminiscing about Zett.
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If he was your magic mentor and you’re calling him a “man,” why does he look like he’s 14.
Caesar describes Zett as not a very good friend and reveals they grew up in the Forgotten City, which if memory serves is just... the alleyways in Gedonelune? Why are they called like they’re the ruins of some basic-ass YA novel location? Who knows who cares.
Liz says she always thought Caesar was from nobility, he corrects it to a fallen noble house.
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What exactly did the House Baroque do wrong, exactly? Because from what I remember about the Day King shit and what’s actually been parroted over and over again is that the Day King did all the bad things.
So Liz and Caesar hold hands and THEN.
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But apparently Liz’s EARS HAVE STOPPED WORKING because she doesn’t react to anything he says and he just drops it.
Liz starts to think her feelings for Caesar are changing and then THIS asshole shows up and recites more poetry.
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Here’s where I’d make a Steven Universe reference but I actually don’t know enough about Steven Universe to make a reference. But it’s not lost on me that this poetry includes diamonds, a rose quartz, and amethyst, AND a pearl. Just throw in a garnet and the sets basically complete.
Anyway Liz gets a coin and then the chapter ends.
And look guys, I try not to go too overboard with JoJo’s reference just because Caesar is named Caesar and he flirts alot, but like... the SECOND i was typing the caesar raphael tag, the battle tendency opening came on spotify shuffle. 
I didn’t choose the reference the reference chose me ig.
Scheduled for January 31
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