#Blue is for self love 🦋
vanalex · 4 months
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Don't forget to see and accept it in yourself too 💙
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mspattypizazz · 5 months
Love songs that fit my F/o + S/i ships 
Momo + Prima (Stray cat game) - I Do Adore by Mindy Gledhill
Alice Abernathy + Era Solace (Resident Evil movies) - Break the Ice by Britney Spears 
Sado + Prima (The Hex) - Poker Face cover by The Real Tuesday Weld
Rio Ortiz + Tansy Orchid (Ikemen Prince) - Baby One More Time by Britney Spears 
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redwinewhiteroses · 1 month
What are your future spouse's qualities? 🧡💛🧡👰🤵👼
Pick an image
‼️For entertainment purposes only‼️
Use your intuition. Choose the image you are drawn to the most.
What reading should I do next? Lmk in the comments. Thanks for joining me for this reading.
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Purple butterfly
First of all I'm seeing your fs is a social butterfly. Very very outgoing, radiant and lively. They might feel really content with themselves so they reflect this warm peaceful celebratory joy into the world. They might nurture and foster connections with people from a very genuine place in their hearts often times celebrating people and their loved ones.
Your fs might be a very strong and resilient person. They will put up a good fight to defend their loved ones. They might also be protective of you and your children and will defend you like a warrior. Your fs will face challenges head on and will be really courageous. They will always stand up for what they believe in.
Your fs might be highly skilled and a master manifestor. They get what they want and they possess the power to create what they want. They might be charismatic and will really stand out in a crowd. They might be skilled at multiple different things, could be a jack of all trades and will most definitely be good at all those things.
They are very well put together and will have a commanding presence. They must be super confident about themselves. They might value  and respect people and will demand to be treated the same way. Your fs could be a CEO or an entrepreneur.
Your fs might be very intellectual. They have a strong sense of self and not easily swayed by things. They might not be emotional as much, definitely more inclined to logical thinking. They might really value honest and clear communication. Honesty could be a priority to them. They might have a zest for life. A hardworker, creative and analytical could be some of their most prominent qualities. Your fs could be well accomplished in life and could be quite independent on their own. Could uphold positions of power and definitely commands a lot of respect from others.
Random messages : Enchanting, Ask and you will have it, I'm sorry, Wit and humor/Gemini/Sagittarius, Forest retreat, Soul's desire, Mystic, It's always you, Hope for something more, Going with the flow, Try again, Forgive and forget
Vibes they give off : Harvey Specter from Suits
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Blue butterfly
Your fs could be a bit of a loner. They would fight for what they want even if they are the last one standing. Might have a win at all costs attitude. On the downside they will be quite cold and people could resent them sometimes. They might be a bit aggressive and get involved in conflicts easily. They could possess a sharp intellect and see things through. They might make enemies or get on the bad side of people. They could be a bit manipulative and will try to have the last word on anything and everything. Could be a fighter and a tough cookie. They could go by the motto 'Never back down, Never give up' .
Your fs is very introspective and will be on a constant journey of self discovery. They might seek a deeper meaning in life. They might be disatisfied with the circumstances of their life and will try to reinvent themselves and will desire to find more authentic experiences in life. They might not be driven by material rewards but rather value experiences and constant evolution beyond the material realm.
Your fs could be a bit restless and impatient. They might be facing delays and obstacles in creating their desired reality. They could face a few setbacks in life which will create a sense of disappointment in themselves.
Your fs might struggle to give and receive care and affection to some degree. They have this inner turmoil which restricts their nurturing side. They might be dealing with mental health struggles or stress might be a major theme in their life. They might be a bit possessive and act from a place of low self esteem. They could struggle with issues related to self worth and lack of purpose.
This might just be a major theme in their life during a significant time frame in their life. Nothing is set in stone. This is the current energies of your fs. This is not a final verdict. Remember life goes on constantly, redefining things and situations day by day. So have hope that things will get better eventually.
Random messages : Light hair, Yes, Sail the seas, I want to control/Mars/Aries/Charge, Love, Damsel in distress, Wait for me, Ill will, Love is light
Vibes they give off : Professor Snape from HP
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Green butterfly
Your fs might have a difficulty of letting go of things that no longer serve them. They could hold on to the past and resist change. They might display feelings of nostalgia, regret and fear the uncertain. They could hold onto things for their emotional significance and memories. They could reminisce about their childhood often and may have an emotional attachment to their past due to some reason. Your fs can be someone who thinks they were born in the wrong generation. They might love vintage stuff and lifestyles from a different era. They could feel a bit out of place in the dynamics of the present world. They might have an interest in history, archaeology or philosophy. For some of you, your fs could be a librarian, anthropologist or a historian. They could be a bit restless and indecisive. They could be prone to overthinking and running in circles.
They could possess strong traditional values and beliefs. They could be a mentor, a teacher, professor, a guide or a coach. They can have some outdated beliefs as well. They could hold onto long-held traditions and practices to the point they will resist evolving. They could be a bit impractical and stubborn. They could be a conservative person, maybe religious, wise and emotionally stable. They might be well respected among people and seen as a dependable figure. They could even be a religious leader. They can be significantly older than you or very mature beyond their age. They have a love for traditions. They consider courting, marriage and commitment very seriously. They value stability, practicality and has a strong moral compass and will hold people accountable. They value morals, good intentions and values. They might have an ethnic background or might have some special cultural practices. They could be from generational wealth, true old money. They really do have some unique structure in their life kinda like old, refined, antique and of deep value. They might drive a vintage car. For some your fs could even be living in a mansion or has an estate.
Your fs might be recovering from a heartbreak, a past sorrow or pain. Maybe they lost someone who was quite influential in his life like a grandparent, a teacher or a parent figure. Maybe that's the reason of your fs looking back into the past. They have newfound strength and overcoming emotional pain. Your fs's emotional journey is marked by a gradual release of sorrow and an embrace of healing and growth. They could be a counselor, therapist or even a writer. People might be inspired by your fs's journey of overcoming pain and past hurts. Your fs could be inspiring people to be stronger by sharing their story or personal experiences. They may be guiding others to overcome emotional conflicts.
Your fs might have a zest for life. They can be incredibly passionate about life. They can be lively and active. They're passionate, optimistic and might take risks and have a thrill for life. They possess leadership qualities and a strong desire for actions. They are assertive and takes initiative. They might lead your relationship and I'm seeing wise leadership. They'll believe in traditional gender roles and will provide emotional security and material stability in the relationship. Your fs respects you and loves you in a gentle but passionate way.
Random messages : Cute romance, Sweet kiss, No way, Running with the wolves, Sour cream, Say something, You are on the right path, Aphrodite, I'm wondering why, Harmonious, Diabolical, Fruitfulness
Vibes they give off :
Thomas Shelby from Peaky Blinders
Edward Cullen from Twilight
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Red butterfly
Your fs might be a really strong individual. Definitely good looking and charismatic. Will most likely have a commanding presence. We got two kings here and the magician. Your fs will defend their loved ones like a warrior. They will face challenges head on and won't fear fighting for what they truly believe in.
Your fs might be a bit closed off at first. They can have their guard up. They might also not see their truest potential. I think they underestimate themselves constantly and might feel trapped by their own mental chains. They tend to feed their own mental limitations. But I think they are capable of more, they just don't see that for themselves.
Your fs might motivate people around them. They will encourage you with words of affirmation all the time. They definitely have a strong sense of self assurance and will be in control. They can be tall and charismatic and extremely good looking. Might have a great sex appeal. They are very driven (might have high libido) courageous and passionate. They have a warm hearted nature. For some of you guys, your fs can be a CEO, entrepreneur, self-accomplished businessman, creative director or an authoritative figure.
Your fs might be fiercely competitive. They like to test their own limits. Might enjoy dangerous hobbies and martial arts. They might enjoy physical fights or activities that require strength and endurance. They might be really good in bed if you know what I mean. They can go for a few rounds at a time without getting tired. Extremely passionate and strong. They can be quite passionate in arguments as well so it's better to solve problems without delay. They might like competing with others and they thrive in competitive environments. Your fs will be in the spotlight and they stand out in any crowd. They could a sportsperson for some you guys.
Your fs is highly skilled in many things. They are really creative. Might be good with their hands. They will be a very well put together person. Will have a good sense of style and a knack for aesthetics.
Your fs can be mature and have a zest for life. They are passionate about living life you know. They might enjoy hiking, vacations and experiencing new things. Your fs is really really wealthy and abundant. They might be successful or even famous. They have a lot of achievements under their belt. They are incredibly protective of their loved ones and have a strong sense of responsibility towards them. They are secure in themselves and people can easily rely on them. They might build a lasting legacy with you. They could be working in finance or real estate.
You guys could have a lavish wedding and you also might live in a beautiful home. Your marriage will be stable and quite passionate.
Random messages : Christmas time, Haphazard, Miraculous, Count to three, Eat up, Love and care, Why do you avoid me?, What do you want?, It's easier when you sleep
Vibes they give off : Christian Grey from Fifty Shades
Nick from My fault
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Thanks for joining me!
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ariesmoontarot · 7 months
Important Message From Spirit🦋
The Piles:
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Book A Personal Reading Here
The collective is in this very emotional energy. It’s like feeling so imaginative, passionate, in love (even if you don’t have a lover), & so sad and lonely at the same time. We’ve been feeling everything so deeply and our intuition is extremely heightened during this time. We’re very sensitive to energies and other peoples feelings, even our own feelings. This reading is timeless so whenever you come across this, it’ll be meant for you.
♡Pile One♡:
Based off the picture you chose I feel like you might’ve found love in the city, out of town (or they were out of town), you could be from a city or the other way around, but overall there’s this energy of looking for spiritual love. You want a deep connection that connects you to deeper parts of yourself. For some of you it could be that maybe you are finding love within yourself and learning to live in your truth. I see you expressing yourself authentically and being open and honest about how you feel and what you’re thinking. I also see some of you having a conversation with someone who will be expressing how they truly feel for you.
Channeled Song: We Found Love -Rihanna ft. Calvin Harris ( when she says “we found love in a hopeless place”) Hey There Lonely Girl -Eddie Holman (when he says “hey there lonely girl, lonely girl, don’t you know this lonely boy loves you”.) , Confidence -Ocean Alley (when he says “It’s all about confidence, babyyy”.)
I’m seeing you in this soft, nurturing energy. You’re loving yourself more, taking care of those around you, for some of you taking care of your kid(s), family, & the things you cherish most. You’re feeling really appreciative or you will be. I also see that someone has really nice eyes. Could be blue, light brown, or greenish hazel. Spirit is saying that you’ve been really patient, dedicated, & efficient. You’re putting in efficient effort into your priorities, goals, & connections. For some of you I’m hearing you’re focusing on nature or connecting with animals, taking care of animals/pets. Take that how it resonates. You’re reaping some type of reward for your hard work and discipline and it’s related to a relationship or important connection in your life. I’m hearing you’ve healed something that was hurting you and you’ve learned to love yourself and the things around you more deeply. You’ve connected to your roots and strengthened your faith and in doing this, you’ve removed illusions and feelings of confusion because you’re more grounded within your energy. You were feeling stuck in a temporary situation and it could’ve been in a connection for some of you. It was causing anxiety, stress, fear, & imbalance in your life. It definitely took up a lot of your thoughts and I’m seeing a change happening where you’re taking back your power and gaining control over your mind. Now isn’t the time for you to do anything impulsive or risky. Like diving into some kind of situation that you know isn’t good for you, that will resonate for some of you. It’s like someone left you out in the cold, kicked you while you were down, wasn’t there for you when you needed them most and everytime you’re thriving, looking good, healthy etc. they want to come back in and try to trick you into focusing on them or what you could’ve had with them. Don’t let this person in your energy for those that resonate with this. For my feminines I feel like you’re finally tapping back into your loving, compassionate, and nurturing energy. You’ve manifested communication with someone that you share a deep connection with and I’m sensing you really trust this person or you will. It can be a friend, lover, family, whatever. There’s distance between you and I feel like you’ve both been alone for some time. You’ve spent time in solitude, self reflecting, and so has this person. Trust your intuition and how you feel. I feel like this is a connection that is meant to heal you and it will bring you so much joy and happiness. it is the type of connection that will heal your inner child and bring back out your creativity. I feel like whenever you met or got closer to each other you both were in a period of your life where there was a lack of faith and hope. It’s like where hard times meet and end for the both of you. Not necessarily end, but they get so much easier to deal with when you’re with this person or have each other in your lives. Both of you could’ve grew up in families, or in an urban city/ place that was of low income. This connection is divinely guided. For those of you where this is a romantic situation, I see them hiding how they truly feel about you behind this cold demeanor because they’re still learning how they feel so they can better understand it. However, they are very honest and blunt with you. I feel like they could be a little distant at times or when you communicate with them it’s very quick and doesn’t necessarily last for that long. The conversations are short between you. They’re very patient and kind towards you. I feel like they really value this connection with you. Romantically speaking, they want to take their time with you and I see them wanting a very long-term commitment with you. For others there is some type of investment that you and this person are working towards together and it will be successful spirit is saying. Things might feel stagnant like they are moving slow or not exactly going at the pace that you want but I feel like this is the pace that you need.
This person feels a little bit stuck right now because they are gaining clarity about how they feel and trying to figure out a way to offer you something. it’s like they’re trying to figure out a way to communicate with you that they want a relationship with you, and they want to be able to invest in a future with you but they need a little bit of time to come forward, but they will. For others I feel like there are some type of ideas or plans that are being made and this person involved needs time to be able to think about what they wanna do and how they wanna go about these plans. Romantically they don’t wanna lose you. They are already sad as it is because I feel like they know that you’re holding back a deeper part of yourself, and they want to see and experience that deeper part of you. They want you to express your love for them and they want you to be nurturing and I’m seeing that they think that you are their person and they are hiding how they feel because of fear. They’re also letting go of bad habits and their pride. What’s next for you guys in romantic situations, I see this person coming in fast and they’re ready to tell you how they feel because I feel like they can’t see life without you in it you make them so happy and having you in their life feels like a blessing. It might not be today. It might not be tomorrow but it’s coming really really soon. For those of you in other situations that aren’t romantic I see this person getting really inspired by something and that specific idea or feeling that they have, they’re going to tell you about it and it’s going to be something that is really smart and it will make the both of you very happy. For those of you who have kids and it’s not with this person, I see you getting in a relationship with them and they’re being very loving and supportive with you and your child or children. They want to take care of you.
♡Pile Two♡:
Based off the picture you chose I feel like you’ve been very emotional and tapping into a deep part of yourself. You could be spending time alone, meditating, & learning more about who you are and what you believe in. Spirit is helping you learn to be more honest with yourself and others about how you feel and developing healthy ways of expressing it. Life could be flowing easily and I’m getting this energy of peace and serenity.
Channeled Song: No Air - Jordin Sparks ft. Chris Brown (the part where she says “if I should die before I wake, it’s cause you took my breath away. Losing you is like living in a world with no air.”)
There’s a connection in your life that you’ve been really patient about and I feel like things haven’t progressed the way you wanted. I’m hearing you put so much energy into it, but this person involved hasn’t shown up and offered you anything. You’ve put your focus and intention on loving yourself and those you cherish. You’re also focused on your responsibilities. 1111 can be significant. Communication, understanding, and honesty has been so hard with this person because when you try to talk to them it’s like they come off so cold and turn everything into a disagreement. They give you the cold shoulder and try to undermine you. I’m seeing that they always make it seem like things are harder for them and don’t consider your feelings, what you’re thinking, or even what you’re saying. It’s like talking to them is a losing game. However you’ve been independent, determined, confident, loving, & nurturing. You haven’t let this situation affect you. Or at least you aren’t anymore. You’re standing your ground. I’m seeing you manifesting clarity & you’re learning a very important lesson here. This person hurt you and has no intention of showing up the way you need them to. This could be a past person for a lot of you. They were blocking your blessings because you’ve held on and waited for them meanwhile they didn’t acknowledge it. You felt stuck and didn’t want to free yourself because you loved them. However it caused a lot of anxiety, confusion, indecision, & fear for you. It imbalanced your spiritual and emotional side. For a lot of you it’s that there’s a past person you’re holding onto that must be let go of in order for your blessing to be revealed. There are illusions and deceit in your life. Maybe it’s you just deceiving yourself because you know this person isn’t good for you. You’re self sabotaging yourself by allowing someone who’s only holding you back stick around. You don’t need this person, you want them. They don’t benefit you. You were drowning in emotion trying to save this person and just simply love them, but I’m hearing it’s time to let go. If you love something let it go, if it comes back to you then it’s for you, but if it doesn’t then you’ll know. Sometimes people will come back just for unhealthy reasons tho but when I say come back I mean come back and show up. Im hearing you take no chances of missing out. You’ll love someone for as long as you possibly can. You’ve been tossed to the side, left behind, lied to, and pushed away, but you still love endlessly. It’s time for that chapter of your life to end. You’re stepping into a new phase of your life and all that being breadcrumbed, confused, misled, lied to, and manipulated is in the past. You’re setting boundaries and you no longer tolerate it. I’m seeing you have the upper hand in a situation and you’re abundant. With energy, resources, whatever it is you may be abundant in you are able to share this with people who need it. I’m hearing you’re generous with your time and energy and you don’t mind spending quality time with those who need a light in their life. There is multiple energies around you. Multiple people who want your attention. I’m seeing you have your eyes set on what you want and you know exactly what that is. You want a deep connection with someone you can trust and commit to. I’m hearing you’ve checked out. You’ve put your emotions aside and now you’re giving off more of this intellectual energy. More aware, understanding, honest, smart, strategic, & blunt. You have very good discernment. Especially when it comes to other people’s energies and what is good for you and what isn’t. Trust what you know. Right now I’m having a hard time getting your messages out and I feel like spirit is saying the focus is you. You are the main highlight right now and you’re stepping into this divine feminine energy. If you don’t have feminine energy you’re stepping into a more intuitive, empathetic, nurturing energy. You are a healer whether you know it or not but you attract people who need you and your energy.
Just be careful not to let others drain you. Whatever blessings are coming for you spirit isn’t revealing too much. You’re diving deep into self reflection and spiritual awareness and I’m seeing you aren’t focused on love or relationships. Those come when you aren’t expecting it. Right now spirit is teaching you important lessons.
♡Pile Three♡:
Based off the picture you chose I’m getting this energy of you feeling a bit melancholic and nostalgic in a bittersweet way. You’re spending time alone and focusing on tapping in with yourself because you’ve been feeling detached and disconnected from your feelings, maybe even your surroundings.
Channeled Song: Lose Control -Teddy Swims (specifically heard the part when he says “problematic, problem is I want your body like a fiend, like a bad habit. Bad habits hard to break when I’m with you. Yeah I know I can do it on my own, but I want that real full moon black magic, and it takes two.”)
I’m seeing that there are outside factors disrupting your life. It’s like situations that happen may feel like nothing ever goes your way. You’re holding back so much love and emotion and in this energy of hiding your love, hiding how you feel, being closed off emotionally, & feeling like you’re having a hard time letting go of emotions from your past. Maybe you’re having a hard time letting go of the way someone has made you feel. It’s like the feeling of rejection is weighing on you and maybe because of that hurt you’re isolating yourself and feeling lonely. You’re keeping yourself from being able to open up emotionally in connections. You know how you feel and why it is you feel the way you do but you’re still holding onto that hurt due to fear and anxiety. There is someone that God has for you and I’m seeing they will help you see through the illusions of your own emotions. Maybe even your pride is in the way. However this person is very emotionally intelligent and understanding they can just come off as very private at times. They know when to speak and they’re both logical and Intuitive when it comes to expressing themselves. They can be very passionate and flirty at times and sometimes be very rash about what they say or do. There’s a feeling either you’re feeling like you aren’t being appreciated enough or they are but I feel like spirit is telling you to step it up. Don’t hold back. Be open and free spirited. Allow yourself to feel and enjoy the feeling of love. Maybe you overthink too much at times and don’t allow yourself to feel. Some of you take your person for granted by not being emotionally there and making sure their needs are being met too. You’re very guarded about letting them in because of your boundaries. Spirit wants you to do what brings you joy. Don’t keep the sun out of your life because you’ve been hurt. I’m also hearing that no matter how other people act or what they say, never stop being you. You can come off with this very rigid and vain energy at times and I’m hearing it’s your ego. Listen to your intuitive side and give the love you want to give. Don’t listen to your fear. You are holding yourself back from receiving the love spirit wants you to receive. You’re hurting yourself because you won’t open up about how you feel to someone. I feel like you avoid conflicts and have a fear that you opening up about how you feel will start an argument. Know that hiding how you feel and refusing to communicate will only make things worse for you. It’s okay to feel passionate and excited. It’s okay to want someone and it’s okay to express how you feel to that person. I also feel like you don’t open up when you’re sad and you try to hide everything. Not everyone can read your mind. If you feel really overwhelmed take some time for yourself and then open up when you feel ready. Try to balance yourself out so your love life can be balanced as well. The more you’re in harmony with yourself and in tune with your emotions the more your love life improves. You miss opportunities when you refuse to make a choice and stay in a period of inaction. If you know what you want then act on it instead of letting the world make decisions for you. You will feel so much better when you allow yourself to do what you feel guided to do. Treat your partner with lovingly and morally. I feel like you want marriage and there is someone you deeply love in your life. This connection has the potential to lead to marriage. All you have to do is be honest. Even if this relationship doesn’t work out with the person you have in your life right now, you being honest and open will help you evolve and learn new lessons you need in order to move forward. I am seeing a positive result coming from your honesty though. Be sure that you know what you want before you act on it and plan your approach before taking action. All you need is confidence, courage, and drive. I feel like you’re picky about your lovers and so is this person. You both need independence and your own alone time.
Spirit is saying to be patient when it comes to this person. You both feel the same about each other honestly. I feel like if you say I love you to each other it’s genuine. If you haven’t said it yet you both love each other unconditionally. You’re ready to move forward and come towards your person. You might be scared because financially maybe you don’t feel stable and that creates insecurity within you but know that it’s okay. You don’t have to feel insecure about it with this person. Or with anyone for that matter. You may not be where you want to be financially but you don’t have to let that stop you. They think you are very intelligent and it’s a turn on for them. They are so attracted to the way you think and I feel like they admire the way you see life. They feel like you are their person and the relationship with you is very strong. It’s best to treat each other with gentleness and empathy because this relationship is very passionate so sometimes if not treated the right way anger or frustration can be an issue. You both want the traditional structured relationship and I’m seeing very high potential for this to happen. Be positive and do what you feel guided to do!! Pile one might resonate with some of you.
♡Pile Four♡:
Based off the picture you chose I feel like you’re gaining clarity on a situation you didn’t see clearly before. Spirit is showing you the truth about something you’ve been feeling and it might be a truth that hurts, but it also lifts a weight that was holding you back or stagnant. It doesn’t have to be a truth that hurts though, that’s only for some!
Channeled Song: Counting Stars -OneRepublic (it’s crazy to me because in this song he says “in my face is flashing signs, seek it out and ye shall find.” And obviously lightning flashes)
You’re feeling a bit sad and disappointed because of a situation that happened in the recent past. I feel like you’re focused on the hurt rather than the positive side of things. Spirit is saying there are opportunities that are for you right now but you aren’t seeing them because you’re focused on negative feelings. However there is a wish fulfillment or something happening for you that will inspire you and give you hope. It’s like a divine revelation. You must get out of your own way. There are negative thoughts and fears circling your mind and this leads to self sabotage and constant hopelessness. There is abundance, love, happiness, and so much more waiting for you but you must let go of your worries. It’s easier said than done but when you tell yourself there is better you will eventually start to believe it. I see a romantic connection in store for a lot of you. For others I feel like a truth about a connection in your life has been revealed and it’s made you sad but it was for your own good. Things haven’t progressed the way you want them to but it’s because you aren’t focused on watering whatever it is you want to grow. I feel like some of you got clarity about how you feel towards someone and because you’re focused on how disappointed you are from other situations you’re not focused on this person. However they are abundant, nurturing, empathetic, intuitive, supportive, and understanding. They have love for you and I feel like they will understand how you feel if you open up to them. For others you’re not watering yourself enough. You aren’t loving yourself or realizing how much of an inspiring, kind, intelligent, divine being you are. Spirit wants you to devote more time and energy to yourself. I feel like communication with someone is happening very soon and there will be clarity and understanding in this conversation. Things will be balancing themselves out pretty quickly but there is a need for honesty. Take that however it resonates. I feel like some of you feel pessimistic about love and moving forward in life but spirit wants you to open up and enjoy the beauty of it. There are better times ahead and I feel like you are going to be receiving some type of good karma for all the hard work you’ve done in the past. You’ve been through so much and God is blessing you with something that will bring you so much peace. Just try to open yourself up to it and let go of the unnecessary burdens you’ve been carrying. Whatever hardships you’ve been facing I see you overcoming them and coming out stronger, more confident, & resilient. I also see you letting go of bad habits and making commitments to a very important job, person, or investment in your life. There will be plenty of opportunities coming your way.
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heeslomll · 3 months
moots as emojis?
i’m finally doing this,,, i’m so sorry this took so long😭 also please don’t kick my ass if you are not here, please let’s interact more so i can add you. i love you all so so so so much. 💋
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@intromortal - 💍🥵 you are my sexy wife and i love u sm (jw’s best girl)
@karinasbaby - 👩🏻‍❤️‍💋‍👩🏻😍 the loml wife everything
@enha-stars - 💼💋 my hard working wife who has 4 girls spread out before her… (give my girl a rest)
@ak4e7a - 👩‍👧‍👧🫦 MAMAAAAA prettiest kitty😍
@alvojake - ❤️ most caring and beautiful kayla u deserve all the hearts
@emi-en - 🔟 our 10/10 oppa my little ageplayer
@jaeyunluvr - 😈🧎🏻‍♀️(last emoji me @ u) kayz my baby u mean the world to me
@rikstar - ⚡️🧸 our energy drink addiction, also u are just a small lidol beautiful teddy bear i wanna put you in my pocket
@chlorinecake - 🌚 u r just like me freaky balls😍
@dollyyun - 🍦(I COULDNT FIND A DOLL EMOJI) my doll prettiest girl ever ily
@taesancore - 🐯 my shawty purrr purrr
@naomiarai - 🫣🫠😼 (more like me @ u) PLSPLSPLS
@hollyoongs - 👯‍♀️ MY TWINNN ILY BEBE
@ja3yun - 🧝‍♀️ aj’s beauty is ethereal so i had to put this
@yzzyhee - ✌🏻u are just so peace & love and i love talking w u in the server
@taeghi - 🌊 u have the prettiest name and overall just remind me of a pretty ocean view (not only because of ur name)
@jakesangel - 🍰🪽 soft angel princess
@jaylaxies - 🌸 u remind me of a pretty flower
@dear-hoon - 🐶 idk when i think of u i only think of that one dog picture u sent
@hwanchaesong - 🍭 you seem such a colorful and sweet person ily fr
@yeonzzzn - 👸 hello self explanatory queen of enhablr and u are so sweet and kind as well ugh i wanna get to know u more!!
@sincerelyrki - 🍥 i haven’t talked to u alot! I wanna interact more<3
@heeslut4life - 🍯 aeri my best girl ugh i just love u <33
@kpopaussieline - 🧁 u are so kind and sweet
@seunghancore - 💙 i really wanna interact w u more!
@jayujus - 🔮 u seem so kind and nice let’s interact more :(
@pshazez - 🩵 blue reminds me of u
@minhosimthings - ☀️ u have such a sunny shining smile, so kind and i’m just obsessed with you
@en-geneisaxx - 🌻 warm and kind always there to cheer me up
@heejake-hoon - 🫦 shawty fine asf
@un06 - 🦋 my sweet butterfly best taehyung stan out there !! ilysm
@antonsgirlfriend - 🎀 i vibe w u so well and i looove talking w u
@rikislady - 🍓🧚🏻‍♀️ you remind me of a strawberry fairy / princess
@hees-sweetheart 👾 - you seem such a kind and sweet person!!
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morelikeravenbore · 4 days
Lessons in Upholstery
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Sebastian Sallow x f!oc (Aurélie Collins).
Content warnings: NSFW/mature rating. Sebastian Sallow is needy. Puppy!Sebastian?? No explicit language but very sexually suggestive, mentions of nudity and sexual acts. Reader discretion is advised. Post-Hogwarts 18+ grown up Sebaura.
Word count: 1.6k
Preview: There was a unique ache that existed when she was out of reach — one that started as a small hole in his chest before spreading rapidly until his entire being felt hollow, an ache that demanded they share a too-small bed so they had to sleep tangled together, or eat at a too-small kitchen table so she had to take most of her meals sitting in his lap.
🦋 Read on wattpad | ao3
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Upholstered in pale blue velvet, with matching embroidered silk pillows and ornately carved legs of polished mahogany, the tiny two-seater loveseat was clearly not designed for everyday use — yet every night, Sebastian found himself crammed between the armrests with a very satisfied redhead slotted awkwardly between his long legs.
When Aurélie had found the sofa in a Muggle brocante in Toulouse, Sebastian had known immediately that there was no point in trying to talk her out of buying it. They didn't own a home to keep it in, and unless they bought a bloody chateau (which was highly improbable given that Sebastian was only a trainee Healer), it wasn't likely to suit any future home they ever lived in. But none of that mattered, because as soon as that little squeal of delight had left her lips, he knew they'd be leaving the antique market as proud owners of the most ridiculously ostentatious piece of furniture he'd ever laid eyes on.
Happily, he hadn't regretted that decision since. Even when his legs went numb with pins and needles and his back got a permanent crick in it, so long as she was tucked into him, her back pressed to his chest and her soft hair ticking the underside of his chin, Sebastian would never buy another sofa for as long as they lived. — Because there was no other way he ever wanted to sit unless it was with the small, warm weight of her in his lap.
A weight that was presently — and unbearably — absent as Aurélie busied herself in the tiny kitchen across the single-roomed cottage, humming under her breath as she chopped vegetables for their dinner. Sebastian watched her over the top of his book, his attention drawn, as it always was whenever she was near (or not near enough), away from the dry medical journal he was studying to the silky fall of her hair down her back, the soft shuffle of her bare feet over the kitchen rug, and the sheer summer dress that clung to her thighs, her waist: she'd regained some of the weight she'd lost after the horrors of their seventh year, and her hair had grown several inches over the summer, lightened to the colour of golden strawberries by the French sun.
Leaving the Highlands had done wonders for her health, but Sebastian liked to think that love had done that to her. His love.
Tossing his book aside, he dropped his head back on the arm rest and let out a long, almighty groan.
There was a unique ache that existed when she was out of reach — one that started as a small hole in his chest before spreading rapidly until his entire being felt hollow, an ache that demanded they share a too-small bed so they had to sleep tangled together, or eat at a too-small kitchen table so she had to take most of her meals sitting in his lap.
Of course, he was self aware enough to know that his acute need for physical affection bordered on being a little… obsessive, and that owning too-small furniture was just a blatant way of enabling his insatiable desire to touch her — but he also knew how quickly love could be snatched away, and so he endeavoured to keep it close at all times: to see it in her eyes and hear it in her laugh, to taste it in her mouth and feel it shiver across her skin, to pour it into her until even her breath was saturated with it —
His love.
Aurélie cast him an amused glance over her shoulder. ‘Hungry?’ she called, a teasing lilt in her delicious voice.
‘Staaarving,’ he whined, reaching his arms out for her.
Expecting her to argue about the virtues of patience, he was surprised when she immediately skipped across the room and climbed onto his lap, wrapping her arms and legs around him so tightly he struggled to breathe — just the way he liked it. Likely she'd heard the thinly veiled desperation in his voice, but in the short time they'd lived together, he'd come to learn that the empty awful ache of separation was a shared feeling.
‘Mm, that's better,’ he hummed, wrapping his arms around her waist. The little sofa groaned under their combined weight, threatening to fall to pieces if they kept this up, but Sebastian felt the hollow pit in his chest recede back to a manageable speck, placated for the time being until she inevitably up and left again.
He wasted no time. Dipping his head, he kissed slowly along her jawline and down her throat, breathing her summer scent deep into his lungs: sugar and cream and strawberries.
‘You were gone for ages,’ he murmured into the crook of her neck. Her pulse quickened beneath his lips, and he smiled.
‘Fifteen minutes,’ she snorted, threading her fingers through his hair. ‘It took fifteen minutes before you started whining.’
‘I don't whine.’
‘Yes you do. — And whimper. You're like a puppy,’ she added, shifting in his lap in a way that made his breath catch and his fingers dig into her hips.
Instinctively, he slid his hands beneath her dress to palm the curve of her spine, dragging the pads of his fingers across her skin so that his touch might stay imbued there long after his hands were gone. She shivered in return, pressing herself flush against him until all the aching space between them was suffocated between their bodies.
It never took long for them to unravel together; no matter how innocent their intentions were upon settling onto the sofa every night, how tired they proclaimed to be or how much study Sebastian had to get through, it was only a matter of time before he was tugging the silky slip of her dress over her hips, too busy moaning into her mouth to bother pulling it all the way over her head.
Tonight was no exception.
‘Puppies are cute,’ he said stupidly, letting his lips trail a wanton path of desire along her collarbone. ‘S'you think m'cute…’
‘I think you're out of control…’
Sebastian snickered against her skin, but she was right: his hips were already canting against her, each thrust punctuated by an undignified squeak from the sofa until the tiny cottage was filled with a creaky symphony of little thrusts and heavy breaths.
Blind to anything but the taste of her skin, he hadn't noticed the ridiculous little noises he was making until, with some difficulty, she pried his lips away from her neck. Suffering terribly, he made another stupid noise, squeaking like some kind of injured bird, but she soothed the pout off his face with a slow, deliberate roll of her hips, and he fell silent.
‘You know,’ she said, tilting his flushed face to look at her, ‘I think you could benefit from a little obedience training, no?’
Sebastian swallowed — loudly.
‘Training?’ he echoed, eagerly wetting his lips. ‘What kind of training?’
Never one to back down from a challenge, Sebastian's propensity for learning, combined with his impulsivity and mildly-obsessive tendencies, meant he was usually the one who took the lead in matters of the mind — after all, he'd taught himself all number of forbidden spells when he was only fifteen, defied every “Do not enter” and locked door he'd ever encountered, and read so many books he was practically a walking encyclopaedia. But when it came to this, he found himself all-too happy to be led.
Smiling like she didn't hold his very life in her hands, Aurélie tilted his head back by his chin as she pondered his question, exposing his throat to her thoughtful gaze. Goosebumps erupted across his skin, and he shivered like he was cold.
‘Depends,’ she whispered, leaning down to plant a warm, lingering kiss to the underside of his chin — a whimper slipped out; he didn't try to stifle it.
‘On?’ he croaked.
‘On what sort of reinforcement you need. — Positive,’ she mouthed, pressing down with her hips again, ‘or negative,’ she nipped his skin with her teeth.
‘Ah — fuck.’ Sebastian's body reacted well before his mind caught up. Holding her firmly by the waist, he bucked his hips up once, twice, three times, using the momentum to create friction where they both needed it most; because despite how in control she wanted to appear, she whimpered just as loudly as he did when he rutted against her. Beneath them, the sofa gave a loud, precarious-sounding screech, but Sebastian was beyond caring about the state of his furniture — he'd level the fucking house if it meant having her closer.
‘Sebas—,’ she yelped, but he cut her off with a kiss that left no room for speech, or breath, or thought beyond how fucking badly he needed her.
They moved against each other then, lost in a mess of limbs and lips and hands and tongues, and the volume of his moaning was rivalled only by that of the sofa's antique joints begging for mercy, which they dutifully ignored until —
Crack —
A splintering crunch and a hard lurch backwards cut their frantic canoodling short, and suddenly Sebastian found himself on the floor with a broken sofa back beneath him and a very unimpressed — albeit delightfully naked — redhead on top.
Not content to let a bit of back pain interrupt them, he grinned up at her hopefully, unabashedly flashing the best, most pathetically pleading puppy eyes he could muster — but she only frowned at him through her curtains of auburn hair, pinned his arms above his head and whispered, ‘Negative reinforcement it is, then.’
With the sofa officially out of action, the only thing begging for mercy for the rest of the night was him.
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msallurea · 1 year
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🎀Welcome to my blog🎀
Hi butterflies, my name is Allurèa but you guys can call me Bonnie. My blog consists of multiple topics but the main things I will be talking about is:
My daily life/personal interests
Personal development/mental health
Self care
A space for littles/age regressors
🧁🎀Although my blog is meant for the public this blog is also very personal for me since it is basically my digital diary/journal for me and my journey to become the girl of my dreams and actually take myself serious but hopefully and faithfully my blog can also help guys just as much as girls become the dream version of themselves as well!🎀🧁
10 things to know about me are:
I'm blasian and a virgo sun, cancer rising, aries moon (I have a nack for wanting to learn deeper in astrology)
I love writing and scrolling through pretty pics on pinterest while listening to songs that make me feel pretty
I'm obsessed with soft sweet pretty desserts and pretty drinks
I love being pampered, getting all cute, reading/listening to smut, anything that's romantic in general (im a hopeless romantic💔)😍 and a good laugh with close friends
My favorite color is pink, pastels, neutrals and purple(specifically lavender) but I have a soft spot for red and periwinkle blue
My favorite animal are bunnies, butterflies and white tigers
Winter is my fav season because I luv fur and cute boots
I dislike rude ppl, yelling, fake ppl, negative energy in general, dirt, bugs, liars, mean people and the smell of coconut (it can be highly nauseating when it smells too strong)
I love organizing stuff and making them pretty (despite me being ironically unorganized, I'm working on that 😭)
I'm obsessed with pretty/beauty related things in general
BONUS: my favorite flower are cherry blossoms/sakuras, peach blossoms, roses, lotus flower, Magnolia flowers (my state flower😍) and hibiscus flowers; I'm an age regressor/little which is another reason I made this blog to help with that as well
My dms and asks are always open if you ever want to talk about anything, ask anything, and/or have any suggestions for posts/topics you want me to talk about
You can find my rules here: 🎀
My Girly Diary side blog
My new girly blog is @allureasdiary, this blog will be mostly focused on pure manifestation/my manifestation journey
Other than that that is all darlings, I love you I can't wait to see how this turns out 💗
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msbutterfly5294 · 27 days
Doesn’t It Feel Good ?
That long lasting character you have , that idea / concept you have that would make a great story , your admiration for creativity of others and even your own ?
Doesn’t it feel good , yet strange ?
That long lasting character. . . You had them for years and years yet refuse to let them go . Why do you hold onto them ? Is it an emotional support character that you cannot lay to rest , do they carry the plot even from their original plot , or do they there as a reminder of where you begun ?
That idea / concept you have that you haven’t been able to fully flesh out. . . Yet it came to you from the void - out of the blue , when you were inspired by an existing original piece , or when you were working on your own creative endeavors . How long has it stuck with you ? What makes you the right person to share it ? I mean. . . You see something the rest of us don’t , so why haven’t you pursued it yet ?
The love you have for original content creator’s works. . . You see their work and all the support that gravitates to them . Heck , you may even send your own support and love . Yet , when you finally take a moment to work on your own projects , it is slower and more self doubt . Mayhaps when you shared it with someone , they weren’t as invested or encouraging as you expected and you carry that hurt with you ; corrupting your progress with your creativity . They don’t understand your creative projects as much as you do , why do you let their words affect you in the any stages of development ? They cannot feel what you feel when you endlessly cannot stop thinking about it , so why try to persuade / convince them to feel it when they don’t understand ? If you want them to feel and understand. . . Where has that effort been going towards ?
Doesn’t it feel good , yet strange that despite your stories , your art , your creativity , you find yourself the person whose purpose is to keep civilization from destroying themselves ?
Creativity isn’t a choice . It’s a calling .
. . . I think ya need to get back to your endeavors now , just remember your fellow creative human is here to support ya all da way 🦋
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sleepdeprivedsprout · 24 days
Left… Up… Down… Right…
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[Pommisc on Newgrounds] » [ H A V E M Y H E A R T - G F M I X ] «
1:20 ───〇── 2:43 ⇄ ◃◃ ⅠⅠ ▹▹ ↻
Before my introduction: Self Love Masterpost.
Also before my introduction: Very very important poll go vote right now
Now then… Hey! My name’s Sprout. I go by a few different names, honestly. Sprout, Root, and Leaf.
real canon daughter of Pico trust chat (BB AU lmao)
ALSO!!! Canon wife/partner of Boyfriend — as I call him, Blue — and I am NOT COMFORTABLE SHARING. It’s not a DNI if you’re a double, but just… Don’t mention it too much.
Friday Night Funkin’ is my main hyperfixation; most of the time, my blog matches a character I like (right now it’s a character I hate but like. We look similar so shush)
I also go by a few other names that I’ve stolen from fictional characters! You can find them under the cut.
My headmates!
I'm avoiding calling myself an endogenic system due to general hate thrown towards them. I just have headmates. Please, avoid saying I have DID as I am not diagnosed; I am not a traumagenic system and I am not an endogenic system. I just have headmates. Also, below states their source materials as well. For some, it is the specific version (such as Pico being labeled under FNF instead of Pico’s School). For others, it is simply their source material.
Sprout; Host (🌱), Sarvente; Mid-Fight Masses (🩷), Husker; Hazbin Hotel (🥃 [alternatively 🍺 or 🍻 since he forgets which]), Fluttershy; My Little Pony GEN 4 (🦋), Nebu; Friday Night Funkin’… Kinda (💎), Kapi; Arcade Showdown V2 (🧶), Ruvyzvat; Mid-Fight Masses (🩶), Documic.TXT; Unknown Source (💻), Blake; FNF: Lullaby (🗻), Annie; Hazy River (🩸), Pico; Friday Night Funkin’ (🔫), Marina Ida; Splatoon 2 (🐙)
Sprout uses she/they/it, Sarvente uses she/her, Husk uses he/they, Fluttershy uses she/they, Nebu uses he/him, Kapi uses he/they, Ruv uses he/it, Documic uses whatever the fuck is an option, Blake uses they/them, Annie uses she/her, Pico uses he/him, and Marina uses she/they. Please respect all our pronouns.
There’s probably a few others, but that depends on when they wish to come out.
I’m ✨autistic✨ so please use tone tags because I misread sometimes < misreads “you’ve improved” as negative sometimes for some reason
Tagging System!
I’ve stolen the FNF score input whoops
Sick!! - Mutual
Good! - Reblogs
Bad. - Text Post
Shit… - Asks
No Input - Queue
Gettin’ Freaky On A Friday Night Yeah - Suggestive
Other blogs?
@lilyofthevalley-s - Headmates’ Blog!
@havemyheartt - ElectroSwing (selfship) Blog!
@sparkheartt - SparkHeart (selfship) Blog!
@colorheartt - Birds of Paradise (selfship) Blog!
@foreststorge - Familial Selfship Blog! (It… Needs a ship name…)
@sprouts-xreader-stories - Fanfiction Blog!
@demonsparks - OC blog! Find Aria here :3
@levisvoid , @akuutff , @sh0uz
Wah! Online Friends!
(Uh… let us know if you wanna be removed. Also, I put the people I talk to most frequently on here.)
@vexter-the-comedian , @justletmestayawakeatthispoint , @winedownthesink , @worldsbiggestnerd101 , @pico-newgrounds
Found Fam(ily <3)
@aroacerick , @vaporwave-dr34ml4nd , @mochapop223 , @schnozzlebozzle
*the slashes are because we’re PLANNING to, I’m just waiting for them to change so I can actually @ them*
Yep! Pfp credits go to kor0kke, right here! Matching with @aroacerick (Boyfriend) , @vaporwave-dr34ml4nd (Pico) , @/winedownthesink (Darnell) , and @/worldsbiggestnerd101 (Nene)!
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carlos-in-glasses · 4 months
Hi! 😍😍
🧃 🍬 🥐 🦋 for the asks please 🥰🥰
Hello Kerry!!
🧃 ⇢ share some personal lore you never posted about before
I'm not entirely sure if this means personal fanlore like a headcanon or something lorey about me, so I'm going to sort of blend it and say: After 4x12, I was fully down for Tarlos never having kids. I thought it was quite a unique take to show a couple not being on the same page around starting a family, and it was something I related to a lot for personal reasons. However. However. Then out of the blue I felt ready to read read kidfic, having not really wanted to before. I read @welcometololaland's series Self Control? I Don't Know Her and @three-drink-amy's Teach You How Forever Feels and @ladytessa74's Elijah Verse and @bonheur-cafe's Pour me a cup (or two or three) and now I am obsessed with them becoming dads. Obsessed. I just really want it to happen. It's amazing the impact that fic can have. Everything I linked is so compelling and I just love it!
🍬 ⇢ post an unpopular opinion about a popular fandom character
I've never said this before but........ I don't like TK's name!!! Ahhhh!!! I think he suits initials but I'm not in love with the particular letters together. I also don't think Tyler suits him!!!! Please don't come for me!!! I'm sorry!!
🥐 ⇢ name one internet reference that will always make you laugh
FOUR SEASONS TOTAL LANDSCAPING!!! And this girl laughing about it!!!
🦋 ⇢ share something that has been on your heart and mind lately
Honestly, I've had quite a major dip in confidence for a while now because of work. I feel like the job has grown way beyond my intelligence level and I'm scrambling up the learning curve like someone running along a bridge that is falling away behind them. It's getting me down! Also I guess it goes without saying but season 5 of 911 LS and the excitement but also trepidation about plotlines and things! Also I don't love my hair right now.
Thank you for asking! ❤️
Writers Truth & Dare Ask Game
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colordarkwords · 2 months
"Self Destruction" A song inspired by Ray's character from Only Friends
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I am currently really into Thai series and I love how dramatic, messy, imperfect and complex Only Friends characters are. Here's a song inspired by Ray's story, his addiction and his connection with Sand. He is one of the most interesting characters of the show with the most depth in my opinion.
Verse 1 Looking for love In all the wrong places Addiction's got you bad I know you don't Wanna stay only friends I know you want my heart Behind those sassy eyes There's someone who suffers Bathing in liquor day and night You drink yourself to death To forget your past life But I don't wanna sing at your funeral
Chorus Self Destruction Baby you are You're walking on thin ice Self Destruction Baby you are You set this world on fire With your cigarette you light my fire
Verse 2 I can see you Turning so blue Suffocating loneliness Driving fast at night Under the city lights Sand is falling in the hourglass Such a pretty mess Fell under your spell But money won't save you from yourself Always chasing Those who'll never give you The affection you deserve
Bridge And deep down I'm sure All you want is to be loved But the kindness I gave you You consumed And I think I'm crazy cause I'm addicted to you Tell me how can I love you ? Now tell me how can I love you ? Will you care for me ? Will you love me ? Will you care for me ? Will you love me ?
Chorus Self Destruction Baby you are You're walking on thin ice Self Destruction Baby you are You set this world on fire With your cigarette you light my fire Written by Colorful Darkness 🦋
Somes scenes that inspired me for the lyrics :
Mainly bathtub scenes, with alcohol and cigarettes where we see Ray letting himself drown in his addictions, as well as the color blue, expressing sadness, loneliness and melacholy.
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valeriewinks777 · 2 months
Set Free🦋
pairing: Y/N x Alastor
*Your POV*
You walk restlessly--almost as if you're waiting for someone late into the night--down the cracked steps of your crumbling mansion in one of the many rings of Hell.
Your feet glide across the stained floor gracefully, the white of your wedding gown picking up the dust and debris like a feather duster.
You would have been frantic at the thought of your white wedding dress touching filth, though lately, you do not care as much as you used to. You're dress has aged over the centuries of your days in Hell, slowly decomposing away...much like you...
You approach two large wooden doors, pushing them open to reveal the vast darkened ballroom, merely lit by Hell's moonlight shining through the tinted blue windows hanging on your wall.
The smooth, polished glass dancefloor sparkles in the light, even under all the dents and cracks, its still beautiful.
Your feet lead you to the center of the ballroom, as your eyes take in your empty, quiet surroundings.
The grand piano that sits in the corner hides under a white sheet, rotting away and it's keys rusted from years of neglect.
The once red and silver lined velvet couches have now been chewed due to the rats that will become new residents of this place...
Once you depart.
You inhale a shuddering breath, feeling the warmth glow of the moonlight bask on your body.
It is nearly midnight...you only have these last final minutes to yourself. Before you finally...give up.
Your eyes catch sight of yourself in the glass beneath your feet. Slowly, you look down.
What looks back, is the sight of you, a pale, bluish skinned demon woman, whose left arm is merely bone and no flesh.
Your hair trails down your back stopping at your tailbone, your curvy waist revealing a portion of your rib cage through the ripped part of your wedding dress.
You are a decomposing sight...and yet...you still see that flicker of beauty you once had.
Your eyes are a sparkly blue, bright and shining, even against the darkness of Hell. Your round face shape still having its color, and your smile sad yet...beautiful.
Even after so long...you still wear your wedding dress, your ripped and stained veil trailing down your hair, and your dried decomposed bouquet of flowers in your hands. 
You never once took your dress off...it was all you had left.
All you had left of your once human life on earth, before you had taken your life at quarter three under an ancient oak tree.
When you awoke, you found yourself in Hell...looking into the nearest mirror to see your once white skin now tainted blue, and your once beautiful perfect body now missing bits and pieces, revealing your bones.
You are a Bride Demon. The only Bride Demon in Hell, the only Bride Demon who has ever existed.
You are Demon who is obsessed with finding true love, that you couldn't see the sick love consume you entirely, twisting you, bending you to its will.
You fell victim to such sick love on the night of your wedding. Your husband had began to beat you, and you, killed him in self defense. Before ending your own life due to the crime you just committed.
You had no ill intentions towards your husband, you loved him--or so you believed--but the night of your wedding, when he was too drunk to be able to contain his actions, you had no choice but to end him, just to keep yourself from dying.
Though your action drove you to insanity, to the point where you could not live with yourself.
For your crimes, you were sent to Hell. And as for your punishment, your once beautiful skin and body slowly began to rot away...leaving you a horrid sight to others.
Making it so that no one could ever love you...which is all you have ever desired most in life...
For centuries, you've hidden away in this abandoned mansion you stand in now, rotting away with each and every passing day.
You found comfort and solitude being here, hiding away in these walls with fading wallpaper.
You and this house face the same fate. One day, you and this house will be forgotten.
But at least, you say to yourself, that this home you've grown to love will disappear with you.
You extend your arms, imagining a partner worthy of your love placing his hands in yours and on your waist, waltzing to the silence of the ballroom, hearing a song created by your minds.
A soft smile spreads across your tainted blue lips, as indeed, the thoughts of a grinning man fills your mind.
His name...Alastor.
You had met him shortly after coming to Hell, and instantly, you fell in love with him.
He has that effect on women, of course. Due to the fact that he is one of Hell's Overlords, and attractive unlike other demons you've seen.
But you knew deep down that you were in love with him not because of his looks or rank...you loved him for him. You were probably the first demoness to have ever loved him for who he was on the inside.
You loved him because unlike anyone here, and even your romances in the human world...he truly made you feel like a woman. He made you feel alive...and worthy. And beautiful.
You wanted to be his wife, more then anything in the world. You believed that meeting him, you finally found your happily ever after you dreamed of ever since you were a child watching Disney princesses receive there happily ever afters.
Though you soon realized that someone like Alastor, could never open his heart to anyone, let alone you.
He never found love or romance worthy of his time, he enjoyed being married to himself and his passion for entertaining and making deals.
So on the day you confessed your feelings to him, he merely laughed at you, before telling you that he would never be yours, causing you to be here now. Hiding in the crumpling pieces of an old Overlord's used to be mansion, while you hold your poorly stitched heart in the palms of your hands.
Centuries has passed since you have seen his face, but you still remember him. You remember his smile, his red and black hair, his antlers, his radio like voice that brims with charm...
You couldn't help yourself to forget him. He unknowingly made sure that you would never forget him, that you would spend countless crying hours over the truth that he would never be yours.
You would never know what he was thinking, or what his feelings were because of how well he hid behind his wicked smile.
The true power of torture...no blade could ever hurt like this.
Of going centuries without the one you love and truly desire, of him being so close yet so far...
no sort of weapon could ever compare to this silent torture.
You love Alastor...more then you have ever loved anyone ever before...
And allowing your heart slowly be consumed by this pain, you find yourself here now, dancing your final moments before you would accept your demise.
You continue to waltz, before you feel the sudden gentle caress of gloved hands gingerly clasp your hands, forcing your eyes to open to be face to face with the grinning demon who mercilessly played with your heart until it had reached it's maximum...
He stands before you, tall and strapping, dressed in a red and black version of a tux, his hair combed back to reveal his deer ears more, and a single rose head pinned in his coat.
Your eyes widen, and your lips part. He was gorgeous...stunning, breathtaking.
You could only pray that you looked beautiful in his eyes.
Alastor begins the waltz with you, never murmuring a single word, but merely staring at you with his smile softening ever so slightly.
How you dreamed of this moment when he would take your hands in his and dance with you. How you painted pictures in your mind of such fantasies...
You feel your weakened heart beat a little harder, and your eyes stinging with tears of joy. He is here with you, in your final moments.
Alastor and you continue the dance, leaving behind trails of footprints amongst dust, his fluidity and grace leaving you breathless and even more in love with him.
He was perfect...the most perfect man you have ever loved...
He was the one you've searched for all your time on Earth as a human.
And he here was now...dancing with you.
As you feel the dance slow to nearly a complete stop, he raises a hand to tuck some hair behind your ear, his touch leaving a warm sensation within you. Making you desire more...but being denied your plead, like a dog begging there master for love and attention.
How close he was to you...it made you feel a pinch in your chest, the desire to reach up and kiss his lips burning within you.
Though you cannot do so. You don't want to lose this little fraction of affection due to a reckless kiss.
You've begged for this, and you are going to stand here and allow yourself to be still, and breathe in this little affection he will allow himself to give.
His touch lingers to your cheeks, brushing aside the few tears that fell from your eyes.
All you can see, is his grinning face, staring into yours.
You begin to feel your heart ache suddenly, before it grows into a more intense pain, making you gasp softly and hiss in pain.
The time has come now...it is time to say goodbye.
For centuries, you've manifested for your demise to come, to take you and end your suffering, but standing here now in front of Alastor, the one you love with all your heart, you beg the invisible forces of Hell to give you more time.
More time to be with Alastor...to feel his fingers touch your skin. More time to feel just a little loved.
Your knees begin to grow weak, and you step forward to clutch onto Alastor for balance, though as you reach for him, he disappears from the air, and you fall to the ground.
A hallucination...your mind's one last act of torture before you give yourself entirely to the hungry void.
He was never here.
Your heart is shattering, cutting your insides like glass. You roll onto your right side to stare out at the tinted blue window one last time.
You curl yourself in a tight ball, tears running down your face as you beg.
Please...please...just a little more time. Please...I don't want to go.
You feel your breathing shorten by each passing second, your hands shaking as you grip onto your chest.
The final pieces of your soul are being taken away...and you fight to hold on just a little longer. 
As you lay there, your existence slowly being sucked away through Hell's straw, you think of Alastor. You think of his smile, you pretend to hear his voice...you think of how he made you feel.
Such a wicked game he played with you...without even knowing it. Being clueless to your true feelings and desires.
And even though initially, he is the cause of you being here now, reaching the point of your permanent demise due to the heartbreak...you wished he was here. 
You wished he would caress your face, and tell you that everything will be okay...
You wished you could look into his eyes, and see him.
The pain slowly begins to intense even more, forcing you to shut your eyes and accept it.
Unknowingly, a shadow appears behind you, kneeling down to where you lay, its hand reaching to touch your back...your last touch of comfort.
You can't see the shadow, nor do you even realize that there even is a shadow behind you, but suddenly, you begin to feel warmth...like...your going home finally.
Your eyes slowly flutter shut, your breathing coming to a slow, before you hear a faint whisper in your ear, that you can't tell whether or not if its real, or if its your mind speaking.
Don't be afraid...you will be set free...
Set free...
The words soothe you, as your breathing relaxes. After years of abuse in your human life, and centuries of heartbreak...you've finally reached the end.
You won't feel anything anymore...you will finally rest.
Your soul will become weightless, and disappear in the air.
You will be free.
Your hand falls away from your chest, as you breathe out your last final breath.
Your body relaxes...and your eyes never open.
Your time has come...your demise has reached you.
You are no longer trapped in your demoness body, you are gone.
Hours pass, and the shadow still remains beside your lifeless body.
The shadow lifted you onto its lap, so that it could cradle you in its arms.
You never stir, nor do your eyes ever open.
The shadow gingerly cups your face, its gloved thumb brushing against your cold cheek.
This isn't a shadow cradling you, no...this is Alastor.
Before your demise, you unknowingly summoned him to come to you, to be there for your final moments before you would give up fighting entirely and lay yourself down for Hell to swallow.
He witnessed you accept your fate...with a soft smile on your blue lips as you exhaled your final breath.
Alastor raises a hand to touch yours that he placed on your stomach, his crimson red eyes staring into your face.
He's waited a long time for you to finally stop fighting and give in...for the sake of your tortured soul.
He's known how long and how deeply you loved him. So many times, he wanted to scream at you, he wanted you to let him go so that you could have a chance in your new life in Hell.
Though you never did...you allowed yourself the love you felt for him to consume you until there was nothing left to consume. 
He stood by and witnessed you torture your soul, being able to do nothing to fix it.
He couldn't love you, not the way you deserved to be loved, and his powers wouldn't fix what was already too engrained in you.
He had to stand by and watch as the final piece of you faded away. 
You had proven to him...that a heart could still break once it stops beating.
Though deep down he wasn't in love with you, he did care about you. He did feel something for you...a feeling of friendship, of acceptance for who you were.
Though you would never accept what he wanted to--and was willing--to give you. You only wanted him as your eternal lover....
Alastor exhales a little breath. "You poor dear..." he whispers to yourself, "driven to demise from a love you desired...and never seeing what was already in front of you."
You don't say a word.
He leans down and gently places a soft tender kiss on your cold forehead, placing his one hand on your heart. 
"Don't worry, my darling. No longer will you suffer..."
His hand begins to glow green, as he focuses on setting your soul to freedom.
His final act of kindness, his final gift to you...to set you free.
Slowly, your body begins to detach parts of itself, the detached pieces shaping into beautiful blue butterflies, before your entire body is gone, and transformed into hundreds of blue butterflies that fly away into the air, free at last.
He watches the butterflies fly elegant and gracefully in the air, having no knowledge as to where to go, but not caring about it.
They could go anywhere they wanted...there were no restrictions.
He could never give you his heart from when you were a living demoness...but, he could only hope that what he did give you, was enough for you to finally be set to rest. To finally be free from pain, and weightless.
He rises to his feet, picking up your left behind bouquet of dead flowers.
He touches the petal of a dried up blue rose, before turning to leave the crumbling abandoned mansion, with this only keepsake of yours in his hands.
As he entered Hell's streets, he watched as the butterflies that is you float higher into Hell's skies, reaching for the doorway that will release you from Hell, and allow you entrance to Earth.
A soft smile forms on Alastor's face, knowing that he did something no one ever could.
He set you free.
And that to his eyes...is the perfect act of love.
He turns on his heels and heads for home, the thoughts of your beautifully painted face on his mind.
He will never forget you...he will hold your bouquet of flowers as his reminder of you, and the thoughts of your beautiful soul transformed into butterflies, taking flight.
He enters the door to his home, walking towards the fireplace where he sits and reads a book.
Placing your flowers...beside him in a vase.
Though he was never able to give you the one thing you ever wanted, which was his love. He gave you the one thing you truly needed...
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sobeautifullyobsessed · 6 months
a self-indulgent head canon ~ and I'm gonna run with it
So, I'm casually watching Doctor Strange (2016) and my mind just wandered a little, thinking of one of my rare completed fics, 'Friday in the Park with Stephen'. Wishing I could afford to commission artwork created by my OFC (Hope Collins) of Stephen's hands, which she gifted to him because she saw beauty in his scars. The drawing featured a Blue Morpho Butterfly resting on his forefinger. The beautiful creature that led to them meeting.
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It suddenly occurred to me that as the story takes place shortly before the events of Infinity War...and that although I took inspiration from the blue-green butterflies that Stephen transforms Thanos's black hole into, that in the world I've created for Stephen & Hope (in my seriesThe Wizard and the Artist) it could be that he conjures blue butterflies because he inextricably associates them with the love & comfort she gives him in14,000,604. So, yup, super self-indulgent. But also waaaaaaay super cool.
Sharing with a few people whom I know appreciate Stephen & Hope as a couple, because I know they'll get it.😁🦋😁
@strangelock221b @aeterna-auroral-avenger @stewardofningishzida @ben-locked @icytrickster17 @darsynia (I know you're not doing much reading these days,dear, but as Friday is one of your faves...☺️)
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Welcome Home x Kaiju Reader Scenarios:
If you're feeling sad
POV: you're feeling down on yourself when you enter the neighborhood.
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🏠 He'll give you a sympathetic look, and try to attract Wally or any other neighbors to your location.
🏠 if no one's around or busy, He'll try to offer his best means of comfort, which is his usual onomatopoeia.
"Creeeak... squeak.. creeeek..."
🏠 you understood some of it, but not all of it.
🏠 If you're sitting close enough to his side, he'll try to "pat" your back with his window shutter.
🏠 wishes you were small enough so he could invite you in to wait for Wally.
🎨 he can't stand to see you upset. He'll notice your dimmed demeanor and ask you what's wrong.
🍎 He'd be very upset you didn't see your beauty the way he did.
"Oh neighbor. Don't you know that you're the absolute most to me?"
🎨 he'd try to make you feel better by painting your spikes or nails, or just a painting for you in general.
🍎 When none of which work/are denied, he'll reside to sitting beside you, if you're laying on your belly, he'll hug your cheek and reminds you that he "Loves you very much."
👁 will try to track down whomever made you feel this way to "talk" with them.
🦴 He'll somewhat sense you're feeling off, but if you're visibly saddened he'll ask you outright if you're okay.
🐶 He'll visibly wilt at how you upset you were as he couldn't bare the fact you felt so bad. He'll even take off his hat.
"Aw... s'ok kid... you know you could talk to your ol' blue buddy Barnaby if ya need to."
🦴 He'll try to lighten your mood with a few jokes from his stand-up acts or try to perform a few tricks for you if he had any props on hand.
🐶 if none of those really work, He'll lay his head on your lap. If your laying on your belly, he'll lay his head on your hand.
🦴 He'll either sit there with you and offer words of comfort or just remain silent until you're feeling better. Sometimes he'll even lick your cheek.
🪀 She'll notice it right away; she can detect the somber aura in your presence and lack of enthusiasm and ask you what's up.
🧸 Her cheery demeanor would lower almost instantly. Your feelings were very important to her.
"Aw... Don't worry, I'm here to help!"
🪀 seeing that you weren't up for physical games, she'd try games like "I spy" or find shapes in the clouds.
🧸 if you're laying on your belly, she'll sit beside your cheek, and idly trace shapes along your finger while having light-hearted chats with you
🪀 may doze off laying against your cheek, in which you'd also do.
🍪 Poppy can see it almost immediately, and would gently ask if you were feeling well.
🪶 Her heart would break for whatever bad feelings would plague you. Even if you were tall, she considered you to be her "child."
"Oh dear... is there anything I could do to make you feel better?"
🍪 she'll offer you something to eat, whether it be a baked pastry or anything you wanted in general.
🪶 if that is denied, she'll simply sit with you, either in silence or engages in lighthearted conversation, while knitting something.
🍪 sometimes, if she's feeling brave enough she'll perk herself onto her shoulder and preen your hair gently.
🦋 he'll notice you aren't your usual bright self, and even if he's apprehensive with you, he'll still approach you and ask if you're okay.
📚 He'll actually be incredibly sympathetic, as he really didn't know what someone through your mind.
"O-oh. I'm sorry to hear that."
🦋 he won't really know what to do, and he'll upright ask if you wanted to talk about it.
📚 when you do open up, he's a very good listener, not missing a single word you say, and is very careful with his responses.
🦋 after a while, it will become a lighthearted conversation about a random subject.
☀️ she knows an act when she sees one. She can see right through the "cheery facade" and will ask you upfront what ails you.
🎭 she'll have to keep from bursting into hysterics, as you were a paragon to her and for you to have such negative thoughts broke her spirit.
"Oh no... that simply won't do! Is there anything I can do to aid you?"
☀️ she'll try to keep her exaggerating to a minimum and try to offer you words of comfort.
🎭 If you're laying on your belly, she'll sit against your cheek, periodically doting over you and praising your existence.
☀️ her figurative and literal warmth might cause you to dose off with a smile on your face, to which she'll let herself dose off as well.
🐛 He'll see it in your posture, which was slightly slumped. When he got time to himself, he approached you and asked you if you were okay.
🛍 He felt terrible at how you felt. His inner older brother couldn't bare to hear such negative thoughts come from you.
"Ohh... Well... wait out here. I'm going on my break soon. Maybe we can talk about it."
🐛 true to his word, he did indeed spend his break with you talking with you, and offering words of comfort.
🛍 he sat on your shoulder, listening to you as you vented, while using all four of his hands to rub your hand best he can. [Optional if you have the appropriate hair type: he'll sometimes braid your hair.]
🐛 he'll offer you some of his stocks, and try to remain outside as much as possible to keep you company.
✉️ he'll see it in how you greet him; he knows a sad voice when he hears it. He'll ask you if you're feeling alright.
💌 he'll frown in sympathy, knowing how difficult it must be for one of your stature to deal with such negative feelings.
"Oh my. Don't worry. I'll always be here if you need me."
✉️ Once he's done with his usual routes, he'll notify everyone of your feelings via, you guessed it; mail!
💌 everyone almost immediately makes you letters, crafts and other various gifts, and he incorporated some of his own work into this.
✉️ once he delivers it to you, he'll sit with you and remind you on how much you mean to them, and that everyone's willing to help you.
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Hope this brightened up your day, lovelies~ ❤️
This idea is from a commenter from my Wattpad book.
If there’s any ideas you’d like to share, asks are open.~
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kaidynsarell · 6 months
🦋🫧Sanguinis et Omnium Fractorum🫧🦋
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Chapter 3-Of Cracks and Fine Lies
Pairing- Sebastian Sallow x Female OC
Rating - This story is rated overall 🔞(ch 3 is SFW)
Tags- Discussions of terminal Illness, self-harm.
The full chapter can be found below the cut(3.5k words
Ongoing Fic
Chapters 1-6 Are available on WP and AO3
The walls of the Great Hall did not find Clara amongst the throng of students that breakfasted the following morning. Nor was she found amongst those whose aching heads still lingered beneath the bedclothes to coax every morsel of sleep from ticking hands. Instead, the soles of her overly scuffed boots clipped hurried footsteps toward the Hospital Wing. Echoing noisily against the flagstones in the near-deserted corridors, to be witnessed only by the numerous moving portraits and the occasional ghost.
The nightmare was not new, nor were the headaches that accompanied them. Though they'd both worsened in recent years.
It was a parasite that had clung to the edges of her consciousness as long as memory had lived within her mind. Always the same confused mass of distorted images lingering in the dark corners of her dreams, only to show its face when she was least prepared.
Each time left her just as terrified as the last, and each time left her just as confused.
Between that and the wash of scarlet-stained memories from Fifth year, a carefully regulated regimen of Dreamless Sleep Draughts via Nurse Blainey had become her only solace from an otherwise steady flow of nightmares.
Even so, the potion was not readily available.
Difficult to brew and disastrous to get wrong, the potion required ingredients that were not only highly regulated but also incredibly expensive, and a severe lack of galleons did not lend to obtaining the precious vials of swirling indigo and cerulean.
She'd been forced to forego the potions during the summer holidays, resigned to what sleep she could achieve with her Grandmother's chamomile tea and fresh bundles of lavender. It wasn't much, but if Clara couldn't find love tucked between the careful stitches in her clothing, she would find it curled within the steam and brushed across the hand-painted peonies that decorated the delicate porcelain in shades of the palest pink.
The tea had never helped the nightmares much, but she'd told Gran it did, if only because it had made the older woman smile. Maybe if Clara had said it enough, she could have convinced herself of it as well.
She'd lied every night until the last cup of tea Gran had made her, just weeks before the start of term. The delicate pink peonies had shattered in shards of glass across the kitchen floor before Beatrice Elmore fell to the ground, and only the swirls of wood grain had tasted the chamomile that dripped from the fragments.
There was no enemy- no goblin or Dark Wizard from whom she could exact revenge- just an old woman's heart counting the last of its beats. Clara couldn't destroy time or old age, and as she'd learned with Professor Fig, no spell could reverse death.
Clara didn't drink tea anymore.
Frosted glass muted the shafts of early morning sunlight, breaking through the windows to wash over the soft green and blue linens and kiss the wooden arches of the peaked ceiling.
The flagstones were chipped here, spiderwebbed with cracks, and crumbled along the corners. It was odd to have floors in such disrepair. Clara might have suspected they belonged to the dungeons or a secret passage.
She would not have expected the Hospital Wing.
Then again, no one visited this room because they were completely whole. They were all a little cracked and crumbling.
Perhaps the castle could sense it.
Nurse Blainey was not in the room.
Instead, a young woman perched on the edge of the bed closest to the nurse's office—where Clara could make out the faint murmur of voices from behind the closed door. Gentle hints of auburn ignited in the soft light and curled amid the darker waves of cinnamon brown that framed the woman's thin face, and Clara could just make out the light sprinkling of freckles that had never counted as many as her brother's.
Confusion poked at the place she kept her worry, and only the stabbing pain behind her eyes distracted her from the rush of cold weightlessness that accompanied the uneven slamming against her ribs. All thoughts of Dreamless Sleep Draught momentarily banished to the corners of her consciousness.
Anne shouldn’t be here
The brunette had all but refused to go to a hospital since before the end of Fifth year- since the Healers had given up on her, and hope had burned to destruction in Sebastian's hands. Ominis had nearly been on his knees before she had allowed him to hire a Home Care Mediwitch who could check in each week to monitor her condition and replenish the stock of potions that fought and often failed to mitigate her symptoms fully.
If Anne had come to Nurse Blainey willingly... if she'd felt she needed to come... Clara frowned and stepped over the cracked stone, trying and failing to resist the implications surging ahead at breakneck speed to threaten her overwhelm.
The brunette's head tilted slightly at her appearance, eyebrows squished at the center. "I didn't think I'd see you until tom...tomorrow."
The words wobbled at the precipice, close to falling. The little smile Anne had worn clenched at the corners, twisted to a grimace, and Clara didn't miss the slight flexion of her spine or the near-unconscious guarding of her abdomen. "Anne, is everything...has something happened? Do I need to get Ominis?"
"No....no, I'm fine. Everything's fine."
Fine was a relative term.
Fine ignored the half-dug grave that clawed at her bones and waited to drag her under the dirt to lay alongside her parents. Fine ignored the skull that could be seen beneath paper-thin skin and the plum-dark bruises maintaining a permanent residence under her eyes. Fine ignored the curse barnacled to her cells, leeching what little life remained in her blood.
Fine was the lie Clara told herself over and over in the hope she might one day believe it.
Almost as quickly as it had started, Anne's grimace softened, tipped up, and curled at the corners. Her smile was nearly a perfect mirror of Sebastian's, in how it crinkled over her entire face, but more so in how it masked the pain that lingered beneath the surface.
Anne shifted her weight on the mattress. "I...I've been in contact with a Healer from St Mungo's, actually."
The words hardly had time to register coherently in Clara's mind before the click of a lock, and the scraping of wood over stone interrupted the flicker of her surprise, and Nurse Blainey's office door was pushed open.
Clara didn't recognize the man who stepped from within.
Tall and thin, he had hair the color of cornsilk and a haughty expression that might have rivaled the worst of Ominis' ill-tempered moods. Polished shoes clipped purposeful steps over the cracked floor with the precision of a metronome. Though the effect was somewhat lost in the slight sway of his hips. His gaze hovered over Clara for half a beat; the little flare of his nostrils and tightening of his lips were the only acknowledgments he'd seen her before his cold gray eyes shifted down to the clipboard and pad of documents extracted from inside a pristine leather satchel.
If the brunette had noticed his overly stiff posture, she gave no indication, tilting her head to the man who now stood only a few paces from them. "This is Healer Fawley. He's from a branch of St. Mungo's Spell Damage Department–Experimental Research and Development. We've been in contact recently, and ...well..." She trailed off and gestured vaguely for the man to continue.
Healer Fawley did not look as he spoke, his voice as clipped and sharp as his footsteps. "Our department studies the nature and progression of rare and unseen afflictions. Given the nature, and frankly the rarity of Miss Sallow's curse-"
It was another word that ignored the truth of Anne's condition. The curse was unheard of by any of the Healers assigned to her case and nowhere to be found in the nearly two years Sebastian had spent pouring indefatigably over every text he could pilfer from the restricted section.
"-We reached out some weeks ago in the hopes she might allow us to study it further, utilizing some methods we are in the early process of developing."
Study it? Clara blinked between the Healer, still pointedly fixed on his notes, and the brunette still perched on the edge of the bed. "Do you... do you mean to say you might...that you could find...?"
The word felt taboo against her tongue, and it died behind her teeth, but hope tasted like honey and lingered where the words could not be spoken.
Anne's lips turned down. "A cure isn't likely."
"Oh." Hope was fickle. Too sweet, and bitter dripped down to smother it. She should have known better, and crescents dug scarlet against her skin.
Healer Fawley's gaze snapped abruptly to Clara at the motion. Cold grey to her blue and flicked down to where her fingernails dug against the fragile skin at her wrist. Brows twitched together. It was gone as quickly as it had come, and his gaze returned to the clipboard as he spoke. "I am sorry I cannot assure a better outcome, but I will not make false promises."
Anne shivered despite the late summer heat but appeared otherwise unperturbed. Terminal had become a far too familiar concept. If not by way of the Healers, who'd failed to find a solution, then by way of Solomon, who had rejected all attempts to the contrary and repeatedly insisted on acceptance of the inevitable.
"We are hopeful, however, that it may offer some insight into other lesser-known curses and afflictions that still puzzle wizardkind. Though, if we make any progress or find anything promising that may aid Miss Sallow's condition, she will be the first to know."
Anne shrugged, a slight movement barely noticeable beneath her thick sweater and woolen scarf. "Provided they keep the tests minimally invasive and continue to meet me here rather than at St. Mungos, I've agreed to help."
Clara frowned. Leave it to Anne to refuse to enter a hospital when it came to saving her own life, only to leap at the opportunity as soon as it meant she might help someone else by doing so. Salazar Slytherin would be rolling in his grave. Though she supposed that was Anne. The brunette favored pity even less than Clara did. She'd had more years for it to sour. But this? What Fawley was asking for didn't smell like pity. Anne wasn't being worried and fussed over. The Healers weren't even focused on saving her; if anything, she was helping them.
"Elias?" Nurse Blainey was a small woman, barely taller than Clara, but years of looking after the health of rambunctious students had given her a presence that was hard to ignore. She bustled from her office; a thick folder clutched between her fingers. "Are you sure these are all the documents you'll need on Miss Sallow?"
Fawley took the folder without looking and nodded once- a short, curt motion. "Yes, Thank You, Noreen."
The nurse frowned. "I'm afraid they are somewhat out of date; perhaps you shou-"
"No." Fawley must have reviewed his notes at least a dozen times since leaving the nurse's office, but his eyes were locked, once again, on the document even as his hand snapped up to bat the question away.
Nurse Blainey raised her eyebrows, arms folded across her chest. The irritation spread so thickly over her features that Clara might have run a finger through it and licked away the frosting. "Very well. Do you require further assistance, Healer Fawley?"
Clara did not miss the shift in the nurse's tone, nor did Fawley, whose jaw had tensed slightly the curt addition of the title.
The man swallowed, glanced at the clock beside the door, and then at the petite woman. "These tests will be adequate for now. Thank you, Nurse Blainey. I would, however, like to gather a few vials of Miss Sallow's blood. If you'd be so kind as to collect those for me, I would greatly appreciate it. My skills in that area have grown somewhat lax in recent years."
Nurse Blainey huffed through her nose but otherwise did not respond. Instead, she glanced at Anne, who nodded her consent and pushed her sleeve up.
As though to mirror the cracks below their boots, the stark blue of Anne's veins traced spiderwebs under translucent skin. The thin woman didn't finch as the nurse made a small cut just below the junction of her elbow and siphoned the stream garnet into two glass vials.
Clara watched as Healer Fawley carefully secured the vials in an inner pouch of his satchel and fell into a brief discussion with the Hogwarts nurse.
"I will be seeing you tomorrow, won't I?" Something bumped Clara's shoulder, snapping her attention from where the vial of Anne's blood had disappeared into the Healer's bag.
The brunette had stood from the bed and arched an eyebrow at the slightly shorter woman. "Tomorrow? It's Saturday. You're both still coming for dinner, aren't you?"
Understanding flooded spaces left by her confusion, and Clara nodded her agreement before her attention was again drawn to Healer Fawley. His face had taken on an air of bored disinterest, and his eyes darted in a steady triangle- from his notes to Nurse Blainey and up to the clock with near-dizzying repetition.
Anne chuckled softly and slid a thin arm through Clara's. She smelled sweet, like caramel, vanilla, and the dustings of baker's sugar that often adorned her freckles or the spaces between her knuckles. "The thing is-" she continued, head bent to Clara's ear "-I've not told Omi about this yet."
It was Clara's turn to raise her eyebrows.
Anne grimaced and looked down. "I didn't want to worry him. You know how he can get."
Any further discussion on the matter was interrupted as Healer Fawley abruptly tore himself away from Nurse Blainey's conversation. "Again, Thank You, Noreen. Miss Sallow, I will contact you shortly with plans for our next meeting."
Then Clara watched as the tall man turned on his heel and strode from the Hospital Wing. The sharp, methodical clip of his footsteps faltered only once when the toe of his polished boot caught the crumpled edge of a flagstone. He stumbled for a moment and disappeared down the hallway.
Nurse Blainey sighed and turned to the other two witches. "Miss Elmore, I'll see you in my office now, and Miss Sallow, you are welcome to use my fireplace to get back home if you'd rather not traverse the grounds to the apparition boundaries. I imagine you'd be quite exhausted walking that far."
Anne nodded, and they followed the petite woman
Her office existed in shades of chestnut and bronze. Bookshelves filled with charts, well-worn medical texts, and various anatomical models that moved and stretched as though to mirror living counterparts lined one wall. Locked cabinets filled with brightly colored potions- Wiggenwelds, Skele-gro, Pepper up, and several others were crammed against one another. And still, another wall was hung with certificates of licensure featuring the crossed wand and bone of St. Mungo's and additional anatomical drawings and diagrams. What books were not on the shelves had found themselves on the large mahogany desk at the center of the room and rested amongst stacks of student files that had not yet received proper documentation of recent visits.
With a little huff, the nurse settled behind her desk and pulled one of the unfinished files toward her.
Anne stepped to the fireplace and gathered a small handful of Floo powder from the pewter bowl in the bracket affixed to the wall. "Thank you again, Nurse Blainey. I do appreciate your allowing me to use your ward."
"Of course, my dear. You're welcome anytime." The nurse's eyes remained on the file in front of her, but the corners of her mouth quirked into a small smile.
Clara was wrapped in a sweet-smelling hug that might have crushed the breath from her lungs had Anne's body not been so frail, and the brunette vanished amid a rush of green flames.
The smooth cherrywood box scraped across the desk before the wash of green light vanished from the room. Slightly larger than Clara's palm and charmed to only open at her or Nurse Blainey's touch, Clara could already picture the five small vials, each slightly larger than her pinky finger and swirling with the tell-tale indigo and cerulean of Dreamless Sleep Draught.
"The nightmares have still not improved; I take it?"
She didn't question how Nurse Blainey had known. Showing up to her office first thing in the morning, before classes had even begun, must have been enough of an indication. Clara shifted on her feet, clenched her fingernails against the indentations on the underside of her wrist, and locked them against her skin. With the distraction of Anne no longer present, restless desire crushed between her knuckles and ached to uncurl her bones and stretch them out to snatch the square of cherrywood from the mahogany.
The break over the summer holidays had done little to temper her desire for the little swirling vials, and now that shattered peonies dripped with chamomile had joined the images of her nightmares, she hated how much more she wanted it.
Clenched tighter, Clara felt the little 'pop' and sting as the skin broke beneath her fingernails.
"No, they haven't."
She didn't feel pity knit beneath the nurse's furrowed brow as much as flickers of concern that tugged at the corners of her lips and darted her gaze between Clara's face and the small box perched on her desk. "Very well, do you remember the directions?
She forced her eyes away from the cherrywood to where Nurse Blainey sat behind her desk and rattled off the list she'd been instructed to memorize and required to recite every month with each new box of the precious liquid: "Do not exceed more than five vials every thirty days. Do not exceed more than one vial every three days. Do not take while under the influence of alcohol or combine with substances containing valerian root, and I'm to tell you straight away if I have any abrupt headaches or changes in vision."
Nurse Blainey nodded slowly, brown eyes locked against Clara's blue with a curious intensity. "Excellent, Miss Elmore. I trust you remember and understand the risks, and you will follow those instructions?"
That was the risk she'd been warned of repeatedly. Or rather, a state of unconsciousness so complete it would be impossible to wake. Students weren't given vials to use at their own discretion, but as Professor Black had put it, Clara was the Hero of Hogwarts. Surely she could be trusted with something like this, and undeserving of the title or not, she'd be hard-pressed to reject one of the few things that had offered relief from the nightmares.
Clara nodded.
She wasn't surprised when the nurse stood and, with a flick of her wand, a series of colorful glowing orbs appeared around Clara's head. It was a simple vital systems charm- one Clara could have conjured herself. The brown that had been so focused against blue shifted to the hovering orbs. Holding her wand aloft, Nurse Blainey began using her other hand to manipulate the orbs with quick, precise motions. "I take it you are still interested in continuing to assist me this term?"
It was not a question, though the upward inflection in the woman's voice begged a response, and Clara nodded her agreement. Once again, focused on the cherrywood box and the sharp sting against her wrist.
The glowing orbs dissipated, and Nuse Blainey pushed the box toward Clara. "I'll speak with Professor Weasley and Professor Sharp to arrange it into your timetable, and we'll be in contact shortly. Otherwise, I'll expect you back in thirty days with any vials you may have remaining."
Impatience tied strings to eager fingertips and leapt them forward to curl around the cherrywood. Another nod and assurance that Clara would adhere to the terms of her prescription and the sound of her boots tapped across the cracks and out to the corridor.
Clara already knew she wouldn't have any of the vials left when she returned in thirty days.
She never did.
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n4talia-chaparro · 1 year
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Ladies and Gentlemen....I present you....woman. ok ok I'll stop LOL
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Contains: toxic relationship (?), mention of eating disorder (BED/ binge eating disorder?), etc
💧|| ꒷꒦︶✨️︶︶꒷꒦︶∪∪︶꒷꒦︶︶✨️︶꒷꒦ ||💧
₊˚꒰🦋⸝⸝︰𝐄𝐝𝐢𝐭𝐡 ┆ ⤿ 💙 ⌗
✧ ┊• Also known as Krupp's first ex. She's an ex-worker who used to work as a lunch lady at Jerome Horwitz. Although she isn't that good at focusing on her job, she is a sweet angel.
✧ ┊• Her favorite color is blue! Always spends more time with the flowers and watching the sun fade away on afternoon all by herself.
✧ ┊• She loves butterflies- especially if it's blue or any color that match her eyes or interests.
✧ ┊• According to Ms. Anthrope, Edith retired or was forced to leave the job after a big fight and argument in the office.
- Half of the staff members have seen her packing her stuff before leaving the job. They asked her what happened but they didn't get any response from her. The only thing they noticed is the way she hides the bruises inside her gloves and watery eyes. Yet no response or any info about Edith.
- 3/5 months or weeks later after the event (which of course she was not involved in those terrible situations), she met the Toilette in the supermarket. They haven't seen each other since the last time she worked in the school. The janitor explained a few stuff and asked her if she wanted to help the others, to which she agreed and returned to her job later on.
✧ ┊• Some students see Edith as a single mom. Well, I mean. Maybe a kind lady but a mom figure??? Um silly and funny not gonna lie.
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✧ ┊• Edith is sensitive to yelling and insults. Well, loud noises/sounds, especially sensitive and unexpected topics, if you get what I mean.
✧ ┊•  She loves sweets and soft marshmallows but she's scared to gain weight. Sweets can easily distract her soo..
✧ ┊• Doesn't like showing too much skin or wearing something that makes her uncomfortable such as pants, shorts, sleeveless shirts, tank top t-shirts, swimsuits, etc. Edith would always feel uncomfortable and always insecure about her appearance and weight.
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✧ ┊• Speaking of insecurities, sweets, and stuff, she suffers from a binge eating disorder due to anxiety, low self-esteem, dieting, and stuff.
- feels guilty for not being good enough. Krupp would constantly body-shame her and tell her how gross and fat she looks with the stretch marks on her thighs and stomach. Judging her appearance, blaming her because of her weight and telling her that she isn't good enough and no man will love her if she doesn't lose weight.
- And because of that, she doesn't feel comfortable around everyone. She hates feeling like she was being watched or might see being gossiping about her appearance. No matter where she goes (work, camping, beaches, pools, probably mall or any place) people will always look at her with disgust. After all, since she's helping Toilette and the other staff, she had to face her fear and wear something for the summer camp. She isn't a fan of summer or camping but it's fun when it comes to doing activities with the children.
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✧ ┊• I'm not sure if she is an alien in this AU or not but possibly. I mean having an alien in the middle of a murder scene caused by her human ex who's principal?? I don't know. An Alien in a cringy and horror au doesn't fit well.
✧ ┊• Edith doesn't mind keeping her eyes on the kids. Some of them are hard for her to supervise, while half of them are calm. George on the other hand is hard to deal with sometimes. Edith doesn't have any against George but oh boy the kid weird
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Meanwhile, Harold is just damn. Idk. Edith is too kind to the kids alright idk what to type here.
✧ ┊• ehhh Edith sometimes prefers to be alone for a bit. However, she did miss her job a lot but being a lunch lady can be difficult.
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Edith would always stay in the kitchen for a few minutes to have some time. Even tho the kitchen seems fucked up she didn't care. It makes her a little bored whenever she has to wait for the kids to come out of their class. She always had fo heat up the food in case. (????)
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✧ ┊• Her relationship with people is just new to her. After being kicked out of her job for months she has met new people so far after meeting Toilette.
- Jerry: oh boy that's gotta be silly. A normal person would help her out with the stuff. But she isn't good at talking to him, knowing she never met someone this clumsy and too protective to the kids.
- Toilette: well I mean they did meet each other and had a normal talk so obviously they are friends. (?)
- Other staff members: HMMMM...sure they are chill around her.
- Mr. Krupp: fuck. Uh how do I explain this, of course, that's her damn ex but look hear me out it was very obvious Krupp would be a terrible person to her so idk. Uhhh maybe they will meet again and idk. Will Edith ever like forgive him? Yeah no fuck that maybe Krupp will murder her.
- Cap: DAAAAMMN...UHH LOOK I MEAN. After Toilette explains that Cap and Krupp don't share the same body and don't need to bring Cap with a single snap. Edith kinda....look you won, she has a little TOO MUCH feeling for him, and uh idk they are both dating or not.
-Cash Networth: I know he's supposed to be in the sequel (2nd part of the AU) but screw it. Her relationship with Cash is so chill. He doesn't mind being around her as long things don't get too freaky.
- Lavatore: uh- (look I know he's supposed to be in the sequel too like Cash but uhhh. He is part of the sequel and he was shown half of the 1st part of the au) they don't really talk to each other or anything so. No rivals no anything just chilled.
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✧ ┊• Despite Edith struggling with an eating disorder, she was also showing some sign of well...
How about a hint:
mood swings, nausea, food craving and aversion, fatigue, weight gain, feeling tired, ETC (NO CHEATING Y'ALL IT'S A SILLY GUESSING GAME, SHHH.💀-)
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Some people like Cash or Meaner don't have any idea why Edith acts the way she is, although they can't judge her for that, they would notice her appearance is slowly changing and becoming a little bigger compared to her normal weight. (Edith is around 132 IBS or something im not good at guessing weight.)
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✧ ┊• Like I said her relationship with her ex was never that good in the first place. However, her thoughts on Krupp are different. For her is that he's a complete sicko. Well, also an asshole. Her ex always talks smack behind her back and gives her unwanted criticism for her weight, always comparing her to a cow or pig. (NAH MOTHERFUCKER LOOK WHO'S TALKING TO WITH YOUR HUMPY DUMPY LOOKING ASS)
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The amount of hypocrisy that she's seeing is just goofy. She would hit him with a pan if he ever touch her or idfk. Like I said and I'll repeat this for the 157539th fucking time. Their relationship is unhealthy and stupid just because Krupp finds her heavy. Edith felt jealous and scared to have another relationship with someone after finding out her ex is with Ms. Yewn, she did get jealous because of her, sure maybe that's why she's always insecure cuz she's not skinny enough like HER. But oh well. Edith would fucking kick him out of her house whenever he enters it-
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✧ ┊• Her favorite song to listen to is Lofi, well also listening to the sounds of the ocean at the beach. Even tho eating the amount of food is the new way to comfort herself (a horrible coping mechanism I suppose), the music can sometimes make her feel better.
- and she loves signing during the camp event, I guess uhhhh.
✧ ┊• She loves yogurt and cake- (mostly cheesecake 👁👁). Sometimes she makes them for the children during the activities- I suppose she likes sharing stuff. 🏃‍♀️💨 let's be honest, Edith just wanted to see the kids happy, unlike her ex 🧍‍♀️
✧ ┊• what the dog d- I MEAN *AGGRESSIVE COUGHING* Edith might be Bi or straight idfk uhh idk. Maybe she's bi.....*vine boom* wo-woman kisser too..? 😟😟 *vine boom 2x*
✧ ┊• Would constantly try a different type of haircut to see which one suits her but uh idk. She's not good at making haircuts. She's scared to cut half of her hair and make it ugly so she prefer not to change that style.
✧ ┊• Her favorite aesthetic are: cottagecore, peach, art hor (yeah those two are "aesthetic" according to "Aesthetic list" on wiki i-), carnivalcore, cutecore, and angelcore-
✧ ┊• She loves pastel colors :00
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