aprincesadegales · 1 year
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Os 41 anos da Kate || 2011
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mitchtheficus · 2 years
A Golden Lovers Timeline
the Okada trilogy takes place during a time of immense change in Kenny’s life, and you can see that in their matches
The Kenny who fought Okada at Wrestle Kingdom 11 had decided that caring for other people made him weak
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[ID: close up of Kenny in his post-G1 climax car interview. He’s saying: “I don't want to feel passion towards anything but my wrestling. When I start to care too much about people I find that my performance suffers. I think that was my problem when I wrestled in the juniors.” End ID. LINK]
that caring about Kota made him weak
“[Ibushi] was the bane of my existence. I had thought that he stood for everything that I hated and everything that I wanted to destroy. Both the man himself, and what he was inside of me. [...]”
- Kenny Omega, pre-Dominion Interview [LINK]
And so he tried to become an unstoppable machine without passion
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[ID: kind of pixelated picture of Kenny grinning during his WK11 entrance, he’s wearing a mask that covers the left half of his face and looks like the terminator. End ID]
And he lost to Okada anyway.
But that failure set him on a new path 
“As hard as I trained, as hard as I prepared, I lost. Something’s missing and until I figure out what, I can’t wrestle.” - Kenny, Tokyo Sports [Chris Charlton translation]
when he emerges from the ashes of that defeat, he has already begun to evolve into something new.
he’s no longer interested in cheating to win, he wants to be the best. And more subtly, his relationship with the fans and his own heart has been shifted. He’s started to open up to the feelings he has denied himself for so long.
but these changes alone weren’t enough
When he faces Okada for the second time at Dominion 2017, it’s fair and square, but they fight to a tie, and the match is ended indecisively as they hit the 1 hour time limit.
“I thought it was my time tonight. I did everything I could. I said so many bad things about you, Okada. I really did. And even if they were all true, I couldn’t beat you. I couldn’t beat you.” LINK
something’s still missing.
even though Kenny’s putting his heart and soul into matches, those things remain broken and damaged by the choices he’s made over the last three years.
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[ID: picture from Kenny’s rooftop interview with Kevin Kelly after the G1 Climax. Kenny says: “...that heart is black and that soul is mostly gone...” End ID. LINK]
the truth of that damage is written into his gear and spoken aloud every time he sets up his finishing move.
he has one wing and half a heart, and it’s just not enough to beat Okada.
When Kenny gets his third shot at the end of a grueling G1 block, Kota has returned to NJPW but they have yet to reconcile. Kenny is finally able to beat the champion, but not for the title, and Okada is badly injured and worn down by all his previous G1 matches. It’s not the victory Kenny has been striving for.
in the 10 months since Kenny and Okada last faced each other in the G1, the lovers have reunited and that reunion has changed Kenny in fundamental ways.
at Dominion 2018 Kenny and Okada face each other for the fourth time.
Okada has held the IWGP Heavyweight title for an incredible 1516 cumulative days, 720 of which come from his current reign. No one has been able to beat him for the title without cheating since Tanahashi did it in 2012.
Kenny wants to do the impossible.
But this time, he is entering the match with a restored and golden heart.
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[ID: Kota stands in Kenny’s corner at Dominion, he’s wearing a GL shirt and looking at Kenny. Kenny is hopping a little and grinning at Kota and then looks up the entrance ramp. End ID]
in the lead up to this fourth and final match up, you can finally see that the Kenny/Okada series is ultimately a tale about the power of love and human connection
“[...] Both the man himself, and what he was inside of me. And then I realized that that really wasn’t the feeling at all and it was something I needed to embrace. My absolute best matches have all been ones that come from the heart. So why would I shut something away- why would I turn something down that’s still so near and dear to me? Ibushi was that. He is that. He always will be. And I’ve realized that moving forward, I’m much stronger as a person, as a human being, with him by my side.”
- Kenny Omega, pre-Dominion Interview [LINK]
Kota of course helps him train and strategize and motivates Kenny to prepare, but his most important contribution is love and the way accepting him back into his life has transformed Kenny
“And for this match specifically, it’s the first time in a long time when I’ve had a training partner and someone who has helped me formulate a game plan for Okada. I’m not saying that I’m arriving to this arena with a bunch of new moves, but I am saying that this version of Kenny Omega might be the most prepared. And a big part of that [...]”
- Kenny Omega, pre-Dominion Interview [LINK]
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[ID: three gifs of Kenny doing his pre-dominion interview. His hair is golden and he says: “And a big part of that is because I’ve let someone back into my life that I cared about, that I loved, and that together with that power we can’t lose.” End ID. LINK]
A year and a half ago Kenny sat in an airport after his G1 Climax win and told us that loneliness made him better and stronger.
He understands now that that isn’t true.
Dominion 2018 - June 9th, 2018 [Official LINK, Unofficial LINK]
Kenny starts us off with a dramatic little intro video. in it Kenny is flinching from painful flashbacks of all the terrible things that have happened in the past year, when a single white feather falls from the sky, and Kenny looks up and sees Kota standing before him, wearing all white and standing among fallen white feathers.
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And we see that Kenny is standing surrounded by his own pool of fallen black feathers. Kenny remembers Kota’s rescue and their reunion and Kota telepathically asks Kenny if he’s ready and has prepared himself for what’s to come. Kota asks, “What did it cost?” We see the bullet club logo disappear into dust and Kenny says: “Everything.”
(Okada doesn’t need a dramatic little video for his entrance cause this is just defense #13 for him)
and then...it’s time
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[ID: picture of the lovers standing in Kenny’s corner. Kota’s hand on Kenny’s shoulder. They look intense and focused. End ID]
there’s a lot of little moments, their hug before the match
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[ID: gif of Kenny and Kota hugging over the ropes. Kota is saying something to Kenny and patting his back for emphasis. Kenny nods along. End ID.]
Kota and Kenny talking strategy during the 2 minute breaks after a fall
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[ID: two pictures of Kenny and Kota in their corner during the post-fall stoppage. Kenny crouches and Kota is kneeling in front of him, his hands on Kenny’s arm and knee, their heads together in conference. End ID]
but the most important moments come at the end.
Kenny wins the IWGP Heavyweight title, both falls coming from one winged angels
and the first thing he does is reach for Kota
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[ID: gif of Kenny laying on the mat, sweaty and exhausted. Kota is nearby and Kenny reaches up both his arms and calls Kota nearer. Kota crawls over and leans over him and Kenny asks Kota to pour water over his hair. End ID]
the young bucks come out, hesitating on the entrance ramp. They want to go to Kenny and be there with him so badly, but they’re not sure if they’re wanted
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[ID: two pictures. The first from far away, showing how alone the bucks are and how far away as they look towards the ring. The second picture shows their faces, both bucks are holding their new heavyweight tag titles and they look sad and wistful. End ID]
Kenny kneels beside Okada and takes his wrist. In his interview before this match he said he wanted to tell Okada: “You've done a great job, and now, my friend, it's time to take a rest.” and now he can.
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Red shoes comes forward with the belt and Kenny gently pushes it aside and takes Matt in his arms. 
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[ID: two gifs. in the first Kenny gently pushes the belt aside and takes Matt into his arms and Matt immediately puts his arms around him and closes his eyes. in the second Matt is holding Kenny and trying not to cry and Nick comes in and hugs them both. End ID]
Kenny has learned a lot about what’s truly important in the last three years
Kota makes the first move to include himself in the hug, and the crowd, who were already cheering the Elite’s reunion, erupts into cheers again. This isn’t Kenny picking one family over another, this is the building of a new family.
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[ID: Kenny and the bucks are hugging and Kota comes up on Kenny’s side and puts his arms around all three of them, pressing his head against theirs. End ID]
Kenny Omega, the boy who ate a star and lost his heart in pursuit of his own ambition - who once thought that he had to give up everything that he cared about to achieve his dreams - finally learns that allowing himself to love and be loved is what makes a moment like this possible
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[ID: Kenny is looking tired and euphoric an sweaty. he has an arm around Kota’s neck and he pulls him close and presses his forehead against the side of Kota’s head and then gives him a little head pat. Nick and Matt are there two. Matt is smiling at the GLs and Nick has his hand on Kenny’s back. End ID]
It’s a beautiful story.
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[ID: screenshot of a tweet from Matt Jackson saying: “Tonight, friendship, family & the power of love won. #GoldenElite” End ID.]
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[ID: two gifs of Kenny is wearing the title and some stray golden streamers and sitting on Kota and Matt’s shoulders. Kota is looking at the camera and pointing a finger at Kenny. Kenny ruffles his hair and Kota looks up and smiles at him. Kenny is grinning. Matt is quietly beaming at Kota. End ID]
“With the power of love and friendship I did something I never thought possible.”
-Kenny Omega, [Chris Charlton translation]
we so rarely get stories of reconciliation in wrestling, especially stories that give reconciliation the same time and weight that betrayal stories get.
we rarely get to see wrestlers try to reconcile, we rarely see them make an effort to make things right.
and that’s part of what hits so hard about the golden reunion with the bucks. just how much they all wanted this happy ending. How much they fought for it. It wasn’t easy, they had to try over and over. They never gave up. They kept reaching out. They apologized and forgave each other, made themselves vulnerable, put aside their own anger and pride and jealousy. They earned this reunion, they built it with their own hands.
Kenny gives a victory speech, much of it is in Japanese [LINK to njpw’s translation]
He says that he and the young bucks are champions, and Ibushi-
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[ID: picture of Kenny giving his speech. he’s gesturing to Kota and saying: And Ibushi is my strongest and most handsome partner.” Nick has his hand on Kota’s shoulder and Matt is beaming proudly with his title. End ID]
now that they’ve all come together, the bucks are just radiating love at Kota, like Nick has been waiting for ages to brother-in-law it up with this man and he is just all over him now, it’s so cute. and Matt is just beaming at Kota every time he looks at him. they love him so much already.
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[ID: Kenny giving his speech saying: “My way is to make my own rules. My way is to live life the way that I want. And with all of you by my side, and what I realized is my friends, my best friends, my lovers by my side we can truly do anything.” End ID]
Before they can leave the ring, Cody appears on the entrance ramp.
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[ID: picture of Cody in a white dress jacket standing midway down the entrance ramp. in the ring Matt is sitting on the second rope like he might be holding it open for Cody to come join them. End ID]
presumably he’s thinking about challenging for the title, but during the last few weeks of BTE episodes, Cody has begun to regret the consequences of his actions, if not the actions themselves.
instead of making a challenge he just stands there all alone, witnessing Kenny in this moment of triumph, surrounded by love
In some ways he’s the antithesis of the Golden Elite story. He doesn’t have the courage to reach out, to be vulnerable and ask for forgiveness. He's not willing to put his pride aside. Not yet.
After leaving the stage, Kenny reiterates the message of the story
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[ID: picture of the post-match. Kenny sits behind his title, speaking to the reporters. Matt and Kota have their hands on his shoulders. Kenny says: “You know, up until this point, I’ve used all my hatred to fuel my matches. [...] Then I realized I’m focusing so much on the negative when so many people are giving me love and respect and treat me like a real human being. [...] What really fuels great performances are my friends and the people that I love, and using that as my energy, that is how I truly became champion.” End ID. LINK]
in the BTE episode from Dominion [LINK] we get to finally see what was in the box the bucks sent to Kenny
The bucks show their love in many ways, and shared merch is one of them. It’s a t-shirt and a proposal of a new group that includes Kota
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[ID: picture of Kenny holding the opened box. inside the box is a folded Golden Elite T-shirt. It has “the ELITE” written on it in gold. End ID. LINK]
and the back says CHANGE THE WORLD
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naritaren · 10 months
what are some of your favorite comfort matches?
Robbielp BOSJ 29, the tag match from WK11, All of the Ren/Shota ones lately, and ELP vs MJF
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jockpoetry · 2 years
one of my favorite moments, early on, in the wk11 match is during the taunting breather like 10 minutes in that kenny takes. you can hear matt say “take a breather you got him daddy”.
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danwhobrowses · 1 year
Wrestle Kingdom 17 Quick Thoughts
So it's January which means Wrestle Kingdom day, singular this time though having strangely swapped mentality with WWE on forgoing a 2-Day main PPV
Nevertheless, we'll see what the show has to offer, I'm not gonna go in full depth like previous ones, just general thoughts I had during the show
Spoilers for those who didn't wanna know
I must admit I hate the KOPW Ranbo, it often just feels like the 'this is all the talent we don't have anything for right now' rumble and then you have to watch the likes of KENTA, Cobb, Great O Khan, Shingo Takagi, Ishii fight for it. There's some bright spots for comedy like ELP eliminating someone via a nipple cripple but overall it is something I could do without
Junior Tag Title was fun, but I probably would not have had the opener with cheering officially back end in a heel win via roll-up
I am also fuming that NJPW only gave KAIRI and Tam 6 minutes, sure there'd be aftermath but given how past Exhibition and Dark matches for Stardom went longer it's a huge disservice that the first Title Match (for the IWGP Women's Championship made to establish a stronger relation between Stardom and NJPW) is also Stardom's shortest entry in Wrestle Kingdom
Mercedes had a great look side for the fire hair which looked weird at angles, honestly I think her debut could've been done better; she was geared up but didn't wrestle, she botched that Gory Special/DDT move (which through experience watching the Tay-KO from Tay Melo is not easy to synchronize anyway) and her promo was a tad on the basic side, not bad but below expectation
FTR losing already felt like writing on the wall given how they dropped the ROH and AAA tag titles already, it was a decent match and Bishamon are a great tag team but we could've gone with a more refreshing choice, shame to hear that FTR had travel issues too
I will say though that dropping their titles is not 'clear indication' that they're going to WWE, they've had a busy as hell year so now they can rest up, Dax has noted that he's closer to the end of his career than the middle so they may prefer a lighter schedule, I've said it before but just because Triple H is doing okay in WWE does not mean every ex-WWE member is frothing to come back
ZSJ won the gingerbread biscuit title to nobody's surprise, but him replacing JONAH in TMDK is a strong choice
Makes me wonder who else will join now that Suzuki-Gun is no more, Archer and Despy are TMDK material but I could also see them in Bullet Club, a huge curveball would be Despy to LIJ
I actually really liked the Muta six-man, it had a good pace and showcase which still allowed Mutoh to shine, but in the end they used it to put over the younger talent by having Shooter get the pin
LIJ vs Kongoh has the potential to slap hard again, I did panic when they were saying 'backstage altercation' that there would be some shoot activity going on, flashbacks of All Out had me worried
I like Hiromu, but this win really started to grind on the 'nothing changes' critique I get every time I watch WK; the title always makes its way back to him, we did well to get people behind Master Wato and his Crucifix Hip Toss thing is actually pretty cool, but again we do need fresher faces in the title picture
Kenny out with the Sephiroth gear was cool but then Ospreay whipped out Elevated just when I was thinking 'I miss Will's old theme'
To nobody's surprise, the match was among the best, probably the best, it did start out like an Omega showcase but after the table spot it came to life, the ending was great as well; Ospreay bloody and defiant and Kenny using an absolutely brutal Kamigoye and OWA to win
You're best to bet on Death Triangle winning the best of 7 in AEW now that Kenny's US champion
*sigh* Okada's great we get it but god damn why does it always end with Okada winning? Jay's great too you know? Honestly I think Gedo needs help. Shingo challenges next but we all know this won't really end well for him.
It just never changes, I can go back to WK11 - when the era of the Rainmaker had its last WK defense before losing to Kenny at Dominion - and since then Okada had only lost twice at Wrestle Kingdom, and that was WK13 to Jay, right on the end of his red dye balloon phase, and WK14's Double Gold Dash - where he had beaten Ibushi for the world title on Day 1 just to lose correctly to Naito on Day 2.
It goes deeper too; since WK11 Hiromu has been in 6 out of 7 Junior Heavyweight title matches, he's only lost twice (to Despy at 16 and Ospreay at 12). Bishamon are 2 for 2 in winning the tag titles at WK having beaten Dangerous Tekkers last year, you have to go back to WK13 for Ospreay's last singles win (at least this time the United Empire wasn't swept this time), WK14 since Jay's last win (and it was a consolation win since he lost the IC title in the Double Gold Dash). Even just comparing to WK16 there are similarities in booking.
A lot of the time I watch Wrestle Kingdom and compare where wrestlers are now compared to last year, and each time I find that the ones I liked last year fall down while the ones who can take losses to put people over remain on top, of course there are exceptions - Master Wato and Shota Umino for instance - but most of the time it ends this way
The show was okay, I feel like a lot of things could've been better, if they did 2 days they'd have had more time for other things as well
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jaypeknight · 6 days
Assignment 3 Playtesting Wk11
"Playtesting is the single most important activity a designer engages in" (Fullerton, 2018)
Experimenting on people! Playtesters! Finally integrating Fullerton's teachings on a playcentric approach and the importance of playtesting.
A very important moment that stuck out to me was about the level design of the first level. In this beginning section:
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Here, in purple, is the path the player took (simplified). The player picks up the double-jump and proceeds. On the right, the player then comes across two pathways(choice), one to the left and one to the right. To progress, players had to go right, however, the player went to the left, and this was likely due to seeing the left pathway first. Therefore, players would ignore the other path and choose the first pathway they came across. This ultimately led to players losing progress (in red), as players need the "dash" ability to be able to reach the platform. HOWEVER. The important moment was that they would repeatedly attempt to jump across, saying things like they were unsure if they were mistiming the double-jump, or they can surely make this jump (They could not.). This was such an important moment, and immediately I figured out the issue and it's solution.
The reason why players could not see that this was supposed to be impossible until players unlock the additional skill, was because they could ALMOST make the jump. They even touched the platform, and this likely told them that it may be possible. This was similar to words of encouragement, or reassurance. Once I realised this, I could predict how to fix it, and that was to remove that reassurance. To move the platform, add additional obstacles or anything to ENSURE that the player does not ALMOST make the jump, but instead, the player sees that this jump is very clearly impossible, and would search for another pathway (or search for the "dash" skill).
Thus, I will be sure to put this into consideration on the other levels and explore/envision the possibilities of how the player will think and what they would do.
Fullerton, T. (2018). Game Design Workshop: A Playcentric Approach to Creating Innovative Games, Fourth Edition (4th ed.). A K Peters/CRC Press. https://doi.org/10.1201/b22309
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sahilrahman-igb120 · 13 days
A3 progress and playtesting - Wk11
This blog will cover the final development update for the assessment and playtesting for the for the game. Development has continued since my last post and our team has decided that simply having our fodder and boss level might be too short for players to give good feedback on. So, we have decided that we will be creating an endless level in addition to fodder level so that we can have better feedback for non-boss type enemies. I have handled creating the enemies for the level while another group member will be handling the level mechanics. Four enemy types were created:
Firstly, I didn’t want the player to remain stationary so I created a charger enemy that would find the Y position of the player and quickly charge at them to create movement on the vertical axis. I then created basic shooter enemies that will serve continue the moment-to-moment gameplay. Then for variety I added an enemy that will shoot lasers to have different types of player movement constrictions. This was particularly challenging as I had to use the Piksel feature in Gdevelop to make the animations look good which was something I was not comfortable with as my strengths lie more on the development side in Gdevelop. Finally, I thought that mini-boss type enemy which was tankier would add variety to the game’s difficulty and pace. I hardcoded the spawns for these enemies and passed it on to another team member to finish the endless level. For play testing our group decided that we would each do separate play testing sessions for the report. For my play testing sessions, I decided to follow the template script and ran a naïve test followed by a deep test where I asked questions to the player about specific aspects of the game such difficulty while they played the game. I recorded the entire session for both of my testers from which I added to my observational notes that I might’ve forgotten to add during the live session. The feedback for the gameplay was mostly positive with the boss level getting the most positive feedback. I only had experienced gamers for my play testers so whilst they said that there is quite a spike in difficulty it was a fun kind of challenge for them and kept them engaged in the game. The most common criticism of the game was that they wanted the boss to be more complex as they felt like they wanted a mechanic other than just dodging bullets. Additionally, the lack of variety was another common issue that players mentioned.
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desn512shams · 15 days
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Wk 10/Wk11 After Effects BREAKTHROUGH
Lawd. That was a mission, but omg, I GOT IT!! *happy dance*. Omg, it was a drama.
My posters were a set of shapes forming letters. They weren't letters anymore. Not a single one was a letter technically. When I took anything out of its 'clip group' they became squares because they needed the masking in the clip group to keep them in their original form. I had much dread.
Creating layers from their clip groups, didn't work.
David gave me a handy tip though, and that was to copy then paste-in-place each individual item, which kinda 'remakes it' outside the clip group. In class it worked, but at home, it didn't. hehe. Of course!
After watching the video above, (on the fifth watch because I couldn't understand initially), I learned that in illustrator, I could just add a layer, rename it, and then drag whatever I wanted into the layer, and skip the 'release to layers' part. This worked! It was very manual, but was really satisfying to work that way. It feel like dragging bits into their correct 'drawers'.
I didn't separate out each individual letter, because I had a design idea in mind that was to do with certain words revealing themselves. Where I thought I needed them separated, I did so... just to save on time, and too much complexity that could potentially muck things up, or confuse me, down the line.
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hayeoncha · 2 months
Wk11: Postmodernism 
This week, I learned about postmodernism. While studying postmodernism, I realized that the world cannot be understood only by simple dichotomous structures. I understood that diversity and complexity were deeply embedded in our experiences and thoughts. The world felt that various perspectives and stories coexist, and it was important to understand and embrace them. In addition, postmodernism emphasizes the importance of popular culture and media. I found that popular culture and media deeply influence our lives and perceptions. At the same time, I learned that I must critically look at and analyze popular culture and media. Postmodernism doubts and dissolves classical ideologies and values. Through this, I can develop new perspectives and approaches, and I can develop an attitude to seek new ideas without being bound by past ideologies. Encourage mixing different media and styles and trying new approaches. Through this, I learned how to express creativity and innovation freely without being bound by fixed forms or rules.
Through this, I value creativity and innovation, and I was motivated to enjoy and explore the diversity of art and culture.
In the future, I will focus on developing creative ideas and creating innovative works through art. With my unique perspective and expressive power, I will discover new artistic languages and have a challenging spirit to expand the boundaries of art. I will also participate passionately in exploring various art styles and styles and discovering new perspectives as if reflecting the diversity and innovation of postmodernism. I will experiment with various genres and techniques, and develop my creativity through bold attempts. Based on this determination, I will develop my artistic expression through art and be reborn as an artist who positively influences society and culture. (283 words)
Citation: Collins, Wayne, et al. “1.8 Post Modern.” Graphic Design and Print Production Fundamentals, BCcampus, 12 Nov. 2015, opentextbc.ca/graphicdesign/chapter/1-8-post-modern/. 
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konayeon-lasalle · 2 months
WOII WK11 - Postmodernism
The struggle between simplicity and ornateness is an important part of the journey of design communication. Modernism eliminates unnecessary ornamentation and emphasizes the importance of function. While I resonated with these values when I was studying Japanese design, I realized that an obsession with modernism can deny individual desires and ignore the many ways to interpret the experience of modern art.
Postmodernism, on the other hand, rejects modernism's approach entirely and emphasizes diversity and individual subjectivity. Quoting iconic modernist architect Mies van der Rohe's statement that "less is more," postmodernist architect Robert Venturi sarcastically remarked that "less is boring." It was a move away from conservative design, emphasizing designer autonomy and individuality in favor of freer, more unconventional designs.
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As an example of this artistic school of thought, I was drawn to a movement called Dadaism, whose central value was "irrationality," which resisted rationality. It was this rebellion against meaning hidden in nothingness that made Dadaism stand out. While researching more about this movement, I visited a design fair in South Korea.
I like that postmodernism values individual opinion and encourages autonomy, which has led to my own designs.
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In Face-E, a 2D drawing influenced by Dadaism, I plan to create a digital poster that rejects simplicity in favor of individuality.
I think the rebellious spirit of postmodernism has the potential to create new technologies that others don't have, and I hope to embrace this spirit in the future and connect with audiences through rebellious design projects.
““Less Is More” vs. “Less Is a Bore”: Whose Camp Are You In?” Architizer, https://architizer.com/blog/practice/details/less-is-more-vs-less-is-a-bore/. Accessed 11 April 2024
fig 1. A poster of the 22nd Seoul Design Festival, DDP Design House, https://seoul.designfestival.co.kr/festival/sdf-2023/, Access 2 April 2024
fig 2,3 "Works in 22nd Seoul Design Festival ", Ko Nayeon, 23th Dec 2023
fig 4 Face-E, Ko Nayeon , May 2022
fig 5 "Dadaism poster sketch" Ko Nayeon, 11th April 2024
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seungyeonlee · 2 months
In this class, I was able to learn about the proper concepts of postmodernism.
Postmodernism generally refers to a general movement in Western society, culture, and art that seeks to escape from modernism and is a method of creating works. It was impressive that a lot of methods that deviate from modernism, such as factory-printed methods or fragmentation, were used.
The artist who struck me as a representative artist of postmodernism was Andy Warhol.
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Warhol’s world of work is mostly related to ‘American material culture.’ He painted money, dollar signs, food, knick-knacks, shoes, celebrities, and newspaper clippings. To him, these topics represented the values ​​of American culture. For example, “Coca-Cola is always Coca-Cola. 
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Unlike classical art and modernism, the design gained popularity as a clear pop art and commercial painting that embodies the rich American society. 
During class activity, we did an activity to make a poster about post-modernism, we selected Red Wing, the brand of shoes that my friend was wearing, and made the poster. To promote Red Wing shoes more effectively, I looked for several references and referenced the feel of Dr. Martens’ poster and photos of the shoes from various angles. 
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When referring to keywords of postmodernism, we thought fragmentation is another key aspect of postmodernism, reflecting the fractured nature of contemporary society and the erosion of traditional structures and hierarchies. Therefore, we applied fragmentation to give the poster itself a more postmodern feel. 
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Lastly, through this activity, I felt that I should look at more works by artists who pioneered the postmodern era and try to become someone who creates works without being bound by a mold.
(271 words)
“Andy Warhol.” Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia, 4 Apr. 2024, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andy_Warhol.
“팝아트의 두거장 앤디워홀 & 로이 리히텐슈타인.” Naver Blog, Studio Bob, 30 May 2013, https://m.blog.naver.com/gaziclub/10169385017.
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aprincesadegales · 2 years
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Kate e William comparecem a show em comemoração ao Canada Day | 2º dia da Visita Oficial ao Canadá | 01.07.2011
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jeonghyeseo · 2 months
WK11. Postmodernism
Engaging with the extraordinary style of postmodernism through poster design, I delved into its perspectives. Furthermore, I reflected on the impact of postmodernism on my design learning and social aspects.
I focused on the subjectivity of postmodernism and formed its relevance to my design learning. I realised that addressing big topics like society, culture, and the world is not the only creative and valuable endeavour; rather, tackling more comprehensive topics can begin from a personal perspective.
Like movie director Martin Scorsese's quote, "The most personal is the most creative," I realised the importance of valuing my experiences and thoughts, and making efforts to explore new ideas through them. His quote reminded me that design goes beyond simply fulfilling functional purposes; it is a process of creative expression through personal elements such as emotions, experiences, and social contexts.
Postmodernism can be discussed in a wide range, and I realised that my opinions differ when looking at it from artistic and social perspectives. I considered postmodernism in those two aspects, focusing that it denies absolute truth and values and respects diversity.
From an artistic aspect, it has a positive impact on promoting creativity by providing various perspectives. However, from a social standpoint, the standards of value judgement can become ambiguous due to the absence of absolute truth and values. This, in turn, could result in societal confusion and unrest. It was intriguing to feel the complexity and chaos even while observing postmodernist graphic posters. It allowed me to sense the interconnectedness between societal and artistic contexts and the interactions within the diverse contexts of postmodernism.
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A movie director Martin Scorsese's quote
"The most personal is the most creative." _ Martin Scorsese
I thought of Martin Scorsese's famous quote in terms of postmodernism emphasising individual expression and interpretation. His quote suggests that creativity flourishes when it stems from personal experiences, emotions, and perspectives rather than adhering to conventional norms or standards.
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Scorsese, Martin. "The most personal is the most creative."
Covenant Books. "The Abolition of Man book cover." Covenant Books, 2022, https://covbooks.com/products/abolition-of-man.
Pinterest. "A huge haul of Memphis design is up for auction at Wright", Pinterest, https://www.pinterest.co.kr/pin/345932815136838635/. Accessed 11 April, 2024
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bohyeon-lee · 7 months
W11 - Journal Strategy
Connect CTS A to all your other modules (and components)!
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There are so many things you need to design something. And I think the essential elements of design are creativity and imagination. Our thoughts are limited and humans can only think based on what they see and feel. So for us, every topic I learn in the CTS class is important.  As expected, I did a lot of collaborative modules in the studio class. For example, I did together in Week 3 Research Frameworks, from thinking about a quotation with a group member and going to the library together to collect references. In this process, there was a disagreement with the group members. But if someone takes the lead and organizes their opinions, the conflict will be resolved quickly. The role of the group members is important when doing such a group activity. For example, students with good leadership demonstrate their ability to gather opinions when group members have different opinions. A student like me who usually watches a lot of media should provide a lot of references and ideas from work. If we take on roles that suit oneself,  It will reduce conflicts and make more effective finished products.
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One of my jobs is to be an editor of famous magazines such as Anna Wintour. There are many employees under her. But how does she maintain her lead in a constantly developing industry? Her influence on the fashion industry is undeniable. Anna Wintour’s leadership is great, of course. But wasn't there an emotionally difficult moment when she worked with everyone's expectations? No, there is definitely one. I think successful people have Emotional Intelligence and Growth Mindset. Sturdy emotional development will help in building emotional intelligence. A person with a growth mindset has more resilience as well. As I researched my role model Anna Wintour's interview and life, I found that the people recognized by many in fashion need not only the power to lead the trend. I think a mentally healthy person can make good results.
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Bohyeon Lee. "CTS in a fishbowl." WK11 CTS, 23 Oct. 2023.
Bohyeon Lee. "Research Frameworks." WEEK3 STUDIO, 30 Aug. 2023.
Lauren Inbvik. "Anna Wintour: 'I just have to make sure things are being done right.'" CNA LUXURY, 29 Sep. 2023.
Rani Sheen. "How Anna Winter Inspires Respect, Loyalty and-Yes-Fear." THE KIT, 03 May. 2022.
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spine-buster · 8 months
real talk, his WK11 match changed lives. I mean it changed how outsiders viewed wrestling as a whole. Everyone was talking about that match, from non wrestling media to wrestling legends who spoke up and said that match represented pro wrestling. To this day I still remember how my non wrestling friends even sat down and watched it mesmerized with me at 3 am. I don't think even Kenny realizes that that match changed the name in wrestling forever. And as corny as it may sound, it put WWE on notice. The wrestlers both male and female began to change their style and promos immensely. I hope one day Kenny can accept that he played a huge role in changing the way people see wrestling
I completely agree! He literally changed the game. Kenny in NJPW had something to prove and needed to build a legacy. He did just that. AEW was built on his back (don’t @ me) and everything he did in NJPW, everything he went through…it all changed the game.
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nicoooooolew · 8 months
1. Class reflection
This week's class had one-on-one feedback. I proposed new ideas to the instructor but they were not fully implemented on Tuesday, so I completed all the designs on Thursday. And play it in capitol. There were some parts that were not perfectly in tune with the music, so I made some adjustments after class.
2. Research
a) academic
Wickless, C., & Kirsch, I. (1989). Effects of verbal and experiential expectancy manipulations on hypnotic susceptibility. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 57(5), 762–768. https://doi.org/10.1037/0022-3514.57.5.762
Researchers try to help subjects enter a hypnotic state by ensuring they have the first few experiences suggested to them. Whenever they were asked to imagine a colour, the researchers turned on coloured lights to make the room look a bit that colour. When the researchers told the subjects to imagine hearing music, they turned on a tape. Do it just for the lights and music. The hypothesis that an expected manipulation based on direct experience would have greater effects on hypnotic behaviour than one based on verbal persuasion was tested. Consistent with this hypothesis, the experiential expectancy manipulation enhanced hypnotic ability more than verbal manipulation.
b) creative practice
"Donnie Darko" (2001): This cult classic directed by Richard Kelly uses a moody and dark colour palette to create a surreal and hypnotic atmosphere. The film delves into themes of time travel, alternate realities, and psychological disorders.
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c) technical
Led by expert lighting designer, Craig Rutherford, this webinar explores the fundamentals of visual design, focusing on lighting concerts and developing a coherent style.
3. Project progress
This week I finished all the lighting design according to the plan. I made a concept to help me do it. I reflected that this should have been done at the beginning of the project, and I will pay attention to it in the future. Based on the analysis of the music, I drew some key moments to make the lighting match the music.
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