intelligentliving · 5 years
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luisdemen · 4 years
Protocolos de homologación NEDC y WLPT explicados por Peugeot
Protocolos de homologación NEDC y WLPT explicados por Peugeot
El protocolo WLTP reemplazó oficialmente al anterior procedimiento NEDC en septiembre de 2017 para los turismos y en septiembre de 2018 para los vehículos comerciales ligeros (clases II y III).
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Para limitar cualquier confusión en los consumidores entre los valores NEDC y WLTP, se dispuso una fase de transición desde septiembre de 2017 hasta enero de 2021. Durante este período, y en función del…
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johannaamnelin · 7 years
Tervehdys arvoisa lukijani!
Kesä on mennyt erilaisten voidedeodoranttien hypetyksessä ja ne ovatkin olleet sekä teholtaan, tuoksultaan, että käytettävyydeltään niin minun kuin myös monen muunkin suosikkeja.
Butik-O:lle on kuitenkin tullut toiveita myös stick- ja roll-on deodoranteista jotka olisivat luonnollisia ja alumiinittomia. Valikoima onkin laajentunut suosituilla merkeillä kuten Ben & Anna, Lavera ja Born to Bio.
En olisi itse varmaan koskaan lähtenyt kokeilemaankaan näistä mitään mikäli ihoni ei olisi alkanut reagoimaan soodan kanssa. Jälkeenpäin vasta luin, että soodapohjaiset deot pitääkin pestä kainaloista pois yöksi. Itse en ollut tätä erikseen tehnyt jos en ollut illalla käynyt suihkussa ja niinpä minulle tuli kainaloihin punertavat ärtyneet laikut ja jouduin olemaan noin viikon kokonaan ilman deodoranttia ja antaa kainaloiden ihon palautua.
Nyt iho on vihdoin parantunut ja ajattelin kokeilla seuraavaa alumiinitonta ja vegaanista deodoranttia.
Laveralta löytyy useita alumiinittomia, luonnollisia ja vegaanisia roll-on deodorantteja ja  Butik-O:n deodoranttivalikoimassakin näitä on jo kattava valikoima:
Otin kokeiluun miedosti tuoksuvan Lavera Basis Sensitiven jonka tuoksu tuo mieleen ensimmäisenä ehkä katajanmarjan tai jonkun sen tyyppisen. Tuoksu on erittäin miellyttävä, itse tykkään siitä ja mielestäni tämä tuoksu sopii sekä naiselle, että miehelle.
Kainaloita kun haistelee, ei nenään tule mitään kovin voimakasta tuoksua, toisaalta se on ihan hyvä, toisaalta tykkään kyllä itse, kun nostelen kainaloita ja sieltä nousee nenuun esim tuo Kaurilan Saunan ihanan vegedeon Sitruunaruohon tuoksu ❤
Alkutuntuma tässä Laveran roll-onissa on aika märkä, mutta nopeasti se kuivuu kainaloihin ja maltillisesti kun laittaa niin kyllä mä itse ainakin heti saan paidankin laitettua päälle.
Hiukan olin skeptinen (taas) deodorantin tehoon, koska sen tuoksu on niin mieto (mikä ihme syy sekin on?? 😀 ), mutta eilen ja edellispäivänä deodorantin teho tuli kyllä testattua, sillä reippaan ja hien pintaan tuoneen aamulenkin lisäksi jumppasin illalla vielä hien pintaan kahvakuulalla ja crosstrainerilla. Kainaloista ei tullut hienhajua edelleenkään.
Lavera on siis taas yksi tehokas ja pitävä deodoranttivaihtoehto vegaanista ja luonnollista deodoranttia etsivälle ja itselläni tämä jää varmasti myös jokapäiväiseen käyttöön 🙂
  Alta voit tutustua ja ostaa Butik-O:sta löytyviä toinen toistaan ihanampia luonnollisia ja myrkyttömiä deodorantteja ❤ Koko valikoima löytyy täältä: www.butik-o.fi/osasto/hygienia/deodorantit/
[product_category category=”deodorantit”]
Laveran vegaaninen ja alumiiniton deo roll-on, miellyttävä ja tehokas Tervehdys arvoisa lukijani! Kesä on mennyt erilaisten voidedeodoranttien hypetyksessä ja ne ovatkin olleet sekä teholtaan, tuoksultaan, että käytettävyydeltään niin minun kuin myös monen muunkin suosikkeja.
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ideal-rent-a-car · 5 years
Euro 6d-temp regulations and their implementation
     The Euro 6d-temp regulation is here. The European Union wants to ensure that car manufacturers will no longer mislead the emission approval and testing authorities. Thus, European lawmakers called for the creation of new technologies to ensure that diesel cars comply with the required standards. These technologies are Real Driving Emissions RDE and WLPT Worldwide Harmonized Light Vehicle Test Procedure. Ideal Rent a Car Cluj has written a detailed article about all of this and you can visit it at the link below:
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renaultportugal · 3 years
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Com uma autonomia de 300 km, em ciclo(i) WLTP, o Novo Renault Kangoo Van E-TECH Elétrico eleva a fasquia mais alto do que nunca em termos de satisfação das necessidades quotidianas dos clientes profissionais. O motor de 90kW e a bateria de iões de lítio de 45 kWh podem ser acopladas a três diferentes tipos de carregador, para recuperar até 170km de autonomia, em 30 minutos. A comercialização está prevista a partir da Primavera de 2022.
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Desde 2011 que a Renault tem sido pioneira na mobilidade elétrica e líder indiscutível em automóveis comerciais elétricos na Europa. Desde o lançamento, no final de 2011, o Kangoo Elétrico já conquistou os corações de cerca de 70.000 clientes profissionais, sendo responsável por, um em cada cinco automóveis comerciais elétricos, vendidos na Europa. O Novo Kangoo Van E-TECH Elétrico continua a fazer progressos em toda a linha, sendo o culminar de mais de 10 anos de conhecimento que a Renault tem vindo a acumular e a potenciar no campo dos automóveis elétricos.
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Graças à nova bateria de iões de lítio, com uma capacidade total de 45kWh, o Novo Kangoo Van E-TECH Elétrico oferece uma autonomia de até 300km, no ciclo WLTPI. Como tal, os utilizadores deste comercial ligeiro podem enfrentar, com serenidade, um dia inteiro de viagens de trabalho, e tudo por um valor imbatível na aquisição e na utilização. A bateria, localizada debaixo do piso do automóvel, não tem qualquer impacto sobre a capacidade da área de carga.
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O novo Kangoo Van E-TECH Elétrico é equipado com um motor de 90kW, com 245Nm de binário, valor que está instantaneamente disponível para assegurar uma experiência de condução suave e sem stress, em todas as circunstâncias. O modo Eco, que limita a potência do automóvel e a velocidade máxima, ajuda a otimizar a autonomia e é melhor utilizado quando se transporta uma carga ligeira.
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O condutor pode, também, escolher três modos de travagem regenerativa:
Vela (indicador luminoso B1): modo regenerativo limitado, adequado para a condução em autoestradas e vias rápidas.
Drive (B2): modo regenerativo selecionado por defeito para uma utilização versátil e que garante uma sensação de efeito travão/motor, semelhante a uma unidade de combustão (ICE), quando se retira o pé do acelerador.
Brake (B3): modo regenerativo máximo para ser utilizado em engarrafamentos e em estradas de montanha.
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No novo Kangoo Van E-TECH Elétrico, a travagem hidráulica convencional é assistida por um sistema ARB (Adaptive Regenerative Brake System – Sistema de Travagem Regenerativo Adaptativo), que maximiza a quantidade de energia recuperada, independentemente do modo de travagem selecionado.
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A alargada gama de modos de condução e de travagem significa que os condutores podem escolher entre seis modos de condução diferentes, para um conforto e autonomia otimizados, de acordo com as condições específicas de utilização do automóvel e de tráfego.
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As informações relativas aos modos de condução selecionados, à gestão de energia elétrica e ADAS são apresentadas num, opcional, painel de instrumentos digital, totalmente personalizável de 10 polegadas, a cores.
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Para recarregar a bateria, o novo Kangoo Van E-TECH Elétrico oferece uma escolha de três tipos de carregador. O modelo padrão dispõe de um carregador Chameleon trifásico de 11kW, adequado para todos os tipos de carregamentos domésticos. Os carregadores opcionais incluem o Chameleon de 22kW, para carregamento rápido em terminais públicos, e o carregador DC de carga rápida, de 80Kw, que pode recuperar 170km de autonomia (ciclo WLPT), em 30 minutos. Com os dois carregadores opcionais, a bateria está equipada com refrigeração líquida.
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A nova bateria do Kangoo Van E-TECH Elétrico leva apenas 3h50 para passar dos 15% a 100% de carga, quando ligada a uma Wallbox de 11kW e menos de 6 horas numa Wallbox de 7,4kW.
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Para garantir a mesma autonomia, em todas as estações do ano, o sistema de ar condicionado elétrico do novo Kangoo Van E-TECH Elétrico é equipado com uma bomba de calor. Quando combinado com o carregador de 22kW, o calor é retirado do ar em redor do veículo, para aquecer o compartimento dos passageiros, sem utilizar uma resistência elétrica que consome mais energia. A bomba de calor funciona melhor quando a temperatura ambiente está entre -15°C e +15°C, um intervalo muito comum nas estações frias da maioria dos países europeus.
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Por fim, o novo Kangoo Van E-TECH Elétrico pode ser equipado com opcionais como o para-brisas aquecido, mas também bancos dianteiros e volante aquecidos.
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O Novo Kangoo Van E-TECH Electric oferece as mesmas carateristicas inovadoras, o equipamento e todo o conforto do Novo Kangoo Van equipado com motor de combustão: o engenhoso sistema “Open Sesame by Renault”, para a abertura lateral mais ampla do mercado, com 1.45m; a inovadora galeria interior retráctil “Easy Inside Rack”; o sistema multimédia “Renault Easy Link” associado a um ecrã de 8 polegadas; o cartão de chave mãos-livres; o travão de estacionamento automático; os três bancos da frente com encosto central rebatível que se transforma num escritório móvel; quase 60 litros de arrumação no habitáculo, incluindo a gaveta 'Renault Easy Life'; bem como os auxiliares de condução e segurança (ADAS) de última geração, incluindo o Cruise Control Adaptativo com função Stop & Go e o Auxiliar em autoestrada e Tráfego (Autoway and Trafic Companion), que marca o primeiro passo para uma condução autónoma.
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O novo Kangoo Van E-TECH Elétrico também possui a mesma capacidade de transporte e reboque que o seu primo com motor de combustão (ICE) - volume de armazenamento de até 3,9 m3 (4,9 m3 no formato longo ainda por apresentar), 600kg de carga útil (800kg no formato longo) e 1.500kg de capacidade de reboque.
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Finalmente, graças à aplicação para smartphone da Renault ou ao sistema multimédia Renault Easy Link, o novo Kangoo Van E-TECH Elétrico vem com uma seleção de serviços específicos conectados que podem ser utilizados para programar e agendar o carregamento da bateria, monitorizar remotamente os níveis da bateria, pré-aquecer/arrefecer o compartimento do passageiro, procurar estações de carregamento próximas do itinerário definido ou calcular quais os destinos acessíveis com a carga de bateria restante.
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Desde 2011 que a fábrica da Renault em Maubeuge, situada em Hauts-de-France, produz automóveis Kangoo para clientes de todo o mundo. Num esforço para industrializar a produção das versões de passageiros e comerciais do Novo Kangoo, bem como de automóveis das marcas parceiras Mercedes e Nissan, e para garantir a produção da mais alta qualidade possível, a Renault investiu 450 milhões de euros na fábrica e instalou uma nova área dedicada à montagem de baterias.
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O Novo Kangoo Van E-TECH Elétrico será comercializado, na Europa, a partir da primavera de 2022.
 [i] Certificação pendente
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memynissanandi · 5 years
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New Nissan Navara upgraded ute range
Okay - I know SA doesn’t have the N-TREK Navara, but we can dream… and drool. 
Fresh MY19 Series 4 Nissan Navara line-up scores new infotainment system, cosmetic tweaks and a new flagship
Nissan Australia has released an upgraded Series 4 MY19 Nissan Navara ute range bringing a new infotainment system with Apple CarPlay and Android Auto connectivity – and a new black-ops flagship special-edition dubbed N-TREK.
As we also forecast in May, the N-TREK special will be joined by a tough new Navara flagship later this year, featuring mechanical upgrades inspired by the hard-core Arctic Trucks Navara AT32 available in Europe.
For now, the Nissan Navara N-TREK special arrives with a host of black cosmetic extras in manual form and as an 
Nissan’s newest limited-edition is based on the Navara Black Edition released in Thailand in April --pictured here in red with bold body-side decals, neither of which will be offered with the Australian version; stand by for local model images on Monday.
Available in three paint colours (Cosmic Black, Slate Grey and White Diamond), our N-TREK’s front-end wears black LED headlight bezels, a black grille, black front fog light surrounds, black wing mirror caps and a black lower front fascia with orange accent line.
There’s also an orange stripe on the black side steps and the N-TREK’s exterior is further distinguished by black 18-inch alloy wheels, black fender flares, a black rear bumper, black alloy rear sports bar and subtle black body-side decals for all four doors and the rear tub.
Inside, setting the Nissan Navara N-TREK apart from the ST-X is partial leather seat trim with orange fabric inserts and orange accent stitching for the seats, centre console, front door armrests and steering wheel.
Standard equipment includes a power-operated driver’s seat including lumbar adjustment and heated front seats, but the ST-X’s sunroof option is unavailable.
These features are in addition to the extra standard equipment for the MY19 Navara range, including black headlight bezels to replace the silver ones on SL, ST and ST-X models, and black side steps to replace the silver items on ST models.
But the key component of the latest Navara update is a new Alliance In-Vehicle Infotainment (AIVI) platform shared with sister brands Renault and Mitsubishi.
Bringing a redesigned user interface and multimedia menu, it’s presented by a bigger new 8.0-inch colour touch-screen, which replaces the 5.0-inch screen in MY18 SL variants and the 7.0-inch display in MY18 ST and ST-X variants.
Even better, the Navara will be the first Nissan model in Australia (excluding the new Nissan LEAF that arrived in showrooms this week) to come with Apple CarPlay and Android Auto connectivity.
The device-mirroring technology (via USB cable, not wirelessly) is standard in all MY19 Navara King Cab and Dual Cab models, bringing Siri (Apple) and Google Assistant voice-recognition via Bluetooth.
However, the new infotainment system is unavailable in sing-cab models and does away with a CD player, and only ST and ST-X (not base SL) models continue to offer embedded satellite-navigation -- now via Tom Tom rather than HereMaps.
Apart from the addition of the new N-TREK flagship, there are no price changes for the MY19 Navara, which continues to be available in three equipment grades and three body styles (Single Cab, King Cab and the most popular Dual Cab). There are a total of 27 Pick-Up and eight Cab Chassis options, plus 10 4x2 and 25 4x4 variants.
The MY19 Nissan Navara is the fourth update to the current generation model since it was launched in Australia with segment-first coil-spring five-link rear suspension for dual-cab versions in mid-2015.
The D23 Series 4 Navara goes on sale just over a year after the Series 3 dual-cab arrived with dual-rate rear springs in February 2018 and the Series 2 dual-cab was fitted with new rear dampers in 2016.
Those suspension upgrades have now been applied to an updated Navara range released this week in Europe, where the Spanish-built model – like Australia’s Thai-made model -- comes with a 140kW/450Nm 2.3-litre twin-turbo diesel engine matched with six-speed manual and seven-speed automatic transmissions.
However, all of the European Navara’s engines – including an upgraded 120kW/425Nm base version that now also scores twin turbos – now meet stricter new Euro 6d-TEMP standards and combined WLPT fuel consumption is now rated at 6.9-7.0L/100km for the low-output version and 7.0-7.4L/100km for the high-output engine.
Nissan Australia managing director Stephen Lester told carsales at this week’s Nissan LEAF MkII launch that he expects a sales kick from the MY19 Navara.
“When we look at it we look at what it includes in terms of N-TREK and how we address the market,” said Lester.
“So when you look at the pick-up segment and where it’s growing ... at the very, very top-end that is growing and at the very, very bottom-end that is growing too.
“What we need to do is be stronger across all the variants that we sell and that of course makes sense to everybody, but the reality is there are some specific areas of lesser performance that we could do a better job of, whether it be fleet in 4x2 segment versus 4x4 segment.
“And then we need to address the market where it wants to grow up toward the top-end, so we need to find a way to grow up in that area.
“Our special-editions in the past year have been helpful in that area, but the appetite of Australian consumers is even greater and that’s what we have to bring to market.”
In the first half of this year, the Nissan Navara 4x4 is languishing in sixth place on the 4x4 ute sales chart with 5655 sales -- down 16 per cent in a segment that’s shrunk by only 1.2 per cent year on year.
Article source: https://www.carsales.com.au/editorial/details/new-nissan-navara-n-trek-heads-upgraded-ute-range-119431/
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carglancer · 5 years
2020 Renault Megane Gets its First Plug-in Hybrid Version
2020 Renault Megane Gets its First Plug-in Hybrid Version
Renault updates the Megan in the midlife of its fourth generation adding a new E-Tech plug-in hybrid version.
First a wagon and then a hatchback will receive the hybrid set-up. The E-Tech hybrid covers 31 miles (50 km) according to WLPT test in electric-only mode or 40 miles (64 km) in urban conditions. The total output is 160 hp (118 kW).
The same powertrain powers the new Renault Captur
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seanfos · 5 years
Watch this as you go into your Monday. #loveisGod #hateislesrned #repost @abcnews These two toddlers' heartwarming reaction to spotting each other on the street will make your Monday. #inspiring #heartwarming #toddlers #newyorkcity https://www.instagram.com/p/B2Nb--wlpTs/?igshid=1tc8zyvkbve2u
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renewable-monkey · 6 years
Updated Renault Zoe With 95 kWh Battery & 250 Miles Of Range Arriving This Year
The new Renault Zoe will arrive in Europe later this year with a more powerful motor and Level 2 autonomy. Range remains the same at 250 miles WLPT, but the new car is expected to start at 3,000 Euros less than the current car. source https://cleantechnica.com/2019/02/12/updated-renault-zoe-with-95-kwh-battery-250-miles-of-range-arriving-this-year/
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roadwatcheu · 6 years
El Peugeot 508 con el motor diésel de 130 CV ahora homologa un consumo mayor, “culpa” del WLPT
El Peugeot 508 con el motor diésel de 130 CV ahora homologa un consumo mayor, “culpa” del WLPT
Peugeot ha dado vida a una sugerente segunda generación del Peugeot 508, con un diseño muy atractivo, con un bien logrado interior y que tiene en el motor diésel de 130 CV un interesante aliado para aquellos que buscan la perspectiva más racional de este coche, con una capacidad más que suficiente para mover a esta berlina y un consumohomologado comedido que en los últimos días ha ha…
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davidalatorreblog · 6 years
Fed under fire from Trump; eurozone growth slows; pound hits six-week low – business live
All the day’s economic and financial news, as US president says he’s “very unhappy” with the Fed, and chair Jerome Powell
Latest: Eurozone business growth hit by trade wars
Introduction: Trump blasts Fed
Can Trump fire Powell?
Caterpillar investors fearful as US-China trade war drives up costs
11.41am BST
Newsflash: The pound has hit a new six-week low, as Brexit anxiety swirls to new heights.
Sterling has fallen by three quarters of a cent today to $1.291, its weakest point since 10th September.
No 10 sources conceded that the discussion, which came a day before the prime minister was due to plead for support from Tory MPs at a meeting of the party’s 1922 Committee, was “impassioned”. Others characterised it as a row.
A group of ministers, including Jeremy Hunt, the foreign secretary; Liz Truss, the chief secretary to the Treasury; and Michael Gove, the agriculture secretary, were among half a dozen who emphasised their concern over imposing a time limit on any backstop, which is designed to avoid a hard border in Northern Ireland.
Related: Brexit could lead to security threat at border, says watchdog
11.21am BST
Donald Trump’s latest attack on Fed chair Jerome Powell hasn’t cheered Wall Street.
The New York stock exchange is expected to open lower in a few hours, with the Dow called down 0.8%.
Dow futures drop 220 points as stock market extends rout https://t.co/92nnHuCPVA
The US has been late to the game when it comes to the stock market sell-off, having been sheltered by last year’s tax cuts but they’re wasting no time in playing catch-up, with the S&P and Dow both fast closing in on 10% declines from the peak in a matter of weeks, while the Nasdaq has already ticked that box.
Trump has been quick to point the finger of blame at the Fed, with the President desperately not wanting to be associated with a stock market sell-off in the run up to the mid-term elections. Especially when he’s spent the last two years taking credit for the colossal gains. Rising interest rates has clearly been a factor in the loss of confidence in the stock market in recent weeks, with trade wars, Brexit, Italy’s budget issues and the Khashoggi murder also being important contributing factors.
10.34am BST
Some good jobs news amid the gloom: car rental chain Enterprise are taking on 800 new graduate trainees.
The roles are scattered across Enterprise’s 470 branches across the UK. Do well, and you could be assistant manager within a year, they say. More details here.
10.14am BST
Back in the UK, new mortgage approvals have fallen to a six-month low.
“The mortgage market softened slightly in September, following strong remortgaging activity in the months preceding the recent base rate rise.”
“Economic uncertainty continues to impact on businesses’ appetite for finance as overall lending remains slightly below the same period last year.
9.59am BST
This morning’s weak eurozone PMI report has hurt the euro.
The euro has fallen by half a cent against the US dollar, to $1.141, as investors fear that the eurozone is weakening.
Will the ECB shift the balance of risks to growth to the downside tomorrow? They should wait and see for another six weeks, but it's a closer call after today's PMIs. France not enough to compensate for other countries. pic.twitter.com/xDbDlh1Tui
9.35am BST
Mike Dolan of Reuters shows how German firms are particularly downbeat, according to today’s PMI report.
Eurozone business sentiment falls to weakest in almost 4 years, with German index lowest in more than 3 years https://t.co/LKpHkeSa4A pic.twitter.com/U5NoCiLQ3d
Oops! Eurozone growth outlook continoes to deteriorate. #Germany's Manufacturing #PMI falls more than expected, now at lowest since May 2016. pic.twitter.com/TKFsPgdhwZ
Weak German & French manuf. PMIs in Oct. are in part due to a transitory hit to car makers & their supply chain (from WLPT), but also reflect weaker global trade. The real worry is the tumbling German services PMI, that may question the ECB's conviction in domestic resilience.
The last three times the official euro area #manufacturing data moved into decline, the downturn proved short-lived. With the caveat that some of the recent weakness is auto related, the drop in the October flash #PMI output index suggests the next decline could be more worrying pic.twitter.com/2XuU0Rh4ix
9.16am BST
Newsflash: Eurozone corporate growth is stumbling this month, as tariffs and trade wars hit economic demand.
Data firm Markit reports that business growth is the slowest for over two years, while optimism has hit a four-year low in October.
“The pace of Eurozone economic growth slipped markedly lower in October, with the PMI setting the scene for a disappointing end to the year. The survey is indicative of GDP growth waning to 0.3% in the fourth quarter, and forward-looking indicators, such as measures of future expectations and new business inflows, suggest further momentum could be lost in coming months.
The slowdown is being led by a drop in exports, linked in turn by many survey respondents to trade wars and tariffs, which appears to have darkened the global economic environment and led to increased risk aversion. It is therefore not surprising to see the slowdown broadening out across the economy, hitting the service sector.
9.09am BST
Paul Donovan of UBS isn’t impressed by this latest attack on the Federal Reserve.
He told clients that the real risk comes from trade wars or excessive tax cuts, not monetary policy.
US President Trump has suggested the Fed is the greatest threat to the US economy. An economist would suggest recessions arise from overheating (caused by deficit financed tax cuts, perhaps), or policy error (disrupting supply chains on which an economy depends, perhaps).
Zero real rates with full employment are probably not a (restrictive) policy error.
8.45am BST
The big question is whether Donald Trump could reprise his days on The Apprentice, and tell Jerome Powell that “you’re fired”.
And the answer? Probably not. The Federal Reserve Act only permits the President to remove a Governor “for cause”, and no chairman has ever been fired.
Overnight Trump stepped up criticism of Powell, saying “every time we do something great, he raises the interest rates” and that it is the “biggest risk” to the US economy, despite this being the slowest ever Fed tightening cycle.
He didn’t answer what would make him try and replace the Fed chair.
8.25am BST
David Madden of CMC Markets points out that Donald Trump’s recent tax cuts are also putting pressure on the Fed to raise interest rates:
President Trump attacked Jerome Powell, the head of the Federal Reserve, for hiking interest rates. Mr Trump is ignoring the fact that his tax cuts helped spur on US economic growth, which warrant higher rates.
8.24am BST
I fear Donald Trump is on shaky ground when he complains that the Fed blessed president Obama with record low interest rates, but hiked on his watch.
When Obama took office, America had fallen into a deep recession as the financial crisis raged. This forced the Fed to slash borrowing costs to stimulate growth.
Obama took office after the Great Recession began in December 2007. The Federal Reserve at that time put historically low interest rates in place, and took other measures besides, in an effort to inject money into the faltering economy.
7.44am BST
Good morning, and welcome to our rolling coverage of the financial markets, the world economy, the eurozone and business.
I’m just saying this: I’m very unhappy with the Fed because Obama had zero interest rates.
Every time we do something great, he raises the interest rates.”
In an interview with the WSJ, President Trump blamed Fed Chairman Jerome Powell for threatening U.S. economic growth, saying it "almost looks like he's happy raising interest rates" https://t.co/1Q6ju9y7Y8
Too early to tell, but maybe.”
Related: EU and Italy face off over populist government's budget
Continue reading... Fed under fire from Trump; eurozone growth slows; pound hits six-week low – business live published first on https://yuanex.tumblr.com
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autoring · 6 years
Bez nadsázky zemětřesení působí nové emisní předpisy a způsob jejich měření ve většině automobilek. Proč tomu tak je a jaký dopad budou novoty mít na nově homologované motory?
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cougcareers · 7 years
Education Majors, Great Job Opportunity!
Type of Major(s) Seeking: Education
Job Title:   1st Grade Teacher
Employer/Company Name: Prosser School District #116- Keene Riverview Elementary
Job Location:  Prosser, WA 
Job Type:   Full time (1.0 FTE)
Time Length:  Permanent
Start Date:  TBD
Compensation:   DOE
Job Duties:
Provide an appropriate educational program centering on high expectations for student achievement.
Uses a variety of research based instructional practices to meet the needs of all students.
Recognizes individual student needs and develops strategies to address those needs.  
Provides a clear and intentional focus on subject matter, content, and curriculum.
Fosters and manages a safe, positive learning environment.
Uses multiple student data elements to modify instruction and improve student learning.
Communicates and collaborates with families and the school community.  
Works collaboratively to improve instructional practice and student learning.  
Teaches within the course of study for his/her subject are or at his/her grade level as prescribed in State Law, adopted by the school district or specified by individual program requirements.
Participates in the development and revision of course outlines for the classes taught.
This shall include goals and performance of objectives for student, course content and learning activities, evaluative procedures and instructional materials.
Performs administrative tasks as required.
Observes the designated working hours.
Attends scheduled staff meetings, student conferences and other school and district functions as required.
Will notify the Building Administrator in advance if unable to attend work.
Assumes the responsibility for written lesson plans for substitutes.
Plans, coordinates and supervises the work of paraprofessionals and student teachers (when applicable).
Uphold TSD Board Policies, follow administrative procedures, adhere to the Code of Professional Conduct, and enforce school rules.
Minimum Qualifications: 
Must possess or be eligible for a Washington State certification and be eligible to meet all requirements
Strong instructional and academic preparation in primary reading and language arts, with training and/or experience in implementing
a comprehensive literacy program using Reader’s and Writer’s Workshop strategies preferred.
In depth knowledge and experience implementing instruction and assessing student growth using the CCSS
Strong instructional and academic preparation in mathematics and Laser science units, with training and experience in inquiry-based and problem solving methodology preferred.
Positive experience and a desire to work with primary age student in a multi-cultural setting.
Training/experience in the use of a variety of successful teaching strategies including components of effective learning; such as GLAD.
Eagerness to participate in professional growth activities and curriculum planning, including peer planning, observation, and collaboration experiences.
Knowledge of and/or experience with the new teacher evaluation system preferred.
Ability to communicate well with parents, students and staff.
Bilingual English/Spanish preferred.
Experience with, or training in a variety of assessments (for example: WLPT, DRA and Readiness assessments) preferred.
Perform other related duties as assigned.
To Apply:  Apply Online HERE
Closing Date:  Open Until Filled
Date Posted on CougCareers:  10/16/2017
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johannaamnelin · 7 years
Testissä Nurmen palashampoo, saippuat, Dabban suolasuihke sekä Laveran roll-on deodorantti
Testissä Nurmen palashampoo, saippuat, Dabban suolasuihke sekä Laveran roll-on deodorantti
Moikka moi taas arvoisa lukijani ja oikein mukavaa viikonloppua sateesta ja Turun tapahtumista huolimatta.
Tiedän, että joidenkin ihmisten maailma pysähtyi eilen, kun Turun kauppatorilla lähti käyntiin tähän mennessä kahden naisen hengen vienyt sekä useiden loukkaantumisen aiheuttanut tapahtumavyöry. Lämmin osanottoni uhrien omaisille ja läheisille, sekä paljon voimia toipumiseen kaikille joita…
View On WordPress
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autoring · 6 years
Pokud si momentálně chcete koupit novou Fabii, Octavii RS, Audi SQ7 nebo jakékoli Porsche, máte smůlu. Vybírat můžete jen mezi skladovými vozy. Auta jsou vyprodaná. Může za to nová emisní norma Euro 6C a způsoby měření spotřeby WLPT, podle kterých budou muset být od 1. září homologována všechna nově registrovaná vozidla.
Další články k tématu:
Nákupní horečka: emisní normy zmenší nabídku aut, prodejci plní sklady
Evropa stanovila emisní limity nákladním autům, opět jsou mimo realitu
Automobilky vyzývají ke snížení cílů na redukci emisí, jsou mimo realitu
Emise oxidu uhličitého v Evropě rostou, v procentech nejvíc u Škodovky
Auta na podzim kvůli nové emisní normě zdraží
0 notes
cougcareers · 7 years
Education Majors, Great Job Opportunity!
Type of Major(s) Seeking: Education
Job Title:  1st Grade Teacher 
Employer/Company Name: Prosser School District #116-Keene Riverview Elementary 
Job Location:  Prosser, WA 
Job Type:   Full time
Time Length:  Permanent
Start Date:  TBD
Compensation:   DOE
Job Duties:
Plan and implement adopted instructional programs. 
Administer assessments as required at the building, district, state and/or federal level.  
Carry out responsibilities associated with classroom management and other building level programs, et cetera.  
Actively participate in collaborative instructional planning at the grade level and building level.  
Actively participate in in-service activities.  
Participate in curriculum development at the building and district levels as appropriate. 
Interact with other staff and community members on a professional level, including active participation in the report card and conferencing process. 
Communicate effectively with parents, staff, and students regarding student progress and school programs. 
Be an active participant in building strong connections and communication with early learning community providers. 
Willingness to attend training and implement AVID Strategies.
Develop and maintain a positive classroom climate. 
Possibly assume extra-curricular supervision and/or coaching position(s). 
Other duties as assigned.
Minimum Qualifications: 
  Must possess or be eligible for a Washington State certification and be eligible to meet all requirements
Strong instructional and academic preparation in primary reading and language arts, with training and/or experience in implementing a comprehensive literacy program using Reader’s and Writer’s Workshop strategies preferred.
In depth knowledge and experience implementing instruction and assessing student growth using the CCSS  
Strong instructional and academic preparation in mathematics and Laser science units, with training and experience in inquiry-based and problem solving methodology preferred.  
Positive experience and a desire to work with primary age students in a multi-cultural setting.
Training/experience in the use of a variety of successful teaching strategies including components of effective learning; such as GLAD.  
Eagerness to participate in professional growth activities and curriculum planning, including peer planning, observation, and collaboration experiences.
Knowledge of and/or experience with the new teacher evaluation system preferred.
Ability to communicate well with parents, students and staff
Bilingual English/Spanish preferred. ]
Experience with, or training in a variety of assessments (for example: WLPT, DRA and Readiness assessments) preferred. ]
Perform other related duties as assigned.
To Apply:  Apply Online HERE
Closing Date:  Open Until Filled
Date Posted on CougCareers: 
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