dracoyoflam · 3 years
WML Chapter 7: All Talk
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Harry stood up and walked to the center of the room. He held out his had towards Ginny who smiled and walked over to him. She intertwined her fingers with his when she was finally standing at his side.
“We have an announcement.” Harry said to everyone.
Both Harry and Ginny had gigantic smiles on their faces and Hermione felt herself sink a bit as she realized what the announcement must be.
“We’re having a baby!” They both yelled in unison.
The room filled with cheers and congratulations for the couple. Hermione knew that they had started trying about a year ago but she honestly kind of forgot about it with how busy she had become. She realized with a tight feeling in her chest that she must be a terrible friend.
Hermione made her way to the happy couple through all their friends, and she gave them each a big hug and told them congratulations. Apparently, Ginny just reached the three-month mark which is why they decided to make the announcement.
They explained that she still had some random spouts of morning sickness which is why she has been canceling plans with friends. Last night with Harry made a lot more sense now.
Hermione managed to pull away from them and the group. She walked over to where Draco was still standing, and she pulled his shirt as she walked by.
“Let’s talk now.” She said as she passed him.
She really wasn’t looking forward to the talk which most likely was about last night, but she figured that she might as well get it out of the way. It’s been a really long day but at least she managed to get a lot accomplished with people.
She officially split from Ron, reconnected with Ginny, explained her situation to Harry and Ginny, and now she was about to have a complicated conversation with Malfoy.
She honestly felt like she needed a long nap after all the events of the day, but she took a deep breath and felt the determination to get this done. No reason to put it off.
She could feel Draco following her as she walked down the hall and entered the spare bedroom. It was a nice room which Ginny was determined she needed to have for overnight guests which they rarely had.
It was a bright open room with a large bed to the right and a cute vanity on the left. There was a large bookshelf against the far wall filled with books and decorative little trinkets. There wasn’t much in there, but it was enough. The bed had a thick duvet with a floral design on it.
When Hermione walked in and saw the bed, she got nervous and thought that maybe she made a mistake by bringing him into a bedroom to talk alone.
“You don’t seem happy about the news.” He said simply as he walked past her and sat on the edge of the bed.
He seemed completely at ease, and she was surprised to find herself a bit aggravated at how easy he always made everything look.
“I’m happy for them. It’s just... it’s complicated.”
She pulled at the hem of her dress and glanced around the room. She didn’t want to let her emotions take over. Not now.
“You can talk to me you know. If you wanted to. We are friends and I am here for you.”
She felt her chest tighten and her eyes burned as tears started threatening to fall. She took a deep breath and let it out slowly. She was trying to keep from having a breakdown, but the day had been so long and so emotional.
“It’s stupid.” She said.
She hated how her voice sounded weak and gave away her emotions.
“So, tell me anyway.” He replied.
She laughed softly at his response, and she felt her body relax a little. She didn’t know when it had happened or how, but she had become very comfortable around him and felt safe with him.
She sighed and then she took a few steps towards him and sat down on the bed beside him. She shook her head and then took a deep breath to gain some courage.
“I thought that I would have had children by now, or at least one. I tried to talk to Ron about it a lot in the first few years of our marriage, but he always insisted that he wasn’t ready.”
She smiled to herself.
“Really crazy, right? I mean he comes from a huge family.”
Her smile faded as she continued.
“After a while, I just let go of the idea and focused more on work. I guess I figured that when he was ready, he would let me know.”
She smiled again as she tried to keep herself from crying.
“Instead, he had an affair and ended our marriage. I guess I don’t have to wait for him to be ready anymore.”
She paused. She felt tears start to fall from her eyes.
Damn those traitorous tears.
“Now I have nothing. Not that I’m rushing to have children anytime soon, I just wanted to know that I could have some in the future.”
Draco instinctively placed a hand over hers and squeezed. He hated to see her in pain, and he wished he could find Weasley and break his face. How could anyone not want to have a life with this amazing woman?
“You don’t have nothing. You have a great career and amazing friends. I know it probably doesn’t seem like much right now, but you will get past this. I see a really bright future for you, Granger. One with kids, so don’t worry.”
She wiped her tears away and smiled at him.
“Thanks. I’m sure you’re right. It’s been a really emotional day for me, and I think it’s making me crazy.”
He laughed lightly at her. He pulled his hand away and stood up off the bed. He walked to the door and stopped to look back at her.
“Come on. Let’s spend some time with friends and then you can go get a good night’s rest.”
Hermione finished drying her face with her hands and stood up. She felt really dumb for getting so upset but she felt so much better after talking to Malfoy about it.
He managed to make her feel better. She felt herself regain control of her emotions and she smiled.
She started to walk past Malfoy but stopped suddenly.
“Wait, I almost forgot. You wanted to talk.”
She took a few steps back into the room and turned around to face him. He stepped back into the room and closed the door. He took a couple tentative steps towards her and stopped a few feet away.
She suddenly felt herself get very nervous. She felt a strange tingle in her belly and her legs started to feel numb.
“We don’t have to talk if you don’t want, I would understand after the day that you’ve had but I wanted to talk to you about last night.”
‘Crap.’ She thought. ‘I knew it.’
“We were really drunk and I’m not sure what…”
He was cut off by her sudden outburst.
“It’s okay.” She said quickly.
He gave her a weird look and when it looked like he was about to start speaking again she took a step towards him and continued to explain.
“I have to be honest. I don’t remember anything that happened after my fifth drink.”
She gave him an apologetic look.
“Oh.” He said and looked a bit disappointed for a second before smiling at her.
“I’m sorry. I don’t think we…” She trailed off and glanced down at the bed.
He realized what she was saying and quickly responded.
“No. Um... We didn’t do that. We were both pretty smashed and I didn’t want to take advantage.”
He took a step forward so their bodies were mere inches apart and he leaned forward to whisper in her ear.
“I would be more than happy to show you what you don’t remember.”
His hot breath hit her cheek and ear. She felt her face get hot and her legs felt weak. Her belly tingled and she felt like she might explode.
She didn’t understand how a simple little whisper could make her body respond like this, but she wasn’t about to question it.
He pulled away from her and started to walk towards the door.
Just as he started to pull the door open, she rushed towards him and pushed the door closed. She grabbed his shoulder to turn him around and before he could get a word out, she shoved him hard against the door and crushed his lips with hers.
It was a hungry passionate kiss that took him completely by surprise, but it only took a second for him to adjust and kiss her back.
She closed the distance between them and pressed herself firmly against his body. She could feel his already hard member pressing against her and she felt a shiver run up her spine in response.
Their tongues fought for dominance while they kissed each other rough and without restraint. Hermione felt her center warm, and her panties started to feel wet against her skin.
She was surprised at how turned on she was getting from a little bit of kissing.
Draco pulled away from her lips and started trailing slow kisses down her jawline and onto her neck. He made sure to suck and kiss on each spot until he finally reached her collarbone.
He nipped at her and then he pulled back to look at her.
Hermione felt herself blush slightly as they looked at each other with need and lust in their eyes. Draco gave her a quick and sweet kiss on the lips and then he said, “Let’s go celebrate with our friends.”
He grabbed her by the hand and led her out of the room. As they reached the end of the hallway and were about to enter the living room, he pulled a paper out of his pocket and handed to her.
“This is the contact information for the guy I told you about. Give him a call Monday and see what he says. I think he will be able to help you with the apartment search.”
She took the folded-up page and replied with a quiet “Thank you.”
She was so surprised by the turn of events and the loss of body contact that she wasn’t sure how to respond to him. She wished so badly that they could go back into that bedroom and finish what they started.
She knew it wasn’t sensible, but her hormones were screaming for sex. It had been so long since she had felt wanted or had been touched. She burned for more.
They walked into the living room where all their friends were still celebrating with Harry and Ginny over the big news. As they entered the room, Hermione felt herself let go of his hand and slowly walk away from him.
She needed to put some distance between their bodies.
She walked over to her purse and slid the paper inside for later. She turned around and saw that Malfoy had resumed his position across the room where he stood like a gorgeous model on display.
As she was starting to stare at him, his eyes turned towards her and their eyes met. She felt the instinct to look away but instead, she kept honey brown eyes locked onto his stormy grey ones.
She felt her belly tingle again and her knickers felt wetter between her legs. She rubbed her thighs together to get some friction and she watched as he smirked back in response to her movement.
She bit her lip as they continued to keep eye contact but suddenly, she was interrupted in her thoughts as Ginny popped up in front of her. Hermione pulled her eyes away from Malfoy and looked at Ginny as she smiled brightly in front of her.
Ginny was beaming. She grabbed Hermione by the hand and pulled her once again to the kitchen. Ginny was practically bouncing as she led her into the room.
“So, what happened?” Ginny asked.
“What do you mean?” Hermione asked confused.
Ginny tilted her head and rolled her eyes.
“You know what I’m talking about. You and Malfoy, what happened? I saw you both go into the spare bedroom.” Ginny smirked a little as she finished the sentence.
Hermione blushed as she thought about the little make-out session that she had just had with Malfoy.
“Oh... We talked. It’s been a long emotional day for me. He listened and cheered me up.”
Ginny pursed her lips and looked at her annoyed.
“That’s it? You guys talked?” she let out a sigh of disappointment.
Hermione chuckled slightly at her friend’s reaction.
“Ginny! I am still technically married… to your brother by the way.”
Ginny rolled her eyes.
“My brother is a twat, and you are getting divorced. Not to mention the fact that you haven’t had sex in ages. I wouldn’t blame you at all for wanting some release for all that aggravation. Especially with Malfoy. He is kinda sexy in his own Malfoy kind of way.”
They both laughed and Hermione’s blush burned brighter making her face feel hot.
She sighed and decided to confide in her best friend.
“Okay… We did kiss a little bit.”
“What!” Ginny squealed before Hermione could say anymore.
“Shhh.” Hermione tried to quiet her friend. She didn’t want anyone to overhear their conversation.
“Sorry.” Ginny whispered back.
She took a step closer to Hermione and using a much quieter voice, she asked, “So how was the kiss? What kind of kiss was it? Quick and friendly or slow and passionate?”
Hermione bit her lip and smiled as she replied, “It was… I dunno… It was everything.”
She let out a long happy sigh at the thought of their kiss.
“I don’t know how to describe it. When we kissed, it was like everything in the world just dropped away and it was just us. I’ve never felt anything like it.”
Ginny squealed again and was practically jumping up and down.
Hermione shushed her friend again and they both laughed.
“Eek! I knew it! So do you want to do it again?” Ginny asked as she nudged Hermione playfully on the arm.
Hermione took and deep breath and let it out in one quick breath.
“Of course, but… it’s complicated. I’m still technically married, and we work together. It all makes it kind of messy.”
Ginny frowned.
“Ron is moving in with his girlfriend. I don’t think you have to worry about being married as an excuse anymore. The other stuff, you just need to figure out and see if this is something you want for yourself.”
Hermione shrugged and started to get lost in thought about everything when Ginny pulled her arm again, snapping her out of her reverie.
“Come on. Let’s get back. You have all the time in the world to overthink everything later.”
Hermione smiled at her and followed her out of the kitchen and back into the room filled with friends and laughter. She had yet to spend any time with anyone there, so she made sure to join the group and converse with everyone before calling it a night a few hours later.
That night, her dreams were filled with intimate touches and passionate kisses by a certain blonde. She tossed and turned as her dreams took her further with him than she had earlier that evening. The next morning, she was covered in sweat and her panties were drenched in juices from being so turned on that she felt like a teenager again.
A/N: Again, I am sorry for the long delay between chapters but to make up for it, I posted 2 chapters in a row!!! And I tried to make the chapters nice and long. I hope you all enjoyed the new chapters!
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