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hiddencircus · 4 months
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doctorofmagic · 4 years
Strange Book Club - Week 2 - Replies and Discussion
@wongrange​ said:
god these stories really fucked with my wongrange loving heart.......... they're soft dads and now stephen lost his babies but died to bring one back............... ougjgjkgjgmfhhh
I like to think that either Stephen waited for Illyana to die so he could rejoin Wong in the afterlife (with Wong’s support, of course) or Stephen worked as a link between Wong and Illyana, being capable of communicating with both. I dunno, I just want them to be together :’(
@herondale-snow-carstairs ​ said:
The what if issues are one of the first I read when discovering Doctor Strange, and is still one of my favorites. The way the relationship between Stephen and Illyana started and evolved warms my heart. I always thought that Stephen saw her as a daughter and that he cared for her more than he showed. I'm really glad this was the reading of the week, cause is an issue I hold dear in my heart. And what if... the end made me cry soooooo much.
Woaah, I’m so glad you started with those! Better yet, they’re your favorite ones! I share the same feeling, they’re definitely on my top 5! I really love their relationship. It’s never clear in canon that Stephen became his adoptive father, but no one will convince me otherwise. They’re a family. And same... I just want Stephen to be happy. I know he was happy to die for her daughter and magic, but... please, someone hug this man!! Someone give him some love!! *sobs*
@bonaventureblair ​ said:
Okay, so first off I have to admit that I’m not a huge X-Men fan, so I’m not familiar with Illyana at all outside of these two comics. But already I love her so much. It’s so good to see Stephen as a true mentor-figure for someone who isn’t a potential love-interest (like Clea, Zelma, etc . . .) Do Strange and Magik ever interact in the main 616 continuity? I’d love to see the two of them together more.
That’s mostly because I think acting as a father-figure brings out what I love most about Doctor Strange. Too often in the modern comics (V4 & V5) Stephen feels younger and de-powered, both magically and mentally. I never get the sense in Aaron’s or Waid’s runs that he’s particularly deserving of the title of Sorcerer Supreme. However, from what I’ve read prior to Hickman’s Secret Wars run, Stephen always feels like a major power-house of the Marvel Universe. He may not be as intelligent as Reed Richards or Tony Stark, but he is probably the wisest hero (when he’s written well.) This wisdom and maturity are always most on display when Doc is paired with other heroes who need help, and I think this is also a big reason why Strange works so well when he guest-stars in other comics. To see him bonding with and protecting a teenager just exemplifies the kind of hero Stephen is: more of an Obi Wan than a Luke.
The End begins with an interesting interaction between Stephen and his home A.I. Jenny, who he’s disappointed cannot interface with his own magical projections. When Jenny tries to comfort Strange by changing to look like Magik, he immediately decides to destroy her. Doctor Strange is being faced with the choice between what’s real (magic) and fake (the comforts of technology.) It seems the cyberpunk future, devoid of magic, doesn’t feel like home anymore.
Instead of talking to Jenny the holographic A.I., Stephen talks to Wong, or at least the spirit of Wong, who we can only assume is talking back. Wong has taken the form of a little golden statue inside of a retablo, which looks very Buddha-like. (I think Wong probably attained inner peace and found Nirvana, don’t you?) Stephen goes on a trip through a world full of people wearing virtual-reality goggles. Instead of a virtual-reality though, Stephen is interacting with a higher-reality through his connection to his deceased best friend.
My big take-away from “The End” is how willingly Stephen accepts his own death. One of my favourite arcs for Doctor Strange is from the first five issues of his 1973 series where he fights Silver Dagger. In that story he is stabbed, and goes on a psychedelic journey learning to accept death, after which the Ancient One tells him that he will never fear death again. This kind of metaphysical theme is what I feel Doctor Strange brings to comics that you can’t find anywhere else (and what’s lacking in newer series.) I love how it’s hinted at here. Stephen no longer feels at home in the future-world, and so bravely transcends to the next one. “You were blind. And now you see.”
Oh, regarding Earth-616, I’m more than glad to inform that Illyana has not only interacted with Stephen, but also became his apprentice for a short period of time!! They’re very good friends. In fact, it’s happening at this very moment in Savage Avengers (except that we’re on hiatus due to Covid-19 *sigh*). They have a few team-ups (and a brawl, but that’s in the past) and she often appears in v4, but it feels more like a cameo, sadly. I still believe Savage Avengers is the best example in their shared chronology, although we haven’t seen much yet (I just know because of the covers and descriptions). I’m so excited to read more!! In the meantime, in case you feel interested, you can check Uncanny X-Men v3 #7, #15 and #29 to see how Illyana becomes his apprentice, and then Extraordinary X-Men #8, where Illyana takes Sapna to an appointment with the good doctor.
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And I share the same feelings. I’m so tired of seeing Stephen interacting with women only meant to become love interests. I guess Zelma was more platonic than romantic, that’s why it was so hard for people to understand that they were friends. But I also understand that she wasn’t supposed to be explored as such at all because, well, m|f non-romantic relationships exist? Also Stephen is not a thirsty dog? He’s not a toxic, predatory man like some writers tried to portray him in 2012. He’s just very insecure. And it’s always good to see him develop other kinds of relationship. A father-figure is a personal favorite, truth be told.
I totally agree about the de-powered part as well. I believe it’s consequence of post-Secret Wars era. He was an Illuminati, after all. But I do like how v4 was capable of showing that Stephen, although very wise, is just human. While Hickman’s Stephen makes mistakes based on bad decisions regarding magic and the Illuminati, v4 showed flaws and insecurities of a broken man (pretty similar to Bendis’ version of the character). In both cases, though, he’s trying his best. And this is definitely a trait of his personality. I always like to say that, no matter what, I’ll always trust Stephen.
Oh, also beautifully said. I haven’t noticed that Stephen is interacting with a higher reality while everyone is too busy with a false perception of what’s real. Thank you for adding this detail! And yes, perhaps Wong did achieve Nirvana! He always put people (mostly Stephen) before himself. I’m sure his layers are as deep as Stephen’s.
Lastly, concerning death. I do miss this connection with the spiritual side of the Marvel universe too. Strange Tales and Master of the Mystic Arts were particularly good at showing how Stephen dealt with the unkown. Leah Williams nailed when she wrote both these stories. This is why I’d love her to write v6 when it happens. I’m so tired of Waid. Leah understands his essence. More than that, she knows how to build this mystic atmosphere with excellence. And the best part is, she loves Illyana as well, which means more team-ups! Oh, I can only dream.
Thank you so much for everyone who saved a bit of time to read and share your impressions. I can’t find the proper words to express how happy I am to share this moment with you lovely people. You’re the best! Tomorrow we will be heading to our third week. We’ve come so far!! Thank you!!
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