benetnvsch · 1 year
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gacha games stole my personality
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the-owl-tree · 6 months
hi oh my gosh so I took a quick scroll through your DOTC au and I think it will be the only thing I think about for the next few weeks. Could you share any details on Jagged Peak in your au? I might have missed him in the tag but I wonder how much his character and relationships with hos brothers are changed from canon. Have a lovely day
this is like like 80% improv and 20% working with actual ideas
Peak is born to Fluttering in the abandoned, worn down townhouse his mothers and his brothers call home. Earned his name after Fluttering delivered him on the top floor, "the peak". He's pretty similar to canon in being rambunctious, curious, and eager to explore and often bothers his brothers of telling him stories of the world beyond the townhouse perimeter.
Peak looks up to Sky in the beginning, which, everyone does. Sky in this is charismatic and friendly, with a controlling streak that, in their situation, is easy to cover up. Peak usually pads after him, pleading for stories and lessons on how to hunt and fight.
On the other paw, he and Gray are...fine. Gray's standoffish and kind of mousy, more interested in making sure his mother and little brother are fed than entertained. Gray's not popular on his own, scragglier and not nearly as charismatic as his brother. But he's smart, and he tries to at least impart that wisdom on his brother.
As a kitten, Peak doesn't really pick up on it but as he grows older, he comes to appreciate the way Gray tried to set him up for the future.
The day they meet Storm, Peak sneaks out after his brothers. This is where his opinion splits with Sky immediately offering shelter to the wounded and hungry cat, while Gray immediately worries about giving up space as well as food. It's also where Gray is forced to confront his own reluctance to help others, when Peak, his own little brother, looks upset at Gray's apathy.
When no one, neither Sky or Gray, want to step up to help Storm when she pleads for their aid in rescuing her mate Bright from One-Eye's group - Peak decides to take matters into his own paws and sneak out towards the forest. Gray and Storm quickly manage to catch him and find him before members of One-Eye group does. But, with some pleading from Jagged, they opt to at least survey the camp and see if they even have a chance.
...And they do, Gray concludes, to the surprise of both Sky and Peak. The camp is hardly well reinforced and most cats are asleep, with the guards leaving multiple blind spots open. Peak could slip in and find Bright with Sky acting as his guardian. A plan could work, if they're careful, they just need a distraction-
"I'm...fast." Gray says carefully, his paws feeling hot as his brother's turn their stares from the camp below to him. "You're fast?" Sky echoes, raising a brow as he examines Gray's face. Gray flinches at his brother's tone, suddenly feeling small and unsure of himself. "Super fast!" Peak chimes in, bouncing over to them, tail sticking straight up. "Gray's so fast he can outrun, um...cars!" "Cars?" Sky turns his attention to Peak. "That's what Bumble says humans- ah, twolegs call monsters." Sky rolls his eyes and shakes his head, "Bumble and her made up words- look, it doesn't matter if you can outrun monsters. Can you outrun a hoard of angry forest cats?" Gray pauses, doubt creeping into his chest, before he meets Peak's gaze. His little brother offers him a look of unbridled hope and confidence, and Gray meets Sky's gaze and gives a confident nod. "I know I can."
And it works! It's the trio's first big success and one that cements Peak as part of the team. He's the balance of the duo, the one who sees the best in them...and also is the one that keeps Gray and Sky from squabbling until nothing is done.
This attack, however, ends up provoking One-Eye to expand to the city and the trio and their friends are pushed to band together to fight back.
Peak is an outspoken and vocal member of the group, and ends up getting pretty close with a former member of One-Eye's group, Holly.
When Sky begins to show his more controlling traits, his refusal for compromise, and a mean streak that grows...Peak doesn't see it. Even when Gray tries to show him, Peak is still blinded by his admiration for his brother. Who would blame him? Sky has been nothing but a source of the strength for their band of rebels, even when he berates cats for not bringing enough food back, even when he makes jabs at Bumble's uselessness...it's just the stress of leadership, some cat has to keep them pushing themselves.
That is, of course, until the accident.
It's no training incident, it's a planned attack to conquer and divide One-Eye's forces. When Wind's runners lead their enemies to the trees, where Peak and the other cats are waiting to drop down and ambush them...something goes wrong. Peak lands wrong, wrecking his leg and ruining the ambush as his fellow rebels are forced to carry him and retreat. It's a devastating loss as the action allows One-Eye to regain that portion of the territory.
And Sky is furious.
The cats take him to Midnight and Jay's at the highstones, where Peak eventually does recover...but is no longer able to walk like he used to. This is also what prompts Jay to move in with the rebels, using Peak's injury as a guise to talk to cats like him.
The injury leaves a distinct jagged mark on his leg.
The Clan is split, and both Gray and Sky fight nonstop about their brother. One begging the other to give a damn about something other than the loss, while the other can't even look at their little brother without feeling angry.
And Peak? He begins to flounder, caught in feelings of anger and self-loathing. Sky won't look at him, Gray won't leave him alone. He can barely walk, he can barely hunt, and he can't fight- he's useless to the rebellion now. He's ruined everything and he'll never be able to fix things.
So...Gray sends him away. Not to hide him, Gray assures, but for Peak to heal. The base camp is impacting his mental health, everyone is angry and hungry and constantly looking out for an attack. It's not good for Peak, and Peak, bitter and numb, shrugs and says whatever is fine with him.
Torn here, I either want him to go with Bumble and Turtle to the twolegplace OR go to Midnight. Either way, he starts to recover and starts learning to value himself. It's important to me he does this without Gray or Sky or Holly, I think it would be good in this case. His admiration for Sky is gone and while he and Gray aren't close outwardly, the event gives them a strong bond.
When the rebels win and the cats split up, I want to send Peak with Thunder in the forest. He's a forest cat at heart to me.
Here's where I'm fuzzy...the build up of Sky and Gray's showdown puts Peak in the middle. He's the negotiator between the two, the bridge, but that bridge got burned the moment Peak's leg was hurt and Sky turned his back on him. Peak doesn't join the battle, he doesn't want to choose sides...but he doesn't want to see his own brothers do this. His absence is crucial, it's the marker in the battle that there is no binding between Sky and Gray. Nothing to unite them.
So Peak stays in Thunder's camp...and when he finds out what Sky's done, he's distraught. But at the same time...what was Gray thinking? No ambush, no plan, he wanted to talk to Sky, wanted to plead with him. What happened to the master tactician? Did his brother want to die? It's hard not to feel abandoned, like Gray did it on purpose and the way the Thunder cats talk about him...it only stokes the flames of resentment.
Peak is never close to Sky again, the two barely acknowledge each other. Peak is...fine in Clan life, he adapts and earns himself the Clan name Jaggedpeak for his service. He's happy with his life with Holly, with their children, but his mind drifts to his brother, Gray, and what could have been had things worked out differently.
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bettyweir · 11 months
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theyre everything 2 me..
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motordyk · 1 year
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you know i had to do it eventually
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twinleafsystem · 11 months
u make me wish that ummm auugh oough ummmm u were my, friend 8)
woguh. i have .great news 4 u ! :)
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