#wolfy's dragon december
layraket · 9 months
All the art I posted this year! (2023)
96 posts in total!
15 march - lil guy [oc art]
15 march - Yellow cow [og art]
15 march - Back [oc art]
15 march - Miss Beloved [ranboo fanart]
15 march - Friends [og art]
15 march - Bird practice [og art]
15 march - Soe redesign [oc art]
15 march - Spore [oc art]
15 march - She's cool [oc art]
15 march - him [oc art]
15 march - I found you! [oc art]
22 march - animation test [oc art]
4 april - Backgrounds practice [og art]
6 april - Asexuality day [og art]
16 july - God Killer [loz fanart]
18 july - Hyrule practice [lu fanart]
18 july - Wind and Hyrule [lu fanart]
19 july - Wolves vibing [lu fanart]
19 july - Ravio and Hyrule [lu fanart]
23 july - creatures gang 1 [lu au]
28 july - creatures gang 2 [lu au]
30 july - creatures Legend and Hyrule [lu au]
31 july - She [og art]
1 august - Are you sure? [lu au]
3 august - Rito duolingo [loz/duolingo fanart]
6 august - creatures gang 3 [lu au]
6 august - creature Time [lu au]
7 august - creature Wind [lu au]
9 august - creature Hyrule [lu au]
10 august - creature Twilight [lu au]
11 august - Red Link ms paint [loz fanart]
11 august - creature Four [lu au]
14 august - creature Wild [lu au]
15 august - creature Warriors [lu au]
20 august - Smol wind Big dragon boat [lu au]
24 august - young Hyrule [lu fanart]
24 august - fluffy wolfie [lu fanart]
25 august - more Ravio [loz fanart]
25 august - smiley Sky [lu fanart]
26 august - Ravioli cheek [lu fanart]
28 august - sheikah paw [lu au]
31 august - Light dragon traditional [loz fanart]
4 september - Wind spanish swears hc [lu fanart]
9 september - Wing bois Wild [lu au fanart]
10 september - el wiwi [lu fanart]
13 september - Wild and Sky hug [lu fic fanart]
15 september - Wolf cut Twilight [lu fanart]
15 september - Idependencia Salvadoreña [og art]
17 september - Sunset [lu fic fanart]
23 september - Crop top trio [lu fanart]
23 september - funny cat traditional [og art]
25 september - friend pfp [oc / og art]
28 september - Food comic [lu au]
1 october - Flufftober day 1 [lu fanart]
2 october - Flufftober day 2 [lu fanart]
4 october - Wind Vio and Wolfie jenga [lu fanart]
6 october - Flufftober day 6 [lu fanart]
8 october - Flufftober day 8 Collab [lu fanart]
10 october - Flufftober day 10 [lu au]
11 october - Flufftober day 11 [lu au]
14 october - Wind painting nails [lu fanart]
16 october - Flufftober day 16 [lu au]
17 october - Time throught time [lu au]
19 october - Flufftober day 19 [lu au]
19 october - Puppy menace [lu au]
27 october - bird [og art]
31 october - Halloween art Twilight [lu fanart]
1 november - eepy wind [lu fanart]
8 november - shadow doodle [loz fanart]
12 november - Ika's DTIYS [lu fanart]
12 november - The guy [side blog og art]
15 november - Ben drowned [side blog creepypasta fanart]
18 november - shadow doodle naiiilss [loz fanart]
18 november - cursed au idea that turned into a real au [loz au]
18 november - ma boi [loz au]
20 november - Wolves playtime [lu au]
24 november - quinceañera wind [lu fanart]
30 november - another boi [loz au]
2 december - Farm Wolf [lu au]
5 december - ms doodle of ma boi [loz au]
7 december - Ravioli commission [lu au fanart]
9 december - Pretty design traditional [loz au]
10 december - Sea bunny [lu au]
14 december - The smartest there [side blog oc art]
14 december - Eepy triple threat [lu au]
18 december - big brother wars brainrot [lu fanart]
21 december - wars with mask and hot chocolate [lu fanart]
22 december - la creature [og art]
22 december - sky patetic [lu fanart]
22 december - ma boi again [loz au]
22 december - toon link [loz fanart]
22 december - pretty design strikes again [loz au]
22 december - crazy fox [lu au]
24 december - christmas triple threat [lu au]
25 december - jolly shadow link [loz fanart]
31 december - new year [loz au]
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xadianwolf · 4 years
🌀Book II:Sky🌀
🔥Fire and Fury🔥
- Rayla being supportive and giving Callum a demostration of what Moonshadow powers feel like, even when he doesn't get it, is very sweet in my opinion
- Wait, how did Soren and Claudia got there?
- One does not simply walk into Xadia and Rayla being supportive agaln
- Yes, Pyrrah is terrorizing the town, but hasn't attacked. Plus the guards haven't attacked her, but are still on guard just in case
- Soren, please think things through in the future
- There's a huge ass dragon burning the city down and all you two do is bicker over griffin's eyeball?
- Ezran is a caring cinnamon roll again
- Yeah, Opeli, you tell him!
- Pyrrah definetly told Ezran where tge spear had hit her and thanked him for pulling it out before passing out
- Claudia smiling while talking about cutting the dragon to pieces. Not creepy at all...
- Both Rayla and Callum have a point about Pyrrah actually
- Oh shit, Callum used dark magic!
- *hears the crunch* That didn't sound good
- Yay, Claudia chose Soren!
- *hears the sound of Viren slicing his arm and Aaravos' voice* NOPE!!!
📕A Book of Destiny📕
- Yes, Rayla, listen to Ezran!
- *yells alongside Ezran* RAYLA!
- At least Virus has some level of intelligence regarding Aaravos
- Poor Dark!Sibs
- Oh shit, Corvus is here. Oh good, he's not attacking them
- Oh no, Ez knows and is angry! My poor baby boy!
- Don't listen to Dark!Callum, Callum!
- An interesting new career choice, Soren, but okay
- Well, you did trash the room, Claudia, so I don't wonder that you were thrown out
- Yes! Go, Callum!
- Oooh, I have his word
- Sail!Callum
- Wait, Corvus came back, where did he go now?
- As scary as Banthers are, they're actually very pretty
- Oh no, Callum's drowning!
- Ez, sweetie, I know you're a good boy, vut Claudia tried to kill you plus steal Zym
- Why is Aaravos' fave before he puts the book away a mood?
- I swear, every kid in this goddamn show has somehow lost either both parents, one of them or a parental figure and it's so sad. They don't deserve this.
- He's MY doof 🥺 I can now imagine Ivy saying similar thing about Zack
- Yes, comfort each other
- I cannot imagine the panic Rayla is feeling. This boy used Dark Magic, something she despises, to save her. And now he's dying. She provably also feels super guilty because the reason he used it in the first place was because she recklessly went to save a dragon
- I wonder if it was Callum's love for Rayla that allowed him to see his mother... Because at thay moment, Rayla was hugging him in the real world while Sarai did it in the dream world
- Sarai is a good mom
- Rayla nearly confesses....aaand then Callum wakes up and she becomes an awkward mess
- Claudia, what are you doing?!
- Yessss, Callum knows sky magic!
- Oh shit, her hair changed!
- Oh no, Ez left. Poor Zym
- So she did retrieve Pyrrah's horn...
- Moonstone path!
- I wish we get more info on the Mind Bond later in the show....
- Woooo, they made it!
- Oh shit, Sol Regem!
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darkwolfgoddess · 4 years
Hey there, wolves!
December is just around the corner and with that, this horrible year will end. To celebrate that, I thought I'm going to make something very interesting that involves three things I love the most: drawing, wolves and The Dragon Prince. So, I've come up with this!
Wolfy's Dragon December!
Every day from tomorrow to the end of Decmber, I'll be watching one episode of TDP per day, write down a short synopsis as well as some of my thoughts about each episode AND after finishing each season, give you an update on a drawing I'm working on.
Tumblr media
It probably won't stay exactly the same, but who knows.
But that's all. Stay tuned for tomorrow as we start our journey. K, gotta go now, my dog wants to go on a walk.
Wolfy out 🐺!
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jayalaw · 6 years
Pep Talk: The “No“ in November
Happy Thanksgiving, everyone. I hope that for those in the States, that you don't have any stressful dinners with family members. For those Americans who are abroad, I hope you find a way to celebrate in your own way. And for everyone in other countries who don't know what I'm talking about, know that it's a holiday born out of pain and genocide, and that as an immigrant my family approaches it by cooking Indian fusion for four people.
I won't be listing writing blessings, as much as talking about another November event: Nanowrimo. Aka National Novel Writing Month. We've been doing it in the group, and I've been hearing understandable concerns that November can be a tough month for writing. In fact, considering that there are natural disasters going on, plus Thanksgiving, and a rather serious election, I'm proud of the work that people are getting done. We have some really great fics, drabbles, and world-building. I recommend @wolfie-dragon-rider‘s fics for his story Blind Spots.
Nanowrimo's goal is that someone can sit down and write a 50,000 word novel in one month. I first heard of this in high school, and asked myself why someone would do that during preparation for finals, for the end of the work year, and especially as the weather gets colder. While the cold doesn't affect me as much since I live south, a few people have mentioned that it's harder to write when the days get shorter and all the shops remind us that Christmas and Thanksgiving are coming sequentially. Seasonal Affective Disorder is a real thing.
School is also a factor. With semesters ending in December, students need to brush up on their notes, assemble portfolios for creative classes, and catch up on their reading. Exams can kill creativity when you’re trying to analyze literature or do management operations. November is crunch time.
Politics are also a factor, at least in the States. In 2016, I barely wrote a word in November due to certain events that killed my creativity and drive. If you believe the world is ending, it can be hard to make something and in my case I tended to write to make people happy. This year, I told myself, "If the world ends, I'm going to go down typing!" It worked, but for others I can imagine the elections are mitigating factors.
And in all honesty, I've never completed a full Nanowrimo. Part of it is the lack of stamina; to make the goal, you would have to write about two thousand words a day. Another part is that, due to being in high school, undergrad and grad school, November tends to be busy. Plus, taking a novel takes more work than it may appear, with world-building and character arcs. I tend to do a hodgepodge, collecting all the various writings that I do each month. Other people may write daily drabbles, or take the time to revise.  
You don't have to make November your Nanowrimo, or national novel writing month. Even the Nano website has summer camp options, that allow you to change the word or page count. While it can be a fun challenge, it shouldn't create unwanted pressure if you're doing it. It should be about what you want to accomplish, and when you can.
I’m taking a vote with the group to figure out which better months may be a better time to attempt writing 50K in thirty to thirty-one days. You can chime in with which months you prefer as well. Once again, have a great Thanksgiving and stay alive on Black Friday!
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athingofvikings · 7 years
NaNoWriMo 2017 Start
Alrighty!  It’s 10:40 PM here in Germany, and I’m getting ready to head off to bed.  According to my Scrivener word count total, A Thing Of Vikings’ compiled text currently totals:
534,358 words
Also, I have no chapters currently in my Buffer of finalized drafts.
And I have not fully revised the drafted chapters for Winter 1041-42
My goal at 12:00 AM on December 1st is 634,358 total words in the compile, 5 chapters in the Buffer, and a full revision pass for Winter 1041-42, at a minimum.
It’s going to be an awesome month.  
Last year, I started this fic at zero words, and I finished at 155,000.  
I think that I can do this.  
Wish me luck, and I wish luck to my NaNo writing buddies, @primedoverlord, @fanwriter02, @wolfie-dragon-rider, and @crazy4dragons!  Let’s do this!
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reallypheelingit · 7 years
Pheel’s daily challenge list part 2
Day 182: Dratini! Day 183: Halfway There video Day 184: Mega Dragonite Day 185: Happy Birthday America (and Pebsi) Day 186: Brooke and Nautilus Day 187: Anattawam reference* Day 188: Dirac Day 189: Huggable Blue Boys Day 190: King Cooger and the royal crew Day 191: Turtwig Day 192: Zigzagoon Day 193: Aranza Day 194: Wyatt Day 195: Uraby Day 196: Alderstrom in flight Day 197: Midnight Lycanroc Day 198: Shiba Inu Day 199: Angry Flareon Day 200: Pink Orca Magikarp Day 201: Favorite Pokemon by Type* Day 202: Fizzywits Dragon Day 203: Siphooskii reference* Day 204: Dani Day 205: Miles the Soft Moth Day 206: Jess the Mod!Dragon Thing Day 207: Gligar Day 208: Kyurem Day Kyurem! Day 209: Araia Day 210: Pezzie Banner (Dragons Don’t Interact)* Day 211: Zekrom and Kyurem Friends Day 212: Kyurem and Bees?*
Day 213: Sage the Primarina* Day 214: Kuraga Day 215: Zubat Day 216: Bowser Day! Day 217: Original Tao Dragon (design by kyurmlem) Day 218: Perci and Ashby Day 219: Shiro Day 220: Kou Day Rockruff Day 221: Baile Oricorio Day 222: Letizia and Levianden Day 223: Leonard, Don Q, and Delta Day 224: Gigalith Day 225: Darue playing guitar Day 226: Salandit Day 227: Noodles eating Noodles Day 228: Eli and Raichu Day 229: Munchlax Day 230: Girafarig Day 231: Electra and Qorrax Day 232: Gwyn and Virgil Day 233: Eclipse Day 234: Kingdra Day 235: Murkrow Day 236: Shelgon Day 237: Woobat Day 238: Swoobat Day 239: West Sea Gastrodon Day 240: Pikachu with hands* Day 241: Birthday Crystal Day 242: Dunnine (Dunsparce x Arcanine) Day 243: Jangmo-o
Day 244: Dunsparce in heart* Day 245: Weavile Day 246: Karyth Day 247: Paper Mario Twilight Town people Day 248: Flying Careleon Day 249: Agnes and Blaise Day 250: 4 Voltorb Day 251: Careleon Mask Off* Day 252: Ellyx the Celestine Day 253: Lemuria Day 254: Illuv Day 255: Euphora Day 256: Anattawam (gryphon form) Day 257: Mareep Day 258: Freya’s toe beans Day 259: Inkay Day 260: Tara and Cuthbert Day 261: Pumpkaboo Day 262: Bazyl Day 263: Drampa Day 264: Krabby Day 265: Altamont Day 266: Gulisaayad Day 267: Geneva Day 268: Stretching Vaporeon Day 269: Flower Dragon Day 270: Articuno Borb Day 271: Snoatl Day 272: Peki Day 273: Pocket Kyurem
Day 274: Inktober doodles Day 275: KB Day 276: Sevid Day 277: Yoshi! Day 278: Kyurem and Munna Day 279: Patrick Day 280: Twig Day 281: Dragon Alignment Chart Day 282: Cutiefly Day 283: Coal Dragon Day 284: Christopher Day 285: Birthday Pangoro Day 286: Silhouette Game Creature* Day 287: Archen Day 288: Octillery Day 289: Blitzen Day 290: Farfetch’d Day 291: Noivern Anattawam Day 292: Daft Punk Altamont Day 293: Leafylitter Bunnysona Day 294: Gulpin but with eyes open Day 295: Kandy Kronch Day 296: Maleficent Attic Day 297: Eeyore Zen Day 298: Spiderweb Day 299: Dipper Olivia and Mabel Evie  Day 300: Leonard checking out Delta with Nancine right there Day 301: Dexter Montero Day 302: Joltik Pile (w/ Kronch) Day 303: Bat Wolfie Day 304: Tao Trio cosplay
Day 305: Elemarr Day 306: Tyranitar Day 307: Charjabug Day 308: Freya and Alder holiday excitement Day 309: Tepig Day 310: Lessie Day 311: Pokemon from Memory Day 312: Krokorokin Day 313: Riley Day 314: Poliwrath Day 315: Gligar painting Day 316: Anattawam and Siphooskii Day 317: Millisievert Day 318: Pearlcatcher Group Pic Day 319: Reuniclus Eloise (Reunicloise?) Day 320: Hatsu Day 321: Nebby Day 322: Feraligatr :D Day 323: Renesme Sliggoo Day 324: Rowlet Day 325: Asterina Day 326: Manaphy Day 327: Turkey Kronch* Day 328: Boran Veteran Day 329: Horsea Day 330: Magmar Day 331: A snake Day 332: Karishma and Gal Day 333: Kato Day 334: Trunks
Day 335: Santa Masquerain Day 336: Stunky Day 337: Christmas Arcanine* Day 338: 646 Post Kyurem Day 339: Ewe, the new Ixi! Day 340: Shasda Day 341: Ponyta Day 342: Miji Day 343: Birthday Espurr Day 344: Costello Day 345: Merritt Day 346: Samus Day 347: Shannen Day 348: Islacura with cyan heart Day 349: Bleys Day 350: Blaze Day 351: Goomba Day 352: Cobalt Day 353: Skateboarding Kyurem Day 354: Deborah and Gronga Hanukkah Day 355: Elemental Q&A* Day 356: Fiamma and Regina Day 357: Sera the Christmas Druddigon Day 358: Christmas stuff for friends 1 Day 359: Kronch Christmas* Day 360: Christmas stuff for friends 2 Day 361: Black and white MS Paint Dunsparce* Day 362: Christmas stuff for friends 3 Day 363: Christmas stuff for friends finale (underwhelming) Day 364: Arcanine, Kyurem, and Dunsparce Day 365: Dra6ons New Year
0 notes
xadianwolf · 4 years
🌕Book I:Moon🌕
- That's rude, Callum
- Rayla has only known Ez for five-ish days and ks already becoming his sister figure
- Ka-tallest and "Wasn't the hooooooorse😏..." Okay, I may like them...a bit...
- Rayla being the brave one
- That voice was definely Lujanne's. How dare you scare Rayla?!
- Rayla opens up to Callum!
- Good thing spiders aren't like this is real life. I'm not afraid of them, but if these things would exist, I'd be terrified.
- Woooo, Ezran is the braincell again!
- We got the jerkface dance!
- I really like how Ava's "leg" was an illusion. Shows that she was still herself no matter what.
- Noooo, the egg!
- Poor Rayla. And Callum is so caring
- Callum and Rayla, you're heroes
- I've had Zym for 0.2 seconds, but if anything happens to him, I'll kill everyone in this room and then myself
- I like that Zym took off Rayla's binding. She dropped his egg because of it, but resisted the pain to save it. And Zym understands it, so he takes it off
- Oh no, Claudia and Soren know where they are!
- I've seen people be mad that Lujanne didn't tell them right away, but get this: these kiddos journey up the mountain all day and half the night and barely survived a storm. They're EXHAUSTED. Of course she'd let them rest!
- I don't like the face Virus is making...
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xadianwolf · 4 years
🌒Book I: Moon🌒
-Harrow ready for the assassins is such a beautiful, but sad scene. He knows that this will definetly be his end and yet, he marches towards it, without fear.
- Aww, him cuddling with Pip for probably the last time....okay, that's not as cute when I think about it...
- So Dark Mages can basically use hand-flashlights? Or hand-flashs? Light-hands?
- Notice that, when Rayla steps closer to the egg, Callum backs away while Ezran grabs onto the egg. Though she's not going to kill them anymore, they still are suspicious.
- Boys having to choose between Claudia and Rayla. I think Ezran was unsure who to choose, but upon realizing Zym's egg is without a mother, he chose Rayla. Callum probablt wanted to choose Claudia, but changed his mind when Ez went with Rayla.
- "The right thing. I hope." He knows taking the egg back is right, but is still unsure.
- Smoky Seekers spell is actually pretty scary. First off, The Shadowlife candle, which is basically dragon's earwax (ew) thrown together with Moon Phoenix blood. Then there's the ashes of dead Xadian Wolves thrown onto the flames and being resurrected as forms of smoke, but BOUND to the summoner's command. You can basically take a soul, bring it back to life AND force it to do what you want. That's messed up.
- Sidenote: we've only seen Moon-related creatures being shadow-surrected (Xadian Wolves are connected to Moon Primal and later Viren uses the ashes of dead Moonshadow assassins). Does that mean only they can be brought back?
- Rayla's first encouragement for Callum to walking on mage's path.
- Little does Viren know, those words will stay with Soren til the final battle.
- Though the stab stuff is over, princes still don't trust Rayla.
- Oof. To be honest, Viren kinda deserved being lectured around.
- The look on Rayla's face when Callum comes out and tells Runaan off. She's scared for him, but also stunned. Just mere minutes ago, she'd thought of humans as nothing and this boy has no reason to trust her, and yet he defends her.
- Shadow!Rayla!!!
- So the Soulfang basket stayed in Harrow's room 🤔 I wonder if it could mean something....
- Viagra, you dick!
- Rayla and Runaan fighting until Runaan realizes what she's trying to do. I do wonder why didn't she go after him though.
- Soren pushed Callum away from the arrow! Huh, I guess he kinda cares for him. Meh, that boy is still a dick.
- Moonshadows are so focused on their mission that they don't even notice Callum and Viren. That's dedication. Okay, that sounded bad, but I'm gonna leave it here anyway.
- Virus backing off from the fight.
- I feel for Callum. Like seriously, my son ran away from the tower and stumbled across dead bodies. Eesh, TDP is dark....and I love it.
- Rayla being ready to save Harrow from her own people 🥺
- I wonder what Zubeia thought when the Shadowhawk arrived because there was only one ribbon. Angry because assassins failed to kill Ezran? A bit of gladness because the human who took her mate was killed? Or maybe even sad and regretful because a child was now left king without parents? No wonder she fell into a coma when so many mixed feelings were flying around her head.
- Rayla doesn't want to hurt the princes further, so she keeps the truth about their father's death.
Alright, that's it for today, wolves! Next time I'll cover episodes from 4-6.
Wolfy out 🐺!
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xadianwolf · 4 years
☀️Book III: Sun☀️
🖤Hearts of Cinder🖤
- Stop abusing Adoraburrs, Claudia!
- Gonna tip-top into to the top of the Storm Spire
- Poor Soren
- Oh shoot, Lux Aurea is doomed...
- Flirty!Rayllum
- I wonder how The Light staff works...
- Oh no, they can't breathe!
- Pijama!Viren
- Yeah, Amaya!
- Oh shoot, oh shoot, oh shoot
- ....This is why I don't get why people think Aaravos is hot. Dude just murdered a Sunfire Priest by taling over his body and disintegrated Khessa while being all smily about it...
- Pyrrah is back!
- Poor Kasef. Yes, Soren, run away!!!
- These two just can't keep their lips to themselves, can they?
- The funniest part about all of this is that Bait realized first...
- Noooooo, Dark!Sibs
- JUST RUN AWAY, ARMIES! IS IT THAT HARD?! (It's a pretty scary scene, but it would've been waaay more brutal if everyone started to run away, only to be caught with the Hearts of Cinder spell or turned into Sun!Soldiers)
- Woooo, they made it!
- Way to ruin mood, Ibis
- I headcanon that Ibis kept the secret that Zubeia was in a coma in order to not worry others. Still very stupid thing to do though
- Poor Zym
- Zubeia's tail curled around Zym's nest 😭...
- Rayla is opening up and Callum is being supportive
- Should've taken off your armor before climbing the Spire then, Soren
- Yeah, Callum, show him!
- Stop it with tge self sacrifice, Rayla!
- Aaaand they're arguing
- Rayla is still mad at Callum when he comes back, but doesn't turn him away, listening to him instead. And she's ready to listen to him when he has proof
- Tiadrin and Lain are honestly such underrated heroes. Without them, Zym's egg would've definetly been destroyed and all would've gone up in chaos
- I'm honestly a bit surprised that Rayla was confused at what to do
- Okay, Soren, you're one of the good guys now
- Amaya amd Janai are back. Wait, how did they get to the Spire if they didn't know Virus was heading there?
- Yes, they're gonna find help!
- Oh shoot, they're almost there!
⚔️The Final Battle⚔️
- I love how, with just a touch of her hand, Rayla is able to bring Callum back to the present and remind him to focus on what they still have
- Soren, you idiot!
- It's clear that Callum's not ready to forgive Soren just yet. A very good detail
- Amaya loves her idiot nephew and Rayla loves her dorky human
- Wooooo, Rayla!
- That Two-Tailed Inferno Tooth Tiger is named Flamma (blaze in Latin) and noone can convince me otherwise
- Way to break the tension, Sun!Kasef
- I dunno why, but the image of Claudia about to yeet that Noctu Igne fireball while her horse just gives off massive 'yeah whatever' vibes is weirdly hilarious in it's own way
- OH SHIT!!!
- Ezran and Ibis are back with other dragons!
- Ezran doesn't deserve this violence!
- Oh no, Sun!Soldiers aren't affected!
- Zym's ready
- 😭😭😭
- Callum totally positioned himself there to protect Rayla from any Sun!Soldiers
- Queen Aanya to the rescue!
- Duren to the rescue!
- The way TDP Crew managed to put Barius in there as a comic relief of sorts (fighting with a rolling pin and jelly tarts) without ruining the vibe is very impressive
- Yes, Ezran!!!
- Marcos gets a new friend...or even more 😏...
- The rift between Dark!Sibs
- What the fuck was that?!
- Oh no, Rayla and Zym!!!
- Woooo, Bait!
- *hears the spell* NOPE!
- Okay, can we talk about this fucking scene?! Zym is paralyzed, in pain as his life essence is being harvested and he can't do anything because he's scared while THESE FUCKERS are screaming over how his power is making them stronger?!
- Zym's whimper still haunts me...
- You know, for a while I thought that Callum going after Rayla felt very out of place. I don't even know why. Maybe because part of me wished this season to have a sort of bittersweet ending with Rayla dying and Zym reuniting with his mom while Callum is heartbroken and then the rest of the series focusing on him getting over the grief. But after letting my thoughts stew I realized that it ACTUALLY makes sense for Callum to do that. He works very well under pressure, has always been ready to do whatever he can to protect his loved ones AND at the end of every season has done something to save someone else (smashing the Primal Stone to save Zym, using Dark Magic for Pyrrah and Rayla and now this). Or I was just jealous becaise Rayllum is such a good and healthy ship and I was cranky over it.
- Yes, he caught her!
- Take that, Virus!
- The confession and Spinny Wing Kiss!
- All hail King Ezran!
- Also a little background detail I noticed: Marcos is with Sabah!
- Yes, Zubeia's waking up!
- The end...or is it?
- Claudia, what have you done?!
- I don't like it....I don't like it AT ALL.
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xadianwolf · 4 years
All right, wolves, last part of Wolfy's Dragon December is here! Let's do it!
☀️Book III: Sun☀️
🐲 Sol Regem🐲
- Wait, dragons can talk?!
- Oooh, more gray morality!
- Not gonna lie, Sol Regem totally deserved it
- "This whole thing about appearances sounds lile moon arcanum stuff." Foreshadowing much 😏?
- She called him a mage!
- I do agree with Fen in this situation
- No, Zym!
- Oh crap, Sol knows they there!
- Strawberry boy is back! And he has some bad news!
- That horrified look on Rayla's face when Sol sniffs her may tell something about dragons being bad leaders. Seriously, Xadia, you pick a leader by power and not wisdom?!
- I wonder how did everyone "knew" that the Egg was "destroyed"...
- I've seen people say that Sol Regem was done dirty because he's stupid, but in my opinion he's actually done well despite being a villain. Like, this dude has spent his time sitting alone in his angry thoughts in this canyon for 1000+ years, so it'd be no wonder that he's gone insane because of it
- Janai is back!
- That's a very clever plan, Callum! And it's good Rayla agreed with it
- Noooo, Rayla!
- To be honest, it makes sense that Amaya saved Janai. She was stuck on elven side and would be captured soon anyway, plus if she'd let Janai die, she would've been punished harsher
- Callum's so worried about Rayla that he flat out forgets an insane sun dragon is there
- Woooo, take that, Sol!
- More compliments! And Rayla loves her stinky soon-to-be-boyfriend
- Yeah, Zym, good boy!
- Ez is back!
👑The Crown👑
- Bait is Ezran's surrort Glow Toad
- Callum finally gets to enjoy himself. And Zym too. And Rayla gets to be happy seeing them experience her homeland.
- Too bad all the fun with the guards and jelly tarts will soon end...
- Crow Master has returned! With 417 unread messages.
- I would totally prank someone with a fart flower, too
- Oh no, two rulers dead and one injured!
- It's Ezran's first day as king and he alrrady has to deal with things he's not comfortable with
- Rayla, I know you believe strongly in Callum, but sometimes it's good to help out
- More gray morality!
- Woooooooo, helicopter seed ride! And blushies!
- Opeli will totally become an aunt figure to Ezran in the future
- Ez, just when I thought you wouldn't get any cuter and more mature, you did the exact opposite
- I'm just gonna say this once: Kasef's not a bad guy for now. Yes, he's grumpy and snappy, but he's also responsible for an entire kingdom. Not to mention his father being gravely injured. And with how quickly everything happened, he hasn't had time to process it all, so he lives out his confusement and sadness on other in a form of an anger
- Also, as cruel as he is, he did have some manners: first bowing to Ezran, shaking his hand, letting him collect his thoughts and accepting the plan to not go to war, even if it did make him angrier
- Yes, Ezran finally accepts his throne!
- These two are such flirts
- Elf!Callum!!! And Rayla getting a taste of her own medicine
- Once again, I agree with both parties here: Zubeia IS the ruler of Xadia, so her word matters. But Kasef is also right because sometimes just having faith in something good happening will not help
- Fuck you, Saleer
- How did Aaravos manage to lead a Sunray Monarch into the dungeon?
- Virus is an awful father and that's the fact
- Yes, Claudia, question him!
- Rayla totally made Callum dance with her so he could experience the wonder of entering Silvergrove
- I hope they'll bring Moonberry Surprise back in the future of the show. I need to know what it's like
- Oh no, Rayla's banished!
- I don't believe in hell and I hope Virus goes straight there when he dies
- Kazi is such a cutie! I love them!
- *sees Saleer, Kasef and Viagra together* Oh no...
- Moonshadow culture is messed up. Who banishes a child?!
- Go, Callum!
- Amaya just straight up told Janai that she should take her Sunforge Blade and shove it up her ass plus spitting on Khessa's feet. This lady doesn't mess around when it comes to dirty things.
- Janai may be younger, but at least she seems to have a bit more morality
- Yes, Amaya survived!
- I noticed that Ethari mentions that Zubeia is dying, but didn't mention that she'd fallen into slumber. So maybe Ibis held the secret that she hasn't woken up
- Moon mounts!!! I have actually given them names: Eclipse (Shadowpaw) and Luna (Moonstrider)
- Life!Shadowhawk
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xadianwolf · 4 years
🌀Book II:Sky🌀
⛵Voyage of The Ruthless⛵
- Be nicer to Callum, Rayla. At least he's trying
- So this is a little hit and miss moment, but when Ez and Zym are falling down the cliff, he actually throws Zym up towards Rayla as if trying to save the dragonling
- I love the moment of the trio crouched down behind the boxes
- Human!Rayla makes a comeback with some pretty accurate stuff about humans
- Callum is just done with everything. The day before was harsh so I can't really blame him
- Villads is such a nice dude, greeting the 'dogs' as well as introducing his own pet parrot Berto. I bet he also secretly loves animals
- I really like how the guy doesn't let his blindless slow him down. This is one of the things TDP does quite well: disabled and LGBTQ+ characters aren't questioned, they just are and that's it. I wish our world could be like this instead of a mess happening right now
- So now that knives and blood come into play is when you start questioning things, Virus?
- Rayla cares for Callum, but does it in a not so good way
- At least Zym gets Callum on things Lujanne did not
- Good choice, Callum
- NO, ZYM!!!
- Little do Amaya and Janai know, they're vattling each other's future wives. Also Sun!Janai
- Callum, stop scaring others like this. And Lightning!Zym
- Rayllum hug
- Oh shit, the other rulers agreed!
💌Breaking the Seal💌
- Not gonna lie, the Pentarchy building looks beautiful
- Aanya may be young, but she has braincells
- Rayla, Bait and Callum are just having a bad day. Well, at least Bait and Callum find comfort in each other
- I kinda want to know the history of Human Kingdoms now
- TDP Crew totally made Queen Aanya to be a young and wise child queen who roasts everyone on their old ways of doing stuff to reflect how the youngsters nowadays are more mature than boomers and who roast them about it
- Harrow's speech is extremely important to me
- Both Amaya and Sarai have a dirty mind. Probanly came from their parents
- Badass queens who aren't afraid to ask for help. I do, however, would've liked to know why they didn't ask for help earlier during the famine
- I love how the flashback shows how morally grey Virus, Harrow and Sarai are. Everyone are both right and wrong. It's perfect!
- I wish we get the 'brave idiot' moment with Callum and Rayla in the future post-TTM.
- Oh shoot, the Magma Titan's dead.
- Callum finally getting the courage to open the letter accompanied by the strikes
- Oh shit, it alive!!! And angry!
🧡Heart of a Titan🧡
- Harrow failed as a king, but succeeded as a father
- I actually feel sorry for the Magma Titan. Dude was just trying to sleep and suddenly some humans come to fight him
- Ouch. Getting that scar definetly hurt like hell
- I don't know how to feel about Sarai killing the Titan. Yes, they needed the heart, but she opposed the plan. Or MAYBE Virus is telling the flashback wrong...
- Villads is such a crazy yet wise grandfather figure to everyone
- Oh no, Thunder found them!
- Viren IS a villain, but this moment proves that he's not entirely evil. He still somewhat cared. It, however, doesn't excuse him being an abusive father to his children
- I headcanon that Villafs has several grandchildren who he sometimes takes on his voyages to teach them about sailing as well as giving them wise words
- Aanya is a literal queen
- A narrative of love 🥺
- Aaravos' name foreshadowed!
- Now I want to give Bait belly rubs!
- Yes, the land!
- Oh shoot, we got a dragon! A much bigger dragon!
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xadianwolf · 4 years
Book I is over, so let's jump into Book II. However, This time I'll be doing the whole thing in three parts. So let's get in!
🌀Book II: Sky🌀
🌟A Secret and A Spark🌟
- Season 2 has only lasted for 1 minute and has zero chill already
- In my opiniom, Opeli and Viren are both in the right and in the wrong. Opeli knows that Viren is a shady dude who's done questionable things and there's noone else there to take the throne, but at the same time, the situation IS getting worse and there needs to be something done about it
- Everyone has a bad day in a way:
Ezran tries to teach Zym how to fly? No success
Callum tries to learn magic again? Gets told off because he's a human and later that, since he doesn't have an Arcanum, he can't learn magic
Rayla is angsty and patrols constantly? Startled by an Illusion!Spider
- At least Ellis seemed to have some fun
- I have to admit, Crow Master is actually kinda cute...
- No, Soren!!!
🌗Half Moon lies🌗
- Soren may be dumb, but at least he has morals
- I wonder what animal goo was it that Claudia used to burn Rayla...
- Callum to the rescue!
- Based on the face Callum made when Claudia revealed that she uses Dark Magic for pancakes, he didn't know it before
- Soren, you idiot!
- I really like how Callum and Rayla don't just get into an useless fight over whether to trust the Dark!Sibs or not. Instead, both bring out good points and remain mature about it. If it were a show for adults, we's just get 5000+ episodes of them arguing based on useless drama.
- It's also worth noting that, even when Rayla dislikes Claudia, she lets Callum to go with her anyway
- Rayla being a good protector of both princes again
- While their second disagreement is more painful, it's still good
- Lujanne, I get that you'te trying to help, but please be more clear about your thoughts
- Ouch, the boiling dark serum must really hurt your eyes. Well, at least it triggered Viren to throw the entire room upside down, cast it into darkness and see the library
- Oh shit, Callum knows!
🌫️Smoke and mirrors🌫️
- Poor Rayla and Callum
- Based on how quickly Claudia collected herself, she was probably not feeling as quilty as it seemed
- Poor Callum(again). As frustrating as it is to see the characters not try to communicate, even if it seems cringy, you can understand where they come from. And let's be honest, real life is cringy too
- I like how Rayla takes responsibility for her actions
- Rayllum comfort scene 🥺
- Callum got the letter back!
- Lujanne to the rescue!
- Yes, take that, Dark!Sibs!!!
- Corvus to the rescue!
- Awww, Ez and Zym bonding
- Two more Rayllum comfort scenes!
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xadianwolf · 4 years
🌒Book I: Moon🌒
🧊Through the Ice🧊
- *sees Rayla's hand* Oof, that's not good. Moonshadow culture is messed up...
- Awww, the deer was so sweet
-Umm, Corvus, you said you're there peacefully, and yet you were ready to bash Rayla's head open just a few seconds ago...
- Ezran is already over the whole elf racist stuff and it's so mature of him!
- I do agree with Callum here. Yes, Rayla is good and nice, but she still keeps secrets. He's right to be suspicious.
- How the hell did Corvus survive this fall?! Not to mention being thrown around on trees!
- Sandwiches are TDP equivalent to "THAT talk"
- What are you planning, Vitamin?
- Not helping with the trust, Rayla!
- I'm not going to comment further to what Virus wants Soren to do because it's awful.
- Bread is good! Also Bait, you thief!
- Callum tries so hard to flirt with Rayla.
- Poor Soren and Claudia, having a father like this. I hope in the future Claudia finds strength to leave him as well.
- Not gonna lie, Rayla was a bitch in this episode.
- The ice cracking representing Callum's and Rayla's trust for each other slowly shattering. Very neat detail.
- Kudos to Ez being a braincell
- I kinda wish there was another reason the avalanche started.
- Another near detail is Rayla grabbing Ezran's hand with her bound hand and it hurting. She's guilty and it feels, literally.
- Woooo, Callum!
- Man, the awkwardness between those two sibs over their missions.
- Callum deciding that it doesn't matter if Rayla isn't trustful because the egg matters is so powerful. Like, how the hell does he do that?! How can he still see good in Rayla even when they've been nasty to him?! How does it work?!
-And Rayla feeling guilty and coming clean about most of it is also good.
- Ez being a braincell again and going after the egg.
- Rayla is actually right: they both are needed to pull Ez out, plus there's a chance Callum may not see him.
- Binding being a hopesaver.
- Oh no, the egg.
- While this is a good episode, I do have one nitpick with it. I wish we'd gotten a scene where Rayla and Callum have a talk and she apologizes. But hey, who knows, we may get a flashback! There are still four seasons of TDP ahead!
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xadianwolf · 4 years
☀️Book III: Sun☀️
🏜️The Midnight Desert🏜️
- I actually really like Nyx
- Awww, Zym sits on a tree root to wait for his friends!
- Poor Rayla. Yes, Callum, help her
- Oh no, Ezran's in trouble!
- Protective!Eclipse!!!
- Luna when Callum tries to ride her: "I be naughty." Luna when Callum does Sailor Moon dance: "Me play along with human."
- Rayla can't decide whether to be angry at Callum for revealing himself or impressed because he's an adorable dork
- Ezran wanted to avoid bloodshed, but now has brought it straight at his door
- I love the Ambler!
- Rayla, please let Callum help you
- Boomerang
- Fuck you, Saleer....AGAIN
- Nyx secretly ships Rayllum
- Viren totally changed places with Ezran to show just how cruel he is and to live out some of his anger caused by Harrow embarrassing him back in 1x03 by imprisoning a child
- Supportive!Callum!!!
- Our first Rayllum kiss!
- Zym!!!!
🦸Heroes and Masterminds🦸
- Good boy, Bait!
- Oh no, Moon Mounts are not in the Oasis
- If you thought Rayla slicing a Soulfang in half was bad enough, wait til the final episode wjere things get BRUTAL
- Yes, escape. Oh shit, Soren's onto them
- Oh never mind, Soren's redeeming himself now
- Yes, they caught up with the Ambler!
- These guards were totally playing along
- Don't hurt your Ambler, Nyx!!!
- These kiddos are climbing a giant camel and I'm living for it!
- Yes, Barius is there, too!
- Oh no, she's escaped!
- Claudia's toilet humor is pretty good
- Yes, Marcos!!! And other brave ones!!!
- Yeah, zap her, Zym!
- Moon Lady
- More Sailor Moon refs and humans being done with elves trying to be like them
- Heroic!Rayla
- Such a good first two kisses
- That final kiss is so good
- They totally made out for like half the night
- Oh shoot, the march into Xadia has started
- Lovebugs! And Ship Protector Zym!
- Consider yourself lucky they even showed you mercy, Nyx
- Phoe-Phoe is so strong
- Bug Pal! Aaravos
- So he wasn't Thunder, but Avizandum instead
- Why the hell did Harrow still listen to Vitamin after he revealed the jar contains Sarai's dying breath?!
- Well, unicorns are attracted to virgins and Claudia hasn't made sandwiches, so no wonder she succeeded
- I hate Virus
- Noodleodia!
- Avizandum just wanted to spend time with his son and let the humans leave so he could go back. Of course, things didn't go well cos they're there to kill him
- He cried before dying!
- Poor Zym
- He's asking for huggies!
- Pyrrah's horn makes a comeback
- Noooo, Phoe-Phoe!!! Oh right, she's a Moon Phoenix
- Shit, they're in Xadia now
- Supportive!Rayla
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xadianwolf · 4 years
🌕Book I: Moon🌕
🏔️Cursed Caldera🏔️
- Woo, they escaped!
- Wait, how did Ellis and Ava get there?
- It's good to see that the gang has moved past the Castle Incident. And Ellis, you're a sweetie.
- Now I want to go on an adventure up the Caldera...
- "It's like the sky is painted with honey." Ellis, you're a sweetie.
- Flash-Woof-Woosh-Slish Slash!
- Fulminis! And a new plan
- Yikes, Virus is so...virus.
- Headcanon: The purple Xadian berry things taste like strawberries and marshmallows whilw Xadian oranges taste like blood oranges, except they have a slightly spicy undertone
- Unpopular opinion: the gang's jokes are actually good. Yes, they're not very funny, but they're still in character
- Oh no, the leech is here!
- Rayla wanted to cheer Callum up, but it didn't work very well.
- *hears the trapping spell* NOPE!
- *sees Corrupt!Viren* NOPE!
- I love how both youngsters give the older kids life advice. They're obviously young and not as mature, but still so wise.
- The Whoosh makes a comeback!
- Why reveal it now, Ava?!
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xadianwolf · 4 years
🌒Book I: Moon🌒
🥚What is done🥚
- Skor wanting to include Rayla in despite everything is weirdly sweet. His gaze at Rayla after her failure is revealed is also softer than other. Guess he's more flexible than others?
- Runaan compliments Rayla and she looks away, not believing him is sad.
- Rayla is so stubborn and I don't know whether it's her strength or flaw. Eh, it's both.
- Claudia knows Callum likes her, but uses it to kinda make fun of him. Not helping, Clauds!
- Claudia gets the idea to use Soulfang to save Harrow....yeah, totally not dark at all.
- Harrow accepts his payment and Viren feeling sad because he doesn't want him to die.
- Callum's my virtual dork son.
- Rayla jumping between trees! And her fear of water being foreshadowed!
- "A child is freer than a king." ...ouch...
- I wonder what happened to the guards who got leg-sweeped...They knew a Moonshadow had broken into castle and attacked Callum.
- Callum being ready to give his life for Ez.
- *sees the Soulfang* Nope!
- Rayla still having doubts and stalling and Callum's speech about the cycle.
- Our first shiptease!
- Harrow, you told Viren to destroy that egg!
- I was lowkey expecting Rayla to lunge at the princes after seeing all the Dark Magic stuff. And yet, she held herself back. She REALLY didn't want to do this.
- Ez, you're a lifesaver.
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