xadianwolf · 2 years
Could someone tell me some Season 4 sugar aka things that were good about this season? I'm lowkey afraid to watch it due to all negativity going around and I need some confidence.
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xadianwolf · 2 years
Random Rayllum softness ideas- Valentine's Day edition:
- When Callum wakes up first, he quietly leaves the bed and sets uo a breakfast table with heart-shped sandwiches and apple juice
- When Rayla wakes up, she waits until Callum wakes up too to wish him happy valentine's day, then proceeds to pepper his face with kisses.
- Going out on a walk and a picnic together with their kids. If they're at that age where they habe kids, of course.
- Followed by a dance under the moon at night(Callum uses a special Windsong spell that sends out a small gale that whirls around the user and plays a beautiful music piece the user wishes for it to play) with just two of them.
That's it.
Happy Valentine's Day, everyone❤️!
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xadianwolf · 2 years
Our baby's growing up 😭
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xadianwolf · 2 years
Seeing people not happy with S4 has made me REALLY nervous about watching the new season...
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xadianwolf · 2 years
When you're about to argue back to something your friend said...but then it hits you that they have a point.
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this is the best reaction image.
@raayllum you agree. reblog.
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xadianwolf · 2 years
I've been thinking about this post for a while now and I think it needs to change:
First, the reason Dark Magic is looked down upon is because it has a huge waste factor. Sure, there are SOME creatures whose every part can be used, but almost all of the spells require a part of a certain creature (or an elf or a human). Adding onto it, most of the creatures ONLY have the strongest magic in one part of their body. As such, mages would often only take what they need and unless the rest has some other usage, such as meat, skin etc, the rest of the creature would simply be thrown away.
This second point is just a speculation, but in order to get the creature's magic, it needs to die as painfully as possible. Some mages leave the animal alive either because of mercy or if they can still harvest something from them(such as partsof ears, tails, paws etc), but in case you need to get something from the inside of the animal, it needs to be done as the animal is aware of what's happening and in as much pain as possible, otherwise the magic will not be "strong enough".
Random Dark Magic headcanon:
The reason elves and dragons were and still are so against Dark Magic is because it consumes the animal's soul. If you hunt an animal for food and eat it, then it doesn't happen, but with Dark Magic it does. One thing that could prove of it happening is the reason that, if an animal or it's part is used, it usually either disappears or turns into dust(some have multiple uses though). And that's one of the reasons besides many others why it's hated so much.
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xadianwolf · 2 years
Okay, time for a rant:
A few day ago I saw a TDP critical post that, in short, justified Zym's egg's destruction cos if Viren had not done it, Zym would've grown up to be like his father and with a deep hatred for humanity.
In some ways, I can understand where it comes from: Avizandum wasn't the best king. In fact, even Xadians debate his actions! And IF maybe Zym's egg wasn't disovered, the beforementioned would've happened.
But at the same time, is it justifiable to kill a child of a tyrant, especially if that said chlid hasn't done anything wrong? Zym's egg was probably laid the same day his father was killed- aka his "only crime". And it's clear that his parents loved him (probably cos storm dragons only lay an egg once every 1000 years, so it would probably be in their nature to care DEEPLY for their child). And to be honest here, ABSOLUTELY nothing justifies killing of another.
Also in an ironic way, would the taking of Zym's egg be considered "good" cos IF he wasn't stolen, would he grow up to become absolute beast? But since he was taken, he learned that the fault was never about humans, but because of decades of racism and discrimination both sides inflicted onto each other and suffered from at the same time?
In many ways, those questions don't really have clear answers.
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xadianwolf · 2 years
Random Dark Magic headcanon:
The reason elves and dragons were and still are so against Dark Magic is because it consumes the animal's soul. If you hunt an animal for food and eat it, then it doesn't happen, but with Dark Magic it does. One thing that could prove of it happening is the reason that, if an animal or it's part is used, it usually either disappears or turns into dust(some have multiple uses though). And that's one of the reasons besides many others why it's hated so much.
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xadianwolf · 2 years
Rayllum reunion, but there’s no angst they just look at each other’s new designs after two years and are like
“Damn, you got hotter.”
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xadianwolf · 2 years
Rayllum: *happens*
(At least most of) The Fans:
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xadianwolf · 2 years
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Archmage Callum, Master of the Six Primals
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xadianwolf · 2 years
Rayla be like: "Egg🤩"
Callum: "Yup, it's an egg."
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Happy Easter! 🥚
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xadianwolf · 3 years
Random Rayllum Softness Ideas Part... I don't know because I haven't counted but whatever
-Going out on mornings to pick berries, mushrooms and fruits, later eating them and maybe even feeding each other
-Rayla holding Callum in her arms and comforting after he's had a nightmare about her dying on Storm Spire during the battle
-Laying on the grass watching clouds and birds fly by
-Teaching Zym and Bait tricks in return for jelly tarts
-Rayla getting Callum all sorts of Xadian fruits and berries because he likes them
-Going to the graves together to pay respects for Sarai and Harrow
-Callum helping Rayla make friends in Katolis and Rayla helping Callum make friends in Xadia
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xadianwolf · 3 years
The Dragon Prince: Heroes and Masterminds Epilogue
Callum and Rayla had held each other for over a minute having, after a day of uncertainty following thier first kiss, realized that what had grown between them was somthing far beyond feelings of friendship.
Right now the prince and former assassin were locked their fouth, most pleasent, kiss. The previous two having been exchanged in haste after Callum’s starstruck, heartfelt admission of his utter admiration for her. As it drew to a close the two youths -once unlikely friends, now an unlikely couple- continued to hold the other, as they realize they have much to talk about.
Callum: Sorry about before. I should have let the moment be, instead I was an idiot and I, I made you feel rejected.
Rayla: Callum. Its okay. We were both idiots. I should have told you how I felt about you earlier. It would have saved us both time… and embaressment.
Callum: It really would have. I just didn’t want you to think I was only saying that stuff for a kiss. I meant every word.
Rayla: I know. I’ve gotten to know you pretty well, I know your not to sort who’d do something like that. Besides, no matter how it went, all that matters now is, we’re together now… Right?
Callum: Right… …This is, this really happening isn’t it?
Rayla: Yeah, it is. Its a bit scary isn’t it?
Callum: It is, but good scary. Amazing scary… We should, we should talk about this right?
Rayla: Probebly. We better sit first.
Callum: Yes, yes, absoluetly we should.
Moving to the back of the Ambler’s saddle they settle against the railing that encircled them. Careful not to wake the sleeping dragon prince and their exhausted mount laying nearby. As they do the implications of their romance begin to dawn on them.
Rayla: Y'know, we’re probebly the first elf and human fo kiss in a over a thousand years.
Callum: Right! I mean forgot about the oasis, we’re still being idiots now. We’re trying to get Zym home to his mom. Stop a war. This is hardly the time for… well, stuff like this, but…
Rayla: It kinda/also is?
Callum: Exaclty. If nothing else it gives us another reason to succeed. So that we can… y'know. Keep on being a thing… I reallly want that, Rayla.
Rayla: I do too, Callum. So we will succeed. I didn’t meet the sweetest boy in Xadia, just to let him slip away now.
Callum: Well if you put it that way…
He reaches out and takes her hand.
…I promise I won’t let you down.
Rayla: (smiling) Good. Because I won’t ley you down either…
A moment passes before Callum speaks again, curious about somthing she had said earlier.
Callum: So… when you said: you should have told me how you felt. That means you figured out you liked me first, before the oasis. It wasn’t a sudden realization thing to you like it was for me, well, I guess that’s not completlyI knew on some level I liked you, I just…
Rayla: Callum.
Callum: Right, sorry. What I’m asking is; Why didn’t you tell me sooner?
Rayla looks away, her expression whistful as she recounts the now bittersweet idea she had once envisioned prior to her return home.
Rayla: I was planning to…when we got to the Silvergrove…before…
Callum: Oh… Its fine, you don’t have to talk about-
Rayla: No I want to, its better I get it out. I guess I thought it’d be romantic, we’d show everyone Zym was alive, that there was hope. I’d show you around after, we’d share a Moonberry surprise, I’d take you to meet Ethari and then, when it was just us, alone. I’d… tell you how I felt, and ask if you felt the same. I thought you’d might but, I wanted to be certain. At least I got one thing right.
Callum: Huh. That would’ve been nice… Honestly In that situation I think I’d have been the kisser.
Rayla lets a small chuckle escape from her. Her smile infecting Callum in a delightful way as he speaks out in mock offense.
Callum: Hey! I can be spontantious. I just need to first get carried away a bit is all. Still even if it didn’t work out that way, like you said, all that matters is we’re together now. Your are, and always will be, the most amazing person I’ve ever met. I was always going to realize that.
Rayla: Then there’s nothing to regret. Is there…
Shaking his head in response they smile at one another before gently leaning into each other content. Eventually the fatigue of the day’s events catch up to them and they drift off to sleep, their future now looking at bit brighter then they expected it to be when they first set out on their quest.
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xadianwolf · 3 years
So cute!!!!
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look how freaking adorable this is!!
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xadianwolf · 3 years
I would
You wouldn’t download a bread sandwich
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xadianwolf · 3 years
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