astrology-bf · 12 days
I'd like to talk about the interesting position of being simultaneously a WoL/Ardbert shipper and a WoL/Graha shipper within the same narrative because it raises some interesting thematic implications vis a vis viewing the Undying Dark through the lens of Orpheus and Eurydice. (Rest under cut for length)
Ardbert is very much a Eurydice-esque figure in that he's already a shade by the time the WoL meets him in Heavensward: a WoL that falls in love with him at that juncture is falling in love with a ghost, something underscored by his reappearance in Shadowbringers where he is a literal shade. (Also some interesting parallels with the Divine Comedy in that WoLxArdbert in that situation mirrors the Second Circle of Hell - they can see each other, talk to each other, but never touch.)
Similarly, G'raha is also a Eurydice-esque figure in that he is a figurative shade by the time he's encountered in Shadowbringers; most of his body is a mere extension of Syrcus Tower and the rest is a persona constructed over the course of a century to sustain a population on the brink of extinction - "G'raha Tia" is present, but only as an echo lacking substance until the WoL calls his name. (Again, interesting mythological parallels where rediscovering a lost name can retrieve the spirit from oblivion as in Ancient Egypt)
What this culminates in, the showdown with literal Hades in the Undying Dark, is the Warrior of Light simultaneously fails and succeeds at the Orphic Test: he looks back on one Eurydice (Ardbert) so that he can walk out of the underworld with another (G'raha). The end of Ardbert's living death is what allows G'raha to live again; a soulmate (Ardbert) is simultaneously gained and lost, while a doomed love (G'raha) ends up getting a second chance.
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ree-ffxiv · 3 years
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night talking
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lyndztanica · 4 years
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WolxArdbert || 14thxHythlodaeus
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honoura · 4 years
Honoura thought she conceived a decent plan to get to know Ardbert. He was a ghost, he came and went as he liked, and he had all of one person he could converse with. The same person who, rather tempestuously, first chased him out with a well thrown shoe. 
Her other plan to ignore him until it was time to go home faltered when he’d shown well. Kindness? No, wrong word. Consideration. Recognition. That subtle - ah, there it was. Comprehension. He understood. Without her saying much, either. So when the story idea hit upon her after returning from Il Mheg, she ran with it. Before long it was a habit. Ardbert’d show up, she’d have dinner, they both talked about anything unrelated to the here and now.
Despite their own exciting lives, they ran out of good stories soon enough. There were the usual anecdotes; a quest here, a stranger who became a friend, a cantankerous hermit met in a cave once or twice. 
“Y’shtola took her name with the Night’s Blessed. Honest, I think she’s starting to take more than that from Matoya,” Honoura furrowed her brow at her own observation, and hastily decided it remain her own. 
“We used to tease Branden about acting like our father. His favorite retort was ‘well, just wait, soon you’ll all be your parents,’” Ardbert performed a crude impression of the knight’s accent, and then paused to consider. They both looked at one another for a moment.
“You don’t think-” “Oh, I hope not.”
Some recurring weirdos they would not claim were friends but sure spent a lot of time with. 
“So he ate his chicken he claimed was a god?” “I stopped asking questions with that lot,” she said, pouring herself another cup of tea atop a generous helping of sugar at the bottom of a cup,”Save maybe how I keep finding them.”
From there they retold tales that savaged their dignity at the time that was funny looking back on it now. 
“Seto did that? Truly? Your Seto?” she stuffed another mouthful of a creampuff into her face, covering her mouth as she chewed. “I stopped wearing trousers with pockets because of that feathery bastard,” Ardbert rolled his eyes in recollection, but there was a wistfulness to his tone. 
“You’re having me on.” “I can think of so many better things to have you on about if I wanted,” he laughed, shaking his head. He was right of course. He knew that she’d like him a lot less if he painted himself better.
They danced around or avoided the worst moments. Both of them silently agreed they knew more than enough without details.
Eventually to find anything worth sharing, worth calling good, they reached back further. Years before the Blessing, before an Echo. But the details for a lot of those had faded, and were littered with many an ‘I think,’ ‘what was their name,’ or ‘I’m not sure anymore’. Calling back the life before felt akin to remembering a dream upon waking. Some of the details stuck, but the narrative got lost.
Inspiration struck Honoura during an afternoon in the Cabinet of Curiosities. Somehow, in the floor to ceiling tower of tomes, her eyes spotted a familiar title on a shelf. Mythos, Legends and Tales: The Black Shroud. That it was here both delighted and confused her. Tapping her finger against the spine, she decided she cared less about solving a mystery than she did begging to borrow it from Moren.
Ardbert found her later sitting, rather perilously in his opinion, on the window sill hunched over a book in her lap. Knowing he was there, the way she always seemed to, she looked up.
“What’ve you got there?”
She beckoned him over with a wordless pat of the windowsill next to her. The book was open to somewhere in the middle of the book. Oisín the Wildling was printed on the title page.
“I thought we could just read. If you want,” she explained,“They published a set of these. One for each city-state, I think. Ah, fairy stories. Legends.” “How’d a copy wind up here?” “Not sure. I mean. Came with the Tower I s’pose, but.” There was a shrug of her shoulders, and a look to him,“I can look for something else, if you want.”
“What’s a wildling?” he asked, already half-distracted by the words on the page, prompting them to both tuck in and find out. It mattered not this was his first time and her hundredth. He saved his other questions for a late dinner break.
“So are these all made up or real?” Honoura had brought up the Shroud, with its watchful spirits you could speak to living everywhere enough for him to wonder. 
“Both,” she shoved a bite of dinner in her mouth and chased it with a sip of ale,“My uncles and aunties used to tell me family stories that sounded close enough. The book was more for people in other parts of Eorzea. For us it. It’s the Shroud. It’s old. It’ll still be there even when Gridania’s gone.” Wood’s Will be done.
“Even this one?” 
“Which one?”
“Six White Swans of Am-”
“Amdapor.” she finished for him, between bites,“Sort of our Ronka. Rich with magic. Did you-”
“I do.” “Then let’s.”
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Rating: Its smut - 18 ^
Parings: Wol x Ardbert
Wol is male
Ardbert is still around even after the fight with Hades. He merged with you and became your ever constant companion, he has also become privy to your deepest thoughts and desires. He knows you like him, and this All Saints Wake he has something devious planned.. 
Word count: 1570
The amphitheater was brimming with people coming to see the troupe - and to catch a glimpse of you, the Warrior of Light. Usually, Ardbert would be scolding you, asking you why you where not searching for ways to bring your friends home, back to the Source. Today though, he had been unusually quiet. He was also out of your reach, usually your minds where so interlocked that your thoughts could easily slip into his mind and vise versa. Within the hour Ardberts usual emotions where gone; as if he locked them away from you. 
As you finished chatting with the troupe member you turned on your heel, greeting those of Gridania as you walked towards the exit. You wanted to go see what goodies the circus had brought with them this time - well, you wanted too, but your body seemed to have a will of its own suddenly. Your motor functions had been seized from you and you were quickly propelled into the nearby woods. A gentle chuckle floating across your mind. 
“Ardbert!” Your strained voice came as you tried to wrestle back control of your body, never, had he taken control of you. He had seemed happy as a passenger, being able to leisurely watch and rest while you dealt with the world around the two of you. So the slight panic and surprise you felt was warranted. Like a cascade of water various emotions flowed through you; excitement, surprise, concern and lust. None of these where your emotions. So shocked by the wave you let your companion move your body to the deepest part of the woods and press your back against a tree. Your hands then lifted in front of your face and reached out to touch your cheeks and lips. 
“Can you feel this?” Ardberts voice was soft as he used your hands to explore your face, touching your lips and caressing your hair. It felt strange, like your hands where someone else. “I can, I can feel you.” Again, the excitement Ardbert felt was palpable causing your head to spin a little. “Hey,” He called to you in an attempt to catch your attention; but he had never lost it. 
“I feel it,” You breathe, your voice no longer strained as Ardbert grew accustomed to controlling your body. It also likely helped that you were not fighting him any longer. He reached out inside of you wrapping his mind around yours and sharing is thoughts. You shivered physically at the naughty things that he was conveying to you. A gasp slipping from your lips that was echoed in your mind as Ardbert felt the jolt of need radiate from you. “Ardbert,” You muttered as your hands raked down your chest and caressed your hips through the costume you wore. “What brought this on?”
A jolly laugh rolled over you as his soul shivered. “I saw a dream of yours,” He said as he, using your hands reached your crotch and fondled the growing erection. You whimpered and his voice groaned. “I saw a dream where you wanted to touch me, to,” He shifted your hands and slipped them in your pants. You felt like you could control your hips, and you  ground them into the hands you could not control as they wrapped around your member. “Fuck me.” Your hands squeezed and pumped  as Ardbert used them to bring the two of you pleasure. 
“That is a common dream of mine.” You muttered as you watched your other hand pull down your pants for better access to your nether regions. Shivering you watched your thumb massaged circles around the tip causing your legs to shake. 
“Gods,” Ardbert muttered. “I can feel this.” His mind swirled around yours, using your hands to grope and pinch your nipples under your shirt as he worked away at your erection. The hand pumping gently and squeezing in various intervals. “I will admit to you, I have wanted to do this for a while. But I never had the power. Being around these, void creatures, seems to have given me a little more power… to possess you.” 
You chuckle between heaving breaths. “I for one am not complaining.” You bucked your hips feeling pleasure shoot from the tip of your penis to your core. “I do wish I could kiss you though.” You muttered as your hands continue to fondle. 
“I may have enough energy to… do something about that.”  Then you felt it, Ardbert separating from you. He still seemed to have control over your body but he was there, in front of you semi transparent. “Hey,” His voice wavered unsure of itself and a shy smirk crossed his lips as you felt a mix of pleasure and sorrowful happiness. 
“Ardbert,” You breathe as he lunges his transparent lips hitting against yours like a ton of bricks. Despite this you moaned, his ghostly hands digging into your hair as you felt your hand still masterbating away at your erection. He kissed you like a man without air, your breath hot and heavy against the cold air of the ghost in front of you. Your eyes had close sometime as you kissed but now opening you saw Ardberts heavy lidded eyes watching you as he used your hands to caress your body more. “Ardbert?” You murmur as he leans back licking his lips. 
Your hand picked up its thrusts against your erection and the other dug your nails into your flesh. You groaned his name as your head fell back against the wood your legs shaking from standing so long. Gently, the ghostly man allowed you to sit his own cool hands adding to the various sensations as they thumbed your lips and touched your legs. 
“Can you still feel this?” You asked as he tilted his head as he watched your twitching member. 
“Yes,” He muttered reaching down to wrap his hand around the one he still had control of. “I still feel everything you do, it's rather overwhelming.” He shifted moving both his ghostly hand away and your hand away. Leaving you wanting the touch of your hand so that you could finish. Instead your body was seemingly restrained as you watched the ghostly body of your companion move so that he was between your legs, becoming more and more solid with each moment. Then, suddenly you watched as his mouth opened and went down on your penis. Instead of cold, you felt the heat of a mouth and a tongue lapping against the underside of your member. With a snap Ardbert released your upper body and your hands immediately reached out and dug into the ghosts hair. Your teeth clenched together, you moaned out his name. Ardbert hummed, the vibrations causing you to buck your hips into his mouth. There was then a moan from your companion as he placed his cold hands on your legs and you felt invisible binds around your lower half tighten. He pulled back with an audible pop, and gave you a smirk. “Now, now, you have to stay still.” His cocky grin caused you to roll your eyes.
“Unfair, I can't do anything to you.” You released your grasp on his hair and thumbed his lower lip. 
Ardbert shrugged. “I have no physical body, but I can feel every bit of pleasure that I create in yours. So there is something you can do for me.” 
You raise your eyebrows, feeling a blush creep across your cheeks as you saw him smile teasingly. “Oh, pray tell me Ardbert.”
“Come for me.” You heard his words vocally and within your head as you watched him go down on you again, your hands returning to their place in his hair. A low groan came out from you as your mind went blank. Pleasure washing over you as the man pumped his head up devouring you like a final meal. Your head fell back against the tree and you moaned his name as the heat began to build up in your stomach. You where close - and you knew that Ardbert could feel it. In your mind you felt the need to thrust, not just from you, but from him. He wanted to thrust, he wanted to take you from behind just as much as you wished you could be doing the same to him. The image that the two of you shared was vivid - both of you naked, Ardbert digging his nails into your hip bones as he thrust into your rear. Your erection smacking against your stomach as he leaned forward to bite your shoulder and leave as many love marks as he could.
Then the image would switch - you where behind him, him sitting on you setting the rhythm as you felt how tight he was. How vocal he was as you kissed and bit at his neck and collar bone - then you felt something burst. 
Groaning you opened your eyes to see thick threads of semen shooting from your erection and Ardbert nowhere to be found. The ejaculation landed on your exposed belly as you heaved, a sentiment echoed by Ardbert who was back within you. 
“Next year,”  Came the voice of your lover as he reached up with your hand to hold your face. “I will make sure to gather enough energy to allow what vision we shared come true.” 
You laughed, breathless. “I will hold you to that Ardbert.”
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ree-ffxiv · 3 years
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ree-ffxiv · 3 years
CH 3: Warranted Attention
Their arrival to Tailfeather was not a hard one after their visit to Master Matoya. The first order of business was to begin questioning the locals of any strange men wandering about in hopes of finding Thancred’s whereabouts. Just as expected, to find a Hyuran such as Thancred, was easily finding a needle in a haystack.
After questioning the hunters of Tailfeather, Gylian and company trekked to Loth ast Vath to pursue the rumors of a Vathic tradesman who had recent connections with Thancred. What they were not expecting, however, was his hunt for Ravana.
“By the Twelve…” Alphinaud said in awe. “What would Thancred hope to accomplish by seeking out a primal?”
“I suppose it wouldn’t be the first time he wanted to handle something on his own…” Gylian said. “Though I suspect he wouldn’t mind an audience.”
They made their way to Sohm Al in time to witness Ravana fading into the aether after his defeat. Though, it was not Thancred they found who had slayed the primal. Rather, it was the party before them who since turned to face them with equal curiosity.
Gylian began to feel the Echo fog her mind.
Visions of the warriors filled her head of their travel from the First onto the Source after defeating the Ascians from their world – guided by none other than Elidibus. The Western Thanalan savannah appeared from where she found Lamimi – and what revealed to be their rendezvous location. Gylian rubbed her head as her eyesight began to refocus.
The warriors, too, appeared to have recovered from just the same visions.
“Have care,” Y’shtola said. “The aether moves strangely about him.”
“Gylian!” Alphinaud hissed as she began to make her approach toward them.
“What is she doing?” Krile whispered. She turned to Y’shtola, “What is her plan?”
“Who said she had a plan…” Alphinaud said nervously.
Without a doubt she had no plan other than to confront this person who so strongly resembled her out of curiosity – and the others that evidently followed him. She stopped as soon as the Miqo’te’s mechanical bow loaded and aimed at her.
“Not another move,” she said with a growing smirk, her aim true. To have someone approach them so freely either made them entirely foolish, brave… or perhaps both.
Gylian reactively raised her palms to assure the feline. “Hey take it easy, Coeurl in Boots. That’s not necessary.” She looked at Lamimi, eyes wide from seeing the Hyuran again, and to the others who were glaring at her. “Am I interrupting, or is this a good time for a proper introduction?”
“Your unexpected arrival is introduction enough… Warrior of Light.” Albert spoke bitterly. He motioned for the Miqo’te to ease her weapon.
“However, mine apologies,” He turned away from his party, stepping toward Gylian, axe still in his grip as it rested on his shoulder. “J’rhoomale is not use to halfwits who are so eager to kill themselves. So, pray, you will have to forgive her confusion.”
He paused as he stopped just a few fulms in front of her.
“Can’t say that I fault her,” Gylian replied, briefly turning to her friends. “I’m sure they’ve wondered the same thing.”
Gylian observed him: his face already hardened, world-weary. Fraught with subtle scars and blemishes. A growing five o’clock shadow dusted his cheeks. Eyes the deepest blue. Though she was above the average height for a female Hyuran, he also appeared to stand just an ilm taller than she. And of course, the matching garb but for the discoloration – black.
“Is there a reason you did not come sooner? What with the primal, and all. Lost a step, have we?”
Gods, those eyes.
“Better late than never,” Gylian snorted, lowering her hands as she met his stare.
“You must think me a fool to believe that you are the Warrior of Light,” Albert chided her. “Is this a joke? Savior of Eorzea?”
“Kill the woman already, Albert.” J’rhoomale muttered, waiting with bated breath.
“Patience, J’rhoomale.” Lamimi said, her eyes not wavering from the pair. “This is the woman I told you about. I’m sure there is… a point to this confusion.”
“Well, you better believe it – though… the title was not of my choosing. The free meals help, nonetheless – just don’t trust those Goblins when they offer you anything, they’re awfully convincing… Have you ever had a Titan’s Spit? Knocked me on my ass once and I found myself spewing into an Ul’dahn fountain- “
Gylian flinched a step back as a leathered fist jerked suddenly at her.
“Is this a bloody game to you?”
“Whoa, whoa!” Gylian’s hands again braced in front of her. “Fine, I’ll get to the point – it looks like we both have a talent for killing primals. Would you care to, I don’t know, tell us who you all are?”
“I’ve lost my patience.” Albert said flatly. “Let us show them who we are.”
As if on cue, J’rhoomale lifted her bow, shooting into the air. Y’shtola swiftly moved into action, shielding the party from the volley of arrows above. Arrows pounded the ground all around them, Gylian narrowly dodging one of them. Immediately, the Roegadyn smashed into Y’shtola, flinging her lithe body away to the ground, effectively removing her shield.
“Y’shtola!” Gylian yelled, running to her friend. The Black Mage then blasted an orb into their party causing Gylian, Alphinaud, and Krile to tumble apart from one another, knocking them to the ground.
A ringing began in her ears, the sounds around her stifled. She lifted herself by the elbows in time to see Albert running toward her, his blade driven into the ground. Gylian seized her weapon in time to block it from smashing into her face, shoving him back with all her might.
She rushed to her feet as he straightened himself, then ducked a swing of his axe; the last thing she wanted to do was to have her weapon hit him. It was unfortunate he could not – or would not – do her the same favor.
“Fight me, Godsdamn you!” he ordered. Gylian jumped from another swing. Blade slammed against blade, his eyes piercing into hers. Her refusal to fight back only hasted his fury.
“Maybe another time!” she shouted over the grinding steel, shoving him back once more, feigning a swing of her axe whilst knowing he would dodge it like so. As she twisted herself for another swing, she suddenly felt herself lose balance from an arrow that still protruded from the ground.
“Thal’s balls!” Gylian cried, falling hard to the ground, her heavy Bravura hastening her fall.
Bloody fool, Albert thought, twirling his axe from one to both hands to prepare his final blow. He marched toward her, blade at the ready. He stopped just at her feet, peering down at her, weapon raised.
Gylian watched, hand raising in a pathetic attempt to block – yet somehow curiosity remained in place of panic at her enemy. Something about his demeanor showed reluctance – the deliberate slowing of his movements, the look of shame in his face that only she noticed.
He did not want to do it.
Did he realize?
Stilettos struck the ground between them, breaking Albert’s focus, and narrowly dodging Gylian’s feet. She quickly shuffled backward from them as Albert, too, jolted away. The two looked above to see none other than Thancred glowering down at them.
He arrived with such force, knocking Albert yalms away from everyone. Any feeling of guilt Albert felt had swiftly diminished as his new opponent appeared. A grin crawled across his face, knowing well that this man would not be holding back as the Warrior of Light had. He eagerly welcomed the challenge as they both charged forth, the clanging of metal echoed around them.
As their fight ensued, Gylian ran to her friends. “Is everyone okay?” she asked breathlessly.
“All but this incessant ringing in my ears,” Alphinaud groaned. “Seven Hells, this was like a repeat of Garuda. What were you thinking?”
“I just have a knack for these things.” Gylian said with pride, turning to watch the fight as Thancred narrowly dodged a swing of the axe. “But talk about good timing, am I right?”
Y’shtola rolled her eyes and smiled, “You certainly have a knack for somehow evading death’s door… Anyroad, at least Krile’s findings were conclusive.”
“Indeed! And look at him go! Perhaps Gylian could learn a few tricks from him? Like, ‘right time, right place’?
“Miss Krile, planning ahead was never my forte. And believe you me, it is better to hear me coming a malm away with an axe. Best to leave that to the Rogue.”
Gylian’s attention turned to Albert at the thought, observing how fluidly he moved now that she was no longer on the receiving end. He fought not unlike she did, though with a bit more refinement. While Gylian fought with her weapon like a toy, he fought with poise and precision. Perhaps that was the difference between them – she enjoyed the challenge; he simply wanted it to be over with.
In the break of the battle, Lamimi ran to Albert’s side, now speaking to him. While naught could be heard from afar, she could imagine the woman telling him that this escapade had taken much longer than intended – and hopefully best to leave them to their own devices.
“Not very sporty of you to interrupt! But so be it.” He called to them. Thancred, still in defensive mode, listened. Gylian and company began to regroup behind him, as Albert continued to address them altogether.
“Mark well our faces, for we are the Warriors of Darkness. Walkers of a different path… and we shall meet again.”
All was quiet after they disappeared, except for the sound of the wind blowing through the mountain and the distant sounds of wildlife that gradually began to fill the air once more.
“Any relation, Gylian? The Warrior of Darkness?” Krile asked, now ready to point out the likenesses between she and Albert. Thancred turned to her as well with the same quizzical brow.
He flicked one of her bangs, “’Tis a good question, Gylian – is there something you haven’t told us by now? One might think I was fighting your other half.”
Gylian swatted at his fingers, as she blushed at his remark, “N-No, no, not that all – I am just as confused as you are. Especially given this Warrior of Darkness situation. It might all just be a coincidence. But consider his face marked well.”
“…And chatty as ever, I see.” Thancred observed. “Do not think for a moment that I didn’t witness that entire silly situation you set yourself up for. An Ul’dahn Goblin?”
Gylian embraced him hard, feeling his tired smile against her neck as they held each other. “I can explain later. For now, we’re so happy to find you.”
“Let us make way back to Ishgard. Perhaps a few cups of cider are called for after today – and for the return of our lost friend.” Alphinaud offered. “Thancred, you need to tell us everything that has happened to you!”
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ree-ffxiv · 3 years
CH 2: A Meeting in Idyllshire
“So good of you to finally join us, Gylian!” Y’shtola declared as the Hyur and her chocobo made a clumsy landing.
Gylian’s love of her chocobo began after formally joining the Maelstrom, when she finally had her pick of the chocobo lot as it were, and the one chocobo who seemed to never be picked – for what she was told its constant clumsy and awkwardness – was evidently her first choosing. Ever since the pair had been a match made in heaven, and the only person who ever seemed to understand the choice of chocobo was Minfilia.
“And still no regrets with your choice of chocobo?” Alphinaud observed.
Gylian slid off the bird and patted his beak; he trilled eagerly in response. She stepped toward Y’shtola and Alphinaud who had waited for her arrival outside.
“Of course, I’d have him no other way! And I apologize for being late; we were on our way until I had to do an impromptu rescue. Coeurls are out of control in Thanalan…!”
“I find it endearing that you still manage to find the time to tend to your adventuring duties,” Alphinaud smiled. “And, so? What became of your rescue?”
“Funny, that.” Gylian said, lifting her helm from her head, and giving her scalp a quick scratch. “It seems that I’ve had a twin roaming Eorzea without me knowing until now. And the Lalafel on her own seemed awfully out of sorts.”
“A Lalafel? It is possible she was shy. After all, she would not know how completely harmless you are underneath all that armor, Gylian.” Y’shtola chuckled. “Pray, why were you in Thanalan anyhow?”
Gylian sighed, “I needed an excursion from our stay in Ishgard. You know how I hate the cold, and Thanalan is the hottest you could get next to Sagolii without frying.”
“Well, I suppose I can’t blame you for avoiding Ishgard – and the choice of company is fairly limited between the Brume and upper elites.” Y’shtola chuckled.
“You’re telling me! I find inhabitants of the Brume to be far more relatable.” Alphinaud said. “Also, the cider warms me well enough.” He added, eyeing Gylian smugly for her lack of tolerance.
“Do you remember the last time I had Ishgardian cider Alphinaud?” Gylian countered, “Do you want to relive it?”
Alphinaud’s eyes widened, his hands spreading before him, “N-No, Gylian. That was a mess and I can still recall the effort to avoid gagging.”
It was not long before he became green in the face, recalling his watch over the drunken Hyuran, emptying her stomach contents in an alley of the Brume just behind the tavern – which was much more preferable than in view of the Isghardian Elezens. Gylian and the Scions were already on thin ice as it was, and to conduct themselves inappropriately might have led to unnecessary consequences. Gylian’s retching alone almost made Alphinaud join her.
“About that “twin” of yours - I'm curious. Might she have said more regarding this?” Y’shtola asked, before the conversation continued to derail. Her finger languidly tapped her cheek, as her habit when the cogs were turning.
Gylian bowed her head in thought. The happenstance meeting gave her mixed feelings of curiosity, excitement, and apprehension. As eager as she were to find this person, it was likely another Eorzean, and thus an air of disappointment loomed over her thoughts. However, the idea of meeting someone – possibly a relative, of some kind – would be exciting. Someone who might indulge her on her past, her history that was lost on her since washing upon the shores of Limsa Lominsa moons ago.
But in the way Lamimi had behaved, perhaps it was best that she never came across this person – or perhaps Lamimi feared him, for her sake? So many questions ran through her mind, that she didn’t know where to begin.
“I suppose I am overthinking it," Gylian replied, both thinking allowed and answering Y'shtola. "And perhaps it’s not worth fretting over. After all, we Hyurans are as common as they come. You could find so many others like mine own.”
“Are you saying the Warrior of Light is not in and of herself unique?” Y’shtola feigned surprise.
“O-On second thought, perhaps it is best there was not another me running about…” Gylian stammered. Y’shtola and Alphinaud laughed as if in agreement. Then both stopped as another Lalafel approached them, clad in yellow robes and an eagerness in her eye.
“I’m here, I’m here! Mine apologies for the delay!” she said.
“It is no trouble at all, Krile! We’ve only been here for but a moment.” Y’shtola assured. “Gylian, may I introduce to you Krile Mayer Baldesion – she has travelled far from the Sharlayan motherland to assist us in our search for Minfilia and Thancred.”
“Oh, you are too kind Y’shtola. Please, think nothing of it! A trip to Eorzea was long overdue!” Krile spoke, with a polite curtsey. She then beamed up at Gylian. “And so, you are Gylian – the Warrior of Light that I’ve heard so much about! You certainly do look the part! It is a pleasure to finally meet you at last, m'lady.”
Gylian blushed at the Lalafel, “I certainly try, Miss Krile. I consider it a work in progress…”
“Humble as ever, too.” Alphinaud remarked.
“And then we have Alphinaud Leveilleur himself!” Krile declared, her attention now turning to her old friend. “I’d say someone has grown an ilm or two in my absence – or are those lifts in your boots?”
Alphinaud cleared his throat in order to evade Krile’s observation and added, “Erm, Krile and I attended the same academy together. If not for her sage guidance, I may not be who I am today.”
“For better or for worse?” Gylian added with a slight chuckle. Krile and Y’shtola followed suit.
“And you are one to talk, Gyl!” Alphinaud replied with agitation, as Gylian recoiled half-expecting another Silence spell to shut her up.
“Now, now children,” Y’shtola eased the pair, sarcastically. “Let us move on to more pressing matters. Krile, you have some information to share with us, yes?”
Krile eased her chuckling, “Indeed, Y’shtola. I’ve found a way in which to locate Minfilia and Thancred – however I will need the aid of Master Matoya and her crystal eye.”
“Well then, I believe it is time we paid mine own mentor a visit.” Y’shtola said.
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honoura · 4 years
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Commission I got back in September from @thatassize on Twitter that I am posting to Tumblr now to cope with 5.2.
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honoura · 5 years
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So that I know you lived. 
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